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Coronavirus Update

Committee meets with President of the Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC) Sinlavong Khoutphaythoune via a video conference to enhance friendly exchanges and push for further development of China-Laos relations.

January 5 China notifies downstream Mekong countries that Jinghong Dam will reduce the water discharge rate from 1,904 cubic meters per second to 1,000 cubic meters per second, a decrease of about 47 percent, for 20 days from January 15 to 24, according to Thailand’s National Water Command Center and the Mekong River Commission (MRC).

January 9 China introduces new rules to counter unjustified laws and measures that other countries may apply to its companies and citizens as the relationship with the US is worsening, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

January 13 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) sends a congratulatory message to the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) on the opening of its 11th congress. Both sides want to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership cooperation and fully implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two parties and the two countries.

January 15 Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation (DSI) suspended 157 bank accounts with more than 1.5 billion baht and arrested the Chinese illegal gang. The gang has been charged with running an organized crime, importing false information into a computer system, and conspiring to extend loans with interesthigher than legally allowed.

January 19 Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Luo Zhaohui presides over a videoconference with Myanmar’s Deputy Minister for International Cooperation U Hau Do Suan and Bangladeshi Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen to discuss the repatriation of Rohingya

refugees. They agree to maintain consultation and communication at the vice foreign minister level and launch the repatriation of the first batch as soon as possible.

January 22 China’s National People’s Congress standing committee passes the Coast Guard Law to allow all necessary means to stop or prevent threats from foreign vessels. The coast guard personnel can demolish other countries’ structures build on Chinese-claimed reefs and inspect foreign vessels in waters claimed by China.

January 23 The USS Theodore Roosevelt leads a US aircraft carrier group to enter the South China Sea to conduct routine operations and promote freedom of the seas, according to the US military.

January 25 Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian responds to a US aircraft carrier group and other vessels enteringthe South China Sea. These actions are not conducive to regional peace and stability. China will defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity and oppose “Taiwan independence” and external interference.

January 26 China’s Maritime Safety Administration announces that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will conduct a series of exercises in the South China Sea from January 27-30.

February 1 The Myanmar military announces a state of emergency and detains leaders including State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint. The new elections will be held after the end of a 1-year state of emergency.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin says at a regular press conference in response to the situation in Myanmar that China hopesthat all parties in Myanmar will handle their disputes under the constitutional and legal framework to safeguard political and social stability.

The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar issues an urgent warning to Chinese citizens and Chinese-funded institutions in Myanmar to be aware of the situation and risk and avoid participating in any political activities.

February 2 Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin says in a regular press conference that outside moves should be conducive to Myanmar's peace and stability and not to complicate the situation.

February 3 Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin refutes claims that China supports the political upheaval in Myanmar after China vetoed a joint statement condemning Myanmar’s military coup at the UN Security Council meeting on February 2.

February 5 The USS John S. McCain, a US missile destroyer, trespassesupon Chinese territorial waters near the Paracel Islands. The PLA Southern Theater Command monitors and warns it off, according to PLAAir Force Senior Colonel Tian Junil.

February 9 (1) Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin remarks that two US carrier strike groups coordinated operations in the South China Sea are not conducive to regional peace and stability. China will take necessary measures to safeguard its sovereignty and security.

(2) The Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) releases satellite images comparing images captured on January 3. They show that the water level of the Mekong River has a drastic drop. The water turns dark blue and the sediment is visible underwater. This change indicates a severe drought.

February 12 The MRC calls on China and the Lower Mekong countries to share their water data and water release plans with the MRC as the Mekong River has fallen to a worrying level due to the outflow

restrictions from dams and lower rainfall. However, there is no response from China.

February 13 The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar denies rumors that China sends IT personnel to establish a cyber firewall in Myanmar. China calls for communications and dialogues to settle differences and bring the situation back to normal.

February 18 Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying remarks that internet rumors aim to disrupt China-Myanmar relations. More information on the impact of the situation on Chinese companies and citizens in Myanmaris funded by China.

