Hundreds Useful Tips For E-Course Publishing

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100 eCourse Publishing Tips Copyright by Mr. X


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This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author and the publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, intellectual property, accounting or other professional advice. If legal advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

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This ebook will give you 100 ecourse publishing techniques. They will help you successfully publish follow-up autoresponder ecourses that you can use as freebies or paid products. They will will persuade people to subscribe to your opt-in list. Plus it will show you how to increase your traffic, sales and affiliate commissions.


1) Your ecourse header could be 'Thanks For Opting In To This (subject) eCourse! '. Add affiliate ads in your ecourse. Plus you can state 'Visit these other articles: ' and include your affiliate link.

2) Your message line may be 'Here Is The 2 Of 5 Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Insert affiliate sing up offers in your automated content. And you might mention 'View these related audios: ' and publish your coded URL.

3) Your e-mail header can be 'Here Is The Second Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Furnish alerts./breaking news in your Internet e-class. Also you could say 'See these comparable authors: ' and provide your reseller link.

4) Your subject line might be 'Here Is Part 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Publish automotive content in your autoreponder class. Plus you may recite 'Read these similar blogs: ' and add your JV partner URL.

5) Your ecourse header could be 'Here Is The No.2 Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Write babies/pregnancy content in your follow up lesson. And


you can utter 'Buy these resembling blueprints: ' and furnish your commission link.

6) Your message line may be 'The Next Part 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Type beauty/makeup content in your autoresponder workshop. Also you might write 'Watch these matching booklets: ' and supply your referral URL.

7) Your e-mail header can be 'The Latest Section 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Attach better warranties in your automated e-mail consulting. Plus you could comment 'Hear these corresponding brandable rights: ' and include your blog link.

8) Your subject line might be 'Here's Your (subject) eCourse eCourse! '. Include business credentials in your email seminar. And you may type 'Listen To these equivalent case studies: ' and publish your sales URL.

9) Your ecourse header could be 'Read Day 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Supply business/marketing information in your follow-up mentoring. Also you can note 'Look At these different chat rooms: ' and provide your compensation link.

10) Your message line may be 'Read The 2nd Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Provide career articles in your Internet autoresponder coaching. 5

Plus you might state 'Go To these additional coaching products: ' and add your web site URL.

11) Your e-mail header can be 'Study Part Number 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Combine celebrity information in your automated econtent. And you could mention 'Study these particular columns: ' and furnish your royalties link.

12) Your subject line might be 'Study The Pursuing Part 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Fasten children/teen articles in your internet autoresponder information. Also you may say 'Purchase these various concepts: ' and supply your brokerage URL.

13) Your ecourse header could be 'See Part 2 Of 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Affix classified ads in your online autoresponder tutoring. Plus you can recite 'Order these other consulting products: ' and include your advertising link.

14) Your message line may be 'See The Second Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Reveal clothes/fashion articles in your online ecourse. And you might utter 'Examine these related content: ' and publish your marketing URL.


15) Your e-mail header can be 'Thank You For Joining This (subject) eCourse! '. Broadcast computer/Internet content in your autoreponder lessons. Also you could write 'Inspect these comparable courses: ' and provide your promotional link.

16) Your subject line might be 'See Part 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Display cooking/food information in your autoresponder information. Plus you may comment 'Review these similar demonstrations: ' and add your affiliate URL.

17) Your ecourse header could be 'This Is The No.2 Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Exhibit cross promotion offer in your e-mail course. And you can type 'Consider these resembling directions: ' and furnish your coded link.

18) Your message line may be 'This Is The Next Part 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Show customer success stories in your follow up teaching. Also you might note 'Observe these matching distribution rights: ' and supply your reseller URL.

19) Your e-mail header can be 'This Is The Latest Section 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Expose customer testimonials in your eseries. Plus you could state 'Look up these corresponding ebooks: ' and include your JV partner link. 7

20) Your subject line might be 'Here's Your Brand New, (subject) eCourse! '. Release dating/singles articles in your e-entertainment. And you may mention 'Discover these equivalent ecourses: ' and publish your commission URL.

21) Your ecourse header could be 'Grab Part Two Of Five Of Your (subject) Ecourse '. Uncover debt/credit information in your follow up autoresponder coaching. Also you can say 'Visit these different examples: ' and provide your referral link

22) Your message line may be 'Grab The Part Number 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Transmit deferred billing options in your Internet autoresponder tutoring. Plus you might recite 'View these additional excerpts/samples: ' and add your blog URL.

23) Your e-mail header can be 'Open The Following Part 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Unveil easy payment options in your follow up education. And you could utter 'See these particular expert support: ' and furnish your sales link.

24) Your subject line might be 'Get Part 2 Of 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Introduce education/college information in your web autoresponder content. 8

Also you may write 'Read these various ezines: ' and supply your compensation URL.

