Gr 9-English Home Language-Study Guide

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English Home Language Study guide



Grade 9

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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language

CONTENTS LESSON ELEMENTS.......................................................................................................... 8 PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... 10 YEAR PLAN ...................................................................................................................... 11 LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ......................................................... 18 UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2 ........................................................................................................... 19 LESSON 1 ......................................................................................................................... 19 1.1 Word level: Spelling and spelling patterns ........................................................ 19 Activity 1............................................................................................................ 20 Activity 2............................................................................................................ 22 1.2 Word level: Abbreviations ................................................................................. 23 Activity 3............................................................................................................ 24 1.3 Comprehension 1 .............................................................................................. 24 LESSON 2 ......................................................................................................................... 29 2.1 Sentence level: Sentence structure .................................................................. 29 Activity 4............................................................................................................ 30 2.2 Sentence level: Nouns, adjectives and pronouns ............................................. 31 Activity 5............................................................................................................ 31 2.3 Sentence level: Concord ................................................................................... 31 Activity 6............................................................................................................ 34 2.4 Sentence level: Simple tenses .......................................................................... 34 Activity 7............................................................................................................ 34 2.5 Vocabulary in context – Context clues .............................................................. 35 Activity 8............................................................................................................ 37 UNIT 1: Week 3 – 4 ........................................................................................................... 39 LESSON 3 ......................................................................................................................... 39 3.1 Word level: Spelling and spelling patterns ........................................................ 39 Activity 9............................................................................................................ 40 Activity 10.......................................................................................................... 41 3.2 Word level: Complex and simplex words – Prefixes, suffixes and stems .......... 42 Activity 11.......................................................................................................... 46 3.3 Sentence level: Direct and indirect speech ....................................................... 46 Activity 12.......................................................................................................... 47 3.4 Sentence level: Concord ................................................................................... 48 Activity 13.......................................................................................................... 48 LESSON 4 ......................................................................................................................... 50 4.1 Word meaning: Idioms ...................................................................................... 50 Activity 14.......................................................................................................... 50 4.2 Word meaning: Euphemisms ............................................................................ 50 Activity 15.......................................................................................................... 51 Activity 16.......................................................................................................... 51


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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language

UNIT 1: Week 5 – 6 ........................................................................................................... 53 LESSON 5 ......................................................................................................................... 53 5.1 Word level: Conjunctions .................................................................................. 53 Activity 17.......................................................................................................... 54 5.2 Sentence level: Sentence structure .................................................................. 55 Activity 18.......................................................................................................... 55 5.3 Sentence level: Direct and indirect speech ....................................................... 55 Activity 19.......................................................................................................... 55 5.4 Sentence level: Active and passive voice ......................................................... 56 Activity 20.......................................................................................................... 56 LESSON 6 ......................................................................................................................... 56 6.1 Word meaning: Idioms and proverbs ................................................................ 56 Activity 21.......................................................................................................... 57 6.2 Spelling and punctuation ................................................................................... 57 Activity 22.......................................................................................................... 57 Activity 23.......................................................................................................... 58 Activity 24.......................................................................................................... 60 UNIT 1: Week 7 – 8 ........................................................................................................... 61 LESSON 7 ......................................................................................................................... 61 7.1 Word level: Regular and irregular verbs ............................................................ 61 Activity 25.......................................................................................................... 62 7.2 Sentence level: Direct and indirect speech ....................................................... 63 Activity 26.......................................................................................................... 63 LESSON 8 ......................................................................................................................... 64 Activity 27.......................................................................................................... 64 8.1 Word meaning: Idioms and proverbs ................................................................ 64 8.2 Spelling and punctuation: Spelling rules ........................................................... 64 Activity 28.......................................................................................................... 65 Activity 29.......................................................................................................... 66 Activity 30.......................................................................................................... 68 Activity 31.......................................................................................................... 69 Activity 32.......................................................................................................... 70 8.3 Spelling and punctuation: Acronyms ................................................................. 70 UNIT 2: Week 1 – 2 ........................................................................................................... 71 LESSON 9 ......................................................................................................................... 71 9.1 Word level: Stems, prefixes and suffixes .......................................................... 71 Activity 33.......................................................................................................... 72 9.2 Word level: Pronouns ........................................................................................ 72 Activity 34.......................................................................................................... 74 9.3 Sentence level: Sentence types ........................................................................ 75 Activity 35.......................................................................................................... 75 9.4 Sentence level: Generalisations........................................................................ 75 Activity 36.......................................................................................................... 77 9.5 Sentence level: Active and passive voice ......................................................... 77 Activity 37.......................................................................................................... 77 © Impaq


