==== ==== Beginner Model Railroading Ideas. Best Members Only model train club. See what we offer! http://b1d827za5ksm6x77y2dsu1rafw.hop.clickbank.net/ ==== ====
Like any hobby, model railroading has a various terms that relate specifically to the hobby. This can be confusing for those who are just getting started. Although things might sound complicated, once you get to know what most people are talking about, the hobby becomes much easier to understand. The good thing is that the same railroading terms are used worldwide with just a few exceptions. For example in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, the expression "railway" is generally used instead of "railroad" in North America. The spelling of words varies a little from British English to American English. Examples are: analogue and analog, modeller and modeler, colour and color. OO gauge is the main train scale in the UK whereas HO scale is the most popular in the USA. They are very similar is size but not exactly identical - HO scale is 1:87 scale and OO is 1:76. Here is some common railroading terms that cause a bit of confusion: The Engineer is the crew member whose duty it is to operate a train. A Frog is the "X" shaped portion of a switch. An Interchange is the track on which cars are delivered or received from one railroad to another. A Junction is where two or more railroad lines converge as per the timetable. A Siding is a track used for meeting or passing other trains adjacent to a main track. Spotting Cars are for switching freight cars to a specified location for loading and unloading. A Tank Car is a railway wagon (car) with a tank for carrying liquids like compressed gasses, acids, oils and granular solids. Tare Weight is the weight of an empty railroad car. A Yard is the tracks used for the making up of trains and the storing of cars. The term Yard Limits refers to the track between Yard Limit signs and restricted speeds apply within Yard Limits. Another term that creates a little confusion with beginners is "bench work." It typically refers to the "platform", or "baseboard" the layout sits on.
There are a few other terms that are a trap for beginners, but it is really a case of learning a few new things each day, and try not to get overwhelmed with information overload. If you do not understand a term, look it up on the internet, or ask the person to explain.
Mike is a keen model railroading enthusiast and has several helpful websites. Check out his latest one on Model Train Layouts and N Scale Trains. His website has helpful information for the beginner and experience model railroader.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_S_Williams
==== ==== Beginner Model Railroading Ideas. Best Members Only model train club. See what we offer! http://b1d827za5ksm6x77y2dsu1rafw.hop.clickbank.net/ ==== ====