what’s inside: health: men’s, women’s & kids’ health heart health • mind + body eye health • health profiles
wellness: nutrition • massage • yoga corporate wellness • fiscal fitness booking some downtime
fitness: personal training • sports med outdoor adventure • running cycling • event calendar & more!
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1. to finish: complete: win: succeed 2. to accomplish: obtain with effort 3. to perform by one’s own efforts
kathryn lee publisher / creative director john lee vp / director of sales & marketing
health 2 men’s health: check-ups and age appropriate screenings
3 women’s health: breast cancer — Achieve is a quarterly health, wellness and fitness magazine published by Impressions Group, LLC. The covers, contents and ads in Achieve magazine are copyright protected and may NOT be reproduced without prior consent of the publisher. Our staff has made every effort to insure the accuracy of the publication, however we assume no liability or responsibility for content, errors or omissions in any articles. Achieve welcomes the submission of any information, articles and photos. We will make every effort to include the submitted items, however, we cannot guarantee the inclusion or the return of materials.
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Post Office Box 2627, Greenville, NC 27836 252.355.8345 phone / 252.355.4224 fax www.ImpressionsGroupLLC.com www.achieve-magazine.com kathryn@ImpressionsGroupLLC.com
© 2012
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Impressions Group, LLC
new findings & treatments
4 heart health: controlling your bp 5 kids’ health: a child’s personality development and a father’s love
6 mind + body: the habit of starting 7 eye health: spending more time outside may help reduce the risk of nearsightedness in children
8 health profiles
wellness 10 fiscal fitness: life insurance — which type is best for me?
11 booking some downtime:
11 mental wellness: benefit of laughter 12 nutrition:‘smart’ goals will help you ‘achieve’ yoga vs pilates: which to choose? 13 nutrition: 5 healthy mood foods 14 corporate wellness: creating an employee wellness program
15 active adult: tips to get active 16 massage: fortunate forearms
fitness 17 sports med: exercise & stress relief cycling: 10 tips for cycling safety 18 personal training: a 20-minute
circuit workout running: how to recover after a 5k
19 outdoor adventure: get fit with hiking 20 event calendar (oct - dec. 2012)
something like the gods
a lettertoour
Achieve is growing! In addition to our print magazine, we now have an online home, as well — www.achieve-magazine.com. We’ve always strived to deliver a quality magazine with engaging articles on health, wellness and fitness, backed by the area’s best advertisers! Now, we’ve taken that to the next level. We’ve partnered with HyLoMedia, a digital content provider, and launched an interactive website and Facebook page, where we can stay connected with our readers more frequently via digital media. As always, we’ll print and distribute Achieve, but now, we’ll extend what we do in print to serve readers with added content online. We’ll provide ways for you to join in the conversation and opportunities for ad partners to participate and grow with us. The www.achieve-magazine.com website will become the spot you’ll visit to read the latest print edition, uncover added content, discover upcoming events, and learn what’s trending in health, wellness and fitness. We invite you to grow with Achieve as we venture into the future. Please visit our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/achievemagazine). Be sure to “Like” us, so we can keep you up-to-date on everything new with Achieve, as well as what’s trending in health, wellness and fitness.
Sincerely, Kathryn Lee Publisher/Creative Director
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health men’s health: check-ups and age appropriate screenings Chart courtesy of the Men’s Health Network (www.menshealthnetwork.org)
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achieve magazine
health women’s health: breast cancer — new findings & treatments Article by Patricia Conte from www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness
Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in American women behind skin cancer. It ranks second in cancer deaths, behind lung cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health, cancer prevention can help lower a person’s chances of getting cancer. This, in turn, will hopefully lower the number of deaths from cancer. Some risk factors can be avoided while others, like genetics, cannot. Following healthy living guidelines may help reduce the risk of breast cancer — limiting alcohol consumption; controlling weight (key factor in prevention, according to the Mayo Clinic); being physically active; and stopping hormone therapy.
Detection There are easy things you can do to help detect breast cancer, and early detection may help with treatment. Consider the following: • Conduct monthly self-exams. For instructions and more information, visit www.nationalbreastcancer.org/breast-self-exam • Contact your doctor if you notice breast changes, like lumps or skin changes. • Talk to your doctor about when to begin mammograms and screenings. City of Hope is an independent biomedical research, treatment and education institute, one of 40 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers nationwide and a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. The following information about genetic testing was prepared by Dr. Jeffrey Weitzel, director of the department of clinical cancer genetics at City of Hope.
Genetic risk assessment Genetic testing for cancer risk is used to determine if a genetic change, called a mutation, is present in genes that predispose an individual to developing cancer at an earlier age than would be expected. Having a predisposition for developing cancer does not mean you will definitely develop cancer, but does increase your risk. Knowing this may help you and your doctor to make health care decisions to prevent or reduce your chances for cancer.
Benefits of genetic risk assessment Testing can identify who is at high risk for particular cancers and who is not. If an individual learns she has a cancer-causing mutation, she can make health care decisions that may prevent or lower her chances for cancer, or help detect cancer at an early stage. A person who does not have the mutation that is responsible for cancer in their family would not need extra health care exams and tests, and may be relieved to learn that they, and their children, are not at increased cancer risk because of this mutation.
Hereditary factors that might put you at risk Cancer is common. It’s expected that families will have one or more relatives with some form of cancer. These clues may suggest hereditary cancer: •Family member with cancer at an early age • More than one generation with cancers • The same type of cancer in at least two closely related relatives • Multiple primaries (more than one type of cancer in the same person) • Bilateral disease (cancer occurring in both sides of a paired organ, e.g., cancer in both breasts) • Multifocal disease (many primary tumors arising in the same organ) • Rare cancers clustered on the same side of the family • Breast and ovarian cancer on the same side of the family • Breast cancer that occurs in a male • Colon and uterine cancer in the same side of the family
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The genes involved with cancer can come from either side of the family. Therefore, a cancer gene trait may be passed to a daughter through her father who did not have cancer. Accurately interpreting family history information is an essential aspect of genetic counseling.
Limitations of genetic testing Because testing techniques vary, it’s important your genetic counseling team explain the method of testing being used to look for a mutation and the chances that method may find a mutation. Different methods have different levels of sensitivity; therefore, even with the best technology, testing may not be able to find an existing cancer-causing mutation for you or your family.
New findings and breast cancer treatment options Findings from a 21-year study of about 1,000 women in California conducted by Kaiser Permanente and published in the September 2012 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, recently revealed that the least aggressive and most common type of breast cancer still carries a risk of death, even 10 years after diagnosis. This information could be helpful for doctors to determine how to treat this type of cancer. “The findings of this study indicate that it’s important to consider breast cancer molecular subtypes in determining the optimal treatment for women with breast cancer,” says study lead author Reina Haque, PhD, MPH, from Kaiser Permanente Southern California’s department of research and evaluation. “Women with luminal A tumors — the least aggressive but most common cancerous breast tumor — could benefit from extended treatment to improve their chances for long-term survival.”
Four molecular subtypes of breast cancer • Luminal A: Typically tends to have the best prognosis and fairly high survival rates. As the most common subtype, luminal A is responsible for 42-59% of all breast cancer cases. • Luminal B: Typically occurs in younger women and has a poor prognosis. • Basal-like subtype: Typically occurs in younger women, as well as African American women, and has a poor prognosis. • HER2-enriched subtype: Typically has a fairly poor prognosis and prone to early and frequent recurrence and metastases (i.e., the disease spreads to other areas of the body). “These and earlier findings strongly support molecular subtypes as important independent predictors of breast cancer mortality,” said Haque. “It’s important for women with breast cancer, even those diagnosed with the least aggressive form of the disease, to be an advocate for their own health and speak to their doctors about treatment options.” For resources on breast cancer information and how to access services, visit the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month website at www.nbcam.org. Talk to your health care provider about specific concerns you have or for help making decisions that are best for you and your health.