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9.6 Comprehension 2 .............................................................................................. 77 LESSON 10 ....................................................................................................................... 80 10.1 Word meaning: Figurative language ................................................................. 80 Activity 38.......................................................................................................... 80 10.2 Spelling and punctuation: Spelling rules ........................................................... 82 Activity 39.......................................................................................................... 82 Activity 40.......................................................................................................... 84 UNIT 2: Week 3 – 4 ........................................................................................................... 85 LESSON 11 ....................................................................................................................... 85 11.1 Word level: Finite and infinite verbs .................................................................. 85 Activity 41.......................................................................................................... 85 11.2 Sentence level: Complex sentences ................................................................. 86 Activity 42.......................................................................................................... 86 11.3 Sentence level: Generalisations........................................................................ 87 Activity 43.......................................................................................................... 87 Activity 44.......................................................................................................... 87 11.4 Sentence level: Direct and indirect speech ....................................................... 87 LESSON 12 ....................................................................................................................... 88 Activity 45.......................................................................................................... 88 12.1 Word meaning: Idioms ...................................................................................... 88 12.2 Spelling and punctuation: Spelling rules ........................................................... 88 12.3 Spelling and punctuation: Contractions ............................................................. 89 Activity 46.......................................................................................................... 89 Activity 47.......................................................................................................... 90 12.3 Spelling and punctuation: Contractions ............................................................. 91 Activity 48.......................................................................................................... 91 UNIT 2: Week 5 – 6 ........................................................................................................... 92 LESSON 13 ....................................................................................................................... 92 13.1 Word level: Prefixes .......................................................................................... 92 Activity 49.......................................................................................................... 92 13.2 Word level: Prepositions ................................................................................... 93 Activity 50.......................................................................................................... 93 13.3 Sentence level: Working with paragraphs ......................................................... 94 Activity 51.......................................................................................................... 94 Activity 52.......................................................................................................... 95 13.4 Sentence level: Sentence structure .................................................................. 95 Activity 53.......................................................................................................... 96 LESSON 14 ....................................................................................................................... 97 14.1 Word meaning: Literal and figurative language ................................................. 97 Activity 54.......................................................................................................... 97 14.2 Word meaning: Idioms ...................................................................................... 98 Activity 55.......................................................................................................... 98 14.3 Spelling and punctuation: Syllabication ............................................................. 98 Activity 56.......................................................................................................... 99


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UNIT 2: Week 7 – 8 ......................................................................................................... 101 LESSON 15 ..................................................................................................................... 101 15.1 Word level: Concrete, abstract and compound nouns .................................... 101 Activity 57........................................................................................................ 101 15.2 Word level: Complex noun phrases ................................................................ 102 Activity 58........................................................................................................ 103 Activity 59........................................................................................................ 104 15.3 Word level: Pronouns ...................................................................................... 104 15.4 Sentence level: Concord ................................................................................. 105 Activity 60........................................................................................................ 105 15.5 Sentence level: Sentence structure ................................................................ 105 Activity 61........................................................................................................ 105 LESSON 16 ..................................................................................................................... 106 16.1 Word meaning: Metonyms and neologisms .................................................... 106 Activity 62........................................................................................................ 106 16.2 Word meaning: Paronyms............................................................................... 106 Activity 63........................................................................................................ 107 16.3 Spelling and punctuation: Soft final syllables .................................................. 108 Activity 64........................................................................................................ 108 UNIT 3: Week 1 – 2 ......................................................................................................... 110 LESSON 17 ..................................................................................................................... 110 Activity 65........................................................................................................ 110 17.1 Word level: Adjectives ..................................................................................... 110 17.2 Word level: Conjunctions and transitions ........................................................ 111 Activity 66........................................................................................................ 113 17.3 Sentence level: Tense .................................................................................... 115 Activity 67........................................................................................................ 115 17.4 Sentence level: Working with paragraphs ....................................................... 115 Activity 68........................................................................................................ 115 17.5 Sentence level: Clauses and phrases ............................................................. 116 Activity 69........................................................................................................ 116 LESSON 18 ..................................................................................................................... 116 18.1 Word meaning: Homonyms and homophones ................................................ 116 Activity 70........................................................................................................ 116 18.2 Spelling and punctuation: Compound words ................................................... 117 Activity 71........................................................................................................ 118 18.3 Spelling and punctuation: Borrowed words ..................................................... 119 Activity 72........................................................................................................ 119 UNIT 3: Week 3 – 4 ......................................................................................................... 120 LESSON 19 ..................................................................................................................... 120 19.1 Word level: Adjectives ..................................................................................... 120 Activity 73........................................................................................................ 120 19.2 Sentence level: Tenses ................................................................................... 121 Activity 74........................................................................................................ 121 19.3 Sentence level: Active and passive voice ....................................................... 121 © Impaq


