Daneco Brochure En

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DANECO Presentation pag. The Group’s activities Registration Albo Gestori Ambientali SOA certificates Quality certificates


REFERENCES Sanitary Landfills Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte Pianopoli Chivasso Mariano Comense Ghemme Trivignano Udinese Carbonia Albonese Iglesias Valfenera Cavenago d’Adda Vizzolo Predabissi Viterbo Pescantina Mechanical-Biological Treatment plants Giovinazzo Andria Salerno Cagliari Sulmona Lamezia Terme Bassano del Grappa San Giorgio di Nogaro Udine Isola d’Elba Milano Molfetta Ceresara Pieve di Coriano Wai-Pu-Hsiang Nantucket Mora Tolmezzo Vasto Lignano Sabbiadoro GOLFO PERSICO: Ajman, Al Fujarah, Dubai, Kuwait City

pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag.

8 12 14 18 20 22 24 28 30 32 33 33 34 36

pag. pag. pag. pag.

40 44 48 52

pag. 60 pag. 64 pag. 68 pag. 72 pag. 74 pag. 76 pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. pag.

78 80 80 81 82 82 82

pag. 83 pag. 83 pag. 83 pag. 84

Environmental remediation Alice Castello pag. 88 Villadose pag. 94 Plants for production of electric energy from biogas pag. 100 Olbia, Casale Monferrato, Trivignano Udinese, Giovinazzo pag. 104 Ghemme, Pescantina, Alice Castello, Chivasso pag. 105 Energy production stations from waste and biomass Waste-to-energy plants: - technologies - standard plants Developed projects Current projects Progetti in essere

pag. 108 pag. 116 pag. 120 pag. 122 pag. 134

Renewable energy Troia Wind Park Photovoltaic energy

pag. 138


pag. 143

pag. 140

The Group’s Business Areas The UNENDO Group, a leader in the environmental sector in Italy, was founded in 2001 following the acquisition by Italian businessmen of Waste Management Italia and the amalgamation of the existing companies. The Group, through its major and minor shareholders, is currently involved in the entire cycle of waste management and the production of energy from renewable sources. DANECO IMPIANTI has extensive and widespread experience in the supply of services as well as plant design of environmental friendly solutions for clients who operate in the public and private sectors. Presently, DANECO IMPIANTI is established as a leading private operator in plant design, construction and management of mechanical-biological plants for the production of RDF (fuel derived from waste) and compost, as well as provider of solutions for energy recovery derived from waste landfills of the residual fraction of non recoverable waste. DANECO IMPIANTI is part of the UNENDO Group and its operations cover not only a significant part of the national territory but also extend internationally. The company is made up of 150 staff, working in the Milan headquarters and in the current production units in the various regions where it operates. Sensitive to today’s changing environment, in these last few years, DANECO IMPIANTI has also invested in the development of other forms of energy sources alternative to fossil fuels, such as wind-farms and photovoltaic parks.

Registration: Albo Gestori Ambientali (Board of Environmental Managers) DANECO IMPIANTI has been certified by the Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali (National Board for Environmental Managers) for category 6 (management of plants for disposal and recovery by third party owner) until 13.01.2009, the date in which the Minister for the Environment issued Amendment n.108 for the annulment of category 6. Category 6 certification, for which DANECO IMPIANTI was compliant, was in class A (total yearly treated quantity, exceeding 200.000 tonnes): 6A management of municipal waste transfer stations and the accumulation of separately collected wastes 6C management of waste treatment plants employing chemical-physical and/or biological methods 6Dmanagement of landfill sites for municipal or treated waste. 6F management of landfill sites for special waste 6H management of plants for thermal treatment of municipal waste and special waste, hazardous and non-hazardous waste. DANECO IMPIANTI also owns the following registrations to Albo dei Gestori Ambientali in line with the latest regulatory amendments: MI05530 del 16/01/2009 to transport their own waste, Excluding the transport of the hazardous waste that doesn’t exceed 30kg daily or 30 litres daily. MI05530 del 16/01/2009 for Category 9 (remediation of the sites) Class A (cost of work or site remediation over € 7.746.853)

Certificate SOA

Quality certification

DANECO IMPIANTI is qualified under the n18378/10/00 certificate to carry out public works issued by CQOP SOA S.p.A. for the following categories and classifications:

The elevated technical/professional skills along with close attention to the individual needs of the Clients are fundamental characteristics of DANECO IMPIANTI. The DANECO IMPIANTI management system is certified in compliance with the current international regulations UNI EN ISO 9001.

OG1 “civil and industrial buildings”- IV OG3 “streets, highways, bridges, viaducts, railways, tram lines, underground stations, cable railway, airport runways and related works” - III OG6 “water works, gas works, oil pipelines, irrigation and drainage works” OG9 “plants for the production of electric energy”- VIII OG12 “civil works and plants for environmental requalification and protection” - VIII OG13 “civil works for ecological engineering”- IV OS1 “earthworks” - IV OS4 “electromechanical plants using belt conveyors” - II OS14 “waste disposal and waste recovery plants” - VIII OS21 “special structural works” - IV and the qualification of preliminary/executive designs according to their performances - VIII

DANECO IMPIANTI is accredited with the following certificates: CERT-08859-2001-AQ-MIL-SINCERT, issued by the Authority for Certification DNV Italia s.r.l., for planning, construction and start up of waste treatment plants, planning and construction of landfills for non–hazardous waste and works for environmental requalification and restoration. CERT-299, issued by the Authority for Certification DNV Italia s.r.l for the supply of services for landfill management of non hazardous waste (ex. MSW and special wastes), the management of plants for the production of electric energy from biogas and management of plants for non hazardous municipal waste treatment. The certification applies to the following sites: Headquarters in Milan, landfill sites in Andria (BT), Trivignano Ud. (UD), biogas plant in Pescantina (VR), mechanical-biological treatment plant in Sulmona (AQ).

Sanitary Landfills DANECO IMPIANTI prides itself on the design, construction and management of sanitary landfills for waste materials on the national level and in line with the requirements set out by the European Community Directive and adopted by the Italian Legislative Decree no. 36, 13 January 2003, for the implementation and development of energy recovery plants at various sites based on landfill biogas.

Safety and monitoring Monitoring the environmental factors is a fundamental activity for sanitary landfill plants, be it in the operational or post-operational phase. In order to prevent any possible impact on the environment, the most stringent measures for monitoring key parameters have been implemented. In accordance with the current regulations, the operations of environmental control are programmed according to a specific Plan of Surveillance and Control. Monitoring and Control normally regard: underground waters leachate surface drainage waters landfill gas and emissions into the atmosphere weather parameters the physical condition of the landfill and which guarantee overall protection of the surrounding environment.

Landfill Capping and Restoration Upon depletion of the deposited waste volumes, DANECO IMPIANTI carries out the most appropriate interventions for landfill capping and environmental restoration so as to obtain final requalification of the site. This is executed by creating a protection layer and an insulation system over the waste materials, with a subsequent restoration layer of top soil, which may be landscaped. For further protection of the environment, the current legislation on the subject of sanitary landfills provides for these plants a postclosure operational period of no less than 30 years, during which, further operations of maintenance and control are systematically carried out.

Sanitary Landfills

CONTRACTING BODY MISA (Missione Aree Siti Impianti) replaced by the Commissario Delegato for Emergency Waste Disposal in Campania. OWNER Municipality of Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte (BN) SITE Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte (BN), Locality La Nocecchia DISPOSED WASTE MSW VOLUME 800.000 m3, of which 150.00 m3 in Basin no.1, and 650.000 m3 in Basin no.2 COMPLETION OF WORKS June 2009 CONSTRUCTION COST 16.000.000 € MANAGEMENT from June 2008 - temporarily managed by DANECO IMPIANTI.

Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte

Excavation at Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte Site

Upon being awarded the contract by the commissioner for Emergency Waste Disposal in Campania, the Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte landfill was built in April 2008. The contract included the construction of a landfill for MSW of 800.000 m3, subdivided in Basin no.1 of 150.000 m3 and Basin no. 2 of 650.000 m3. The two basins are physically separated, thus ensuring an adequate buffer zone for the Terna S.p.A high voltage lines leading to Sant’Arcangelo Trimonte. The contract also included the repair and restoration of two already existing landfills located adjacent to the new basins, which collapsed due to climatic conditions. The work involved the restoration of the site and the surrounding area so as to ensure that there will be no longer any risk to the public or to the surrounding environment. Sistema di drenaggio ed estrazione del percolato

from left: 1- Deodorising System 2- Initial Start-Up Phase

Pozzo biogas

The landfill The project included the subdivision of the site into two separate basins, where the second basin has been divided into three separate lots. During the construction of both basins, excavation and backfilling operations were carried out, so as to form the perimetrical embankments, each located above ground. Waterproofing of the floor and sides was executed in accordance with Legislative Decree 36/03. The Drainage system, the landfill is equipped with a specialised piping network, for : leachate, recovered from the landfill floor through a system of seepage piping and sent to the temporary storage basin to be regularly transferred for treatment at a third party plant; rain water sent to the surface drainage network; first rain water, sent to the appropriate storage and sedimentation basins before being relaunched to the leachate storage basin.

Testa del pozzo di estrazione del percolato

Finally, the landfill is furnished with auxiliary equipment: weather/Meteo station; wheel and tire washing system; weighbridge; offices and facilities for personnel.

da sinistra: 1- Stoccaggio percolato 2- Pozzo di rilancio del percolato 9

Start-Up of construction

The construction of Basin 1 was achieved in record time, only 45 working days. In June 2008, DANECO IMPIANTI was officially assigned the management of the landfill, thus eliminating the state of emergency in Campania. Currently, the landfill receives about 1500 tonnes of waste per day, with the possibility of managing flows of up to 3000 t/d. All waste is accepted into the landfill upon formal verification of all documentation and after being weighed at the weighbridge station. Subsequently the waste is directed to the unloading area, where upon visual inspection it is unloaded, compressed by specialized machinery and covered daily with appropriate covering material. Monitoring of the environmental parameters is executed according to predefined test procedures (surveys and systematic analysis) by certified personnel.

Dettaglio tiranti

Foreseen, is the construction of a biogas captation network, for the subsequent recovery of energy through the production of electricity, that the managing body could later or sell to the available market.

Palificata in progetto in corrispondenza del coronamento dell’argine del lotto IV


Sanitary Landfills

CLIENT ECO INERTI Srl OWNER ECO INERTI Srl SITE Municipality of Pianopoli (CZ) , Locality Gallù and Caratello DISPOSED WASTE Special non-hazardous NUMBER OF LOTS 2 VOLUME 495.000 m3 CONSTRUCTION AND CLOSING COSTS 10.000.000 € COMPLETION OF WORK September 2009 MANAGEMENT ECO INERTI Srl €

Pianopoli Upon the completion of a preliminary technical and administrative examination, as per Articles 27 and 28 of Legislative Decree 22/1997, the office of the Commissioner for Emergency Waste Disposal in the region of Calabria has decreed to the company ECO INERTI Srl by the Commissarial Order no. 2873, of March 3rd, 2004, the authorization for the construction and management of a sanitary landfill for special non-hazardous waste to be located in Gallù and Carrattello in the Municipality of Pianopoli (CZ). Subsequently, following the coming into force of Leg . Decree 59/2005, the commissarial authorized regulation was confirmed by the issuing of the Environmental Integrated Authorization for the realization and running of the landfill, by Decree of the General Managers of the Region of Calabria no. 14053, 06/10/2008.

from up: 1- Original status of project 2- During construction

DANECO IMPIANTI was selected by ECO INERTI for the role of “Main Contractor” for the design and realisation of the landfill in question.

Site Plan argine di valle banco intermedio pista perimetrale rampa di servizio fondo discarica - lotto 1 fondo discarica - lotto 2 area di servizio vasche di laminazione cancello d’ingresso canale di guardia recinzione linea percolato pompa di sollevamento del percolato area di servizio all’ingresso

The landfill The designated landfill site for the project is located in Gallù and Carratello in the Municipality of Pianopoli, Catanzaro, roughly 13km from the urban area of Pianopoli (CZ). It has a gross surface area of approximately 8 hectares and is positioned at an altitude between +90 m and +180 m above sea level, in a progressively descending slope in a S-E direction within the two lots. The construction of the landfill includes shaping of the basin cavity, through operations of excavation, earth moving and modelling of the walls; placement of insulating materials so as to protect the basin cavity from the natural elements (waterproofing of the ground and sloped walls); implementation of a dedicated solution for the channelling, captation and collection of the leachate and the biogas; allocation of support structures and facilities (service areas, offices, weighing station, etc). As per approved design, upon completion of its construction, all management of daily landfill operations, involve the placement of the waste upon entry to the site, its spreading and compaction by suitable machinery so as to minimize the occupied volume and optimize future settling. The allotment and processing of waste materials is expected to be in two separate basins, filled in succession, starting from the first basin with a capacity of about 190.000 m3 and then subsequently in the second, whose capacity is that of

about 305.000 m3. The monitoring operations are regulated by the online control and monitoring systems, previously configured in the planning phase, whose purpose it is to monitor the key environmental parameters, air –water- soil, and prevent or minimize any impacts that the landfill may create. Once the allotment of the second basin is completed, it will be required to execute final capping and environmental requalification operations in order to give the closed site the appearance of a grassy slope which has been reforested with indigenous plant matter.


Sanitary Landfills

CHIVASSO 0 OWNER SETA SpA DISPOSED WASTE MSW and waste extracted from the restoration of previous basin (as per Article 12. of Italian legislation) VOLUME 531.600 m3 COMPLETION OF WORKS December 2009 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 14.000.000 € MANAGEMENT Concessione SMC SpA CHIVASSO 1


OWNER SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA DISPOSED WASTE MSW VOLUME 500.000 m3 MANAGEMENT SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA (Gruppo UNENDO SpA) CHIVASSO 2 OWNER SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA DISPOSED WASTE MSW VOLUME 1.800.000 m3 MANAGEMENT SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA (Gruppo UNENDO SpA) CHIVASSO 3 OWNER SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA DISPOSED WASTE Special Non-hazardous VOLUME 500.000 m3 COMPLETION OF WORKS 2004 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 8.000.000 € MANAGEMENT SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA (Gruppo UNENDO SpA) CHIVASSO 3 - V AND V1 BASIN OWNER SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA DISPOSED WASTE Special Non-hazardous VOLUME 795.000 m3 COMPLETION OF WORKS December 2009 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 5.600.000 € MANAGEMENT SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA (Gruppo UNENDO SpA) OLD TYRES AND RUBBER SCRAPS SHREDDING PLANT

from up: 1/2/3 - Panorama of the Landfill 4 - Tyre Shredding Station

OWNER SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA DISPOSED WASTE Tyres and Rubber Scraps PRODUCTS Tyre Chips COMPLETION OF WORKS January 2005 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 900.000 € MANAGEMENT SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA (Gruppo UNENDO SpA)

Site Plan fondo posa rifiuti

fascia di rispetto

canale di scolo

fascia di rispetto

sottopasso idraulico

fascia di rispetto

setto separatore in argilla soprassuoli arborei esistenti

NORD Profilo adeguamento volumetrico discarica Chivasso 3


The landfill The Chivasso site, located in the Pozzo Region, where previously was located Fornace SLET, owner SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA (a company which is part of WASTE ITALIA s.r.l. - Gruppo UNENDO SpA) today represents a technological platform which has been articulated into various smaller engineering plant units developed over the past two decades. The site is located south-east of the residential area and close to the industrial zone, stationed north of the A4 Torino-Milano highway. Historically, it has been managed by the company SMC Smaltimenti Controllati SpA (Gruppo UNENDO SpA).


from left: Access Ramp Work Area

The tyre shredding plant The plant is constructed inside a partially enclosed building with limited buffering. The old tyres are unloaded on the ground and are feed by a crane into the primary shredder, so as to obtain an initial scaled reduction of the material, to around 30-40 cm. The shredded material is then transferred to the secondary shredder which further reduces the dimensions of the chips to 3cm. The final product is designed to be added to the RDF, obtaining a fuel which has a higher calorific value or that may be used as drainage material in the construction of the landfills. The plant incorporates an aspiration and dedusting system, complete with ventilators and bag filter.

Basin V and V1 of the CHIVASSO 3 landfill The expansion of the Chivasso 3 landfill will reach a volume equal to about 795.000 m3. The foreseen waterproofing package to be implemented, specially designed for the basin floor and walls, is designed in accordance with construction criteria defined in Attachment 1 of Italian Legislative Decree 36/03. The building of a leachate captation network is foreseen for each basin, consisting of: two wells for collection and re-launching of the leachate;

drainage network; Suction piping from the captation well to the existing temporary storage tank. The biogas captation system was dimensioned for the maximum hourly capacity of extraction. The designed biogas captation system is consists of: a series of captation wells; two regulation stations for every basin; an existing plant for extraction and biogas recovery. Once the allotment of waste is completed, landfill capping will be executed so as to guarantee the landfills insulation and limit the infiltration of water so as to reduce the production of leachate. The final design of the covering is in strict accordance with the Italian Legislative Decree 36/2003.

Restoration of the landfill and the construction of CHIVASSO 0 landfill as per-Article 12 of Italian legislation The project for the restoration of the landfill area ex. Article 12 –DPR 915/82 provides for removal of the deposited waste and the construction of the new sanitary landfill, incorporating all safety prerequisites suitable for disposal of unselected MSW coming from the territory of the Basin 16 Consortium.

Site Plan fondo posa rifiuti canale di scolo sottopasso idraulico setto separatore in argilla soprassuoli arborei esistenti fondo posa rifiuti canale di scolo sottopasso idraulico setto separatore in argilla soprassuoli arborei esistent fondo posa rifiuti canale di scolo sottopasso idraulico setto separatore in argilla soprassuoli arborei esistenti soprassuoli arborei esistenti

The execution of the project is set out in essentially two phases: removal of buried waste in the already existing landfill ‘ext-Article 12’ and placement of the same in basin 1 of the new sanitary landfill; construction on the same area, upon restoration of basin 2 of the new Chivasso 0, landfill suitable for the disposal of the municipal solid waste from the surrounding community; once the second basin is filled, the procedures for the capping of the landfill will be implemented and finalised with environmental restoration. The new ‘Chivasso 0 “ landfill will have a volume of 531.6000 m3, of which about 86.000 m3 is destined to extracted waste from the area known as ‘ex-Article 12’.

The construction of the landfill consists of: construction of Basin 1 of the new landfill; removal of the waste from the landfill area ex-Article 12 for restoration and placement of the waste in Basin 1 of the landfill; construction of Basin 2 on the reclaimed area and continuation of the placement of waste in Basin 1; allocation of the waste in the newly constructed Basin 2; upon completed allocation of waste to landfill, execution of capping procedures and environmental restoration of the area. The designed biogas captation system consists of: 29 drilled vertical wells; 4 regulation stations; an extraction station; an existing plant for extraction and biogas recovery.


Sanitary Landfills

CONTRACTING BODY Municipality of Mariano Comense (CO) OWNER Municipality of Mariano Comense SITE Locality Cascina Settuzzi DISPOSED WASTE Special Non-hazardous VOLUME Lastest authorized capacity 276.000 m3 CONSTRUCTION AND CLOSING COSTS 15.000.000 € COMPLETION OF WORKS 2009 MANAGEMENT from 1982 with extensions of original concession over time

Mariano Comense The activity for MSW waste disposal at the Cascina Settuzzi landfill began in 1965, predominantly servicing the Municipality of Mariano Comense. Through a series of measures, activity at site continued until 1985, when the Region of Lombardy, by resolution no. 54871 of 23 July definitely approved, in relation to the public plan of sanitary landfills by Articles 20 and 21 of the Legge Regionale 98/80, the location of this landfill with ownership to the Municipality of Mariano Comense. Additionally with resolution no. 54872 of 23 July 1985, the overall executive designs for the realization of the landfill were approved based on plans proposed by the Municipality of Mariano Comense, thus authorizing the municipality itself “for the construction of a public sanitary landfill for municipal solid waste by expanding the existing site in Cascina Settuzzi”. The decision above derived from a long and complex preliminary investigation that clearly confirmed the full suitability of the location from a geological, hydrogeological and environmental standpoint.

from up: 1 - Landfill restoration 2 - Construction of basin cavity 3 - Perimetral reinforced support embankment 4 - Allocation in existing basin and construction of new cavity

Under the subsequent regional authorization no. 615/2000 a series of works were executed, along with improvements with ecological and environmental objectives, as well as the incorporation of a complex set of activities for control and monitoring. Currently, all operations have been authorized under the Decree of the Region of Lombardy no. 12045, 17 October 2007 “Environmental Integrated Authorization” issued to the Municipality of Mariano Comense (CO) in accordance with Legislative Decree 18.02.2005 no.59 Attachment 1, point 5.4, and followed by Decree no. 3998, 7 April 2006 by the Region of Lombardy for the approval of the project, with authorization to construct fundamental modification to the plant in Mariano Comense (CO) at the site in Cascina Settuzzi, which were already authorized by Decreto Giunta Regionale 615/00 (Regional Council Decree) and for the management of all operations for non-hazardous waste disposal.

from left: 1 - Leachate Treatment System 2 - Landfill Restoration

The operational management of all the waste disposal activities was assigned to DANECO IMPIANTI under the contract for the construction and management, initially signed with the company Gesam Gestione Servizi Ambientali SpA and under which, from 1982 has entitled them to manage the landfill site. Subsequently Gesam Gestione Servizi Ambientali SpA merged with the Unendo Group. Furthermore, in May 2004, the Municipality of Mariano Comense signed an agreement with the syndicate association ATI Biamont Sas (today DANECO IMPIANTI) and Berica Impianti Energia Srl for energy recovery of the biogas produced at the Cascina Settuzzi landfill. Under this agreement the association was entrusted to implement the relative works for the completion of the biogas network for its extraction and transfer, the construction of the energy recovery plant, as well as the 10 year licence to exploit the biogas originating from the landfill.

The landfill According to the provisions of the current project, within the existing perimeter, expansion of the landfill body on the eastern slope is foreseen. For clarity, the current allotment of the waste is executed in an area which has been used for the accumulation of terrain previously set aside for the operations of environmental restoration. Accumulations of waste, on this new area parallel to the eastern slope of existing landfill will progressively be integrated to the body of the existing landfill. The existing site covers a total surface of 82.000 m2, while the current new project will occupy an area of 28.500 m2. The total authorized project capacity will be equal to 276.127 m3 and which when added to the previously occupied volumes, leads to an overall estimated volume of the entire site of over 2.000.000 m3.

Based on the current rates of waste allocation, uninterrupted since September 2007, it is foreseen that the operations at the landfill will continue until July 2010, in accordance with the contractual obligations between the Municipality of Mariano Comense (owner of the decree) and the concessionaire DANECO IMPIANTI. Differing from other landfills built and managed by DANECO IMPIANTI, at the Mariano landfill, there is a certified wastewater reception station, primarily for the leachate deriving from the landfill. The leachate, which originates from the old body of the landfill and also from the new extension, is collected in separate tanks and then is sent by a leachate duct to the nearby Wastewater Treatment plant. This eliminates road transport of the leachate and minimizes the associated impact to the local environmental. Within the current construction of the expansion, DANECO IMPIANTI has installed an on site physical-chemical treatment plant for the mentioned leachate, positioned next to the storage tanks of the extension, with the aim, if necessary, to lower the chemical parameters of the leachate, so as to guarantee that they fall within the acceptable limits required by the Wastewater Treatment Plant specifications. The intake of leachate into the leachate duct is controlled by a remote system that is managed by the Wastewater Treatment plant upon verification of the flow rate in order to optimise the operations of the water purification plant. Currently, the Biogas is aspirated from the captation wells and is conveyed by two centrifugal suction fans to the 2 electric power generators of 250kW and 500 kW while the torch (capacity of 500 Nmc/h) is used in emergency situations, usually only in the case of shutdown of the motors. The BT/MT transformation station for the interconnection and sale of electric energy to the public grid completes the configuration of the site.