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health heart health: controlling your bp Article by Rony L. Shammas, M.D., Vidant Cardiology
It’s no secret that a balanced diet and vigorous physical activity can help us age more gracefully. In fact, exercise and a proper diet can make a significant difference in the battle against many risk factors commonly associated with heart disease and stroke.
One of those risk factors is high blood pressure, or hypertension. About one third of all adults and more than half of the population above the age of 55 have hypertension. Nearly 80% of people over the age of 75 have high blood pressure. That’s because our blood vessels tend to become less elastic as we age, and that makes it more difficult for blood to make its way through our bodies. Hypertension is called “the silent killer,” because the patient has no symptoms. Every day you go without controlling high blood pressure is a day of damage to your heart and blood vessels. That’s why it’s so important to get your blood pressure checked regularly, both at your doctor’s office and at home. Treating blood pressure will lower the future risk of stroke, heart attack, heart failure and dialysis. The goal is to keep blood pressure below 140/90. In some patients who are at high risk for heart disease (such as those with diabetes, chronic kidney disease and peripheral vascular disease), the goal is to keep the blood pressure below 130/80.
In addition to taking medicines, people can make simple changes in their daily routines to better control their blood pressure. • Cut Down On Your Salt Intake. At first, try limiting salt in your diet or replace it altogether with fresh herbs and spices or salt substitute. Make your own meals, so you can limit how much salt goes in your food. • Get Up and Move! Dynamic exercise, such as walking, jogging or aerobics; will help you maintain a safe blood pressure. More activity will also help you shed extra weight that makes your heart and vascular system work harder. • Watch Your Weight. Identify Sleep Problems. If you have trouble sleeping, or find you are tired during the day, you may suffer from sleep apnea, which can increase your chance of high blood pressure.
The Captain Christopher Cash Memorial Foundation of NC, Inc.
Sunday, December 2, 2012 — 1:00-3:00pm Town Commons, Greenville, NC 11am-12:30pm Registration • 1pm Start • Awards / Refreshments The Reindeer Dash for Cash is a fund-raiser for the Capt. Christopher Cash Memorial Foundation of NC, Inc. All proceeds are awarded as college scholarships in his memory. During his lifetime, he was committed to helping others: his family and friends, his co-workers, his community, and his country. His memory remains ever present in the hearts and minds of those he touched and inspired with his care and generosity. It is his legacy of giving to others that we strive to carry on in honor of his memory.
Capt. Christopher S. Cash, Sr. October 2, 1967 June 24, 2004
AWARDS & POST RACE FOOD • Cash awards for the top three male/female 10 Miler overall finishers. • Unique awards for the top three male/female in each age group. • Unique finisher medal, race t-shirt and post race food for all participants. DISTANCE & COURSE Flat & Fast USATF certified 10 Miler and 5k ~ New 10 mile course! WANT TO RUN FOR FREE? Raise $150 by November 1 and Run for Free! Visit www.reindeerdashforcash.org to learn how! FOR INFORMATION, REGISTRATION OR DONATION www.ReindeerDashForCash.org or email dawn@reindeerdashforcash.org TO DONATE BY CHECK MAIL TO: CPT Cash Foundation of NC, 740 SE Greenville Blvd., Ste 400-208, Greenville NC 27858 TO DONATE BY CREDIT CARD, VISIT: www.reindeerdashforcash.org
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achieve magazine
health “The great emphasis on mothers and mothering in America has led to an inappropriate tendency to blame mothers for children’s behavior problems and maladjustment when, in fact, fathers are often more implicated than mothers in the development of problems such as these.”
kids’ health: a child’s personality development and a father’s love Article from www.medicalnewstoday.com
A father’s love contributes as much — and sometimes more — to a child’s development as does a mother’s love. That is one of many findings in a new large-scale analysis of research about the power of parental rejection and acceptance in shaping our personalities as children and into adulthood. “In our half-century of international research, we’ve not found any other class of experience that has as strong and consistent effect on personality and personality development as does the experience of rejection, especially by parents in childhood,” says Ronald Rohner of the University of Connecticut, co-authored the new study in Personality and Social Psychology Review. “Children and adults everywhere — regardless of differences in race, culture, and gender — tend to respond in exactly the same way when they perceived themselves to be rejected by their caregivers and other attachment figures.”
father’s — can be much greater than the other’s. A 13-nation team of psychologists working on the International Father Acceptance Rejection Project has developed at least one explanation for this difference: children and young adults are likely to pay more attention to whichever parent they perceive to have higher interpersonal power or prestige. So if a child perceives her father as having higher prestige, he may be more influential in her life than her mother. Work is ongoing to better understand this potential relationship. One important take-home message from this research, Rohner says, is that fatherly love is critical to a person’s development. This importance should help motivate men to become more involved in nurturing child care. Also, he says, recognition of the influence of fathers on their children’s personality development should help reduce the incidence of “mother blaming” common in schools and clinical setting. “The great emphasis on mothers and mothering in America has led to an inappropriate tendency to blame mothers for children’s behavior problems and maladjustment when, in fact, fathers are often more implicated than mothers in the development of problems such as these.”
Looking at 36 studies from around the world that together involved more than 10,000 participants, Rohner and co-author Abdul Khaleque found that in response to rejection by their parents, children tend to feel more anxious and insecure, as well as more hostile and aggressive toward others. The pain of rejection — especially when it occurs over a period of time in childhood — tends to linger into adulthood, making it more difficult for adults who were rejected as children to form secure and trusting relationships with their intimate partners. The studies are based on surveys of children and adults about their parents’ degree of acceptance or rejection during their childhood, coupled with questions about their personality dispositions. Moreover, Rohner says, emerging evidence from the past decade of research in psychology and neuroscience is revealing that the same parts of the brain are activated when people feel rejected as are activated when they experience physical pain. “Unlike physical pain, however, people can psychologically re-live the emotional pain of rejection over and over for years,” Rohner says. When it comes to the impact of a father’s love versus that of a mother, results from more than 500 studies suggest that while children and adults often experience more or less the same level of acceptance or rejection from each parent, the influence of one parent’s rejection — oftentimes the
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health mind + body: the habit of starting Article by Leo Babauta from www.getfrank.co.nz
The biggest reason people fail at creating and sticking to new habits is that they don’t keep doing it. That seems obvious: if you don’t keep doing a habit, it won’t really become a habit. So what’s the solution to this problem? Find a way to keep doing it. When you look at it this way, the key to forming a habit is not how much you do of the habit each day (exercise for 30 minutes, write 1,000 words, etc.), but whether you do it at all. So the key is just getting started. Let me emphasize that: the key to forming a habit is starting each day. What do I mean by starting? If you want to form the habit of meditation, just get your butt on the cushion each day. Want to form the habit of running, just lace up your shoes and get out the door. Want to form the habit of writing, just sit down, close everything else on your computer, and start typing.
Let’s first take a look at why you don’t feel like starting. It’s usually for one or both of these reasons: • You are comfortable with what you’re doing (reading online, probably), and the habit is less comfortable (it’s too hard). We cling to the comfortable. • It’s too difficult to get started — to do the habit, you have to get a bunch of equipment out of your garage, or drive 20 minutes to the gym, or go get a bunch of ingredients, etc.
Form the habit of starting, and you’ll get good at forming habits.
How to Start When You Face Resistance Form the habit of starting — easier said than done, right? What happens when you wake up and don’t feel like doing yoga or your beach body exercise DVD?
