Model Railroading - Clubs

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==== ==== Looking to start building a Model Railroad? Check out this Club ==== ====

Model railroading is alive and well despite the competition from computer games and other pastimes. If you added up the number of model railway clubs across the USA and the world it would run into thousands of clubs with tens of thousands of members. The great thing about the hobby and model railway clubs in particular, is the fostering of old as well as new friendships. Clubs are a great way to meet people who share a common interest and exchange thoughts and ideas. It certainly beats trying to solve every problem yourself, especially when others in the hobby will have already worked out the solution. Joining a railway club is not only pleasurable, but also a wise use of time and resources for anyone involved in model railroading. If you are thinking of joining one of the model railway clubs, then there are basically three options. > Firstly you could join a small dedicated team at your local railway club. > Secondly you could join an online model train club and get direct access to various resources including tutorials online as well as network and share problems (and solutions) with fellow model railroaders from around the world. Online clubs are an excellent way to access resources and answers to your questions 24/7. > Thirdly you could do both of the above and get the benefits of local and online membership. That's precisely what many in the hobby do. If you want to join an online model train club and share in those benefits, then the one operated by enthusiast Robert Anderson would be the one I would recommend. He has put a lot of work into providing the resources that every model railroader needs and presenting things in a logical and easy to understand manner. If you are also interested in joining a local club or society, then here are a few details on how most local model railway clubs operate. The structure of local model railway clubs will depend to a large extent on the members themselves and how they want it operated. How they operate does vary. Some model railway clubs, or societies, have a board of directors, treasurer, secretary and/or president to watch over procedures and finances. Some may hold weekly or monthly meetings, while other clubs open their doors most nights for members to meet and to work together on a layout project. Some local clubs have a designated "operator in charge" for specific hours during layout operation. Sometimes the arrangements are casual and relaxed and other groups run like a military operation depending on membership policies or the people involved.

When joining a local club you need to be aware of individual personalities as some members may not be great with communication, sharing ideas, or helping younger or newer members. Others will go out of their way to help each other and share their skills and experience with the beginners and regular members. Also be aware that some model railway clubs may associated with an historical society or museum. The membership may be particularly interested in preserving the local or national railroad history. This will either interest you or it won't. Local model railway clubs typically run open days from time to time to exhibit their train layout displays. Also, regardless of where you live, you'll probably discover that train shows and conventions are held throughout the year. Train shows are usually a meeting place for hobbyists and suppliers to network and share ideas.

Mike recommends joining the online Model Train Club as it has useful resources and how-to tutorials for both the beginner and experienced Model Railroader.

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==== ==== Looking to start building a Model Railroad? Check out this Club ==== ====

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