Improve my credit score fast

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Improve My Credit Score Fast

1. What does the purchase consist of? We are EBOOK providers and when you purchase the Improve My Credit Score EBook you will receive a comprehensive guide to improve your credit history and credit score. You will be purchasing an EBOOK on our subscription loan package, as an automatic addition we will register the agreement with the Credit Reference Agency, Experian.

2. How long does the subscription loan last? The SENDFX subscription loan is for 12 months. The repayments are in 4 equal quarterly payments. You will continue to receive information and updates, as and when available, in addition to your initial purchase of the EBOOK. The duration of the subscription loan is set out in the agreement you sign. The start date and the end date will be clearly stated in the agreement you sign. Please see the Terms and Conditions on this website for more information.

3. How do I receive the product and information? You will be required to provide your email address. An account number will be assigned to the email address you provide and all further information will be sent to the given address.

4. How will the E-BOOK help to Improve My Credit Score? Please read the following to learn how the subscription loan to the EBOOK Improve My Credit Score could improve your credit rating. If you’re just starting to establish your credit history or if you’ve had financial difficulties in the past, you in all likelihood have poor credit. The following are some of the things that contribute to a poor credit rating. A Subscription Loan from SENDFX Limited should help you build your credit rating. If you are approved for the subscription loan and you make your payments fully and on time, the added benefit will be that a completed and fully satisfied agreement will be added to your credit report which is a very positive addition to your credit history. A satisfied and fully settled agreement is when a loan/debt is maintained correctly for the full term and is reported as satisfactorily settled to the Credit Reference Agency.

No History For people just starting out or if you’re new to the United Kingdom, you’ll almost always have a low credit score because you have little or no history to demonstrate that you can use financial products responsibly.Getting a subscription loan agreement from SENDFX Limited and maintaining it responsibly can help you build your credit score. With a subscription loan agreement you will receive 12 on time marks on your credit report and you will have a completed and fully settled agreement recorded on your credit history,

which is a big plus to your score. This is dependent on you making all your quarterly payments on time, every time without fail.

Late Payments & Financial Judgments If you’ve had difficulties paying your bills or have County Court Judgements, this is recorded in your credit report and has a very negative impact on your credit score. Lenders will see you as more likely to not meet your commitments. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t rebuild your credit history. Ensure that you make on time payments towards all your financial commitments going forward. Using a credit card responsibly can also help you rebuild your credit rating.

Too Many Applications If you have suffered from poor credit, you’ve probably applied for different types of credit products many times from several lenders. The way that Credit Reference Agencies work is, every time you apply for any type of credit, even if your application is unsuccessful, a search is recorded which means that your credit report is impacted. Avoid applying for too many credit cards, loans, and other credit products. When purchasing the e-book ‘Improve My Credit Score’ from SENDFX Limited, it is unlikely that your application for a subscription loan will be rejected, thereby having a positive impact on your credit history.

Your Residence If you move home too much, this can and often does also impact your credit report as it could reflect an absence of financial stability. No constant and proper documentation about your actual residence can also have a negative impact on your credit history. Lenders invariably use the Electoral Roll to confirm and verify addresses, so you should register to vote at your current address if possible. Being registered to vote at an address is a very important indicator of how stable you are. It’s high on a lenders list of important indicators of stability.

Errors & Fraud on Your Report Check your credit report often, or at least once a year— regularly if you’re trying to rebuild your credit. Often,people are surprised to find errors on their report. You can also find some suspicious activity but only if you take the time to check your credit report!. If either applies, contact the credit reference agency where you accessed your report so that notes and amendments can be made to your credit report.

5. How much will the subscription loan increase my credit rating? It’s almost impossible to say in exact terms. This is because everybody’s credit history is different which means that your rating is different. The simple fact is this; regardless of your situation a subscription loan for the Improve My Credit Score EBOOK could improve your credit rating by a noticeable amount if you follow all of our instructions.

6.Can I cancel my package?

You can cancel your purchase within the first 14 days for a full refund. After you have signed the agreement and the 14 day cooling off period has expired, or you have waived your right to the 14 days cooling off period,the agreement comes into force and you cannot cancel it for the full term of 12 months. Cancelling the agreement/s can have an adverse affect to your credit history and could reduce your credit score. If you find yourself in difficulties then please contact us and we will try and offer you guidance and assistance.

7. When can I cancel? You can cancel only in the first 14 days, after that you agree to remain in the 12 months subscription contract which is not refundable.

8.How do I contact you? You can use the form on in the ‘Contact Us’ section of the site.

9. Do I need a bank account? Yes, you will need a bank account capable of supporting a Direct Debit or Continuous Payment Authority.

10. Minimum Age? The minimum age is 18 years old

11. Will I receive any money from the subscription loan? No. The subscription loan is for the purchase of the EBOOK over the 12 month loan period.

12. Do I have to accept/sign the subscription loan agreement/s? Yes. If you wish to purchase the EBOOK and have the subscription loan agreement registered at the Credit Reference Agencies. The EBook is NOT for sale except on a subscription loan for 12 months.

13. What happens if I stop my direct debit/continuous payment authority? If you stop your direct debit/continuous payment authority through your bank once your agreement is in force,and prior to the end of the full agreement period of 12 months, you will go into arrears. This will negatively affect your credit rating and will make it much harder to get credit in the future. If you encounter problems we would ask you to contact us straight away to discuss the matter.

14. How does the payment appear on my bank statement? Your payment to Send FX LTD will appear as ‘Sendfxltd’ if paying by direct debit or if paying by debit card or continuous payment authority.

15. Can a subscription loan help me? Yes. Although any debt management plan (IVA/Bankruptcy) will have a negative affect on your credit rating, a subscription loan for the EBOOK Improve My Credit Score from SENDFX Limited could help you to improve your credit rating.

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