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Those are the main two reasons, and really they’re the same thing. So, the solution is to make it easier and more comfortable to do the habit, and easier to get started. Some ways to do that: • Focus on the smallest thing — just getting started. You don’t have to do even 5 minutes — just start. That’s so easy it’s hard to say no. • Prepare everything you need to get started earlier. So if you need some equipment, get it ready well before you have to start, like the evening before, or in the morning if you have to do it in the afternoon, or at least an hour before. Then when it’s time to start, there is no barrier. • Make the habit something you can do where you are, instead of having to drive there. • If you have to drive or walk somewhere, have someone meet you there. Then you’re less likely to stay home (or at work), and more likely to go — and going there is the same thing as getting started. This works because you’re making it less comfortable to not start — the idea of leaving a friend waiting for you at the gym or park is not a comfortable one. • Tell people you’re going to do the habit of starting your habit every day for 30 days. Having this kind of accountability motivates you to get started, and makes it less comfortable not to start. • Start with the easiest version of the habit, so that it’s easy to start. For example, if you want to form the habit of reading, don’t start with Joyce, but with Grisham or Stephen King or whoever you find fun and easy to read. If you want to start yoga, don’t start with a really challenging routine, but an easy series of sun salutations. • Make it as easy as possible to start, and hard to not start. Tell yourself that all you have to do is lace up your shoes and get out the door, and you’ll have a hard time saying no. Once you’ve started, you’ll feel good and probably want to continue (though that’s not a necessity).
"The start is a sunrise: a moment of brilliance that signals something joyful has arrived. Learn to love that moment... and your habit troubles fade like the night.
achieve magazine
health eye health: spending more time outside may help reduce the risk of nearsightedness in children Article courtesy of Dr. Tim Klugh / Eye Care Center, 1100 West 15th Street, Washington, NC / 252.975.8040 or 1.800.738.8040. For more information contact Dr. Klugh or visit webmd.com. Article by Jennifer Warner of WebMD Health News, and eviewed by Louise Chang, MD
outdoors on the risk of myopia. “We found a significant protective association between increasing time spent outdoors and prevalent myopia in nearly 10,000 children and adolescents,” write the researchers. “Each increase in hours per week of time spent outdoors was associated with a 2% reduced odds of myopia.” Three additional studies that followed children over time showed that increasing the amount of time they spent outdoors also slowed the progression of myopia. “The overall findings indicate that increasing time spent outdoors may be a simple strategy by which to reduce the risk of developing myopia and its progression in children and adolescents,” they write. Researchers stress that these studies were observational and can only show an association between time spent outside and the risk of myopia, not a cause and effect. Future randomly controlled studies are needed to confirm the role of outdoor time in the development of nearsightedness. They say there are a variety of potential explanations for the protective effect of spending time outside on eyesight. For example, spending time outdoors may help protect against myopia by increasing the release of dopamine in the eye in response to sunlight. Or, as stated, it may reduce the amount of time spent on other work requiring near vision, like watching TV or reading.
Spending more time outside may help protect children’s eyesight. New research suggests that increasing the amount of time children spend outdoors may reduce the risk of developing myopia, or nearsightedness. Nearsightedness is a common vision problem in which distant objects appear blurred and out of focus. The condition can usually be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or eye surgery. Although nearsightedness is easily corrected, researchers say there’s currently no widely used method to reduce the risk of developing the condition or slow its progression. Researchers say that encouraging children to spend more time outside may be a new way to protect their eyesight and reduce the risk of myopia. Their findings would need to be confirmed by further studies. The results also suggest that environmental factors, like the amount of time spent in front of TVs or reading books, may help explain rising rates of myopia in certain groups. “Even though a substantial proportion of myopia cases can be explained by inheritance, this does not exclude strong environmental influences being the driving force behind the rapid increases in the prevalence of myopia over time, especially in East Asia,” researcher Justin Sherwin, of the University of Cambridge in the U.K., and colleagues write in Ophthalmology.
Outside Time Protects Eyes In the study, researchers reviewed a total of 23 studies on myopia in children and teens up to 20 years old. Using information from seven studies that included population-wide data on the risk of nearsightedness, they estimated the impact of spending time
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health profiles Dr. Gwendolyn Knuckles, MD, FACOG Dr. Knuckles is a native of Greenville, SC but has lived in Greenville, NC since 1995. She attended Tulane University in New Orleans and did her residency at Keesler Air Force Base Medical Center. Dr. Knuckles joined Women’s Health Center in 1995. Her areas of interest include menopausal medicine and gynecological surgery. Dr. Knuckles is board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Mattie Collie, RN, FNP-C Mattie joined in practice with Dr. Knuckles in 2008. She is a native of Nashville, NC and moved to Greenville, NC in 1990. Mattie attended North Carolina State University in nursing and adult education. She then attended the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, where she received her Master of Science in Nursing. She received North Carolina Registered Nurse Certification, as well as ANA Certification as a Family Nurse Practitioner.
Women’s Health Center of Greenville Healthcare from a woman’s point of view 2317-A Executive Park Circle, Greenville • www.whc.com 252-830-1035 or toll free 1-888-200-5141 Women’s Health Center of Greenville is a private practice, founded and owned by Dr. Gwendolyn Knuckles. Since 2003, the practice’s mission has been to provide “woman-to-woman” compassionate personalized, comprehensive gyn care to empower each woman to be her best at all the stages of her life. At Women’s Health Center of Greenville, they value patient concerns and questions about health, and they understand the importance of one-on-one time with a provider. They also understand the busy lifestyles that women of all ages experience, from that of a young student to that of an older retired woman. Their goal is to create a positive experience for each patient complete with creating a strong sense of well-being and comfort to aid in helping patients to actively participate in their own personal healthcare. Many of the staff have been part of the practice for years. These familiar faces and voices help to create a familiar, small office setting where patients feel valued, not like a number. Dr. Knuckles is a board certified physician offering expertise in gynecology, pelvic surgery, hysteroscopy, urology, laparoscopy and laser surgery. Office procedures include: essure® tubal ligations, hysteroscopy and ablations. Women’s Health Center of Greenville looks forward to taking care of all their patient’s gyn healthcare needs.
107 Oakmont Drive, Greenville, NC Phone: 252-321-2500 • www.drqdentist.com Dr. Danny Qualliotine (Dr. “Q”) and staff are committed to putting our experience and skill to work to provide you the area’s best in preventive, restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Our patient-centered staff brings the highest standard of service and care to bring you a healthy, beautiful smile! Dr. Q and team strive to offer patients quality dental care in a warm, relaxing atmosphere, using the latest in technology and techniques. Services include: gentle cleanings, CEREC porcelain crowns, onlays, veneers, air abrasion (no-drill fillings), bonding, whitening, fillings, restoration of implants and cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Q has extensive training in cosmetics and is one of the original users of the CEREC machine. He holds a U.S. patent on one of the CEREC process devices. Learn more at PowderPerfekt.com. Dr. Q is a member of numerous national, state, and local dental organizations, including the American Dental Association, the Academy of Computerized Dentistry, the Academy of General Dentistry, and the N.C. Dental Society. Dr. Danny Qualliotine
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The office is located at 107 Oakmont Drive, Greenville. Call 252-321-2500 today for an appointment, and you’ll be on your way to a healthy smile.
achieve magazine
health profiles
Carolina Radiation Medicine / 21st Century Oncology is located at 801 WH Smith Boulevard in Greenville.
801 WH Smith Moye Boulevard, Greenville, NC 252-329-0025 • www.CarolinaRadiationMedicine.com Leading edge technology and hometown personalized care Carolina Radiation Medicine /21st Century Oncology is the only nationallyaccredited radiation oncology practice in eastern NC. We meet or exceed national guidelines for radiation safety, quality of care, documentation, peer review and other criteria set by the independent accreditation arm of the American College of Radiation Oncology. Our practice features board certified attending physicians with decades of experience providing stateof-the-art cancer services: peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary care; patient navigation; RapidArc™ 2-minute treatment; CT scan-based IGRT; IMRT; cranial, body and Gamma Knife radiosurgery; Calypso® GPS for the Body;® prostate seed and HDR brachytherapy; SAVI® partial breast radiation (Center of Excellence); holistic and nutritional care; and expert second opinions.
joined ECU’s Brody School of Medicine as professor and chair of radiation oncology and served as director of the Leo W. Jenkins Cancer Center.