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Activity 75........................................................................................................ 121 19.4 Sentences level: Clauses and phrases ........................................................... 122 Activity 76........................................................................................................ 122 LESSON 20 ..................................................................................................................... 122 20.1 Word meaning: Synonyms and antonyms....................................................... 122 Activity 77........................................................................................................ 122 20.2 Word meaning: Homonyms and homophones ................................................ 123 Activity 78........................................................................................................ 123 20.3 Spelling and punctuation: Spelling test ........................................................... 123 Activity 79........................................................................................................ 123 Activity 80........................................................................................................ 124 UNIT 3: Week 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 125 LESSON 21 ..................................................................................................................... 125 21.1 Word level: Conjunctions and transitions ........................................................ 125 Activity 81........................................................................................................ 125 21.2 Sentence level: Sentence structure ................................................................ 126 Activity 82........................................................................................................ 126 Activity 83........................................................................................................ 127 21.3 Sentence level: Active and passive voice ....................................................... 127 21.4 Sentence level: Tenses ................................................................................... 127 Activity 84........................................................................................................ 127 LESSON 22 ..................................................................................................................... 128 22.1 Word meaning: Literal and figurative language ............................................... 128 Activity 85........................................................................................................ 128 22.2 Spelling and punctuation: Spelling test ........................................................... 129 Activity 86........................................................................................................ 129 Activity 87........................................................................................................ 129 Activity 88........................................................................................................ 130 UNIT 3: Week 7 – 8 ......................................................................................................... 131 LESSON 23 ..................................................................................................................... 131 23.1 Word level: Attributive adjectives .................................................................... 131 Activity 89........................................................................................................ 131 23.2 Sentence level: Descriptive paragraphs .......................................................... 132 Activity 90........................................................................................................ 132 23.3 Sentence level: Choice paragraphs ................................................................ 133 Activity 91........................................................................................................ 133 23.4 Sentence level: Classification paragraphs ...................................................... 133 Activity 93........................................................................................................ 134 Activity 92........................................................................................................ 134 LESSON 24 ..................................................................................................................... 136 24.1 Word meaning: One word for a phrase ........................................................... 136 Activity 94........................................................................................................ 136 Activity 95........................................................................................................ 136 24.2 Spelling and punctuation: Spelling test ........................................................... 137 Activity 96........................................................................................................ 137 5

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Activity 97........................................................................................................ 137 UNIT 4: Week 1 – 2 ......................................................................................................... 138 LESSON 25 ..................................................................................................................... 138 25.1 Word level: Verbs............................................................................................ 138 Activity 98........................................................................................................ 138 25.2 Sentence level: Direct and indirect speech ..................................................... 139 Activity 99........................................................................................................ 139 25.3 Sentence level: Active and passive voice ....................................................... 140 Activity 100...................................................................................................... 140 LESSON 26 ..................................................................................................................... 141 26.1 Word meaning: Ambiguity ............................................................................... 141 Activity 101...................................................................................................... 141 26.2 Word meaning: Cliché ..................................................................................... 142 Activity 102...................................................................................................... 142 26.3 Word meaning: Redundancy........................................................................... 143 Activity 103...................................................................................................... 143 26.4 Word meaning: Tautology ............................................................................... 143 Activity 104...................................................................................................... 144 26.5 Word meaning: Slang, jargon and colloquialisms ........................................... 144 Activity 105...................................................................................................... 145 26.6 Spelling and punctuation: Spelling test ........................................................... 146 UNIT 4: Week 3 – 4 ......................................................................................................... 147 LESSON 27 ..................................................................................................................... 147 27.1 Word level: Gerunds ....................................................................................... 147 Activity 106...................................................................................................... 148 27.2 Word level: Complex nouns ............................................................................ 149 Activity 107...................................................................................................... 149 27.3 Sentence level: Working with paragraphs ....................................................... 150 Activity 108...................................................................................................... 151 Activity 109...................................................................................................... 152 LESSON 28 ..................................................................................................................... 152 28.1 Word meaning: Stereotyping, prejudice and bias ............................................ 152 Activity 110...................................................................................................... 152 28.2 Word meaning: Emotive language .................................................................. 153 Activity 111...................................................................................................... 153 28.3 Spelling and punctuation: Spelling test ........................................................... 153 Activity 112...................................................................................................... 153 Activity 113...................................................................................................... 154 UNIT 4: Week 5 – 6 ......................................................................................................... 155 LESSON 29 ..................................................................................................................... 155 29.1 Word level: Verbs............................................................................................ 155 Activity 114...................................................................................................... 155 29.2 Sentence level: Cause and effect ................................................................... 156 Activity 115...................................................................................................... 156 LESSON 30 ..................................................................................................................... 157 © Impaq