Sanitary Landfills

OWNER Middle Waste Management Consortium Novarese SITE Municipality of Ghemme (NO), Locality Fornace Solaria DISPOSED WASTE MSW; Special Non-hazardous NUMBER OF BASINS 3 SUPPORT STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES PLANT shredding, screening and selection plant (non operational due to depleted flows) VOLUME 2.600.000 m3 MANAGEMENT DANECO IMPIANTI

Ghemme Municipal waste disposal on the Fornace Solaria landfill site began in 1987, which is located in the Municipality of Ghemme, on the country road which connects Ghemme and Cavaglio. The morphology of the zone is hilly and the landfill which consists of 3 basins is positioned in a predominantly flat area, slightly sloping from North to South.

from up: 1 - Access Road 2 - Panorama of the Landfill 3 - Provisional Capping

Offices and Weighbridge Station

The landfill covers a total surface area of about 195.000 m2 and the total volume of the landfill is approximately 2.600.000 m3. The site is surrounded by thick vegetation which helps to conceal the presence of the landfill. The landfill was built following the approval of the “Project for sanitary MSW waste disposal at Fornace Solaria, Ghemme (NO)” of September 1986 and approved by the district of Novara; resolution no.1375, 23 July 1987; with the variant in March 1988 approved by the district of Novara, resolution no. 1463, 21 July 1988 and of the “Design variant for completion and capping of the landfill located in the Municipality of Ghemme” of October 1996, approved by the district of Novara; resolution no. 546, 3 August 1998. Daneco SpA, now DANECO IMPIANTI, was assigned a concession contract for the construction and management of the waste disposal activities. As per project, and as per subsequent integrations, each basin is waterproofed through double layering; the first made out of natural materials; compact clay and the second from artificial materials; HDPE sheets. The waterproofing solution is finalized by a drainage layer, consisting of gravel or similar material whose role is to convey the leachate produced to the captation wells. The leachate is extracted by pneumatic or electric pumps and collected in the collection tanks, from where it is subsequently transferred to the external plants for certified treatment. The plant’s activity involves the reception and allocation of waste inside the specially built basins, whereupon compaction operations are carried out on a daily basis, and upon completed filling of the basins, covering of the waste with a layer of soil.

The activities which take place are: weigh station and waste control; compaction in the landfill basins and covering of waste by a layer of soil; maintenance of the support structures for leachate collection and biogas extraction; activities of supervision and control; vehicle maintenance. Currently, having exhausted the available volume defined in the resolutions, in progress is the capping of the first of 3 basins. The activity of capping involves the construction of a final covering layer over the landfill site in accordance with specification defined by local legislation. This is executed by the laying of natural and artificial material for drainage and waterproofing in order to minimize seepage due to rain while allowing correct extraction of the leachate and biogas after the termination of waste disposal activities at the landfill. The site, once closed will be constantly monitored and normal maintenance as well as other services will be guaranteed for a period of 30 years.


Sanitary Landfills

OWNER EXE S.P.A. Via Portanuova, 3 - 33100 Udine SITE Via Meretto, Locality Braida Grande - 33050 Trivignano Udinese DISPOSED WASTE Non-hazardous waste NUMBER OF BASINS 4 AUTHORIZED VOLUME capacity 837.000 t MANAGEMENT DANECO IMPIANTI CONSTRUCTION AND CAPPING COSTS 6.600.000 â‚Ź

Trivignano Udinese The company EXE S.p.a., owner of the regional decree authorizing the construction of the landfill, has assigned the construction and management of the plant after a call for tenders to A.S.P.I.C.A. S.r.l. (later Waste Italia S.p.a., Daneco Gestione Impianti S.p.a., Daneco S.p.A. and currently DANECO IMPIANTI S.r.l.). The landfill for non-hazardous waste of EXE S.p.a. is situated in the Municipality of Trivignano Udinese in the province of Udine, Locality of Braide Grande east of Clauiano and approximately 40 metres above the sea level. The landfill area is divided into 3 zones: the basin for allotment of waste, which has a maximum depth of approximately 10 meters; the facilities area and the green zone. The landfill is structured to receive the following waste: shorts from composting plants, municipal solid waste (MSW), bulky waste and MSW similar waste wrapped in pressed bales.

from up: 1 - Facilities Area 2 - Green Area 3 - Hangar for Trucks and Equipment.

Plant for extraction and Biogas Recovery

The landfill

Environmental recovery

The area of the landfill is about 11 hectares of which 7,5 is designated for waste allotment and 3,2 is to be the perimetrical green area. The landfill has a biogas extraction system and a biogas energy recovery plant. Monitoring of the environmental factors is a fundamental activity for the sanitary landfill site, both during the normal operations phase as well as the post-operational phase. The operations of environmental control need to be programmed and this is the reason that a specific “Monitoring and Control Plan” was implemented. Measurements are carried out by qualified personnel, independent of the Plant Manager.

Regarding the environmental restoration of the landfill area after terminating waste disposal, foreseen is the creation of the “Ecological Stepping Stone” park.

Monitoring and Control entail: groundwater; leachate; surface drainage waters; landfill gas; meteorological parameters; state of the landfill body. In particular, as far as the groundwater is concerned, the objective of monitoring is to promptly detect possible situations of pollution that might be caused by the landfill, in order to implement the specified measures defined under the emergency plan. Monitoring of the groundwater involves the use of specific wells built around the site, of which one is upstream and five downstream in relation to the predominant direction of the groundwater runoff. Such wells are used for the periodic measurements of the groundwater level, for placement of the multiparametric automatic probes and for the periodic taking of water samples for chemical analysis.

Literally, “stepping stone” signifies a passage made of stones: meaning those stones placed by man or which exist naturally, and which when placed in a certain manner one after the other, allow someone to cross a stream or a watercourse, even by jumping. The “Ecological Stepping Stone” has a specific natural function: involving wooded areas, each sufficiently large and interconnected between each other, that are surrounded by a much diverse ecosystem, poorer from the point of view of the number and type of vegetation and wildlife. For example, in the agricultural context, a wooded area is designed for the refuge or stopping area for numerous wildlife species (essentially small sized mammals, amphibians and reptiles, but also insects and birds). The primary role of the “stepping stones” and of the ecological corridors that connect them isn’t as one might think, of a landscaping nature but instead is fundamentally as a method to safeguard and increase biodiversity, which is the true value of the genetic heritage of the species (vegetable or animal) which is present in a certain ecosystem. The designed project provides for the creation of 6 ecological corridors with the formation of new tree-shrub buffer strips for 11,23km and the restructuring of the existing treeshrub belt for 9,13 km. In total, the intervention area is spread over 22,14 km of land.


Sanitary Landfills

OWNER Riverso Srl (with a 75% participation of DANECO IMPIANTI) SITE Locality SERRA SCIRIEDDUS – 09013 Carbonia (CA) DISPOSED WASTE Special Non-hazardous NUMBERS OF BASINS 3 VOLUME 900.000 m3 COMPLETION OF WORKS ongoing MANAGEMENT Riverso Srl

Carbonia The area relative to the landfill is located in the Northern part of the Carbonia territory, about 10km in a straight line from the residential centre. It is 1,5 km in a straight line from the administrative border of the Municipality of Gonnesa. The occupied area of the landfill stands on a small incision located on the southern slope of Mount Onixeddu, several hundred metres from the ruins of the old mine in Onixeddu. The elevation of the area varies from about 140m at the valley base to about 230m at the extreme east and 327m above sea level at the northern sector.

from up: 1 - Start-Up of construction 2 - Panorama of the Landfill 3 - Excavation of basin cavity

Panorama under construction

The landfill Since its set up, the most advanced technology and environmental safeguards have been adopted. The embankments have been constructed in the following manner: on the rock surface of the excavated walls a three dimensional 7cm thick rhomboid geogrid in HDPE is placed. This liner is filled with vegetable soil that serves as a punch proof buffer; the following layer is comprised of a bentonite mat, which is composed of two layers of non-woven fabric containing one layer of sodium bentonite; for final closure, the main waterproofing layer consists of a 2.5mm thick liner in HDPE.

The floor was constructed in the following manner: on the excavation floor, after having carried out the structural load tests with results in the order of 700kg/cm2, a 20cm thick layer of gravel encompassing a pipe fissure DN.315 in HDPE was placed; on top of the drainage layer, a 1m thick layer of clay was placed and then compacted, so as to guarantee a permeability coefficient of 10-8 ; on top of the clay, a 20cm thick layer of sand was placed, which encompassed a network of draining pipes in HDPE DN. 100 constituting the network of monitoring for possible losses in the main waterproofing; the main waterproofing system is comprised of a 2,5mm thick lining in HDPE; the HDPE lining is protected by a 30cm thick layer of granular aggregates; for the waterproofing system, the OHMEX testing (geoelectric test) was carried out in order verify the status of the lining’s seal.


Excavation of basin cavity

Placement of Geo-Grid


Start-Up of construction

The sanitary landfill site for special waste, in operation since 2002, has a capacity of over 900.000 m3 and every day tons of special waste is deposited inside. There are 20 permanent employees, operating machinery, trucks and other types of dedicated vehicles. Since the start of operations at the landfill, the authorization for disposal is conditioned to the physical-chemical characterization of the waste that is to be disposed. Upon first delivery of waste, (accompanied by registration form, copy of the certificate of analysis with classification and a declaration of conformity of the transported waste corresponding to the analysed sample) the waste is temporarily stored in a special waterproofed area and is subjected to analytical testing by specialized laboratory technicians.

Placement of piping network

Only upon successful approval, is the waste considered acceptable and is sent for disposal. Periodic tests of the approved waste are carried out in accordance with certified procedures. The extracted leachate is accumulated inside special collection tanks and is subsequently purified at the reverse osmosis plant, owned and operated by RIVERSO. In order to avert any risk of pollution, the water from the monitoring wells downstream from the site, is meticulous and constantly controlled. Analysis is carried out periodically and is subject to verification by the designated public authorities. RIVERSO has adopted an environmental monitoring system which is certified in accordance with UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 standards.


Sanitary Landfills

OWNER Waste Italia Srl (Gruppo UNENDO SpA) CLIENT Waste Italia Srl (Gruppo UNENDO SpA) SITE Municipality of Albonese (PV) DISPOSED WASTE Special Non-hazardous NUMBER OF BASINS 4 VOLUME 180.000 m3 COMPLETION OF WORKS 2007 MANAGEMENT Waste Italia Srl (Gruppo UNENDO SpA)



OWNER Waste Italia Srl (Gruppo UNENDO SpA) TREATED WASTE Special Non-hazardous PLANT WORKING CAPACITY 60.000 t/y PRODUCTS recyclable material (paper, cardboard, plastic polymers), iron, RDF COMPLETION OF WORKS November 2003 MANAGEMENT Waste Italia Srl (Gruppo UNENDO SpA)

DANECO IMPIANTI has designed and constructed the landfill for non-hazardous waste in the Municipality of Albonese. Along with the landfill a plant for the mechanical selection of recoverable materials and the production of RDF from special non-hazardous wastes, has been annexed to the landfill.

from up: 1 - Placement of clay layer 2 - Waterproofing of Basin 4 3 - Placement of Non-Woven fabric

from left: 1 - Placement of Clay layer 2 - Placement of layer Waterproofing 3 - Leachate Collection piping

The landfill

Mechanical screening plant

The landfill is 400m north-west of the residential area and about 1.6km from the residential area of Madonna del Campo, in the Municipality of Mortara. The total authorized volume (net of the final capping) is 181.826 m3, with a maximum expected height of the landfill equal to 125,63 m above sea level (maximum waste height 124,43meters).

Before being allocated to the landfill, the waste is mechanically treatment within a waste processing plant for mechanical selection, recovery of recyclable material and RDF production from special non-hazardous waste.

In order to guarantee insulation of the waste body, relative to the environmental elements, the landfill project also includes: waterproofing of the floor and embankments; implementation of piping network for the collection of surface waters; leachate collection and management system; final capping.

The process involves unloading of the waste on the ground upon arrival, shredding and subsequent screening in a star screener connected to an aeraulic separator for the separation of the fine fractions and the selection of light dry materials destined for RDF production. The screening operations are followed by ferrous separation and final shredding. Alternative to the mechanical screening, there is a manual screening line in the sorting cabin for the recovery of monomaterials; the scrap of which is used for RDF production.

The landfill was subsequently modified according to guidelines set out by Legislative Decree 36/2003 in the time frame specified by the decree.


Sanitary Landfills

CONTRACTING BODY Servizi Ambientali Iglesias Srl Zona Industriale Sa Stoia, 09016 Iglesias (CI) OWNER Consorzio ZIR (Zona Industriale di Interesse Regionale di Iglesias) SITE Locality Punta “Is Candiazzus” - Iglesias (CI) DISPOSED WASTE MSW and waste that can be assimilated AUTHORIZED VOLUME 420.000 m3 COMPLETION OF WORKS January 2001 for the first basin, Construction of the second basin in progress. MANAGEMENT for the first basin from January 2001 to April 2004, contracted to DANECO IMPIANTI

Iglesias The sanitary landfill, owned by the “Consorzio Industriale per la Zona di Interesse Regionale di Iglesias” is included in the Regional Plan for Waste Management by the Ministry for the Environment and Territorial Protection of the Autonomous Region of Sardegna and registered as a site for the disposal of MSW and similar waste materials for the Province of Carbonia Iglesias (CI). DANECO IMPIANTI was awarded the contract after the call for tender by the Consortium ZIR of Iglesias, published in April 2004. The object of the tender was to identify a private partner with which to establish of a joint enterprise with the objective of constructing and managing sanitary landfills for MSW and other similar waste materials. Among the prerequisites of the tender, was to provide financing for the construction of the second basin to the landfill site. DANECO IMPIANTI today holds a 49% share of the joint venture “Servizi Ambientali Iglesias”, whose objective is the construction and management of the sanitary landfill for MSW owned by the Consortium ZIR of Iglesias.

from up: 1 - Panorama of the Landfill 2 - Allocation of Waste 3 - Waste Compaction

from left: 1 - Construction of Landfill 2 - Movement of Terrain

The landfill First basin

Second basin

The Consortium ZIR, the owner of the regional decree for the construction of the landfill site, built the first basin with a total capacity of 110.000 m3 and after a call for tender, assigned the management of the site to DANECO IMPIANTI.

The joint venture Servizi Ambientali Iglesias Srl, in accordance with the company statute, assigned to DANECO IMPIANTI the construction of the landfill’s second basin. Its construction is in accordance with the authorized project and current legislation.

The management of the first basin, began 1 January 2001 for the Municipalities subareas A2 of Iglesias: Municipality of Iglesias Municipality of Domusnovas Municipality of Villamassargia Municipality of Siliqua Municipality of Musei Municipality of Fluminimaggiore Municipality of Buggerru Initially the landfill was envisioned to have a potential contingency for approximately 4 years (first basin), however, due to the regional emergency needs caused due to stoppage of construction of the “Consorzio per l’Area di Sviluppo Industriale di Cagliari” waste to energy plant, entailed that the waste from the catchment area of Cagliari, was allocated to the Iglesias site. This caused subsequent depletion of the authorized volume in approximately 2 years, with daily disposals rates for the summer period peaking to approx 300t/d.

Construction of Gabion-baskets


Sanitary Landfills VALFENERA


from up: 1- 2- Covering with shredded Tyres 3 - Allocation of Waste


CAVENAGO D’ADDA (LO) CLIENT Eco Adda Srl (Group WASTE ITALIA srl) OWNER Eco Adda Srl (GROUP WASTE ITALIA srl) SITE Strada Provinciale 26 - Frazione Soltarico 26824 Cavenago d’Adda (LO) DISPOSED WASTE MSW VOLUME 530.000 m3 lot 1 + 420.000 m3 lot 2 SUPPORT FACILITIES Shredding plant START DATE OF ACTIVITY 1995 DATE OF COMPLETION OF WORKS Closure of new basin since July 2009, post-closure next 30 years. MANAGEMENT EcoAdda Srl VIZZOLO PREDABISSI (MI) OWNER Municipality of Vizzolo Predabissi SITE Cascina Montebuono 20070 Cascina Montebuone DISPOSED WASTE MSW VOLUME 6.000.000 mc SUPPORT FACILITIES Press baling line ENERGY RECOVERY FROM BIOGAS to third party START DATE OF ACTIVITY 1988 COMPLETION OF WORK post-closure up to 2014 MANAGEMENT Vizzolo Ambiente SpA

from up: 1 - Panorama of the Landfill 2 - Perimetral Embankment 3 - Temporary Capping


Sanitary Landfills

OWNER Ecologia Viterbo Srl SITE Municipality of Viterbo, Locality Le Fornaci, Strada Lemme DISPOSED WASTE Special Non-hazardous NUMBER OF EXISTING BASINS 2 + 1 Basin extension VOLUME OF EXISTING LOTS approx 1.750.000 m3 VOLUME OF NEW STORAGE CAPACITY 850.000 m3 CONSTRUCTION AND CAPPING COSTS 20.000.000 € CLOSURE OF STORAGE CAPACITY 2013-2014 MANAGEMENT Ecologia Viterbo Srl

Viterbo The Viterbo landfill site for non-hazardous waste, “Le Fornaci”, has been operating in the territory since 2000, authorized by Decree n.24, 29/7/99 under the original decision by the regional office for the Evaluation on Environmental Impact for the construction of the first basin, with a volume equal to 340.000 m3 servicing of the community of the Viterbo Province. Authorization for the construction of the landfill’s second storage basin was issued by the Department for Environmental and Civil Protection of the Region of Lazio, by local Decree no.91, 21/02/02, authorizing a volume equal to 850.000 m3. The second allotment is currently in the operational phase, subdivided into three excavated sub-allotments with differing periods of implementation.

from up: 1 - Construction of expansion basin 2 - Reprofiling of embankment

Following the modifications to the legislation regarding the sector, an adjustment plan was presented and approved in accordance with the Legislative Decree 36/03. A basin extension between the first and second basin was authorized on 15/03/07, by Decree 28, by the Environmental Commissioner responsible for the state of emergency for Lazio. The project for the new storage capacity occupies an area which is adjacent to the existing basins and has a total volume of 850.000 m3, which would allow for the allotment of 750.000 t waste, if the estimated quantity is valued at the net of the coverage and considering a compaction coefficient of 0.9t/m3. This solution offers to resolve the problem of waste disposal for a period of 4 years.

Placement of Leachate Collection System on basin floor

The landfill The privately owned area is in the north-west part of the municipal territory of Viterbo, 10km from the residential centre. The closest town is Moneghina, 2km from the landfill site. The enfolding landscape surrounding the landfill site is predominantly agricultural, mildly hilly and is set at an altitude of 230m above sea level. A fundamental aspect of implemented construction is the waterproofing system. This system was built in the following manner: shaping of the basin cavity, involving operations of excavation, earth moving and wall profiling; placement of a layer of compacted clay with 1x10-7cm permeability and with a minimal overall thickness of 1m, which is composed of 20cm overlapping compacted layers (floor and embankments), thus constituting maximum impermeability; spreading of a geocomposite bentonite and of a 2.5cm thick high-density polyethylene fabric. Following this, a 50cm layer of dense dry material is arranged together with the placement of a system of polyethylene piping, densely slotted so as to encourage the collection and drainage of the leachate. Each sub-basin of waste allotment is supplied with an individual well for the collected and drainage of leachate, that is then stored in a storage tank, with capacity of 220 m3.

As per authorized project, upon completion of construction, the management of the landfill site foresees daily allocation and positioning of the waste on entry in an orderly manner. On a daily basis, the waste is laid out, spread out and compacted by appropriate machinery in order to fully reduce the occupied volume and maximise future allocation of waste. Allocation of waste will be in 5 separate lots or sub-basins, to be filled in succession. Monitoring will be operated by the Surveillance and Control System, developed beforehand according to project requirements, with the purpose to monitor the main environmental parameters, air-water-soil and to avoid or reduce to a minimum, any possible impact that the landfill may cause to the surrounding environment. Once the allotment of the waste is completed, a network of collection wells for the collection of the produced biogas, will be implemented and connected to the already existing system for captation, combustion and production of electric energy. In conclusion, final capping and environmental restoration operations will be implemented in order to close the site and bestow the appearance of a grassy flat terrain, reforested with native plants.


Sanitary Landfills

OWNER Municipality of Pescantina SITE Locality Filissine a Pescantina (VR) DISPOSED WASTE MSW NUMBER OF BASINS 8 VOLUME 2.500.000 m3 Basins 1-4, 1.200.000 m3 Basins 5-8 MANAGEMENT DANECO IMPIANTI

Pescantina DANECO IMPIANTI, since 1987, has been the concessionaire for the Municipality of Pescantina (VR) for its MSW waste disposal landfill site. The site is divided into 2 areas: the first – basins 1-4 remained active until 1999; the extension basins 5-8 still have a 500.000 m3 residual capacity, even if waste allocation has currently been suspended. The site is designed for disposal of dry waste and waste originating from residual waste of other treatment plants of Municipalities belonging to the province of Verona. The landfill was established on an ex-quarry site. The extension, currently still not depleted, is set up in accordance with Legislative Decree 36/2003. At the landfill site, there is a leachate purification system with a capacity of 100 m3/d (owned and operated by a third party) and which is equipped with a biogas captation system, consisting of 90 wells and 3 generators with a total installed power of 2 MW. from up: 1 - Energy Recovery from Biogas plant 2 - Biogas Regulation Station 3 - Landfill Capping activities

Panorama of the Landfill showing waste al location

The landfill


The landfill is equipped with a leachate captation network consisting of: 20 leachate collection wells; a drainage network on the floor of the basins.

The preliminary phase to define the type of waste that is to be processed, where pre-qualification of public or private users is executed and for which all other required procedures are put into action during acceptance.

The landfill is also equipped with a series of auxiliary facilities: weighbridge length 18,00m and capacity 80 t; wheel and tire washing system with collection tank and sedimentation tank; leachate storage tanks with total capacity of 720 m3; biogas combustion torch 1500Nmc/h; wells for monitoring groundwater; weather/meteo station.

In this phase, the following activities take place: classification of incoming waste, including verification of the declaration of conformity of transported waste; dispatch to landfill for disposal of waste according to predefined “Access to Landfill� procedures for transporters; registration of all the pertinent information regarding the client (client name /convention, transporters, vehicle, type of waste).

For operations of recovery and waste treatment: 2 Waste Compactors; a Crawler Loader and a Wheeled Loader; dump Tucks; 2 Excavators; service car; multi purpose vehicle.

Acceptance and weighing

Operational Procedures

Once the waste arrives at the unloading area, it undergoes a visual inspection by the assigned operator, in order to ascertain the corresponding quality with reference to the CER code attributed to the client.

The Operational Procedures are subdivided into four main activities: pre-acceptance; acceptance and weighing; registration; verification of waste content; Each activity involves a sequence of operations regulated and coded.

Upon authorization the vehicles on arrival are subjected to formal documentation of the amount of waste to be deposited, at the weighbridge station.

