Impulse Applus RTD May 2014

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May Issue 2014

Be interested


Impulse is a publication of Applus RTD Welcome to 2014’s first issue of Impulse. As usual, we have tried to gather together a wide range of interesting


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Giving Applus RTD a new impetus for the future Applus RTD on the TV! New Manager – Application Center

and often stimulating articles from the global world of Applus RTD. In this issue, we are focusing (amongst other things) on the further development of our company’s ‘brand’. We are also taking a close look at the key area of the role played by issues of health and safety. There is a report too, on a major project in the Caspian Sea, where our worldwide experience and expertise enabled us to deliver a critical assessment analysis on a pipeline weld challenge. And we are also looking to the future, supporting educational establishments and potential colleagues for the coming years. Needless to say, readers will also find a variety of up-to-date reports on people and events from all over the world. Maybe you too have ‘a tale to tell’ and would like to share your experiences with our many global readers? If you do, just contact your local Applus RTD representative or the Impulse Editorial Team. We look forward to hearing from you. For further information on any of the articles, please contact the Editorial team. We will arrange for you to receive that information via the author of the article. Other questions, comments and suggestions should be sent to: Impulse Editorial Team Applus RTD Postbus 491 2900AL Capelle aan den IJssel

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Advanced technologies become museum pieces! Bridging the gap

Translating Company Values into Health and Safety Goals DemoTruck on the road

Recognition for Applus RTD Certification ECA ECA... combining global expertise

What What’s in a name? TPPI is now GPS

A pplu RTD Rayscan training courses Applus

Met Metallurgic Field Work... it is now big bu business

The Netherlands T +31 10 716 61 13 F +31 10 716 63 73 Anouska Kroon Group Journalist Applus RTD Care has been taken to ensure that all information contained in Impulse is correct and up-to-date. However, Applus RTD accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or changes to published material.


Be responsible Be the best Be interested Be valuable Be open

Giving Applus RTD a new impetus for the future In this issue of Impulse, Applus RTD CEO Iain Light gives an insight into his views on the importance of ‘re-energizing’ the company to face and overcome the challenges that lie ahead. To succeed, he focuses initially on getting to the heart of what the Applus RTD brand means and represents, and then to ensuring that the company is always perceived as a totally professional operation, while clearly stating what the organization stands for both to colleagues and for our clients. Making the right choice “ With our successful heritage and an exciting future lying ahead of us” says Iain Light, “it is impor tant for colleagues and clients alike to understand exactly why Applus RTD is, and will remain ‘the right choice’. I am well aware that in this highly competitive global marketplace positive repor ts and word-of-mouth are not enough. We must be prepared to talk about ourselves positively, and proudly ”. “ We chose 31 st Januar y 2014 as the day to initiate our commitment to re-energizing the Applus RTD brand” continues Iain Light. “So a ‘Global Brand Day ’ was organized which aimed at putting the hard work of 2013 into contex t and to outline the hopes and challenges for the years ahead”. “Even though the company has been in existence for a long time and can boast many clients all over the world, a good strong brand is still vital. We established that those coming into contact with Applus RTD formed their own opinions about our company, largely based on personal experience. What emerged in fact, was that the Applus RTD brand was less well known than we had expected... so because a brand positions an organization and is closely related to the company ’s image and identity (at the same time building trust amongst stakeholders) something clearly needed to be done”.

I m p u l s e - May 2014


Defining the brand “For Applus RTD, the brand represents the sum of all that we do” adds Iain Light. So during the Brand Day the company ’s new mission, vision and values were presented.

The core values were established as.. • Being responsible • Being the best • Being interested • Being valuable • Being open

These values will become central to the spirit of the company and will guide ever y choice, aspects of behaviour, and what we do. To suppor t this commitment a new theme / strap line has been developed which demonstrates how we as a company can concisely express what we stand for and that is: Clear Insight. This theme confirms that Applus RTD... • Offers our clients a benefit of value to their own operations • Has a contex tual double meaning relevant to X-ray technology • Expresses values of safety, trust and integrity • Presents Applus RTD as knowledgeable and straightforward • Looks to the future • Promotes an understanding of the industr y, technology and the people involved


Readers of Impulse may recall that in the last issue, we introduced the Applus RTD DemoTruck (or MEU

Applus RTD on the TV!