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30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5

Word meaning: Semantic change ................................................................... 157 Activity 116...................................................................................................... 158 Word meaning: Diction .................................................................................... 159 Activity 117...................................................................................................... 159 Word meaning: One word for a phrase ........................................................... 160 Activity 118...................................................................................................... 160 Spelling and punctuation: Spelling test ........................................................... 161 Activity 119...................................................................................................... 161 Spelling and punctuation: Abbreviations ......................................................... 161 Activity 120...................................................................................................... 161

LITERATURE: SHORT STORIES ................................................................................... 164 "Seven critical reading strategies:” .............................................................................. 166 "The boy who talked with animals” .............................................................................. 168 "The hitch-hiker” .......................................................................................................... 184 "The Mildenhall treasure” ............................................................................................. 194 "The swan”................................................................................................................... 209 LITERATURE: POETRY ................................................................................................. 224 Resources ................................................................................................................... 225 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 225 Interpreting Poetry ....................................................................................................... 225 Analysis of a poem ...................................................................................................... 226 Poetry conventions ...................................................................................................... 227 Types of poems: .......................................................................................................... 227 Poetry terms ................................................................................................................ 229 Poems and analysis .................................................................................................... 231 "Acquainted with the Night” ..................................................................................... 231 "Do not go gentle into that good night” .................................................................... 238 "Sonnet 18” ............................................................................................................. 244 "The Emperor of Ice-Cream” ................................................................................... 249 "April Rain Song” ..................................................................................................... 256 "[in Just-]” ................................................................................................................ 258 "The Wild Iris” .......................................................................................................... 265 "Death, be not proud (Holy Sonnet 10)” .................................................................. 275 "The Twins” ............................................................................................................. 283 "Proem” ................................................................................................................... 287 "Sound and Sense” ................................................................................................. 295 "Alone”..................................................................................................................... 303 "Boy on a swing”...................................................................................................... 310 "Metaphors” ............................................................................................................. 311 "Where Have All The Flowers Gone?”..................................................................... 318 "Because I could not stop for Death” ....................................................................... 320 "Recuerdo” .............................................................................................................. 328 "Sleep”..................................................................................................................... 333 References ..................................................................................................................... 335 7

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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language




Unit 1 Lesson 1

Week 1–2

Week 3–4

Word level:  Spelling and spelling patterns  Abbreviations Comprehension  “Jacob the Great” Lesson 2 Sentence level:  Sentence structure  Nouns, adjectives and pronouns  Concord  Simple tenses Vocabulary in context Literature: Poetry  “Acquainted with the Night” – Robert Frost Lesson 3 Word level:  Spelling and spelling patterns  Complex and simplex words Sentence level:  Direct and reported speech  Concord Lesson 4 Word meaning:  Idioms  Euphemisms Vocabulary in context Literature: Poetry  “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” – Dylan Thomas


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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language

Lesson 5

Week 5–6

Week 7–8

Week 1–2

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Word level:  Conjunctions Sentence level:  Sentence structure  Direct and reported speech  Active and passive voice Lesson 6 Word meaning:  Idioms and proverbs Punctuation and spelling Literature: Poetry  “Sonnet 18” – William Shakespeare Lesson 7 Word level:  Regular and irregular verbs Sentence level:  Direct and indirect speech Lesson 8 Word meaning:  Idioms and proverbs Spelling and punctuation  Spelling rules  Acronyms Literature: Short stories  “The boy who talked to animals” Literature: Literature: Poetry  “The Emperor of Ice-Cream” – Wallace Stevens  “April Rain Song” – Langston Hughes Unit 2 Lesson 9 Word level:  Stems, prefixes and suffixes  Pronouns Sentence level:  Sentence types  Generalisations  Active and passive voice Comprehension  “Castles”


Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language

Lesson 10 Word meaning:  Figurative Language Spelling and punctuation:  Spelling rules Lesson 11

Week 3–4

Word level:  Finite and infinite verbs Sentence level:  Complex sentences  Generalisations  Direct and indirect speech Literature: Poetry  [in Just-] – E.E. Cummings Lesson 12 Word meaning:  Idioms Spelling and punctuation:  Spelling rules  Abbreviations Lesson 13

Week 5–6

Word level:  Prefixes and suffixes  Prepositions Sentence Level:  Working with paragraphs  Sentence structure Literature: Poetry  “Wild Iris” – Louise Gluck Lesson 14 Word meaning:  Literal and figurative language  Idioms Spelling and punctuation:  Syllabication


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Lesson 15 Week 7–8

Week 1–2

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Word level:  Concrete, abstract and compound nouns  Complex noun phrases  Pronouns Sentence level:  Concord  Sentence structure Literature: Poetry  “Death, be not proud” – John Donne  “The Twins” – Henry S. Leigh Lesson 16 Word meaning:  Metonymy and neologisms  Paronyms Spelling and punctuation:  Soft final syllables Literature: Short stories  “The hitch-hiker” Unit 3 Lesson 17 Word level:  Adjectives  Conjunctions and transitions Sentence level:  Tenses  Working with paragraphs  Clauses and phrases Lesson 18 Word meaning:  Homonyms and homophones Spelling and punctuation:  Compound words  Borrowed words Literature: Poetry  “Proem” – Octavio Paz


Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language

Lesson 19 Word level:  Adjectives Sentence level  Tenses  Active and passive voice  Clauses and phrases Week 3–4

Week 5–6

Lesson 20 Word meaning:  Synonyms and antonyms  Homophones and homonyms Spelling and punctuation:  Spelling test Literature: Poetry  “Sound and Sense” – Alexander Pope Lesson 21 Word level:  Conjunctions and transitions Sentence level:  Sentence structure  Active and passive voice  Tenses Lesson 22 Word meaning:  Literal and figurative language Spelling and punctuation:  Spelling test Literature: Poetry  “Alone” – Maya Angelou


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Lesson 23 Word level:  Attributive adjectives Sentence level:  Descriptive paragraphs  Choice paragraphs  Classification paragraph Week 7–8

Week 1–2

Week 3–4

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Lesson 24 Word meaning:  One word for a phrase Spelling and punctuation:  Spelling test Literature: Short stories  “The Mildenhall treasure” Literature: Poetry  “Boy on a Swing” – Oswald Mtshali Unit 4 Lesson 25 Word level:  Verbs Sentence level:  Direct and indirect speech  Active and passive voice Lesson 26 Word meaning:  Ambiguity  Cliché  Redundancy  Tautology  Slang and jargon Spelling and punctuation:  Spelling test Literature: Poetry  “Metaphors” – Sylvia Plath  “Where Have All The Flowers Gone?” – Pete Seeger Lesson 27 Word level:  Gerunds  Complex nouns Sentence level:  Working with paragraphs


Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language

Lesson 28

Week 5–6

Word meaning:  Stereotyping, prejudice and bias  Emotive language Spelling and punctuation:  Spelling test Literature: Poetry  “Because I could not stop for Death” – Emily Dickinson Lesson 29 Word level:  Verbs Sentence level:  Cause and effect Lesson 30 Word meaning:  Semantic change  Diction  One word for a phrase Spelling and punctuation  Spelling test  Abbreviations Literature: Short stories  “The swan” Literature: Poetry  “Recuerdo” – Edna Vincent-Millay  “Sleep” – Anne Matheson


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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language: Language



UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2 LEARNING AIMS: After you have completed these lessons, you should be able to:  Use spelling rules based on word visualisation and basic rules of double consonant spelling patterns.  Understand the use of silent consonants.  Understand the pronunciation of silent consonants within words.  Understand abbreviations and the rules that accompany them, including contractions, initialisms and syllabic abbreviation.  Identify three different types of sentences: simple sentences, complex sentences and compound-complex sentences.  Recall different word types such as nouns, adjectives and pronouns.  Use concord to determine whether the different parts of the sentences agree with each other.  Use the simple tenses: simple past, simple present and simple future.  Look at the context (surrounding text that gives you a general idea) to identify difficult words or words that you might be unsure of. These lessons will recover some of the topics you have worked on in previous grades as well as introduce relatively new topics for you to understand in Grade 9. LESSON 1 1.1

Word level: Spelling and spelling patterns

Reference: Spelling Power, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Double consonants A single consonant sound is sometimes spelled with double consonants. These two consonants aren’t heard individually, so you may have trouble spelling them. Visualise the words in order to spell them correctly.


