Gr 9-First Additional Language-Facilitator's Guide

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A member of the FUTURELEARN group

English First Additional Language Facilitator’s guide



Grade 9

CAPS aligned

J Petersen J Strydom

Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language


CONTENTS PREFACE..............................................................................................................................9 TIME AND TIME MANAGEMENT...................................................................................... 10 ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................... 10 LESSON ELEMENTS ........................................................................................................ 11 STUDY TIPS AND METHODS FOR LEARNERS .............................................................12 YEAR PLANNING.............................................................................................................. 13 UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2............................................................................................................. 15 Lesson 1: Urban vs rural ..................................................................................................... 15 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������������� 16 Activity 1: Participate in a discussion.................................................................. 16 Activity 2: Do a listening comprehension activity................................................ 17 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������ 18 Activity 3: Read a cartoon................................................................................... 18 Activity 4: Answer questions on a cartoon.......................................................... 19 Activity 5: Read a short story.............................................................................. 19 Activity 6: Answer questions on a short story..................................................... 21 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ����������������������������������������������������� 21 Activity 7: Create your own advert...................................................................... 21 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS �������������������� 22 Activity 8: Sentence structure.............................................................................22 Activity 9: Concord..............................................................................................23 UNIT 1: Week 3 – 4.............................................................................................................25 Lesson 2: Equality in democracy ........................................................................................25 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������������� 26 Activity 10: Listen to a reading text.....................................................................27 Activity 11: Do a prepared reading......................................................................27 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������ 27 Activity 12: Read and discuss a drama...............................................................27 Activity 13: Study a poem...................................................................................30 Activity 14: Study a photo...................................................................................32 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ����������������������������������������������������� 33 Activity 15: Write a reply to a letter of advice .....................................................33 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS �������������������� 34 Activity 16: Idioms, proverbs and euphemisms...................................................34 Activity 17: Stems, prefixes and suffixes.............................................................35 UNIT 1: Week 5 – 6.............................................................................................................37 Lesson 3: News media........................................................................................................37 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������������� 38 Activity 18: Discuss a telephone conversation....................................................38 Activity 19: Perform a role play...........................................................................39 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������ 40 Activity 20: Read a contract................................................................................40 Activity 21: Do a comprehension activity............................................................42 3

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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language


Activity 22: Read and discuss a poem................................................................43 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ����������������������������������������������������� 44 Activity 23: Write a report...................................................................................44 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS �������������������� 46 Activity 24: Conjunctions.....................................................................................46 Activity 25: Direct and indirect speech................................................................46 UNIT 1: Week 7 – 8.............................................................................................................48 Lesson 4: Buying local ........................................................................................................48 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������������� 49 Activity 26: Do a listening comprehension activity..............................................49 Activity 27: Present an unprepared speech........................................................50 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������ 51 Activity 28: Read a novel extract......................................................................... 51 Activity 29: Read and discuss a poem................................................................53 Activity 30: Read for comprehension .................................................................54 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ����������������������������������������������������� 56 Activity 31: Write a descriptive essay..................................................................56 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS �������������������� 57 Activity 32: Regular and irregular verbs..............................................................57 UNIT 1: Week 9 – 10...........................................................................................................59 Lesson 5: Checking in!........................................................................................................59 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������������� 60 Activity 33: Listen to a newspaper report............................................................60 Activity 34: Present a report................................................................................ 61 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������ 62 Activity 35: Read a magazine article...................................................................62 Activity 36: Read and discuss a poem................................................................64 Activity 37: Read a newspaper report.................................................................66 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ����������������������������������������������������� 68 Activity 38: Write a newspaper report.................................................................68 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS �������������������� 69 Activity 39: Mood................................................................................................69 Activity 40: Sentences........................................................................................70 UNIT 2: Week 1 – 2.............................................................................................................72 Lesson 6: Water conservation ............................................................................................72 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������������� 73 Activity 41: Listen to a story................................................................................73 Activity 42: Participate in a discussion................................................................75 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������ 75 Activity 43: Read and discuss a folklore.............................................................75 Activity 44: Read and discuss poetry..................................................................78 Activity 45: Read a will and testament................................................................79 Activity 46: Write a summary.............................................................................. 81 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ����������������������������������������������������� 82 Activity 47: Write a diary entry............................................................................82 © Impaq


Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language


SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS �������������������� 83 Activity 48: Generalisations................................................................................83 UNIT 2: Week 3 – 4.............................................................................................................85 Lesson 7: Subsistence farming............................................................................................85 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������������� 86 Activity 49: Listen to a role play..........................................................................86 Activity 50: Do an unprepared reading................................................................88 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ������������������������������������������������������������ 89 Activity 51: Read a drama...................................................................................89 Activity 52: Read a poem....................................................................................91 Activity 53: Read a magazine article...................................................................93 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ����������������������������������������������������� 94 Activity 54: Write a text review............................................................................94 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS �������������������� 95 Activity 55: Verbs................................................................................................95 UNIT 2: Week 5 – 6.............................................................................................................98 Lesson 8: iSimangaliso Wetland Park .................................................................................98 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������������� 99 Activity 56: Listen to a speech............................................................................99 Activity 57: Participate in a discussion..............................................................100 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 101 Activity 58: Read a short story.......................................................................... 101 Activity 59: Read a poem..................................................................................104 Activity 60: Read a cartoon............................................................................... 105 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 108 Activity 61: Write an agenda and minutes.........................................................108 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 109 Activity 62: Adjectives....................................................................................... 109 UNIT 2: Week 7 – 8........................................................................................................... 111 Lesson 9: Corporate responsibility .....................................................................................111 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ������������������������������������������������������112 Activity 63: Listen to a radio advertisement...................................................... 112 Activity 64: Analyse an advertisement.............................................................. 113 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING �����������������������������������������������������������114 Activity 65: View a graph.................................................................................. 114 Activity 66: Revise a summary.......................................................................... 117 Activity 67: Revise literature.............................................................................. 118 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 119 Activity 68: Write an advertisment review......................................................... 119 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 120 Activity 69: Nouns............................................................................................. 120 Activity 70: Pronouns........................................................................................ 121


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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language


UNIT 3: Week 1-2.............................................................................................................. 123 Lesson 10: Online safety................................................................................................... 123 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������� 124 Activity 71: Listen to a negotiations dialogue..................................................... 124 Activity 72: Discuss a will and testament.......................................................... 125 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 126 Activity 73: Read an abridged will and testament............................................. 126 Activity 74: Read a poem.................................................................................. 128 Activity 75: Read a cartoon............................................................................... 130 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 132 Activity 76: Write a will and testament............................................................... 132 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 133 Activity 77: Concrete and abstract nouns.......................................................... 133 Activity 78: Paronyms and polysemes.............................................................. 133 UNIT 3: Week 3 – 4........................................................................................................... 135 Lesson 11: What is art? .................................................................................................... 135 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������� 136 Activity 79: Listen to an interview...................................................................... 136 Activity 80: Discuss a CV.................................................................................. 137 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 139 Activity 81: Read a short story.......................................................................... 139 Activity 82: Read a poem.................................................................................. 141 Activity 83: Do a comprehension activity.......................................................... 143 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 145 Activity 84: Write a cover letter and CV............................................................ 145 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 147 Activity 85: Synonyms and antonyms............................................................... 147 TERM 3: Week 5 – 6......................................................................................................... 149 Lesson 12: Body language................................................................................................ 149 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������� 150 Activity 86: Listen to a debate........................................................................... 150 Activity 87: Participate in a discussion.............................................................. 152 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 153 Activity 88: Read a novel.................................................................................. 153 Activity 89: Read a poem.................................................................................. 155 Activity 90: Read an excerpt............................................................................. 157 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 159 Activity 91: Write a reflective essay................................................................... 159 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 160 Activity 92: Conjunctions and transition............................................................160 UNIT 3: Week 7 – 8........................................................................................................... 162 Lesson 13: Wonders of the world ...................................................................................... 162 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������� 163 Activity 93: Listen to a speech.......................................................................... 163 Activity 94: Make a speech............................................................................... 165 © Impaq


Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language


SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 166 Activity 95: Read a short story..........................................................................166 Activity 96: Read a poem.................................................................................. 167 Activity 97: Do a comprehension......................................................................169 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 174 Activity 98: Write an invitation........................................................................... 174 Activity 99: Write an acceptance letter.............................................................. 175 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 176 Activity 100: Paragraphs................................................................................... 176 UNIT 3: Week 9 – 10......................................................................................................... 177 Lesson 14: Playing sports ................................................................................................. 177 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������� 178 Activity 101: Tell a story.................................................................................... 178 Activity 102: Perform a dialogue....................................................................... 180 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 181 Activity 103: Read a drama............................................................................... 181 Activity 104: Read a poem................................................................................ 183 Activity 105: Do a reading comprehension activity........................................... 185 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 187 Activity 106: Write an agenda........................................................................... 187 Activity 107: Write minutes................................................................................ 189 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 189 Activity 108: Pronouns...................................................................................... 189 UNIT 4: Week 1 – 2 .......................................................................................................... 192 Lesson 15: Becoming a role model ................................................................................... 192 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������� 193 Activity 109: Do a listening comprehension activity.......................................... 193 Activity 110: Listen to a meeting procedure...................................................... 195 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 197 Activity 111: Read a short story......................................................................... 197 Activity 112: Read a poem................................................................................199 Activity 113: Do a reading comprehension activity............................................202 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 203 Activity 114: Write a letter of application............................................................203 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 204 Activity 115: Active and passive voice...............................................................204 UNIT 4: Week 3 – 4...........................................................................................................206 Lesson 16: Formal relationships .......................................................................................206 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������� 207 Activity 116: Listen to a recorded dialogue........................................................207 Activity 117: Participate in a discussion.............................................................209 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 210 Activity 118: Read a novel................................................................................. 210 Activity 119: Read a poem................................................................................ 211 Activity 120: View a cartoon.............................................................................. 213 7

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SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 215 Activity 121: Write an e-mail.............................................................................. 215 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 216 Activity 122: Nouns........................................................................................... 216 UNIT 4: Week 5 – 6........................................................................................................... 219 Lesson 17: Forensics ........................................................................................................ 219 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������� 220 Activity 123: Role play a situation.....................................................................220 Activity 124: Participate in a conversation.........................................................221 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 222 Activity 125: Read a youth novel.......................................................................222 Activity 126: Read a poem................................................................................224 Activity 127: Do a reading compehension activity.............................................226 Activity 128: Write a summary..........................................................................229 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 229 Activity 129: Write an obituary..........................................................................229 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 231 Activity 130: Cause and effect.......................................................................... 231 UNIT 4: Week 7 – 8...........................................................................................................233 Lesson 18: How do you chill? ...........................................................................................233 SECTION 1: LISTENING AND SPEAKING ����������������������������������������������������� 234 Activity 131: Revise listening strategies.............................................................234 Activity 132: Revise speaking activities.............................................................235 SECTION 2: READING AND VIEWING ���������������������������������������������������������� 236 Activity 133: Revise a short story......................................................................236 Activity 134: Revise poetry................................................................................238 Activity 135: Revise comprehension activities..................................................240 SECTION 3: WRITING AND PRESENTING ��������������������������������������������������� 241 Activity 136: Revise transactional writing texts................................................. 241 SECTION 4: LANGUAGE STRUCTURES AND CONVENTIONS ������������������ 244 Activity 137: Revise spelling patterns................................................................244 ADDENDUM A: RUBRICS...............................................................................................246 BIBLIOGRAPHY...............................................................................................................252

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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language







Lesson 1: Urban vs rural Lesson 2: Equality in democracy 1

Lesson 3: News media Lesson 4: Buying local Lesson 5: Checking in! Lesson 6: Water conservation


Lesson 7: Subsistence farming Lesson 8: iSimangaliso Wetland park Lesson 9: Corporate responsibility Lesson 10: Online safety Lesson 11: What is art?


Lesson 12: Body language Lesson 13: Wonders of the world Lesson 14: Playing sports Lesson 15: Becoming a role model


Lesson 16: Formal relationships Lesson 17: Forensics Lesson 18: How do you chill?


Š Impaq

Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language


UNIT 1: Week 1 – 2


Lesson 1: Urban vs rural



Listening and Speaking Participate in a group discussion

Activity 1

Do a listening comprehension acitivty

Activity 2

Reading and Viewing Read a cartoon

Activity 3

Answer questions on a cartoon

Activity 4

Read a short story

Activity 5

Answer questions on a short story

Activity 6

Writing and Presenting Create your own advert

Activity 7

Language Structures and Conventions Word level work Abbreviations

Activity 1

Sentence level work Sentence structure

Activity 8


Activity 9

Word meaning Vocabulary in context

Activity 5

Remedial grammar from learners’ writing Remedial grammar from learners’ writing

Activity 7


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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language



Activity 1: Participate in a discussion 1 hour Encourage learners to look at the picture of the advert in Activity 1. Read out the advert below. Come and view this spectacular three bedroom house, mes. The rooms are spacious and the finishes are new. The property boasts well-manicured gardens, and lots of guest parking space. It is just a 5 km car ride from the CBD, yet still has a relaxing country feel. This house is perfect for starting out couples or couples wanting to start a family. Contact Emily van den Broek on 089 000 1234.