– Mobile Exhibition Unit). It is already providing a very valuable means for expanding and improving our communication opportunities with clients and other external groups. In November 2013 the opportunity to see the DemoTruck was greatly extended... Together with the EventRent organization a T V

subsequently televised during the program’s feature

report was recorded about Applus RTD and the

item ‘Business Services’ in December last year and

DemoTruck for the Dutch broadcaster RTL7’s

created considerable interest for the potential of

program ‘Enterprising Holland’. The recording was

this valuable marketing support facility.

New Manager Application Center Applus RTD’s Technical Director Rienk de Vries is happy to announce to Impulse readers that Xavier Deleye has been appointed Manager of the AC Europe & Middle East as per 1 st Februar y 2014. He has been working with the company since 2008 in the position of Technological Center (TC) Project Manager. Xavier’s appointment means that the company will be able to intensify the focus of the Application Center (AC) on high level technical suppor t. This will cover key activities like validations and qualifications, new TC product introductions, and application development.

I m p u l s e - May 2014


Advanced technologies become museum pieces! Applus RTD can boast a very rich history that can be traced back over 75 years. Despite all the changes that have taken place during this period however, many of the company’s employees seem to know pretty well everything about its proud heritage. This clear demonstration of their interest in their company has led to quite a number of the often revolutionary new technologies developed over the years, to be carefully stored and preserved. Appealing to a wider audience Being a global concern, it is of course not possible that everyone can have access to these key items of Applus RTD’s history, so the people responsible for


taking care of these ‘valuable artefacts’ decided to

Looking back on advanced technologies

do something about it and together with their old

The equipment donated by Applus RTD will be

colleague Frits Dijkstra, Peter Briggeman and Adri

displayed on different ‘islands throughout the area

van den Biggelaar donated part of this important

of the museum – particularly those relating to

collection to the Dutch Industrial Museum of

safety. The equipment includes:

Zeeland. • Ultrasound – Krautkamer Bildgerat (a forerunner The museum is located in the southern town of Sas

of USIP 10)

van Gent and an important part of its displays are

• USIP 10 – 1960

those of industrial equipment from the last century

• Branson Sonoray 1970

as well as important and more up-to-date industrial

• USM 2 – 1975

developments. To further enhance its appeal to

• SONORAY – 1980

visitors, the museum has also recently moved to a

• Krautkamer K-meter – 1980

new and improved premises.

• USL 32 – 1985 • Radiography – zwartingsmeter – 1960

In addition to the permanent collection, there are

• Teledetector – 1970

regularly changing displays as well as a ‘laboratory’

• Schakel tafel RT – 1975

where tests can be carried out. In addition there are

• Wilnis Film Viewer – 1980

facilities for meetings and lectures and children are

• Visual – Ruwheidsmeter – 1980

encouraged to participate and learn about industry

• Magnetics – magnetic probes

of the past, present and future.

• Eddy current – defectometer – 1970

I m p u l s e - May 2014


Applus RTD clearly recognizes that

Bridging the gap

the success of the company’s future can lie with the students of today. Because of this, the company is always willing to play an active role in creating a positive link between education and a future in industry. Recently two separate projects have been carried out with this in mind... areas of specialization) Centers of Expertise and

Simplifying the link...

Centers of Innovative Talent are proposed to help

At the end of 2013, Dutch Education Minister

bridge that perceived gap.

Bussemaker indicated her commitment to the


simplification of the gap that is seen to exist

Applus RTD is playing an active role in improving

between educational facilities and the world

the co-operation between industry and further

of industry. To help overcome this problem, at

education establishments with a view to improving

secondary schools (and depending on their particular

the way professional practices are seen and carried

out. The structural collaboration between Applus

It was considered an informative and successful day

RTD and these establishments is designed to deliver:

and was a clear demonstration of how collaboration between industry and education can be stimulated.