Ron Allison graduated Phi Beta Kappa with a BS from Brooklyn College and an MD from State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Medical School. He completed an internship at Kings County Hospital Center and a residency at SUNY Health Science Center, named chief resident He then joined SUNY-Buffalo and the NCI designated Roswell Park Cancer Institute as attending physician and associate professor. In 2000, Dr. Allison
Andrej Hnatov received a BS in Anatomy and Cell Biology from The University of Saskatchewan, graduating with the President’s Medal for highest academic achievement, and an MD from the University of Saskatchewan, graduating with Great Distinction. He completed a five-year residency at the University of Manitoba in Winnepeg, Canada, named chief resident his final two years.
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Cynthia Ballenger graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BS from NC State University and an MD with honors from UNC-Chapel Hill. She completed a fellowship in Pathology at Emory University, an internship in Internal Medicine at Moses H. Cone Hospital in Greensboro, and a residency in Radiation Oncology at UNC-Chapel Hill, named chief resident. Prior to joining 21st Century Oncology, Dr. Ballenger served on the faculty at Duke University and Emory University. She also served as Medical Director at the Albemarle Hospital Regional Oncology Center.
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wellness fiscal fitness: life insurance— which type is best for me? Article by David Alexander, Alexander Financial Services, Inc., 252-341-7232
Life insurance may not be the most gratifying topic a person can discuss, but it may be one of the most important. Just ask someone that has had a family member to die without it. Ask them how important it is, and you’ll quickly find out.
Which is the right type of life insurance for your situation? The first question to ask yourself is “What is the purpose of the insurance?” If the insurance is going to cover a need for a limited time, such as a 30-year mortgage or to cover your child’s college tuition should you die, purchasing “term” insurance is the best option. Term is the cheapest form of life insurance and can be purchased in 4 different terms: 10, 15, 20 and 30-year. Choosing your term will be determined by your future financial obligations. For example, a 30-year mortgage would be covered by the purchase of a 30-year term. On the other hand, if your intention is to keep the insurance until death, having “permanent” insurance is the best choice. There are several types of permanent insurance, such as universal and whole life, with each having their own advantages. Comparing a whole life with a universal life policy, the most obvious thing you will notice is the difference in price.
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A universal life policy will cost less than the whole life policy and will accomplish the same goal, which is providing financial security for your beneficiaries at the time of your death. However, a whole life policy may provide better rates of interest on the cash within the policy and can be used as an alternative for CD’s at the bank.
Portable insurance A common misconception of people who have life insurance through the company they work for don’t realize that in most companies, if you leave their company, whether it is by quitting, getting fired, or if the company closes its doors, the life insurance is staying with the company. In other words, you’ll lose the insurance. If you’re unsure if your insurance is “portable,” I would advise you to speak with the “benefits coordinator” through your company. If it’s determined that your life insurance is not portable, I would recommend buying a separate policy that doesn’t depend on your employment with the company. This will ensure your family will be taken care of should something unexpected happen to you. Life insurance is a very important part of every person’s financial plan. Getting the right agent will help in determining the best plan of action for you and your family.
achieve magazine
wellness booking some downtime: something like the gods Reviewed by Tony Parker (t parker1961@msn.com) for Achieve.
So here we go, autumn is coming in, and my running group is ramping up the mileage for our fall marathons. We are training our bodies, focusing on miles, and reading every article we can concerning nutrition, mileage, cross training, and things about our bodies. What we often neglect is training our brains, and one of the best ways to do this is through reading, and boy, have I found an excellent book for you all. Something Like the Gods by Steven Amidon is a tome not only for those athletically inclined, but for every one of us who is enlivened with the passion for sport. Amidon explores and explains to his reader how the athlete reached iconic stature in the western world. He takes us back to ancient Greece as the warrior athlete performs not for his audience but for the gods themselves. The athlete strives to impress and to win, as modern athletes do. In one telling Amidon explains how King Nestor explained to his son Antilochus that he would not tell him how to win the chariot race. And then proceeds to lecture him on the fine points of chariot races and gives him strategy on how to win. Sort of like modern coaches, one would think! Amidon writes with a lyrical style that is music to read. His exploration into the cultural history of athletes and their relationship to their fans is
mental wellness: benefit of laughter Article by Kori Ellis from www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness
Laughter really is the world’s best medicine. Laughter can reduce stress, boost your energy level and strengthen your immune system. Laughter can benefit both your physical and mental health, as well as improve your relationships.
Physical health benefits Laughter decreases stress hormones like cortisol and increases endorphins — the feel-good chemicals in your body. These endorphins improve your mood and even relieve pain. Laughter improves oxygen flow to the heart, brain and other organs, lowers blood pressure and improves circulation — which in turn can help prevent heart attacks, cardiovascular disease and other health problems. Laughter can help your immune system because it increases infectionfighting antibodies and immune cells, thus increasing your resistance to disease. Laughing can also relieve the physical tension in your muscles and joints.
Mental health benefits The mental health benefits of laughter are numerous. It almost instantaneously improves your mood while also relieving stress, anxiety and fear. Because of the release of endorphins, laughter enhances your emotional balance and overall sense of happiness. Laughter and humor help you shift your perspective and can allow you to see negative situations in a different light. Laughter helps trigger positive emotions and remove negative feelings of anxiety and fear.
well researched and presented in a logical order. Among the explorations are chapters dedicated to women athletes and their charge into the modern limelight. Most recently, who cannot say that there was an immediate connection between the Treanor – Jennings team and their fans. We all groaned when a shot was missed, and we all stood on the podium with them as the National Anthem played and gold was given out. There is a defining connection between the athlete and their fan base, no matter what the gender. One of the facts we all have to face is that the western world has and continues to have prejudices. We have been striving and have made great headways in combatting prejudice, and sport has often been the great equalizer. In one chapter titled “Shirt vs. Skins” the author digs deep into the roots of these prejudices and discovers for his readers how we have come to accept athletes as our own regardless of ethnicity or religious make up. It is the hero we worship, not the coward. We live vicariously through the stories of Jesse Owens, Muhammad Ali, and Babe Didrickson. Black or white, male or female, it doesn’t matter; it is the heart and spirit that will always win the day and the admiration of fans everywhere. Something Like the Gods is a book that should grace the shelves of citizen athletes and spectators. Steven Amidon has gifted us with a well written book that allows the reader to understand the cultural aspect of sport and how the athlete relates to society. Autumn is coming on fast, the training goes well, both physically and mentally, in part thanks to Amidon’s book. It is that good.
Quick tip: Learn to laugh at yourself and not take life too seriously. Laughter helps keep things in perspective while benefiting your health in many ways. true feelings more easily. Laughter can also help you become more confident and spontaneous. Additionally, laughing with others can unite people, even in difficult times. It can help you connect, heal disagreements and let go of defensiveness. Laughter can also help you deal with stress and anger, leading to a more positive outlook and attitude. That attitude can help you forge better relationships, personally and professionally. Put yourself in situations where there are plenty of opportunities to laugh — watch funny TV shows and movies, spend time with friends, hang out with children and take part in fun activities.