February 19 (1) Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi meets with Vietnamese President Nguyen Phu Trong, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, National Defense Minister Ngo Xuan Lich, and Public Security Minister To Lam at the 7th China-Vietnam Public Security Ministerial Meeting in Hanoi. Both sides agree to enhance pragmatic cooperation against crimes and deepen cooperation in areas such as law enforcement, antiterrorism, and busting cross-border gambling, cybercrime, and telecom fraud.

(2) Cambodia denies the accusation that the country will create a new law to set up Chinese-style internet controls, but it will draft a law to protect personal data, according to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPTC).

February 22 The Thai government extends the emergency decree until March 31 to contain the outbreak, according to the CCSA. This is the 10th extension.

February 23-26 The 102nd Mekong River joint patrol by China, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar is held. A total of 121 law enforcement officers with 6 vessels participate in the operation.

February 26 Chinese Permanent Representative to the UN Zhang Jun urges all parties in Myanmar to handle differences through dialogues and consultations at

the UN General Assembly informal meeting on the situation in Myanmar. The situation in Myanmar's internal affairs and the international community should respect Myanmar's sovereignty. China supports ASEAN in playing an active role in easing the situation.

March 1 China's National Defense Ministry remarks that the country develops its military and national defense to safeguard its sovereignty, security, and interests. It does not seek hegemony, expand influence, and target any other country. It also opposes any country creating tension and military presence in the South China Sea under the pretext of "freedom of navigation."

March 4 President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders attend the opening meeting of the 4th session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Wang Yang, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee delivers a work report of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee to the session. The session is concluded on March 10.

March 5-11 The 4th session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) opens at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Premier Li Keqiang delivers a government work report. According to the report, China sets its GDP growth target for 2021 at above 6 percent and plans to create more than 11million new jobs. It will accelerate the trade of energy consumption and carbon emission rights and promote Covid-19 vaccine development and free inoculation. China will faithfully implement 'one country, two systems.' The country will pursue high-level opening-up, implement the RCEP, uphold multilateralism, and deepen bilateral, multilateral, and regional economic cooperation. China’s annual defense budget will increase 6.8 percent this year to about US$209 billion. The meeting releases the 14th FiveYear Plan and Long-Range Objective through 2035.

March 8 Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao announces that the Chinese government has officially ratified the RCEP agreement. China’s ratification process started in December 2020. All members of the RCEP plan to ratify the agreement before the end of 2021. The agreement will take effect on January 1, 2022.

March 12 Thailand’s Network of Council of Mekong River Community in 7 Northeastern Provinces discusses with the government on development projects on the Mekong River and their impacts on local people’s livelihood and river ecology. They submitted a proposal asking the government to establish the “Mekong River Rehabilitation Fund” to Assistant to Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office Suporn Atthawong. The proposal mentions that the government should collect tax revenues from development projects on the waterway and compensate villages affected by the projects. The government should let local people participate in the decision-making process of development projects on the Mekong River.

March 14 The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar urges authorities in Myanmar to punish the perpetrators and stop violence after some Chinese people and factories have been attacked.

March 15 The Chinese Embassy in Myanmar reports that a total of 32 Chinese-invested factories have been vandalized with property losses reaching US$36.89 million and 2 Chinese employees were injured in the attacks with no fatalities. China is closely monitoring the situation in Myanmar and is very concerned about the safety of Chinese institutions and personnel. It hopes Myanmar will take measures to protect Chinese safety, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian.

March 16 Thai Defense Permanent Secretary Nat Intaracharoen and Wu Xiaoyi, Chinese military attache in Thailand discuss China's offer to develop a maintenance depot for weapons and equipment imported from China in Thailand. They also discuss

closer cooperation regarding military training, investment in the EEC, and the Covid-19 situation and vaccines.

March 19 Thailand's CCSA extends the emergency decree nationwide for 2 months until May 31 to curb the pandemic. It is the 11th consecutive extension since the pandemic.