Control of disposed waste

Registration Any movement of the waste upon arrival or departure from the site, is registered on a dedicated form (stamped) in accordance with the current local legislation. All information I registered using custom computer applications, which allows the collected information to be analysed and consulted according to various needs.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment (MBT) plants DANECO IMPIANTI manages and operates highly automated plants for the selection, pre-treatment and treatment of special-non hazardous waste and Municipal Solid Waste. The plants employ the most advanced technologies available which are able to produce RDF (fuel derived from waste) and compost, while recovering raw materials. DANECO IMPIANTI prides itself on the construction of the plant at Bassano del Grappa, which is considered among the most innovative treatment plants in Europe today. The plant, in Italy, makes use of a unique technology for anaerobic treatment of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and Organic Fraction of Separately Collected Waste, with the production of electric energy, compost and RDF. Furthermore, DANECO IMPIANTI has signed in 2009 new contracts for the construction of a new MBT Plants in Puglia and Campania, for the selection and treatment of Municipal Solid Waste.

Environmental safeguards The various phases of waste treatment are defined in the operational procedures which DANECO IMPIANTI has consolidated over time and which are constantly updated by verification procedures and by monitoring the process parameters of significant plants through various analytical surveys. The plants are also equipped with modern systems for treatment of the process air so as to eliminate any possible unpleasant odours and reduce the dust particles generated during treatment, as well as systems for the management of the process waters.

Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants



CONTRACTING BODY Municipality of Giovinazzo (BA) SITE Contrada S. Pietro Pago, Giovinazzo WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 109.500T/y MSW + 65.700 t/y LBS END PRODUCTS RSC (refined shorts for combustion, CRC: cured refined compost) VOLUME 351.000 m3 for the service landfill CONSTRUCTION AND CLOSURE COSTS 40.000.000 â‚Ź COMPLETION OF WORKS beginning of spring 2009 with expected duration of 12 months for the plant and 7 for the landfill PLANT MANAGEMENT DANECO IMPIANTI for 16 years

DANECO IMPIANTI, from 2003, has been the concessionaire for the Municipality of Giovinazzo regarding the treatment and disposal of MSW at the site in Contrada S. Pietro Pago at Giovinazzo. This site consists of a landfill and a platform for the mechanical and biological treatment of municipal waste. The landfill, made up of 4 basins, is currently undergoing restoration and remodelling of the final profiles while waiting for the start-up of the plant as defined in the regional planning for the standard operations phase. The treatment plant consists of a series of mobile equipment, for the sized reduction and selection of waste and of 8 biocells for the biostabilization through forced aeration of the screened material. The shorts flow is routed to the landfill, whereas the SOF is used as daily covering material.

from up: 1 - Biotunnels for Waste stabilization 2 - Biotunnels with fast opening doors 3 - Trommel Screening 4 - Reinforced embankment

Site Plan with Biostabilization line and associated Landfill

The automated waste treatment plant DANECO IMPIANTI, according to tender protocol no.192, of 09/04/2008 was awarded the contract for the supply under the Public Service regulations, to design, build and manage the automated plant according to standard operational conditions. This was contracted by the Municipality of Giovinazzo and published on 27 November 2006, by proxy of the Consortium of the municipalities that constitute basin BA/2. The supply includes a biostabilization line, mechanical selection line, curing and refining line of the biostabilized material, as well as lot V of the landfill. The new plant will be dedicated to the treatment of the MSW residuals from selected collection, with the production of PSW and SOF, for an amount equal to approx. 300 t/d of residual MSW from SWC and for an amount equal to about 180 t/d of LBS at the advanced Bari plant. The main plant sections are: ACCEPTANCE AND WEIGH STATION DELIVERY AND PRETREATMENT OF MSW BIOSTABILIZATION MECHANICAL SELECTION AND PSW PRODUCTION LBS DELIVERY CURING REFINING PSW STORAGE

Acceptance and weighing equipment The trucks authorized for the delivery of the waste, on entry are subjected to formal verification and documentation, at the weigh station. A portal for the monitoring of radioactivity is provided.

Delivery and pretreatment of MSW The delivery and pre-treatment of incoming waste, is carried out inside a closed prefabricated building which is under negative air pressure. The MSW is offloaded onto the ground on a special waterproofed floor, and then loaded by wheeled shovel into the shredder to be sent for biostabilization after ferrous separation.

Biostabilization The biostabilization section is made up of 18 biocells, each one dimensioned to contain an amount of material equal to the daily waste delivery. In order to limit the spread of unpleasant odours, each biocell is isolated from the others and from the handling corridor, by way of a sliding door. The feeding of the cells takes place automatically, by means of a conveyor belt without operator assistance while the unloading of the biocells is carried out by a wheeled shovel. Each section is equipped with forced aeration. The floor of the all of the biocells is built using Biomodule速, technology, self-supporting modular elements equipped with diffusers, suited for the realization of perforated flooring for air distribution. The aeration of the material is made possible by using perforated concrete flooring to which the aeration pipes from the ventilators are connected. The same ventilators are used to suction the air from the biocelle and then insufflating the same through the perforated flooring, thus obtaining recirculation of the air. The flooring of the Biomodule速, is sloped so as to facilitate the collection of leachate due to gravity.


Ventilation System

Mechanical selection and PSW porduction Mechanical selection consists of a trommel that separates the stabilized waste into the shorts and the underscreen. The shorts constituting primarily of the dry fraction fuel (PSW) to be sent to the press and then for cross wrapping. The underscreen, on the other hand, consists mostly of the stabilized organic fraction, aggregates and glass, constituting the biostabilized waste to be sent to the landfill (LBS), or for further curing. Both materials flows have magnetic separators to extract ferrous waste, while the shorts have an additional eddy current separator in order to extract aluminium waste.

LBS delivery A special area is designated for the reception of the LBS fraction from the Bari plant. The material is unloaded onto a waterproofed floor, moved by wheeled shovel and loaded into the feeder plate in order to be sent for curing. Before the material reaches the curing area, ferrous metals are extracted by a magnetic separator.

Curing The curing section consists of 2 adjacent prefabricated buildings, inside of which there is an overhead crane which runs in a longitudinal direction turning and moving the processed material as well as the SOF waste. During the curing process, the Biomodule速 system is employed, under which the biocells are connected to ventilators which inject forced air through the material.

Refining The refining section functions through the use of a star screener that separates small sized SOF from the PSW, which is then directed to the press while the underscreen, which mainly consists of organic materials and other aggregates, is sent to the densimetric separator for the separation of glass and for final refining of the product.

Environmental safeguards Waste Air Treatment System Each building is equipped with a dedicated widespread suction system of the polluted air and which is then sent to the biofilters for treatment. The air piping is located below the roof of both the biostabilization building as well as the curing building. All work areas have a guaranteed number of air exchange rates equal to 2. The biofilters guarantee a 96% reduction in odour levels per volume of treated air. Wastewater Management The holding tank for the first 5mm of rainwater was appropriately dimensioned while the remaining rainwater is sent to a series of underground tanks to be used as irrigation of the ornamental greenery. The leachate is sent to the wastewater treatment plant which allows the purified waters to be reused for industrial or fire-fighting purposes.


Noise control The solutions implemented for noise control enable the level of sound pressure to be limited to that of less than 87dB in the staff working area. The noise emissions levels in correspondence to the enclosed perimeter of the plant do not surpass 65 db (A). Environmental mitigation For all the prefabricated buildings, only premium quality structural solutions have been adopted. For areas that will not be subjected to construction of the buildings, landscaping is foreseen with the planting of olive trees, such as present in the area.

The service landfill The landfill, situated in an ex disused quarry, is constructed in accordance with the Legislative Decree 36/2003, has been executed with special waterproofing of the basin floor and sides. All the material extracted during the remodelling and reshaping of the quarry is reused in the construction site, for activities relative to the construction of the substratum of the mechanical selection and biostabilization plant and for works related to the internal road network.

The landfill has a leachate captation network made up of: 2 leachate collection wells; one drainage network on the basin floor; an underground recirculation tank. The landfill is also equipped with a biogas captation plant, consisting of: 14 elevated wells; 2 regulating stations; 1 biogas extraction and energy recovery station, already existing on the site. The landfill’s auxiliary works are: offices and weighbridge; a wastewater collection network; tank for the first rain water; wells for groundwater monitoring; fire fighting systems; weather stations; fuel storage. The proposed project for closure of the landfill guarantees insulation of the basin, while taking into considerations the predicted settling of the land.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants

OWNER Municipality of Andria (BT) SITE LOCATION San Nicola La Guardia - Andria (BT) WASTE TREATED MSW NUMBER OF BASINS 2 VOLUME approx 1.100.000 m3 COMPLETION OF WORKS Construction, management and closure of Basins ongoing, post-closure for 30 years after closure. PLANT MANAGEMENT ongoing DANECO IMPIANTI THE AUTOMATED SELECTION AND BIOSTABILIZATION PLANT


CONTRACTING BODY Municipality of Andria (BT) SITE San Nicola La Guardia - Andria (BT) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 120.000 t/y END PRODUCTS Shorts, LBS, CRC VOLUME 763.000 m3 for the service landfill CONSTRUCTION AND CLOSURE COSTS 24.300.000 â‚Ź COMPLETION OF WORKS expected in 2010 (duration of work expected 540 days) PLANT MANAGEMENT DANECO IMPIANTI for 17 years

DANECO IMPIANTI from 2003, has been the concessionaire for the Municipality of Andria, regarding the management of the landfill in S. Nicola La Guardia, consisting of 2 basins and currently in the operational phase.

THE AUTOMATED WASTE TREATMENT PLANT DANECO IMPIANTI according to regulation no.76057, of 02/10/2008 was awarded the contract for the supply under the Public Service call for tender, published by the Municipality of Andria by proxy of the Consorzio ATO BA/1 for the design, construction and management of the automated plant, consisting of a mechanical selection line and a biostabilization line, with an adjacent service landfill, including the acquisition of the required surrounding terrain area.

from up: 1 - Panorama of the Landfill 2 - Waste allotment 3 - Waste compaction

1 ingresso reparto ricezione, biostabilizzazione e selezione meccanica 2 pesa a ponte 3 lavaggio ruote 4 palazzina uffici 5 gruppi elettrogeni 6 fossa settica tipo Imhoff 7 deposito bombole 8 deposito oli lubrificanti 9 serbatoi gasolio 10 serbatoi stoccaggio percolati

11 parcheggi 12 serbatoi acqua industriale 13 vasca di prima pioggia 14 bacino e stazione di pompaggio acqua antincendio 15 serbatoi di stoccaggio acqua di seconda pioggia 16 ricezione RSU 17 biostabilizzazione 18 selezione meccanica e stoccaggio RBD/FSC 19 reparto di produzione materiale di copertura giornaliera per discarica di servizio e soccorso 20 ingresso reparto di produzione materiale di copertura giornaliera per discarica di servizio e soccorso

21 cabina elettrica CE1 22 cabina elettrica CE3 23 biofiltro B1 24 biofiltro B2 25 impianto trattamento percolati 26 vasca stoccaggio reflui trattati 27 impianto disoleatura 28 bacino e stazione di pompaggio acqua antincendio per reparto di produzione materiale di copertura giornaliera per discarica di servizio e soccorso 29 serbatoi di stoccaggio acque prima pioggia, seconda pioggia, percolati e acqua industriale 30 pozzo artesiano di alimentazione acqua industriale pozzo di monitoraggio e emungimento occasionale

The plant The plant is dimensioned to treat a maximum amount of material equal to approx 120.000t/y, equivalent to a daily flow on entry of about 328t. The treatment line is organized according to the following work sections. ACCEPTANCE AND WEIGHING DELIVERY AND PRETREATMENT OF MSW BIOSTABILIZATION MECHANICAL SELECTION AND PRODUCTION OF LBS / PSW PRODUCTION OF DAILY COVERING MATERIAL

The trucks authorized for delivery of the waste, on entry are subjected to formal weighing and certification, at the weighbridge station. Upon completion of this phase, the vehicles deposit the MSW inside of the reception section where a mechanical shovel places the waste inside the shredder so as to open the bags for initial size reduction. The shredded material is then sent for aerobic stabilization.

Site Plan of New Plant

The biostabilization section is made up of 16 open biocells, equipped with forced ventilation. Each biocelle is filled daily with the delivered waste and is dimensioned to guarantee a process time lasting at least 18 days. The flooring of the cells is built using Biomodule速, technology, self-supporting prefabricated modular elements, equipped with diffusers and suited for the realization of perforated flooring for air distribution. The flooring of the Biomodule速, is sloped so as to facilitate the collection of leachate due to gravity, which is then placed in a specially designed storage tank. A dedicated ventilation system is used for aeration of each biocell. A wheeled shovel guarantees movement of the waste. Once this process is finished, the biostablized waste is extracted from the biocells and placed in the mechanical selection section for further processing.


BRH_daneco_GB:Layout 1



Pagina 46

Panorama of Quarry that will replaced by new Landfill

The material is then placed inside the trommel, which separates the waste into 2 flows: underscreen, consisting of the organic fraction and fine materials, called LBS; shorts, consisting mainly of dry material, subsequently to be sent to the material compaction area or to the cross wrapping line. The LBS, upon extraction of ferrous wastes, is routed to the storage area. The section designated for the production of daily covering material for landfills – SOF – is set up so as to allow for curing and subsequent refining of the LBS part so as to obtain a material the may be reused as landfill covering material. Curing is a static process, whereas refining is first executed via a flip flow screener for the elimination of non combustible materials and then by a densimetric separator, for the screening of inerts and glass.

Environmental safeguards Waste Air Treatment System Adequate measures have been adopted to make sure that the following safeguards are maintained: minimization of dust in the work areas; containment of unpleasant odours. Inside the work areas, localized and diffused suction systems are implemented. The fabric filters remove the dust from the locally suctioned air, while the biofilters purify the air from the odorous compost compounds guaranteeing a 96% reduction in odour levels per volume of treated air. Wastewater Management The management of wastewater is aimed at obtaining the best water self sufficiency possible. The holding tank for the first 5mm of rainwater is dimensioned according to maximum extraordinary measured values over a return period of 50 yrs. The remaining rainwater is collected into specially designated above ground tanks, to be reused as industrial water. The surplus can be skimmed or used for irrigation. The leachate is sent to the wastewater treatment plant and which allows the purified waters to be reused for industrial purposes.

Noise emissions The equipment used for waste processing have a low level of noise emissions. The level of noise emissions that correspond to the enclosed perimeter of the plant do not surpass 65db (A) Environmental mitigation works For all the prefabricated buildings, only premium quality structural solutions have been adopted. For areas that will not be subjected to construction of the buildings, landscaping is foreseen with the planting of olive trees, such as already present in the area.

The service landfill The service landfill is situated in a ex disused quarry adjacent to the existing basins in accordance with the prescriptions of Legislative Decree 36/2003, has been executed with special constructing techniques using distinct waterproofing packages. The leachate produced from the landfill is collected through a specially constructed captation network, which consists of: 3 leachate collection wells; drainage network on the basin floor; storage tanks and pretreatment plant;

The biogas captation system is dimensioned for a maximum hourly extractable flow and is made up of: 14 elevated wells; 27 drilled wells; 4 regulation stations; 1 biogas extraction and combustion station for energy recovery. In addition, the landfill is equipped with a fire-fighting system, water drainage network and safeguards for monitoring the groundwater. Upon final storage of waste materials and according to closure procedures, which are executed so as to re-build the original topographical profile, also the plant’s closure operations are put in place, in accordance with Legislative Decree 36/2003. The following works will also be carried out in the closure phase: completion of the drainage system for the collection of rainwater; completion of the biogas captation system; grassing.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants

CONTRACTING BODY Amministrazione Comunale di Salerno SITE Municipality of Salerno, Industrial zone TREATED WASTE OFSWC and green fraction from SWC CAPACITY 30.000t/y PRODUCTS Electric Energy (3.900.000kWh/year), quality compost START DATE OF WORKS Spring 2009 TOTAL INVESTMENT 17.000.000 â‚Ź ; 2 year management The contract for the construction and 2 year management of the Salerno plant for Anaerobic Digestion, with energy recovery was awarded in March 2009 to ATI Daneco Impianti, RCM Costruzioni Srl and Ros Roca SA.

Salerno It is an automated plant, designed for the treatment of the green and organic fraction originating from SWC, functional for the production of electric energy and quality compost:

Front view, Entry gate

The plant is also furnished with a limited pretreatment of the OFSWC, consisting of a dehydration press that is capable of generating 2 flows, one of liquids and one of more dense materials; to be directed to the next phases of treatment: aerobic Composting of the more dense material that has been dehydrated by the press; anaerobic Digestion of the resulting liquid waste that is generated by the press and which has a high organic content, so as to obtain Biogas that is then used by the power generators, for the production of electric energy. A fully integrated photovoltaic plant has been installed on the buildings for a total capacity equal to 515 kWp. The environmental contribution of the plant is the avoidance of the emission of 338.000 kils per year or 150 tons/year of non oil combustion.

Top view with solar panels


The plant is also equipped with: fully Automated Control Room; electrical systems and transmission to the GSE network; service networks; wastewater collection networks; polluted Air Suction and Treatment System.

Delivery and weighing The trucks authorized for delivery of the waste, on entry at the plant are weighed by an automated weighbridge, of the type used for above ground applications.

Riception The delivery trucks during waste deposit never enter the waste treatment building. All the waste is unloaded inside a special inner area fitted with double fast opening doors in or-

der to isolate the vehicles during the unloading phase, from any possible odorous emissions. Internal movement takes place by way of a mechanical shovel. An air suction and treatment system is provided. The storage area is slightly sloped to encourage collection of the leachate. The section is dimensioned in such a way that at the end of the working day, all the waste on arrival has been processed and there is no waste material left behind.

Pre-treatment and feeding In this section the following is executed: the transfer of material by mechanical shovel from the reception area to the press units, where the dehydrated material is loaded into the mixer together with green waste, to be sent for aerobic treatment inside the Biocells; the supply of puree waste material for anaerobic digestion; the discharge of material from the tunnel after treatment for further mechanical selection.

Aerobic treatment Upon screening, the moist underscreen fraction is subjected to a static process in the Biocells for the stabilization of the material. The oxidation in the Biocells has some advantages: for example the bio-chemical reactions are faster and the process is particularly efficient and flexible. The discharged material from the tunnel is then placed in the first curing section, which has an aerated floor. During the curing phase, the material completes the stabilization process because of the decay of the organic substances. Upon completion of the first curing phase, the material is subjected to a first screening using a 40mm sieve. All the shorts are sent to the landfill, while the underscreen is moved to




















the second curing area for further maturation, without forced aeration. The compost is finally screened using a 10mm sieve, refined and moved to the final storage area, where, after a total cycle of 180 days, it may be commercialized.

Anaerobic digestion The anaerobic process is characterized as: continuous operation: daily feeding of the digesters ensures that the bacterial ecosystem is maintained at its highest level of efficiency without going through a start up phase; a high content of dry matter (from 20 to 35% based on the material, at the moment of its introduction into the first digester) allows for high concentrations of micro-organisms to be obtained during the process. It also limits the quantity of water to be treated and reheated as well as the phenomena of sedimentation. continuous movement of the material; absence of chemical additives; flexibility in the process. The flow of the Biogas is defined as: transfer of the biogas produced from the various stages (premixing-primary and secondary digesters); primary treatment; storage in the pressurized container; secondary treatment; transfer to the combined heat and energy station or, in case of emergency, to the combustion torch. The Biogas is subjected to treatment, aimed at obtaining a gas for optimum combustion in the combined heat and energy station and reducing the environmental impact from the emissions into the atmosphere. The treatment consists of the following: removal of the particulate matter; removal of the hydrogen sulfide; dehumidification.

Environmental safeguards In order to reduce the unpleasant odours the following is put in place: aspiration of polluted air from inside the reception /pretreatment buildings of OFSWC and directing the air to the scrubbers and biofilters; aspiration from inside the sludge treatment area and directing the air to the first curing basin;

aspiration from the first curing area and directing the air to the scrubber and then to the biofilters; aspiration from the second curing area and directing the air to the scrubber and biofilter. In order to eliminate any possible risk of diffusion of unpleasant odour emissions, no plant activity except for storage of the green waste takes place in the open areas.

Mitigation of the noise impact Appropriate design decisions have been adopted for the reduction of the noise levels in the work areas outside the plant. The measures are summarized as: machines with limited speed of rotation were chosen; positioning on reinforced cement bases so as to limit possible vibrations. use of anti-vibrating support and flexible joints; soundproofing of the equipment; layering of floor composition to avoid induced noise from the ground vibrations. Such measures are able to guarantee a maximum noise level of 78dB (A) in the staff work areas. In accordance with the current legislation, when implementing the plant layout, great attention has been taken so as to reduce the noise levels that may be generated external to the plant.

Plant wastewater The wastewater to be treated originates from: leachate from the OFSWC reception building; wash water from various buildings; wastewater obtained during dehydration of the digested material; condensation from biogas; leachate from biostabilization; purged water from the scrubber; leachate from the biofilter; the first 5mm of rainwater; discharge from vehicle washing; cooling water and black water sewage. All of the above wastewaters are collected into the storage basin and which is made up of a series of fiberglass tanks, placed inside a waterproofed safety basin, for further treatment at the adjacent purification plant in accordance with Legislative Decree 152/06.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants

CONTRACTING BODY CASIC, Consorzio Area per lo Sviluppo Industriale di Cagliari SITE Municipality of Capoterra (CA), Locality: Macchiareddu WASTE TREATED MSW, OFSWC, green from SWC CAPACITY PRIMARY SELECTION 220.000 t/y MSW BIOSTABILIZATION 49.000 t/y OFMSW + 20.000 t/y OFSWC + 4.000t/y green PRODUCTS SOF, quality compost, Ferrous Metals COMPLETION OF WORKS April 2007 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 12.000.000 â‚Ź PLANT MANAGEMENT from April 2007 to June 2008 assigned to DANECO, now to CASIC


South side view

CASIC, Consortium Area for the Industrial Development of Cagliari, is the company which, through its subsidiary TecnoCASIC is in charge of the management of unselected municipal solid waste and waste from SWC, throughout the entire catchment area of the Cagliari Consortium. CASIC has been managing the waste-to-energy plant in Macchiareddu for several years, inside which there is the old preliminary selection line to be replaced, whereas the new composting plant dedicated to the stabilization of the wet fraction is located in an area in front of the existing platform. The plant was realized following the awarding of the call for tender published in October 2002.

Waste reception conveyor Plant Site integrated into local environment

Preliminary selection line

The composting plant

The preliminary selection line, positioned inside the waste-toenergy plant is composed of 2 parallel lines. The vehicles unload the waste into the temporary storage pit, from which the waste is moved by an overhead Bridge Crane into the 2 shredders.

Once the vehicles have been weighed at the weighbridge, the delivery trucks can access the biostabilization plant. The three variable types of waste on entry are unloaded into separate areas inside the waste reception building, in order to avoid mixing of the different materials.

Dedicated conveyors move the shredded material and load the disc screeners for subsequent separation of the waste into 2 flows: shorts, upon ferrous extraction, consisting mainly of the dry fraction are sent to the waste-to-energy plant; underscreen, primarily consisting of the wet fraction, is transported to the nearby biostabilization plant.

Inserimento ambientale

The underscreen flow also undergoes ferrous extraction by a permanent magnetic belt before being sent to the loading station, where 2 press containers prepare the waste material for transport to the nearby biostabilization plant. The total capacity of each line is equal to 80t/h. The preliminary selection line is equipped with localized aspiration so as to eliminate dust particles from the work environment during the processing of the waste. In order to avoid polluting the local environment, the aspirated exhausted air, upon exiting the ventilators, is cleaned of dust particles by a fabric filter which has a higher than 95% efficiency level.


