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Register your JobsLive account
JobsLive is the Careers Service’s online vacancies, events, and appointments system. You can use it to book your place at careers events, book one to one appointments with one of our team, and search for vacancies from over 5,000 organisations.
Exclusive online resources
The Careers Service provides access to a range of exclusive online resources to students and recent graduates, and you can find these on our website under about us > careers library. These include:
As an Imperial student you are automatically registered with JobsLive, and can sign in using your Imperial username and password.
GoinGlobal has a comprehensive collection of Global Career Guides and employment resources from across the globe. The website also includes information on securing an internship, industry profiles and country specific information to help you find opportunities in over 196 countries.
Set up your profile by clicking on the ‘Me’ tab and adjust the settings to meet your needs. Opt in to receive email alerts about job vacancies and events related to the types of work you are interested in and subscribe to the weekly Careers Newsletter to keep up to date with the latest Careers Service news and events.
We encourage you to regularly update your JobsLive profile, to ensure that you get the most relevant information to your inbox.
Feel more prepared for a video interview by using Shortlist.Me where you can access a library of interview questions, record your answers and use the feedback tool to reflect on your performance to help you improve.
Every student at Imperial has free access to LinkedIn Learning where you can search a huge library of video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative, and business skills.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to view our Career Snapshots and other careers related videos.