The social aspect Laughter can improve your relationships with relatives, co-workers, friends and partners. With humor and laughter, you release inhibitions and express your
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wellness nutrition: ‘smart’ goals will help you ‘achieve’ Article By: Kathryn Kolasa PhD, RD, LDN, Professor Emeritus, Brody School of Medicine, Dept. of Family Medicine, East Carolina University
Maria is on her way to achieving a healthier weight. She’s struggled with her weight her entire life. She’ll tell you she’s tried every diet ever thought of, but after losing a few pounds she’d gain even more back. But she is trying once again and this time with success. She has lost almost 20 pounds over the last 6 months. She has not had surgery, doesn’t take medicine, shots or dietary supplements. She IS making small changes in her life style the yield results. Kay Craven, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator at East Carolina University’s Family Medicine Center leads a group of patients through the process of making a weekly SMART goal for healthier eating and physical activity. A SMART goal is one that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
the track three times each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while my daughter is practicing soccer.” Mike, another group participant, is working to lose weight to better manage his high blood pressure. His doctor recommended the DASH Eating Approach, a way of eating that’s rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and low fat dairy scientifically proven to lower high blood pressure, high LDL (or bad) cholesterol and weight. He surprised himself by his successful attempts to reduce the portion size of his meat, a little at a time, and now thinks he needs to try to add vegetables to his diet. But, he doesn’t like vegetables and can’t imagine himself eating five servings a day. He set his SMART goal this week to “add at least one serving of non-starchy vegetables at lunch on at least five days of the week to help improve satiety and work toward achieving the DASH eating plan.” He tells his support group his confidence in his ability to meet this goal is a “five” on a one-to-ten scale with “ten” being “extremely confident.” Another participant suggests he’ll attempt to eat vegetables only three days a week, but he says he wants to set the goal high and will adjust the goal next week if he finds he can’t make it.
Maria has not been physically active during her initial weight loss; she just found it too painful to move. Now that she’s lost 20 pounds she feels that she might be able to do some physical activity but states she can’t afford a gym membership and as a single mom has little time for herself. After discussion she decides she can set a physical activity SMART goal, she’ll “walk around
You don’t have to go to a class or a support group to set SMART goals. Take a few minutes weekly to examine behaviors that’ll help you achieve your goal for a healthy weight or health-promoting diet and make specific, measurable, attainable, and timely goals. You may not achieve a healthier you as fast as you’d like, but little successes lead to permanent lifestyle changes and healthy returns.
yoga vs pilates: which to choose?
Pilates classes are a little more structured. Because of this, you’ll more likely know what to expect when you walk into a pilates class than in a yoga class. Another element often, but not always, brought into yoga is meditation. Many classes use a chant or meditation to bring in the focus and dedication at the beginning, and to seal in and appreciate the benefits at the end.
Article by Paul Jerard from everythingyoga.com
Yoga and pilates are often thrown into the same category. True, they’re similar, but they have major differences many people don’t recognize. There are many different forms of yoga and pilates, which makes determining distinctions between them a tough assignment. But, let’s give it a try.
Difference No. 1: Origin The practice of yoga originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It’s evolved over the centuries and cultures into many different types of yoga: Ashtanga, Kripalu, Bikram and Vineyasa, to name a few. Pilates is much younger, beginning in the mid-20th century by an athlete named Joseph Pilates. He created the exercises as a form of rehabilitation and strengthening. But dance made pilates popular. Dancers around the world modified and utilized the practice to help them become stronger in their training and performance.
Difference No. 4: The Workout In both practices, you’ll gain strength and flexibility. Pilates offers a total body workout focussing on aligning spine and strengthening core. The exercises involve regimented movements to gain core and spine strength. Some classes and one-on-one sessions use machines, while others keep you on the mat and use your body’s resistance to build results. In yoga, you’ll work every muscle equally. Each posture is accompanied by a counter-posture to ensure you create balance in your body. While core-strength is definitely an important element in yoga, it’s more of a piece of yoga, rather than the entire focus.
Difference No. 5: Breathing Techniques
Both yoga and pilates bring an understanding that the mind and body are connected. However, yoga adds an additional element to the mix—the spirit. Exploring spirituality is a huge part of yoga practice, especially via meditation. While pilates focuses on creating an understanding that the mind and body are connected, yoga focuses on the mind/body/spirit connection.
Breathing and concentration techniques are important to both yoga and Pilates. However, yoga uses breath work on a very deep level. In energetic flow-based yoga classes such as Vinyasa or Ashtanga, the practice is called the ujjayi breath, where yogis breathe in and out through the nose, matching these deep breaths to the movements and postures. Often in yoga classes, there will be segments dedicated to breath work, called pranayama. In Pilates practices, you inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Difference No. 3: The Class
Which Practice Is for You?
Each class is different, so it’s tough to pinpoint distinctions. Many yoga classes are flexible in routine. Postures, sequences and variations can be combined into tens of thousands of routines. So it’ll be up to the style of yoga you practice and the teacher guiding you to decide what’s on the agenda. There are some styles that have more of a set plan, such as Ashtanga and Bikram.
If you want your practice to be spiritual and are looking to manage your stress, yoga may be the better option. If your priority is your back and core, Pilates may be a better fit. If you don’t know where to start, try both. If you lean towards one or the other, try them both anyway. That’s the only way to really know which practice you will enjoy and benefit from most. Namaste.
Difference No. 2: Mind and Body…and Spirit
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wellness nutrition: 5 healthy mood foods Article by Michele Borboa, MS from www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness
How many times has that three-serving plate of creamy pasta really made you feel better? As with most high-carb, high-fat comfort foods (in large amounts), you probably feel a momentary mood boost, only to have it plunge into more despair when your stomach is too full and you know you’ve blown your diet. Next time your emotions make a turn for the worst, nosh on these five healthy mood foods.
Raw Organic Peanuts
Oranges You know smelling an orange or lemon scent can perk you up! In addition to being a good-mood air freshener, oranges and other citrus fruit are loaded with vitamin C, which lowers stress, and folic acid, a B vitamin to lift you up.
Peanuts, which are actually closer to a bean than a nut, are loaded with protein and fiber, which can help you avoid the tiredness that makes you an easy target for sadness or anger. This mood food is also a tasty source of healthy fats, vitamin E, folic acid, and other nutrients that can lift your spirits. Go for raw organic peanuts to avoid oils and other preservatives found in roasted nuts. Because nuts are high in calories, keep serving size to about 1-ounce.
Wild Salmon
Dark, Leafy Greens
Whole Grains
My favorite vegetable is a super-food mood booster! Dark, leafy greens are one of the most concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals, and healthpromoting phytonutrients. In particular, dark leafies are packed with folic acid which, if deficient, can lead to depression and other mental issues. These super veggies are also high in magnesium, which is a stress busting mineral that can actually help ward off those dreadful PMS blues.
Whole grains, such as wheat germ and whole grain breads and cereals, are a tasty source of complex carbohydrates, which stabilize blood sugar and give you energy, plus they’re high in B vitamins, key nutrients for good moods. Research has shown vitamin B6 deficiencies can lead to higher stress, irritability, tiredness, and depression. By choosing whole grains, you can get your carb-comfort food fix while boosting your mood without derailing your diet.
Send blue moods downstream with wild salmon. This buttery-rich fish is filled with omega-3 fatty acids, shown to reduce anger, anxiety, and depression. Omega-3s may also help manage symptoms of mental health disorders and improve sleep quality, which helps boost mood. Salmon is also a quality protein, which can prevent mood swings related to blood sugar fluctuations.
