==== ==== Download a FREE 41 page ebook especially for people who want free traffic. Its called the Broke Marketers Guide to Free Traffic http://www.kellybrezovski.com/go/Brokemarketers ==== ====
Before you decide to get traffic to your website and even before you create your website, you need to know who it is your website is created to serve. For instance, with the writing of this article, if you guessed it was written for you, the reader who wants to discover how to get more traffic to your website, you're 100% correct. Similarly, you need to be crystal clear on who your target visitors will be, what they are looking for, their problems, their desires, their frequent objections, questions and what they'd most like to get from your website before you create your offer or content for your site. Preparing First for More Traffic to Your Website Once you have identified who your target market is and have all the data you need about them so you know how best to serve the content or marketing message to your visitor, you need to establish where most of the people in your target market are likely to be spending their time online. For instance, if you were to be catering to people who have expressed an interest in a certain type of product or are interested in the same types of topics you can create a product for, you may decide it's a wise investment of resources to research online discussion communities like forums, blogs and social networks which are dedicated to discussing that particular topic. Once you have established the main places your visitors will be coming from, you're now ready to join those same communities and post good, relevant content that answers their questions. While being online, many of the more established discussion groups have higher pagerank in the search results so your topic is likely to appear in the results. 1. Benefits of Online Discussion Groups to Get More Traffic to Your Website Another benefit of using the online discussion forum method for generating  more traffic to your website is in most forums, you can create your own member profile and edit your signature to include a link to your website. This means for every post you make in that forum, the people who are most interested in your topic will see a link to your website and then click on it to visit your website! Do you see how this works? By joining the top discussion forums in your niche market related to your website, you can not only get more traffic to your website, but also make sure the people visiting are the people who are in the market for your products and services. This is valuable information for you if you'll apply it so make sure to do some online research for the top discussion forums in your niche market. You can do this by entering in your niche like: "topic"+forums. (Just be sure to replace the word topic in between the quotes with the niche your website is targeting.)
2. Offering a Product Free to Get More Traffic to Your Website Another great way to get more traffic to your website is by creating an offer you give away for free and then have your visitors enter their name and email to subscribe in order to download it. This can be a product you create or pay to have created that answers the most frequently asked questions in your niche and also acts as a marketing piece to "prime the pump" or build desire for the product you are selling from your website. Of course, if your site is one that strictly monetizes from advertising along side content, then you won't have to do so much "direct selling" from a salesletter on your site, but you will still want to get people visiting and registering to your site as a member or user so you can contact those people again and again from your database mailing software and remind them to come back to your site when you have new offers and/or content ready for your visitors. 3. Leveraging Databases and List Owners to Get More Traffic to Your Website Now that you have one of these lists of people interested in your site (and topics related to your site),you are ready to leverage it by contacting other owners of databases such as yours and arranging to mail your list a recommendation to visit the other owners' site in exchange for the other list owner recommending your site as a website for their subscribers and members to visit too. This way each list owner covers twice the ground as one with reach and you both double your traffic. 4. Publishing Articles Through Online Directories to Get More Traffic to Your Website You can also find the article directories which receive a good amount of traffic daily and submit your articles to that directory providing quality content. When the readers read your article and then look for more information on you, they can follow your article's "about the author" or resource box for links to more of your work. This results in more traffic to your website and also provides great content to the visitors of the directory. As promised, this article has given you 4 ways to get more traffic to your website today, but there are plenty of other methods for getting all the traffic to your website you could ever want. In fact, I could give you a new tip by email every day for an entire year to help you get more and more traffic to your website.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Doug_Barger
==== ==== Download a FREE 41 page ebook especially for people who want free traffic. Its called the Broke Marketers Guide to Free Traffic http://www.kellybrezovski.com/go/Brokemarketers ==== ====