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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language


Basic rules:

Some common two-syllable words are spelled with double consonants, as in villain and wholly.

Some three-syllable words are spelled with one set of double consonants, as in accordance, omission, opposite, parallel and questionnaire.

Many words of four or more syllables have one set of double consonants, as in exaggerate.

Some words include more than one set of double consonants, as in committee and embarrass.


In each of the following pairs there is a word that is misspelled. Cross it out and rewrite the correct word in your workbook. You may use a dictionary if you’re unsure of the correct spelling of a word.

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10

ommision oposite opposite vilain committee omission wholly wholy exagerate comittee


Complete each sentence below with the correct word from question 1. Some of the words may need affixes added to fit in the sentence.

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Two lines that are ___ will never intersect. The state of Dave’s room is not ___; it truly is a disaster. The man filled out the ___ with an illegible handwriting. The lice epidemic was an ___ for the principal.

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parallel exaggerate questionaire accordance parralel acordance embarass woolly embarrass commission


Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language: Language



2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

The superhero thoroughly defeated the ___ in the fight. The talking dogs was a ___ remarkable phenomenon. In ___ with safety regulations, the boy was not allowed in the gymnasium. The ad hoc ___ convenes strictly at 4 p.m.


Read the paragraph below and find the misspelled words. Cross them out and rewrite the correct spellings. There are five misspelt words. In acordance with interstellar regulations, the alien named Steve had to fill out several tedious quiestionaires before being allowed to park his space scooter at the local grocery store. The comitee who reviewed the application was wholy befuddled by Steve’s illegible handwriting. The approval was given for Steve to use the parking oposite the store, as his space scooter was so enormous.

Silent consonants In English, there are words with consonants that are not sounded. These are called “silent consonants”.

In words ending in mn or mb, the final consonant is silent, as in autumn and limb.

The first letter is silent in words beginning with kn, gn, ps, pn or wr, as in knead, gnaw, psalm, pneumonia and wretched.

The consonant combination gh is silent, as in through and freight.

The h is silent in words beginning with gh, as in ghastly.

The t is often silent when it appears before the letters en, as in fasten.


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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language


ACTIVITY 2 Listed below are ten spelling patterns. Write down the word from the block to which each pattern applies. autumn fasten freight ghastly gnaw knead limb pneumonia psalm wretched 1.1 Silent w in the wr combination at the beginning of a word. 1.2 Silent h following g at the beginning of a word. 1.3 Silent n in the mn combination at the end of a word. 1.4 Silent g before n at the beginning of a word. 1.5 Silent t before en. 1.6 Silent p in the ps combination at the beginning of a word. 1.7 Silent p in the pn combination at the beginning of a word. 1.8 Silent consonant combination gh. 1.9 Silent b in a word ending with mb. 1.10 Silent k in a word beginning with kn. 1.

2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.

In each sentence below, find the misspelled word and rewrite it correctly. Make sure the monkey’s hats are properly fasened. Betty neaded the dough for the gingerbread cookies. Dave found a gastly collection of bugs beneath his bed. I’m going to go out on a lim here and say that that’s not how it’s supposed to be done. Autum is my favourite season; I love the beautiful colours! Find the words in the word block. Write down each word next to its applicable pattern. ghost

knowledge P H C N E R W

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

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psychology H C C Q U E M

Silent k in a word beginning with kn Silent p in a word beginning with ps Silent h in a word beginning with gh Silent w in a word beginning with wr Silent consonant combination gh




through G H O S T N O



Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language: Language




Word level: Abbreviations

An abbreviation is a shortened version of a written word or phrase used to replace the original. There are generally four categories of abbreviations:

Acronyms Contraction Initialism Syllabic abbreviation


• Don't, can't, shouldn't • BBC, ANC, FNB

• Uncommon • Gestapo; Kombat

Acronyms An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of words and it is pronounced as a word. Example: NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Unisa (University of South Africa) Contraction  Shortening a word or merging two words into one and replacing the missing letter(s) with an apostrophe, e.g., don't, can't, shouldn't.  Compressing a word, e.g., Mr, Revd, Prof. Initialisms  Initialisms tend to be written with capital letters with each pronounced. Example: BBC; CNN; LRS  These can be written with or without full stops, but a writer should be consistent throughout a document.  However, when using company names, it is convention to copy the company's version. Syllabic abbreviation Syllabic abbreviations are uncommon. They use the initial syllables from multiple words. Example:

