Why Create iPad Apps To Make Money

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==== ==== Discover how to create an iPhone or iPad App & Game and hit pay dirt with it in the App Store! http://tinyurl.com/makemyappsngames ==== ====

Apple is preparing to launch its iPad 2. Any moment, we can already hear an announcement with regards to its launching date. Truly, tablets are becoming more and more popular among users. By the end of this year, there are lots of people that will have either iPad or iPad 2. But do you know that most users of iPad or tablets are the elites? These users are mostly male with 30 to 50 years of age. They are those kinds of people that can easily cash out without second taught especially for something that they need - like iPad application. So it definitely makes sense that you can make money if create iPad apps. Not convinced yet? I'll tell you something. According to reports, in 2010, Apple App store produced $1.8 billion in revenue. So by this statistics, we can see that people really do buy applications from their smartphones - in this case, from their iPhone. In that year, reports said that less than 20% of the revenue came from iPad but they are predicting that by 2014, the share of iPad Applications in sale will reach 50% from the total revenue from Apple App Store. The good thing is that because iPad is still starting, the competition is not yet tight. If you start to create iPad apps today and your iPad applications will receive good reviews, by the year 2014, you already have a passive income that can match your salary. So this is the best time to create iPad apps and make money out of it. There is no doubt about it. But the big question is how to create iPad apps? The straightforward answer from Apple is that you should be familiar iOS Source Development Kit 4. Actually you can easily get it from Apple's developer site. But with all the technicalities of SDK 4, it is very easy to be discouraged especially if you don't have any background in programming. But don't worry... you don't need to be a programmer in order to create iPad apps. There are courses that can guide on how to create your first iPad application. The only thing that you need is the desire to take part in this growing opportunity to make money. In the course, you will become familiar with the iPad and the things that you can do with it. Eventually, application idea won't be a problem. You will also learn how to make your idea of iPad applications into reality. What you need to bring in the game is your passion to create iPad apps. Then, there are many possibilities which are waiting for you.

For more information about the course on how to create iPad Apps and make money out of it. Check out: http://createipadapps.info

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Bill_Torres

==== ==== Discover how to create an iPhone or iPad App & Game and hit pay dirt with it in the App Store! http://tinyurl.com/makemyappsngames ==== ====

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