• A clearly defined policy towards trainee schemes

The initiative for this exercise stemmed from

– for Applus RTD this also can represent a

Breton Dolleman and he was ably supported by

potential source of employees for the future

Esther Kouwijzer from HR.

• Par ticipation in work groups and committees – through working together developing courses an improved link between theor y and practice can result • The provision of guest ‘teachers/speakers’ by Applus RTD for lessons as well as information days which will result in greater awareness of the value and applications of NDT&I techniques. The DemoTruck... a friendly teacher! An example of how these concepts of bridging the industrial/educational gap can work is the company ’s collaboration with the HRO (Rotterdam College of Higher Education). On 16 th Januar y 2014, students on an AD Engineering course visited Applus RTD’s Training facilities for a presentation on NDT&I. On 28 th Januar y 2014, at a demonstration day at the Maar ten van Rossum (Secondar y) School in Arnhem, Applus RTD also gave a good indication

What people said...

as to how schools and industr y can work together

Amongst the many positive comments received

with the help of the DemoTruck . Students gained

from students following the joint exercises

a valuable insight into what the company does and

to stimulate awareness and interest in what

what NDT&I is all about. Techniques demonstrated

industry has to offer were...

and explained to a group of enthusiastic students included:

“The students found the afternoon spent with you informative and interesting. We thought

• Thermography

Cornelis Blankenstein (an Applus RTD colleague)

• ToFD

gave a clear indication of your areas of

• Manual Ultrasonic Testing

operation and activities”.

• Radiography “I must confess that I underestimated the value With the help of demonstrations, students could

of a ‘practical confrontation’ with theory. You

readily see what NDT&I is all about and which

have reassured me!”.

techniques are employed for example, to inspect welds. By using X-ray pictures of welds that the

“I hope that next year to have at least the same

students themselves had made ever y thing became

number of interested students, so you can

clearer much more quickly!

once more reserve one or two afternoons for us, such as these” - Jack Hoving, High School Rotterdam.

I m p u l s e - May 2014


Translating Company Values into Health and Safety Goals In January of this year, the Applus RTD Global

other words, in the contracting and planning stages

HSQE team got together in Rotterdam to make a

of projects, as well as in daily work routines.

proposal for Health and Safety goals and objectives. The goals are the desired long term results that

Safety Day 2014

the company will be striving to achieve, and the

9 th October 2014 is going to be an impor tant date

objectives, the short and middle term measurable

for the diar y, both for Applus RTD employees as

targets to help achieve those goals. The framework

well as for clients and suppliers. It is the Applus

selected to formulate the goals was based on the

RTD Safety Day 2014, and it will be having a highly

recently introduced set of the company values.

per tinent theme - ‘Working together for safety’. It will emphasize that on ever y stage of a project

A structured approach

and ever y day at work, ever yone has a role to

If health and safety performance are to be

play in safety management. This is not least

improved, a structured approach is key. This

because a project that is better planned in terms

should be combined with increasingly consistent

of achieving safety objectives will also be more

implementation of health and safety management

likely to achieve and exceed quality and financial

in day-to-day work and at every stage of a project.

requirements. In the end, project results will be

To succeed, people must be constantly aware

better for all par ties involved.

of their responsibilities for identifying hazards, and the management has to be conscious of associated risks. Through this approach, health and safety management is not


limited to the execution

Goal 1 -Be responsible


At Applus RTD, health and safety are the No. 1

priority, and as such the company will be ensuring that necessary resources will continue to be made

available to ensure this aim is met... across all business

phase of a project, it

functions and across all project stages from bidding

is performed long

to evaluation. All aspects of health and safety will be

before jobs are

integrated into day-to-day decisions and activities and

started at the

people’s behaviour. While the company will demonstrate

work site – in

a duty of care, employees in their turn will show a


duty of loyalty and pro-activity. In addition, all levels of

Goal 4 – Be valuable

management across all business areas will demonstrate

For every project and for every job, the firstt q question is... stion is

this commitment by visiting employees at the workplace.