Instruct learners that the discussion must be 15-20 minutes long. Discussions are a way of interacting with your peers about a particular subject. When you engage in a group discussion you do various things: 1. Defend a position 2. Negotiate 3. Fill in the gaps 4. Share ideas and experiences 5. Encourage other members in your group to share their positions 6. Take turns 7. Initiate and sustain conversation 8. Show an understanding of concepts.

Language Structures and Conventions Abbreviations Recap abbreviations with learners. Ask them to identify the abbreviation used in the advert: ERE. Explain that is a type of abbreviation called an acronym where each letter in the abbreviation stands for a word. mes. Explain that this is an abbreviation for main en suite, meaning that the main bedroom has an en suite bathroom.

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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language



Activity 2: Do a listening comprehension activity 1 hour Explain to learners that a listening comprehension is a text that is read out to them and that there is no written text at all for learners. Read the text twice then ask learners to read the questions, then reread the text before allowing learners to answer the questions. Encourage learners to take notes while you are reading the text. Read the following radio advert to learners. Hi, my name is Thoko. I am a taxi driver. I have been driving people from the rural areas in northern Johannesburg to the city centre and back again every day for the last 10 years. My taxi has never broken down, and I look after it very well. I always have petrol in my taxi and you are assured of getting to your destination on time and safely. Please call me on 097 456 8724 if you need a chauffeur, and I will make sure you arrive at your destination safe and sound.

Then encourage learners to answer the questions on their own.

Activity 2: Memorandum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A man wanting people to use his taxi service. He uses words such as ‘assured’ and ‘safely’ that are said to manipulate you into choosing him over any other taxi service. He says he always has petrol and he assures us that we will reach our destination on time and safely. Learner’s own answer. A chauffeur is a person who will personally collect and drop you off somewhere, often at a higher price than normal public transports. Thoko lives in Diepsloot, a rural area. a) Thoko/name b) Proper noun/common noun c) Hi, my name was Thoko. Learner’s own answer.


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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language



Activity 3: Read a cartoon 30 minutes

A cartoon is a visual text that is created for enjoyment and entertainment. We enjoy cartoons because they make us laugh and show us the funnier side of situations. When you look at a cartoon, you need to look at what and how things are said or drawn that make you laugh. You need to be able to identify and discuss the purpose and message of the cartoon using the following techniques: Skimming and scanning You need to skim and scan the cartoon by quickly looking at what has been drawn and reading what has been written. For example, are there speech bubbles or is the text only within the cartoon? Careful and accurate skimming and scanning will help you make inferences about the meaning, the characters and the setting of the cartoon, will show you how punctuation and font have been used and will indicate the body language/interaction between the characters in the cartoon. Intensive reading This kind of reading will help you to identify the purpose and message of the cartoon. Every cartoon is written for a particular reason and has a particular message for its viewers. Making inferences To make inferences means to make assumptions based on facts. The facts in a cartoon are the words, the images and the way things are set out in the cartoon that will help you make assumptions on the message, meaning and purpose.

Ask learners to turn to Activity 3. Read and view the cartoon with learners.

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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language



Encourage a discussion around the cartoon. Ask learners if they think the cartoon is humorous, or if they don’t see the humour in it. Discuss what makes the cartoon humorous (its humour is in the sign content – most of the population in the village work in the city during the week, making the village a ghost town during the week).

Activity 4: Answer questions on a cartoon 1 hour Ask learners to turn to Activity 4, and instruct them to complete the activity on their own.

Activity 4: Memorandum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Shacks/squatters, a man walking down the street/a dog/a signpost. Yes, there is a signpost with words on it. The text is set in a signpost. The word population is written in large font, the other words are in smaller font. Noun He seems like a loner who is unemployed as he is walking the streets in the middle of the day. It is a poor area. That the area has many people that work in the city during the week, but travel home at the weekends. The cartoon is humorous because it shows that the community is mostly populated on the weekends. During the week, the population count decreases because people are working in other areas or are travelling to school. His shoulders are slumped and he looks tired and dejected. He is seemingly unemployed. There is an assumption that people living in the rural areas depend heavily on the city for employment. Learner’s own as it is based on their own assumptions.

