How the change will come into the Pakistan

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How The Change W ill Come Into The

P A K I S T A N Imtiaz Ali



(1) Change is fact. Change is Believe


(2) Pakistan (introduction)


(3) Role Of Madia towards Change in Pakistan


(4) Role Of Teachers towards Change in Pakistan


(5) Role Of Students towards Change in Pakistan


(6) Role Of Voter towards Change in Pakistan


(7) Role Of Ulema towards Change in Pakistan


(8) National Unity


Change Is Fact. Change Is Believe

Change is Fact. Change is Believe Pakistan is the most beautiful land on the earth. Multilingual, rich and diverse in its culture and heritage with remarkable history is the first Islamic nuclear power, overall seventh in the entire world. Pakistan has lofty mountains, beautiful lakes, rivers, superb seasons and healthy environment. Its army is one of the best army in the world. Pakistan has one of the largest youth population in the world. Its people are loving, friendly and very brave. Unfortunately now a days Pakistan is suffering with lot of problems like lack of good leadership, extremism, terrorism, poverty, unemployment shortage of water, power and energy etc. But we have confidence, courage and believe to tackle them strongly. Though it’s quite dark but there is always a bright morning after dark black night. Every problem has its solution with itself. There is no problem without solution. As ALLAH says, “I did not made any disease that has no curement.” Question arises here that, how the change will come into the Pakistan? Its answer is very simple even it is mentioned in the previous statement too. “The change will come into the Pakistan” INSHALLAH. The only problem is “How”. How is it possible or how it will happen? “How” is the answer also. H = honesty + hope O = optimism W= work Be a pessimist is a sin. Be hopeful, optimist and honest with your work, you will definitely observe the change. Change is not the thing which will come by some outsider or some angel will come to the earth with solution to our problems. Change is inside your body in your heart and mind. First you need to change yourself instead of pointing fingers on others. Promote mutual harmony, coordination and brotherhood instead of jealousy and pulling legs of others. Change is mandatory in these circumstances. Our media is changed. Now we have free and fair media. Our judiciary is completely free and independent in his decisions. Change is not only for media and judiciary but also for the entire nation. It is need of the hour and responsibility of each and every individual also, to change their mindset and way of thinking. In this regard our teachers, students, ulemas and civil society should come forward to play their key role in the development of Pakistan. About 95% of Pakistani are Muslim. ALHUMDULILLAH we are Muslim, we should live unitedly and peacefully because it is the order of God and we must try to protect the rights of the minorities also living inside the Pakistan. These are the true teachings of Islam. That’s how the true change will come into the Pakistan.

3 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

Pakistan (Introduction)

PAKISTAN (Introduction) PAKISTAN is the only Islamic Nuclear power in the world. Its area is 7, 96096 Sq.Km. It has a 1,046-kilometre (650 mi) coastline along the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Oman in the south, is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, and India in the east and the China in the far northeast. Tajikistan also lies very close to Pakistan but is separated by the narrow Wakhan Corridor. Thus, it occupies a crossroads position between South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East. Pakistan is an unspoilt tourist destination with a variety of contrast geographical features from the warm beaches of Arabian Sea to the snow covered lofty mountains in the north. The cultures equally vary along with its landscape. People, living in the deserts, fertile plains and at the foot of mighty mountains, present a colorful variety of languages, cultures and ancient civilizations. Therefore, it is quite impossible to avoid the flavour and fragrance of its deep past. This country traces its history back from about 10,000 years ago. Along the banks of Indus and its tributaries, grew civilization after civilization. In seventh millennium BC Mehergarh was a sizable village that by 6000 BC grew into a town of 3000 people living in red mud brick houses. Indus Valley Civilization (3500 BC), Gandhara Civilization (500 BC) and the civilization of Mughul era are the most famous heritages of the land, now called Pakistan. British entered in the Sub Continent for trade in 1600 AD and by 1857 AD, gradually colonized the whole region. In 1947, South Asia got freedom in the form of two domains; Pakistan and India. People belong to various ethnic and linguistic groups presenting a colorful blend of different cultures. Urdu is the lingua franca but English is also widely spoken by literate urban strata. The estimated population of Pakistan in 2010 was over 169,860,500 making it the world's sixth mostpopulous country, behind Brazil and ahead of Russia. The population growth rate now stands at 1.6%. Pakistan is a federation of four provinces viz., Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Pukhtonkhawa. Islamabad is the capital but Karachi situated at the shores of Arabian Sea, is the largest city and main centre of commerce and industry.

