Open Training Day Programme

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Wroclaw, 12.01.2016 Zainwestuj w siebie, pomóż innym!

 Nauczyć się umiejętności prezentacji?  Rozwinąć umiejętności sprzedaży?  Rozwinąć swoją kreatywność?  Znaleźć to, co chcesz robić w życiu?  Odkryć wewnętrzną równowagę?  Poprawić relacje z bliskimi?  Znaleźć motywację?  Stworzyć, lub rozwinąć biznes?  Poprawić sprzedaż i marketing?  Lepiej organizować swój czas?  Sprawniej pozyskiwać i zarządzać ludźmi?

To 40 trenerów z całego świata, którzy pomogą Ci się rozwinąć, aby pomóc nam (fundacji Impossible) zmieniać świat na lepsze!

Każde 10 złotych, które wydasz na swój rozwój w ramach OTD wystarczy na materiały niezbędne, aby pomóc jednemu dziecku po terapii psychiatrycznej powrócić do sprawności emocjonalnej. Każde pełne szkolenie w ramach OTD to szansa na powrót do społeczeństwa jednej osoby bezdomnej.

Do wyboru masz sesje w 10 blokach tematycznych:  Wystąpienia publiczne  Zasoby ludzkie  Kreatywność i innowacje  Równowaga wewnętrzna  Relacje międzyludzkie  Przywództwo  Sprzedaż i business development  Umiejętności twarde  Poznaj siebie i odkryj swoją markę  Wykłady i sesje plenarne




Learning goals


MS Power Point

Grzegorz Wieczorek

The goal is to make sure that participantsu use MINUTES and not HOURS to prepare their visuals in PPT without any drop of the quality.


Become a memorable speaker


How to stop time during your elevator pitch

The training session will focus on the methods that help participants Zsofia Komaromi, connect to their audience, build memorable speeches and presentations, Adrienn Szijarto and at the same time find their unique voice as a speaker.

Philipp Effenberger

o How to create and use elevated moments before persuading o Ways to keep frame control and not get distracted o How to use your body, gestures, items and basically anything for personal status o Dramaturgy and practical use of drama




Learning goals

Toni Marin, Laia Codina

"Mental well-being to work well". To know how to identify our real stress status. To know what can we do to solve the situation when it's going wrong. How to talk about mental health problems. To build prevention programmes.


Mental Health in Organitzations


Scale of Cooperation insight for people Agnieszka Leśny working in and with groups


Competency Based Recruitment

Karri-Pekka Kauppinen

Together we’ll look at where your team is on the Scale of Cooperation, explain the model so that you’ll know your way around it, show the team how best to cooperate, and discuss up a plan of initial steps that will lead to a higher level of cooperation.

Participants will learn job profiling, defining competencies and conducting competency based structured interviews. Methods can be used in personnel assessments and talent managements or audits. Key outcome for participant is to become better in assessing people.

Time 08:00-11:30



Topic How to learn new skills?

Design Thinking



Learning goals

Katarzyna Wozniak

- Participants understand how children, teenagers and adults learn. - Participants understand the role of motivation and persistance. - Participants find out what skills they would like to develop. The aim of the training is to understand that people learn differently depending on their age, background and also the type of skill they would like to learn or develop.

Mara Milena Suter

Participants will get the chance to experience the Design Thinking Mindset and thus be able to discover their innovative potential. We will discuss the fundamentals of creating an innovative environment and their indications on organisational levels. On a practical level, we will run through the Design Thinking Process while finding an innovative solution for a real challenge.

Anna Bagrij

Participants wil learn why is creativity important in daily life and also during training. They will practice thinking outside the box and finding unusual solutions. Participants will check if they didn't get into routine while designing and delivering the training and what to do about it.





Stress management

Paweł Cieślak


How to improve attention and concentration with mindfulness

Vesna Laković


Humour is Serious Business'

Fergal Barr

Learning goals • Participants will understand stress reaction and when it becomes a threat • Participants will learn ways to handle stress according to Lazarus & Folkman and when to use them • Participants will diagnose their crucial stress elements in order to manage it effectively in everyday life • Participants will practice selected methods reducing tension resulting from stress. Participants will learn how to improve their attention, concentration, “involvement” of all the senses (developing their perception) while studying, working, dealing with different challenges and everyday obligations. Participants will learn how to be aware of the present moment and fully engage themselves in everyday experience. Exercises are aimed for participants to recognize and accept all their emotions (both pleasant and unpleasant ones) which will be beneficial for development of emotional intelligence, emotional regulation as well as developing different responses to stress and challenges we experience in our lives. Participants will learn about the value, relevance and importance of humour and have an opportunity to consider, reflect and discuss how humour can be used to address a wide range of issues.