Bag-house Filter and Ventilation

After delivery, the waste is unloaded onto the pavement so as to facilitate visual checks and cleaning. The three types of waste are accumulated in separate areas and moved by a mechanical shovel: the OFMSW is transferred by a plate conveyor into the biostabilization are; the wood cuttings are loaded into the chipper mill and from there sent to the mixer; the OFSWC is loaded into the shredder for a reduction of size, then passes under the magnetic belt for ferrous extraction and finally is sent to the trommel with a 80mm sieve that separates the material into 2 flows; the shorts fraction to be used as a fuel is compacted and sent to the waste-to-energy plant; the underscreen fraction, consisting of an organic matrix, is then transferred to the mixer where it is mixed with the incoming flow from the chipper and which is finally sent to composting.

Scrubbers –Air Purification

The material to be sanitized is introduced inside a series of physically separated pits in order to avoid that the two materials are mixed. The two types of material are then transferred to treatment by a system of conveyor belts. Once the first windrow is filled, the contents are turned over by an automatic windrow turner. When the material has completed the entire cycle of turning and aeration, it is automatically unloaded onto the dedicated discharging conveyor belts. The discharge of the two materials takes place separately. This avoids the mixing of the two fractions while it is being transferred to refining. The aeration of the material in biostabilization is achieved by dedicated ventilators, one for each single windrow. The air is injected through specially designed plastic perforated elements. The material to be refined is accumulated in designated storage areas and loaded by a mechanical shovel onto the refining line. The refining line consists of a flip flop screener, which separates the residual dry fraction from the organic fraction, and the densimetric separator for the separation of the glass, which is then sent to a controlled landfill, while the SOF/compost is sent for curing onto an external reinforced concrete flooring. At the end of the process, the SOF obtained from the MSW, can be used for activities regarding environmental restoration, while the quality compost can be utilized for agronomical purposes.

Biostabilization loading

Refining Flip-Flop Screener

Polluted air aspiration and treatment system

Wastewater treatment

All the buildings are maintained in negative pressure by the aspiration of the polluted air, with the aim of controlling the emissions of the dust particles as well as reducing the unpleasant odours generated in the various stages of the process.

Wastewater produced from the plant is channelled by dedicated circuits, in order to avoid any possible environmental contamination. In particular: the leachate is collected and sent to a storage tank, from which it is directed to a third party for further treatment; the first 5mm of rainwater is channelled and sent to a storage tank; the remaining rainwater and water from the building coverings is directed to the sewage drainage system; the civil water is sent to the water sewage system.

The aspiration system is made up of: a circuit of diffused overhead aspiration piping, spread out throughout the entire building, in order to guarantee the required number of air exchange rates to the entire structural volume; a circuit of localized aspiration points, positioned in such a manner so as to aspire the dust particles directly from the critical points of the mechanical treatment system, that is to say, the conveyor belt and primary processing equipment.

Details - Windrow Turner

In all of the plant sections the adequate numbers of air exchange rates are defined so as to guarantee the emission levels. While, for the localized aspiration points, the aspirated air is treated by a fabric filter, whereas the suctioned air from the biostabilization area is subjected first to a scrubbing process and then biofiltration before it is release into the atmosphere. This process allows for a higher than 96% efficiency reduction of the unpleasant odours.


Primary Selection Section

BRH_daneco_GB:Layout 1



Pagina 59

Composting Plant

Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants

CONTRACTING BODY COGESA Srl SITE Municipality of Sulmona (AQ), Via Vicenne; Locality: Noce Mattei WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACIT 40.500 t/y PRODUCTS SOF, Ferrous Metals COMPLETION OF WORKS February 2006 CONSTRUCTION COSTS 4.300.000 â‚Ź PLANT MANAGEMENT From March 2006, DANECO IMPIANTI for a duration of 20 years

Sulmona COGESA Srl is the Consortium that is in charge of the management of the unselected municipal solid waste in the entire catchment area of Sulmona and Valle Peligna. The plant was constructed following the awarding of the contract for the Public Service call for tender published in October 2004, for the completion and the reactivation of the existing plant that previously was never put into operation, and which had become technologically obsolete.





from up: 1 - Plant panorama 2 - Biostabilization Section 3 - Phytodepuration basin PRESSA STAZIONARIA

right: Flow Chart


Site Plan

The plant The mechanical waste treatment and biostabilization plant is made up of the following sections: DELIVERY AND MECHANCAL SELECTION BIOSTABILIZATION REFINING CURING

The MSW is directly delivery into the designated storage pit. The material is unloaded and moved by an overhead bridge crane with a hydraulic polyp-grab, which loads the primary shredder. The material is then sent to the trommel that separates the waste into 2 fractions: shorts, which consists of dry material and which is destined for the landfill after compaction; underscreen, made up of organic material and other aggregates, directed to the fermentation area for biostabilization. Both flows are subjected to ferrous extraction by magnetic belt. The fermentation area of biostabilization is comprised of 5 storage basins, where the windrow turner is used to turn over the material, so as to optimize the process of aeration.

At the end of the process, the windrow turner unloads the stabilized material onto a dedicated conveyor belt to be sent for refining. The windrows are equipped with an air treatment system consisting of 5 ventilators; one for each windrow. The SOF leaving the biostabilization area is sent to the trommel, which separates the material into 2 flows: shorts, which consist of the remaining impurities, are sent to the landfill; underscreen, consisting of the refined SOF, is directed to the curing area. The curing area is equipped with ventilators which aspire the air from inside the MSW reception building and which insufflate the material mass inside the curing area for correct aeration during material storage. The plant can also be equipped with a RDF production line by installing the following: ballistic separator for the selection of the dry fraction destined for RDF production; high speed secondary shredders for scaled reduction of the selected RDF; stationary press, for volumetric adjustments of the produced RDF fraction. 61


100,00% 135 T/G


100,00% 135 T/G


100,00% 135 T/G



55,00% 74,25 T/G

45,00% 60,75 T/G



54,15% 73,10 T/G

45,00% 60,75 T/G




21,00% 28,35 T/G

54,15% 73,10 T/G

42,95% 57,98 T/G



12,50% 16,88 T/G

33,15% 44,75 T/G



12,50% 16,88 T/G

20,65% 27,88 T/G



1,15 T/G


16,65% 22,48 T/G



5,40 T/G



2,77 T/G


Environmental safeguards Every building is equipped with an aspiration system with both localized and diffused suction. The aspiration system has the following objectives: minimization of dust in the work areas; elimination of unpleasant odours. The aspirated air, before being subjected to the biofiltration process is moistened by vaporizers positioned inside the piping system. This method of purification has an efficiency level of higher than 96%.

Wastewater treatment leachate: produced at the plant is collected by a dedicated sewage network and sent to the collection tank, to be directed to external treatment; the first 5mm of rainwater: is channeled from the dedicated network and sent to the on site treatment tank; once the water is treated, it may be reused for spraying the biofilter, so as to reduce to a minimum the outside dependence on water; the remaining rainwater and the water from the building coverings: are directed to the surface drainage system; civil wastewater: is treated on site through a phytodepuration system.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants

CONTRACTING BODY Regione of Calabria, Office of the Commissioner for emergency waste SITE Municipality of Lamezia Terme (CZ), San Pietro Lametino. INDUSTRIAL ZONE ex-SIR WASTE TREATED MSW, OFSWC and Biological Sludge CAPACITY 120.000t/year of MSW PRODUCTS RDF, Ferrous Metals, SOF and Quality Compost COMPLETION OF WORKS November 2005 CONSTRUCTION COST 13.000.000 € MANAGEMENT DANECO IMPIANTI

Lamezia Terme The waste treatment plant for unselected Municipal Solid Waste, was built after Daneco Impianti was awarded the contract after the call for tender, published by the Commissioner for emergency waste for the Region of Calabria. It was initially built for a capacity of 80.000 t/y of MSW, and was subsequently extended to reach the project’s maximum capacity of roughly 120.000t/y. The plant is currently the biggest treatment plant managed by Daneco Impianti. The production line is dedicated to the mechanical selection of the dry fraction with the production of RDF destined for the waste-to-energy process and the production of SOF upon biostabilization of the underscreen fraction, which is destined for operations of environmental restoration and the quality compost for agricultural use.

from up: 1 - Biofilter 2 - Dedusting System 3 - Biostabilization of underscreen

Plant panorama

The treatment plant

Processing of the MSW

The plant consists of the following sections:

The delivered municipal waste at the plant is weighed by weighbridge and unloaded into the reception pit within the industrial building. An overhead bridge crane with a grab bucket, loads the material into the primary shredder that executes an initial scaled reduction.





The material is then sent to the trommel which separates the waste into 2 flows. shorts fraction: which consists of dry material and which is sent to the RDF production line. underscreen fraction: made up of organic materials and aggregates is sent to the fermentation area for aerobic stabilization. The RDF production line is made up of: ballistic separator, for the separation of the lighter dry materials from the mixed waste, from which the RDF is obtained (eg. paper and light plastics); high speed secondary shredder for the scale reduction of the selected RDF from the ballistic separator. Both flows leaving the trommel are subjected to ferrous extraction by fixed magnetic belts.


from left: 1 - Ventilation fans 2 - Rotating Screener: Trommel

Processing of the OFSWC The plant is also equipped for receiving the OFSWC, green waste and civil sludge originating from SWC. Both materials are deposited on the ground in special designated areas where a mechanical shovel moves the materials. The sludge is loaded into a special designed screwhopper for the transfer of the material. The OFSWC, on the other hand, is subjected to crushing in a special chipper that defibers and mixes the materials. Subsequently, the materials go through a magnetic separator to extract ferrous waste and are then sent for biostabilization and composting.

Aerobic treatment The processes of biostabilization and composting are carried out in three different basins, according to the quantities of deliveries of OFMSW or OFSWC and according to plant needs. The deployment of material into the stabilization fermentation areas takes place by means of a system of mobile and reversible conveyor belts. The two different fractions are kept completely separated from each other. The processes of biostabilization and composting are carried out in enclosed buildings and under negative air pressure, so as to avoid the release of odours into the surrounding areas.

Site Plan

Sif and quality compost refining

Environmental safeguards

The refining process is carried out in 2 separate areas of the plant, first by a trommel screener and then by a densimetric separator. The screener is designed to separate the coarser non compostable elements, whereas the densimetric separator removes the glass and other smaller sized aggregates from the composting mass. The waste from the refining process is sent to landfill, while the refined SOF may be reuse in environmental restoration; the remaining quality compost is designated for agricultural use. The plant also has a temporary storage area for the finalised materials.

In order to avoid any possible contamination to the surrounding areas, the plant is equipped with: an aspiration system which maintains all the buildings that constitute the plant in negative pressure so as to limit the release of unpleasant odours; fabric filters so as to eliminate the dust particles in the locally aspirated air; scrubbers for the reduction of the ammonia and humidification of the locally aspirated air; biofilters for deodourising the air aspirated from all of the buildings and various areas; a dedicated sewage network for the collection of leachate as well as the first 5mm of rainwater, with temporary storage tanks to be then directed for external treatment at third party plants.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants

CONTRACTING BODY Brenta Servizi SpA SITE Municipality of Bassano del Grappa (VI) WASTE TREATED MSW, OFSWC, Biological Sludge ORIGINATING FROM Purification of Civil Wastewater CAPACITY 50.000 t/y PRODUCTS Electric Energy from Biogas, RDF, Ferrous Metals, SOF, Quality Compost COMPLETION OF WORKS June 2003 COST OF CONSTRUCTION 14.500.000 â‚Ź PLANT MANAGEMENT from June 2003 to December 2004 DANECO IMPIANTI, now managed by Brenta Servizi SpA

Bassano del Grappa The Bassano del Grappa Anaerobic Digestion Plant, was built after Daneco Impianti was awarded a contract in 2000 by Brenta Servizi SpA, for the construction of the plant and its experimental startup. The innovative aspects of the plant lie in the anaerobic digestion process, with the production of electric energy from biogas, which is then sold to the public electric grid. This technology has positioned the plant at the cutting edge in the Italian market, allowing new technologies to differentiate from the traditional material waste recovery as well as the production of electric energy to be reintroduced into the productive cycle.

from up: 1 - Plant panorama 2 - Loading of digestors area 3 - Windrow Turner

from left: 1 - Production of Electric Energy 2 - Biogas Treatment area

The reception area selection line The entire working area has a surface that is approx. 25.000 m2 and consists of the following elements: DELIVERY AND MECHANICAL SELECTION METHANIZATION ANAEROBIC DIGESTION COMPOSTING BIOFILTER AUXILIARY BUILDINGS

The trucks authorized for delivery of the waste, on entry at the plant are weighed and directed to the reception pit in the appropriate building. The waste is first subjected to a scaled reduction by means of a shredder and then sent to the trommel for separation into 2 flows: shorts, consisting of the dry fraction; underscreen, composed of an organic fraction to be sent for anaerobic treatment. Both flows go through a ferrous separation process. The shorts are then subjected to a further scaled reduction and then mixed with the underscreen fraction, allowing for an enrichment of the fermentable load destined for methane production.

The material is then sent to the secondary trommel for a new separation into 2 flows: shorts, made up of RDF, are sent to the storage pit; underscreen, notably reduced, is sent to the densimetric separator for the separation of the glass and aggregates, located immediately upstream of the anaerobic digestion system. The treatment of the OFSWC follows the same pattern as the MSW. The methanization unit is composed of three digesters (two for the MSW and one for the OFSWC), cogeneration engines which produce electric energy from the Biogas produced in the digesters and a dehydration section for the dewatering of the digested sludge. The anaerobic digestion process is divided into 3 main phases: hydrolosis: the macromolecules are split from the synthesized enzymes by the hydrolyzing bacteria; acidgenesis: the development of volatile fatty acids; methanogenesis : the methanogen bacteria transform the fatty acids into methane molecules; The percentage of organic substances transformed into methane and carbon dioxide depends on the plant operating capabilities of bacterial proliferation of methanogen bacteria. This species of bacteria are characterized by a lower speed of reproduction than that of in the previous stages and therefore is considered as the limiting factor of the system.


Anaerobic Digestion System Methane production

Anaerobic digestion

Biogas production and cogeneration

The sequences of the process are: preparation and transfer of the mixture to the digester; digestion; agitation of the digester; treatment of the digested material.

The biogas produced from the digesters is destined for use inside the plant and for energy recovery in the cogeneration engines. The biogas, upon filtration and dehydration, is sent to the two power generators for the production of electric energy, which is then sold to the public electric grid.

The wet fraction exiting from the mechanical waste selection line is homogenized and injected into the digesters by way of high pressure pump. The fluid mass inside the digesters undergoes a mixing process to encourage the bacterial activity and the stabilization of the organic wastes fraction with the maximum production of biogas.

Composting and refining

The digested material, in the lower section, is extracted by gravity and sent for dehydration treatment, by means of a screw presses. The liquids generated from the press is treated and reinserted into the digestion cycle, whereas the solid parts are sent to composting.

The dried out sludge leaving the digesters is sent to the composting area for complete stabilization. The section is made up of a stabilization basin, under which air is insufflated and which is recycled by an automated control system.

Anaerobic Digestion System Night view of digestors

At the end of this process, the stabilized material is sent for refining, where a rotating trommel separates the waste into the following flows: the primary underscreen (diameter < 10 mm), corresponding to the fines fraction, to be destined for landfill; the secondary underscreen (diameter < 40 mm) which is directed to the screw hopper and then to the densimetric separator, for the separation of the inerts and glass; the shorts, made up of plastic materials, is sent to the landfill. The thus obtained quality compost is sent to the curing and storage areas, from where it is subsequently transferred for final reuse.

Environmental safeguards The plant is equipped with an aspiration system and an exhaust air treatment system, made up of: aspiration System; fabric Filters for dedusting; scrubbers for reduction of the ammonia in the polluted air, before being sent to the biofilter. The wastewater on the other hand is channelled according to the following configuration: leachate, in part recirculated and in part sent for disposal at third party plants; the first 5mm of rainwater, collected and stored separately to be sent for external disposal; the remaining rainwater and other waters from building coverings is collected and directed to an external body of water.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants

OWNER CSR Bassa Friulana SITE Municipality of San Giorgio di Nogaro, Zona Industriale, Aussa Corno (UD) WASTE TREATED MSW, SOF CAPACITY 78.000 t/y PRODUCTS SOF, RDF, Ferrous Metals, Quality Compost COMPLETION OF WORKS March 2000 PLANT MANAGEMENT DANECO IMPIANTI

San Giorgio di Nogaro At San Giorgio di Nogaro Plant, DANECO IMPIANTI (previously DANECO SpA) built and currently operates a waste exploitation plant for municipal solid waste, which produces RDF destined for waste-to-energy combustion, SOF for environmental recovery and the recovery of Ferrous Metals. The processing line is further equipped with specialized equipment for treatment of SWC so as to produce quality compost from the organic and green fractions.

from up: 1 - Plant panorama 2 - Compost Curing Area 3 - Mechanical Screening Area

Refining area: Flip Flop screener

Biostabilization The Biostabilization fermentation area is a single floor where the material is accumulated throughout the entire building. Inside the Biostabilization section, an overhead traveling crane is responsible for diverse processes: unloading of the underscreen flow into the biostabilization fermentation area; turning and movement of the waste mass through the use of a cochlea; unloading of the crude SOF by means of redler and other exiting conveyor belts. The fermentation area of the biostabilization section functions through the use of forced aeration.

The treatment plant Refining, curing and sof storage The selection and biostabilization line is made up of 5 sections: MSW DELIVERY MECHANICAL SELECTION BIOSTABILIZATION REFINING, CURING AND STORAGE OF SOF TREATMENT PLANT FOR SOF AND COMPOSTING

MSW Delivery The MSW on entry is unloaded onto a floor inside a closed building. The area is maintained under negative pressure, so as to avoid the dispersion of unpleasant odours. The waste is moved by a mechanical shovel and unloaded into the primary shredder to undergo a first scaled reduction, before being directed to the next section.

Mechanical Selection The waste is loaded into the trommel that separates the waste into 2 flows: The shorts, made up of dry material in general destined for combustion upon volumetric reduction in balers and after ferrous extraction. The underscreen on the other hand, is mainly made up of organic fraction and other aggregates which is directed for a second selection by a flip flow screen, after ferrous extraction that subdivides the material into the following flows: shorts, consisting of small sized dry material, mixed with the shorts flow exiting from the trommel; the underscreen, consisting mainly of the organic fraction, aggregates and crushed glass, is sent to the Biostabilization section.

The SOF leaving the fermentation area is directed to a second flip flop screener, which subdivides the material into 2 flows: shorts, made up of non-compostable materials, destined for landfilling; underscreen, made up of SOF and the aggregate fraction, is sent to the densimetric separator. The densimetric separator operates using a fluid bed created by a ventilator injecting air under the separating grid. The air maintains the light materials (the refined SOF), letting fall the scrap (glass, aggregates and sand). The refined SOF is then transported to the curing area for temporary storage, before its reuse in environmental recovery operations.

Mobile sof treatment plant and storage Upon completion of the treatment process dedicated equipment is used to refine the organic fraction and the green waste originating from SWC, for the production of quality compost to be reintroduced into the production cycle as fertilizer for agricultural use.

Environmental safeguards The plant is equipped with the following for environmental protection: aspiration of polluted air, dedusting system and air treatment system; collection and disposal system of rainwater and leachate.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants


Udine The waste disposal plant of Udine, was constructed from 1989-1990, and upon its completion, began to operate as a waste treatment line servicing the City of Udine and its district. Very innovative for its time, it was originally structured in the industrial format, departing from the classic recycling waste systems in vogue at that time. The existing, which was essentially manual selection on the ground and volumetric reduction or simple mechanical screening, was transformed into a completely advanced and automated treatment solution. This new solution was based on tightly enclosed buildings, with diverse phases of mechanical selection of the primary materials, and more efficient levels of refining in order to reintroduce diverse products into the normal production cycle: RDF originating from the shorts, mainly the dry fraction to be sent to combustion; SOF from the underscreen, mainly organic fraction destined for environmental recovery; ferrous metals and aluminium, to be sent to the foundry. from up: 1 - Stationary Press - compaction of scraps 2 - Aspiration Piping 3 - Plant panorama

The Udine plant despite the fact that its construction dates back to over 20 years, represents even today a model for the waste sector in functionality and rationality in respect to plant design and construction. .

from left: 1 - Control Room - PLC panel 2 - DANO cyclinder - Composting

The treatment process The MSW on entry is unloaded onto the ground and moved by a mechanical shovel to the trammel, which also functions as a bag opening solution through the use of special spikes ‘pine needles‘ inside the screening drum that tear open the waste bags. This equipment subdivides the waste on arrival into 3 flows: primary underscreen, consisting of the finer fraction, aggregates and street sweepings, destined for landfill; secondary underscreen, consisting of the organic fraction, which is sent to the flip flow screener for secondary selection, to which thick sludge from purification plants can also be added; shorts – largely dry material of which paper, cardboard, plastics – is sent to a hammer mill for a first scaled reduction, then ferrous extraction and transfer to the secondary trommel. The waste treatment proceeds according to the following design. The flip flop screener subdivides the material into 2 flows: the underscreen, which consists of aggregates and sand, is sent to the landfill; the shorts, which are directed to the biostabilization line, consisting of 2 DANO cylinders, in which the organic fraction is subjected to particular conditions which accelerate the natural process of aerobic stabilization, and subsequently moved to the fermentation area of biostabilization, where the process of digestion is completed. The fermentation area, composed of a series of basins in which the organic fraction is displaced by way of an automatic windrow turner and where the material is subjected to forced aeration. A humidification system is also implemented in order to maintain an ideal environment for fermentation. The crude SOF leaving the biostabilization area is then sent for refining. The Refining equipment is composed of a second flip flop screener and an densimetric separator that separates the glass and the aggregates from the now refined SOF

Once the curing phase is finished, the SOF can be reused for environmental recovery. The secondary flip flop screen subdivides the material on entry into 3 flows: primary underscreen: moved to the previously described flip flop screener, composed of organic fraction and aggregates, to be destined for the aerobic stabilization line; secondary underscreen: essentially consisting of paper, plastics and other dry fractions, directed to a densimetric separator for the elimination of the aggregates and glass, and from there to the ballistic classifier for subsequent refining with the elimination of other aggregates and non-combustable materials. The flow leaving the ballistic classifier, primarily crude RDF, is reduced to smaller pieces by a secondary shredder, and which may then be sent either to the press bailer or to the densification line, which consists of three briquetting machines, designed for the moisture reduction of the RDF and the increase of the specific weight. For the secondary flow leaving the densimetric separator, there is installed the eddy current for aluminium separation; shorts: composed of scrap material, is destined for landfilling. All the scrap flows leaving the treatment plant are placed inside collection containers or into a stationary press for volumetric reduction, before being sent to the landfill.

Environmental safeguards The Udine plant is equipped with a series of safeguards, to reduce the overall environmental impact of the plant, on account of its close proximity to some houses, and the town in general. In particular: dedusting and deoderizing system of the exhausted air, complete with humidifiers and biofilters; a system for the collection of the first 5mm of rainwater and remaining rainwater; network of collection piping for leachate; natural Tree barrier. 75

Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants

CONTRACTING BODY Region of Tuscany, Commissario Straordinario for Isola d’Elba SITE Municipality of Porto Azzurro, in Buraccio WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 27.000 t/y PRODUCTS RDF, SOF, Ferrous Metals, Alluminium COMPLETION OF WORKS February 1998 PLANT MANAGEMENT until June 2001 to Daneco, now under the control of the Consortium of the Municipalities of Elba.