25) Your ecourse header could be 'Get Part 2 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Advertise electronic/technology content in your Internet e-lesson. Plus you can comment 'Buy these other factors/facts: ' and include your web site link.

26) Your message line may be 'Examine Part No.3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Syndicate entertainment information in your online autoresponder content. And you might type 'Watch these related faq's: ' and publish your royalties URL.

27) Your e-mail header can be 'Here's Your Free (subject) eCourse! '. Circulate event/nightlife information in your online eclass. Also you could note 'Hear these comparable features: ' and provide your brokerage link.

28) Your subject line might be 'Examine The Next Part 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Promote exotic/adult content in your web autoresponder consulting. Plus you may state 'Listen To these similar formulas: ' and add your advertising URL.


29) Your ecourse header could be 'Examine The Latest Section 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Relay extended guarantees in your follow up seminar. And you can mention 'Look At these resembling forums: ' and furnish your marketing link.

30) Your message line may be 'Observe Day 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Dispense extra product bonuses in your web autoresponder seminar. Also you might say 'Go To these matching guides: ' and supply your promotional URL.

31) Your e-mail header can be 'Observe Part Three Of Five Of Your (subject) Ecourse '. Send famous product endorsements in your autoresponder coaching. Plus you could recite 'Study these corresponding ideas: ' and include your affiliate link.

32) Your subject line might be 'Observe The 3rd Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Transfer female articles in your digital autoresponder content. And you may utter 'Purchase these equivalent information: ' and publish your coded URL.

33) Your ecourse header could be 'View The Following Part 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Market fiction stories content in your digital ecourse.


Also you can write 'Order these different instructions: ' and provide your reseller link.

34) Your message line may be 'View The Pursuing Part 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Publicize finances articles in your e-mail training. Plus you might comment 'Examine these additional interviews: ' and add your JV partner URL.

35) Your e-mail header can be 'Here's Your Info-Packed, (subject) eCourse! '. Dispense fitness/exercise content in your e-information. And you could type 'Inspect these particular issues: ' and furnish your commission link.

36) Your subject line might be 'Scan Part 3 Of 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Highlight free digital products in your autoresponder. course Also you may note 'Review these various know how's: ' and supply your referral URL.

37) Your ecourse header could be 'Scan The Third Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Announce free product trial offers in your email series. Plus you can state 'Consider these other knowledge: ' and include your blog link.


38) Your message line may be 'Scan Part 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Submit frequently asked questions in your e-schoolling. And you might mention 'Observe these related lessons: ' and publish your sales URL.

39) Your e-mail header can be 'Look At Part No.3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Underscore health content in your follow up information. Also you could say 'Look up these comparable loopholes: ' and provide your compensation link.

40) Your subject line might be 'Look At The Next Part 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Present hobby/craft information in your autoresponder content. Plus you may recite 'Discover these similar masterminds: ' and add your web site URL.

41) Your ecourse header could be 'Look At The Latest Section 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Spotlight holiday product sales in your follow up tutoring. And you can utter 'Visit these resembling memberships: ' and furnish your royalties link.

42) Your message line may be 'Experience Day 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Add home care/decorating articles in your Internet eseries. Also you might write 'View these matching methods: ' and supply your brokerage URL. 12

43) Your e-mail header can be 'Experience Part Three Of Five Of Your (subject) Ecourse '. Insert humor/jokes content in your online autoresponder consulting. Plus you could comment 'See these corresponding mistake: ' and include your advertising link.

44) Your subject line might be 'Here's Your Instructive, (subject) eCourse! '. Furnish information corrections in your online elesson. And you may type 'Read these equivalent models: ' and publish your marketing URL.

45) Your ecourse header could be 'Experience The 3rd Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Publish international/foreign articles in your autoreponder seminar. Also you can note 'Buy these different myths: ' and provide your promotional link.

46) Your message line may be 'Check Out The Following Part 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Write investing/retirement information in your eclass. Plus you might state 'Watch these additional news stories: ' and add your affiliate URL.

47) Your e-mail header can be 'Thank You For Reading This (subject) eCourse! '. Type joint venture offers in your autoresponder tutoring. And


you could mention 'Hear these particular newsletters: ' and furnish your coded link.

48) Your subject line might be 'Check Out The Pursuing Part 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Attach landscape/gardening information in your digital autoresponder. information Also you may say 'Listen To these various opinions: ' and supply your reseller URL.

49) Your ecourse header could be 'Discover Part 3 Of 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Include legal articles in your digital eclass. Plus you can recite 'Look At these other PDF's: ' and include your JV partner link.

50) Your message line may be 'Discover The Third Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Supply lifestyle/family information in your e-mail schooling. And you might utter 'Go To these related plans: ' and publish your commission URL.

