Grants report
Summary Our grants programme provides funding for a range of projects and initiatives to improve patient care and hospital experience, support the wellbeing and professional development of NHS staff and enable innovation. In total, £6.59m was awarded through our grants programme during 2020/21, including a significant amount of expenditure to support our Covid-19 crisis response activities. Covid-19 support grants Over the course of the year, we awarded 36 Covid-19 support grants - totalling £3.11m - to help Imperial College Healthcare respond to the extraordinary pressures of the pandemic. Given the significant interest from donors in supporting front-line staff, a large proportion of this expenditure was awarded to benefit NHS staff wellbeing and improve facilities. This support included:
towards long-term improvements to facilities for NHS staff
towards immediate wellbeing support for NHS staff
towards long-term mental health support for NHS staff
£1.25m (40%) to make long-term improvements to facilities for NHS staff, including kitchens, changing rooms, showers and rest areas;
£893k (29%) to provide immediate wellbeing support for NHS staff, including delivering hot meals and running pop-up shops for front-line workers;
£464k (15%) to provide long-term mental health and wellbeing support to NHS staff, including an expansion of the Trust's counselling service;
towards enhancing the hospital experience for patients
£267k (9%) to enable innovative approaches to addressing the impact of Covid-19, including a research study exploring a children’s inflammatory condition, PIMS-TS, caused by the virus;
• £164k (5%) to enhance the experience for patients, including improved WiFi and tablet devices to enable ‘virtual visiting’; • £71k (2%) to provide immediate financial relief for the families of NHS staff who died in service during the pandemic. 16
towards innovative ways of addressing the impact of Covid-19
towards financial relief for the bereaved families of NHS staff
Covid-19 support grants (2020/21) - proportion of expenditure