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The UW Student Newspaper

888-4048 Friday May 6,1494 Volume 17, Number 1

Take me to vour leaders by Kieran Green Imprint staff

sity Affairs department are working on the Federation restructuring presently. Cole plans to have the commissioners for each of the three ’ superboards’ hired soon. While admitting that most proj ects are not seen to fruition by the Fed government that initiates them, Cole hopes to see the street captains plan established during her term. Street captains are students living offcampus who would help first year shrdents living in their area to adjust to university life. Cole is also considering implementing the contentious idea of a ‘wornens’ time’ for campus weight rooms. Other projects on the University Affairs drawing board are the creation of a student food bank, the extension of the PALS program, and the establishment of “Go Co-op!“-a sort of travel guide to co-op placement cities. The Operations and Finance department, under Christine Dewhurst, is looking into creating a policy for the allocation of space in the new Student Life Centre. Dewhurst also wants to meet with all clubs on campus to devise a club handbook, an information booklet on all campus clubs. She hopes to improve information dissemination on campus through the possible purchase of an electronic bulletin board and through the creation of a Fed newsletter. Codrington is presently most concerned with getting the Fed office organized and with establishing contacts with other universities. He has also been looking into the issue of insurance for international students. All in all, the Feds have high hopes for 1994-95. Says Codrington, “The University of Wate%loo is really an easy campus to work on.”


Cover and

by Dave Fisher Jack Lefcourt

Editorial Board Editor Assistant News Arts Sports Photo Features Science

in chief Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor

Sandy Atwal Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant

Staff 4dvertising/Fkoduction Production Assistant General Manager ldvertising



Laurie Tigert-Dumas vacant Vivian Tambeau vacant vacant

Board of Directors President Vice President Secreatary/Treasurer Director-at-Large

Heather Robinson Natalie Onuska

Gillian O’Hagan Cheryl Costello

Contribution List Andrew Caron, James Castle, Jean Cockbum, Peter Brown, Ken Bryson, Nicholas Currie, Dave Fisher, Kieran Green, Peter Hoflich, Greg Hood-Morris, John Hymers Esq., Elena Johnson, John Jylanne, M.M. Knez, Greg Krafchick, Jack Lefcourt, John Mill, Toan Ngo, Craig Nickerson, Alex Niell, Daryl Novak, Natalie Onushka, Sammy Parekh, Kat M. Piro, Heather Robinson, Kaled Sharaf, Suzi Sparks, Penelope Spheeris, Lisa Sutton, Dave Thomson, Graham Tomlinson, Rob Vickers, Derek Weiler

Imprint is the offficial student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA.) Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 07067380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint@watserv

he new Federation of Stu dents executive have sur vived their first week at the reins of power. At an interview this Tuesday, the team of Codrington, Cole, and Dewhurst expressed their optimism about the year ahead. “I know this sounds clichk, but I think it’s going to be an exciting year,” stated Federation President Steve Codrington. During the election last February, Codrington and Vice President of Operations and Finance Christine Dewhurst ran together as a team, but Vice President of University Affairs Julie Cole ran on a different ‘big ticket’. The new Feds don’t feel that those past differences will impede their ability to work as a team over the coming year, and believe, in fact, that differences lead to healthy, positive debate. “We’re in a position where we’ve gotten to know each other quite well,” commented Cole. “It’s all about give and take and compromising, and the good thing is, when you have different views, you can hash it out and come up with the best option.” The election saw a voter turnout of only seventeen percent of eligible voters. Cole stressed the fact that this does not indicate extreme apathy on the part of UW students. Comparatively, she says, that number is in the norm for university elections. The trio also felt that. their mandate in office is not compromised by the fact that they were voted in by less than seventeen percent of the student body. “First of all, are we respon-

News by Lisa Imprint

Sutton staff


anuary 7, 1994 UW pro poses to implement Ancil lary Fees for September 1994. The fees would cover existing student services and would cost students up to as much as $100 per term. No decision on the fees had been made by the Board.of Govenors at this time. January 14,1994 Campus Centre construction begins. The new complex will eventually be three stories tall and will include new clubrooms, a main floor food court and a large general room that will house speakers and movie night. Construction is planned to be finished in September 1995. January 21, 1994 The Ontario Government proposes plans to help students repay their debts: The Loan Forgiveness Program.

Codrington, then posing

Cole and Dewhurst: at one end of them.

sible to that other eighty percent? Yes,” asserted Codrington. “How will we do so, since they are obviously not a vocal majority? We are going to have to go and find out what they think.” Codrington outlined some ideas for reaching all UW students, including classroom visits and surveys and polls. The Feds are also considering establishing anew method of conducting elec-


tions, yet.



but have no details

as of

The restructuring ofthe Federation of Students currently being undertaken is also expected to increase student involvement and improve service. Each of the three executive also described some of the projects currently being undertaken by their individual departments. Julie Cole and the Univer-

On The March The new system forgives students who studied for two term any money borrowed above and beyond $5 570. For four terms the maximun amount to be repayed is $11 140 and $22 280 after four years. January 28, 1994 The North Campus Recreation facilities officially opens. The building more commonly known as Columbia Icefields contains a glassed-in gymnasium that can accomodate basketball, badminton, floor and ball hockey and indoor soccer. February 4, 1994 The computer newsgroups are banned from the University of Waterloo’s Internet computer system. The UW Ethics Committee investigated complaints ptimarily from the UW Women’s Centre and decided that the five newsgroups contained material that was contrary to the ctiinal code’s obscenity laws.

February 11, 1994 Sunera Thobani, President of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women spoke at UW Thobani spoke on several sensitive topics such as sexism and racism within university communities.

computer related thefts totalling approximately $10 000 have occured at the University of Waterloo since February. Threedisk drives worthabout $5 000 and two Hewlett Packert laser printers worth about $ I 800 were some of the equipment stolen. Campus Security says that the thefts may be related.

Feruary 18, 1994 UW took to the polls and elected their new Feds. Students voted decisively in favor of Steve Codrington for president, Christine Dewhurst for VPOF and Julie Cole as VPUA. This year 17 per cent of the eligible student population turned out to vote. This figure is lower than the previous two elections.

March 25,1994 Tuition increases are announced. The final figures for the 1994-95 academic year are as follotis: undergraduate arts and science will increase by $202 to $2 228 for two academic terms.

March 11,1994 Imprint elects the ever-brave Sandy Atwal as

March 25,1994 Two patrons left Fed Hall with multiple injuries after they were punched to the ground following a concert. The

their new editor-in-chief.



a seasoned Imprint writer plans to keep the paper alive as Ken Bryson steps off of the podium. March

18, 1994




were taken to K-W


and later released. Charges of assault causing bodily harm were laid against two Board of Entertainment security guards.


Imprint, Friday, May 6,1994

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June 30, 1494

by Sandy Atwal Imprint staf?f

n the midst of a recession, international students are being told by the NDP that they will now have to fend for themselves when it comes to health insurance. Ruth Grier, Ontario’s health minister, announced March 3 1 that effective June 30, non-residents, including intemationaf students, will no longer be eligible for OHIP and will have to find some other means of paying for medical cxpenses. This has left Universities scrambling to make other accommodations for their students, and has left the over 27 000 foreign students in Ontario (over 600 at UW alone) looking to private insurance. The short lead time in finding alternative health care has left several foreign students upset, complaining that this is hardly enough time to make provisions. Hossein Karimian, a third year PhD Mechanical Engineering student from Iran, and Cccilio Pimentel a first year PhD student in Electrical Engineering from Brazil are just two UW students who are confused

and upset over the cancellation of OHIP. Both see the government’s move as a betrayal of trust. They, like many other international students came agreeing to pay more tuition, $14 000 a year, on the un-

derstanding that they would be covered by OHIP. A petition sent by students from the Univesity of Guelph to Ontario health minister Ruth Grier echoed similar sentiments, adding that “It would be foolish in the extreme to engage in any action which would make Ontario universities unwelcoming to international student participation.” John Ingle Insurance Company

has contacted many universities in lLhopes of covering their students, however they cannot afford to take on individual students with preexisting conditions such as a heart condition or a pregnancy. Margaret Blunt, the Student National Sales advisor clarified however that if application for insurance was co-ordinated through the university and was made mandatory at pre-registration, then John Ingle could insure the students. John Ingle provides this type of insurance for over 800 other universities and colleges in Canada. Sandie Hurlburt, from UW’s personnel department stated that the University is in coordination with the Council of Ontario Universities (COU), to make arrangements with an insurance agency to provide coverage for international students. The COU is also lobbying the government to extend OHIP coverage until the end of this school term. Hurlburt stated that by the middle of May, Waterloo should have a plan in place for foreign students to be covered by an alternate insurance plan. Students with questions or concerns should contact Sandie Hurlburt at extension 3’780.

Ezra street bash to be repeated *print packages available *we supply gowns & colours for UW & WLU *personalized, professional sewice



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by Sammy Parekh special to Imprint ,,/

By special arrangement with a chartered Canadian bank, we can put you into a new Mazda before you graduate. If you have a job waiting for you upon graduating, give us a call or stop by our showroom for details on this exclusive offer for graduates.



I a‘I

OHIP cancelled for foreign students





here was an end of term street party on Thursday, April 21 that was one of the biggest ones to hit city streets. There were approximately 600 Waterloo and Laurier students celebrating the end of exams in and around Ezra street that will give local residents a night to remember. Many frustrated neighbors confronted the partying students outside their homes, and there were even some neighbor-student scuffles that took place. Twenty-one police officers from the tri-city area were needed to control the party and city works had to be called in to clean up the broken glass that carpeted the city street. The broken glass was a primary concern for the neighbors and city officials. The clean up by the city works for the glass cost the city around $400 and there was also the cost of overtime for many extra officers that had to be called in. The only charges laid from the entire bash were a couple of noise by-law violations. City of Waterloo Mayor Brian Turnbull has personally taken the matter very seriously, and has publicly said, “we are not going to allow it to happen again.” The Mayor wants the Universities to claim the responsibility

for the event, but University administration has claimed that they are not responsible for student activities offcampus. Mayor Tumbull claims that if the University does not take responsibility, it will lead to a bad image of the schools and may affect future alumni support. Mayor Tumbull is citing a similar situation at Queen’s University in Kingston. A meeting was held last week with City officials and representatives from student unions of both Waterloo and Laurier to discuss ways of preventing a party of this magnitude to occur again. Uptown ward councillor Tricia Siemens said that viable suggestions were brought up to help prevent a repeat of the event. With the fall term’s orientation parties coming, these suggestions may be important to consider. Councilfor Siemens has had to field lots of calls from angry, frustrated residents since the party. She said that most of the residents understand that students need to relieve their stress and that they are used to living around students and their brand of parties, however, when



get to the size

and damage level of the latest one, their tolerance is put to the test. The recommendations from the meeting included having an organi-zed party at Columbia Lake or


Seagram stadium, where the students could have their fun without worrying about noise and disturbing local residents. Another idea was to try to avoid having exams all end on the same day for both schools. This might prevent a large scale party from forming. Changes may be made to municipal by-laws for stricter penalties for noise and other related issues. It was said that on any given night there is only one by-law enforcement agent on duty. This delinitely makes it hard to keep up on the complaints around the city. Jim Wilgar, the chairman of the meeting, says that progress was made and that the issues have been identified for &ture discussions. It was a good opportunity for all the different sides to voice their opinions and concerns. Concerning the schools sharing the $400 clean up charge, the student representatives will consider the alternatives. The point of concern is that of the extent of the responsibility of the schools for student actions. If the schools do cover this, it might extrapolate to other situations. Meanwhile, the various parties can think over the ideas and suggestions from the meeting and come to some resolution before the next scheduled meeting, which is set for June 7.

Imprint, Friday, May t&l994



is waiting

by Sammy Parekh special to Imprint he Ann Arbor hash bash is known as the year’s first big hemp legalization rally. Through the US, there are several big hemp rallies which are spread out throughout the year; another big one is Weedstock, held in Chicago. The Ann Arbor Bash has been an annual event that started in 1982, where less than a hundred people showed up, to recent times where it has reached close to ten thousand. I had only heard of this event last year and decided to make the trip, along with a few friends, to Ann Arbor to see what it was all about. The bash takes place at the University of Michigan campus and traditionally on the first weekend in April. It was surprising to hear that a hemp rally was allowed on a University campus, but I soon found out the school has tried to ban the bash in the past years, but has failed in its attempts. We left early Saturday morningand arrived in Ann Arbor around 2 in the afternoon. It turns out to bc about a four hour drive from Watcrloo. We. ended up having an “interesting”delay at the US border where they thoroughly searched the car and checked our identification. As we approached the University of Michigan, the streets were becoming more and more packed with crowds of people, until we arrived at the main street of the


school where there was nothing but a sea of ralliers. Coming towards the street it almost seemed like a May 24 weekend in Grand Bend. Even though I had heard of the huge turnout, it was still astounding to see all the people that actually

showed support for the hemp cause. Along all the streets in the area, there were vendors set up, selling anything and everything related to hemp ( except hemp itself.) WC saw everything from home-made pipes to shirts made from hemp cloth. The prices for most of the items were a little expensive, and taking the lousy currency exchange into the equation made it even worse. We eventually found out that the center of the bash was the University square called the Diag. This was completely full of all types of people. The turnout included people of all ages and all kinds of backgrounds. There were security and policemen patrolling the area, but it

for you seemed they were basically letting everyone do their own thing. People were smoking up throughout the large crowds, but were being cautious. Walking around we heard different people giving speeches on legalization issues, and others handing out free literature on the subject. The friendly atmosphere was really evident from being around the people. One of the focal points in the Diag was a large rhythm jam involving all types of drums and congas. It was really great to listen to the amazing beats they played and it got the ‘crowds going. An interesting part of the day occurred when some older man came out to the crowds with a bible and a sign around him that read , “Hell Is Waiting For You.” He then began to preach his word to the crowd. The crowds formed a circle around him and were just laughing at him. It was good to see nobody became violent. Eventually they got him to leave the area. AM Arbor is really an attractive clean town and makes for a great day trip to see the area. The bash ended up getting good media coverage on all local stations from Detroit to Windsor. Hopefully local politicians are taking note of the hemp movement and the issues and relaying the information to higher levels of government . It is only through mass support that the people in power are going to help change the laws when it comes to marijuana legalization.