Isola d’Elba


The waste treatment and gasification plant of Isola d’Elba, constructed in the Municipality of Porto Azzurro, in Buraccio, treats the waste produced on the island, with the aim of obtaining RDF for the production of electric energy from gasification. The proposed technology – using materials derived from waste for the production of electricity by implementing a 1,40 MW gasifier– was for that time, at least on the national level, quite innovative and experimental. The gasifier has 2 treatment sections: in the first chamber at high temperatures but with low presence of oxygen, a kind of distillation of the RDF briquettes takes place, so as to obtain a synthesis gas ‘syngas’, which is sent to the second section where oxidation by a further supplement of oxygen takes place. The thus oxidized syngas, is then sent to the boiler for combustion and from there, to the turbine for production of electric energy to be sold to the public electric grid by the managing body. Further products from the applied treatment at the plant are SOF, used for the daily covering of the landfill, ferrous metals and aluminum, to be sent to the foundry so as to be reintroduced into the production cycle.

Site Plan

The treatment process The Municipal Solid Waste on entry at the plant is unloaded onto the ground inside an industrial building and loaded by mechanical shovel into a hammer mill. This kind of equipment is designed to open the bags and perform an initial size reduction of the material, without affecting the effectiveness of the separation of the trommel, which separates the material on arrival into 2 flows: underscreen, consisting of the organic fraction and aggregates, that upon ferrous extraction, is sent to the fermentation area for aerobic stabilization; shorts, consisting mainly of the dry fractions such as paper, plastic, etc is sent to the RDF production line, which is essentially made up of the ballistic classifier, that through mechanical selection, separates the materi als into 3 flows: the Heavy Fraction, upon ferrous and aluminum extraction, is sent to the landfill; the Fine fractions, composed of the smaller organic material is reunited with the underscreen flow and sent to the Biostabilization section. the Light fractions, from which RDF is obtained, upon ferrous extraction is subsequently directed to a secondary shredder for scaled reduction.

The resulting RDF then follows the flow inside the dryer before it is routed to the gasifier feeding line, positioned immediately upstream from this, and which is comprised of: bunker for the temporary storage of the RDF and the feeder; briquetting machine, to obtain RDF briquettes of high density. Cooler, before being stored and loaded into the gasifier. The screening flow leaving the trommel is instead directed to the biostabilization department, complete with forced aeration where it is handled by wheeled shovel. The SOF is then utilized as daily covering for the landfill. All the flows of waste are moved to a stationary press before being sent to landfill.

Environmental safeguards Considering the particular location of the plant, great attention was paid to implementing the environmental protection safeguards, and in particular: exhausted air aspiration and treatment, consisting of dust collectors, scrubbers for the removal of ammonia and biofilter, designed for deoderization; network of collection piping for leachate; network of collection piping of the first 5 mm of rain and secondary waters.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants

CONTRACTING BODY AMSA Milano SITE Municipality of Milano, Via Rubattino, Area ex-Maserati WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 150.000 t/y PRODUCTS Shorts, SOF, Ferrous Metals COMPLETION OF WORK January 1997 PLANT MANAGEMENT from January 1997 to April 2004 by DANECO IMPIANTI Then dismantled.

Milano The industrial line enables the waste on entry to be unloaded onto a floor inside a closed and waterproofed building, and from there, moved by wheeled shovel to the hopper of primary shredder for initial scaled reduction on entry before loading into the trommel for selection into 2 flows: shorts, after Ferrous Metals extraction, is formed mostly of dry materials, paper, cardboard and plastic polymers, and is directed to the baling press, before being sent to incineration; underscreen, upon Ferrous Metals extraction, consists mainly of the organic fraction and other aggregates which are sent to aerobic stabilization.

Site Plan

The process The industrial line enables the waste on entry to be unloaded onto a floor inside a closed and waterproofed building, and from there, moved by wheeled shovel to the hopper of primary shredder for initial scaled reduction on entry before loading into the trommel for selection into 2 flows: shorts, after Ferrous Metals extraction, is formed mostly of dry materials, paper, cardboard and plastic polymers, and is directed to the baling press, before being sent to incineration; underscreen, upon Ferrous Metals extraction, consists mainly of the organic fraction and other aggregates which are sent to aerobic stabilization. The underscreen flow is moved by conveyor belts, to the fermentation area of biostabilization, which is made up of a single floor without partitioned walls, where the material is accumulated in windrows and handled by wheeled shovel and windrow turner SCAT, a kind of full track tractor equipped with cutters for the material handling.

The fermentation area is equipped with a forced aeration system, designed for oxidation of the material mass in biostabilization. After the treatment process is completed, the crude SOF is transferred to the refining department, which has a flip flop screener that subdivides the non compostable rough fractions (shorts) from the SOF and from the aggregates (underscreen) and the densimetric separator, that separates the glass and the aggregates from the now refined SOF, by means of an aerated fluid bed. Hence, the so obtained refined SOF is destined for the daily covering of the service landfills or for environmental recovery.

Environmental safeguards The plant is completed by: exhausted air aspiration and treatment, consisting of scrubbers and biofilter, which maintain all the buildings in negative pressure; network of collection piping for leachate; network of collection piping of the first 5mm of rain and secondary waters.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants MOLFETTA, CERESARA

MOLFETTA TREATMENT PLANT MSW of Molfetta CONTRACTING BODY SO. GEA.Srl –Bari SITE Municipality of Molfetta (BA) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 30.000t/y PRODUCTS SOF and packaged dry fractions COMPLETION OF WORKS June 2009 MANAGEMENT contract for construction only, completed by DANECO IMPIANTI CERESARA from up: 1 - Rotating Screener: Trommel 2 - Plant view

TREATMENT PLANT MSW of Ceresara CONTRACTING BODY SIEM INTERMUNICIPALITY COMPANY Ecologica Mantovana SITE Municipality of Ceresara (MN) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 48.000 t/y PRODUCTS compost and RDF COMPLETION OF WORKS expansions and improvements during 1998-1991 MANAGEMENT from March 1991 to May 1999 DANECO IMPIANTI The Ceresara plant serves 46 Municipalities for a total of approximately 270.000 inhabitants. The served area, 1.600 km2 in size, predominantly agricultural, was primarily selected for the commercialization of the products from the plant, such as compost. Particular attention during the design phase was paid to the implementation of the environmental protection safeguards, equipping the plant buffered buildings and with an exhausted air aspiration and treatment plant and a wastewater purification plant, very innovative environmental solutions for that time. Later, operations focused on reducing as much as possible the scrap waste by increasing the yields of production, be it compost or above all RDF. Below is the material breakdown of the processed waste: REFINED COMPOST 36% COMPACTED RDF 22% FERROUS METALS 3% SCRAPS 23% PROCESSING LOSSES 16%


PIEVE DI CORIANO TREATMENT PLANT treatment of MSW of Pieve di Coriano CONTRACTING BODY SIEM SocietĂ Intercomunale Ecologica Mantovana SITE Municipality of Pieve di Coriano (MN) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 48.000 t/y PRODUCTS compost and RDF COMPLETION OF WORKS expansions and improvements during 1987-1991 MANAGEMENT from March 1991 to May 1999 under DANECO IMPIANTI from up: 1 - Waste Treatment Area 2 - Plant view

Similar to the Ceresara plant, the area surrounding Pieve di Coriano was predominantly agricultural, ideal for the marketing and commercialization of the compost. The plant equipment, fundamentally identical to that of Ceresara, provides: storage pits for MSW with overhead bridge crane for material movement; sized reduction with vertical shredder and mechanical selection; RDF production line through secondary screening and aeraulic separation; biostabilization of the underscreen fraction with production of refined compost; mechanical selection of Ferrous Metals. The plant is also equipped with an exhausted air aspiration and treatment plant as well as a network of collection piping for leachate and rain waters.



WAI-PU-HSIANG (TAIWAN) TREATMENT PLANT MSW and market waste of Wai-Pu-Hsiang CONTRACTING BODY Golden Topper Equipment Co. – Taipei –Taiwan SITE Wai Pu Hsiang, Taiwan WASTE TREATED MSW and market waste CAPACITY 24.000t/y PRODUCTS Compost COMPLETION OF WORKS June 1996 MANAGEMENT contract for construction only, completed by DANECO IMPIANTI NANTUCKET (MAINE, USA) CONTRACTING BODY Nantucket Municipality SITE Nantucket, Maine (USA) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 30.000 t/y PRODUCTS Compost COMPLETION OF WORKS 1994 MANAGEMENT not provided, contract for construction only completed by DANECO IMPIANTI MORA (MINNESOTA, USA)

from up: 1 - Mechanical Treatment Area 2 - Plant Panorama

TREATMENT PLANT Treatment of MSW of Mora CONTRACTING BODY East Central Solid Waste Commission SITE Mora, Minnesota WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 80.000 t/ y PRODUCTS Compost, Aluminium, Plastic, Paper, Cardboard, Ferrous Metals COMPLETION OF WORKS July 1991 MANAGEMENT East Central Solid Waste Commission East Central Solid Waste Commission was a company created by 5 Municipalities , Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs and Pine. The entire surface area was approximately 3.500 m2 and had at that time, a population of approximately 108.000 inhabitants. The plant was inserted inside a bigger plant complex, complete with landfill and 2 transfer stations. The most characteristic elements of the plants processes are: initial screening with dry-wet separation; recovery of recyclable materials and Ferrous Metals from the shorts (dry), with subsequent shredding of the scrap and transfer to the mixer; separation of the Ferrous Metals from the wet fraction of the underscreen, with subsequent shredding and secondary screening; wet separation of the underscreen from the secondary screening for the elimination of sand and aggregates, then transfer to the mixer of the screened fraction; wet fraction composting; final refining with the production of quality compost.



TREATMENT PLANT Treatment of MSW of Tolmezzo CONTRACTING BODY Municipality of Montana della Carnia SITE Municipality of Tolmezzo (UD) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 27.000 t/ y PRODUCTS refined compost, RDF briquetted or unpacked, Ferrous Metals COMPLETION OF WORKS 1981 MANAGEMENT DANECO IMPIANTI until 1998

TREATMENT PLANT Treatment of MSW of Lignano Sabbiadoro CONTRACTING BODY Municipality of Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) SITE Municipality of Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 15.000 t/y PRODUCTS SOF, Ferrous Metals COMPLETION OF WORKS 1975

The plant was constructed to satisfy the waste treatment needs of the Municipality of Montana della Carnia, after the proposal of the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the service was extended to the Municipality of Montane del Gemonese, del Canal del Ferro and Valcanale, for a total of 49 Municipalities, with approximately 85.000 inhabitants plus 35,000 summer tourists on a territory of 2,400 km2. The composition of the waste in this area is similar to that of other national mountainous regions, which differ from the typical, in that the percentage of organic and green fractions are well below standard values. Constructed on a surface of 22.700 m2 of which 3.100 m2 is covered, plus another 3.000 m2 for compost storage, the plant was designed to treat 80t/d of MSW and having a capacity to treat up to 50% more than nominal capacity of operations. The production cycle was designed to also obtain maximum glass recovery, avoiding shredders on reception, with separation using a biothermal cyclinder. Material curing took place by use of forced aeration. The RDF production line envisioned the elimination of chlorinated plastics, glass and aluminium. VASTO TREATMENT PLANT Treatment of MSW of Vasto CONTRACTING BODY CIVETA SpA, INTERMUNICIPALITY CONSORTIUM of Vasto SITE Municipality of Cupello (CH) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 60.000 t/y PRODUCTS SOF, Ferrous Metals COMPLETION OF WORKS 1995

MOBILE DENSIFICATION PLANT OF SOLID DERIVED FUEL FROM MUNICIPAL WASTE AND ASSIMILATED Completed at the end of the 80s, in collaboration with ENEA – National Body for Research and Development of Nuclear and Alternative Energy, the plant was able to treat combustible waste which was pretreated or which originated from differentiated waste collection. The aim of the project was essentially demonstrative: a potential producer of RDF could in fact request the service to verify on a smaller scale, the reliability of the proposed treatment process and the quality of the exiting product. All the equipment was installed on a trailer of a truck and once unhooked from the engine, the plant became operational within a few minutes. To guarantee the maximum autonomy and flexibility of operations, the plant was energetically independent. At that time, diverse tests were carried out over periods of some days on different types of material , for example: containers of chemical products for agriculture: aimed at quantifying the reduction of the volume of material destined for the landfill. RESULT: reduction by 6 times of the volume; cranches and cuttings derived from the pruning of poplars: demonstration aimed at quantifying the reduction of the volume and moisture and therefore the production of briquettes suitable for combustion. RESULT: reduction of humidity from 24% to 10%, Reduction of volume by 25%; waste derived from Paper Mills: demonstration aimed at reducing the moisture and volume up to a third of its original. In this way, it was possible to reuse such materials as fuel or in alternative, reduce the cost of landfill disposal.


Mechanical - Biological Treatment Plants AJMAN, DUBAI AL FUJAYRAH, KUWAIT CITY

Golfo Persico

AJMAN (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) TREATMENT PLANT MSW of Ajman CONTRACTING BODY Municipality of Ajman SITE Municipality of Ajman (UAE) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 30.000 t/y PRODUCTS Compost and RDF COMPLETION OF WORKS 1987 MANAGEMENT contract for construction only, completed by DANECO IMPIANTI DUBAI (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) TREATMENT PLANT MSW of Dubai CONTRACTING BODY Ahli Petrochemical Establishment SITE Municipality of Dubai (UAE) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 90.000t/y PRODUCTS Compost and RDF COMPLETION OF WORKS 1981 MANAGEMENT contract for construction only, completed by DANECO IMPIANTI AL FUJAYRAH (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) REATMENT PLANT MSW of Al Fujayrah CONTRACTING BODY Al Fujayrah Emirate (UAE) SITE Municipality of Fujayrah (UAE) WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 30.000t/y PRODUCTS Compost and RDF COMPLETION OF WORKS 1986 MANAGEMENT contract for construction only, completed by DANECO IMPIANTI KUWAIT CITY (KUWAIT)

from up: 1 - Location of sites 2 - Dubai: Construction Site 3 - Ajman: Mechanical Treatment Area

TREATMENT PLANT MSW of Kuwait CONTRACTING BODY Kuwait City Municipality SITE Kuwait City Municipality WASTE TREATED MSW CAPACITY 200.000 t/y PRODUCTS Compost and RDF, refined compost and ferrous metals COMPLETION OF WORKS 1987 MANAGEMENT contract for construction only, completed by DANECO IMPIANTI DANECO IMPIANTI has built four waste treatment plants in the Middle East, located inside the area of the Persian Gulf, in particular in the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.

Kuwait City

The soil in Arabic countries is generally arid, sandy, and lacking in organic material and therefore microbiological activity. DANECO proposed the use of compost produced from the plants to improve the physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics of the terrain. The compost has a high water retention capacity, a fundamental characteristic for cultivation on arid soil and with high rates of evaporation. The organic fraction present in the compost activates the microbic flora and therefore the biological activity essential for the development of the flora. This enhanced DANECO’s already high profile in the Middle East, while gaining significant experience in the sector and achieving valid and worthwhile results on a technical and professional level.

AJMAN (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) In July 1986, the Municipality of Ajman requested the design and construction of an integrated system of waste collection and treatment plant for municipal solid waste produced in the Emirates. The plant, capable of treating 100 t of waste a day, was supplied as a “turn key” solution in very short timeframe. The process control system, was at that time very innovative system, with an integrated programmable logic unit for plant management. The composting incorporated accelerated insuflation, with full control of the ventilation fans and moisture measurements of the waste heaps. From September 1987, until the eve of the plant Star-Up, a joint venture between the Municipality of Ajman and DANECO was set up for the management of the plant and the commercialization of the end products, of which refined compost and Ferrous Metals.

DUBAI (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) In 1978, the private company Ahli Petrochemical Establishment, commissioned to Daneco this plant, with the aim of extracting compost from municipal solid waste produced in Dubai. The plant which extended for a total area of 50.000 m2, with a total volume of 21.000 m3 and with a potential capacity of 300 t/d, was constructed in accordance with the contractual requirements. Delivered as “turn key” in 1981, the production of refined compost in sacks mixed with chemical fertilizers began. The produced revenues from the sale of the compost allowed for amortization of the investment.

AL FUJAYRAH (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES) In March 1986, the Governor of the Emirate of Fujayrah awarded DANECO the supply of the composting plant, having a capacity of for treatment of 10 t/hours, equal to 100 t/day. At that time, the plant was distinguished for the sophisticated technical solutions adopted for composting of the organic fraction and for refining the crude compost: forced ventilation of the waste heaps to accelerate the aerobic stabilization process; refining executed using a screener and aeraulic classifier for the separation of the paper and plastic fractions from the compost, automatically packaged in sacks for commercialization.


Environmental Remediation DANECO IMPIANTI has performed important operations of environmental remediation. In addressing the complex issues associated with the design and execution of remediation works and other environmental restoration, it is important to pursue the primary objectives set out by local, regional, national and European Community Directives, summarised in the following: safeguard the environment in terms of water - air and soil, fauna, flora and the typical characteristics of the surrounding landscape of the location where intervention is carried out; safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of the community and operators in the sector; respect the economic and territorial planning needs of the subject areas.

Environmental Remediation

Alice Castello

CONTRACTING BODY Alice Ambiente Srl SITE Municipality of Alice Castello (VC) WASTE AFFECTED BY INTERVENTION MSW, SMSW TREATED ELEMENT Undergound Waters TECHNOLOGY USED Air Sparging – ORC FILLING MATERIAL Non-hazardous SW with a low content of organic material FUTURE CAPACITY OF THE PROJECT approximately 120.000 t/y COMPLETION OF WORKS October 2008, (preparation of storage capacity) TOTAL INVESTMENT: € 17.605.000 MANAGEMENT UPON END OF WORKS Alice Ambiente Srl

The activities executed by DANECO IMPIANTI included the complete remediation and environmental restoration of the landfill located on the northern edge of Alice Castello in ‘Valle Dora’. This location was a 1st class category landfill, subdivided into two basins of which: BASIN FOR SMSW situated in the western part active from 1993 -1997 BASIN FOR MSW Located in the eastern part active from 1991 -2004 The two cells occupied a 210 x 500m rectangular plot, where previously a quarry pit was located with approximately 30m high embankments, left over from the extraction of sand and gravel used as aggregates for construction. The existing basins (MSW and SMSW) were designed and constructed in accordance with the national and regional laws that were in force at the time.

from up: 1 - View of depleted Landfill 2 - Air Sparging 3 - Offices and weighing station

In the landfill’s SMSW and MSW basins, the following types of waste were deposited: municipal solid waste; municipal waste similar to solid waste; mulky waste. Ripristino ambientale fase finale

View of landfill: South side

In addition to taking the necessary measures so as to eliminate the pollution found on the shallow acquifer, the works included environmental and landscape restoration of the landfill site, which was considered necessary so as to effectively and definitely make the site appropriate for general use.

Impermeabilizzazione post-ripristino ambientale

Environmental restoration is currently ongoing during normal operations, where the existing cavity between the two disposal basins, will be filled with approximately 960.000 tons of waste for a volume capacity of 1.200.000 m3. The filling of the depression located between the 2 existing depleted basins was identified as the most appropriate solution of restoration. The solution included the filling of the cavity with selected waste material, deriving primarily from mechanical and/or biological treatment of municipal waste (MW) and of special non-hazardous waste, in the same way as if it were standard construction material. In that context, during the design phase, the definition of the composition of the above-mentioned types of waste, was analysed so as to determine the best mixture that will guarantee the best structural integrity in terms of biological stability, capacity to release eluates and mechanical stability of the final volume.

Particolare costruttivo del pozzo di sollevamento percolato


from left: 1 - Permeability tests at Boutwell site using permeameter 2 - Level of compaction test using sand volume meter 3 - Coring with extraction of samples testing

In addition, the choice of design type corresponds perfectly to the general criteria for remediation and environmental recovery covered under Attachment 3 of “Decreto Ministeriale (D.M.) 471/99”: to favour the remediation techniques that also allow for treatment and reuse of on site heterogeneous materials or other excess materials which may be reutilised on site as filling materials (article c, Attachment 3 of D.M. 471/99); carry out the reuse of the soil and other heterogeneous materials, that have undergone off-site treatment, both from the same site and from other sites that have the appropriate environmental and sanitary characteristics (article d of Attachment 3, D.M. 471/99); present a detailed comparative analysis of the different remediation technologies applicable to the site which is under review, considering the specific characteristics of the area, in terms of efficiency in reaching the final objectives, concentrations of residue, time of execution, environmental impact to the surrounding environment due to the activities (article d Attachment 3, D.M. 471/99); favour during the activities of remediation and environmental restoration, the use of appropriate organic material of adequate quality originating from municipal waste recovery activities (article l , Attachment 3 , D.M. 471/99).

Based on what has so far been described, strictly under legal terms, it seems reasonable to state, that with the aim of constructing all required works to carry out remediation activities and to carry out the works of environmental restoration of the site in accordance with the Legislative Decree 36/2003, it is sufficient to have the authorisation conforming to article 17, comma 4, of the L.D. 22/97. The above is confirmed by express provisions of law, (article 17, comma 7, of L.D. 22/97, and article 10 comma 10, of L.D. 471/99), where this authorisation, apart from constituting zoning variants, entailing declarations of public utilities, of urgent works and of works which cannot be deferred, “hereby replaces to all effect the authorisations, concessions, agreements, understanding, waivers, opinions and consents provided under the current legislation for the realisation and operation of the plants and all necessary equipment for the fulfilment of such remediation projects”. Remediation treatment are the combined activities focused on reducing the level of polluting substances (leachate) released into the terrain and into the ground waters. This is executed by minimising the production of leachate and by controlling its potential release of the same. To comply with the first objective, complete waterproofing of the area was carried out, through the construction of a layer of clay of appropriate thickness, with precise permeabili-

Profilatura scarpate - ultima fase

As far as activities of controlling the release of pollutants into the groundwater is concerned, ‘on site’ remediation activities include technology which is based on the chemical-physical removal of contaminants and/or on the stimulation of the natural phenomena of biodegradation, without moving the contaminated environmental elements. The most beneficial and cost effective results have been obtained by using diverse technologies simultaneously.

ty characteristics (k 1 x 10-7 as per Legislative Decree 36/03) combined with the spreading of a 2mm thick high density polyethylene geomembrane. In order to reduce the contaminants from the old landfills, through this layer a technical solution was implemented consisting of a dedicated system of captation piping for leachate and biogas.

The remediation of the site, regarding pollutants to the ground waters, was executed in phases. The first phase, involved ammonia reduction through the implementation of an Air Sparging system. In the second phase, the introduction of chemical reagents into the groundwater was executed, so as to remove the contamination caused by the presence of some heavy metals (nickel, iron and manganese).


Site before intervention

REMEDIATION TECHNOLOGIES Phase 1. Air Sparging Air Sparging is a process of injecting air directly into the groundwater, so as to remove pollutants such as ammonia. Air Sparging remediates groundwater by volatilizing contaminants and enhancing biodegradation.

This technology has been carefully tested through a series of technical/economical feasibility analyses, in consideration also to the specifics of the site and the type of contaminants that were detected during analysis.

The technology consists of a series of dedicated vertical wells, where air is injected below the surface of the groundwater.

In order to dimension the remediation treatment process, specific tests were carried out on site: determine the radius of influence of the same injection well; indirectly identify possible anisotropies in the soil.

The aim is to remove the dissolved pollutants in the groundwater via a dual mechanism: stripping of the volatile compost: this mechanism involves the transfer of the contaminated mass dissolved in the underground water to the gaseous phase of the injected air that propagates inside the saturated subsoil in the form of bubbles or canals; stimulation of the aerobic biodegradation of the dissolved pollutants in the groundwater including the smaller less volatile fractions.

The Air Sparging system operating since 2008, is made up of: 26 underground air injection wells, 45m below ground level. The wells are 1� PE piping and are perforated along a 50cm long tract; 2 compressors which periodically serve all the 13 injection wells (capacity of operation 4,5 m3/h); 2 x 340 litre compressed air storage tanks; 26 underground connection lines between the compressor and injection wells.

