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Director’s Message
Photo Credit: Mikaeel Valli
Acting Director, Institute of Medical Science Professor, Departments of Medicine and Molecular Genetics
In this frosty winter of 2022, I hope all our readers are keeping warm, safe from the Omicron wave, and having a productive time with their academic and research endeavours. I am thrilled to read another great issue produced by the IMS Magazine. Yet again, this issue showcases the wonderful work that is happening on the ground at IMS.
This Winter 2022 issue takes the opportunity to complement the Summer 2019 issue on women’s health by shifting focus to conditions that have a greater impact on men. Read the work by Dr. Robert Hamilton and his group that are finding ways to improve the quality of life for male patients suffering from prostate and testis cancer. In another feature, Dr. Mary Seeman explains the possible reasons why men develop schizophrenia earlier than women. Also read about the effort made by Dr. Meng-Chuan Lai and his colleagues in understanding whether autism is an “extreme male brain” condition.
“Summer Undergraduate Research Program” (SURP) attracts many talented undergraduate and medical students to be involved in medical science research projects at IMS. This issue takes the opportunity to showcase the experience of a few out of the many bright students that participated in this program during the summer of 2021. The application for summer 2022 is underway and I cannot wait to see the great work that the participants of SURP 2022 will produce at the SURP Scientific Day.
I extend my sincerest congratulations to the new faculty joining IMS and members that have been promoted within the ranks of IMS! Welcome to the IMS family and I am looking forward to your continued success in your research endeavors.
I would like to thank the IMS Magazine’s Editors-in-Chief, Mikaeel and Jason, and all of the editors, journalists, social media, and design team for their excellent production of this issue. I hope you will find the work of my fellow IMS members inspiring as much as I did!
Dr. Lucy Osborne Acting Director, Institute of Medical Science