Science students maybe subject to harsher discipline by Alex special

Niell to Imprint


ost of us will at some point in our university careers take academic liberties. When the pressure is on sometimes cheating seems like the only alternative. The fact remains, howcvcr, that cheating is an extreme breach of academic integrity. The policy mechanism that the University has for dealing with cheating is called the Student Academic Discipline Policy. In this policy academic offences by de& nition can range from disrupting class to the standard peeking at somebody’s exam. Penalties range from reprimands to permanent expulsion. Generally, the process to deal with alleged offences involves two stages, informal and formal. First, the person with the evidence goes to the Associate Dean of the faculty. Normally, the persons involved attempt to settle the case with an “informal resolution” which is simply an acceptance of guilt and a penalty satisfactory to all involved




stage can be bypassed at the discretion of the Associate Dean. If informal resolution fails the Associate Dean then informs the student of the charges in writing. The student then prepares a response

and the Associate Dean investigates the evidence of the allegation and response. After meeting with the in-. volved parties for clarification the Associate Dean makes a decision on any appropriate penalty. All informal decisions can be appealed. The policy states that “disciplinary actions imposed are to be consistent with university precedent.” The policy itself does not give any examples of precedent nor are there any guidelines for correlating offences with penalties, except that policy stipulates that a penalty of suspension or expulsion cannot be imposed unless the case has gone to the formal resolution stage. Summaries of past academic discipline cases, with the names removed, are available to the university community at the Secretariats office in Needles Hall. According to policy, penalties should then be imposed according to the general trends shown in these past cases. In the period, May 1993 to April 1994 there were approximately 20 cases involving cheating and plagiarism. The majority of those people received penalties of course/assignment grade of zero and/or disciplinary probation. The only divergence from this trend occurred in Science. The Science Faculty reported

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vs, Environmentalism.



Disposable cups here to stav by Elena Imprint

up shows that 83 percent of those beveragebuyers prefer non-disposable cups.

Johnson staff


ighty-five percent of UW students would support a ban on disposable cups on campus, but incomplete economic data and perceived inconvenience may prevent this ban from ever taking place. Disposable cups are notorious for the negative environmental impacts entailed in their processing, use and disposalSo far, these include excessive energy consumption, air pollution, overexpansion of landfill sites and longterm chemical effects caused by the polymerization or Styrofoam (polystyrene). Although they are harsher on water supplies, reusable plastic or glass cups are foar more environmentally friendly and less energy intensive than paper of Styrofoam cups. ERS student Michael Torreiter recently completed his extensively researched senior honours thesis, The Elimination of Disposable Cups at the University of Waterloo. This report centred around a social survey, and recorded attitudes toward the idea of a ban on disposable cups on campus. The results are as follows: * 85.4 percent of all students surveyed are in favour of a ban on the use of disposable cups on campus. * A survey


in a coffee-shop


* Students are more receptive to the idea of a ban on disposables than faculty. Only 71.4 percent of faculty members are willing to stop using disposable cups. * In spite of the fact that professors have offices and need not cart reusable mugs in backpacks throughout the day, many of them regard reusable mugs as “ . . . an inconvenience .” * The student society coffee shops seem to be more willing to eliminate disposable cups than the Food Services outlets. * 5.5 percent of LW students use disposable cups daily on campus. Even of these disposable cup users, 48 percent are in favour of the proposed ban. Torreiter’s report concluded that &‘ ...the elimination of disposable cups on campus would benefit the University of Waterloo by promoting thi= awareness of environmental issues and reducing the university’s environmental impacts.” Food Sewices Director Mark Murdoch agrees with this statement, but says that it is impossible to remove disposable cups from the many Food Services outlets on campus.


He is concerned about customer dissatisfaction and the potential for reusable dishes to be stolen. Another of Murdoch’s concerns is the economic outcome of a ban on disposable cups. Food Services experienced a sales loss of $3000 on ‘No Disposable Cups Day’ in the fall of 1993. However, Murdoch refused Torreiter’s attempt to produce economic datawhich made comparisons between disposable and reusable cups. Tor-reiter’s thesis project included the ‘No Disposable Cups Day’ pilot project which encouraged eatery patrons to buy and use portable, reusable Lug-a-mugs. The thesis tested behavioural theory as it applies to an environmental concept. Torreiter did not try simply to influence behaviour through education; he researched the results of actually removing disposable cups for one day, to see if this would encourage people to use Lug-a-mugs and recycle. Torreiter stated that the disposable cup has become cL ...a powerful symbol of our throw-away society.” He explains that eliminating such wasteful items as disposable dishes from our lives is one of the many changes we need to make if we are to become a sustainable society. Over 3000 disposable cups are used on campus every day.

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY To Students, Faculty and Staff

Safety coneemskill rent-a-mug program

Enroll Now For... L.W. Foster Seminars



by Elena Johnson Imprint Staff

offered EITHER of the following TWO DAYS

TUESDAY, MAY 24,1994 WEDNESDAY, MAY 25,1994 TIME: 7 to 9 p.m.



for home study,


ne of the most appreciated and eco logically friendly systems on campus may soon have to be abandoned for health reasons. And if rumours are correct, there may be an ulterior motive involved. UW’s Environmental Studies coffee shop has recently been informed that its popular mug-rental system will have to be abo,lished in order to meet health standards. The only way the coffee shop can keep its wastesaving system is by installing a dishwasheran impractical feat in the tiny coffee shop kitchen. The mug-rental system, which has been in effect for two years, has proven itself to be a very viable alternative to serving drinks in paper or polystyrene cups. The probelm is as follows: To meet health standards, re-used dishes must be washed in 66” C water, and must undergo a three-step sanitaion process. This is not happening in the ES coffee shop. If the health inspector’s standards are not met, the coffee shop can be shut down permanently, So the ES coffee shop must stop renting re-usable mugs to its patrons, and may have stock up on disposable cups. Coffee shop Senior Manager Bruce Winters fears the issue may involve an ulterior motive. UW’s student society coffee shops bring in more than $ 750,000 each year.





to feel

that this

is revenue

which Food Services (the organization which holds a near monopoly on campus eateries) is itching to claim. “ (Food Services) is willing to shut down any coffee shop to get this money.” Winters

claimed in a telephone interview. Food Services Director Mark Murdoch, however, says that the amount earned by the coffee shops is “...insignificant...” in comparison to Food Services’ net annual income of $7.8 million. Murdoch also claims that Food Services never has a say over the decisions and recommendations of the health inspector, whose pay-cheque is issued by the Region of Waterloo Health Service. Regardless, it does appear that the coffee shop may have to change its ways, or risk closure. Students feel it would be a shame to abandon the mug-rental system. Winters seems remorseful as well. he says, “It worked really well. People have been really happy with it.” Winters also says that the idea of having to abandon the effective and popular system is “ . ..ridiculous. really.” But he admits there is always a chance that a mug-using patron may have a communicable disease such as meningitis, which could be spread if the mug was not properly disinfected. The choices which Winters is hoping to implement in lieu of the ceramic mugs are to double the price of any beverage purchased in a disposable cup, or simply to not provide patrons with disposables. The latter would force dedicated patrons to carry their own portable Lug-a-mugs, but would be unfair to unprepared guests and forgetful customers. Wintas

{X- 2321)

is eager



tions from students and faculty as to how the coffee shop should deal with the disposable cup issue, and how it can avoid succumbing to other wastefil standards such as serving cream cheese in individual plastic packages.


Imprint, Friday, May 6,1994


Enlarging the Circle: Perspectives on Native Justice Imprint


seminars or workshops, this symposium will be structured around listening circles and talking circles. The purpose of the listening circles is to help participants better understand Aboriginal justice issues by


he K-W Aboriginal Rights circle and Weejeendimin Na tive Resource Centre are cosponsoring Enlarging the Circle: Perspectives on Native Justice. This public symposium on Aboriginal issues is an invitation to pcoplc of KitchenerWaterloo and surrounding area to come listen to the perspectives of Aboriginal people on a wide range of issues, including Aboriginal self-government and land rights. This symposium will be held on Saturday May 7,1994 at Conrad Grebel College on the campus ofthe University of Waterloo. The puspose of this symposium is to inform the nonNative community about Aboriginal justice issues. By bringing together Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal pcoplc in a seting where they can listen to each other, talk with each other, and come to a better understanding of one another, it is our hope that we can begin to build a new relationship between Aboriginal and nonAboriginal people that is basedupon justice and mutual respect. The format of this symposium will reflect Aboriginal learning models rather than follow the standard euro-Canadian conference style. Instead of presenting the classic

allowing them to just listen to the perspectives of Aboriginal people. The topic of the listening circles will encompass a wide range of subjects including teachings of the Medicine Wheel, residential schools, Native spirituality and the Christian church, Aboriginal land rights, jurisdiction and self-government, and the Canadian criminal justice system as it relates to Aboriginal people. During the talking

circles, participants will be able to engage in discussion and everyone will have an opportunity to speak on the issues and/or raise questions. Following the symposium will be a Native supper, provided by the K-W Native community, and an evening social, including Native storytelling, drama, and dance. The K-W Aboriginal Rights Circle is a regional network group of the Aboriginal Rights Coalition and Project North, an ecumenical coalition for Aboriginal justice in Canada. The Aboriginal Rights Coalition/Project North works in partnership with both Aboriginal (political) organizations and local network groups like the K-W Aboriginal Rights Circle. The primary focus of the K-W Aboriginal Rights Circle has always been public education. Through an increase in awareness and understanding ofthese issues, it hopes to persuade the public to actively support the aspirations of Aboriginal Peoples and their many struggles forjustice in Canada and to realize that justice for Aboriginal Peoples is justice for all people who live within this country, For further information, please contact Elizabeth Miller at (519) 893-4543 or (5 19) 576-3890 or Rick Bauman at (5 19) 745-8458.


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41 tb 1 a.m


r iring Line & 7-O




The forum pages allow members of the Univesity of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. the opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprin t. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.

here are some people who have expressed some concerns about me in the role of editor-in-


They cite my lack of support for the politically correct world of environmentalism, feminism and multiculturalism as an indication that I will not create a forum that will fairly represent the students at this institution. While it is true that most of the pieces that I have written about the above issues are usually “con,” it is not out of an ignorant desire to grab attention, but rather because I have examined the arguments on both sides, and chosen to ?ide with the free market in most cases. Is this because 1 am a zombie of the ruling class? Is this because I have lived a pampered childhood, reared in luxury? Is this because I simply don’t understand what the others are saying? Is it because I am a fascist? Well, no. None of these easy answers apply to my ideology. I Can safely say that whatever I believe, I believe because I have applied a rigorous examination process to the ideas presented to me, and have chosen to disregard the fatuous bandwagon jumping that our generation is currently engaging in, and I will make decisions about my life from a different perspective. The reason that I’ve started my very first column on such a political note, is that like nowhere else, university is where your politics are your identity. In high school we’re generally all too stupid to really know any better, and for those of us (un)lucky enough to get jobs, we’ll a11 be too busy running the corporate rat race to worry about what’s going on in Bosnia. Further, unlike anywhere else at university, it is the university newspaper which provides the forum for these political ideas. As a result, one of my most important responsibilities as editor-in-chief is to ensure thatImprintremains a free forum of ideas which will weather the storms of politically correct speech, environmental misrepresentation and feminist guilt. Imprint should remain a catalyst, presenting these ideas for others to discuss. However, when Imprint itself begins to succumb to the spelling of the dqy and whatever other insane ideas we as students come up with, it is time to re-examine our purpose as a student newspaper. So my ideas as an individual are separate from my ideas as an editor. I will (and have on many, many occasions) spend long hours helping students write material that 1 have no interest inor vehemently disagree with. I believe that if any student comes to the Imprint office with an idea that he or she is interested in, that is enough reason for me to spend as long as it takes for that idea to be represented in these pages. Is this fascistic? Is this the belief system of a ruling class lackey? I’m sure some would say that it is, and they too can have their platform the Forum section of this paper. ?t is easy to criticize, and much, much harder to create. Each has its place, and if I have created an opportunity for students to do either and thus contribute to their education outside of the classroom, I will have satisfied one of the most important requirements of this job.


(Zobain is dead. Unfortunately the bul 1shit is still alive. “This person was obviously dead.” saic 1a homicide detective at the scene , 1. wnen alscussing how an electrician found the body and immediately went to call the police without investigating further. Evidently, the cops had to fingerprint the corpse to make a positive identification. Rumour has it that his brains were all over the ceiling.. I have to admit that that’s sort of cool. If I had to go, and I wanted to say a big FUCK YOU to everyone, I might do it the same way. Still, I’m disgusted by the bullshit everywhere. The obituq in The Globe and Mail ineluded a quote under the picture that they obviously pulled off the wire services (because the exact same picture was in the Starand The Recuvd). The quote, with no source given, was “Fame blew up on him.” This stupid excuse is echoed in the Record’s headline, “Generation’s hero didn’t want to be one”, and in Nuw Magazine, “The music business’ destructive fame game which has claimed Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain as it’s latest victim.” He’s not a victim of the music business or fame, he’s a victim of being ticked in the head. As it happens, I’mright. Kurt was fucked up long before Nevermind came out. In an interview, Chris Novoselic, the bass player, tells of how the band got fucked up on codeine cough syrup when mixing Bleach, an earlier album that sold about three copies before Nevermind and a million afterwards. I can honestly say that I don’t want to die as a no one. It would be great that if when I died, girls I never talked to would be saying “Why, why, why. y”, but I’d settle for a-few Uti

sniffles at my funeral. HOWEVER, I don’t want ficking Erica Ehm to give me an obituary show. I’m sorry Kurt Cobain is dead. I thought he was a good songwriter, and it is because I respect him that I don’t want to associate the memory of his death with that stupid bitch blathering away like some ticking psychiatrist-in-training, eager to show off the fact that she read some “Teenage Suicide-don’t do it” pamphlets five minutes before she went on the air. I also don’t want an obituary from some

that didn’t give a shit for me when I was The Globe and Mail, for some reason I never understand, attempted to make piece on the suicide a big sob story. Their headline was “Nirvana’s lead singer spoke to a generation’s pain.” Spoke to a generation’s pain? Bullshit. They even get a quote from some hack writing a book on Nirvana. “The divorce, the violence, the drugs, the diminished opportu-

is) are undergoing some sort of special trouble that youths previously got to avoid because before now, life was good and uncomplicated, and the world was a kinder place, can suck my dick. Spare the teen angst bullshit, I’ve heard it too many times before. The thing that made me most sick about this whole media feeding frenzy is all the advice from everyone. Just talk. Talk to each other, talk to your friends, talk to a helpline if you have to. (Incidentally, my psychology textbook says that these lines do not lower a community’s suicide rates.) It’s all bullshit! The people who are seriously going to off themselves don’t give a shit about talking. They don’t give a shit about anything. If you feel that the weight of the world is too much, that life sucks and you just don’t want to go on any longer, are you going to change your mind because some guy who’s job it is to make you feel better tries to make you feel better? A few facts about suitide. Poets, writers andother introverted types are more likely to kill themselves than the rest of the population. People don’t kill themselves in the deepest depths of depression, they’re too depressed to bother! They kill themseIves on the way back up. And finally, more females attempt suicide, but more guys are successtil. This is due to guy’s using more definite methods, with less chance of screwing up (e.g. shotguns vs. pills.) The moral of this story is that Kurt is


dead, and if I hcslr one more per5on telling

paper alive. will their

for an entire


is so


cial to the sound of their music.” The diminished opportunities for an entire generation? Bullshit. Anyone who believes that they and the members of their generation (whoever that


how it was due to the pressure of fame and that we should all just get together and try to love one another, they’ll be next.

