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How do I enter the event?

How do I enter the event?

The Virtual Career Fair you’re attending may have an Event Hall in place. This is where you’ll find featured information from your university, as well as the list of exhibitors and your meeting schedule.

You can ‘Enter the event’ from the Event Details page (note, you will need to be booked on to the event to book on to employer 121 and Group chats):

How do I access an employers’ Exhibitor Stands?

You can explore an employer’s exhibitor stand to view the employer’s profile, Group/121 chats, and promoted opportunities.

You can find the list of exhibitors on the Event Details page:

If the event has an Event Hall in place you can ‘Enter event’ and you can also use the ‘Exhibitors’ menu option to view the list of exhibitors:

You can click into an Exhibitor Stand to view: • the employer’s profile • the Group and 121 chat availability • the list of promoted job opportunities

How do I view/book a 121 chat with an employer representative?

You can view and book 121 chats with an employer representative from the employer’s Exhibitor Stand.

Once in an Exhibitor stand, select the ‘Chat to team’ option.

The list of employer representatives appears beneath the employer’s Group Chat.

You can view the employer contacts attending the event (including the person’s name, bio and job title) and you can then book a 121 chat with that contact by clicking on a available timeslot and then clicking on ‘Book’:

Once you have booked a 121 chat, the session with appear in your ‘My Schedule’ page and you will receive an email/calendar invite.

How do I view, book, and join a Group Session?

You can view employers’ Group Chat schedules from their Exhibitor Stand. We recommend you plan which Group Chat sessions you wish to attend in advance and note down the timings of the sessions you’re interested in such that you can fit these around your 121-meeting schedule.

Note – it is not possible to book/save Group Sessions so be sure to go into the hosting employer’s Exhibitor Stand slightly before the Group Chat is due to begin in order to join.

Once in an Exhibitor stand, select the ‘Chat to team’ option.

You can view the Group Chat details and the timings on the ‘Chat to team’ page. The ‘Join’ button will go live during the Session Timings and when clicked will open the employer’s meeting technology in a new browser tab.

Note – be aware that the employer may host multiple Group Chats sessions throughout the event and that the nature of each session may be different.

Where do I find my meeting schedule and how do I join a booked 121 meeting?

If the Career Fair you’re attending has an ‘Event Hall’ in place you can view your 121 meeting schedule by clicking ‘Enter Event’ from the Event Details page:

Select the ‘My Schedule’ option on the menu:

Your schedule shows the list of your 121 bookings and includes the details of the employer contacts that you’re meeting with.

You will see your meetings ordered by start time.

The ‘Join’ button becomes available at start of the meeting and will open the employers meeting technology.

Do I get a meeting invite for my 121 meetings?

Yes, you will receive an email confirmation and/or a calendar meeting invitation for each of your 121 bookings.

Why can’t I find a booked slot in the ‘My Schedule Page’

If you can’t find a booking that you were expecting to see in your ‘My Schedule’ page, it is likely that this session has been cancelled by the employer – in this instance we recommend you try to re-book another 121 session with the employer event representative.

What should I do if I cannot make my 121 slot?

If you’re no longer able to attend your 121 meeting you should cancel the booking to ensure that the employer representative is not waiting for you.

How do I cancel a 121 meeting?

You can cancel 121 bookings with event representatives by going to the ‘My schedule’ page and clicking on the bin icon for the relevant 1-2-1 slot:

You will then be asked to confirm the cancellation:

Click ‘Confirm’.

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