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Building your knowledege and gaining experience

Building your knowledge

and gaining experience


JobsLive - Register to receive emails about internships, placements, part-time seasonal work and voluntary opportunities on JobsLive, as well as information about events to meet employers

Work Shadowing - Gain an insight into a job function and/or sector, aiming to mirror Spring Insight Schemes. This scheme is exclusively for Imperial first year undergraduates.

Alumni Mentoring Scheme - Be mentored by a professional alumnus working in your chosen field of interest, or a related profession. Mentoring partnerships will officially run for just under a year from October.

Ask an Alumnus - Browse our database of alumni contacts who can provide an answer to your career related questions about their industry and role.

Professional Project Fund - Opportunity for continuing Imperial undergraduate and PhD students to develop your own full-time fourweek summer graduate level project for an organization in the third sector. A bursary is on offer to successful students. to research at Imperial, which can also link with final year project ideas.

Volunteering and outreach - Volunteering can be as beneficial as other work experience in developing and improving skills and increasing your employability through practical experience. Further information on ways to identify a volunteering experience can be found on our volunteering webpage.

IAESTE - The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) aims to provide science and engineering undergraduates with paid, course-related vacation training abroad.

GoinGlobal GoinGlobal helps new and experienced work experience seekers find opportunities both at home and abroad. Providing information that is location-specific in detail and global in perspective it is a good place to start to look for both internships and graduate roles.

AIESEC - A global platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential with a range of international schemes and opportunities.

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