how can it be carried out safely without harming ming people’s

By the same score employees will demonstrate their

health. By determining the scope of projects wellll in i

loyalty through a focus on ensuring a safe environment

advance, a pro-active approach to achieving this goal is

for themselves and colleagues.

possible. Necessary budgets for preventive measures and

Goal 2 - Be the best


agreements on who will be responsible for HSE aspects of projects will be built into the bidding, contracting and

Through a company-wide concern for all aspects of

planning phases. In addition, all managers and employees

health and safety, Applus RTD is committed to becoming

involved will take personal responsibility for safety during

the provider of choice for clients, and the employer of

the course of projects. This approach gives employees

choice for personnel. Employees will be proud to be safe,

a feeling of empowerment, as management appreciate

and understand how to manage all aspects of safety.

their input and feedback.

The goal is to become a benchmark for clients and other contractors because of our commitment to safety. Goal 3 – Be interested


Goal 5 – Be open Any health and safety concerns which mightt be b


expressed will always be treated with respect ect and and

Safety is clearly established as the No. 1 priority. ori

empathy and information and experiences relating ting to

However, equal priority must therefore also be given to t

health and safety performance (including incidents and

the training and education of managers and employees mployees

best practices) will be shared. Good safety

on how to perform projects and tasks in the safest

performance and behaviour will be recognized, and

possible way. This is not just a goal but a commitment, as

behaviour or actions carried out in good faith such as

both time and money have been budgeted for health and

stopping work because of safety concerns, will not

safety training. Together with HSE personnel, and using

suffer negative consequences... rather, positive

existing systems, managers and employees will actively

encouragement will be given and expected... both by and

seek to understand hazards and risks involved in their

from front line supervisors in order to develop this

projects and jobs, and intervene where necessary.

culture further.

I m p u l s e - May 2014


DemoTruck on the road Following F ll i it its iinitial iti l presentation t ti mentioned ti d iin th the llastt

Cakir (Sales) explain to visitors what makes our

issue of Impulse, the new Applus RTD DemoTruck has

techniques so special and also, how they work. The

been on a two-week roadshow in Germany. It enabled

location of the event and also the contact established

employees and clients alike to see this exciting and

with clients provided an ideal example of how to

important new training and exhibition facility.

demonstrate the connection between A. & C. Kosik

One of those who quickly recognized the value of the

GmbH’s products and techniques. Our open house day,

DemoTruck was Mr. Zehentbauer from A. & C. Kosik

was very special for all involved, and proved a big

GmbH in Germany. He lost no time in seeing how he

success for clients and visitors alike”.

could put it to good use! Open house! “In October last year, our family business celebrated its 90 th anniversary. To mark this milestone we decided on having an open house” said Mr. Zehentbauer, and it immediately occurred to me that the Applus RTD DemoTruck could play a valuable role. The result was that I immediately got in contact with the Applus RTD Germany’s Regional Manager South”. “During our 90 year anniversary celebrations we presented our production facility and machinery at our premises in Kelheim. By using the DemoTruck for demonstrations, it meant we could provide a powerful impression of our daily activities to visitors, employees and their family members, as well as business partners, district administrators, the mayor and numerous people who were unfamiliar with our business”. The DemoTruck... a valuable partner “Applus RTD” adds Mr. Zehentbauer, “played an important part in this successful event through the big impression that the DemoTruck made on visitors. Demonstrations of techniques from the Special Inspection Department helped Alexander Metselaar

When you are interested in a demonstration of one

(Head of Special Inspections, Central Europe) and Izzet

of the techniques, don’t hesitate to ask for a visit of our DemoTruck at


Recognition for Applus RTD Certification The Dutch Ministry for Social Affairs and Employment

Key responsibilities

has recently announced the extension and expansion

Through these recognitions, Applus RTD Certification

of the remit of Applus RTD Certification B.V.. This

is now accredited and notified for the following:

important facility within the Applus RTD organization has been recognized as an Approved Inspection

National Legislation (Dutch Commodities Act for

and certification Body for Pressure vessels until

Pressure Equipment)