4 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

Role Of Media Towards Change In Pakistan

Role of Media towards Change in Pakistan Media of any country is reflection of that country. It shows that how person behave and live in their country. The way of expressing news, way of talking of politicians in political debates and discussion programs shows the behavior of people of that country. Although media's responsibility is to spread true stories but media should be careful in this regard. They have to adopt such a way in which they could aware public without impacting negatively their mind sets and make them able to protest in a true manner which could result oriented. Mc Combs and Shaw assumed that “the mass media sets the agenda for political campaigns, influencing public attitudes toward desired issues�. Hence we can say that in Pakistan the responsibility of media is much more then any media in the world, because Pakistan needs a big change and only media is now, as much powerful. At present media is the only source which is easily accessible by all walks of people through various electronic appliances i.e. TV, Radio, Internet, News Papers and now mobile phones also used by people to aware of events every time. Media affects people's perceptions and priorities their thinking about the political contents. Media shapes the public's behavior about the issues and plays vital role in highlighting certain attributes of issues. Gatekeepers of the media i.e. (editors, news editors, and other journalists) they all play central role in shaping the media agenda which becomes public agenda after sometime. In Pakistan media are now independent with the emergence of new century. There are numbered of news channels that have maximum coverage throughout the country. Media contribute a lot to develop public knowledge but even after years of success, media could not alter public's attitude towards issues. Media promulgate issues in a way that it raise public immediately just after the news bulletin whereas public mostly do not know that what should be their role and reaction in that particular issue. Media should discourage smoothly such attitude of public. Demonstrations and protests are good to increase pressure towards solution of any problem but there should be a proper way to express which should result oriented. With the passage of time reputation of Pakistan's media have sullied due to its failure in thoroughly comprehending affairs. It seems that media contributes to multiply wording over issues and crisis instead of spreading true root causes and facts of the issues. Our media coverage of political issues is heavily episodic 5 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

Role Of Media Towards Change In Pakistan

instead of thematic. There are numbered of political talk shows and debates on all news channels of Pakistan. Any issue discussed in those programs has no ending and determining words that could help people to understand that either there is solution to these issues or not? Every political program discuses same issue under different names of the program. There is no difference in the information displayed by each program even the views of politicians from different political parties give no hope and track towards the solution of issues. If these programs demonstrate issues successfully then it could help people to pressurize government in a right way to solve the issue. Media and Judiciary are two independent pillars to save the country from sudden slippage. Judiciary put down number of good decisions in her little age of independence which is only one year. Whereas media is older then judiciary and it shows no positive alterations in people's attitude towards the ridiculous change. Pakistan's media should understand that it presents the country which is of high importance not only for Islamic world but also for peace in whole world. Media should become highly sensitive towards its responsibilities while presenting this country to the world and guiding the people of Pakistan to bring out the country from the sea of issues. Pakistan's media tell the world that what is Pakistan in fact, what think of Pakistani people towards world issue. It depicts the culture of Pakistan. It is its responsibility to tell the whole world that what is Islam and what are implications of Islam in Pakistan. Most of hot channels of media are highly politicized whereas they should cover cultural and religious norms and values of Pakistan. Some of the media channels are totally Islamic whereas others are highly ultra mod. This shows existence of two totally different cultures in Pakistan whereas Pakistan was achieved on the name of Islam which has one Book, one Prophet (P.B.U.H), one Allah and one culture. This type of media with totally two different sectors creating a cultural gap in Pakistan. This cultural gap is increasing hatred groups. Our media showing world existence of two totally different cultures in Pakistan and directs people to divide in two groups one with fundamental thoughts and other with secular thoughts. For a peaceful environment and a democratic culture, it is important for all media channels to preserve real culture of Pakistan which is neither extremist and, nor ultra mod. Francis Fukuyama, (1995) says that, “A thriving civil society depends on a people's habits, customs, and ethics-attributes that can be shaped only indirectly through conscious political action and must otherwise 6 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

