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When you're building your layout there is nothing more fun than constructing your own model railroading scenery and structures. What is really great is that even a novice will be able to do it if they take the time to discover how to do it properly. We will now take a look at some of the basics: Buildings and Other Structures You basically have four options to choose from namely: Choose to purchase pre-built structures Build your own using kits that invariably are made from plastic You could "kit-bash" which means using the pieces from a number of different kits in order to create unique structures You could make one from scratch
Buying pre-built ones is easily achieved but there is one drawback that you should bear in mind: These kits are mass-produced and so your structure will not be unique. However using the kits do provide you with many choices and you can change some of the aspects more to suit your own tastes. For real variety and fun kit-bashing is the way to go. This is a more advanced approach but you can end up with some really great structures. Even more for the advanced modeler is making a structure from scratch. Very often a modeler will model their building using a real-life structure as a template of sorts. Your choice needs to be based on the following criteria: Your budget, your patience levels, your vision, and your level of experience. As time passes you will probably use more than just one of the above-mentioned methods. Scenery - Hills, Mountains, Valleys, etc. When it comes to making the hills and valleys and other railroading scenery formations there are two methods to choose from. One is the hard shell method which makes use of a frame that is often constructed out of cardboard which is covered with HydrocalŽ soaked paper towers to create the formation. The other method is to use plaster or towels soaked in plaster and supported by a frame of screen and wire. There is another method that can be used in conjunction with these. To create rock formations using a latex mold and plaster can be very effective. Using a real rock for the mold will allow you to create very realistic formations for your model railroading scenery.
To add the basic colors to the formation add dry pigments or thinned washes of paints. Most people tend to prefer acrylic paints for this purpose. Water To really enhance the wow factor of your scenery it's a great idea to add a stream, lake or pond. Casting resin, acrylic gloss, Envirotex, or EZ Water®, which is made by a company called Woodland Scenics, make excellent results. However a word of caution: this is a time-consuming process and not accomplished easily. It is recommended that you choose one of the aforementioned products, such as EZ Water®. Also, purchase more than just a single pack because you should ideally practice before you begin to work on the scenery itself. Trees and Other Types of Greenery You will find that there are numerous ready-made trees and tree kits available on the market. No model railroading scenery is complete without these essential elements. I find one in particular really effective. It is called Lichen and it is a real organism which is very similar in appearance to trees and shrubs. For variety and efficacy it is advised that you make use of more than merely one of the above suggestions so that your model railroading scenery is as varied and interesting as the real deal - or as close to that as possible. It's important to bear in mind that we have only scratched the surface here since when it comes to the scenery and structures for model railroading. Scenery and structures are a subject upon which there is much more to be said. I highly suggest that you visit local model railroad shows where you can meet with others who share a love for this hobby. They will be willing to answer your questions which can prove very helpful. Begin slowly and carefully. As time goes on you will become more confident in your ability as you gather the knowledge and experience to make ever more realistic additions to your layout.
For more tips about model railroading scenery visit my website for articles on model railroad layout planning, scenery, electronics and more.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Brendon
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