Site after intervention

Regarding the quality of the groundwater, measurements are executed using piezometers for the following periodic intervals: monthly sampling using the piezometer: S2-S4-S5-S6-S7-S9-S10-PM2 in particular identification of the following parameters; PH, conductivity, ammonia, nitric acid, iron, manganese, nickel (in the laboratory), dissolved oxygen, temperature, redox potential and measures of the piezometric levels (in field); semiannual sampling using the piezometers: S13-S13p-S17p in particular identification of the following parameters; PH, conductivity, ammonia, nitric acid, iron manganese, nickel (in the laboratory), dissolved oxygen, temperature, potential redox and measures of the piezometric levels (in field).

Phase 2. ORC The particular use of chemical reagents injected into the contaminated groundwater, enables the reduction of the concentrations of metals dissolved in water. After laboratory experimentation, based on the 4 diverse technologies (ISCO, MRC, ORC, COR), which were applied to samples of earth and water taken at the site, it was decided that the most appropriate was the Oxygen Release Compound. This is because it was the only process not to provoke an increase in the concentrations of metals and showed good results in a relatively short timeframe. This technology consist of a granular mix of the compost formed by Portland cement and magnesium peroxide, completely non-toxic, which once hydrated, allows for a continuous release of oxygen within a solution of groundwater. The implementation of an ORC installation foresees the construction of 46 wells with geometric characteristics similar to those used for Air Sparging. It is estimated, that approx 90kg of reagent for every well are required and which needs to be replenished two times every 9-12 months. The duration of the activities are variable and depend on the number of reapplications and monitoring the performance results.


Environmental Remediation

CONTRACTING BODY Consorzio Smaltimento RSU di Rovigo SITE Taglietto a Villadose (RO) DISPOSED WASTE MSW (fresh and exhumed waste from remediation); MSW NUMBER OF BASINS 10 prepared consecutively VOLUME 500.000 m3 TECHNOLOGY USED Air Sparging - ORC FILLING MATERIAL Non-hazardous SW with a low content of organic material COMPLETION OF WORKS 9 basins rectified and cultivated, 1 in set up phase MANAGEMENT DANECO IMPIANTI

Villadose In 2003, DANECO IMPIANTI, as the head of the JV that was awarded the tender, began an operation for the Recovery and Volumetric extension of the Talietto O landfill in Villadose (RO). The project required the remediation and the implementation of safety measures at an old landfill dating from the 1970’s and its simultaneous extension so as to allow for new waste disposal. Therefore, as of 2004, DANECO IMPIANTI has been the concessionaire of the ‘Consorzio Smaltimento RSU di Rovigo’ landfill for the disposal of MSW in the remediate site. The landfill was designed for the disposal of shorts and scraps arriving from waste treatment produced from the 50 municipalities belonging to the RO1 catchment area. It is however possible to dispose of waste from other origins, defined by legislative decree for the catchment area for the Veneto region or by other decrees defined by the Superior Legislation Bodies under special acts. Until the annual quota of waste on entry is reached (55.000 t), disposal of similar industrial non-hazardous solid waste (SMSW) is allowed.

Various Phases of construction

Test of waterproofing

Remediation phase In order to construct and finalise not only the remediation of the site, but also complete the environmental restoration of the “Taglietto 0” area, apart from the perimetral belt and surface rendering of the entire area of “Taglietto 1”, a series of specific and programmed operations were carried out. Since restoration takes place gradually, it is therefore necessary that the work is carried out sector by sector. The remediation operations are subdivided into: insulation of the buried material relative to the surface and underground wasters; removal of the same for the remediation of the area; removal of the leachate and its transfer to a suitable treatment plants; consolidation and preparation of the basin floor; formation of the waterproofed barrier system to confine the groundwater and the creation of the underground basins; cultivation of the finalised landfill sectors. Within the area in which the waste is buried, the following works were carried out, described from external to internal: drainage ditch; 2.5m high plastified fencing structure; wooded barrier; 6.00m wide road in stabilised limestone, including road embankments; internal drainage ditches; waterproofed vertical barrier; containment embankments.

The entire subject area is circumscribed by a plastified fencing barrier, grafted in a clay layer, whose ceiling is positioned at a quote of between -10,50 ÷-11,50 m. The construction consists of 10 sectors with squared layout, dimensions between 70.00÷75.00m. The digging operations were carried out by excavators, wheeled shovels, and dump trucks. The excavated waste was completely removed, taking away also a layer underlying earth until reaching an average depth of approx 4.5m from the field level. The depth of excavation was defined as the lowest height in which the presence of waste and /or sacks of leachate were no longer found. Remediation of the area affects all the existing surfaces inside the partitioned perimeter wall, which was built at the correct distance from the excavation area. After the complete removal of the waste material, the soil material is meticulously analysed and the results compared with Column A of table 1 in attachment 5, title V part IV of the Leg. Decree n.152/06 by the Control Authority (Arpav). If the compared values turn out to be below the limits set by law, the basin will be considered remediated and ready for waterproofing. The earth on the excavated floor is treated with ventilated lime, in a ratio of 3÷4% of weight, and suitably turned, mixed and finally compacted, in order to obtain a consolidated 0,50m thick layer, such to allow for smooth passage of trucks/cranes /excavators etc. Above this layer, another layer is placed of compacted and rolled clay, with a thickness varying between 1.00÷1.30 m, which gently slopes to form correct drainage of the basin. On top of this layer, a second well compacted and uniformly rolled layer is placed, with 16cm thick lamellar bentonite, so as to form the waterproofed barrier in accordance with the Legislative Decree 36/2003.

The entire subject area is circumscribed by a plastified fencing barrier, grafted in a clay layer, whose ceiling is positioned at a quote of between -10,50 ÷-11,50 m.


from left: Waterproofing phases 1 - Placement of waterproof layer 2 - Placement of Bentonite textile layer

The landfill The material for the construction of the embankments and for the final covering of the each sector of the landfill in cultivation, was recovered from the site excavation activities (46.000 m3). Before using this material for construction purposes, material analysis was executed, so as to guarantee no pollutants were released to the surrounding environment. This solution was studied so as to reduce the total volumes of excavated waste that were sent for final disposal in the newly prepared basins, recovering in this way, additional volumes for the reception of underscreen and scraps originating from MSW treatment and other collected waste of the catchment area. This rationalization of the exploitation of the landfill volumes has maintained lower tariffs for the delivering municipalities. The daily waste deliveries are deposited in a single waste reception area with daily cycles of 8.5 hours. The landfill is equipped with a leachate captation network made up of: 5 leachate collection wells; a drainage network on the basin floor.

Even though the production of biogas is very limited due to the class of the waste on entry (dry and treated), the landfill is also equipped with a captation system, which is made up of a series of biogas wells and a 150 Nm3/h combustion torch. Other auxiliary works which are present at the site, include: 18,00m and 50 tonne weighbridge, along with storage area and ramps in concrete; 60m3 leachate storage plant with containment pool; wells for monitoring groundwater; meteo stations; monitoring stations for air quality (hydrocarbon methanes, non methanes and H2S). For operations of waste recovery and treatment, the following equipment is used: waste compactor; full track shovel; full track shovel and wheeled shovel; dump trucks; excavator with hydraulic grab; maintenance vehicle; 6 m3 tankers; shredders with magnetic separators.

Waste control

Acceptance and vehicle weighing

For management of the landfill, there is a ‘waste control plan’ subdivided into 3 main phases: pre-acceptance; acceptance and vehicle weighing; registration and monitoring of the waste treatment process.

The trucks authorised at the delivery of the waste on entry, are subjected to formal verification and documentation, at the weighbridge station. The process for acceptance and control of the delivered waste is formally carried out by weighbridge personnel, and visually controlled by staff in the relative process areas.

Plant employees need to execute a well defined set of procedures for all site activities. Every action or series of actions is officially cross checked and documented.


Pre-acceptance This is the preliminary phase, where the type and origin (public or private user) is determined and based on which all other necessary procedures are performed.

Any movement of waste arriving or exiting is registered on a special registry form and printed in accordance with local legislation. All information is computerised and documented for further analysis and for cross reference, in according to customer requirements.

In this phase the following activities are observed: identification of the catchment area and all other documentation defining the contracts under which the waste is managed by the consortium; supply of ‘regulations of access to the landfill’ for the operators of transport vehicles; acquisition of the relative documentation corresponding to the transported material arriving at the plant (client/convention registry, transporters, trucks, types of waste).


Electric energy from biogas caption plants In the last few years, DANECO IMPIANTI has constructed several plants for energy production from biogas. The production of electric energy from biogas, one of the products from the waste degradation within a sanitary landfill, is viewed in the context of exploiting renewable energy sources as environmentally “friendly� and is in accordance with the European Community and national regulations.

Electric energy from biogas caption plants

The recovery of energy from biogas produced from the degradation of waste disposed inside a sanitary landfill is positively viewed in the context of exploiting sources of renewable energy and guarantees greater safety to the surrounding environment.

from up:

The production of biogas is one of the most principal manifestations of the process of waste degradation which is present inside a sanitary landfill. This process is based on a physical, chemical and biological phenomenon, which occurs simultaneously to each other. The considerable amount of gaseous emissions produced, if not controlled, are considered as the most hazardous phenomena in a landfill, involving emissions of strong odours perceptible by the operators and by the general community as well as damaging to the surrounding vegetation and as a fire risk. The most effective counter measure to control these conditions is the correct captation and combustion of the biogases through the implementation of a energy recovery solution.

1 - Biogas Extraction Wells 2 - Regulation Stations

Schema di arrivo linee e scarico condense stazione di regolazione SR2

sulla destra: Grafico recupero energetico

Schema di processo

captazione in discarica





combustione in torcia COMBUSTIONE BIOGAS



Estimation of biogas productivity

The composition of the biogas can vary in function of certain parameters: age of the landfill; composition of the waste; type of biogas extraction system; type of waterproofing system. It is important to avoid the infiltration of air into the surface layers which can change the typical composition of the biogas through oxidation of the methane produced in the areas during the anaerobic phase, with a consequent increase in the percentage of carbon dioxide.


Based on theoretic estimates, and confirmed by experimental data, it can be stated that about half of the organic waste present in the landfill, through an anaerobic reaction, transforms itself into biogas. The speed with which this transformation takes place depends on local conditions, moisture, temperature, waste composition and it’s characteristics. Biogas consists of a mixture of gas whose most important components are methane (50–60%), carbon dioxide (40– 50%), and to a lesser degree, nitrogen, hydrogen and other gases (0–10%). Once the methane phase is induced, the actual phenomena of gas production will be present for many years (over 40years), until complete degradation of the organic substance or until the appropriate environmental conditions no longer exist.


rete Enel


The first phase of aerobic fermentation is present immediately after the delivery of waste to the landfill due to the air content and is characterised by a rapid degradation. In this phase, the oxygen present in the waste mass is consumed as soon as it is deposited and eventually other oxygen from the atmosphere is also absorbed. Upon depletion of oxygen, the second phase is characterised by acid fermentation lasting for a few months, where bacteria called ‘fermenters’ work to degrade the cellulose and the other biodegradable materials, transforming them into volatile acids, carbon dioxide and hydrogen. During the third phase, called instable methane production, the volatile acids, produced in the previous phase, are metabolised by the methanogen bacteria, and hence the


Scheme of Extraction well

production of methane. This phase, as a rule, may last from several months to up to three years, during which time the gaseous production is predominantly that of carbon dioxide and small quantities of hydrogen and methane. In the fourth phase, stable methane production, the development of the methanogen bacteria involves the increase of the quantity of methane produced. The production may reach stable values of up to 60% of the biogas produced, where the remaining gases are composed primarily of carbon dioxide. This phase may last for several years.

Energy Recovery Station

In order to estimate the production of the biogas, there are various models that exist. The best are defined as ‘mixed models’ since they combine theoretical and empirical information. Using such models, it is possible to estimate the quantity of biogas produced and obtain a performance curve, called ‘a curve’. Peak production is normally one or two years after terminating the allotment of waste to the landfill.

Description of an energy recovery plant A typical energy recovery plant consists of:

The fifth phase, the methane depletion phase, is the progressive stabilization of the waste. In fact, slowly the available organic compost component becomes less and less biodegradable, thus creating a reduction in the bacterial activity and therefore a reduction of the biogas produced. There is also a greater presence of the air inside the waste, where in the surface layers, there are increasing concentrations of oxygen and nitrogen. In order to correctly dimension the biogas captation plant, it is necessary to determine the specific quantity of biogas that may be produced, which is a function of the quantity of waste deliver to the landfill and their characteristics. The production of biogas can last for several decades after the waste is deposited to the landfill and is dependant on various chemical–physical and biological factors.


The captation elements, commonly called wells, the piping network and the regulation stations are positioned on the landfill body and together with the extraction and combustion station, constitute the energy recovery plant. In general, they are positioned in the landfill’s service area and also function as the landfill’s environmental safeguard to function even in the absence of energy recovery. The energy recovery station enables the exploitation of the biogas with the aim of obtaining energy. The biogas that is extracted from the landfill body is sent to the energy recovery station, where the combustion torch functions effectively as the system’s discharge mechanism.

Energy Recovery Station

The biogas captation piping network is made up of vertical captation wells, which are connected by HDPE piping to the regulation stations, which in turn are connected to the biogas extraction and combustion station by a main pipeline, this too is in HDPE. The wells are positioned in such a way so as to obtain complete coverage of the landfill’s surface, through a defined ‘area of influence’ for each single well. The extraction system foresees that the head of every single well will be depression, enabling suction of the biogas produced in the field of the ‘area of influence’ for each single well. The wells are generally drilled and constructed after the closure of the landfill. The head of the well, built in HDPE, is fixed to the secondary pipeline by a flexible jointed connection. The biogas piping network built in HDPE is made up of: secondary pipeline, between the captation wells and regulation stations (RS); primary pipelines, between the RS and the extraction station. The entire plant is built according to specific international and national legislation, which regulate the conveyance of inflammable gases. The purpose of the regulation stations, is to redistribute the depression for every well in function of its production and are equipped with separators of the condensation that is formed inside the pipeline. In the storage tank, there is a pump which manages the transfer towards the final point of release.

The extraction station contains two turbo suction centrifugal fans. The fans have special gas seals and are places on rolling benches which are internally treated with particular lining that guarantees complete water tightness. The station is structured so that aspirated gases are conveyed towards the energy recovery station and where the torch functions as the system’s discharge mechanism. The combustion torch is of a closed chamber type, suitable for high temperature combustion (1.000°C) and is composed of a refractory combustion chamber built from ceramic fibre or similar material. An energy recovery plant generally consists of: one or more endothermic engines, joined to a generator; thermal reactor for treatment of the emissions; B.T. / M.T. transformer; control station; transfer cabinet to the Public Network (ENEL). The energy recovery station is housed inside a container like structure, in conformity to the ISO standards. The parallel transformer equipment, for the transformation and distribution of electrical power to the national electric grid with the associated safety mechanisms are in accordance with public (ENEL) regulations and CEI legislation. The cogeneration unit motors and the associated electric cabinet with its components are also placed inside the container. The electrical components also include a grounding network for the dispersion of the atmospheric discharges.


Electric energy from biogas caption plants OLBIA, CASALE MONFERRATO, TRIVIGNANO UDINESE, GIOVINAZZO





Waste to Energy Plants

Waste to Energy Plants The technologies

Daneco Impianti is considered as one of the leaders in the construction and design of environmentally friendly technological solutions. This also applies to the Energy from Waste and Biomass sector, where Daneco Impianti incorporates the most advanced technologies available for the construction of power plants from municipal waste and /or solid biomass. The most critical sections of the plant (combustion and steam generation, energy production, flue gas treatment, supervision and control systems) incorporate technical solutions based on proven technologies already applied in other countries. Hereafter, the technological solutions normally used in the different sections of the plant are illustrated. These mainly refer to the following functional areas: FUEL RECEIPT SECTION from up: 1- * Details of Moederdijk Plant (NL) - axonometry 2 - Existing project. - Overall view of plant


Combustor The combustor, which is the heart of the waste-to-energy plant, is generally a moving grate type. This solution is suitable for all types of solid fuel, including residential, commercial and some types of industrial waste, as well as refuse derived fuel and various types of solid biomass. The technology is modular and can therefore be adapted to adequately respond to different needs. There are two types of technologies for grate combustors: conventional grate - Air - Cooled Grate; innovative grate - Water - Cooled Grate. The conventional Air-Cooled grate is used especially for fuels with a Low Heating Value (LHV) of between approx 7 to 14MJ/kg, whereas in the Water-Cooled grate configuration, these values can be potentially doubled. The second configuration is well suited for the treatment of the dry fractions produced by waste refining plants (including RDF production). Functionally, in the Water-Cooled grate, the primary air is used only for the waste drying and combustion, as opposed to the classic Air-Cooled grate, in which it also has a cooling effect on the fire-bars. The Water-Cooling solution allows for a better distribution of the undergrate primary air, which can be introduced only in function of the characteristics of the fuel, which in turn, leads to the optimization of the control mechanism of the combustion. The grate is fed through a hopper and a feeding chute which is cooled by a water jacket; a hydraulically controlled ram feeder transfers the fuel from the chute to the combustion grate. The grate consists of a series of elements (fire bars or plates, depending on whether it is a conventional grate or a WaterCooled grate) alternatively positioned on fixed and mobile

tiles. The specific movement of these elements encourages the material’s remixing and further progress. Upon combustion, the residues are unloaded and removed as slag by a wet extractor. The grate, which is subdivided into independent sections for fuel movement, has various designated areas for air injection and which are enclosed by the combustion chamber. Downstream of the latter, the flue gases enter the secondary combustion area, where they are subjected to a strong turbulent mixing process produced by the induction of a high speed air stream. This additional oxidation facilitates the completion of volatile fraction combustion as well as the thermal destruction of the organochlorinated micro-pollutants present in the gases. Regarding the combustor configuration, there are two types of solutions: adiabatic combustor; non-Adiabatic combustor. In the first type, the combustion chamber walls are completely made of refractory material in order to protect the external steel casing; this enables the temperature of the gases leaving the combustor to be close to the combustion temperature. This configuration provides a combustion chamber which is physically separated and independent from the steam generator, since it does not have “refractory� walls with internal water piping. For the second type, the walls of the combustion chamber contain water pipes protected by refractory material; this enables the heat transfer between these walls and the combustion gases. The temperature of the combustion gases decrease along the path from the area above the grate to the output section of the combustion chamber. * extracted photo from public files, relative to plants similar to those suggested by DANECO IMPIANTI and in line with the best European standards.


This configuration provides only one chamber in which two areas can be identified: the first, (combustion section) ends at the secondary air inlet; the second (post-combustion section) is located between the previous section and the transition zone, where the refractory coating ends and the bare walls begins. Both areas are perfectly integrated in the steam generator because the walls are water-cooled: hence the name “Integrated Boiler�. Combustion is controlled by a sophisticated control system which provides a high level of combustion efficiency, thus guaranteeing the complete thermal destruction of the burnable fraction. The system is characterized by total automation and performs data processing and modifications of process parameters without the need of operating staff. The system enables continuous verification of all the parameters connected to the combustion process: percentage of oxygen in the flue gases, steam flow rate, distribution between primary and secondary air, feeder strokes, speed of the grate sections movement, thickness of the fuel bed, residence time of slag in the discharging zone.

Steam generator

In the first configuration, the generator consists of ducts with convective bundles through which the flue gases flow vertically. Generally, these bundles are preceded by one or more vertical radiation passes which reduce the gases temperatures by exchange radiators located on the membrane walls. Both the radiation passes as well as the convective passes are enclosed by membrane walls with evaporative piping. The first convective bundle positioned in the direction of the gases is generally an evaporator and is called an protective bundle because it serves to equalize the flue gases temperature and it’s speed before the final superheater. The second bundle is the final superheater, set up mostly in a parallel flow, followed by the remaining superheaters in a countercurrent flow by one or more evaporation bundles and by the various economizer bundles. The interesting feature of the vertically configured generator is its low cost, due to the compactness and simplicity of the components under pressure. Its most critical feature is the cleaning of the bundles, which is achieved by soot blowers. Furthermore, the horizontal convective bundles cause a larger risk of fouling and difficulty in the extraction for maintenance purposes.

A heat recovery steam generator is situated next to the described combustors, in which the thermal content of the gases is used to produce superheated steam to be sent to the turbine. Standardized types of steam generators do not exist; every boiler is different, depending on the plant size, fuel properties and fixed steam parameters.

On the other hand, the horizontally configured generator has convective bundles arranged inside a horizontal duct. The convective pass is preceded by one or more empty radiation passes, as in the vertically configured generator.

The two types of steam generators used most frequently in these plants are: vertically configured steam generator; horizontally configured steam generator.

In a typically configuration, the horizontal convective pass is preceded by three radiant vertical passes: the combustion chamber, a second descending pass and a third newly ascending pass. Another configuration on the other hand may have only two radiant passes, ascending and descending: in this way, the convective pass is positioned much lower.

Technology for combustion and steam generation

Calculation of the heat exchange surface of the radiation passes are of great importance: by appropriately dimensioning, so that the temperature of the gases is of about 650°C before the protective evaporator. Then, this bundle is followed by superheaters, evaporators and economizers, appropriately calculated depending on the steam parameters and the temperature of the gases at the boiler outlet.

Thermal cycle and electricy pruduction

The horizontally configured generator is more expensive than the vertical one, but both the cleaning and the eventual replacement of the bundles are simplified. In particular, a system of hammers (rapping system), which axially hits the lower collectors of the harps is generally used for cleaning, obtaining excellent results.

Different turbines are employed depending on the utilization of the steam: backpressure (when it is important to provided district heating); condensation (mainly to produce electric energy). The condensation turbines are equipped with a water-cooled or air-cooled condenser; with equal enthalpy at input, the available enthalpic difference is proportional to that of the vacuum in the condenser; mixed for cogeneration (combined production of electrical energy and heat): one or more intermediate bleeding points on the backpressure or condensation turbine.

The steam generators follow the principle of natural circulation, which guarantees safe and controlled cooling of the heating surfaces in all the operating conditions and reduced thermal and mechanical wear of the boiler walls as well as of the risers and downcomers pipes. The design of a steam generator for waste-to-energy plants is influenced especially by high levels of fouling and acute corrosion phenomena of the materials, which are specific to these types of components. To reduce the effects of erosion, corrosion and high temperatures, the evaporative ducts forming the membrane walls of the combustion chamber are protected by a refractory coating (in particular high content silicon carbide tiles) characterized by a high thermal mechanic and chemical resistance. In the area where the walls are bare, even if the refractory coating isn’t necessary from a thermal point of view, a protective cladding in highly alloyed material (for example Inconel) is often required because of the risk of corrosion due to the presence of aggressive pollutants in the flue gases.

Electric energy is generated using the superheated steam produced in the boiler by a turbine coupled with an electrical generator. As noted, the steam turbine is a prime thermal engine which transforms the energy supplied by the expanding steam into mechanical energy.

To guarantee the continuous operation of the waste combustion system, even in the event of a breakdown of the turbogenerator group, turbine bypass stations are foreseen (as many as there are boilers) to reduce the steam pressure by sending it to the condenser. Modern technology provides the realization of plants with steam production at pressure levels of 40á50 bar or higher (even greater than 60 bar) resulting with a more efficient production of electric energy.