1 st January 2020. In addition, the Ministry of the

• Approval and inspection of pressure vessels,

European Commission has declared that Applus RTD Certification B.V. is confirmed as a Recognized Third Party Organization (RTPO) for the Approval of Permanent Joining Procedures.

assemblies and pressure systems • Regular checks of pressure vessels, assemblies and pressure systems at fixed intervals • Assessment of repairs to pressure vessels, assemblies and pressure systems • Assessment of modifications to pressure vessels, assemblies and pressure systems European Legislation (Pressure Equipment Directive) • Approval of permanent joining methods of pressure vessels (welding procedure qualification records) falling under risk categories II, III or IV Thanks to the extension and expansion of the recognition to the remit of Applus RTD Certification B.V., Applus RTD (where necessary in collaboration with its sister company Applus Velosi) can offer clients in the Dutch market a full range of services including testing, inspecting and certification (TIC). The seamless co-operation between all groups and parties involved in the field of asset management is designed to ensure an optimal inspection plan in which downtime and risks at the client’s location are kept to an absolute minimum.

I m p u l s e - May 2014


ECA... combining global expertise

As a key part of the Filanovsky pipeline project

RTD pipeline department, it has long been the desire to

in the Caspian Sea, Applus RTD delivered an ECA

perform ECA directly for clients. By performing the ECA

(Engineering Critical Assessment). To do this,

we could determine the acceptance criteria, giving the

competences from all over the company’s global

company an advantage in being able to deploy new NDT

organization were combined, under the leadership of

technologies. Advanced NDT techniques provides more

Casper Wassink from the corporate offices in Capelle

accurate results and show clients smaller defects,

a/d IJssel in The Netherlands.

which cause an argument with pipeline contractors regarding repair rate while these imperfections do not

ECA... evaluating if welds are fit for purpose

affect the pipelines fitness for service. In such cases

Most NDT technicians are familiar with situations where

more intelligence acceptance criteria are beneficial to

a client’s welds have been rejected and as such this

the client.

causes dissatisfaction, additional costs and delays to a project. Regulations for gas pipelines are very strict

Facing up to the challenge

however, and some flaws can be rejected contrary

Until Applus RTD started the project, it was thought

to the judgement of the welders who are obviously

that a great deal of outsourcing work would be needed.

satisfied with the work they have carried out.

However, thanks to the commitment, support and global expertise from within the group the whole challenge

To help the pipeline contractor in these situations, an

was met from in-house.

ECA can be performed. In this, the loads resulting from pipeline installation, and the operating conditions of

For the project, stress analysis and engineering

the pipeline, are evaluated against the strength and

analysis were performed by Applus RTD’s recent

toughness of the welds as determined by destructive

acquisition Kiefner, in Columbus, Ohio. To be able to

materials testing. The result is an evaluation of both

draw on their expertise was a big benefit as they have

the type and size of flaws that need to be rejected for

performed many of these studies for other companies

the pipeline to be classed as fit for service.

offering ECA to pipeline contractors. Kiefer’s stress analysis specialist Bob Francini helped in obtaining


Across all disciplines

correct information from the pipeline contractor as

It is clear from the description of an ECA project that

they themselves had no previous experience in this sort

competences are required in the areas of welding,

of advanced engineering analysis. Typical data included

stress analysis and also materials testing. In the Applus

the amount of strain the pipelay process from the

laybarge would put on the welds and how this compared

Luckily, Applus RTD’s Business Development Manager

in terms of Russian regulations and requirements.

in Russia and CIS countries, Anton Zubarev, is a licensed engineer with experience in the field involved.

Materials testing for the project was carried out at the

He was able to translate reports and provide

Applus Laboratories facilities in Barcelona, Spain and

explanations to the Russian authorities who posed

also in Bremen, Germany. Applus Laboratories is one of

quite a few in-depth questions on the way testing was

the core Applus divisions, besides RTD, and the work they

carried out in Barcelona.

carried out was co-ordinated by MarĂ­a Corzo. While the competences of Applus Laboratories are broadly to be

To ensure the success of the project, all activities

found in the aerospace industry, many clients from the

had to be co-ordinated, and documents and

oil and gas industry are familiar with the name of Applus

materials sent to locations in the five countries

from their associations with Applus RTD. For Applus

involved. It is a testament to the commitment of

Laboratories it represents a valuable opportunity to get

employees of all companies involved that everything

to know new markets.

went without a hitch.

