4 minute read
Inaugural mentoring program: a success
from In-SPHERE March 2024
Six early to mid-career researchers embarked on a journey of professional growth with SPHERE’s Women’s Health Research Network mentoring initiative.
SPHERE’s Women’s Health Research Network (WHRN) launched its inaugural Mentoring Program at the end of last year with the goal of advancing women’s health research and fostering the growth of the next generation of researchers. The program, a collaborative effort between WHRN and Franklin Women, provided the opportunity for six early-mid career researchers to each receive three mentoring sessions tailored to their specific goals.
As a program only just in its infancy, the WHRN committee was keen to learn about the experiences of the program’s participants and the results did not disappoint. Feedback was exceptionally positive, as evidenced by the 100% satisfaction rate reported by participants in a post-program survey, all of whom expressed being ‘extremely satisfied’ with their experience.
Two participants, Tamara Macdonald and Rachel Grove, illustrate the substantial positive impact of this program, each gaining significant benefits and clarity through their mentoring sessions.
Tamara – solidifying her research trajectory
Tamara Macdonald, a seasoned nurse with 17 years of experience, currently works in a leadership role as a Clinical Nurse Educator for Child and Family Health in Narellan. Amidst emerging challenges for nurses and heightened responsibilities, particularly in navigating issues concerning increased high-risk and vulnerable families, Tamara recognised an opportunity to conduct research with the aim of enhancing staff wellbeing. Having been awarded a research internship with SPHERE’s Early Life Determinants of Health (ELDoH) Clinical Theme, Tamara has needed to traverse unfamiliar territory as an early career researcher.
Through the mentoring program, Tamara received personalised coaching sessions focusing on her research goals. These sessions equipped her with essential skills, from networking with senior executives to time management and boundary setting.
“I learnt more about myself in the three sessions of coaching than I have in the past 17 years of nursing,” Tamara remarked.
The program’s tailored approach not only bolstered Tamara’s confidence but also solidified her plans, with a clear path towards completing her research internship and pursuing a PhD in the future.
Rachel Grove –discovering strengths to forge a new path
Rachel Grove, currently a Chancellor’s Research Fellow at UTS, embarked on the mentorship journey to navigate the transition from early to mid-career researcher. With her Fellowship nearing an end, Rachel used the opportunity provided by the mentoring program to develop her future career plans.
With her mentor, Rachel delved into her values and strengths, gaining a fresh perspective on career alignment. The mentoring experience provided her with invaluable clarity, not only in defining her career aspirations but also in discerning what paths to avoid.
“The program showed me how I can use my strengths and interests to make jobs work for me,” Rachel reflected.
“It has given me direction because not only has it made me look at what I want to do but also has made me realise exactly what I don’t want.”
Tamara and Rachel’s experiences highlight the program’s effectiveness in providing tailored guidance and support, ultimately empowering participants to navigate their professional journeys with confidence and clarity.

“It’s a program that should be offered to all early-mid career researchers,” said Tamara.
Keep an eye out on SPHERE’s website for future opportunities for early-mid career researchers.
SPHERE’s Women’s Health Research Network
In 2021, the Australian Health Research Alliance (AHRA) formed a national Women’s Health Research Translation and Impact Network (WHRTIN) comprising representation from each of Australia’s NHMRC-accredited Research Translation Centres.
The SPHERE Women’s Health Research Network (WHRN) has been established to support the vision and mission of the AHRA WHRTIN:
SPHERE’s WHRN is working on delivering on WHRTIN objectives, strengthen collaboration, and assist women’s career development opportunities in women’s health research.