100 Cool Ideas For Ezine Publishing

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100 Ezine Publishing Ideas Copyright by Mr. X


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This ebook will give you 100 ezine publishing blueprints. They can be used for newsletters, e-zines, newspapers and magazines. There are ideas included for subscription publication content, designs, niches, titles and promotion.


1) Start an animals ezine. You could name it a Digest publication. It might have concept articles. You could publish it once a month.

2) Publish an automobiles email newsletter. You may title it a Guide publication. It can contain strategy information. You can charge a subscription fee to it.

3) Create a babies online magazine. You can call it a Shortcuts publication. It may include idea content. You may ask subscribers to take a satisfaction survey.

4) Make a birthdays webzine. You might label it an Informer publication. It could have advice articles. You might state what articles will be in the next issue.

5) Write a business internet zine. You could brand it a Times publication. It might contain instruction information. You can give your opt-ins a free ebooks with their subscription.


6) Market a candy/chocolate digital newspaper. You may tag it a Of The Week/Day publication. It can include method content. You might trade classified ads with other publications.

7) Launch a career/jobs blog zine. You can term it an Adviser publication. It may have objective articles. You could sell classified ads in your publication.

8) Advertise a celebrities ezine. You might designate it an Illustrated publication. It could contain interview information. You may survey your current subscribers.

9) Release a child care email newsletter. You could name it a Chronicle publication. It might include feature/benefit content. You can use different fonts in your publication.

10) Promote a children/kids online magazine. You may title it a Magazine publication. It can have outline articles. You could allow subscribers to forward your publication to others.

11) Produce a cleaning webzine. You can call it a Observer publication. It may contain loophole information. You can give your opt-ins a free report with their subscription. 5

12) Broadcast a climate internet zine. You might label it a Procedures publication. It could include checklist content. You may ask you subscribers for testimonials.

13) Publicize a communications digital newspaper. You could brand it an Advice publication. It might have coupon/discount articles. You might swap banner ads with other publications.

14) Construct a community blog zine. You may tag it a Voice publication. It can contain plan information. You could publish it twice a week or bi weekly.

15) Formulate a computer/Internet ezine. You can term it a Post publication. It may include list content. You could sell top sponsors ads in your publication.

16) Circulate a conspiracy theories email newsletter. You might designate it a Tactics publication. It could have gifts/freebie articles. You can publish your publication in text format.


17) Set up a construction online magazine. You could name it a Basics publication. It might contain forum post information. You can give your optins a free audio with your publication.

18) Design a cooking/food webzine. You may title it a Principles publication. It can include recipe content. You might barter top sponsor ads with other publications.

19) Compile a countries/states internet zine. You can call it a Monitor publication. It may have JV offer articles. You can state who it's bought to you by.

20) Syndicate a crafts digital newspaper. You might label it a Notes publication. It could contain alert/recall/warning information. You could allow subscribers to link to your publication.

21) Transmit a credit card blog zine. You could brand it a Ezine publication. It might include horoscope content. You could link to some subscriber video testimonials.

22) Prepare a crime ezine. You may tag it a Questions publication. It can have step/model articles. You could sell back issues of your publication.


23) Issue a dad/mom email newsletter. You can term it a Wisdom publication. It may contain presentation information. You can let people subscribe for free.

24) Form a dating/singles online magazine. You might designate it a Ledger publication. It could include countdown content. You can publish your publication in html format.

25) Forge a decorating webzine. You could name it a Newsletter publication. It might have letter/note articles. You can give your opt-ins a free video with their subscription.

26) Unveil a dental/vision internet zine. You may title it a Opinions publication. It can contain product/web site review information. You could all subscribers to tell a friend about you publication.

27) Draft a diet/nutrition digital newspaper. You can call it a Tricks publication. It may include lesson/assignment content. You could publish it once a week.


28) Author a education/college blog zine. You might label it a Press publication. It could have question/answer articles. You can publish your publication in pdf format.

29) Invent a electronics/technology ezine. You could brand it a News publication. It might contain myth/misconception information. You can give your opt-ins free software with their subscription.

30) Manufacture a energy email newsletter. You may tag it a Plans publication. It can include update content. You might trade articles with other publications.

31) Develop a entertainment online magazine. You can term it a Techniques publication. It may have event listing articles. You could publish your publication in blog format.

32) Start a environment webzine. You might designate it a World publication. It could contain press release information. You may ask you subscribers for more content ideas.

33) Publish a exercise/fitness internet zine. You could name it a Advertiser publication. It might include scheme content. You can list you publication in e-zine directories. 9

34) Create a exotic/adult digital newspaper. You may title it a Modal publication. It can have demonstration articles. You can post who it's created by.