How Porn affects us on personal and relationship level and how to get more love into one's life by using acceptance and commitment therapy?



Convincing communication



Learning goals

Karri-Pekka Kauppinen

- Become aware of porn's effects on personal level and in relationships Know basics of acceptence and commitment therapy - Get insight of porn related research - Start to live value-based life - Become aware of how you use your time

Astrid van der Gun

In this training session, we will be digging into the latest insights on persuasion, communication and social influence. You will gain understanding on what it is that moves people forward and how you can make that happen. You will practice and learn to communicate your message effectively for it to stick รกnd for it to be convincing to others.

Vassiliki Tzamou, Karoliina Hiltunen

What trust is? Which people we choose to trust and why we trust them? We are going to explore the importance of trust between people and working effectively with individuals and teams. Moreover, the training session is going to include some interactive trust building activities as a part of the learning process.




What to do when conflicts arise. Introduction to mediation for teamleaders.


Learning goals

Sven Torkler

In this training participants will get a common understanding on what a conflict is and how to notice an arising conflict early on. Participants will also get basic skills on how to manage conflicts within their teams.


Facilitation & Decision making

Tamรกs Lakner

Ways to get over an overly complex situation / project / period of time. Learn to set up yourself and your environment for informed decisions and to adapt to changes arising on your ways. The learnings can be applied to both your professional and personal life, potentially improving the outcomes and the experiences during times of difficult challenges.








Learning goals


Bothersome customers – how to change attitudes and improve results

Philipp Effenberger

o Understanding default behaviour patterns o How to re-focus another person based on the away-from towards-to program o Identify your own default programs o How to exert status control as mental self defence


Drive more leads and sales for your business by creating strategic Facebook advertising system

Janis Jakobs

Participants will learn how they can create strategic Facebook advertising campaigns that can help them grow their business.

Rising Giant

In the end of the this experience we expect participants to: - Gain the ability to detect and influence Inner motivation through conscious thought processes; - Training self to unconsciously find better approaches when facing problems; - To be able to practice change implementation individually and in the groups if/when needed.


Change Implementation




Graphic design workshop


Meaningful gamification – do it yourself!



Learning goals


Participants will learn basics of computer graphic design that will allow them to design promotion materialsby themselves. The session is oriented towards graphic designer skills rather than particular graphic design software.

Participants will understand motivation of game players and ways to use it in building engagement of customers, employees, volunteers and even Radek Czahajda themselves. Participants will learn new model of gamification design that is focused on behaviour change and practice using it in different settings.

Scrum - Project Participants will learn basis of Agile methodology. They will learn what is Magdalena Management Scrum about: who is the PO, SM or Dev Team? What does it mean to work Walczak, TamĂĄs methodology not in Sprints? What does it mean inspect and adapt? They will also learn Lakner only for IT. about alternative project managment methodologies.




Learning goals

Milda Latakaite

In the end of this experience participants are expected to: 1. Understand a need of self-reflection; 2. Get answers to disruptive life questions; 3. Reflect on experience and use gathered findings in future selfdevelopment.


Group coaching


After the training, the participants should be able to discretize the process Analysis of what of self-motivation in order to turn each step into bite size chunks that drives selfĂ–zgĂźr Ă–zzeybek defines the motivation level of a person and what is still needed to be done motivation in order to achieve goals. The subject is augmented with concepts from artificial intelligence.


Firstly, we will discuss about what exactly is personal branding and why it is important for you. We will go over a plan on how to build the participants' brand which will include specifying their vision, utilising their online and offline assets and self-reflection. Prepare to be well known to your target audience!

Personal Branding

Ioanna Lefa, Nancy ElGizy




How to find a dream profession?


Learning goals

Participants will go through the process of self discovery leading to finding a dream profession. The session covers knowledge on job market, tools Radek Czahajda and methods supporting carreer planning process and several skills including self assesment, decision making, planning and.


Entrepreneurship 101


Participants will learn how to build a company that will survive on the market. Participants will know lessons that some entrepreneurs paid a price of their business to learn. Finally, participants will have a Chance to build the very first draft of their business model and take first steps to bring it to market.


Understanding and fighting procrastination

Jorge Miguel Vielva, Mayri Tiido

Understanding what causes procrastination and how your mind deceives you - Learning different strategies to fight procastination and manage better your time - Develop a plan during the session as a first step to change your habits

Za bilet zwykły na szkolenie zapłacisz tylko 50 złotych. Bilet studencki, to 30 złotych, a bilet dla działaczy NGO kosztuje jedyne 15 złotych.

Z okazji zbliżających się świąt dodaliśmy do oferty vouchery na cały dzień szkoleń dla Twoich bliskich w promocyjnej cenie. Pokaż im, że zależy Ci na ich rozwoju i realizacji marzeń!

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