March 23 Yunnan University releases the Blue Book of the LMC 2020 marking the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the LMC. It reviews the progress, problems, and development trends of the LMC since 2019.

March 25 (1) The Chinese Ministry of Commerce reveals that the country is fully prepared to fulfill its obligations for the RCEP, including tariff concessions, simplification of customs procedures, service trade liberalization. The RCEP should be ratified by at least 6 ASEAN member countries and 3 non-ASEAN members.

(2) Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying refutes US allegations of militarizing the South China Sea as stated by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium on March 24.

March 31 Chinese Permanent Representative to the UN Zhang Jun urges relevant parties in Myanmar to handle differences through dialoguesand the international community's action should contribute to peace and stability of the country.

April 2 China calls Myanmar political parties to initiate dialogues and consultations as soon as possible, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying. She expresses concern over the current situation in Myanmar and suggests that the international community should not interfere in Myanmar's internal affairs. China supportsASEAN to facilitate peace talks in the ASEAN Way.

April 6 China supports all parties in Myanmar in seeking a political settlement through dialogues within the constitutional and legal framework. The country supports ASEAN in upholding the principle of noninterference in internal affairs and the ASEAN Way. It supports a special meeting of ASEAN leaders to discuss the approach to resolve problems in Myanmar. Moreover, Myanmar should avoid further bloodshed and conflicts. The UN Security Council should avoid improper intervention. External forces should avoid messing up Myanmar in pursuit of selfish gains, according to Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian.

April 19 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi says at the high-level open debate held by the UN Security Council that China supports ASEAN to constructively participate in the Myanmar reconciliation process in the ASEAN Way and the international community should respect and maintain ASEAN's central position in regional cooperation. He proposes preventive diplomacy to the UN and regional partnerships to narrow differences and settle disputes through dialogues.

April 26 Vietnamese President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong meet with Chinese Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe in Hanoi, Vietnam to strengthen bilateral ties and military cooperation. Nguyen Xuan Phuc says that Vietnam will never follow other countries in opposing China.

Wei Fenghe met with Vietnamese Defense Chief Phan Van Giang on April 25. They witnessed the signing of an MoU on strengthening international military cooperation between the national defense ministries of the two countries.

April 26-28 Chinese and Vietnamese maritime law enforcement officials kick off the 21st joint patrol in the Beibu Gulf water, according to the China Coast Guard (CCG).

April 29 Vietnam rejects China's unilateral fishing ban in the South China Sea, according to Vietnamese Foreign Ministry Vice Spokesperson Doan Khac Viet. He also refutes the incorrect information about the marine self-defense militia force of Vietnam near the Hainan archipelago that threatened the maritime law enforcement of China. The country has sovereignty over the Spratly archipelagos and sea areas identified in line with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

April 30 (1) China and Russia raise objections to a joint statement on the crisis in Myanmar drawn by the UK at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

(2) The annual fishing ban in the South China Sea will start from May 1 to August 16, according to the announcement of the China CoastGuard to promote sustainable marine fishery development and improve marine ecology. The banned area covers waters north of the South China Sea.

May 3 The 24th ASEAN Plus Three Finance Ministers’ and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting (AFMGM+3) is held virtually in Brunei. Participants vow to enhance financial cooperation to sustain economic growth amid the pandemic.

May 17 Chinese netizens call for a ban of Netflix Thai drama ‘Girl from Nowhere’ as the drama’s promotional poster on Facebook includes Taiwan and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Chinese think that this poster splits up China and violate the oneChina principle. The poster is later deleted.

May 18 The Buddhist Association of China holds a meeting to discuss cooperation among Buddhist communities in the LMC region in fighting against the pandemic and promote contributions to the public. Representatives from Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia attend the event online.

May 20 USS Curtis Wilbur, the US guided-missile destroyer, trespasses into the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea. The Chinese military warns the ship to

leave, according to the PLA Southern Theater Command.