FedEx (Federal Express) (American) Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei) (German, WWII) Tribeca (Triangle Below Canal Street) (Neighbourhood in NY, USA) Soweto (South Western Township) (South Africa)


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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language


The following are rules regarding abbreviations:  

Only use a full stop at the end of a contraction if its last letter is different to the last letter of the whole word. Abbreviations should be expanded at first mention in a document.

Common Latin words and abbreviations Abbreviation Latin 1. i.e. id est 2. etc. et cetera 3. e.g. exempli gratia 4. NB nota bene 5. am ante meridiem 6. pm post meridiem 7. ad anno domini 8. B.C. before Christ 9. v.v vice versa

Meaning that is to say and so on for example observe carefully before midday after midday of our era before our era the other way around


Use the abbreviations in the table above to change the underlined phrases in the paragraph. Please pay attention to this! Blue whales are the largest mammals on Earth. Female blue whales give birth to calves of up to three tons – in other words really big babies! Blue whales are among the Earth’s longest-living creatures – for example reaching ages of 110 years and so on. Blue whales are endangered due to aggressive hunting. Blue whales are much larger than even their closest size match, the finback whale, and contrariwise.


Comprehension 1

Read the following story and answer the questions that follow. Jacob the Great Jacob hated finishing things almost as much as he loved starting them. As a result, he had gotten into a million hobbies and activities, but he never stuck with any of them long enough to get any good. He begged his mother for months for a guitar so that he could play Black Eyed Peas songs to Angie, a girl he liked, but after he finally got one for Christmas, he found out that guitars don’t play themselves. He took a few lessons, but strumming the strings hurt his fingers and he didn’t like holding the pick, so now the R500-guitar lives under his bed.

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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language: Language



After reading an ad in the back of one of his comic books, Jacob decided that he wanted a Wonder-Sweeper 5000 metal detector, so that he could find buried pirate treasure. So he mowed lawns all summer and didn’t spend his money on ice-cream like his younger brother, Alex. He saved it all in a shoe box in his closet. Then he shovelled driveways all winter, and he didn’t spend his money on candy and chips like his classmates. By the time spring came he had saved R200, and he purchased the Wonder-Sweeper 5000 metal detector. He beeped it around the park for a while, but he soon found out that no pirates had ever set sail in his neighbourhood, and if they had they didn’t leave any treasure. Even though he found a key ring, 47 cents, and all the bottle caps he could throw, he buried the metal detector in his closest. Given Jacob’s history with hobbies, it was no surprise that Jacob’s father was reluctant to buy him a magician’s kit for his birthday. “Geez, Jacob … You sure you wouldn’t rather I got you more guitar lessons?” He suggested. Jacob was insistent. “Dad, you’ve got to get me the magician’s kit. This time I’ll stick with it for real. I promise! Come on, Dad,” Jacob begged. Jacob’s father sighed and then replied, “Oh, I don’t know, Jacob. Things are awfully tight right now.” But Jacob’s father was reminded of his own youth long ago, when he quit football and started karate practice before hardly getting his equipment dirty. So when Jacob’s birthday came around, Jacob was both surprised and pleased to find the magician’s kit that he had desired so badly with a big bright bow on it. Jacob opened up the box and unwrapped the many parts in the kit. As he did so, he imagined sawing his pet cat in half and putting it back together to the amazement of his friends and family. He took the many fake coins, trick cards and rope pieces of varying length on the kitchen table and imagined pulling rabbits out of his hat and turning them into pigeons with a mysterious puff of smoke. As Jacob continued pulling plastic thumbs, foam balls and giant playing cards out of the magic kit, a commercial on the TV caught his attention. “Hey kids! Have you ever wanted to go to space? Have you ever wanted to experience what it’s like to be an astronaut? Do you want to explore the universe? Well, now you can.” As the commercial continued playing, Jacob walked away from the magic kit on the kitchen table and stared at the TV screen longingly. “For only R195 you can go to space camp and live life like an astronaut for a whole weekend. Enrol now for a once in a life time experience.” Jacob’s cry rang throughout the house as he yelled, “MOM!” He now knew what his true purpose in life was. Adapted from After reading the story, choose the best answer for each question. Circle one answer. 1.