Role Of Media Towards Change In Pakistan

be nourished through the increased awareness and respect for culture”. In Pakistan we have no independent and transparent political system but luckily now we have the independent media. Access of media and power is far more then political parties hence media can play major role to turn the fate of society. Pakistan's culture is Islamic which gives lesson of temperateness, moderateness, rectitude and frugality. By dividing the nation in two groups of culture we are creating cultural gap which underpins the true democratic codes. Media could play a central role in streamlined the whole nation over one agenda and guide it towards one particular destination. Already existing some of extremist groups not only violate human rights but also spread wrong concepts about Islam and develop false picture of Islam and Pakistan to the world. To minimize such groups and to seldom the power of such hatred and extremist groups all Pakistani media should display true culture of Pakistan. All the news channels and drama channel should adopt national dress code of Pakistan which is both Islamic and Pakistani. Unfortunately models, actors, reporter and anchors of media channels follow such a way of speaking, negotiating and apparels which are not true picture of Pakistan and Islam. Media have to enhance the knowledge of public about any issue so that they could participate shrewdly to manipulate the mess. Further media have to develop its status in the public by touching the invisible bonds of society means its culture. Although we have different cultures in our country but the origin of all the cultures is Islam. Media should communicate with the people as a part of their society. Tariqavi says, “…..Stress the importance of culture, which may vary even within a country, in negotiating any complex deal you need to understand the values of the people you are dealing with, even if you do not accept their values yourself……..”. Hence our media should take care of culture of Pakistan to integrate the people towards the prosperity and development while living within Islamic boundaries.

7 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

Role Of Teachers Towards Change In Pakistan

Role of Teachers towards Change in Pakistan Teachers are the makers of the Nation. The future of new generation grows in the hands of a teacher. The teacher enjoys a divining status in almost every religion. A great thinker, philosopher and novelist Ashfaq Ahmed Writes: “I was in Rome (ITALY) violated any traffic rule as a penalty got chalan. After that incident I remained quite busy for some days and did not submitted that chalan fee within due date. Court issued my Summoned notes. I attend the court. The judge asked me the reason that, “why you did not submitted the chalan fee on time”? I answered, “Iam a professor, I was so much busy in teaching and got no time to submit chalan fee within the due date, before I complete my words, the people in the court they all stand up as an honor for me. They apologized and the court cancelled the chalan. “On that day I got the secret of prosperity of that nation”. Teachers have a very important role in Basic education and training to fulfill the growing needs of trained and skilled labour force in every walk of life. In the childhood, parents are responsible to child training but further on, it is the teachers who teach them to enter into practical life. Thus, Teachers are definitely the most important people to persuade our lives after our parents. We learn to see the world, we gain the ability to understand that world and we obtain the ability to use our intelligence, imagination and talent, all these are possible because of our teachers. Teachers should always be ready and prepared for hard work and betterment of the students. They should prepare and plan their lesson which is to be taught prior to their arrival to the class room. Teachers are the key in effecting change in any education system. An incompetent teacher cannot make much of a difference even if he is teaching in a modern classroom and is using a good textbook. Teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping the lives of young, impressionable children. With this responsibility comes great pride and joy. Therefore all teachers should strive for what can be considered to be a “good teacher.” A good teacher can be defined as someone who always pushes students to want to do their best while at the same time trying to make learning interesting as well as creative. 8 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

