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Wait no more, the controversial redneck, countryboy/cityboy haircut has been making a silent comeback. It just hasn't made the obvious surfacing it did in the 80's and 90's because of the variations. The Business in front, Party in back, mullet haircut has variations through the years, from David Bowie, Billy Ray Cyrus to the Beastie Boys. Billy Ray was the country western singin' mullet god, he made it famous. Now, Florence Henderson is the only female that comes immediately to mind, that had a mullet, (you know the Mom from the Brady Bunch), I'm not sure if that makes her business in front, and party in back though, if you know what I mean. When Huck Finn said, "he was confiding and mullet headed" he was referring to stupidity, like the fish, not the haircut. So that is not to say that mullet headed and having a mullet haircut are they same, is it??? The Mullet now has variations such as Skullet, (which means shaved head or bald on top and long sides and back), Frullet, (which means shaved back and sides and a long piece that hangs in your face like the young hip-hop kids), Mo-Hullet, or Mulhawk, (which is a Mohawk with a long back piece) and a Fullet or Grullet, (which is the female version). Now they tease, wax, spike, and multicolor the business part, to give it originality and punk it out. But there are still some diehards, you know some I'm sure, that still have the same mullet cut they had in the 80's and 90's because they don't know how to grow it out to something different, or they refuse to whack the ponytail part. The mullet's origin is mainly blue collar, redneck so that they could go to work and have the longer ponytail down the shirt, if dress code prohibited it, then come the weekend, you were a good ole' boy party animal. It's been popular with country western, heavy metal rockers, ice hockey and soccer players and of course, wrestlers. Well, the good news is that it is now more acceptable to be non-acceptable than it was in the past. You can sport a mullet with hair down to your butt, as long as you are a hard worker, and able to keep it from getting caught in the meat grinder at work, (OHSE rule). Now, if you are a diehard redneck mullet fan, they have festivals. The first one is the 2nd weekend of October in Swansboro, North Carolina, and it features arts, crafts, music and up to 50 different ways to cook mullet, (the fish). They broil, grill, fry, sauté and do all kinds of things to mullet. In Niceville, Florida on the 3rd weekend of October, they have one called the Boggy Bayou Mullet Festival that features arts, crafts and music, and different ways to cook mullet, (the fish). The both are really festivals to celebrate the fish, but many rednecks use these festivals as an excuse to show their devotion to the mullet and sport their own mullet haircut. Honest. Only thing is, if you're mullet headed, are they referring to the haircut, or stupidity like the fish?
You'll find lots of mullets as well as other kinds of haircuts at RedneckandSingle.com, an online community of over 18,000 single rednecks seeking romance, friendship, adventure, hunting, camping and fishing partners, and NASCAR buddies. Visit http://www.redneckandsingle.com and find your own redneck.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fred_Morris
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