- James Russell

Letters to the.Editor Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Lerfers should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. All material is subject to editing for brevity, The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint.

Ridicule not Welcome I am a Christian student at this university who until recently never took the time to read the “Village Atheist” column. I was very disheartened to read that even after several notes to the editor, the author of column still doesn’t understand the point they were trying to make. Christian people have the right to believe what they have been taught. It should be noted though, that it was a choice that they made for themselves. As the grand daughter of a Christian minister 1 take offence tothe ridiculous slander this column presents. It has no purpose but mockery of a set of beliefs that are very important to a tremendous amount of people. 1 do not believe that Christian techings should be forced on atheists such as Craig Nickerson but I alsodon’t beleive that Christians are truly trying to do so. They are presenting an al temative way of life which can help the people of the world who seem lost. Our society is in turmoil and much of it is due to change, changes which are frightening but which also provoke various responses such as violence, prejudice, and discrimination. The main teachings of Christ are to love each other and to treat others as you would have them treat you. Why do we need to readmore into this? An atheist does not believe in a higher being, a God, but he must believe in something, anything. Perhaps Craig could attempt to describe what it is like not to understand Christ’s teachings or to not believe in God and a Heaven instead of mocking the sacred beliefs of Christian follow&s. As a student at a higher centre of learning does Craig not understand that in order to be heard he needs to write something of value? All he is displaying is his prejudice. Prejudice stems from ignorance. Maybe its time to use your mind for something other than ridicule. Kyla Bagizall

Womyn who live in ivory towers. l


Since women, radical ones, want power in the modem age, it seems to them that it is in their interest to enjoin history; we have seen this many times, and recently in last week’s Imprint article, “Women ‘shafted’ by Religion.” These women are like kids throwing stones from an ivory tower. They say: “Patriarchy in the ancient world, Christianity in the industrial age - in history - burst upon our consciousness as an historical principle in the 1970s. History is a modern power discourse. Therefore, not I-I istory - Herstory! Let us proclaim our reinterpretation to be more truthful and objective. Let us colonize the past, as males once did, to gain present day power. Let us nail down the badness of patriarchy in the past to a cross, where its vile head wiI1 blow in the wind as a reminder and a warning to men today. Let us lash out; and bring on the backlash! After all, justice is power, history is fight. Our bodies have been chained and abused, like earth itself, for one centure too long! ” But we have also seen other women who are freeing their minds within an

awareness that we all play parts on this river. They would not heal dinosaurs, but would let them die in peace. History can also be reflection on identities that are not stable, not in any machine. David Toews Honoun History

Arts writurs need helpp Please do us all a favor and give your arts writers some practical guidelines about reviewing. Kat Piro’s review of In the Name of the Father last issue spent 12 paral graphs on plot, 4 sentences on what she actually thought of the movie. The previous week, Peter Harcourt composed an entire review off he Country Wife without once letting on how he felt about the U W Drama Dept. production. We wouldn’t even know he’d seen it except for a phrase in the first paragraph -- “professional flow” -- and a closing sentence crediting two of the 18 actors, Leanna Nash and Dylan Roberts, with “an excellent job.” Not that these performers were named. None of them were. Neither were the director (Joel Greenberg}, the set designer (WiIliam Chesney), nor the costumes designer (Jocelyne Sobelski.) Ironically, since the review wasnothing but one longramblingabout the 300-year old script, not even the playwright was mentioned. (Psst: William Wycherley wrote the thing.> The point is not to get the names in print to humour someone’s grandma. The point is to at least act like you have arr opinion: that requires evaluating choices, techniques, pacing, tone. (Letter-writer Melanie Knapp had an opinion on that.) An essay on the play we can look up in the library for ourselves. A critique of a production that will never pass this way again is a much more unique need, Jennrer Epps Assistant Director The Country Wife

Dead fan not Grateful So Chris, make up your mind do you like them or do you not? It seems to me Chris, that you are desperate to pin

something on Days of You. Have you ever seen the Grateful Dead (GD) Chris? If you had, your write-up about this Toronto-based band would not have drawn so many parallels to a band so very different from the one you saw on the eve of March 4th at the Volcano. I’m just curious, did you actualy listen to their music or did you just rub your hands together throughout the show drooling about how you’d be able to pin this GD rip-off crap on Days of You? 1 am also curious as to how you can justify making comments like “It’s not original” and “The set consisted of a lot of new material. . .” all in the same write-up. Isn’t it hard to play new material that is not original? Yes, Chris, it is. Days of You is not a cover band -- they don’t ever play GD songs. I must commend you, however, for referring to the show as typically “blues/country/rock. . . “ Aren’t those the genres that all new 90s bands model themselves after? So Chris, maybe next time you critique a concert you should leave your pre-conceived notions at the door, spend less time looking at the crowds’ appearance and listen to the musical talent (in front) of you. I don’t doubt Days of You will continue to have their group of loyal followers at every show” since people that appreciate a great band like the Dead appreciate any band that cati mix creativity, enthusiasm, musical talent and rock’n’roll together into a nice neat package. M. G. Bigel Grad Psycho@y

Thahk you, thank you, I love you all I would like to thank Mark Murdoch, Sharron, Victor, Martin, and the sbffat the WildDuckandGoPizza, Bob, Brenda and the staffat CIBC, Binnsy, Brent and Lori Campus Police, Cathy and Friends from the Dining Room, Rose, Rita and Ann, the Campus Shop and Fed Gang, Heather and Dianne, the Graphic Crew Lydia and Shona for the gifts Flowers & Decoration for my retirement. I will miss you all. Agnes Held Gruduate, Wild Duck

by Jeff Couckuyt, Pete Nesbitt, and Pat Spacek

Virtual Reality for the stupid

Arts Arts

sucks, rocks!

Re: Imprint Arts, Winter


I can deal with the profusion, these past few months, of reviews of 12” singles which are dearly designed to pad record collections instead of disseminating information. I can deal with obnoxious by-lines like “Imprint singles king and proud of it,” which revel in this blatant self-service. I can deal with knockoff reviews of albums like Morrissey’s new one, in which Craig Haynes informs us that it is a five-star “masterpiece” but apparently couldn’t be bothered to spend more than five minutes writing about it. I can deal with Jeff Chard’s onesentence dismissal of Bjork based on a hearing of three songs (,‘I had to see

what all the fuss was about.... I now realize that she’s no big deal”). I can deal withridiculous pronouncements like “The Cranes are the best new band out of Britain since the Beatles,” in which Mr. Chard sacrifices any sense of historical perspective for the sake of hyperbolic cliche. I can deal with hopelessly starstruck accounts ofpress conferences and spaceconsuming rants about tow-truck drivers. I can deal with the closeminded Anglophilia of the section editors, and with Imprint Arts doubling as the Depeche Mode fan club newsletter. But what I absolutely cannot deal with is the embarrassing “Objective Update ‘94” that appeared in the final issue of the winter term. I can’t deal with pointless entries like “Missing in action” or “I have no clue what they’re doing.” I can’t deal with the overwhelming mediocrity of the lineup Mr. Chard has selected as worthy of “updates.” Most of all, I can’t deal with the smarmy way in which Mr. Chard tells me that the best and most critically acclaimed rock and roll bands on the planet fight now-- bands which he’ll never hear because they don’t talk with limey accents-- are not represented because ‘they’re just not good enough.” Get a life. Derek We&r Former Imprint

Arts Editor

Editor’s note: Fear nut,fur the times, they are a-changin’.




Prophet “Truly the likeness of Jesus, in Allah’s sight, is as Adam’s likeness; He created him of dust, then said unto him, ‘Be’, and he was.” - translation of the meaning verse [3:59]. JESUS by Khakd


of the Qur’anic





slam considers Prophet Jesus peace be upon him (PBUH) as one of the great prophets of God and respects him as much as Abraham, Moses andMuhammad (PBUT). This is in conformity with the Islamic point of view of the oneness of God, the oneness of Divine guidance, and the complimentary role of the subsequent messages of God’s messengers. This view of Jesus lies between two

Imprint, Friday March 4,1994

Jesus in the Qur'an extremes; the first are those who rejected Jesus (PBUH) as a Prophet of God, called him imposter and the second on the other hand, consider him to be the son of God and worship him as such. Islam teaches that Jesus never made such a claim for himself. As a matter of fact, all the cardinal doctrines of Christianity that are rejected by Islam center around the personality of Jesus (PBUH). The idea of trinity, Divinity of Christ, Divine Sonship of Christ, Original Sin, and Atonement are the result of over-exalting Jesus Christ (PBUH) abovewhat Allah wants him to be. These differences focusing on the personality of Jesus have overshadowed the many similarities between Christianity and Islam. They have even overshadowed the beliefs that Muslimsassociate with Jesus Christ (PBUH) such as the Virgin Birth of Jesus,

being able to speak in the cradle, performing miracles, and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Although the Qur’an does not represent a detailed life-account of Jesus (PBUH), it highlights the important aspects of his birth, his mission, his ascension to heaven and passes judgements on Christian beliefs concerning him. The Qur’an recognizes the fact that Jesus (PBUH) had no human father but this does not make him the son of God nor God Himself. By this very criterion,Adam wouldhave been more entitled to be the son of God because he had neither a father nor a mother. So, the Qur’an draws attention to the miraculous creation of both in the top verse. The Qur’anic account of Jesus (PBUH) in [3:35-371 starts with theconception ofhis virtuous mother, Mary. The wife of Imran, Mary’s mother, vowed to dedicate her child to the service of God in the temple. Zacharia, who took charge of Mary, used to find food with Mary. When he asked her how she got it she answered that it was from God. Then in [3:45-47], when she became a woman, the Holy Spirit (theArchangelGabrie1) appeared to her as a man bringing her the news of a son; whose name is Messiah Jesus. He will be high, honored, near stationed to God and righteous. Mary conceived the child miraculously and retired to a distantplace whereshe awaited for her delivery. The Qur’an in a chapter entitled ‘Mary’ [ 19: 16-401 tells us how Mary felt and what the Jews told her when she brought the child home. In the same verses, Allah assured Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) and the whole world that what was mentioned therein is the truth about Jesus (PBUH) although the Christian might not believe it: “That is Jesus, son of Mary, in word of truth, concerning which they are doubting. It is not for Allah to take a sonunto Him. Glory be to Him! When He decrees a thing, He but says to it ‘Be’, and it is.” [19:34:35]. After this strong statement about the nature of Jesus (PBUH), Allah directed Muhammad to call the Christians to a fair deal: to worship Allah alone, the One True God: “Surely Allah is my Lordand your Lord, so worship Him. This is the straight path.” [19:36]. The Qur’anic verses continue to draw the attention of people, all people, to the proof which Muhammad (PBUH) brought against certain inherited ideas and beliefs which frequently include, among other things, the mistakes and interpretations of previous generations. Now, one might ask: If the Qur’an denies the trinity and sonship of Jesus, what was the real mission of Jesus (PBUH) according to the Qur’an? - to be continued



This article is an excerpt from “The Truth about Jesus “by Dr. Munch AI-Juhuni. Fur a cupy of The Qur ‘an orfor mure infurmation about Islam, please call (519) 725 4283 or send an e-mail tu kshuram vlsi. The views expressed in this column are those of the author and do nut necessarily represent thuse of every member t>fthe UW Muslim Study Group.

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ohn 3: 16 serves as an excellent precis of the New Testament.It supports the claims which are central to Christianity; we are told that god loves us, Christ died for us, and those who believe will have everlasting life.

The New Testamentalso tells us that those who do not believe will experience a “second death.” Some Christians have interpreted this to mean that those who do not get saved will . simply be annihilated. Others claim that this second death will entail nothing more (or nothing less) than an eternal separation from god. Still otherstake amore literal interpretation and believe the everlasting lake of fire to be a fairly accurate description of life after (during?) the second death. It seems to me that the way in which one views the fate of those who are not saved could have implications for the nature of the salvation that Christ is said to offer and also reveal something about the god depicted in the Bible. If one takes the position that unsaved souls are simply extinguished, then this detractsfrom the idea that Christ died in order to atone for our sins; extinction is hardly punishment when considered within a Christian context. In this case god would merely be withholding a privilege that he was supposedly the source of and under no obligation to give in the first place, namely existence. While we are familiar with circumstances in which the withholding of privileges is used as punishment, such as when a child is not allowed to watch television, an important aspect of the punishment is that whoever is being punished is aware of the loss of this privilege and “suffers” in this knowledge. Indeed, punishment would seem to entail suffering on the part of the punished. If someone ceases to exist then they cannot be aware of any loss and they are incapable of suffering. So the extinction of unsaved souls could hardly be regarded as punishment. If the unsaved are not to be punished but merely extinguished, what would be the point

University of Waterloo

of Christ’s crucifixion? Why would Christ have been sent to suffer and pay the price of man’s sins if these sins did not require punishment? I have talked with some Christians who argue that they focus on Christ’s role as a teacher and as an example to follow rather than on Christ’s role as a sacrificial lamb. If we stress the former then it is also easy to stress a loving god rather than a vengetil one. Such a god does not actively punish (torture) those who are unsaved but simply desires to keep them separatefrom thosewho chooseto follow

Christ. These people generally like to argue that god takes a very passive role in dealing with those who are unsaved. He does not set up torments or painful dooms but merely respects the free choice of the individual who does not accept Christ and seeks separation from god, this separation is properly called Hell as god is the only source of goodness and joy. Or so the argument goes. It would seem that god does take an active role in punishing those who remain unsaved. In Revelation 20: 15 John speaks a vision in which those whose names are not written in the book of life are cast into the lake of fire. Who does the casting, who keeps the fire burning? Again, it would seem that sin must require punishment if one accepts that Christ suffered to pay for the sins of humanity. So why does god require punishment at all? The child/parent metaphor is not helpful when we try to answer this. A parent punishes a child for the child’s own good in the hopes that the child will refrain from behaviour which might prove harmful to itself or others. The punishment that god demands is final and everlasting with no further goal aside from itself. Next week I will discuss whether this sort of punishing god is compatable with an allloving one (as I don’t want to keep you in suspense I’ll tell you now that it isn’t) Further, 1 will discussthe idea that one can pay the price for another’s sins and what this implies.