51) Your e-mail header can be 'Discover Part 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Provide limited quantity offers in your autoresponder series. Also you could write 'Study these comparable podcasts: ' and provide your referral link


52) Your subject line might be 'Access Part 3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Combine limited time offers in your digital training. Plus you may comment 'Purchase these similar presentations: ' and add your blog URL.

53) Your ecourse header could be 'Access Part No.3 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Fasten link trade requests in your electronic coaching. And you can type 'Order these resembling private label rights: ' and furnish your sales link.

54) Your message line may be 'Your Latest Section 4 Of The (subject) Ecourse! '. Affix low cost trial offers in your electronic course. Also you might note 'Examine these matching products: ' and supply your compensation URL.

55) Your e-mail header can be 'Your Day 4 Of The (subject) Ecourse! '. Reveal lower prices in your email coaching Plus you could state. 'Inspect these corresponding procedures: ' and include your web site link.

56) Your subject line might be 'Here's Your Educational, (subject) eCourse! '. Broadcast loyalty program news in your Internet autoresponder consulting. And you may mention 'Review these equivalent processes: ' and publish your royalties URL.


57) Your ecourse header could be 'Your Part Four Of Five Of The (subject) Ecourse '. Display male content in your online e-series. Also you can say 'Consider these different programs: ' and provide your brokerage link.

58) Your message line may be 'Research The 4th Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Exhibit marriage relationship information in your e-mail tutoring. Plus you might recite 'Observe these additional proof: ' and add your advertising URL.

59) Your e-mail header can be 'Inspect The Following Part 4 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Show motivational statistics in your web ecourse. And you could utter 'Look up these particular q and a's: ' and furnish your marketing link.

60) Your subject line might be 'Preview Part 4 Of 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Expose nature/environmental content in your autoresponder schooling. Also you may write 'Discover these various recordings: ' and supply your promotional URL.

61) Your ecourse header could be 'Preview The Fourth Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Release opinion polls in your digital elesson. Plus you can comment 'Visit these other remedies: ' and include your affiliate link.


62) Your message line may be 'Preview Part 4 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Uncover outdoors/camping articles in your online training. And you might type 'View these related reports: ' and publish your coded URL.

63) Your e-mail header can be 'Here's Your Profitable, (subject) eCourse! '. Transmit parenting content in your e-mail workshop. Also you could note 'See these comparable resell rights: ' and provide your reseller link.

64) Your subject line might be 'Just Released! The Next Part 4 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Unveil personal credentials in your ecoaching. Plus you may state 'Read these similar resources: ' and add your JV partner URL.

65) Your ecourse header could be 'Here's You No Cost (subject) eCourse! '. Introduce persuasive quotes in your eduction And you can mention. 'Buy these resembling reviews: ' and furnish your commission link.

66) Your message line may be 'Just Released! The Latest Section 4 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Advertise pet/animal content in your electronic class. Also you might say 'Watch these matching schemes: ' and supply your referral URL.


67) Your e-mail header can be 'Go Through Day 4 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Syndicate political/government information in your elesson. Plus you could recite 'Hear these corresponding screen shots: ' and include your blog link.

68) Your subject line might be 'Go Through The 4th Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Circulate product barter offers in your email class. And you may utter 'Listen To these equivalent seminars/speakers: ' and publish your sales URL.

69) Your ecourse header could be 'New! The 4th Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Promote product contests/sweepstakes in your email coaching. Also you can write 'Look At these different sessions: ' and provide your compensation link.

70) Your message line may be 'New! Part Number 4 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Relay product coupons in your etutorial. Plus you might comment 'Go To these additional shortcuts: ' and add your web site URL.

71) Your e-mail header can be 'Just Launched! The Following Part 4 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Dispense product excerpts/samples in your follow up consulting is going to be electrifying. And you could type 'Study these particular skills: ' and furnish your royalties link. 18

72) Your subject line might be 'Just Launched! The Pursuing Part 4 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Send product benefits in your online autoresponder information. Also you may note 'Purchase these various social networks: ' and supply your brokerage URL.

73) Your ecourse header could be 'Thanks For Grabbing This (subject) eCourse! '. Transfer product gift certificates in your web eclass. Plus you can state 'Order these other software: ' and include your advertising link.

74) Your message line may be 'Analysis Part 4 Of 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Market product instructions/directions in your autoreponder consulting. And you might mention 'Examine these related solutions: ' and publish your marketing URL.

75) Your e-mail header can be 'Analysis The Fourth Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Publicize product previews in your digital autoresponder coaching. Also you could say 'Inspect these comparable steps: ' and provide your promotional link.