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wellness corporate wellness: creating an employee wellness program Article from www.wellnessproposals.com
Having an Employee Wellness program in place can boost morale, improve health and fitness and increase productivity in the workplace. By starting healthful consuming habits, exercise and offering incentives, your workers will not only sign up for the Employee Wellness program, but they will stick with it. Does your corporation have an onsite fitness club that employees have access to? If not, offering free or discounted fitness club memberships to a local fitness club may be an effective method for getting employees to exercise. Whether the fitness club is on or off-site however, authorizing employees to use the facility during work hours, such as on their lunch break, will increase the likelihood that they’ll exercise. Rewarding employees’ achievements is another way to keep them excited and living a healthful lifestyle. Establishing corporation objectives like collectively walking a certain number of miles, supports team building. Offering incentives like gift cards, certificates of achievement, and even a day off work could be effective ways to keep participation levels up. Since there will likely be less sick days being used due to disease, your corpo-
ration could be able to afford to offer a day off pass as an incentive. These incentives do not have to be expensive, just valuable to the worker. Providing a healthy lunch once a week for employees participating in the corporate health plan, is a great way to promote healthy consuming. Offering an incentive of healthy, scrumptious, free food is one way to reward employees for their efforts while supporting their new healthy lifestyle. Having an Employee Wellness program in place will also provide long term benefits to both the corporation and the workers. This is one corporate plan that is certainly worth your time and money!
Advantages of Employee Wellness Programs Employee Wellness programs have been shown to reduce absenteeism, staff member turnover rates, and healthcare costs. It’s a key piece of a organization’s success. the results of these programs lead to higher productivity, which in the end leads to a more profitable company. In order for these programs to run properly and produce results they must have a clear operating plan with an attainable and measurable goal. The programs must also encourage all staff members to lead a healthful lifestyle while at work and at home. Employee Wellness programs have been introduced to businesses all over the United States to make workers healthier and in turn happier. Companies which implement these programs do so to varying degrees. Some simply offer literature about how to live a healthy lifestyle and reduce stress while at work. Some corporations offer health screenings and health risk assessments for free during the year to help employees understand what’s going on with their health and what they are able to do to improve it. At the top of the list, there are the companies which offer free, on-site health clubs and aerobics programs to be used at lunchtime breaks or after work. No matter what is offered it would be a waste not to take advantage of these Employee Wellness programs. It requires cautious planning and thought to begin Employee Wellness programs. Once a program is put into place it is very important to reassess and analyze it several times in order to reach the primary goal – healthier workers. All the programs that are put in place ought to be assessed after a determined time frame to help the business understand what needs to be changed or kept in place to maintain Employee Wellness.
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wellness active adult: tips to get active Article from www.phac-aspc.gc.ca
Physical activity plays an important role in your health, well-being and quality of life. These tips will help you improve and maintain your health by being physically active every day.
thening activities, muscles push and pull against bones. This helps make bones stronger. Examples of muscle-strengthening activities include climbing stairs, digging in the garden, lifting weights, push-ups and curl-ups. Examples of bone-strengthening activities include yoga, walking and running.
Every step counts!
• Take part in at least 2.5 hours of moderate-to vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week. • Spread out the activities into sessions of 10 minutes or more. • It is beneficial to add muscle and bone strengthening activities using major muscle groups at least twice a week. This’ll help your posture and balance.
If you’re not active now, adding any amount of physical activity can bring some health benefits. Take a step in the right direction. Start now and slowly increase your physical activity to meet the recommendations.
Tips to help you get active
That means the more you do, the better you’ll feel. Get active and see what you can accomplish! Move more!
• Find an activity you like such as swimming or cycling. • Minutes count — increase your activity level 10 minutes at a time. Every little bit helps. • Active time can be social time — look for group activities or classes in your community, or get your family or friends to be active with you. • Walk wherever and whenever you can. • Take the stairs instead of the elevator, when possible. • Carry your groceries home. • Start slowly... Listen to your body... Every step counts
More physical activity provides greater health benefits!
Is physical activity safe for everyone? The recommended level of physical activity applies to all adults aged 65 years and older who do not have a suspected or diagnosed medical condition. Consult a health professional if you are unsure about the types and amounts of physical activity most appropriate for you.
The Health Benefits of Being Active • • • •
Improve your balance Reduce falls and injuries Help you stay independent longer Help prevent heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, some cancers and premature death
Aerobic activity, like pushing a lawn mower, taking a dance class, or biking to and from the store, is continuous movement that makes you feel warm and breathe deeply. Strengthening activity, like lifting weights or yoga, keeps muscles and bones strong and prevents bone loss. It will also improve your balance and posture.
What is moderate aerobic activity? Moderate-intensity aerobic activity makes you breathe harder and your heart beat faster. You should be able to talk, but not sing. Examples of moderate activity include walking quickly or bike riding.
What is vigorous aerobic activity? Vigorous-intensity aerobic activity makes your heart rate increase quite a bit and you won’t be able to say more than a few words without needing to catch your breath. Examples of vigorous activity include jogging or crosscountry skiing.
What are strengthening activities? Muscle-strengthening activities build up your muscles. With bone-streng-
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wellness massage: fortunate forearms Article by Rosalie Jacobi Hutchens, BFA, LMBT, NC License #5792 Touch Matters Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork touchmatters1@suddenlink.net / www.touchmattersofgreenville.com / www.hhpofenc.com / (252) 717-0012
Those moments in a massage session when the therapist works on my forearms and hands can feel like magic. While nothing replaces having a licensed massage and bodywork therapist give skilled, professional touch to the upper limbs, here is some practical advice for giving your self a treatment for the forearms. But first…
…A bit of anatomy Some of the muscles involved in movement of the hand are actually located in the forearm. Meet the flexors, extensors, pronators, and supinators.
Flexors/extensors The wrist flexors are the muscles on the inside (non-hairy side) of the forearm and the extensors are on the outside (hairy side). To feel these working, grab as much of the middle of your forearm as you can with the opposite hand, and move your wrist up and down. For most people, the flexors are stronger and tighter than the extensors and can use some release.
Pronators/supinators The pronators rotate the forearm so that the palm faces downward and the
supinators rotate the forearm upward. To isolate the pronators of the left forearm from the shoulder rotators, tuck your left elbow tightly at your side, and move your forearm so that your palm faces downward. The supinator will turn the palm back to face upward. Repetitive twisting movements can fatigue these muscles, especially the pronators.
The hand – see a pro When it comes to massaging the hand itself, truthfully I find self-massage of the hand less than satisfactory. I rely on my monthly massage therapy appointment for this work, so let’s concentrate this mini-session on the forearms.
First, cross fiber Cross fiber friction is an oil-less, non-gliding stroke used to prevent or release adhesions. Try this on your left forearm. In a seated comfortable position, rest your right forearm across your abdomen. Rest your left forearm in the V formed by your right thumb and forefinger. Grip firmly. Rotate forearm slowly in both directions for a minute or so. Repeat at finger-width intervals.
Be stretched and be strong Forearm flexors often need stretching, while extensors need strengthening. Strong forearm extensors as well as finger abductors (the finger spreaders) can help reduce tension and increase stability. To affect both, hold out your arm with your hand up (as if to stop traffic) and fingers separated at maximum width. Feel the bulked up muscles on top of the forearm, and the lengthened and stretched flexors on the bottom. Hold for two seconds, release, and repeat 10-15 times. For added stretch, gently pull the extended fingers toward you.
Use your ulna The ulna bone on the little finger side of your forearm makes a great massage tool. Glide your right ulna slowly down from the elbow crease to the wrist. Only go to the depth that feels right. Repeat several times. You may want to use a few drops of oil or lotion.
A great finish Finish your massage with some long gliding strokes from the wrist all the way up the arm to the shoulder. Gently shake out the arm and repeat on other side. Lastly, see your massage and bodywork therapist when a professional’s touch is called for. Increased circulation, relief of muscle tension, and improved flexibility will help keep the forearm tissues, and the rest of the body, healthy and pliable.