Activity 5: Read a short story 1 hour A short story is a story that is generally between three and five pages long but can be shorter. Short stories usually deal with a few characters and concentrate on the mood rather than the plot. They also generally focus on one incident; have a single plot, a single setting, and a small number of characters all over a short period of time. Ask learners to turn to Activity 5. Encourage learners to read the short story at least twice before answering the questions.


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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language

Vuzi’s experience of the big city ‘Wow’, said Vuzi as she looked at sky high buildings. ‘I have never seen anything like this before. This is spectacular!’ Vuzi couldn’t help but look skywards as she studied the tall stately buildings in wonder and amazement, thinking of how her life had changed and dreaming of how it may never be the same again. Vuzi was 16 years old when she entered the South African Idols singing competition. The only reason she entered was because a) her friends wouldn’t stop saying how great her voice was, and b) the auditions were to be held in the big city! And oh she had dreamed of seeing the big city ever since her parents bought a TV just four years ago. Having a TV completely changed Vuzi’s perception of her world. Vuzi was born in a very small community, populated only by 2 698 people. There was only one market owned by the same family for generations. Everybody had the same kind of house, with the same number of rooms, and the toilets were communal. There were stray dogs that roamed the area. But this was her home, and she loved it. She loved the hustle and bustle of the corner coffee shop where she waitressed. She loved being part of a community where she knew everybody’s name. So having a TV changed her perception of the ‘outside’ world. It was the TV that gave her a passion and desire to leave her community and see the Big City On the morning of the auditions, Vuzi was so excited she couldn’t control herself! Her friends were just as excited and there was much giggling and shrieking. When Vuzi caught the taxi into the big city, she couldn’t help but think about what she had seen on TV. After a few hours, Vuzi arrived in the Big City, and was completely amazed by the sounds, the sights and people she saw. After a few minutes of walking around, Vuzi realised that she needed to ask someone for directions. But nobody would stop for her. She tried signalling for a taxi, but didn’t know the correct signs. Falling onto the pavement in despair, Vuzi burst out crying. Then she heard someone calling: “R10 for a ride to the Idols venue”. This was it, she thought. She stood in the queue for the taxi and dipped her hand into her handbag searching for her wallet, but couldn’t find it. She knew she had packed it. And just as she realised that she had left her wallet in the other taxi, the taxi driver, fled off leaving Vuzi crying and desperate in the middle of the big city she once couldn’t wait to admire.

Read through the following words with learners: mood – somebody’s state of mind amazement – a strong feeling of wonder perception - using the senses to acquire information signalling – a gesture to communicate something Discuss their meanings in relation to the story. For example: Vuzi had a strong feeling of wonder when she saw the city.

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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language


Activity 6: Answer questions on a short story 45 minutes


Ask learners to turn to Activity 6 and complete the activity on their own.

Activity 6: Memorandum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

a) It is written in large font and is bold. b) The title tells me that the story is about a girl, named Vuzi who has an experience in the big city. The story is written in paragraphs with an introduction, a middle and an end. Vuzi, Vuzi’s friends, taxi driver. The story is about a girl who travels to a big city to audition for a singing competition. Once she is there, she is unable to audition as she left her wallet on the taxi and so couldn’t get to the auditions. She comes from a rural area. I know this because she says she lives in a community small enough to know everybody’s name. The area is poor. I know this because Vuzi says ‘the toilets are communal’ suggesting no one has his own toilet. In Vuzi’s imagination, the city was a wonderful, friendly place. In reality it was not everything she thought it would be as no one in the city was willing to help her when she needed them. Vuzi’s perception of the city is a naïve and ignorant one. She thinks the city will be similar to the community she has come from, but in reality it is not. she, her Learner’s own answer. For example: small beautiful/long narrow. Make sure learners have written two describing words. Learner’s own answer.




Activity 7: Create your own advert 2 hours When creating your advert, consider the following features: 1. Correct format. This includes the length of your advert, making sure you consider where the advert will be seen – a magazine, newspaper, billboard or brochure. 2. Purpose. Consider the target market, who the advertisement is intended for, and why you are advertising. 3. Text features. Consider the sense your advertisement is appealing to (in other words which of the five senses is the advert targeting?), the layout and font size and the effectiveness of the choice of colour or lack thereof, and the register – the tone of your advert.