76) Your subject line might be 'Here Is The No. 5 Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Dispense product price cuts in your digital eseries. Plus you may recite 'Review these similar services: ' and add your affiliate URL. 19

77) Your ecourse header could be 'Here's Your (subject) eCourse Bonus! '. Highlight product rebate offers in your e-mail education. And you can utter 'Consider these resembling subscriptions: ' and furnish your coded link.

78) Your message line may be 'Here Is The Last Section Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Announce product reviews in your email lesson. Also you might write 'Observe these matching success stories: ' and supply your reseller URL.

79) Your e-mail header can be 'The Day 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Submit product updates in your eseires information. Plus you could comment 'Look up these corresponding suggestions: ' and include your JV partner link.

80) Your subject line might be 'The Five Of Five Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Underscore radio/television/ movies content in your etutoring. And you may type 'Discover these equivalent summaries: ' and publish your commission URL.

81) Your ecourse header could be 'The 5th Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Present real estate information in your eworkshop. Also you can note 'Visit these different swipe files: ' and provide your referral link 20

82) Your message line may be 'Read The End Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Spotlight religion/spiritual content in your follow up class. Plus you might state 'View these additional systems: ' and add your blog URL.

83) Your e-mail header can be 'Read The Final Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Add sales letter summaries in your digital autoresponder tutoring. And you could mention 'See these particular tactics: ' and furnish your sales link.

84) Your subject line might be 'Study The 5 of 5 Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Insert satisfaction surveys in your follow up schooling. Also you may say 'Read these various techniques: ' and supply your compensation URL.

85) Your ecourse header could be 'Thanks For Confirming (subject) eCourse! '. Furnish saving money information in your Internet autoresponder content. Plus you can recite 'Buy these other teleseminars: ' and include your web site link.

86) Your message line may be 'Study Part 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Publish science/space articles in your web e-lesson. And you might utter 'Watch these related templates: ' and publish your royalties URL. 21

87) Your e-mail header can be 'Thank You For Subscribing To This (subject) eCourse! '. Write screen shot product proof in your web training. Also you could write 'Hear these comparable theories: ' and provide your brokerage link.

88) Your subject line might be 'See Part No. 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Type self defense/safety/security articles in your autoresponder training. Plus you may comment 'Listen To these similar tips : ' and add your advertising URL.

89) Your ecourse header could be 'See The Closing Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Attach self help/improvement articles in your digital workshop. And you can type 'Look At these resembling to do lists: ' and furnish your marketing link.

90) Your message line may be 'See The Last Section Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Include shopping content in your follow up course. Also you might note 'Go To these matching tools: ' and supply your promotional URL.

91) Your e-mail header can be 'This Is Day 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Supply social networking articles in your econsulting. Plus you could state 22

'Study these corresponding training products: ' and include your affiliate link.

92) Your subject line might be 'This Is Part Five Of Five Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Provide sports content in your email autoresponder information. And you may mention 'Purchase these equivalent transcripts: ' and publish your coded URL.

93) Your ecourse header could be 'This Is The 5th Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Combine supportive news stories in your eseminar. Also you can say 'Order these different tricks: ' and provide your reseller link.

94) Your message line may be 'Grab The End Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Fasten tax information in your follow up content. Plus you might recite 'Examine these additional tutorials: ' and add your JV partner URL.

95) Your e-mail header can be 'Thanks For Trying This (subject) eCourse! '. Affix tests/assignments in your ementoring. And you could utter 'Inspect these particular updates: ' and furnish your commission link.

96) Your subject line might be 'Grab The Conclusion Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Reveal thank you messages in your follow up eseries. Also you may write 'Review these various videos: ' and supply your referral URL. 23

97) Your ecourse header could be 'Open The Fifth Part Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Broadcast top sponsor ads in your Internet ecourse. Plus you can comment 'Consider these other web sites/links: ' and include your blog link.

98) Your message line may be 'Open Part 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Display vacation/traveling articles in your online autoresponder coaching. And you might type 'Observe these related checklists: ' and publish your sales URL.

99) Your e-mail header can be 'Get Part No. 5 Of Your (subject) Ecourse! '. Exhibit video/board/card gaming articles in your web autoresponder education. Also you could note 'Look up these comparable webinars: ' and provide your compensation link.

100) Your subject line might be 'Here's Your Instructional, (subject) eCourse! '. Show web site content updates in your web series. Plus you may state 'Discover these similar workshops: ' and add your web site URL.


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Resources for you: 1) Real Guys Real Money – Coaching from three real-life marketers, and the reseller content for you to start selling right away! 2) Push Button Marketer - Automates tasks like email, writing, creating websites, checking stats, blogging, website maintenance, posting ads, research, product reviews, and so much more. We've cracked the code to getting more done and making more money online with less work! 3) How To Write Your Own EBook(R) In 7 Days! - Write And Publish Your Own Outrageously Profitable EBook® In As Little 7 Days – Even If You Can’t Write Or Type!


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