May 21 (1) President Xi Jinping attends and delivers a speech at the Global Health Summit in Rome, Italy online. The Summit is organized by Italy as the G20 Presidency of 2021 and the European Commission. China will provide an additional US$3 billion to international aid over the next 3 years to support the Covid-19 response and economic recovery in developing countries.The country will provide more vaccines to the world. Xi Jinping proposes to set up an international forum on vaccine cooperation. The Summit approves the Declaration of Rome.

(2) The CCSA approves the decree’s 12th extension for 2 months until July 31 to handle the pandemic.

May 24 Young members of China and Cambodia legislative bodies hold an online meeting to exchange views on cooperation on fighting against the pandemic and economic recovery and deepen bilateral ties.

June 1 The Royal Thai Navy (RTN) defends its purchase of 3 Chinese-made VN16 tanks. There was criticism on the social media against the government that it should give priority to the Covid-19 vaccines. However, the RTN says that the procurement was approved before the pandemic. The tanks are manufactured by China Ordnance Industries Group Corporation Limited (China North Industries Group Corporation Limited).

June 2 Cambodian Defense Minister Tea Banh reveals that Cambodia had asked for China's help to upgrade the development of the Ream Port. However, in October 2020, Cambodia confirmed that it had demolished a US-built facility at the Ream Naval Base and denied that China would be involved in that issue.

June 5 Myanmar Leader Min Aung Hlaing meets with Chinese Ambassador Chen Hai. Myanmar is willing to work with ASEAN and communicate with China to maintain domestic stability. They exchange views on bilateral relations and anti-epidemic cooperation.

June 7 The Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Dialogue Relations is held in Chongqing, China. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi proposes to deepen anti-pandemic cooperation, push forward economic recovery, upgrade bilateral relations, uphold multilateralism, reach an agreement on the COC, and carry forward Asian values. Both sides agree to implement the ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership Vision 2030 and the Plan of Action to Implement the Joint Declaration on ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership for Peace and Prosperity (2021-2025). China is ready to cooperate with ASEAN on Myanmar issues.

At the 19th Senior Officials’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) on the same day, participants agree to strive for an early agreement on the COC.

June 8 The 6th LMC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting is held in Chongqing, China. The meeting reviews the progress of the LMC. Both sides are willing to work together to strengthen cooperation in fighting against the Covid-19 pandemic, seek recovery after the pandemic, expand water resources cooperation, advance local pragmatic cooperation, support infrastructure construction and connectivity, and strengthenpeople-to-people exchanges.

June 10 China’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) adopts the law on countering foreign sanctions to better safeguard the country’s sovereignty, security, and development interests.

June 15 The 12th China-ASEAN Defense Ministers' Informal Meeting is held online. Both sides pledge to safeguard regional peace and strengthen national defense and military development.

June 16 The 8th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus is held via a videoconference. Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe attends the meeting and says

that China will protect its interests, including issues related to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and the South China Sea. Both sides agree to resolve disputes in the South China Sea peacefully. China will also help the region fight against the pandemic.

June 18 China will continue to support ASEAN and play a constructive role regarding the current situation in Myanmar, according to Chinese Representative to the UN Zhang Jun at the UN Security Council meeting on Myanmar. The country hopes all parties in Myanmar will resolve differences through political dialogues under the constitution and legal framework and avoid violent incidents.

June 24 Vietnamese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang calls on relevant parties to not take any action that further complicates the situation in the South China Sea in response to Chinese vessels and aircraft entering the territory of the Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands.

June 29 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi attends the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting online. The meeting is chaired by Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio. The meeting agrees to work together to fight against the pandemic, uphold multilateralism, enhance openness and coordination to global recovery, and support global governance.

June 30 The MRC releases a report to encourage MRC member countries and Dialogue partners to share operational data to improve water resource managementin the lower Mekong basin. The report shows the fluctuations in water levels in the Mekong River in Thailand, Laos, and the Tonle Sap Lake of Cambodia. Hydropower operations have impacted navigation, river ecosystems, and riverbank stability.

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