Role Of Teachers Towards Change In Pakistan

A positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a great effect on the life of a child. The teacher is encouraging the student to do the same and will eventually develop high expectations for him or herself. A teacher who is constantly looking for the best possible work from the child will force the child to try his or her hardest in order to please the teacher. Going along with this idea is the whole idea of the teacher being interested in the subject matter. If the students know that the subject they are studying is something that greatly interests the teacher, they will be motivated to try their hardest in order to please the teacher. Teachers must be open to many different types of people, ideas and cultures. They must always try to respect the views of everyone. The teacher must learn to incorporate everyone’s beliefs into the daily curriculum. All students must be aware of the differences in the world around them. A teacher who instills a bad learning experience in a child could scar him or her for life. Teachers have a lot of responsibility and need to make sure that they make learning a positive experience for all. By being sensitive to the needs of everyone and presenting different ways of doing things, it can be possible for everyone to have an equal opportunity to do their best. After the parents it is the teacher who is more responsible to the nation regarding the behavior of the youth of any nation. A broad visionary teacher can equip the students with the tools necessary to face the upcoming challenges in his life. A teacher must encourage and indulge the sense of patriotism in his students (upcoming generation). Pakistani nation desperately looking for some good leaders. Only teachers can fulfill this demand. Debates, speech competitions and presentations are good ways to enhance and polish the leadership qualities in students along with religious, cultural and social norms. Teachers must promote & encourage such fruitful activities on any level in their institutions.

9 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

Role Of Students Towards Change In Pakistan

The Role of Students towards Change in Pakistan “Destiny of nations is in the hands of students.� First of all students must focus on their study and then they should fulfill their other responsibilities towards the nation. Students in a developing country like ours can and should work for social and national progress. Our student, especially in the colleges and universities, can educate the uneducated (illiterate) people. They can engage in a universal educational programme may be arranged for sponsored by the government and rich industrialists, businessman and landlords classes for children and adults (grownup people) can be arranged in schools, colleges suitable government buildings, specially erected structures in open places and even in certain parks, gardens and fields. The students should teach not just to earn money but more to serve their dear nation and country. They should understand clearly that unless most or all of our people get educated, we cannot join the family of advanced or developed nations. Students must love their country as they love their parents and religion. In other words every student should be a patriotic. Students after being equipped with education must offer their services first to their own nation, which gave them shelter, identity and honor. Students can take part in social welfare activities for general social progress. A wing of the social welfare department may advise the different categories of our students about the work. They can perform in their respective fields. The people should be made to feel that in business, politics and in private and public dealings honesty brings real success. Junior students of colleges and high schools can engage in physical welfare work like road repairs and general cleanliness of parks and grounds. The senior students can assist the law enforcing agencies in their work. For example they can make reports to price controlling agencies about the high prices charged by shopkeepers. They can bring cases of corruption in government offices to the notice of the anti-corruption department. They can help the police in their action against anti state elements like drug addicts (those in the habit of taking drugs), criminals and smugglers. It is the need of the hour for the government, social organizations and students to work in close co-operation for the advancement of the country.

10 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

Role Of Voter Towards Change In Pakistan

In most of the developing countries young people are growing up without opportunities, information and services they need to reach their full potential. At this moment, the youth in Pakistan find themselves in a far better position than many of their peers in other countries because of the demographic advantage they enjoy in Pakistan. We have to prepare ourselves to face the challenges of the time with unshakable courage and youthful confidence. There is no doubt that the youth have been at the centre of socio-economic and sociopolitical changes taking place in Pakistan and elsewhere. The period of the life under which the youth fall, is the most productive and energetic.

Role of Voter towards change in Pakistan Over time, the phrase "Elections in Pakistan" has taken on the guise of an oxymoron. Its fodder for stand up comedians who love ripping into the comical yet tragic event that unfolds every time a political term of office comes to an end or is brought to a forced end. More often then not, it's the latter. Pakistanis have confounded the concept of change. Things have devolved, evolved and then devolved again. We're in the habit of taking two steps backward and then maybe, if the conditions are right, if the god is smiling down upon us, if the feudal lords will it, just maybe we'll take one step forward and that too is more of a shuffle then a step. So many variables have to be aligned; so many beaks have to be wetted before our country can even consider shuffling forward. The one factor that has always plagued Pakistani politics as well as elections is the stigma of personality loyalty and traditions. Voting traditions have mired themselves into the political landscape. A voting tradition is something where an individual or a group of individuals (family, regional neighborhoods etc) tend to vote for the same political party or political candidate regardless of the party's or candidate's merit, time and time again. The casting of the vote has nothing to do with merit or with what the candidate/political party brings to the table but more to do with political loyalty and social connections. Until this culture can be changed, a revolution of thought on individual level can be brought about, politics in Pakistan and consequently the circumstances and conditions of the country in general will never change for the better. Now a days when media is too much dynamic and vibrant no reason that our voter is uninformed or unaware with political environment. And media is easily accessible to the common man too, he just need to switch on his tv by pushing