The production of electric energy depends on several factors: combustor and steam generator thermal efficiency; output Steam parameters (temperature and pressure) from the generator; input Feed-Water parameters (temperature and pressure) to the generator; degree of Vacuum in the condenser; optimization of the overall thermal cycle through regenerative recovery so as to increase efficiency. Typically, during the cycle some of the executed thermal recovery include: - combustion air or condensate preheating through exchangers positioned in the grate cooling circuit (in the case of water-cooled-grate); - combustion air and/or condensate preheating through steam heaters (from turbine bleeding); - preheating the Feed-Water and/or condensate through economizers external to the boiler and positioned on the flue gases line. As mentioned above, it is clear that there are several possible solutions and that the choices are influenced by the fuel type, the configuration of the pre-chosen systems and the total expected cost of realization.

Flue gases treatment systems The treatment of flue gases is clearly the section of the plant which in the last 10 years has undergone the most consistent innovations, due to the more and more restrictive emission limits: for that reason it has a significant role as per that of importance, size and not least that of cost. In relation to the standards and to the specific requests, different technologies for flue gas treatment are used.

Treatment technology is modular and consists of the following main components: electrostatic precipitator (for dust removal); reactor (dry or semidry absorber, spray dryer or conditioning tower); fabric filter (for dust removal such as filter-absorber); scrubber (single or double stage with injection of sodium hydroxide, lime slurry or dual alkali system); deNOx system thermal or catalytic. The modularity allows this equipment to be combined in various configurations, which can be identified according to 2 generic classifications: 1. Single stage systems (dedusting and contemporary removal of acid gases and micropollutants); 2. Double stage or multistage systems (separated dedusting and acid gases/micropollutant removal, in various options), further subdivided into the following types: dry Systems; semi-Dry Systems; hybrid Systems (Dry and Semi-Dry); wet Systems. DRY SYSTEMS: Dry Absorption System (DAS) The Dry Absorption System uses the Filtering and Absorption technology. A mixture of powdered calcium hydroxide and active carbons is injected into a reactor where it is dispersed homogenously into the gaseous stream. Downstream of the reactor, a fabric filter (FF) is positioned, where on its surface a cake of fine particles are deposited. Thanks to the close contact between this powder layer and the combustion gases, in this section the main processes or impurities removal take place: particulate filtration, termination of the acid gases absorption (through the reaction with calcium hy-

Technology for flue-gas treatment (for example dry system)

droxide and production of calcium salts) and adsorption of micropollutants (dioxins, furans and heavy metals). In order to optimize the calcium hydroxide efficiency, it is important to have a certain level of moisture on the filtering cake. Since water is not added in this type of system, the moisture content is controlled by the regulating of the temperature of the combustion gases. There are various systems for cooling the combustion gases: CTDAS (Conditioning Tower – DAS): the combustion gases are cooled by water injections through a refrigerated water spray. The water injection is regulated by the temperature value at the outlet of the conditioning tower; ECODAS (ECOnomizer-DAS): the combustion gases are cooled in an external economizer, where they transfer heat to the Feed-Water before the latter enters the boiler economizers. In this way, it is possible to recover further heat from the flue gases.

In this system, the suspension, consisting of water, lime and a recirculated product, is sprayed and injected into the header of an acid gases absorber. The slurry is atomized by double fluid spray nozzles or rotating disc atomizers. The SDA system has three main components: a primary deduster (cyclonic pre-separator or electrostatic precipitator), a spray absorber for acid gases and a final deduster (usually a fabric filter). There is also a system for slurry preparation (by water injection) and a mixing and dosing tank. HYBRID SYSTEMS (Dry/Semi-Dry) The Hybrid System is an evolution of the Dry System in which the conditioning unit is integrated into the same system. The process is based on absorption of acid gases through a dry absorbent containing lime or calcium hydroxide. The process is characterized by a high recycle ratio of the end product, which minimizes the use of the reagent.


The system consists of three main components: humidifier, reactor and fabric filter. As in any “dry” process, the key control parameter is the moisture content of the combustion gases in the reaction area. The relative moisture of the gases is increased by injecting water with the reagent; the reagent is humidified in the humidifier before its introduction into the flue gases.

These systems are different from Dry Systems since the reagent (always lime) is injected into the combustion gases in the form of a aqueous suspension and not as powder.

The novelty of this technology is that all the recirculated end product is subjected to humidification in the integrated humidifier, thus maximizing its efficiency.

The main Semi-Dry Systems are: SDA (Spray Drying Absorption)

After the reactor, the treated gases enter a fabric filter, where the same chemical-physical processes already described for the other “Dry” Systems occur.

Alternative to the systems which use calcium hydroxide, there are other Dry Systems which use sodium bicarbonate, with equipment and operating procedures very similar to the previous ones.


WET SYSTEMS The term “Wet� Systems are so nominated because absorption of the acid gases take place in a liquid environment. This operation is performed in the wet scrubber, an effective system for the removal of gases soluble in water. The principle consists of putting the gas which has to be removed in contact with a large water surface (achievable through small drops or thin films of water). Some acid gases are absorbed in pure water (as HC1); other gases need an alkaline treatment. Generally, the scrubber is made up of three sub-systems: quenching stage for cooling and saturation of the combustion gases; acid stage for selective absorption of HCI, HF, and HBr; alkaline stage for absorption of SO2 and the remaining HC1. After the quenching stage, the flue gas passes through a grate which guarantees a homogeneous flow through the scrubber, obtaining an excellent contact between gases and the liquid substance as a result. The washing liquid is sprayed directly into the gaseous current by nozzles positioned at the head of each of the two stages. The intermediate floor between the two stages effectively gathers the washing liquid from the first stage above, minimizing the pressure drops of the gases flowing from the lower stage. A mist reducer between each stage prevents the liquid from being pulled towards the next stage and the scrubber exit duct. This process is completed by final mist elimination before the treated gases pass to the next stage of purification.

The liquid effluent resulting from the wet process is purified by a dedicated water treatment system. Different configurations are also possible for the Wet Systems. Usually, the scrubber is positioned after a dedusting stage; the combination of an electrostatic precipitator and the wet scrubber is an ideal solution for mercury and dust separation and is an excellent solution for acid gases removal. From the operating point of view, the wet scrubber can work in different configurations: lime scrubber: first stage with water, followed by a lime slurry stage. The advantage of this system is the production of gypsum and insoluble calcium salts, which can be recycled or easily disposed as waste; naOH scrubber: first stage with water, followed by a second stage with sodium hydroxide. This system operates with a soluble salts solution (and not with a suspension of CaSO4 as in the lime scrubber) and with a compact and relatively less expensive reduction tower. However, a water treatment system is needed due to the production of process waters containing soluble salts (sulphites and sodium sulphates); dual alkali scrubber: this process combines the advantages of the two previous systems. The scrubber operates by extracting a solution of soluble sodium sulphate and, as an end product, also produces gypsum and calcium carbonate; these salts can be reused as inert materials for construction or can be disposed as wastes. The sodium hydroxide (absorption reagent for acid gases) is constantly regenerated in a water treatment process that uses hydrated lime and calcium carbonate as reagents.

Thermal cycle with turbogenerator for energy production






Reduction of nitrogen oxides Two systems for nitrogen oxides reduction can be used: SNCR (Selective Non Catalytic Reduction): is a process of thermal reduction that works with an ammonia or urea solution as a reducing agent. The reagent is injected directly into the terminal tract of the combustion chamber and reacts with the nitrogen oxides. In order to obtain an optimal distribution of the reagents, special injectors (working with compressed air or steam) are used; SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction): this technique incorporates the catalytic reduction of the nitrogen oxides through which it is possible to attain very small emission levels. The nitrogen oxides present in the combustion gases are reduced into nitrogen and water using a catalyst made of titanium dioxide and vanadium pentoxide and ammonia as a reducing agent. The gases pass through the catalytic reactor from the top towards the bottom. Every section of the catalyst has a soot blower which allows the active surfaces to remain free from dust deposits. The ammonia injection in the gaseous current is provided through a nozzle grid. There are three possible locations for placements of the DeNOx SCR reactor in the gas treatment line: high dust system: the reactor is positioned after the boiler or integrated into the boiler and operates directly on the combustion gases with high dust and acid gases concentrations. The reactor is positioned where the temperature range is optimal for the catalyst; low dust system: the reactor is positioned after the electrostatic precipitator, which removes a large fraction of the fly ashes;



tail end system: the reactor is positioned at the end of the flue gases treatment line, hence after the dust and acid gases removal. This system is used in the presence of pollutants (dust or acid gases) hazardous for the catalyst. It is often necessary to preheat the gases to an operating temperature before introducing it into the system.

Turnkey systems for environmental control Turnkey solutions can be provided for the atmospheric emissions control. In fact, by combining the various solutions described above, it is possible to design complete systems of environmental control (including the treatment of the end products) and to optimize the technological choices in order to satisfy various customer needs. Of the main systems, we can highlight: TC system (Total Cleaning): this system guarantees a highly effective emissions control through numerous sequential removal sections and consists of CTDAS or ECODAS, Wet Scrubber and SCR; other systems: the most recent proposals are characterized by the implementation of turnkey systems which combine simple and referenced technologies, and at the same time which are able to satisfy current laws. Possible system of this type are SNCR, CTDAS or ECODAS.


Waste to Energy and Biomass to Energy Plants Standard Plants

SUMMARY OF THE TECHNOLOGIES USED With reference to the different technologies, the standard plants are made up of the following main systems: grate Combustors: air-cooled grate (in the case of MSW) or water-cooled grate (in the case of RDF). The first one is generally used for LHV of between 7 and 14 MJ/kg while the second one is mainly for LHV in the range of 14÷21 MJ/kg; integrated boilers consisting of two or more radiation passes and one horizontal convection pass; the vertical passes include the combustion, post-combustion and evaporation sections and are made up of membrane water-piped walls, generally protected by refractory coating as far as the end of the post-combustion zone; the horizontal pass encloses the tube belts (EV/SH/ECO) and is almost entirely made of membrane walls (with the exception of the ECO zone, which is in metallic casing); “dry” flue gases treatment systems: ECODAS (External Economizer + Dry Absorption System) or CTDAS (Conditioning Tower + Dry Absorption System), essentially consisting of an electrofilter (optional), external economizer or conditioning tower, reactor and fabric filter. Based on the injection ‘in duct’ of lime (or bicarbonate) and active carbons (that induce acid gases absorption and micropollutants adsorption), the process has an efficiency depending on the moisture and temperature of the flue gases (which are continuously controlled);

Panorama of various plants: 1*. Amsterdam (NL) 2*. Brescia (I) 3*. Burgkirchen (D) 4*. Milano (I) 5*. Böblingen (D)

standard thermal cycles for energy recovery (steam at 40÷60 bar/400÷450 °C), with condensation turbine, air or water condenser and one or two condensate preheating exchanges: the first preheater uses the steam bleed from the turbine, the second one is positioned on the cooling circuit of the grates (in case of a water-cooled grate configuration).

* photo taken from public files, related to plants similar to those proposed by DANECO IMPIANTI and in line with the best European standards.

*Impianto di Moerdijk (NL) - Assonometria

THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS COMPLETE THE PLANTS: storage and movement of fuel and slag (by a Bridge-Crane with Grab); storage and movement of reagents and end products (by silos and conveyors);

Diagramma di combustione

thermal or catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides through injection of a urea/ammonia solution directly into the boiler (DeNOx SNCR) or downstream from the overall flue gases depollution system (DeNOx SCR with tail-end configuration); stabilization of the residues (boiler ashes and products from gas purification), that essentially is made by mixing of the latter with cement, silicate and water correctly dosed; so that the end products can be considered inert, that is enclosed within a material with low permeability and thus low eluates); mechanical auxiliaries (noise insulation, aeration and conditioning of the buildings, fire fighting, compressed air, back-up fuel, chemical dosing, water services, reuse of process water, etc.), electrical instruments (engines, boards, transformers, substations, emergency diesel engine, etc.) and instrumentation and control system (regulation valves, local instrumentation and PLCs, DCS, emissions analysis); civil works (foundations, concrete pits and other cement structures, buildings, curtain walls, streets, etc).

Schema di flusso generale di un termovalorizzatore


Project Financing Scheme








Financial considerations Waste-to-energy plants (called WtE) can be made up of one or more process lines (generally up to three) and investments may be characterized by a vast range of varying specific values. For example, for plants with thermal power (or gross electric power) between 50 and 200 MWt (or between 12 and 60 MWe) and with two process lines, the investment fluctuates between approx 0.75 M€/MWt (or 2.5 M€/MWe) for a large sized plants and 1.25 M€/MWt (or 5 M€/MWe) for those of a smaller size. Stronger savings are obtained only in the case of larger sized solutions.

*photo taken from public files, related to plants similar to those proposed by DANECO IMPIANTI and in line with the best European standards














Finally, regarding the operational costs and revenues, there are some factors that need to be taken into consideration. The annual operating costs (including costs for personnel, consumption of reagents, utilities, disposal of residues, maintenance and administration) generally vary between 50 and 75 €/t of incinerated fuel, with the following approximate breakdown in %: Operation and maintenance staff 15 Reagents (lime, active carbon, urea/ammonia, etc.) 10÷15 Utilities (auxiliary fuel, water, etc.) 5 Residues Disposal (slag and end products from gases treatment) 25÷35 Manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria 25÷30 Spese generali e amministrative 10

*Impianto di Amsterdam (NL) - Sezione

Block Diagram of a typical platform








P.C.I. tal quale (MJ/kg) Frazione combustibile (%) Umidità (%) Tenore di inerti (% sul secco) C H O N S CI

RSU 10.0 47.8 30.0 31.7 26.5 3.6 16.8 0.3 0.1 0.5

CDR 15.0 68.7 18.0 16.3 38.1 5.2 24.1 0.4 0.2 0.7

Densità apparente (Kg/m3)















The annual operating revenues are instead a function of the following variables: availability (h/y of actual operation); waste disposal fee (the so called tipping fee, in €/t); amount of waste to be treated (t/y), depending on the local production of the considered area, generally included between 100.000 and 1.000.000 t/y of MSW; power Rate Sales Tariff for electric energy (€/MWh); net electric output (MWe), evaluated on the basis of gross electrical efficiency (in the range of 24÷32 %) and of plant internal consumption (generally equal to 12÷16 % of the electrical energy produced); electric energy sold to the power grid (MWh/y), depending on the previous point and the plant availability.

*Impianto di Milano “Silla 2” (I) - Sezione

On the basis of what is stated above and defined by the following parameters: period of plant operation, between 15 and 20 years; internal rate of return (IRR), in the range of 10÷18%; power Rate Sales Tariff for electric energy based on incentives (Green Certificates) for 50% of the total incinerated waste. It can be stated, that in case of Project Financing initiatives, the tipping fee is of about 70÷130 €/t, (in function of the treated amounts). For the biomass-to-energy plants (BtE), which foresee the utilization of identical technological systems but are less onerous (in terms of dimensions, engineering solutions, materials used), the corresponding values of the plant investment can be reduced to about 1/3 and operating costs to approx 40%. Furthermore, thanks to the full incentives, with an equal electric output, BtE plants have larger revenues from electric energy. On the other hand, revenues from tipping fee are negative because they represent the costs of the fuel supply.


Waste to Energy and Biomass to Energy Plants Gasification Plants

Schema di processo








DANECO IMPIANTI offers a sustainable solution for waste treatment and energy production. The proposed solution is characterized by: flexibility in the fuel mix composition; excellent control of the thermal conversion process; low atmospheric emission levels compared to those outlined in the European Community Directive 2000/76/EU for waste incineration; plants composed of standard modules, with maximization of the realization time and costs; reduced need for space, the possible to locate the plant near a fuel production facility, reducing both the logistical and infrastructural costs to the minimum. The thermal conversion is executed in two stages: Drying, pyrolysis and gasification of the fuel occur in the gasification unit. The oxidation completion is facilitated by a multiple injections of air and recirculated gas into the oxidation unit at high temperatures.

from up: 1 - Axonometric view of a Gasification plant 2/3/4 - Several views of Scandinavian plants

The gasification unit is equipped with an oil-cooled horizontal grate, divided into several separate sections, each one with an independent system of air supply. A water-cooled guillotine valve is installed at the entrance of the gasification unit to control the thickness of the fuel bed. A hydraulically actuated feeder assures the feeding of fuel to the grate. In order to guarantee uniformity, the handling system is designed so that along with the longitudinal transport, excellent local mixing of the fuel is also executed during transport.

Axonometric view of a Gasification plant

Dedicated software controls the flow of feeding to the gasification unit as well as transport along the grate. The gasification slag is unloaded and cooled in a tank, then at regular intervals, it is transferred to an appropriate landfill by truck. The injection of air and recirculated gas through correctly distributed nozzles in the high temperature oxidation chamber guarantees temperature control and complete the oxidation of the syngas coming from the gasification unit. During the start-up and stopping phases and with low thermal loads, auxiliary burners are used; the burners guarantee a minimum temperature of 850째C in the oxidation chamber when the plant is operating (conditions under reduced load and/or low LHV of the waste). The flue gases pass from the high temperature oxidation chamber to the thermal recovery system (steam generation section), that is very similar to that as described for waste-toenergy plants.

In particular: the existing plants are commercially successful; The production activities located in close proximity, benefit from a reliable heat and energy source at low costs; the recovered energy reduces CO2 emissions; the emissions are substantially reduced and in particular those of NOx, which are clearly under the European limits without the use of any DeNOx system; the plume is practically invisible, thanks to a dry flue gas treatment system; the modularity of the plants makes the construction and also the initial investment very flexible; the gasifiers can be fed with various types of material, such as, RDF, MSW, biomass, etc.; dimensions of the buildings are small and the visual impact is reduced.

This similarity is also valid for the other systems which complete the plant.

The proposed technology also has the following advantages: low investments, low operating and maintenance costs; short construction and start-up timeframes; minimum environmental impact; highly integrated in the territory.

The proposed gasifiers are very compact and versatile (they can be of different types and power); as a result, it is possible to build them directly where they are needed, thus reducing costs and pollution caused by transportation. Moreover, this technology is an efficient system for the exploitation of waste and biomass energy potential.

With reference to the atmospheric emissions, the process is characterized by: low unburnt level in the residues; efficient removal of the organic components; reduced and constant CO and NOx emissions; very low dioxins emissions.


Waste to Energy and Biomass to Energy Plants


Developed Projects


SOMMATINO (CL) - 2007 The waste-to-energy plant was designed to treat approx. 125.000 t/y (375 t/d) of wood biomass with LHV of approx 11,5 MJ/kg to the Maximum Continuous Rate (MCR). The layout was based on one process line consisting of the following main sections: combustion system (Air-cooled moving grate) with a capacity of 16 t/h and thermal capacity of 50 MWt; steam generation system (horizontally configured integrated boiler), able to produce approx 55 t/h of superheated steam at 55 bar/ 450 °C; flue Gases treatment system (Dry System + thermal DeNOx–SNCR type), designed to treat approx 100.000 Nm3/h - emission limits in accordance with Legislative Decree 152/2006; energy recovery system (thermal cycle), including steam turbogenerator group of approx. 13,5 MWe and air condenser.

Panorama of various plants: 1 - Sommatino 2 - Arezzo 3 - Lecce 4 - Catania

Based on fuel availability and subsequent thermal and electrical power potential of the plant, an economical evaluation was performed so as to determine the average cost applicable to the total amount of biomass that has to be processed (125.000 t/y). A financial investment period of 14 years (2 for construction and 12 for operation) was assumed. The total investment was estimated to be around 40 M€. The total operating costs were estimated at approx 9,5 M€/y and included the cost for the supply of Biomass materials, which were calculated on the basis of an average value equal

Block Diagram the Ottanan Plant








































IN THE TABLE BELOW A SUMMARY THE MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC DATA ARE SHOWN. to 40€/t and of a total annual quantity equal to 125.000 t. Operating revenues have been estimated based on sales of electric energy, with the implementation of Green Certificate incentives (GC) and the application of the relative tariffs for annual sales of approx 90.000 MWh. The financial structure was determined in accordance with the standards normally required by the credit market for financing of investments according to the Project Financing scheme. In this context, a balanced mix between private capital and bank loan is required, with the foreseen involvement of the shareholders of the Project Company estimated to be about 20% of the financial requirements generated by the investment. From the above, an I.R.R. (Internal Rate of Return) of over 10% was obtained, calculated on the operating cash flow before taxes.

Combustibile in ingresso Disponibilità minima P.C.I. medio del combustibile Potenzialità termica in ingresso Potenza elettrica netta in uscita Residui totali a discarica Investimento complessivo Costi di gestione complessivi Ricavi da energia elettrica (con CV)

t/a h/a MJ/kg MWt MWe t/a M€ M€/a M€/a

125.000 8.000 11,5 50,0 11,2 7.000 40 9,5 16,5

OTTANA (NU) - 2006 The integrated thermal station (ITS) of the Ottana plant had two sections for power generation from 2 types of fuel materials; the power split was defined on the basis of the total available fuel amount, equal to 225.000 t/y of dry fraction from Municipal solid waste (MSW) and 135.000 t/y of solid wood biomass.


Therefore the following is to be provided:





Quantità di combustibile Disponibilità minima Tipologia del combustibile Capacità di combustione Potere calorifico del combustibile Potenzialità termica Portata fumi uscita caldaia Temperatura fumi uscita caldaia Produzione vapore

2x112.500 7.500 Sovvalli 2x15 14,4 2x60 2x110.000 190 2x68

135.000 7.500 Biomasse 18 12,0 60 120.000 190 65


t/a h/a t/h MJ/kg MWt Nm3/h °C t/h

48 180 340.000

for the waste-to-energy section of the dry fraction: 201 two process lines with CONDIZIONI VAPORE PRODOTTO: capacity and thermal power pressione bar 52 60 respectively equal to 15 t/h temperatura °C 410 450 and 60 MWt each, equipped Temperatura acqua di alimento °C 140 140 with a combustion system Potenza turboalternatore MWe 31 16 47 (water-cooled moving grate), Potenza netta cedibile MWe 40 steam generator (horizontally Quantità max di residui t/a 90.000 configured integrated boiler) Investimento complessivo M€ 235 and flue gases treatment (dry Costi di gestione complessivi M€/a 30,0 type with catalytic DeNOxRicavi da energia elettrica (con CV) M€/a 52,5 SCR in tail-end); instead, Ricavi da conferimento frazione secca M€/a 22,5 energy production is concentrated in a thermal cycle common to the 2 lines, with a 31 MWe turboBecause of the possibility of supplying steam and other utilalternator; ities to the neighbouring industrial users in the Industrial Agfor the biomass-to-energy section: one line with a glomerate of Ottana, the project considers, as an option, the capacity of 18 t/h and thermal power equal to 60 MWt, possibility to include in the ITS a series of auxiliary services equipped with a combustion system (air-cooled grate), designated for such purpose. steam generator (integrated boiler, including DeNOx Therefore, the economic and financial plan also takes into SNCR) and flue gases treatment (fabric filter + injection consideration a variant of the original plan which contemof alkaline reagents); energy production is realized plates the simulation of the economic effect brought about through a thermal cycle independent from the previous by the sale of steam and other utilities to the final tipping fee one, with a 16 MWe turbo-alternator; of the dry fraction. for the solid residues disposal: one service landfill with total volume of approx 2.200.000 m3, designed to Regarding the Power Rate Sales Tariff for the sales of electric energy and the subsequent definition of the fee for the dry receive combustion slag, boiler ashes and the residual fraction disposal, the following issue must be specified. end products from the flue-gas treatment. Taking into account the hypothesized dry fraction characteristics, (LHV on average of 14.000 kJ/kg, with minimal values of about 12.000 kJ/kg but with peaks of about 18.000 kJ/kg), whether the material originates from selected waste collection or pre-selection plants, it was assumed that such

The Arezzo Plant

flow of materials fall within the waste category for which the European hierarchy of waste treatment and therefore it belongs to the list shown in the Decree 5/05/2006, Attachment 1, Sub Attachment A (Specification of waste and refuse derived fuel eligible to the legal regime reserved for renewable sources). On the basis of such an assumption, taking into account the total supplied fuel (360.000 t/y) and the subsequent thermal and electrical capacity of the ITC, an economic-financial evaluation was performed to determine the fee applicable to the dry fraction delivered at the technological centre (225.000 t/y). A financial plan of 27 years (3 for construction and 24 of operation) was envisioned. The total cost of investment for the described plants was estimated to be that of 235 M€. The total costs of operations, including the utilities costs, were estimated to be that of 30 M€/y. The operating revenues were formed on the basis of three revenue types: sale of Electric Energy, based on the mechanism of Green Certificate incentives (GC) and on the application of the relative tariffs to the annual sales of approx 300.000 MWh; dry fraction disposal, calculated on an average fee of approx 100 €/t and on the annually delivered quantity, equal to 225.000 t; utilities sale (optional), such as steam, air, nitrogen and water, in various characteristics and quantities, based on the unit fee in force in the Industrial Agglomerate of Ottana.

