==== ==== The upcoming food crisis will happen all around the world, in some countries it is already happening. Read these articles in regards to the Food crisis carefully, I have and you should too. http://tinyurl.com/prepareforfoodcrisis ==== ====
America has enjoyed a surplus of bountiful foods. We're used to large meal portions and food available at the snap of the finger. But what would happen if we endured a crisis such as a food shortage? What would happen if our economy slowly grinded to a halt, causing a rippling effect throughout the land, and inevitably affecting our food sources? Every nation endures tough times, some more than others. Though America has been blessed more than she probably deserves, she is not invincible when it comes to tough times, especially when it comes to food production. All it takes is a few things to go wrong and the uncertainty of the times can spring panic upon the American people. What would happen if there was a food shortage in the U.S.? How would you get by? How would you provide for your family? Would you be able to? These are tough questions that need serious answers. With food shortages also comes high food prices. In the event that this would happen, an approach used not so much in the U.S. but in other countries is foraging for food. Foraging for food can vary from hunting and fishing to picking berries and mushrooms to gleaning fields after harvest. It takes effort but when in need of food, it is well worth it! Often in the fall months, hundreds of pounds of black walnuts lay on the ground unused. Find a couple good trees and run over the walnuts with a vehicle to remove the outer husk (leaving just the shelled walnut). You can collect bushels of these at a time. Be sure to ask landowners or stick safely to public roads. Keep in mind that black walnuts are stronger than the English walnut in taste. So when collecting them, make sure to wear gloves to keep them from staining hands and clothing. Pecans and other nuts can also be harvested in abundance. If you find a row of pecans where the owner doesn't use all the nuts, you can easily collect 10 pounds of nuts in a half hour. At $2.99 per pound this isn't small savings especially for those who love pecan pies. This is almost $60 for an hour's work...few paid jobs offer that! (Again, make sure you ask the owner before you start picking!) Blackberries and raspberries grow wild along fencerows in many areas, as does Rosa rugosa, touted as the best source of vitamin C rich rose hips. Many "weeds" have a use also. The stinging nettle gives an itchy and painful notice to anyone who touches or brushes against it but once dried or cooked can be a rich vitamin source for tea or greens. Among those listed by "Wildman" Steve Brill, foraging expert, as edible wild plants include
hackberry, wild apples, crabapples, plum, black birch, black cherry, black raspberry, black walnut, dandelions - all known as food. Less common but useful are chickweed, plantain, sow thistle, burdock, cattails, lambs quarters and Jewelweed. The #1 biggest risk and therefore something to be absolutely SURE of is misidentification of a plant. This can be fatal. "When in doubt leave it out." For example, chickweed is edible but can be confused with spotted purge, as both trail the ground with paired leaves, but different flowers. If there is a milky white sap it is NOT chickweed but the toxic look-alike. Mushrooms are also misidentified and the results can be deadly. Morels are hollow on the inside, and sometimes thimble-caps or false morels are picked by accident. Checking thoroughly reveals these are not hollow all the way through when split lengthwise and even real edible morels should be cooked at least 15 minutes. Puffballs are edible if you have a true puffball. If it's got a stem and gills when cut open with slimy layers or are hard and black inside then they are toxic varieties confused with puffballs. If you're interested in foraging, go with someone who knows how to identify what the plants are. This isn't the place for experimenting. Nonetheless, with a little research and knowledge, foraging can provide a plethora of food gathering opportunities that may end up saving your life.
Guy McKinney edits the website: http://www.foodshortageusa.com/Articles.html The website contains articles about food shortages and food crisis globally and in America.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Guy_McKinney
==== ==== The upcoming food crisis will happen all around the world, in some countries it is already happening. Read these articles in regards to the Food crisis carefully, I have and you should too. http://tinyurl.com/prepareforfoodcrisis ==== ====