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Role Of Voter Towards Change In Pakistan

remote’s button debates, talk shows and reports regarding politics welcoming him. There are too many private news channels covering almost every political action freely and fairly. There are also some patriotic NGOs educating common men about political history. What is democracy, importance of elections and your vote for change. Parliament Watch is such an organization ( , is designed to provide the internetusing/of-voting-age population with as much information as they may require on candidates running for elections. According to a stastic, approximately 70% of Pakistan's population is under the age of 35; so in Pakistan's total population the youth has a fairly big share. The Parliament Watch project provides the user with detailed profiles of each candidate that is partaking in the elections. It provides the user with a dossier on a candidate which contains the candidate's political views, political standing, rumors and scandals of any account, the businesses the candidate has been involved in, the education acquired by a candidate etc. All this information that is only a click away, if explored and perused properly, will equip a voter with all that he or she needs to cast an informed vote. A voter must have enough knowledge sufficient to judge the agenda, aspiration and believes of some candidate or party. Voter need to keep close & clever eye on political variations. He should not be influenced by any threat from any political party. He should satisfy his innerself while casting his vote. Voter must have unbiased attitude and approach towards every candidate regardless of color and cast. He has to give the vote to the honest and man of maxims who will bring change in Pakistan. Unless or until the voter is educated or well aware with the political structure and politics, this feudal, corrupt and so called democratic system will remain as it is. No angel will come to the earth to root out our problems. Now its duty of common man to think critically and analyze the political situation thoroughly that which party is truly representing his aspirations.

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Role Of Ulema Towards Change In Pakistan

Role of Ulema towards change in Pakistan Ulema refer to the educated class of Muslim legal scholars engaged in the several fields of Islamic studies. They are best known as the arbiters of Shari ‘a law. While the Ulema are well versed in legal jurisprudence being Islamic lawyers , some of them also go on to specialize in other sciences, such as philosophy, dialectical theology or Quranic hermeneutics or explanation. The fields studied, and the importance given them, will vary from tradition to tradition, or even from seminary to seminary. In a broader sense, the term ulema is used to describe the body of Muslim clergy who have completed several years of training and study of Islamic sciences, such as a mufti, qadi, faqih, or muhaddith. Some Muslims include under this term the village mullahs, imams, and maulvis—who have attained only the lowest rungs on the ladder of Islamic scholarship; other Muslims would say those clerics must meet higher standards to be considered ulema. Although in Islam there is no intermediary institution between the believer and God. Islamic clergy teach at Islamic religious schools and Islamic seminaries in Muslim and non-Muslim countries throughout the world. Ulema teach at Islamic religious schools called Medereses where they teach students about the science of Islam and other areas of study. It is believed in Islam that a well-rounded education is something every Muslim must acquire in order to understand God’s religion in its entirety. Ulema also hold seminars where they give lecture and speeches about the area of Islam in which they specialize. Many ulema have left behind them only a lifetime of mediating disputes and giving sermons; their respectable contributions did not include authorship. Other ulema have been prolific authors, writing translations of the Qur'an or Quranic commentaries, studies of hadith, works of philosophy, religious admonition, etc. There are enormous bodies of religious literature that form not only the substance of the courses in Islamic seminaries, but inspirational reading for the ordinary Muslim. Most of this literature has not been translated into English, but remains in its original language (usually Arabic, Urdu, Persian, or Turkish). Some has been printed; some remains in manuscript form. The ulema in most nations consider themselves to represent the ijma "consensus" of the Ummah "community of Muslims" (or to represent at least the scholarly or learned consensus). Many efforts to modernise Islam focus on the reintroduction of ijtihad and empowerment of the ummah to form their own ijma. The extremism as the biggest challenge confronting the Pakistani nation, stressing the conscious efforts to reverse the tide. Pakistan was a tolerant society but these powers transformed it into an extremist one. Only the government or security agencies cannot eliminate the threat rather the entire nation will have to stand united against extremists. 13 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