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fitness sports med: exercise & stress relief Article by John K. Briley, MA, CSCS, Vidant Wellness Center, Greenville
In today’s world there is no escaping stress. The good news is that while we can’t control the stress of our daily lives, we can control how we deal with it. Our response to stress is largely physiological; our muscles stiffen, our respiration quickens, and our appetite peaks. The best way to manage stress is through simple exercises designed to decrease and counteract the body’s natural stress response. Deep Breathing: Find a quiet spot where you can lie down. Take a series of deep breaths, focusing on fully inhaling for a count of four and exhaling fully for a count of four. Focus on this pattern of breathing. Try to connect each exhalation with the next inhalation to form a circle of sorts. This pattern of deep, rhythmic breathing will help you to lower your heart rate and calm your thoughts. Stretching: Most people “carry” stress in their shoulders and neck. Stretching
cycling: 10 tips for cycling safety Article from www.yieldtolife.org
Cycling Citizenship -Along with the right to cycle comes responsibility. Familiarize yourself with all applicable traffic laws and cycling rules. Each state has its own set; be aware of them. Motorists will be much more willing to accept cyclist’s rightful place on the road if cyclists act lawfully and respectfully. Do not run stop signs or red lights or use the wrong side of the street. It is best and safest to ride single file. If you are not blocking traffic and if the laws in your state permit it, there are times it is safe to ride two abreast. However, on narrow curvy canyon roads it is always best to ride single file. Riding responsibly will do wonders towards easing tensions and fostering a more harmonious environment between motorists and cyclists.
Right On - It’s generally either illegal or unsafe to ride on a sidewalk or on the road towards oncoming traffic. As a rule, it’s best to ride in the direction of traffic, staying as far to the right as is practical. However, make sure there is room to handle emergencies and that you do not ride so close to the right that you run the risk of hitting the curb and being thrown into traffic. There are times when you simply cannot stay to the far right—whether it’s to overtake another cyclist or vehicle, to make a left turn, or to avoid a hazard. Wait for a safe opportunity. Use the proper hand signals when taking a lane.
Join In - If you’re traveling at the same speed as other traffic, it may be safer to jump in and ride with traffic; because, this may make you more visible to motorists. Joining traffic is sometimes necessary because the road is simply too narrow for a bike and a car. It’s a particularly good idea to take a lane and join traffic before an intersection to make your presence known—especially for right-turning drivers who may not see you as they start their turn. When you do join traffic, never pass on the right! This is always dangerous, but particularly in an intersection. By waiting directly behind a vehicle, you can see a car’s signals; otherwise, you never know if the motorist is about to make a right turn and hit you.
Seeing Eye to Eye - Make eye contract with drivers whenever possible. This
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this area can make a huge difference. Find a seat where you can sit with nice posture, a supported lower back and both feet on the floor. While inhaling, slowly roll your shoulders forward and up in an exaggerated shrugging motion. Continue the motion by rolling your shoulders back and down, and exhaling. Focus on timing your shoulder rolls with your breathing. While your still seated, exhale deeply and slowly roll your torso forward as if you intended to touch your toes. As you move, imagine your spine is a stack of blocks and that they are toppling over as you move. Inhale and slowly return to your original position by restacking the “blocks.” Hydrate: Simply sip a bottle of water. The water will hydrate your body, helping muscles function more efficiently and may help fight some tension. Yoga: People who regularly practice yoga will tell you it’s an escape! This ancient art is an excellent combination of focused breathing, flexibility, and relaxation. Access to yoga is easier than ever before with many gyms and wellness centers having classes, as well as yoga-devoted centers that offer expert-led programs.
ensures that the motorists see you and helps you assert your rightful place on the road. This “personal connection” reminds motorists that you’re indeed real LIFE in need of attention and protection. Once you make that connection, motorists may give you more respect on the road.
Use Your Head - Regardless if you’re going to the corner store or heading out on a marathon ride, always wear a helmet. Make sure it’s properly fastened and fitted. It should fit snugly and not move when you shake your head.
The Road Straightly Traveled - Try to ride consistently and predictably. For instance, at an intersection, don’t veer into the crosswalk and suddenly reappear on the road again. Don’t thread through parked cars. With erratic behavior, motorists won’t be aware of you when you try to re-emerge into traffic. Inconsistent conduct increases your chances of being squeezed out of traffic or, worse, getting hit.
Playing Defense - Be aware of your surroundings. Know what’s behind you and watch out for what’s in front of you. Be on the lookout for road hazards; sand and gravel, glass, railroad tracks, parked cars, snow and slush can wreak havoc on you and your bike. Sewer grates and cracks in the road can catch your wheel and cause you to be thrown from the bike. Watch for parked cars where people may be opening doors on the driver side of the vehicle without looking. Wait until you have ample time to make your move, whether you’re changing a lane or turning a corner. Don’t expect to be granted the right of way.
Flaunt It - Make your presence felt. Wear bright color clothing. At night or in inclement weather, it is important to use reflective lights in the front, side and rear that make you visible from all directions. Helping Hands - Emergencies happen. Be prepared. Make sure you have at least one hand on your handlebars, no matter what. Know and use your hand signals whenever you are changing lanes or making a turn.
Brake Away - Make sure your brakes are always in top-notch condition. Be aware of how weather and road conditions can effect braking ability.
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fitness personal training: a 20-minute circuit workout Article by Stew Smith, former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Check out Military.com Fitness eBook store and the Stew Smith article archive at Military.com. Email: stew@stewsmith.com.
Lose Fat, Build Muscles With Circuit Training When the weather turns cold, I receive many emails discussing running in the cold weather, or alternative exercises you can do in the weight room that will also have a cardiovascular effect. Circuit training is one of the best ways to make a resistance and strength training workout that is also challenging for your heart and lungs. This 20-minute workout that will take you to your maximum physical effort as well as your maximum heart rate. The object of this workout is not to rest in between exercises. You will see that one minute of a particular exercise will burn out the targeted muscle group as well as increase your heart rate to a fat and sugar burning zone. Try this 20 minute workout — if it’s not challenging enough, try it again, totaling only 40 minutes of your time in the weight room.
20 Minutes Circuit Workout 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Bench press* or pushups - max in 1:00 Squats - max in 1:00 Pullups or pulldowns - 1:00 Bike or jog - 3:00 Military press* - 1:00
6) Lunges - 1:00 each leg 7) Bicep curls - 1:00 8) Bike or jog - 3:00 9) Tricep extensions.- 1:00 10) Leg ext - 1:00 (requires leg machines - or repeat squats with weights) 11) Leg curls - 1:00 (requires leg machines - or repeat lunges with weights) 12) Situps - 2:00 13) Crunches - 2:00 14) Stretch *choose light weights for max reps There are an unlimited number of ways to organize a circuit workout. This workout is organized by upper body, lower body and cardiovascular exercises. By simply doing the upper body and lower body exercises in such a way, you will be able to rest your upper body muscles while you workout your lower body muscles, but you’ll never rest your heart. This is how you make the circuit workout challenging to your cardiovascular system as well as your major muscle groups. Studies have shown that mixing a resistance training regimen with a cardiovascular element will increase your metabolism, therefore burning fat and building muscle. The result is a decrease in body fat percentage. If you’re looking to lose inches and body fat, workouts like this coupled with 4-5 smaller meals and 3-4 quarts of water everyday will help you achieve your goal. The best thing about this diet program is that you don’t need a single dietary supplement — just good old fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and other lean meats. The key is to burn more calories than you take in and this workout will help you with that - promise.
Eat and Hydrate You may not have burned a ton of calories, but you still need to make sure you replace the calories you lost. You won’t need a lot, so look for things at the race that have extra nutrients such as oranges or bananas. You may also want to pack your favorite energy bar to help refuel after your race. Be careful you don’t overeat. Just because you finished the race doesn’t mean you can eat like a king (or queen). No matter what your speed was, make sure you rehydrate. Replacing the fluids you lost is essential to help prevent any headaches, and muscle cramping.