WPIRG Organizing Active Dissent


s individuals, we spend most of our time just making ends meet. .Looking after our basics needs (like food, shelter, and clothing) and trying to prepare for our future (like getting a degree) - But who looks out for the larger community that sustains us? We put our trust in the goodwill of institutions (like government, media,’ and business) to look after the needs of our community - But who acts as the watchdog to ensure that they are acting in the interest of all members of the community? We do! As individuals we peripherally play that role, but for many people, they find greater effectiveness in working collectively with other people who share their concerns. Usually it is in some type of nonprofit community-basedorganizationlike WPIRG! Through their volunteer work at WPIRG, community members and students work on a local level in the “public interest” to address pressing environmental and social justice concerns confronting our world. Lack ofprevious organizational experience is no barrier. Through WPIRG, you can share ideas and skills with others and gain the practical experience you need to be effective in working in the interest of the whole community.

Some participants focus on issues, while other participants focus on pro-

viding support (improving WPIRG’s ability to provide information and training). Last term, participants worked on a number of issues including media literacy, student ancillary fees, the indigenous peoples uprising in Mexico, discarded bike rehabilitation, Clayoquot Sound, Canada’s foreign aid policy, sustainable housing, transportationplanning, and alternatives to bleached feminine products. Issues were addressed through production of radio shows, displays, slide shows, benefit concerts and coffee houses, workshops, lectures and, film series, and conferences. Interested in participating? Find out what other active participants in WPIRG are either working on or planning on Wednesday, May 11 th from 6 - 7 pm in DC 1350. WPIRG is a non-profit corporation funded through a levy on full-time undergraduate students of $3.28 per term which, if you so choose, is refundable within the first three weeks of each term. Funding which supports training of participants, events and projects, maintenance of an office and library, plus two fuIl-time staff is’administered by a Board of Directors elected by the membership. For more information visit or office in room 125, General Services Complex (the building with the smokestack) or call campus extension 4882.

Federationof Students


Spring Lineup il



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P.lague and hoopsters hit the glass ceiling Winter ‘94 in review: Two men’s teams with promise couldn ‘t break through by Peter Imprint

in the playuffs


ust getting back from a long winter work term? Wondering what happened to your favourite varsity teams in the last four months? Ifit’s the first issue ofthe spring term, then it must be time for a look back at the wacky world of Waterloo winter sports. “Status quo” was the watchwordformostvarsityteamsin 199394, with few teams exceeding expectations.

In histhird ball Warrior,

season as a basketTom Balfe had his

Third-year centre Tom enjoyed his best season hoops Warriors finished

Balfe as the S-6.



The McMaster season as head West final.

Marauders brought coach to a close with

Ed Price’s a 3-l win

inaugural in the OUAA Imprint

file photo

best year, averaging 16 points per game after switching from forward to centre on the eve of the regular season. The revitalized post position and another all-star season from Sean VanKoughnett added up to a third-place regular-season finish for Waterloo. But UW’s best recent chance to advance to the OUAA West fmalfour and challenge for the division title was prematurely snuffed out by the surging Guelph Gryphons, who upset the Warriors in a quarter-final playoff game.

Varsity squash had another great year; the Warrior scored silver at the OUAAs and the Athenas earned a bronze medal at their provincial fmals. The men won 17 of their 18 regular-season matches. This was Mark Hovey’s first year as head coach.

Injuries and graduation decimated the Warrior hockey team before their 1993-94 campaign, and they found themselves below .500 at Christmas for the first time in head coach Don McKee’s nine-year tenure. But the Warriors enjoyed a second-half recovery, pulling away from the Windsor Lancers for third spot in the four-team Far West division behind the Westem Mustangs and the Wilfiid Laurier Gold&n Hawks. Once the playoffs arrived, though, UW found that they did not have enough bullets left in the chamber to handle the potent Hawks in the sectional sudden-death semi-final.

The indoor track and field team continued their recent success, this time sending 12 athletes to the national championships in Edmonton. * Jason Gregoire and Jeff Millar earned bronze medals in the 3,000metre and pole vault respectively.

With a core of talented veteran players and head coach, the Athena curling team nailed down a bronze medal finish in the OWIAA finals. Bill Tschirhart earned Imprint UW coach of the year honours for the 1994 campaign after the team of skip Margaret Corey, lead Jennifer Smith, second Kim Bradley, and third Jodi Kerr won three of their four regular-season bon spiels and finished second at the fourth one.



?JW News





Brown sports

The Black Plague volleyball Warriors finished first in their division after the regular season with a 12-2 win-loss record, good enough to secure homeicourt advantage for the OUAA West, but ended the playoffs identically to a year ago: a loss at the hands of the McMaster Marauders. Setter Shawn Smith and power Matt Reed were named to the division all-star team, and first-year head coach Ed Price was voted OUAA West coach of the year. Mac avenged a UW regularseason sweep with a 3-l win in the OUAA West final at the PAC in February.


Another Ontario bronze went to the Athena figure skating team after they won gold at the Waterloo Invitational. Team captain Lesley Neave had a gold and two silvers at the OWIAAs to lead her team.

udy McCrae has been appointed University of Waterloo athletic director succeeding Wally Delahey. The appointment, effective July I, was announced by Peter Hopkins, associate provost, student affairs, who chaired the selection committee that was “unanimous” in recommending McCrae. A staff member with the UW Department of Athletics since 197 I, McCrae will succeed ‘“two outstanding leaders in the athletic field Carl Totzke and the incumbent, Wally Delahey, who will be retiring September 1 after 30 years at UW, the past five years as director,” Hopkins said. McCrae has been the Athena field hockey and indoor hockey coach. She is the coordinator of all women’s interuniversity activities at UW. With an extensive background in field hockey in Canada, McCrae is president of Field Hockey Canada, the organizational body responsible for the sport. She was a member of a federal advisory task force determining the future ofsport in Canada. A director with the Canadian Olympic Association, McCrae has served as the chef-de-mission to many of Canada’s field hockey teams in world championships and the Olympics, and has worked as a television commentator during the Olympics in 1984, 1988 and 1992. A native of Sarnia, McCrae has a master of science (physical education) degree from the University of North Carolina and a bachelor of arts (physical education) from Western Michigan Univer-

In indoor hockey, Waterloo lost a goals-for-and-against tiebreaker to Queen’s for the bronze medal and finished fourth at the OWIAA final round robin, but landed two athletes, Linda Mowat and Yolanda Lewcsuk, to the second all-star team. Warrior squashplayers Bruce Marrison and Tyler Millard were voted to the OUAA all-star team, while the Athenas earned an OWIAA bronze medal. The Warrior and Athena nordic ski teams fmished fourth and sixth at their respective provincials finals. The Warrior swim team finished fifth at the OUAAS. TIE Athena basketball and volleyball teams finished out of the playoffs with 6-8 and 4- 10 records respectively. UW





Her appointment comes at a time of change and challenge for the UW department as three veteran members, including Delahey, are retiring effective Sept. 1. Also taking early retirement are Don McCrae (Judy’s husband), coordinator of men’s interuniversity athletics, and Patricia Davis, assistant director of finance and facilities. “The excitement for me is to have the challenge of the next five to eight years,” McCrae said. “The UW athletic program has had tremendous successes and we have a most vibrant and exciting group.” McCrae also looks forward to working with a broader cross- section on campus, including student committees and groups as she steps away from her role as a coach. “I am extremely pleased with Judy’s appointment and confident she will be able to handle the challenges facing the department as it moves toward the year 2000,” Hopkins said. “Her extensive background at the local, provincial, national and international levels in sport has helped prepare her for this extremely exciting leadership position. “The athletic program at the University of Waterloo is recognized across campus and Canada for its excellence, quality and scope, its outstanding campus recreation program and its highly competitive interuniversity program,” he said. “The current staff members are eager to support Judy and assist with the reorganization of the department and tran’sition of leadership. It will be a hectic, yet exciting, time for all over the next few months,” Hopkins added.


Imprint, Friday, Mav 6,1994

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- --

.----. .-.


_-_- .-_-------

Imprint, Fr

,....L’. ::

Nastanovich. The reasons for the latter addition might only have been guessed at exGepti?for one thing: original d&mmer Young. Described by 6PT1OM magazine as “an old-style Fabulous Furry Freak Brother with a wide streak of anarcho; ...damage.” the anachronis#&:i$ting was perhaps the bigges,g&&g 9 ma in an already enig-

m&:.mgroup. He claimedhis fa-

~~@~$..&: ~$?&*$nt g@$dI

vourite band was Yes, that he’d pever heard of Sonic Youth, and he ihought Pavement sounded more fun and boredom-relief, c than anyone else like King Crimis now a five-piece criir;;i son. (Actually, a listen to “Cat Food” with three albums. to the$ off Crimson’s Larks Tongue In Asa ton of positive press pic, or the Frippertronics on Paveone of it’s .P@&out good ment’s “Jackals, False Grails: The Lonesome Era,” reveals him to be perhaps not too far off the mark.) The past couple of years have been a free-for-all for the band. Following the exceptional Watery, Domestic EP, Gary Young has subsequently been replaced by new drummer Steve West, and Pavement has just followed-up Slanted and Enchanted with the equally admirable fi&lengther Crooked

Their ea&&& single was covered out I,$$& &y established.J&its The o@$e We;ldiA&!~esent and su&G#&y

ple, in%&& had probably read al!&@ how co&lpavement was than had actually he@l their admittedly difficult-to-obfain releases. Defying any sort of wild expectation, Pavement became an official band almost in spite of themself. A tour in the and Enchanted ” additions ofbassist Mark Iboldar& unusually, second drummer $1

music for the masses. What you end up doing is making music for just about everyone except yourself. Just out: of interests sake, what was Gary charging for studio costs? Twenty bucks an hour. Your ‘very first single “Box Elder” was later covered as a Bside by the Wedding Present, aIthough I don’t think they credited you. How did you feel about their cover? We had no idea who the band was at the time. It was a pretty good version of the song, perhaps a bit too faithful for my liking but then nobody had even heard our song in the first instance to compare it against. Yeah, I liked it. I believe we didn’t get credited on the American or British release but did on the European release. One or the other, something like that, but it’s no big deal. You’ve been touring Britain and Europe for the past couple of years but only now making your first Toronto appearance. For an American band with three albums under your belts that’s a little odd, so the obvious question is, why such a long wait? Well, prior to Slanted and Enchanted we’d never been a touring band. After that came out we did. some small dates in the States, weat: to Britain, and then became so$,@f thrilled by Europe and what :~~a~ going on there. We then did q:%$”

Is Forbidden Plrmet a favourite movie? Is that the one where we used the sounds for “Krell Vid-User?” Yeah. That was Gary’s idea. It was his favourite movie of all time. He even had a band called Krell. It was a finny piece to do because the song is such a short guitar effects bit without any use for Gary’s

rock and, I believe, never had the -pretensions or expeC@&ms of ever making careen of~@@&ey all made great music. ,~~~~~n only :i‘:>:,$ .+xy,\:”


back and rem,,-that. We went there.. . .T;.:’.i~:!‘i, l3efore Canada? T Yeah, kind of amazing... we played the four main centres. When we played Dunedin, everybody in the crowd was like the Who’s-Who of New Zealand indie-ro&,,It was :_:.:.+: really weird. .._. . 1.x :’ How so? .F’.>:..% Well, because all of t&se people, who are so unknowa. mostly everywhere, are like our ## icons and fans al1 at the s&& The release of finally

/ A - j . ;

consum&s tend to think’ &ey’re a real waste of time and money, but you seem to retain a real affinity for the format. Definitely. The way we look at it is to record six or seven songs and then release the best four or five on an EP, which to us is really a minialbum. We like those songs to fit together really well, as opposed to singles which are generally quite clumsy. The irony is that a lot of people value $the singles but don’t care about&&B-sides. On an EP :::.

“PavementisPyn$rrefiltl&&@th rock? IQ a fairly ~r&v6a&@$&~-

release it. We kind @.fhtitiaht City would put it (lut’bt&&se

D@& IX&.,.>-...s /

Imprint, Friday, May 6,1994


Surfers type ofsound on drums. We gut Bob to duplicate that live. On the new album his drum playing is somewhat limited and he’s doing more moog and keyboard work. Bob’s been with us from our first tour and he’s now pretty well become the big spirit of the band. It’s interesting you mention Following the release and that, what you call the spirit of the band. It was almost a widechintid‘~.o~q~v~ b&come very spread understanding that this rich’ the critic& darlings. All was the reserve of Gary. It seemed ithis. press $&e&ion, does it as though you couldn’t pick up a story on Pavement without reading about Gary getting blitzed on vodka, Gary collapsing mid-performance on his drums, Gary handing out chunks of cabbage It’s a little too much for me to and cinnamon toast to the stomach, y’know, because... crowd at the door, What he /.* ’ .’ the bottom line is that I do b * brought creatively to the. ,. 7 (’ .a:1 * think of myself as quite shy band might’ve .b,een mini- *. i :.-b:‘7,a 1” ’ ’ and I don’t like reading about .. ’ bands who talk about nothing mal, but for bettbr or w&se ,‘I LI.:I ., ,<-.L he was the unofficial face of .,‘l...:? :.’ other than themselves and how Pavement. great they are. I think we’re That’s probably accurate.;. J’-:“, pretty humble and this just hapWould this be pitrt oftherea-’ pened because we made a half-way GARY son that Stephen and you have decent record... at least we think it’s come out from behind your crypseriously. Before it didn’t make the a half-~~~.#@ent record, we don’t : .~ tic pseudonyms? Are you atslightest bit of difference because ,G&rt.$‘a great iecord... but yes it tempting to assert ownership of nobody knew who we were. -:I ~~&&&$&~.~Ixs a bit. the band by giving it a face differGetting back to Gary. It $$::,’ You’d mqntioned that your ent from that of Gary’s? started to become obvious that he new record Crooked Rain, A little bit, yeah. It’s a different was getting to be a liability. Crooked Rain is a departure for phase for us. We have a new drumYes. the band. The change from your mer and our new record is a real In a career-driven band, he raucous early stuff like “Internal departure from anything we’ve done probably would’ve been disK-Dart” to the tongue-in-cheek before. We’re trying to make things pensed of without a seconds country of the new record’s a bit interesting, y’know, but I don’t thought. Pavement never hadany ,,._..F.‘&nge Life? is so drastic that really think about a new face or expectations, #* ..<....i.:; 28333srrocr $ %&m&people are accusing you of *“’~,<‘oriuc+ anything. It was a mystique you might otherwise have been able to completely manipulate. Led Zeppelin, for instance, made some great music and had some very astute management, but they practically fashioned a career out of mystique. Yours -- Who’s S.M.?, or, What the hell’s a Spiral Stairs? -it’s now missing. Was this intentional on your behalf? No, I think it’s pretty well been done for us without our having any control. I’d like to stay Spiral Stairs but there’s been magazines that’ve been writing my real name. That’s okay, I don’t mind. I mean the mystique is good and all, but it’s certainly not the main reason I chose the alias in the first place. As opposed to any ulterior motive my Led Zeppelin reference might’ve implied, I’m inclined to think your intent was probably more out of shyness. Yes, shyness. But also just not caring and also trying to be a bit funny, y’know, having these stupid names. You’ve got that on the one hand, then. What about the prospect of becoming big and having to do all sorts of interview crap like this? JVot really. T mean, we never aspired nor’dertainly ever expected to receive the sort of attention we’re getting. exposure we are getting, it has nothing to do with being more open, but more that the person who reads about us... hopefully: like the person reading or listhey’ll t&.&&~.&& this... hopefully :h&$v: &j.&jn’t Q&e ourselves too As'



spoof, and serve as an homage, Tim. ics?