Language... no barrier

The final report was delivered to the client as

During the course of the project it was necessary for

promised and the problems of the rejected welds

all testing information and reports to be provided

were solved.

in Russian and signed by a licensed Russian engineer.

Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA)... a challenge in the Caspian sea. The expertise and co-operation from Applus+ and Applus RTD colleagues from all types of disciplines all over the world come together and deliver a solution. On time and to the client’s satisfaction.

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What’s in a name?

TPPI is now GPS Applus RTD TPPI (Tank and Pipelines International) is changing its name and will now be known as Global Project Services (GPS). Why? And what are the benefits for clients? Applus RTD’ s Director of this new venture Martin Pot explains. “ To better meet global requirements of our LNG and Pipeline clients, a number of changes in the way we work and our structure are currently being implemented. While these changes are mainly internal, we feel they are necessar y to improve global collaboration between the regional Pipeline and LNG tank depar tments”. “ The prime objective of the changes is improve the way we work and communicate in order to better suppor t our clients, and improve their experiences with us. We are convinced that as the new name of Global Projects Services becomes familiar, clients will also quickly recognize the benefits covered by this name change”.


Since the new Applus RTD Rayscan technology’s introduction an increasing number of projects are being acquired, and as their planning stages get closer the demand for certified operators is growing steadily. To meet this demand, and working in co-operation with the Technological Center and Operations (Global Pipelines Projects), the Applus RTD Application Center has developed a standard RTD Rayscan training course. The two-part course

Applus RTD Rayscan training courses

covers both theoretical and practical aspects. Certification is the goal During the course, which lasts two weeks, participants learn the principles of digital

implemented into the training course in order to

radiography, operating/fine tuning of the system,

comply with new requirements.

and how to use the system’s related software. Once the examination has been successfully completed,

The Applus RTD Rayscan training courses are

participants receive an Applus RTD certificate.

currently conducted in Houston, Texas, USA, Rotterdam in The Netherlands and also on-site at

If updating of the training material is required, the

the Evanton, UK spoolbase.

short communication links between Application Centers and the Technological Center. An example

The training courses are carried out by trainers and

of this continuous commitment to build the very

specialists from Applications Centers together with

latest information into the course has been the new

experts from Operations.

standard on digital radiography ISO17676-2 which came into force at the start of the year... both Applus

The examination and certification process is

RTD and its clients being increasingly aware of the

witnessed and controlled by the Application Center in

implications of the new standard regarding digital

order to ensure the consistently high quality level

radiography weld examination. New software tools,

that is essential to meet the demands of the Applus

developed by the Technological Center have also been

RTD organization and also industry standards.

I m p u l s e - May 2014


Metallurgic Field Work... it is now big business routine conformity testing for quality control to bespoke testing packages. Optimal performance through specialist teams The Metallurgic Field Work Department … the

Included in the Norwegian team are Manager Nedim

brainchild of Applus RTD Norway AS’s Managing

Kaniza and Senada Kaner. They are both metallurgists,

Director Eirik Bjorheim, has become big business, and

and carry out control work reports, procedures,

over recent years it has gone through a major growth

standards, and quality plans. These operations which

and development process. Already well known in the

include PMI, hardness measurement, chemical analysis

Norwegian market, these new inspection methods are

and replica (microstructure) investigations, are carried

performed by field metallurgists.

out every year using a metallograph.