The Day After
running: how to recover after a 5K Article by Erik Ammon for Active.com
So, you’ve just run a 5K. Use these tips to bounce back into pre-race shape:
Cool Down After your race, don’t just stop running. It’s important for your muscles to cool down. Your cool down could simply be walking for five to 10 minutes or a slow run for a mile or two. Whichever you choose, it’ll help get the lactic acid out of your muscles, prevent your muscles from tightening, and also keep the blood flowing through your system to help with muscle repair. After the walk or slow run, some light stretching will help as well. Don’t stretch too vigorously—just enough to sooth your muscles. If you happen to have a massage stick or foam roller, take the time to roll out your muscles. Or give your legs a massage.
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The day after your 5K, go for a short, easy-paced run. This will help get the blood flowing through your system to aid in muscle repair. A short run can also help to alleviate any aches you may feel. If your quads or calves are sore, ice them down. Icing can help reduce the pain and inflammation in your aching muscles. Don’t hesitate to foam roll or massage again. Even if they’re sore, your muscles will appreciate the massage.
The Week After What about the rest of the week? If your 5K was on a Sunday, Monday would be your recovery run. Here’s what the rest of the week should look like: Tuesday: Rest Wednesday: A normal, average run. Not too fast, not too long. Thursday: If you’re up for it, back to speed work. Friday: Resume your normal running schedule. Saturday: Register for another race.
achieve magazine
fitness Consider Carbs The more strenuous the hike, the more carbs and fat your body will use. “All of us have enough fat already to go on an all-day hike,” says Galati, “but we don’t necessarily have enough carbs in our systems for a hike.” Here are some options: • Fruits are carbohydrates easily broken down into fuel by the body. • Energy bars can provide complex carbohydrates, fiber and lasting energy. Read labels and choose bars with a blend of complex carbs, protein and fat. • Trail mix — usually a mix of nuts and dried fruits, breakfast cereal and even chocolate — provides a mix of simple and complex carbs, protein and fat.
Layer It Put on garments made of wicking fabrics to keep the warmth in and sweat away from your body. Adding and removing layers when you need to can help regulate body temperature throughout a long hike with varying elevations.
outdoor adventure: get fit with hiking Article from www.eatbetteramerica.com.
Feel exhilarated as you get in touch with nature and become more fit — it’s all right outside your door. Whether you plan a short hike or a long excursion, there are steps you can take to make your adventure a success. “One of the best things you can do to ensure a great hike is to plan ahead,” says Todd Galati, certified personal trainer with the American Council on Exercise. Here’s how:
Train for Success — A relatively short hike — one to two hours — might not
Think Safety! Here’s a list of the Basics: • Bring a first-aid kit in case you get a scrape, splinter or are stung by an bug. • A thermal blanket — about as big as a man’s wallet when folded — can keep you warm in an emergency. • Be aware of potential bad weather the day of your trip and reschedule if necessary. A ranger station is usually up-to-date on trail and weather conditions, so be sure to check in when you arrive. • Tell someone where and when you’re going, and when you’ll return. Bring your cell phone! • Bring along trail maps and a compass. A GPS can be helpful, too.
require lots of training, but a longer hike means a different kind of preparation. Do extra legwork. Hiking can tax your muscles if they’re not well conditioned. And although it may seem easier, going downhill can be harder on muscles than going up. Consider a little extra quad, hamstring, glute and calf muscle work at the gym to minimize muscle fatigue during and after your hike. • Use a leg press machine to strengthen quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves. • Do some hamstring curls with a stability ball. Lie on the floor with your calves on top of the ball, upper back and shoulders on the floor and arms out to the sides. Raise hips and lower back off the ground so they form a straight line with your legs. Keeping abs tight, pull the ball toward butt by digging heels into the ball until feet are flat and knees and butt are high in the air. Pause then push the ball away from you until your legs are straight. • Do some lunges to strengthen glutes, hamstrings, calves and quads.
Aim for 10% — Know how much time your hike will take, and do shorter hikes until you’re within 10% of your estimated hike time. “You don’t want to make more than a 10% jump in exercise time from one week to another or you may put yourself at risk for injury,” says Galati.
Do a Dress Rehearsal — During training, carry a pack that’ll be similar in weight to the pack you’ll take on your hike. Train with the shoes you’ll wear on your hike — broken-in shoes are best for blister prevention.
Pack Up Rather than toss a bunch of things into a pack at the last minute, think about what you’ll need on a particular hike.
Be a Camel Plenty of water is essential on a hike to prevent dehydration, but be aware that each quart weighs 2 pounds. “If you’re hiking for three hours or less, you can usually carry the water you need,” says Galati. “Otherwise you’ll need some sources on the trail.” Learn where they are ahead of time.
fall ‘12
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fitness october-december 2012 Runs, Walks, Races, Events, etc. Oct 6
Road Warrior 5K, Chocowinity, NC
Oct 6
East NC Double Century, Kinston, NC
Oct 6
Good Samaritan Run, Greenville, NC
Oct 13
Peanut Festival 5K, Edenton, NC
Oct 13
Trick-or-Treat Trot Costume Run, Kinston, NC
Oct 14
Mumfest 5k, New Bern, NC
Oct 14
Halloween Hustle 5K & 1M, Greenville, NC
Oct. 20
Neuse River Bridge Run, New Bern, NC Info/Register: bridgerun.org 5K Walk and Run / 10K Run / Half-Marathon
Oct 20
Triathlon, Emerald Isle, NC
Oct 20
Sam's Run 5K, Greenville, NC
Oct 20
Preservation 5K Pirate Run / Walk, Bath, NC
Oct 21
Leo Jenkins Cancer Center Pink Ribbon Run, Greenville, NC
Oct 27 - Nov 2
Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info: kinstonultra.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: active.com
Info/Register: active.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com
Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com
North Carolina's Outer Banks Bike Tour
Info/Register: active.com
Oct 27
Run Your BOOty Off 5K & 1M, Morehead City, NC
Oct 27
Eagle's Wings 5K Race Against Hunger, Washington, NC
Oct 27
Colonial Stand-Up Paddleboard (SUP), New Bern, NC
Oct 28
The Monster Dash 8K & Fun Run, Greenville, NC
Nov 3
Mercy Matters 5K, Edenton, NC
Nov 3 - Nov 9
Info/Register: runtheeast.com
Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: active.com
Info/Register: runtheeast.com
Info/Register: fsseries.com
North Carolina's Outer Banks Bike Tour
Info/Register: active.com
Nov 7
DARC Shagging for a Cause w/ the Band of Oz, Greenville, NC Info: lbunger@darcnc.org
Nov 10
Pirate Chase 10K & Pirate Pediatrics 1 Mile Fun Run, Greenville, NC
Nov 11
World Run Day 2012, Greenville, NC
Nov 17
Martin Co. Turkey Trot 5K/1M, Williamston, NC
Nov 17
Goose Creek Trail Races, Washington, NC
Nov 18
AmaXIng Challenge Step It Up 5K, Greenville, NC
Nov 22
Twin Rivers YMCA Turkey Trot, New Bern, NC
Nov 22
YMCA Turkey Trot, Goldsboro, NC
Nov 22
Beau's Buddies Turkey Trot for Tots, Greenville, NC
Dec 2
Reindeer Dash for Cash, Greenville, NC
Dec 8
Run for a Reason 5K, Greenville, NC
Dec 9
Ayden Jingle All the Way 5K, Ayden, NC
Dec 9
Hillbilly Hike Obstacle Race, Goldsboro, NC
Info/Register: active.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com
Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com
Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com
Info/Register: reindeerdashforcash.org Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: runtheeast.com Info/Register: active.com
_______________________________________________________ The fall and winter are filled with events. Unfortunately, there are too many to list. Visit these sites for information on these and other events: active.com, ecrr.us, runtheeast.com, runnc.com, and ncroadrunners.org. To submit to the calendar of events, email: Kathryn@ImpressionsGroupLLC.com
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