the current s~~~S~~~Piii?‘~its ..:’..:;v ..;I: (r :,:;,c(* :::,.:.> Stephen does them. They preponderad&: . .: @.&&@~$::&rck :.,.::,,:~~ ) : ,<:2y+,cc. and Oldies f&.s,&ti$<Z’ ~‘,~~.~~~~:,,‘~~~:~ started out as part of that whole low-budget Do-It-Yourself indieIt’s absofut&$terrible. .?@. it artist ethic, but they seem to have does is satisfy ttiti ‘~aby43oo&ks, become so identified with us that but there’s such a large pop&&n there’s really no need to change. of Baby-Boomers in the Stat&,#iat Had he any formal art traincontrols every fucking aspc$,.of ing? the media that the generation I&%&v I suppose if you call his gig as up in doesn’t have much of a@a security guard at the Whitney thing. We’re starting to get a bit of “formal .” a voice, slowly, but we still seem to Back to the new record. The get shut down by this giant populaLou Reed/Velvets influence is tion. obviously still there, but stylistiA friend of mine observed cally you seem to have veered that The Baby-Roomers are so away from the Fall and Sonic infatuated with images and icons Youth and gravitated toward Neil of their own youth that they basiYoung and Mott the Hoople... tally resent the current generaYeah, for sure. tion that’s actually young,:. ,.__ So this progression, was it Exactly. That’s so 6%’ tru+ ; <.. i .;bnd more natural or deliberate? why should we cede ;wFatl ti,e ::SixT suppose it’s both. When we ties .was all: &I&& &.@ yg, J&e recorded Slanted and Enchmied some of: t.h~,xnusi& buttwhy. .da we we were heavily into the Fall, Sonic hav .@$@$& &6ip& ~&$J: $mr Youth and the Clean. On this reco’d:~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~y~~~~~~~,is we’ve been more. into @$%$I$ ~~~.~~~~~~~6:.~~~~~~~~.~~ ,&k+$fth.i&things 1ike Can +nd &T~$~$@:&$$, +$ygr@+$ $$+‘@+&j,&,$& ‘1 ?&e+n, L4Fi]]more J+“~hjis .a[#’$Q&$:$:~~.&&& &;s’~~&~? gt &lyLbaefi to * I.., ‘fi, c




NoMeansNo w/Merlin Phil’s Grandson’s Place April 13, 1994 by Rob Imprint

Vickers staff


11 I’ve ever heard from people that don’t know NoMeansNo very well is that they arc a bunch of untalented noise-making hacks. Idiots, all of them. This was the first show that I’ve ‘ever seen at Phil’s, and it seems like agood enough place for shows like this (reminiscent of a show at the Trash for other Guelphitcs). There was an abundant crowd of overexcited bodies that controlled all of their energy (the wimps) until NoMeansNo took the stage, leaving Merlin playing to a bunch of zombies. Before I get to the main attraction, something should be said about Merlin. I have heard it said that Merlin suck, an opinion from a certain local radio station, but 1 formed my own, different, opinion. They took the stage with funk and rap on their minds, and projected it through the speakers. The lead singer was high-energy all the way, and the music sounded great (not to mention the high moral standards of the lyrics). The bassist could learn to play a bit better, but otherwise Merlin didn’t disappoint me. When NoMeansNo took the stage, starting with “The Land of the Living” from their newalbumWhyDoTheyCufl~eMr.Happy,





to be crazy

to play


the bouncers had their work cut out for them. Rob and John Wright, the originators of NoMeansNo, along with their guitarist from



rnisnirr l


it helps.

The Hanson Brothers (who are coming back this way in a little while -- catch them!) took the stage and wove through a selection from




in -l-oronto

Phish Concert Hall April 6, 1994 by Heather Robinson and Sean Smith special to Imprint


rice described as “professional loonies,” the high energy band Phish lived up to their reputation at their p concert on April 6 in Toronto. Despite playing at the Concert Hall, one of the hottest, overcrowded venues in Toronto and starting and hour and a half late, Phish played a stellar concert for almost three hours. The sold out audience of mainly teenage hippie types danced and filled the room with the smell of herb, sweat and patchouli oil. There were even spin dancers in the lobby. The Vermont-based band consists of pianist/organ player/vocalist Page McConnell, guitarist/vocalist Trcy Anastasio, drummer Jon Fishman and bassist Mike Gordon. They played a variety of songs off albums likeRift, hntu, andLawn Boy. They also played about half of the songs off their new 11 song album H0iit.

Opening with songs like “Llama”, “Guelah Papyrus”and “Stash”, the band spared no time in playing some spiralling improvisational solos arousing the c~wd’s interest. “Wolfman’s Brother,” easily one of the best songs on the new album, was fantastic on stage as was “Down With Disease.” “Scent of a Mule,” the silly bluegrass tune written by

almost all of their albums, including their rerelease ofMama, an early album from a time before Andy Kerr joined the band (who then left to be with his new wife in Europe). The first song they played off this early album was “Red Devil.” When this song started, another drummer took the stage, and rounded out the sound of the drums. It was fantastic (much better than the album version.) The extra drummer stayed for the rest of the show, and was a welcome addition. After another round of selections from previous albums, they played a rather long drawn out version of “Kill Everyone Now,” their latest theme song. This was the part of the concert when everyone in the front row could reJax and let their crushed lungs grab a little bit of air. Finally, the song was finished and everyone was moving again. The last song of the regular set was one of my favourite NoMeansNo classics from their album Sex Mad, entitled “Dad.” I was disappointed when they didn’t play this track at their last concert (eons ago with the Ex). Even though John and Rob are starting to look kind of old, the sweat didn’t stop flying till the last note sounded. The encore consisted of two songs, which was understandable due to their tiring trip from Thunder Bay to get to Phil?. But don’t be depressed, the encore will go on when the Hansons come back. Don’t miss that one, or you’ll get a hockey puck in the head. In the words of Rob Wright, “Do you know why they call me Mr. Happy?” Because I’m so ficking smart.

college/university types. Although there is a university following in Canada, the band seems to attract a younger crowd. Phish and the Dead have different sounds but they are both noted for widely varying, emotionally charged shows that contain explorational improvisations. Last month’s Phish show was no exception. Those who were at the Montreal show the night before saw a completely different show. The t&e of music Phish plays would be almost impdssible to pin down. Zt is a combination of bluegrass, folk, country, jazz and rock. Like their albums, the concert has a variety of types of music from soft ballads to bluegrass foreys. The band’s three-song encore was entirely acoustic with no vocal or ambient microphones. The closer, “Adeline”, was done in a barbershop quartet style. The harmonies accomplished in the old song were really quite impressive considerino the hand hd hmn whslllctino their vncml cords for more than two hours already. So despite the heat and horrible venue the concert was a success. Hopefully next time they are in town there won’t be a last minute change of venue to the Concert Hall for the third time. They were originally booked at the Palladium but problems of overcrowding at the New Kids on the Block concert the night before nixed the idea. Those nasty N ew Kids. is also a tremendous new album and is especially amusing to play in the car, windows down, on a counfry road with or without the kind bud. -Au


of “Vermont’s



bassist Mike Gordon, reminds you the most of Phish songs like “Poor Heart” and “Sparkle” of previous albums. The song was great live but missed the talents of banjo player Bela Fleck who played on three songs on Hoist. Dressed in T-shirts and jeans, the band jumped around the stage, smiling of course, switching solos, trading lead vocal and singing harmonies. This band undoubtedly has more fun playing on stage than any band with a touring schedule. Unfortuas rigorous






nately the band didn’t bounce on trampolines as they are noted for in “Bouncing Round the Room,” but during one song bassist Mike Gordon balanced an upright bass on his head. Phish is famous for creating this carnival-like atmosphere. Phish have played with the Spin Doctors, Blues Traveller, Widespread Panic and the Aquarium Rescue Unit and have been likened to the Gratetil Dead. They have already collected a loyal “Phish-head” following. In the U.S. the Phish-heads are mainly









Imprint, Friday, May 6,1994


-.Getting on your nerves. Laurie Anderson

hotdogs,” which involved plugging a bratwurst into the hotel room socket with a stripped off lamp cord, for four seconds - two if at 240 volts. Accompanying her was her keyboard ,and the full gamut of electronic noisemakers, by Ken Bryson DATs, and sound filters she loves so much. Imprint staff With back up music and sound effects firmly he nineties haven’t affected New York supporting her, she took to telling, even altering her voice to suit the occasion. Her regular performance artist Laurie Anderson 45 rpm voice dropped to a 33 “voice of much; at least this was clear as she took authority” and jumped to a squeaky 78 childthe stage just over two weeks ago to read ish for the “first song she ever wrote.” fi-om her latest work Stories From the Nerve Anderson’s technical wizardry with her Bible (a book this time). electronic toys added a holistic atmosphere Anderson’s hair still stands characteristo the evening - while some stories might tically askew, as if some deranged family have lacked the images to hold the scene, the member plugged her in when she was a lass, mood was held by her control over the back leaving her not quite recovered. Her clothing up and the stowas reminiscent ries themof Annie Hall, selves. again, not surWindprising. And her ing the art, as always, evening’s was new and extheme around tra-ordi nary. time and spirAnderson still be ituality, can Anderson counted on to championed challenge audithe idea of the ences yet mainendlessly rotain a straightfortating ferris ward stance. She wheel - time’s tells it as it is - as circular, not it is to her anylinear, nature. way. And considerStories ing she was From the Nerve reading from a Bible is catalog of her Anderson’ s collectionofstories, art, her theme was heartily photos and other Laurie Anderson - she’s into leather. appropriate. artwork spanWith the benning her two decefit of retrospective, she has discovered that ades of artistry. Her performance in Toronto “days go by, endlessly pulling you into the was a selection of anecdotes from that book, future.” looking back across her career and projecting Her performance consisting of many thoughts into the future. sightseeing stops along a spirtual/temporal And her stories did focus on time - the journey, Anderson gave us an entertaining end of time, the movement of time, the stillness of time. Through taies of hitch-hiking and enlightening look into the Greyhound of from New York City to the North Pole, Ouija her career. explorations of past lives, and reminiscings And what, then, is waiting at the next stop for Laurie Anderson? More of the same over endless rides at amusement parks, Anderson rode time throughout her story no doubt. More New York avant garde progressive, performance and otherwise, art. A telling and brought the audience along. new album in August - “Bright Red.” An Although some tales seemed too exobsession with her electronic gadgets and traordinary or too weird to be true, given voice filters. The same gravity defying hair Anderson’s animated personality, she gained cut. The same, innovative, Laurie Anderson. the benefit of the doubt. Although, most Truly, some things never change. would definitely forego her recipe for “hotel 7% Music April



Hall, Torontu 17,1994





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Imprint, Friday, May 6, 1994 c



Rheostatics w/ King Cobb Steelie and Groove Daddys Lulu ‘s Roadhouse April 22, 1994

by Natalie Onushka Imprint staff hat is one of the leading landmarks of the Cam bridge-Kitchener-Waterloo area, is situated near a wonderful cornfield and resembles Chucky Cheese (for adults) with a tacky gift/paraphernalia shop? You guessed it, none other than Lulu’s, the venue where The Rhocstatics, Guelph’s King Cobb Steelie, and The Groove Daddys played a few weeks ago. The show could be summed up as follows. Three good bands and a shitty venue. Lulu’s attempt to book more “alternative” acts such as the




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and The Jim Rose Cir-

cus Sideshow is admirable, but ultimately they just don’t fit into the rawk’n’roll atmosphere of Lulu’s. The dance floor was speckled with lights and the odd random dancer shaking their stuffwhile The Groove Daddys played. The audience couldn’t overcome the oppressiveness of flashing neon signs, bouncers on steroids, waitresses with their hair on too tight, and fifteen dollar pitchers for the following performance of King Cobb Steelie either. And so, 99.8% of the audience remained seatedor taking that of the form of lovely wall (and bar) flowers. Between sets was no bonus either, asmusic from what sounded like a bad A.M. radio seeped into many an ungrateful ear. A remarkable thing happened when The Rheostatics, rythmn gui-


Massey Hull April 25,1994 by Greg


Imprint staff




IN . . _



UpqnAdEs ONLY! ! Loction


~ Td/





Ziggy played


tarist Dave Bidini, bassist Tim Vesely, lead guitarist and vocalist Martin Tielli and drummer Dave Clark, began to play. Opening with a Jane Sibbery cover, “One More Colour,” a fraction of the audience actually got up out of their seatsand hovered around the stage. Most people swayed and crooned, some just bobbed their heads and tapped their feet, while + handtil danced. It was hard “io distiguish the vocalists from David Bowie circa 1972. The Rheostaticsdid theifbest to create more of an intimate and friendly environment by coming up to sit on the front of the stage,

legs hanging, to play unplugged live versions of “Ballad of Wendel Clark,” “Legal Age Life” and their most famous song, “Record Body Count.” The Rheoststics came back on stage to play a three song encore, ending with ‘*RockDeath America,” (appropriately ironic when considering the venue.) Rumour has it that the Rheostaticswill never play at Lulu’s again because a) they retise to play that venue ever again or b) Lulu’s will never invite them to play there again Food for thought. Who is Lulu anyway?