Working in the grey zone

Senada Kaner who comes originally from Bosnia

Although the methods employed by the field

and Herzogovina, is a metallurgy specialist with

metallurgists are in the grey zone of Destructive

considerable experience of the metal industry. Her

Testing, they are to be found in the category of Non-

work involves the study of metals and alloys, the

Destructive Testing and include...

appearance of the structure mainly studied by

• Chemical analysis

microscopy, chemical analysis, hardness measurement


PMI and OES. She makes qualitative and quantitative

• Microstructure analysis

descriptions and assessments of the microstructure

• Metallographic Examinations

of metals using a microscope. Based on the structure

• Hardness testing

and appearance, chemical analysis and hardness

• Re-identification of drilling equipment according to

material properties can then be inferred. Metallurgy

DNV RP E101 & 102

is used as part of quality control, material recertification and certification, control, damage

Behind this testing and analysis service is a

analysis, research and development.

commitment to support organizations validate their


products and processes. The scope of the services

At Applus RTD Norway AS, microstructure examination

available include extensive testing and analysis, from

and evaluation plays a key role in material testing and

evaluation. Metallurgists and metallurgical inspectors perform on-site examinations with portable machines (Movipol 5) using surface preparation, polishing and etching to reveal microstructural elements. For evaluation of microstructures a portable optical microscope with magnification up to 650 X is used. The metallurgist also does microstructural evaluation. All mechanical and physical properties are directly dependent on material microstructure and each micro constituent has its own unique appearance, shape and mechanical properties. By micro examination and evaluation it is possible to reveal the history of material production, plus the heat treatment cycles to which the material was subjected. This also reveals internal undesirable defects in the material like cracks, cavities, inclusions, precipitation phases, segregation,

Senada Kaner

porosity and other non-conformities. The processes involved enable verification that the microstructural

So it is therefore important that a metallographic and

elements obtained are in accordance with chemical

metallurgy are employed to make judgements in hardness

analysis, PMI method and hardness results”.

measurement and chemical analysis.

The illustration (Fig. 1) gives an example of

Applus RTD Norway AS’s highly qualified and

microstructure of super duplex stainless steel plus

experienced staff are able to devise a suitable testing

Senada’s evaluation on the item for inspection.

methodology to assess the suitability and fitness for purpose of a new or old product. The company is also an

The metallograph... playing a vital role

active participant with DNV and Bureau of VERITAS

When it comes to hardness testing, chemical analysis and

committees in the development of standardized test

assessment of material degree the metallograph plays

methods which, together with the resources of our

a vital role. Many people for example, are unaware that

Information Center, ensures teams are kept fully

it is carbon that has the greatest effect on the steel

up-to-date with the correct, and most applicable

alloy – a carbon content between 0.3% and 1.0% being

standards. The organization is also able to undertake

the one that determines the hardness and the elasticity,

analysis of physical and chemical properties along with

but also the one that reduces corrosion resistance.

microstructural analysis... in-house and on-site.

Comprehensive support and facilities The Norwegian Metallurgic Field Work operation has a total of 5 metallographs, 3 metallurgists and have 2 PMI-OES chemical analysis provisions (PMI spectrometers), 3 PMI guns, 3 kits for the export of replica (microstructure), 2 ferrite measurement machines and 7 different portable hardness machines. These are exclusively operated by personnel who have the right Fig. 1

qualifications to perform the required tasks and interpret the results”.

I m p u l s e - May 2014

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To optimally serve our global clients, Applus RTD has established a network of strategic locations to ensure that the right help and advice are always available... when and where you need them.

North & South America Canada United States of America (North) United States of America (South) United States of America (East) United States of America (West)

T +1 780 440 6600 T +1 517 531 8210 T +1 832 295 5000 T +1 716 853 2611 T +1 661 399 8497

Europe Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Norway Slovakia Spain The Netherlands United Kingdom

T +43 2622 64014 T +32 3 666 32 32 T +420 466 530 858 T +45 7513 0050 T +33 4 72 50 57 50 T +49 234 927 980 T +47 51 83 92 00 T +421 904 244 253 T +34 93 520 2053 T +31 10 716 60 00 T +44 1324 48 97 85

Middle East Abu Dhabi Dubai Sultanate of Oman

T +971 24 49 68 01 T +971 44 48 72 38 T +971 2 554 2929

Africa Nigeria South Africa

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