Study Guide
Year plan
Keep the following in mind when planning your year: ● Be realistic and flexible ● Keep your other subject timetables in mind ●
Allow for enough time to study for tests and examinations
Unit and lesson
Date started
Date completed
Unit 1: Hunter-gatherers and shepherds in Southern Africa Lesson 1: How we obtain information from huntergatherers and shepherds Lesson 2: Information from stories Lesson 3: Information from objects
Lesson 4: Information from rock paintings Lesson 5: Information from books
Unit 2: The San hunter-gatherer society in the Later Stone Age
Lesson 6: How the San lived in their environment Lesson 7: Discovery of the bow and arrow Lesson 8: Social organisation within the San community Lesson 9: Medicinal plants Lesson 10: San beliefs and religion Lesson 11: Rock art
Unit 3: The Khoikhoi shepherd society in the Later Stone Age
Lesson 12: The pastoral way of life Lesson 13: How the San and Khoikhoi shared the same land Unit 4: The first farmers in Southern Africa
Lesson 14: Interaction with the Khoisan
Unit 5: The chieftainship of the first African farmers
Lesson 15: Homesteads and farming villages Lesson 16: Agriculture: Crops and livestock
Lesson 17: Social, political and economic structures Lesson 18: A culture of cooperation: The roles of men and women Lesson 19: Role of the paramount chief Lesson 20: The role of cattle
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