Did vou see the dr-bmmer’s hair? Crowded House


. ..

f I was forced to name only one band I would ever seelive again, I would pick Crowded House inside of two seconds. Theirs is a fantastic show, till of energy, spontaneity, and damn fine music. They are second to none. What can I say about this show however? Well, it was great, stupendous, full of energy, spontaneity, and damn fine music didn’t have Paul Hester. For thosewho don’t know, Paul has been the band’s drummer right from the beginning. Far from being a non-entity behind the drum kit, he is an essential part of the, band’s dynamic on stage. He is the one with the wackiest senseof humour, a key part of the (so I thought) tight ensemble that is Crowded House. Then the news came out that he had left the band suddenly on the 19th, two hours before a show in Atlanta. He cited a new child at home and a weariness with touring as reasons.

Now given the description of Paul above, this seems strange to put it mildly. Why would he leave the band hanging, smack dab in the middle of a tour? The missing interaction with Paul, and the further taciturn nature of new member Mark Hart, left Neil Finn and bassist Nick Seymour alone at the front of the stage for most of the concert, trying to carry the show like they did only a week before. Don’t get me wrong though, the band played a fantastic concert, wiih so many highlights, and probably the best musicianship I’ve seen in any of their shows. The drummer from opening act Sheryl Crow filled in, and did an absolutely fantastic job. Paul left the band only six &JJS previous to this concert, and there were only a couple of occasions where I thought, “Oh, the bandcould have beentighter here.” Mark seems to have been a particularity fine addition to their sound, showing

parently still their favorite. “Hole in the River” waspredictably a highlight, with its crashing ending extended over four minutes, and “Mean to Me” possessed a ton of energy. “When You Come” was breathtaking, with added-in bridges and the like. Overall, they continued in their fine tradition of taking the songs apart and rearranging them, adding a new verse here, an extended jam there, but still keeping the flavour of the song. At this task they are second to none. most memorable The occurance however, was the band pulling an audience member on stage to sing backup vocals on a song called “It’s Massive,” which to the best of my knowledge has not been recorded. This was Crowded House at their essence; impromptu numbers sung (the stage crew looked confused) and totally unplanned tangents in the middle of a show. This

great aptitude





and especially in slide steel, which is a difficult instrment to learn. They did the usual thing, and sampled heavily from the current albam and their first, which is ap-

fell quite


of the one in

‘9 1, but seeing as that was the best show I’ve ever seen, it’s asking a lot to want more. With Paul they might have mounted an attempt, but without him it just wasn’t there.



Friday, May 6,1994

The Merchant Operation Shylock by PhiIip Ruth Vintage sof%~ver 399 pages, $16.50 by Derek Weiler special to Imprint


t was with some skepticism that I approached Operation Shylock, Philip Roth’s first major novel since 1987’s The Counterli@. (In the interim, there have been two memoirs, plus a bit of stretching called Deception that he probably could have written in his sleep.) On the surface the new novel seems to further the spiral of selfinvolvement and solipsisim which has characterized much of Roth’s work for the past twenty years. This is probably true, and it is a nagging concern that remains even after the last page of this dazzlingly readable book has been turned. Operation Shylock finds Roth up to his old tricks: playing with doppelgangers, alluding to his own life, blurring the boundary between fiction and autobiography. It’s a delighthI read, but ultimately it seems like just more of the smoke and mirrors that Roth has already overused. The novel begins with Roth writingas Philip Roth for his fourth book in a row now. Roth recounts his harrowing nervous breakdown

Burn Independent Visions by Donald Lyuns Ballantine Books 336 pgs, $16.00 by Andrew Caron Imprint staff


ilm critic Donald Lyons offers a criti cal survey of recent independent American Films in Independent Visions. His focus is on the directors that provide the 1ife behind the progressive films that are sprouting up everywhere across the United States. Lyons covers the film scene in every comer of America. Everywhere but Hollywood, that is. Lyons is quite explicit in his condemnation of Hollywood studio films. He calls Hollywood creatively dead “except as a cash machine... the content of contemporary studio product is now so infantile -- at best adoIf I ran lescent -- as to leave Zittle of the of the room for any creativity beyond that of toy technology.” Jurassic Park, anyone? Lyons approaches the films covered as a critic. He goes into particular depth when discussing the films of Gus Van Sant, David Lynch,

J0l-m Singleton,

HaI Hartky,

Abel Ferrara, Paul Morrissey, David Cronenberg (giving him his due Canadian &-e%t), credit), Gd and Spike Lee. He also discusses the rise of such innovative female directors as


of Malice

in 1987-- and readers of his autobiography The Facts will remember that this did in fact happen. Is this a work of nonfiction, then? The preface insists that Operation Shylock is “as accurate an account as I am able to give of actual occurrences.” Those occurrences are certainly outlandish, however. Roth claims that in early I 988 he discovered that he had a lookalike double touring Israel, posing as the famous Jewish American writer and begging the Israelites to consider leaving the Jewish state and reassimilating themselves back into European society. In the country to interview a fellow novelist for the New York Times, Roth investigates, and thus sets off a dizzying series of events. It’s the resultant three-day roundof frantic escapades that most damages any claim that Operation ShyrOck might have had on “nonfiction.” Besides confronting his double-- who claims that his name really is Philip Roth-- Roth befriends Arab demonstrators from the embattled West Bank, attends the (real) war crimes trial of a Nazi concentration camp guard, apparently falls into posession of the diaries of Leon Klinghoffer (the (real) Jewish American who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists during the Achille Law-o hijacking), and finally agrees to undertake a mission for the Mossad (Israel’s

secret service). The most meaty and interesting parts ofOperation Shylock, then, are the various meditations on “the Jewish question.” The fake Roth’s arguments for “Diasporism” (mass exodus from Israel) before nuclear war with Arabs destroys the Jewish state and all its inhabitants, the bitterness of the occupied West Bank Arabs who equate Jewish miltary power with the tactics of Nazi Germany, even the outlandish middle American anti-Smitismof fake-Roth’s lover- al1 these are given their due. Roth’s Jewish background has always been central to his writerly identity, whether treated somberly (The Ghost Writer) or exploited for laughs (Purtnuy ‘s Complaint). Operatinn Shylock finds him probing at Jewishness-his own and others 9-- with depth and fascination. Unfortunately, it also finds him playing his usual fact-or-fiction game, with hasn’t really developed beyond Deception. Here it is given more shape, more sound and fury, but Roth’s direction in this way is really no more resolved than the book’s deliberately oblique ending. It is perhaps a small price to pay for a novel so readable and so filled with insight on other matters, but I for one am finding Roth’s various masquerades a little tiresome.

Hollywood Burn Martha Coolidge, Leslie Harris, Kathryn Bigelow and others. Of course the Academy Awards would have us think that female directors do not exist -- there has only ever been two nominations for a female for best director. One recurring theme through-

drug research lab as a guinea pig to help raise money for the film. This also gave him the time to finish the script. El Mariachi landed Rodriguez a multi-million dollar contract with Columbia, the same studio that released Boyz N the Hood in 199 1. ElMariuchi also won the Spirit Award for best lest first first feature film. The Spirit Awards are Oscars for independent films, awarded by Independent Feature Project/West, a group founded in 1986 by independent film makers. Lyons notes Lyons notes that that many new independent fi1m makers reflect nontraditional sectors of America. They are African-American, Hispanic, Asian, openly gay or lesbian, etc. Lyons asserts that finally the diverse : peoples of the United 1 States have avoice on film. Independent Visions i is well-written, entertaining and enlightening. Instead of simply telling us member fur President, and once was a Klan where each director is Klan. . . . from, Lyons suggests why out Independent Visions is the difeach director director came from where he ficulty of financing independent or she did, and he examines the influences the various areas have films. had on their directors. In spite of the restraints, ihese Included in the book is a handy directors have managed to produce filmography of all the directors covsome excellent films. He cites such success

stories as Linklater’s (199 1) which was filmed

Slacker And Robert for $23,000. &dri&e~‘s Rodriguez’s El Mariachi (1993), which was filmed for $7,000. Rodriguez spent a month in a Texas

ered and of many



ent directors. It lists all the major credits for each fi1m. There is also a listing of the independent Spirit Award winners since 1986.



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Imprint, Friday, May 6,1.994

Sarah McLachlan Centre in the Square April 18






by Kat Imprint


ust when you think you’ve heard all her songs, when you’ve bought every al bum and seen her latest concert, Sarah McLachlan entices you anew with her angelic voice, honest lyrics, and energetic and polished performances. Though her latest K-W concert presen ted no new material since her Centre in the Square appearance last fall, McLach’tan managed to provide her audience with a memorable show. Sarah McLachlan is undoubtedly among Canada’s top musical talents. She writes and composes her songs, plays the piano as well as acoustic and electric guitar. She has produced three albums Touch, Sdace and FumbEing towards Ecs~~s~v, which sell as far away as Europe (a market few Canadians break into). Her audience has expanded to include high school kids, balding pony-tailed fathers, and university students. Her concerts have become more elaborate and professional over the years. For example, lighting effects are now an integral part of her shows. “Into the Fire” was underscored by bright oranges, greens and reds, which provided an exciting backdrop for a very exciting song. McLachlan’s five mem-

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M. Piro staff

ber band has also become more important and prominent, though McLachlan herself, dressed in trademark black, is still the centre of attention. At earlier concerts which were



Sarah, Sarah, don’t ever lea&me, don’t ever go. mainly folky and acoustic, McLachlan admitted that playing electric guitar on stage was new and frightening for her, This time, she lacked no confidence when accompanying herself to songs such as “Possession” and “Plenty.” Though few songs “rocked”,? the audience, the pop version of “Hold On” sounded ready for the

of the night time bars. However, McLachlan has in no w’ay gone mainstream. Many songs were accompanied only by piano or acoustic guitar, such as “Ben’s Song.” McLachlan’s rich voice as it lamented a close friend’s death, and her sensitive piano accompaniment showed the power of simplicity. The audience was listening intently as if hearing the song of an angel. Despite the ethereal quality of her voice, the growing professionalism that surrounds her work, and the powerful lyrics that often deal with the darker sides of life, McLachlan has remained a normal Canadian, who hails from Halifax and now lives in Vancouver. The few comments she made to the audience were often introduced by “hms,” “sort of s” and “I don’t know why I’m telling you this.” One would suspect nothing out of the ordinary from this twenty-five year old until she begins to sing. Thedisappointingaspect ofthe show was perhaps its predictability. When an audience member requested “Solsbury Hills” as an encore, McLachlan thanked him for remembering her earlier concert material, but she declined to sing it. “I’d like to think I’ve moved on”’ she said. Though twenty-five dollars seem excessive for any concert, Sarah McLachlan made sure she presented the audience with a show to remember. Her voice was “trapped in yearning” and .it filled the audience with “memories trapped in time.”

32 short sentences aboutLeonardEnns The Silver Cord by Leonard Ems Centre in the Square May 14, 1994


I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexatkm of spirit. - Ecclesiastes

ral music and composition. Students will have a chance to see the result of Enns’ work on Saturday May 14th when the Centre in the Square presents his latest piece “The Silver Cord.” The 35 minute piece is a choral symphony in three parts, performed by the Kitchener-Waterloo Choir,

“The lament is essentially about the cyclical nature of human history and the fact that things repeat themselves. For me it’s very apropos to our situation now in the end of this century in which we’ve had all this positivistic thinking and breakthroughs in technology and we still have people slaughtering themselves throughout the world as we speak. “So, for me, it’s very much an effort to try and deal with that question in musical terms.” Enns sees the symphony as a “dark piece” but not without redemption. The third movement is a short quotation from Psalm 130: “My soul waits, as the watchman waits for the morning.” As Enns “The piece states doesn’t come to a hopeful point, but I don’t think to an easy solution either.” Over two years in the

and the K-W Symphony. Enns has used the book of Ecclesiastes as the primary text for the piece. He describes Ecclesiastes as d lament:

now see one of the country’s most gifted choral composersat the Centre in the Square. Tickets are available at the Box Office 578- 1570.

1: 14

by Sandy Atwal Emprint staff



Mother’s Day & Every Sunday “$&”

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ost university students have little time for classical music, preferring to spend time listening to Pearl Jam rather than Mozart or Bach. However, this. is in spite of the fact that the University of Waterloo has a thriving classical community with a rich tradition. Part of that tradition is Leonard Enns, who has been part of the MusicFaculty at Conrad Grebel since 1977.

Born in Winnipeg, Enns received his PhD in Music Theory from Northwestern University, Chicago. Since then, Enns has been working primarily in the areas of music theory, conducting, cho-




by Derek Weiler special to Imprint No matter how corporate or grassroots the level, the recording of music always seems to follow a prescribed form. Whether. a commercial giant or an unknown cult band, most acts seem to invariably sequester themselves in the studio to record The Next Album as a block. That’s why it’s so gratifying to see that one of the coolest indie documents of this young year is essentially a compilation of base& ment noodlings. Bassist extraordinaire James McNew (formerly of Christmas, now withYo LaTengo) has already issued a mostly-solo single under the monicker Dump, and has now followed it up with a full-lengther. Although on some songs he does have a little help from his friends (Y o La bandmates Ira and Georgia, and Hypnolovewheel’s Dave Ramirez), McNew acquits himself well on guitar, vocals and drums (not to mention new-wave organ),

by Sandy Atwd Imprint staff More




the east

coast. I’ve always thought that the most absurd thing about rawk’n’roll is that really big bands like U2, the Rolling Stones, and the Grateful Dead, are slurping Geritol while making music for people mostly in their late teens or early twenties. That’s why it’s all the more exciting to hear music by bands like Hardship Post. You know that if they weren’t in a band, they’d be

by Peter Imprint

and ably demonstrates that his songwriting and performance skills are more than suffjcient to support an entire album. One major source of Superpowerless’ appeal is its anything-but-the-kitchen-sink quality. That means eclectic covers (Sun Ra and the Shaggs as well as “Moon River”), lots of short quirky instrumentals, and even obscure Simpsons samples. That might sound like the record has its share of filler, but such an assumption would belie the amount of sheer ideas and musical inventiveness that buoys even the most throwawaysounding tracks. And there is also a fair share of heartfelt, till-bodied songwriting cm Superpowedess. On “Secret Blood,” “Good Medicine” and others, McNcw perfectsa world-weary but slightly optimistic tone, with a smart folk-rock vibe. And with the twin feedback loops of”How Many Bells?” and the amazing tour de force that is the title track, he has come up with a couple of indie-pop anthems that any young (or old) band would kill for. They are only a couple highlights of a very great record that will continue revealing secrets for many many listens.