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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language

Language use. Is the language clichéd (overused expression), repetitive (using the same features, such as phrases like “you know” or “see what I mean”, figurative (using figures of speech), rhetorical (insincere), emotive (creating emotion in you), manipulative (persuading you to change), etc.


Read the information in the information box with the learners. Engage learners in a short discussion about the difference between rural and urban living. Ask learners in which areas they live, and if they enjoy it. Would they prefer living elsewhere? Ask learners about the kinds of adverts they have thought were good. Discuss why they were so good and memorable. Ask learners what kind of advert they would create for the opening of a new restaurant. Language Structures and Conventions Remedial grammar from learners’ writing Look at the common mistakes learners make when writing an advert. Things such as using long sentences or not using the best picture. Encourage learners to not make these mistakes when writing their adverts. Then instruct learners to create their advert.




Activity 8: Sentence structure 1 hour There is a lot involved in sentence structure: there are phrases, clauses, subject-verb agreement and simple, complex and compound sentences. Throughout this year you will learn more about all of them in more detail. For the purpose of this lesson, we will focus on sentence structure in an advert. Adverts use simple, short, sentences. These types of sentences are catchy and the reader or listener is more likely to remember them and the advert. If longer, more complex sentences are used, the advert would become boring and would lose the interest of the reader or listener. Explain the different types of sentences to the learners. Explain that adverts use short sentences as they are used to prove a point quickly. © Impaq


Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language



Save the most amazingly superb animal in the ocean, the dolphin, from extinction.

Activity 8: Memorandum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

. A long sentence. No, because it is too long and scrunched. It makes it difficult to read. Learner’s own answer, but must be a short sentence. For example: Save the dolphin. It is shorter, and to the point. Animal, ocean, dolphin Save Very good, impressive Poor a) Learner’s own answer. b) Learner’s own answer.

Activity 9: Concord 30 minutes The concord in grammar means ‘agreement’. • • •

The subject and the verb in a sentence must agree in number and in person. This means that if the subject is singular then the verb must also be singular. If the subject is plural then the verb must be plural.

It is important to note that you must look at singular and plural to determine concord. For example: What I want is five adverts in this book.


What I (singular) want are five adverts in this book.



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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language

Jack and Jill lives in the city.


Jack and Jill (plural) live in the city.


Each of the above examples shows a relationship between the subject and the verb. This could be a difficult concept for learners. Read through the examples slowly, encouraging learners to provide examples of their own.

Activity 9: Memorandum 1.

a) There are three adverts on the light pole. b) Are there adverts in the magazine? c) The city has tall buildings. d) In the daily newspaper there is one advert on page 5. e) Rural areas have lots of grassy areas.


Learner’s own sentences.

REMEDIAL ACTIVITY Comprehension Ask learners to turn to the remedial activity and complete the activity on their own.

MEMORANDUM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Rural and urban living. Urban refers to areas relating to the city. Rural refers to areas relating to the country. Because there is more choice. Food, education, cultural events, social events (any two). Pollution, crime and traffic. Learner’s own answer. Make sure learners provide a reasonable answer.

EXTENSION ACTIVITY Draw a cartoon Ask learners to turn to the extension activity and create a cartoon.

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Facilitator’s Guide G09 ~ English First Additional Language



UNIT 1: Week 3 – 4

Lesson 2: Equality in democracy



Listening and Speaking Listen to a reading text

Activity 10

Do a prepared reading

Activity 11

Reading and Viewing Read and discuss a drama

Activity 12

Study a poem

Activity 13

Study a photo

Activity 14

Writing and Presenting Write a reply to a letter of advice

Activity 15

Language Structures and Conventions Word level work Abbreviations and shortenings

Activity 15


Activity 15

Stems, prefixes and suffixes

Activity 17

Sentence level work Direct/indirect speech and sentence structure

Activity 12, remedial


Activity 11


Activity 15

Critical language use Idioms, proverbs, euphemisms

Activity 16

Spelling and punctuation Reinforcement of grammar

Activity 10

Spelling and spelling patterns

Activity 15

Word meaning Vocabulary in context

Activity 13

Remedial grammar from learners’ writing Remedial grammar from learners’ writing

Activity 15 25

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