35) Make a family blog zine. You can call it a Secrets publication. It may contain word game/trivia information. You can post you publication in forums.

36) Write a fashion ezine. You might label it a Trends publication. It could include column content. You could link to some subscriber audio testimonials.

37) Market a fiction email newsletter. You could brand it a Email Newsletter publication. It might have picture/cartoon/comic articles. You can publish your publication in audio format.

38) Launch a frugal/save money online magazine. You may tag it a Answers publication. It can contain resource/link information. You may ask subscribers to rate your publication.


39) Advertise a gambling/lottery webzine. You can term it a Strategies publication. It may include analysis content. You could sell full page ads in your publication.

40) Release a games internet zine. You might designate it a Life publication. It could have graph/pie chart articles. You might list some of your subscriber testimonials.

41) Promote a garden digital newspaper. You could name it a Interviews publication. It might contain pros/cons information. You can give your optins a free ad with their subscription.

42) Produce a gifts blog zine. You may title it a Gossip/Rumors publication. It can include reminder content. You may ask your subscribers of they like the quality of your publication.

43) Broadcast a government ezine. You can call it a Outlook publication. It may have drawing/graphical articles. You could publish it every day.

44) Publicize a health email newsletter. You might label it a Weekly publication. It could contain perspective/remedy information. You could post you publication on social media sites.


45) Construct a hobbies online magazine. You could brand it a Formulas publication. It might include job/single/product ad content. You might swap content with other publications.

46) Formulate a holidays webzine. You may tag it a Instructions publication. It can have word/definition articles. You may ask your subscribers what they want subtracted from your publication.

47) Circulate a home remedies internet zine. You can term it a Register publication. It may contain schedule/time line information. You can post the day of the week in it.

48) Set up a humor digital newspaper. You might designate it a Living publication. It could include problem/solution content. You could use you publication as a product bonus.

49) Design a insurance/legal blog zine. You could name it a Stories publication. It might have contest/sweepstake articles. You can give your opt-ins a free ecourse with their subscription.


50) Compile a inventions ezine. You may title it a Directions publication. It can contain direction/map information. You might paste some subscribers letters in it.

51) Syndicate a investing email newsletter. You can call it a Tips publication. It may include news/local/state/international. content. You can publish your publication in video format

52) Transmit a jewelry online magazine. You might label it a Today publication. It could have factor articles. You might barter squeeze pages with other publications.

53) Prepare a landscaping webzine. You could brand it a Summary publication. It might contain audio information. You can type who its published by.

54) Issue a language internet zine. You may tag it a Keys publication. It can include rss feed content. You may ask subscribers how to improve your publication.

55) Form a legal digital newspaper. You can term it a Review publication. It may have example articles. You might list some subscriber reviews in it.


56) Forge a lifestyle blog zine. You might designate it a Bulletin publication. It could contain advertorial information. You can give your opt-ins a free coaching with their subscription.

57) Unveil a make-up ezine. You could name it a Quarterly publication. It might include statistic/survey/poll content. You could give it a Roman numeral issue number.

58) Draft a manufacturing email newsletter. You may title it a Factors publication. It can have procedure articles. You create a loyalty program with your publication.

59) Author a marketing/advertising online magazine. You can call it a Book publication. It may contain story fact/fiction information. You can publish your publication in cd format.

60) Invent a marriage/weddings webzine. You might label it a Examples publication. It could include critiquing content. You may ask your subscribers for constructive feedback.


61) Manufacture a men/woman internet zine. You could brand it a Success publication. It might have excerpts/sample articles. You can create an affiliate program with your publication.

62) Develop a movies digital newspaper. You may tag it a Daily publication. It can contain transcript information. You might trade ecourse ads with other publications.

63) Start a music/instruments blog zine. You can term it a Messenger publication. It may include opinion content. You can compose who its copyrighted by.

64) Publish a nature ezine. You might designate it a Benefits publication. It could have fag articles. You can give your opt-ins a free consulting with their subscription.

65) Create a neighborhood email newsletter. You could name it a Reporter publication. It might contain day in history information. You could allow affiliates to republish you publication with their links.

66) Make a night life online magazine. You may title it a Dispatch publication. It can include bio/auto bio/profile content. You may ask your subscribers their feelings about your publication. 15

67) Write a non profit webzine. You can call it a Solutions publication. It may have descriptions articles. You can publish you publication in dvd format.

68) Market a occupation t internet zine. You might label it a Concepts publication. It could contain hint/clue information. You might publish some of your famous subscriber endorsements.