bagging groceries at some shitty grocery store, or doodling in some boring University course. As much as rock dinosaurs try and take the fun, the youth and the vitality out of music, it’s bands like Hardship Post who put it back. The lead singer’s voice is only slightly better than mine, but you just know that these kids are having a lot of fun. I’m still trying to understand this whole Canadian post-grunge slackrock east coast thing. Maybe it’s becausenone ofthem havejobs. As a postscript, this is Murderecords’ third release Sloan’s own label. It’s comforting to know that not everyone in this shitty music industry is trying to kill everyone else.

by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff It’s impossible to listen to Crooked Rain, Crooked kin without wondering what it would have sounded like if Pavement had not been the subject of so much attention in the last few years. Would the songs still be about the music industry? Would it still sound less like the Fall? Would it still be as good? Hopefully the answer to all of the above questions would be yes. Pavement, among other things, are a constantly fluid band, not ones to stick to a formula or any preconceived notions of where they belong in the music business. As such, Pavement have created a permanent and simply amazing record of what music can be in the face of a music buying public who are interested in what music was. A much less eccentric record

than Slanted and Emhunted, the band have lost the 15 second noodlings that they seemed to be so fond of, but only to the benefit of their songs proper. “Range Life,” perhaps the most popular song among fans somehow manages to incorporate a country(! ) flavour among Malkmus’ bitching

about the Smashing Pumpkins and the Stone Temple Pilots. It’s hard not to illuminate the fact that &her than Lynyrd Skynyrd’s complaints about Neil Young, it’s pretty much a taboo to dis your contemporaries, but that’s

just what Pavement have a problem with, Rock’n’Roll as a whole, But while Pavement are preoccupied with making music about music, don’t think that they’ve actually started practicising anything as antiquated as songwriting. There are still plenty of seemingly nonsensical lyrics about cinema stars and walkmans (that youknow aren’t about cinema stars and walkmans.) What’s most important here are that the songs are decent and that they sound cool. Malkmus only seems willing to sing something if he can sound like he really doesn’t care, and so far it works. If the underground-alternative world (i.e. that section populated by Galaxie 500 and 3,Ds fans as opposed to Nirvana and Pearl Jam fans) seems to deify Pavement, it’s primarily because they are what everyone else pretends to be - a band with balls, that refuses to suck the corporate wang and really does what it wants to do. Eccentric and erratic, Pavement manage to pull off the difficult second album brilliantly. Imperfect sound forever.

I’ve NEVER even heard of these people! Then again, I’ve been accused of being musically illiterate as well as who am 1 to say? Beth Bartley has a music performance degree from the University of (yup) Western Ontario and uses her session musician and syphony experience to the bands advantage. Her husband, Mark Clifford is also no stranger to the industry;

he’s won prizes for his musical composition, production and guitar playing. (So what if Guitar Warz has had a bad rap, it worked for him.) VOX Violins is a band that injects feeling and emotion into their performance. Although prolific writers, VOX Violins divide their playing time between originals and covers. I’m talking Lou ReedGrace Jones-Bruce Cockbum (no he’s not related to me)Kate Bush covers. Time to use your Michael Bolton and Gloria Estefan CD’s for Kindling! Folk, jazz, classical, blues, rock, Scottish and Irish and even Eastern European traditional music are rolled into one sound. This schizoprenic motley assortment of styles doesn’t even sound bad together. Melodic yet aggressive, other than the apparent nervousness of the performers on the live tape I heard, VOX Violins were not too bad. Timeless, if nothing else.

by Jean Cockbum special to Imprint What do you get when you combine the Ii kes of a classically-trained violinistivocalistieyboardist (who graduated from Western and has symphony experience and directing credits) with a Fanshaw Music Industry Arts graduate, guitarist/ vocalist/keyboard player (who has witten a film score and aquired a couple music awards and prizes)??? No, it’s not a joke. I’m talking about VOX Violins, a band who prove that all these talents fit under just two belts. The duo, formed in1 980, has the benefit of diverse and extensive musical backgrounds; a solid base for their songwriting. OK, I’ll be the first to admit:

Haflich stafT

Mekons are probably one of the coolest British bands that I’ve heard this year, and after the glut of shitty articles in Imprint by Britpop hyping afficionados, I didn’t think that I’d actually like this group; however, as it turns out, I do!! Mekons, who are touted as a group of seasoned alternative veterans and the most tragically ignored band in the British scene, combine a mix of different musical styles, male and female lead singers, and a swill of irreverent lyrics and make a pretty cool pop collage. They probably belong to the group of overlooked British guitar bands like the Television Personalities, and others, that take themselves fairly seriously (unlike groups like the Wonderstuff) but not too seriously (like Cranes or the Cranberries) and have enough of a rough

by Greg Imprint

edge that they won’t be too utterly popped up (like Curve). Upon the first few listens, Retreat From Memphds didn’t do much for me, until finally a song called “the Flame that Killed John Wayne” jumped out at me; after &at the nuggets just started to jump out like mushrooms. The songs that strike me the most are the ones sung by the female lead singer, whose luscious voice has more tone than I’ve heard on a recording in a while,

especially in songs like “Lucky Devil, ” “Ice Rink in Berlin,” and “His Bad Dream.” The songs are heavy; the songs are harmonic, or just plain doped up on goofballs, Either way, they make for very interesting




enough variety to keep the listener interested for the whole album. Even the slow spots don’t last long until they’re overtaken by a melody more succinct, a riff more crisp in nature.

Hood-Morris rrt*

“Moist songs have enjoyed significant radio play and features: ie. 4107 (Toronto); 295.3 (Vancouver); CFNY (Toronto), etc.” Moist seems to have skipped around the problem of allegiances, with some very smart and bright pop hooks to their essentially overdone form of hard-rocking-guitarand-Eddy-Vedder vocals type music, popularized on a certain overhyped West coast American city. However, by dint of the fact that I can even draw a comparision between them and the fading Seattle scene, shows that most of their sound has been done before. Some oftheir songs are really quite good, most notably “Push,” and “Into

Everything.” However, David Usher’s vocals seem quite familiar, set to the heavily distorted, yet strangely harmonic, guitar of Mark Makowy. The album is essentially familiar, and to those who constantly need THE NEXT BIG THING, I don’t thinkMoist will satisfy. What they will do, however, is provide, to those who feel comfortable in a deep love of all that is distorted, a deep sense of belonging, and relevance. Yes, familiarity is truly a confortable disease, Maybe on their next album, Moist will delve a little deeper into those shimmering melodies which they feel too shy to expose from under the depths of grinding guitars.

As I said before though, what saves this album from incredible dullness is the bright hooks, and the great harmonies, which makes Moist remind me an awful lot of another Canadian band who became quite huge in the past year. I really hope that Moist will “shine.”


Imprint, Friday, May 6,1994

by Peter Imprint

Hiiflich staff

Although France’s Les Rita Mitsouka have been around for years, they are almost entirely unknown in North America. They are actually, along with Les Negresses Vertes, one of France’s hottest bands. Upstart band Niagara is more recent and has borrowed heavily from (sincerely flattered) their sound, but Les Rita are the legendary originals. Fronted by wacky miracle woman Catherine Ringer and her guitar playing sidekick Fred Chichin, the group plumbs through . weirdness combining warped diva singing with sometimes energetic, sometimes spooky sounds. Although they’re considered a dance band, this label would be misleading. While the album is sung half in English and half in

French, the song “My Love is Bad”, which is a duet sung with Iggy Pop, is completely bilingual. And&y’s French is not that bad either. In other words, it’s a perfect song for us bilingual Canadians (snicker). One of my favorites is “L’Hbtel Particulier” which is a gloomy number that has a really interesting bridge that combines an orchestal sound with heavy panting. The opening song “Au Fond Du Couloir” has all the punch it needs in anopening track, while “Get up, Get Older” offers some inspired funk/rap, “Y’a D’la Haine” opens vaguely like earlier hit “Singing in the Shower,” and becomes a Prince-like oddessey of tin, funk, sexuality and weirdness. “Les Amants” est un ballade avec un ferocite peculier, et qu’estce qu’on peut dire de “Femme D’affaires”? Comme cette amant de la scent Pep& le Pew toujours dit: “Rrahr rrahr, ay doo beleev my cup ees running ouver. Ai’m glad zey don’t sing “Que Sera, Sera”’ Or something like that. Vive la musique libre FranGais.

and theft, as well as between But, merely

by John Hymers special to Imprint Glenn Gould once - alright, often - remarked that in the future the audience would become the performer. His thinking was that with the increasing sophistication of recording techniques and playback equipment, the perrnanancy of the statical recording would be lost. The home listening audience was becoming enabled to make conductive decisions like increasing or decreasing bass and treble, and Gould in a pre-Sargent Pepper ‘s era was able to see the effect that this would have on live audiences. Why would they want to leave this power at home? Thus, he predicted in the 1950s that the classical notion of performance concerts would dissappear by 1999. If this failed to happened, claimed Canada’a pre-imminent concertpianist, he would lose faith in music lovers. Well, Orwell was wrong about 1984 and although Gould still has five years, the death of the performance concert seems rather exaggerated. But Gould’s vindication may come through the Orb. The Orb are exactly the audience that Gould was talking about. A group of audiophiles who would turn the tables on the industry and blur all categories between artistry

instead conductive

of sticking decisions,

reality to the

and mutative decisions, altering samples and arrangements beyond recognition. Need proof? One of their best known songs is based on a 10CC sample. Guess which one. For all their cleverness, an Orb recording is nothing more than intense ambiance (a contradiction to be sure, but consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds) punctuated by acid flash-backs. Purveyors of that techno music that goes by the name of trance, the Orb tries to make that nomenclature into a inanefest state of both mind and body with soothy melody, jarring rhythm, and invasive samples of found and contrived sound bytes. To be sure, this live recording is not their finest moment. The slickness of the studio isleft behind for the spontenaity of the concert bowl, and that can’ only hurt a sound that is based on total dominate of yourlebensvaum. This kind of dominance requires a more concentrated effort. But this is more of a quibble (or conphesion) of a trance-addict. “Live93” is an excellent introduction to the Orb, especially as it draws from all of their releases, including their singles. The live pieces are recognizable to their studio counterparts, but in no way is any one even close to being identical; this trait makes the album integral to any Orb col-

25 r’ vidual

by John special

Mill to Imprint

In the latter half of the fourth century B.C. lived King Xerxes. Reighning over Persia for ten years, he came very close to ending the golden age of Greece with his victory at Thermopylae, however he suffered two serious defeats, one at Salamis, when his navy was crushed by the Greeks, and one at Plataea where his army was defeated. Is this important to Arcwelder? T don’t know, what I do know is that after their brilliant “Pull” album of last year, they have managed a hardy (although not perfect) successor. “Xerxes” takes offmuch where “Pull” left off, metallic guitars, and just the right mix of power and pop. Naysayers will dismiss them as another Minneapolis rock trio, and those bastards should be made to eat their own balls. There are few aspects of pop music more excruciating than to watch a band work without receiving the recognition it deserves, however it’s highly likely that Arcwelder will suffer through their ignomy and continue to produce fast paced rock that the Stone Temple Pilots wish they could dream about.

lection. The Orb are the most well known trance cooperative for a very good reason - they are perhaps not the best in the genre, but defmetly the most consistent. “Live93” is a continuation of the Orb’s artistic achievements, which is welcome news in a mode of music that serves up as many nasty surprises as wonderous. Phreak out.

by Penelope Spheeris special to Imprint Cheryl “Salt” James, Sandra “Peppa” Denton and De De “Spinderella” Roper have spent the last seven years trying to proved that “Push It” wasn’t just the result of one-hit wonders, and they may have finally done it. Keeping up with both the smooth jams of rappers like Mary J. Blige as well as the hardcore gangsta bitch image of musicians like Boss, MC Lyte and YO-YO can’t be easy, but Salt ‘n’ Peppa have managed to do a very good job of it, while still being able to retain a very indi-

by James Castle special to Imprint It’s almost impossible not to love Julian Cope. His wonderful, weird and wacky tunes are that brilliant kind of escapism that few people can express, and almost none can express so well. Most of that brilliance was encapsulated well in%ored Genius, a comprehensive collection of the “best” of Cope’s solo efforts as well his work with the highly influential The Teardrop Explodes. The material on this album draws heavily from the period between ‘83 and ‘84 (although’ some of the tracks are as late as ‘9 1) when Cope retired to his Tamworth home after The Teardrop Explodes exploded. For the most part, this material

artistic stance. Pretty much all the songs have the band staking out the samesexual territory as their male counterparts, but the band is adamant about not being fantasy playthings. They’re not about to sit back and take it, they’re definitely in control (andyouknow what I mean.) Their greatest strength lies in their ability to balance a strong musical ouevre as well as an equal balance of well-rhymed put-downs and a proud self-respect. It sounds easy, but it’s amazing how few bands are able to do this. A lot of rap has become as derivative as any other genre of music. After the initial novelty of rapping about bitches and AKs wears off, there are only a few bands like Salt ‘n’ Peppa making new music worth caring about or listening to.

is rougher, but in many ways a lot more intimate than anything he recorded for his later albums such as “Fried” or “St. Julian.” With as vast a body of work as Cope has, tracking his progression is just part of the fun, and for the Copeaphile, this is the place to be. Earlier versions of songs like “Pulsar” from St. Julian demonstrate Cope at his most private and secret. His whispering of “Hey High Class Butcher” is disturbingly eerie at high noon and positively frightening’ late at night. These aren’t songs, but the tortured musings of a semi-madman. Half the tracks were recorded for John Peel’s show (demonstrating the importance of that show) and the quality is as high as can be found on most of his albums. There’s nothing like Peggy Suicide or last year’s Jeh0vaki~E here, just the artist at a particular point in time, still trying to find his direction, and you know that it’s unlikely that he will.



by Nicholas Currie special to Imprint Carter USM are an extremely odd couple, Jim Bob and Fruitbat are the clown princes of British techno-rock, turning oddly danceable Jesus Jones-ish music into social commentary. Their first release, 201 Dumnations (well, the fn-st side) was a brilliant release, a benefactor of the right time right place ethos that commands British Music. Their ability to turn heavily synthesized popular music into witty satire on war, politics and sex was unique at the time. Their sense of humour gained them devoted fans and shot them to the top of the music charts. Carter have demonstrated that their musical prowess is primarily in the realm of humorous covers (including the PSB’s “Rent” and The Smiths “Panic.”