Role Of Ulema Towards Change In Pakistan

Ulema and religious scholars can play key role in fight against terrorist and extremist elements in the country. The ulemas have been stating that terrorism is an act of anti humanity and a heinous crime. They said that “killing one innocent human being tantamount to killing the entire humanity�. The ulema especially condemning the suicide bombing inside the mosques. They said that the killing of every innocent person irrespective of his position whether he belongs to the armed forces, FC [Frontier Constabulary] or police, is a great sin. Stating the suicide bombing as a conspiracy against Islam and Pakistan, the ulema asked the general public to keep strict vigil on their surroundings and frustrate the acts of saboteurs. They gave message to all the Muslims to remove the impression that involving themselves in the heinous act of suicide bombing was a guarantee for seeking place in paradise rather they should enlighten themselves with the teachings of Islam. Ulemas have been doing their job efficiently but still much more is required from their side. While eliminating their personal conflicts Ulemas can bridge up the gap between different maslaq’s (classes) of Islam keeping in mind that Islam is completely pure religion which strongly deny and condemn groups or division in Muslim ummah. If ulemas are united, the whole nation is united. Ulemas should bring change in their teaching and preaching style by adopting the modern techniques of delivering lecture instead of following tradition or imitation. They also must have command on English language. They should not interpret Islam according to their own aspiration and believes but in its true spirit. They must avoid putting their personal opinions into the religious affairs. Ulemas can bring +ve change in the society by spreading the simple and straightforward teachings of Islam unbiasedly among all the groups of society.

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National Unity

National Unity A nation is an aggregate of individuals living in a particular area having common historical back ground and pursuing common collective interests it is the community of purpose which keeps them united and gives them strength and prosperity. It is the achievement of his higher ideal which makes them forget their individual differences and interests and to work unitedly for the realization of collective national objectives. This welding force in Pakistani community is Islam. It is for the glory and spread of Islam as the best system of life that the Muslims of Pakistan separated themselves from the Hindus. Therefore the secret of our survival and progress lies in holding fast to the rope of Islam. There is greater need of national unity in Pakistan because our powerful neighbour and enemy India has not yet reconciled to our independent existence. There are some other powers that cannot see an ideological state progressing close to their borders. The enemies of Pakistan have always been looking for some opportunity to weaken the national unity in the country and to disintegrate it. There are also some political and non political elements in Pakistan those who have been working upon foreign agenda. They want to snatch Pakistan’s ideological identity by dividing it into the cultural, religious and linguistic groups. We can easily tackle and defeat them by promoting our national unity. Media can play key role in this regard by exposing such rubbish elements. The vital need of the hour is to strengthen our unity as a nation. It can be achieved by projecting the ideological basis for which Pakistan came into existence. Without further loss of time we should introduce Islamic system of life in our country because Islam helps in creating national unity brotherhood and equality. It guarantees social justice and does not allow any kind of exploitation or discrimination. Besides that we should work for the success of democracy and representative government in Pakistan. Government should take steps to promote mutual understanding and co operation among the people of the four provinces. Urdu is a common national language can play an important role in this connection. It should be made the medium of instruction and the language of courts, offices etc. in the whole country. The trade and travel facilities between various provinces should also be provided. Exchange of cultural delegations and study groups of students can also be useful in promoting national unity. The press radio and television can also be helpful in 15 How The Change Will Come Into The Pakistan

National Unity

also be helpful in molding the outlook of the people. If we succeed in creating effective national unity in the country we can meet every challenge to the integrity of our country. Here is a verse from Quran which tells us what is in store for us, if we remain divided and in dispute: “And be you not like those who (got) divided and disputed after the clear proofs had come unto them. For such there is an awful doom," (3:105) To the Muslims of the times when this verse of Quran descended, this warning from Allah was of no immediate concern, because they were all united. But today, we have to ask ourselves whether or not we come under the ambit of the threat which the verse carries; Are we not divided and in dispute? Then, are we not subject to the same threat of an awful doom? When would we open the eyes of our hearts to the reminders from Allah?

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