According to the text, why does Jacob stop playing the guitar? a. It hurt his fingers. b. He’d rather play drums. c. It was too easy. d. He failed math.


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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language



To whom did Jacob want to play Black Eyed Peas songs? a. Alex b. Angie c. Mom d. Dad


According to the passage, why does Jacob decide that he wants a metal detector? a. He sees a man at the park with one. b. His father had one as a child. c. He saw a TV commercial for one. d. He read an ad for one in a comic book.


How does Jacob get the items that he wants in the story? a. He asks his mom. b. He asks his dad. c. He shovels driveways and mows lawns. d. He does all of these things to get what he wants.


When did Jacob buy the metal detector? a. In the autumn. b. In the summer. c. In the spring. d. In the winter.


True or false: The metal detector was a good investment for Jacob. a. True b. False


Why doesn’t Jacob’s father want to get him the magician’s kit for his birthday? a. Jacob failed math class. b. Jacob quits too many expensive activities. c. Jacob has been mean to his younger brother. d. Jacob went to the park without permission.


Why does Jacob’s father buy Jacob the magician’s kit? a. Jacob mowed the lawn. b. Jacob reminded his father of himself. c. Jacob bought ice-cream for his brother. d. Jacob found his father’s key ring.

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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language: Language




Which word is closest in meaning to the italicized word in the following sentence from paragraph four: “It was no surprise that Jacob’s father was reluctant to buy him a magician’s kit for his birthday”? a. Happy b. Willing c. Proud d. Hesitant


What distracts Jacob from the magician’s kit? a. A TV commercial. b. His father. c. The kitchen table. d. A comic book.


Based on the end of the story, Jacob is most likely to go on and do which of the following? a. Become a great magician. b. Learn to play guitar well. c. Detect an incredible hidden treasure. d. Raise money to go to space camp.


Which happened first in the text? a. Jacob asked his dad for the magician’s kit. b. Jacob got a guitar for Christmas. c. Jacob mowed lawns. d. Jacob shovelled driveways.


Which happened last in the text? a. Jacob saved up R200. b. Jacob found 47 cents in the park. c. Jacob took guitar lessons. d. Jacob was influenced by a comic book.

Literary elements questions After reading the story, choose the best answer for each question. 14.

Which character trait best describes Jacob in regards to his hobbies? a. Dedicated b. Impulsive c. Committed d. Devoted


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Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language



What was the author’s purpose in writing this text? a. Inform b. Persuade c. Entertain d. Confuse


In what genre is this story? a. Fiction b. Non-fiction c. Folklore d. Poetry


In what subgenre is this story? a. Biography b. Historical fiction c. Realistic fiction d. Fable


In which pattern is the text organised? a. Problem and solution b. Chronological c. Sequence d. Cause and effect


From what point is view is the story narrated? a. First-person b. Third-person objective c. Second-person d. Third-person omniscient


Which poetic technique is used in the following line: “He beeped it around the park for a while”? a. Onomatopoeia b. Simile c. Personification d. Hyperbole


Which technique is used in the following line: “He had gotten into a million hobbies and activities”? a. Onomatopoeia b. Simile c. Personification d. Hyperbole

© Impaq


Study Guide G09 ~ English Home Language: Language




Which technique is used in the following line: “The R500-guitar lives under his bed.”? a. Onomatopoeia b. Simile c. Personification d. Hyperbole

LESSON 2 2.1

Sentence level: Sentence structure

There are three types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound complex. Source: University of Central Missouri Simple sentences  A simple sentence is an independent clause.  It contains a subject and a verb.  It does not contain a dependent clause. Examples:  Short simple sentence: The monkey danced.  Long simple sentence: Looking first this way and then that, the tall brown monkey with the pink-and-white bowtie pointed frantically at his head from where he stood atop the orange box beneath the bright lights.   

A simple sentence may have a compound subject: The monkey and the poodle danced. It may have a compound verb: The monkey danced and jumped. It may have a compound subject and a compound verb: The monkey and the poodle danced and flipped, respectively.

Compound sentences  A compound sentence consists of two or more simple sentences joined by: (1) a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so): The monkey danced, and the poodle flipped. (2) a semicolon: The monkey danced; the poodle flipped. (3) a comma, but ONLY when the simple sentences are being treated as items in a series: The monkey danced, the poodle flipped and the llama chewed.


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