With Post Historic Monsters, however, their schtick has grown a little tired. While they still can write good songs,they’re no longer great, and their inability to grow has hurt them. Songs like “Mid Day Crisis,” which takes a shot at the Waco wacko David Koresh, does come up with some good lines like “And like many a fi-uitcake before him/ He claimed to be the song of God/ But like many a fruitcake before him/Maybe he really was.” However, there’s unfortunately no continuity between these semi-witty, semi-insufferable one liners. They’re riffing on the same sort of themes as before, anti-Fascism, anti-Royalty and anti-love, and it does get a little (ok, a lot) repetitive at times. The easy shots at songs (“We’re boy meets girl/ Boy writes stupid song/The words are dumb/ and so’s the tune” - ‘VIIder the Thumb and Over the Moon”) are done much better by groups like The Beautitil South. Unfortunately, it looks like the Sex Machine is growing a little old and not a little impotent.

from among

Tonight andtomorrow at 7pr. Ruted AA



WIM WENDERS Tod+t tbroqb Tuesday, Nay IO. Chocktbr fihuide for rxrd showhsr RatedAh I

Mon. & Sat. 12 noon-7

Wadnesday Alloy 11 aad Thanday May 12. totb sbows at &55pm. Rmd PG.

p.m. ; Tues.

to Fri. 12 noon-9


by John special


Posters, T-Shirts & Chapeaux




Hymers to Imprint

also included scatology, piety, psychology, and dubious sexuality. Thus to travel with the Violent Femmes was psychogeography at its finest: the journey was the desti-

The Violent Femmes are probably best seen as the right band at the right time. Their busker mentality and acoustic sentimentality prefigured the unplugged era by a full decade; their lyrical candor and eclectic religious&y are in dissident parallelism to Prince. But - intellectualist paeans to their ability to tap into the early 1980’s need for minimalist raunchiness in the face of overwhelming pretty boy Britpop aside - they made you dance. “Gone Daddy Gone, ” “Add It Up,” and “Blister In the Sun” all defined a moment in time, a danceable solution to teenage revolution. ’ Indeed, teenage angst didn’t sound this good again until Nirvana. But unlike with Nirvana, you could forget the angst and choose

nation, and the waystops were the luggage. Of course, the Violent Femmes of which I spoke above were the Violent Femmes of their debut album. After’ that, things changed. Gano and company dropped their buskerism and got serious, releasing the’superb “Hallowed Ground” LP. That album was simply steeped in gravitas, sounding not like a sophomore effort but like the

by Ken Imprint

Opening with “Sticky Bun,” with simmering tiffs and high energy, flufworks through theirNome Improvements with tenacity and determination, slugging out twelve heavies and one %tuffed Animal” softy (the four track version).

Bryson stti

Recorded in “fuckophonic”sound, this fine offering of “hawd koa rock n roll” from the San Diego based fluf deserves to be in one of your record collection, your CD collection, or at least your cassette collection. Yes, these three subversive malcontent American males have recorded their stuff in analog, used a four track, and released the authentic version on vinyl, releasing the same sounds with different artwork and song titles on CD and cassette just to point out their vinyl attitudes. And though it is highly listenable, the music is indeed hawd koa, to a point anyways, having already garnered them comparisons to Hiisker Dii, Superchunk, Buffalo Tom etc...

by Rob Imprint

,/‘f New UK imports Every Week 8 Lots of Alternative/lndie. Music

a virtual

of readings - lyrisist Gano’s mileau


GREAT - -. -

Imprint, Friday, May 6,1994

Vickers staff

NoMeansNo are on or about their eighth album, released on Wrong records, the band’s own label, but licensed to Jello Biafra’s Alternative Tentacles. Yes, Mr. Wrong and Mr. Happy are back, ready to “Kill Everyone Now .I’ Over the past 10 years, NoMeansNo sprouted from Victoria, B.C. as the brothers Rob and John Wright. They released a bunch of records, including a single called “Here Come the Wormies” which

Home Improvements culminates with a new definition of fuzz guitar, the quagmire fuzz of “Mark Andrea.” Which seems to be how fluf view their world, a not too happy fuzzy picture. With lyrics like “The more I think/the less I

embarasses them, We’ve never heard it, and never will. After the first untitled 7” and the first album, Mama, the band added Andy Kerr on guitar, and his name was never creditedonthealbums. Whoknows why. A bunch of records followed. Sex Mud. The Day Everything Became Nothing. The Paver of Positive Thinking. Small Parts Isolated and Destroyed. U+2=1. Live and Cuddly. Yuu Kill Me. Wrong. A collaboration with Jello Biafra. Now they are back. The bass drives every song as it has ever since NoMeansNo formed, and the album flows cohesively throughout, from song to song. This makes sense, since it was originally written as a type of 60”minute piece.

exemplarary work of seasoned artists, even to the point of bringing along “Black

John Zom for the ride on Girls.” But then . . . what? Jerrv Harrison tried to make them so&l like the Talking Heads on “The Blind Leading the Naked” and the Femmes never recovered. The albums that followed contained less and less material of note, and more and more filler. Which is exactly why this Greatest Hits package is essential. It cuts through the crap and hits the highlights of their entire career. While this is a travesty in the case of their first two albums, which should always be heard in their entirety, it is sa.lvific for the rest of their oeuvre, and ought to save “Out the Window” and “I Held Her in my Arms” from undeserved obscurity. The eleven (!) unreleased tracks here also merit a listen, but more out of curiosity than anything else, although “‘36-24-36” and “I Hate the TV” are both solid. In sum: there’s no caveat emptor here, A must for dabblers, and a bonus for completists.

think about you,” and “Tried, to sway you to my side/Tried, but you can never decide,” fluf are just slightly cynical. Even those unlucky enough to buy the CD version, looking for higher sound quality and the like, will ultimately be disappointed. Track fourteen on the CD cover reads “You should have bought the vinyl,” which really does have a fourteenth track. Elsewhere on the CD art, slogans point to our CD stupidity: “digital technology can give you the shits. smoke dick.” Of course, fluf would love you if you bought all three of their Home Improvements, but don’t bother. Buy one of them, enjoy it, and tell your friends to buy the others, that way you can at least trade. It’s worth the effort. Look for more from fluf in the future, but don’t expect them up close and interactive for a while yet. And don’t ever expect them unplugged.

My favoutite songs are the ones with the happy titles: “Madness and Death” (very catchy tune), “Kill Everyone Now” (which 1 wanted to do by the time the song ended), “Slowly Melting.” and “Cats, Sex And Nazis” (with the first NoMeansNo sampling I’ve ever heard -- cool). With the loss of their guitarist, T wondered whether the Wright brothers would be able to keep everything together. Mr. Happy is still very much a NoMeansNo album, and I was happy with it. Don’t listen to egomaniacs from





don’t know what they’re talking about. This is a jazz/hardcore/funk album of a kind that most of you won’t hear from any other band.

MI l


University Heights Secondary School needs volunteer tutors to work one-toone with students at upgrading their basic skills in mathematics. If interested contact David Carter 1885-08001.

Announcements ‘B


Ukrainian Students’ Club - YES, USC is alive and well at UW! For event or dub info check our bulletin board outside MC 3001 (Math Lounge) or call Martin at ~905~430-3015. On Monday, March 7,1994 Bell Canada presented Sharon Flood,VPUA and M.J. Gepilano with a cheque for $1,000 to help support the PALS program. For *more info call Federation of Students 8884042. The Good Neighbour Council will be recognizing individuals who have demonstrated exceptional qualities of caring and responding to the needs of their neighbours.Nomination forms are available at all Royal Bank branches in KW. Deadline is June 1,1994. For further info contact the Volunteer Action Centre at 742-8610. Student Alumni Association announces a $500.00 award for outstanding leadership in extracurricular activities. Deadline is Wednesday, June 30/94. Only full fime, fourth year students are eligible. Please contact 888-4626 for details.


Counseiling Services will be offering the following workshops in the Spring 1994 term: Career Planning ; Exam Anxiety Management ; Exam Preparation ; Exploring Your Personality Type ; Interest Assessment ; Reading & Study Skills ; Stress Management Through Relaxation Training ; Time Management 8 Procrastination ; What To Do When You’re Down and 8lue. Register: Counselling Services, NH 2080 or call extension 2655. CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS: Strong Interest inventory; Discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities. Monday, May 9 from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, May 17 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. ; Wednesday, May 25 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. MYERS-BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR Discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Thursday, May 19 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, May 31 from 11:30 to 12:30 p.m. Each workshoD is 2 sessions lona. CAREER PLANNIING WORKSHOP Explore your personal interests, skills and values and work towards developing a comprehensive career plan in this 4 session workshop. Begins Monday, May 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 P.m. Register: Counselling Serv., NH 2080

READING & STUDY SKILLS Those who wish to improve thier study skills can take advantage of individual counselling and workshops in the following topics: a) study skills in the classroom, such as notetaking, effective listening, and class preparation; b) effective study techniques, including time management, textbook reading, and concent&on and; c) effective exam writing skills. (4 consecutive sessions): Tuesi day, May 17 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. ; Wednsday, May 18 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ; Friday, May 20 from 9:30 to fl:30 b.m.

TIME MANAGEMENT & PROCRASTINATION Forstudents who procrastinateand have trouble organizing their studies. (4 consecutive sessions); Wednesday, May 18 from 9:30 to I1 :30 a.m. Register for these workshops in Counselling Services, NH 2080 orcall extension 2655.


Scholarship @ Notices I

Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Spring term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Unless otheMrise stated, application deadline is June 30, 1994. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office. 2nd Floor. Needles Hall. ALL FACULTIES: C.U.P.E. Local 793 Award-available to Union employees, their spouse, children or grandchildren for extra-curricular/community involvement. Deadline: May 31,1994 Douglas T. Wright Award -available to all who have participated in an intemational work placement or a UW international study program. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: October 15 each year. Douglas T. Wright Experience in Japan Award - available to all who have participated in a work placement in Japan or a UW Japan study program. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: October 15 each year. Tom York Memorial Award - available to all for short fiction - not essays. Deadline: December 31 each year. FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES: Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: January 1995. Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship -available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Robert Hawotth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: Mav 31. 1994. FACULTY OF ARTS: Arts Student Union Award - available to all Arts students. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING: J.P. Bickeii Foundation Bursaries available to all Chemical students. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship - available to all. Deadline: October 14, 1994 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award - available to ail Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith Car Memorial Award - available to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship - available to all 3A. Dow Canada Scholarshipavailable to 3A Chemical Engineering. Deadline: June 15,1994. S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship - available to 4A Chemical. Dead tine: May 3 1, 1994. A.C. Nielsen Company Bursary - avai table to 1 B Computer Engineering. Deadline: May 31. 1994. Ontario Hydro Electrical Engineering Award - availablle to 2B Electrical. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursary available to 4th year Civil. Suncor Bursaries - available to all Chemical or Mechanical. Jack Wiseman Award - available to 3A or 4A Civil. FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Robert Haworth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31, 1994.

Marcel Pequgnat Scholarship - available to 3B Planning. Deadline: May 31, 1994. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS A.C. Nielsen Company Bursary - available to 1B Computer Engineering. Deadline: May 31, 1994. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. FACULTY OF SCIENCE J.P. Bickeii Foundation BursarIes available to all Earth Sciences. Deadline: May 31, 1994 S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Envlronmental Scholarship - available to 4A Chemistry. Deadline: Mav 31, 1994.

Library HOURS

EVERY MONDAY The Outers Club meets at 7 p.m. in the ES courtyard. Join in our exciting activities, or plan your own. Activities include hiking, backpacking, canoeing and kayaking. For info call Ken 846-2717. EVERY WEDNESDAY GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds GLLOWNight (formerly Coffeehouse} 9pm. HH 378. Everyone welcome to these informal social evenings. Info: 884-4569.


SPRING & SUMMER HOURS: Exceptions to regular hours will be posted at the entrance to each Library. Dana Porter Library: May 2 to Auc~. 13. Mon. to Thurs. 8-l I-; Fri. &lO ; Sa?. ll10 ; Sun. 1l-l 1. Info Service Main Desk Mon. to Fri. 10-5. Davis Centre Library: May 2 to Aug. 13. Mon. to Thurs. 8-midnight ; Fri. 8-I I ; Sat. 1 l-l 1 ; Sun. 1 l-midnight.

FRIDAY, MAY 6,1994 Ukrainian Students’ Club at University of Toronto invites everyone to re-live the 70’s and 80’s, “Friday Night Fever” dance with disco attire. It will be held at 620 Spadina Ave., T.O. For more info look on USC Board outside MC 3001. MONDAY, MAY 9,1994 GLLOW (Gay and lesbian liberation of Waterloo) will hold an organizational meeting for a new ‘Coming Out Discussion at 7:30 p.m. in ML 104. Phone 884-4569 for details.


TUESDAY, MAY IO, 1994 GLLOW Discussion Group will discuss: “Can We All Get Along?” All lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, gays and other supportive people welcome. UW, Modern Languages Building, Room 104, 7:30 p.m. For further details, phone 884-4569.

Young Progressjve Conservatives: Come and check us out.

WEDNESDAY, MAY II,1994 New Membership Orientation at 4:30, B.C. Matthews Hat 1,room 1040. interested in politics?

SATURDAY, MAY 14,1994 Remote control car race is being held at Casey’s, Fairview Mall. $5. entry fee with proceeds Great prizes to be won. Call 894-4460 to register.

going to St. John Soup Kitchen.

SUNDAY, MAY X,1994 Homer Watson House & Gallery invite all to an afternoon tea in celebration of the legacy of Homer Watson and his family. It will be held from I to 4 p.m. Call 748-4377 for more info. TUESDAY, MAY 17,1994 GLLOW Discussion Group will discuss: “Addictions”. Ail lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, gays and other supportive people welcome. UW, Modern Languages Building, room 104 at 7:30 p.m. For further details phone 8844569. The KW-Cambridge-Guelph Humanists’s general meeting at the Conestoga College, room 2Al l-3 at 7:30 p.m. Speaker Wendy Cukier, President of the Coalition for Gun Control. Everyone welcome. For more info call Guelph 824-65770r Kitchener 893-l 449. WEDNESDAY, MAY l&1994 Young Progressive Conservatives: general meeting and OPCYA DSM at 4:30 p.m., B.C hilatthews Hail, room 1040. Honorable John Reimer speaking. OPCYA Delegate Selection Meeting. Activity to follow. THURSDAY, MAY 19,1994 “Anything from Aa to Zygophyllidium! Domey Garden plant sale from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Environmental weather. courtvard of Environmental Studies II. To donate plants. please DhOne x3138.

Only $240.00, was $310.00 for this large basement apartment available May to to August. For more information call 8885460 or 7457347.

Furnished house for rent - Aug. 94 to Aug. 95. 3 bedrooms, on bus route to Universities, mall, 3 min. to Elementary school. $995./month. 886-9459.

Studies lane (in bad

Student desk plus chair, good condition $30.00. Call 747-9680




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