69) Launch a outdoors digital newspaper. You could brand it a Telegram publication. It might include shortcuts content. You can make a membership site with your publication.

70) Advertise a paranormal blog zine. You may tag it a Ideas publication. It can have commentary articles. You can hold a promotional contest for you publication.

71) Release a parenting ezine. You can term it a Journal publication. It may contain formulas information. You may ask your subscribers what they want added to your publication.


72) Promote a people email newsletter. You might designate it a Recipes publication. It could include blog post content. You can include the issue number on it.

73) Produce a pets online magazine. You could name it a Information publication. It might have explanation articles. You could add pictures to your publication.

74) Broadcast a poems webzine. You may title it a Examiner publication. It can contain guest/expert information. You can construct a ebook with your publication.

75) Publicize a politics internet zine. You can call it a Insider publication. It may include coaching/consulting sessions content. You may ask subscriber were they learn about your publication from.

76) Construct a pregnancy digital newspaper. You might label it a Blueprints publication. It could have test/experiment articles. You can give your opt-ins a free templates with their subscription.

77) Formulate a radio/television blog zine. You could brand it a Roundup publication. It might contain preview information. You might post some subscriber comments. 17

78) Circulate a real estate ezine. You may tag it a Mag publication. It can include to do list content. You can shorten to publication urls to make them look better.

79) Set up a relationship email newsletter. You can term it a Monthly publication. It may have quotes/jokes articles. You may list the guest writers.

80) Design a religion online magazine. You might designate it a Of The Month publication. It could contain fact information. You can publish your publication in web page format.

81) Compile a safety/secure webzine. You could name it a Beliefs publication. It might include process content. You may ask your subscribers if they like the format of your e-zine.

82) Syndicate a science internet zine. You may title it a Record publication. It can have success story/testimonial articles. You can state who it’s written/edited by.


83) Transmit a self defense/weapons digital newspaper. You can call it a Letter publication. It may contain download information. You can give your opt-in a free graphics with their subscription.

84) Prepare a self help blog zine. You might label it a Insights publication. It could include blueprint content. You can create a report with your publication.

85) Issue a seniors ezine. You could brand it a Advantages publication. It might have summaries/highlight articles. You may ask your subscribers if your publication should be longer.

86) Form a sexuality email newsletter. You may tag it a Methods publication. It can contain rule/terms information. You might give it a issue letter.

87) Forge a shopping online magazine. You can term it a Gazette publication. It may include swipe files/template content. You can add colors to your publication.

88) Unveil a singles webzine. You might designate it a Facts publication. It could have video articles. You can give your opt-in a free articles with their subscription. 19

89) Draft a social networking internet zine. You could name it a Features publication. It might contain system information. You could add graphics to your publication.

90) Author a society/culture digital newspaper. You may title it a Annual publication. It can include suggestion/recommendation content. You could turn you publication into a book.

91) Invent a software blog zine. You can call it a Inquirer publication. It may have compare/contrast articles. You can allow others to republish your content and get back links.

92) Manufacture a space ezine. You might label it a Content publication. It could contain tactic information. You may ask your subscriber if your publication is easy to read.

93) Develop a sports email newsletter. You could brand it a Designs publication. It might include tip content. You can say who its sponsored by.


94) Start a tattoos online magazine. You may tag it a Helper publication. It can have case study articles. You can publish you publication in print format.

95) Publish a taxes webzine. You can term it a Elements publication. It may contain technique information. You could publish some subscriber success stories.

96) Create a teens internet zine. You might designate it a Reader publication. It could include trade/swap ad content. You can cloak your publication links to protect your sales.

97) Make a travel/vacation digital newspaper. You could name it a Herald publication. It might have social post articles. You may write down the article contributors.

98) Write a video games blog zine. You may title it a Tribune publication. It can contain trainings/tutorial information. You can give your opt-in a free apps with their subscription.

99) Market a war/military ezine. You can call it a Tabloid publication. It may include transcribe/language content. You can add or sell contextual ads to your publication. 21

100) Launch a weather email newsletter. You might label it a Report publication. It could have trick articles. You could outsource the publishing of your publication.

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Resources for you: 1) Real Guys Real Money – Coaching from three real-life marketers, and the reseller content for you to start selling right away! 2) Push Button Marketer - Automates tasks like email, writing, creating websites, checking stats, blogging, website maintenance, posting ads, research, product reviews, and so much more. We've cracked the code to getting more done and making more money online with less work! 3) Directory of Ezines –Drive highly interested PROSPECTS to ANY website you promote using the power of ezine marketing!


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