The financial structure was defined in accordance with the standards normally required by the credit market for financing investments according to Project Financing scheme. In this context, a balance mix between private capital and required bank loan with the involvement of the Project Company shareholders estimated at about 20% of the financial requirements generated by the investment. From the above, an I.R.R. (Internal Rate of Return) of over 10% was obtained, calculated on the operating cash flow before taxes.

AREZZO - 2005 The new Waste-to-Energy line was designed to treat 120.000 t/y (384 t/d) of fuel with LHV of approx 12,6 MJ/kg at the Maximum Continuous Rate (MCR). The plant layout was actualized on two process lines, of which a ‘new line’ consists of the following main sections: combustion system (partially water-cooled moving grate) with a capacity of 16 t/h and a thermal capacity of approx 56 MWt; steam generation system (horizontally configured integrated boiler), able to produce approx 64 t/h of superheated steam at 40 bar / 400 °C; flue-gas treatment system (Dry System + thermal DeNOx–SNCR type), designed to treat approx 110.000 Nm3/h – emission limits in accordance with Directive 2000/76/EU; energy recovery system (thermal cycle), including steam turbogenerator of approx 14 MWe and air condenser. Based on the supplied fuel and the subsequent thermal-electric potential of the plant, an economic and financial esti-


mation was carried out to determine the average fee applicable to the total amount of material delivered to the system (120.000 t/y). A financial plan of 17,5 years (2.5 for construction and 15 of operation) was assumed. The total cost of investments, for the new line as described above, was estimated to be at about 65 M€. The total costs of operations for the new line were estimated to be at about 6.5 M€/y. The operating revenues of the new line were formed on the basis of two revenue types: sale of Electric Energy, based on the mechanism of Green Certificate incentives (GC) and on the application of the relative tariffs to the annual sale of about 90.000MWh; material Delivery, calculated on an average fee of about 75 €/t and on an annually delivered quantity of 120.000 tons. The financial structure was defined in accordance with the standards normally required by the credit market for financing investments, according to Project Financing scheme. In this context, a balance mix between private capital and bank loan is required with the involvement of the Project Company shareholders estimated at about 20% of the financial requirements generated by the investment. From the above, an I.R.R. (Internal Rate of Return) of over 15% was obtained, calculated on the operating cash flow before taxes.

IN THE TABLE BELOW A SUMMARY WITH THE MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC DATA OF THE AREZZO PLANT IS SHOWN. Combustibile conferito alla nuova linea Disponibilità minima P.C.I. del combustibile Potenzialità termica in ingresso Potenza elettrica netta in uscita Residui totali a discarica Investimento complessivo Costi di gestione complessivi Ricavi da energia elettrica (con CV) Ricavi da conferimento del combustibile

t/a h/a MJ/kg MWt MWe t/a M€ M€/a M€/a M€/a

120.000 7.500 12,6 56,0 12,0 30.000 65 6,5 11,5 9,0

ABBIATEGRASSO (MI) - 2005 The Waste-to-Energy plant was designed to treat 33.000 t/y (about 100 t/d) of fuel with LHV of about 11 MJ/kg at MCR. The layout was developed on one process line consisting of: pyrolysis/gasification and oxidation system, with a capacity of about 4,5 t/h and a thermal capacity of 13,5 MWt; steam generation system, able to produce about 16 t/h of superheated steam at 35 bar / 350 °C; flue-gas treatment system (Dry System + thermal DeNOx–SNCR type), designed to treat about 30.000 Nm3/h – emissions in accordance with Directive 2000/76/EU; energy recovery system (thermal cycle), including steam turbogenerator of about 3 MWe and air condenser.

The Lecce Plant

IN THE TABLE BELOW A SUMMARY WITH THE MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC DATA OF THE ABBIATEGRASSO PLANT IS SHOWN. Combustibile conferito all’impianto Disponibilità minima P.C.I. medio del combustibile Potenzialità termica in ingresso Potenza elettrica netta in uscita Residui totali a discarica Investimento complessivo Costi di gestione complessivi Ricavi di gestione complessivi

t/a h/a MJ/kg MWt MWe t/a M€ M€/a M€/a

33.000 7.500 11,0 13,5 2,3 8.000 24,0 3,0 6,5

A financial horizon of 26 years (2 for construction and 24 of operation) was assumed. The total value of investment was estimated at around 24 M€. The total operation costs were estimated at about 3 M€/y. The operating revenues were of 2 types: electric energy sale, based on the mechanism of the Green Certificate incentives (GC) and on the application of the relative tariffs to the annual sale of about 17.500 MWh; waste delivery, calculated on an average fee of about 130 €/t and on an annual delivered quantity of 33.000 tons. From the above, an I.R.R. (Internal Rate of Return) of over 10% was obtained, calculated on the operating cash flow before taxes.

LECCE - 2004 The Waste-to-Energy plant was designed to treat 33.000 t/y (about 100 t/d) of fuel with LHV of about 11 MJ/kg at Maximum Continuous Rate (MCR). The layout was developed on two process lines, each one consisting of: combustion system (water-cooled moving grate) with a capacity of 13.5 t/h and a thermal capacity of 42,5MWt; steam generation system (horizontally configured integrated boiler), able to produce about 50 t/h of superheated steam at 52 bar / 410 °C; flue-gas treatment system (Dry System + thermal DeNOx–SNCR type), designed to treat about 80.000 Nm3/h –emissions in accordance with Directive 2000/76/ EU; energy recovery system (thermal cycle) is instead concentrated in a system common to the 2 lines and includes a 23 MWe steam turbogenerator. Based on the supplied fuel and subsequent thermal-electric power of the plant, an economic-financial estimation was performed to define the average fee applicable to the total amount of delivered material (202.500 t/y). A financial horizon of 17,5 years (2,5 for construction and 15 of operation) was assumed. The total value of investment for the described plant was estimated at around 100 M€. The total operation costs were estimated at about 15 M €/y.


Site Plan of the technological platform

IN THE TABLE BELOW A SUMMARY WITH THE MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC DATA OF THE LECCE PLANT IS SHOWN. Combustibile conferito all’impianto Disponibilità minima P.C.I. del combustibile Potenzialità termica in ingresso Potenza elettrica netta in uscita Residui totali a discarica Investimento complessivo Costi di gestione complessivi Ricavi da energia elettrica (con CV) Ricavi da conferimento dei materiali

t/a h/a MJ/kg MWt MWe t/a M€ M€/a M€/a M€/a

202.500 7.500 11,3 85,0 20,0 65.000 100 15,0 20,0 15.0

There are two types of operation revenues: electric energy sales, based on the mechanism of Green Certificate incentives (GC) and on the application of the relative tariffs to the annual sale of about 150.000 MWh; material delivery, calculated on an average fee of about 75 €/t and on an annual delivered quantity of 202.500 tons. The financial structure was defined in accordance with the standards normally required by the credit market for financing investments, according with the Project Financing scheme. In this context, a balance mix between private capital and bank loan is required with the involvement of the Project Company shareholders estimated at about 20% of the financial requirements generated by the investment. From the above, an I.R.R. (Internal Rate of Return) of over 10% was obtained, calculated on the operating cash flow before taxes.

SOFIA - BG - 2003 The feasibility study refers to the construction and operation of a technological platform which would create a chain of treatment and recovery of municipal waste produced in Sofia, organized as follow: mechanical selection plants, with a capacity of about 1.000 t/d of MSW, for the separation of the dry fraction from the wet fraction (destined to other purposes). The plant is based on 2 process lines, consisting of the following sections: receipt, storage and handling, shredding, screening, iron and inert separation, waste and residues transport; waste-to-Energy plant: energy recovery from MSW and/or RDF. The plant is developed on 2 process lines, each one equipped with a combustion system (air-cooled moving grate) of 12,5 t/h and 28 MWt, steam generator (horizontally configured integrated boiler) of 33 t/h at 46 bar / 400 °C and flue-gas treatment (Dry System, including DeNOx-SNCR) with a capacity of 60.000 Nm3/h; energy production instead is concentrated in a thermal cycle common to both lines, with a 14 MWe turbogenerator, that can operates in CHP configuration (combined production of heat and power - 10 MWe and 22 MWt); service landfill with a total volume of about 4.000.000 m3, for the disposal of the residues deriving from the two plants (about 200.000 m3/y). The Waste-to-Energy plant was designed to treat about 190.000 t/y (600 t/d) of fuel with LHV equal to 8 MJ/kg at the MCR.

The Paterno Plant

Based on the supplied fuel and of the subsequent thermalelectric capacity of the plant, an economic and financial estimation was performed to define the average fee applicable to the total amount of material disposed in the technological pole (315.000 t/y). A financial horizon of 22 years (2 for construction and 20 of operation) was assumed. The total value of investment was estimated at around 115 M€. The total operation costs were estimated at about 14 M€/y. The operating revenues are of two types: electric energy sales, based on the application of local tariffs to the annual sale of about 90.000 MWh; material disposal, calculated on an average fee of about 85 €/t and on an annual delivered quantity of 315.000 tons. The financial structure was defined in accordance with the standards normally required by the credit market for financing investments, according with the Project Financing scheme. From the above, an I.R.R. (Internal Rate of Return) of over 15% was obtained, calculated on the operating cash flow before taxes.

IN THE TABLE BELOW A SUMMARY WITH THE MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC DATA OF THE SOFIA PLATFORM IS SHOWN. RSU conferiti al polo tecnologico FSC al termovalorizzatore Disponibilità minima P.C.I. minimo del combustibile Potenzialità termica in ingresso Potenza elettrica netta in uscita Scarti della selezione Residui della termovalorizzazione Residui totali a discarica Investimento complessivo Costi di gestione complessivi Ricavi da energia elettrica Ricavi da conferimento RSU

t/a t/a h/a MJ/kg MWt MWe t/a t/a t/a M€ M€/a M€/a M€/a

315.000 190.000 7.500 8 56 12 125.000 65.000 190.000 115 14,0 7,5 26,5

CATANIA/MESSINA - 2002 The integrated system of Messina-Catania is placed at the service of 7 adjacent ATO (Ambiti Territoriali Ottimali), situated in the North-East of Sicily; the territory has a total surface of about 10.000 km2, includes 150 municipalities and, according to statistics of the year 2000, it has a residential population of about 1.3000.000 inhabitants and a waste production equal to 687.500 t/y. The plant description shown below is the one presented for approval with the Final Project in November 2005.



Portata P.C.I. Potenza termica

t/h kJ/kg MWt


Portata P.C.I. Potenza termica

t/h kJ/kg MWt


Produzione vapore Temperatura del vapore surriscaldato Pressione del vapore surriscaldato Potenza elettrica lorda Autoconsumi totali Rendimento al netto degli autoconsumi Produzione scorie Produzione ceneri inertizzate

The proposed system consists of four functionally interconnected subsystems: four plants for collection and pretreatment of the material delivered from the municipalities through an existing widespread network of collection; there are 2 types of structures: - two transfer stations, or rather plants aimed at receiving the MSW delivered by the municipalities and loading them onto large capacity trucks, suitable for the MSW transport in a compact form over long distances; the current location is expected to be at the municipalities of S.Agata di Militello in ATO ME1 and Messina in ATO ME3. - two selection and biostabilization plants which will receive the MSW whether directly from the ATO’s municipalities or from the 2 transfer stations. In accordance with the Final Project, these plants will be located in the municipality of Catania, in ATO CT4 (1 selection plant with 2 process lines), and of Mazzarrà S.Andrea, in ATO ME2 (1 selection plant with 2 process lines); a Waste to Energy plant for the production of electric energy from the dry fraction, located in the Municipality of Paternò (ATO CT3), with the possibility of a system for end products stabilization on site; a landfill located in Paternò, designed for the disposal of residues and end-products coming from Waste to Energy, selection and biostabilization plants; transport management system for the handling of waste and material circulating in the integrated system.



18,0 12.500 62,5

54.0 12.500 187,5



16,2 12.000 54,0

48.6 12.000 162,0 3 LINEE

kg/h °C bar a MW MW % % %

219.600 450 60 53,8 6,8 25,0 19 10

The design of the Waste-to-Energy plant provides the possibility to incinerate 405.000 t/y in 7.500 h/y at the conditions of Maximum Continuous Rate – MCR (18 t/h per line of fuel with LHV equal to 3.000 kcal/kg), However, an additional mechanical capacity of 10% more than MCR condition is provided: this over-capacity enables the disposal of greater fuel quantities in case the waste LHV is lower than the design value; in this way the maximum thermal capacity can be reached also with a dry fraction having a LHV of 2.700 kcal/kg, against the 3.000 kcal/kg of the project. The landfill is subdivided into 2 separate basins, respectively destined to the disposal of waste coming from selection and biostabilization plants and of the residues originated by Wasteto-Energy plants (combustion slag and stabilized ashes). The project provides a total useful capacity of the landfill equal to about 6.000.000 m3. In general, the Integrated System architecture is characterized by the modularity of the single subsystems and by the presence of back-up systems necessary for the strategic machineries belonging to each system; so operation reliability and availability of the whole plant are assured, as well as a high continuity of operation.

ATO ME1 61.042


METALLI 19.809




Block Diagram the Paterno Plant

5.80% 57.51% FRAZIONE SECCA 196.414



FR. UMIDA 125.307

ATO ME3 135.914


FOS 97.302


60% 26.655



20.22 SCORIE 80.810


40% 17.770


METALLI 20.061


ATO CT1 67.637

58.76% FRAZIONE SECCA 203.239 399.653









FR. UMIDA 122.580


ATO CT3 178.571

Below a summary of the principal choices of this type is reported: the transfer stations are designed on 2 independent lines; so that service may be guaranteed even in the event of break down of some equipment being part of the overall system; there are 2 selection plants and they consist of 2 lines; the Waste-to-Energy plant is formed by 3 equal and independent lines, both in the combustion and thermal recovery section (combustor and boiler) and in the fluegas treatment section; only the energy recovery section is a single line, but reliability and availability are guaranteed by the presence of back-up for the feeding pumps of the boiler and for the turbine bypass system, which enables to carry out maintenance of the turboalternator without shutting down the plant. In order to fulfil the duties set out by the Convention with the Region of Sicily, the Project Company has provided the following types of contracts: Two EPC contracts for construction of the plants (EPC 1 and 2); One contract for operation and maintenance of the plants (O&M). Contract EPC 1 is related to the turn-key supply of the following plants: 2 transfer stations in S.Agata di Militello and Messina; 2 selection and treatment plants, one in Mazzarrà S. Andrea and the other one in Catania; 1 Landfill realized inside the technological platform of Paternò.


FOS 94.218



Contract EPC 2 is related to the turnkey supply of the following plant: waste to Energy plant to be realized on the technological platform of Paternò. The O&M contract is related to the operation of all the plants being part of the Integrated System and its internal transport service. In addition, there are another 2 contracts for the management of the projects: a owner’s engineering contract, limited to the pre-selection and Waste-to-Energy plants; a contract, during the construction phase of the Waste-to-Energy plant, intended to guarantee maximum operability in terms of lay-out (easiness of access to the components) and reliability of equipment and components (choice of materials and relative maintenance). In relation to the economic-financial plan (EFP), the main assumptions are: Time of construction. For pre-treatment plants, according with the contractual documents of EPC 1, the terms considered in the EFP are equal to 16 month (as it is necessary to obtain the provisional acceptance of the plants). Regarding the WtE construction time, it is aligned with the relative EPC 2 contract and is equal to 32 months, period before which the plant will be running under normal conditions (Certificate of Provisionary Acceptance).


Longitudinal Diagram the Paterno Plant

Construction costs. Construction costs provided in the 2005 EFP (shown in the table below) relate to the abovementioned contracts and also include the cost for the various works required by the Governmental Authority (recommendations reported on the Authorization Acts). DESCRIZIONE


N° 2 Stazioni di trasferenza RSU N° 2 Impianti di pre-trattamento RSU N° 1 Impianto di termovalorizzazione FSC N° 1 Discarica di servizio Altri oneri (costi di sviluppo, acquisto terreni, opere addizionali) Costi finanziari (consulenze, costi di start-up, post-chiusura)

ca. ca. ca. ca. ca. ca.

5 90 200 30 45 30

Totale Project Cost

ca. 400

Operating costs. Concerning the operating costs for the 2005, the values are reported in the table below (they refer to a total quantity of managed waste equal to 687.500 t/y). DESCRIZIONE


N° 2 Stazioni di trasferenza RSU N° 2 Impianti di pre-trattamento RSU N° 1 Impianto di termovalorizzazione FSC N° 1 Discarica di servizio Trasporti del sistema (RSU/FSC/residui, ecc.)

ca. ca. ca. ca. ca.

2 9 20 4 10

Totale Operation & Maintenance



Waste disposal revenues. The waste amount assumed is of about 687.500 t/y, corresponding to that indicated by the Convention. The provided tariffs, equal to about 72 €/t, is aligned with the provisions of the Convention (2003 data).

Revenues from electric energy production. The provided electric energy is equal to about 375.000 MWh/y, corresponding to a production sellable with CIP 6/92 fee equal to about 50 MWe per 7.500 h/y. These values are in line with the contractual documents and with the internal consumption level indicated in the Preliminary Agreement signed with the GSE (ex GRTN). The sales fee is estimated according to the usual criteria, with a correction coefficient over time on the basis of the inflation rate. Regarding authorizing aspects and appropriateness to the environmental standards, the main procedures dispatched were the following: VIA procedure (Environmental Impact Evaluation) for the plants constituting the Integrated System; authorization for plants atmospheric emissions; authorization for construction and operation of the plants. With regard to the above, we point out that: VIA procedure concluded positively; the nominated Commission performed the analysis and confirmed the acceptation of the Integrated System, albeit providing some recommendations; all the authorizations provided in Articles 6 and 7 of the DPR 203/88 for the pre-treatment plants of Mazzarrà S. Andrea and Catania and for the Paternò Waste to Energy plant, were issued. from the authorizations point of view, the permissions issues were concluded, since the authorizations for construction and operation Ex Article 27 and 28 of Legislative Decree 22/97 (ord no. 183 of 1/3/05) and ex Article 208 of Leg Dec 152/06 (ord no 483 of 22/5/06) were obtained.

Alzata dell’impianto di Paternò

the most important measures for mitigation and compensation of the environmental impact were the detailed design of the location and the accurate design of the plants, already provided by the project, by the Environmental Impact Study and by the Environmental Effects Evaluation, which produced positive results with regard to the environmental compatibility of the Integrated Waste Management System described above. Finally, at the beginning of 2007, the requests of integrated environmental authorization (A.I.A in the Italian acronym) for each plant were presented, in accordance with Legislative Decree 59/2005. The preliminary examination related to the above-mentioned request of A.I.A. started in 2008.

SASSARI - 2002 The Waste-to-Energy plant was designed to treat 150.000 t/y (480 t/d) of fuel with LHV of about 12,5 MJ/kg at the MCR. The layout was developed on two process lines, each one made up of: moving grate combustion system (water-cooled) with capacity of 10 t/h and thermal capacity of about 35 MWt; steam generation system (integrated boiler), able to produce about 40 t/h of superheated steam at 46 bar / 400 °C; flue-gas treatment system (Dry System + DeNOx– SNCR), designed to treat about 65.000 Nm3/h – emissions in accordance with Directive 2000/76/ EU

Energy recovery (thermal cycle) is instead concentrated in a system common to the 2 lines and includes a 18 MWe steam turbogenerator. A financial horizon of 17,5 years (2,5 for construction and 15 of operation) was assumed. The total value of investment was estimated at 85 M€. The total operation costs were estimated at 9,5 M€/y. The operation revenues are of 2 types: electric energy sales, based on the mechanism of Green Certificate incentives (GC) and on the application of tariffs relative to the annual sale of 105.000 MWh; material disposal, calculated on an average fee equal to 95 €/t and on an annual delivered quantity of about 150.000 tons. From the above, an I.R.R. (Internal Rate of Return) of over 15% was obtained, calculated on the operating cash flow before taxes. IN THE TABLE BELOW A SUMMARY WITH THE MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC DATA OF THE SASSARI PLANT IS SHOWN. Combustibile conferito all’impianto Disponibilità minima P.C.I. del combustibile Potenzialità termica in ingresso Potenza elettrica netta in uscita Residui totali a discarica Investimento complessivo Costi di gestione complessivi Ricavi di gestione complessivi

t/a h/a MJ/kg MWt MWe t/a M€ M€/a M€/a

150.000 7.500 12,5 70,0 14,0 45.000 85,0 9,5 27,5


Waste to Energy and Biomass to Energy Plants

ITALY 2008

Block Diagram of the plant Italy 2008

Existing projects

SOUTH ITALY – 2008 The Waste-to-Energy plant was designed to treat about 180.000 t/y of untreated biomass with LHV of about 11,5 MJ/kg at the MCR.

Above: General layout of the plant Right: Panorama of the plant Below: General flow chart of the plant

The layout was developed on one line with capacity of around 23,5 t/h and thermal power equal to 75 MWt, equipped with a combustion system (vibrating or moving grate), steam generation (high performance integrated boiler, including DeNOx-SNCR) and flue-gases treatment (filtration + injection of alkaline reagent); the energy production is maximized by a high efficient thermal cycle, with a 23 MWe turboalternator.

ITALY 2009

Block Diagram of the plant Italy 2008


















ITALY - 2009







Each Waste to Energy line is designed to treat 30.000 ÷ 45.000 t/y (100÷150 t/d) of fuel with LHV of 10 ÷ 15 MJ/kg. The layout was developed on 1 or 2 process lines, each one made up of: a pyrolysis/gasification system and oxidation at high temperature, with a capacity of 4 ÷ 6 t/h and thermal power of 13,5 ÷ 20 MWt; steam generation system, able to produce 14,5 ÷ 22 t/h of superheated steam at 40 bar / 380 °C; dry flue-gas treatment system, designed to treat 30.000 ÷ 45.000 Nm3/h - emissions in accordance with Directive 2000/76/EU; energy recovery system, including a 3÷4,5 MWe steam turbogenerator and air condenser.

SI RIPORTA DI SEGUITO UN PROSPETTO RIEPILOGATIVO DEI PRINCIPALI DATI TECNICI DEGLI IMPIANTI Tipologia impianto Quantità di combustibile Disponibilità minima impianto Tipologia del combustibile Capacità di combustione Potere calorifico medio Potenzialità termica Portata fumi uscita caldaia Temperatura fumi uscita caldaia Produzione vapore

1.1 t/a h/a t/h MJ/kg MWt Nm3/h °C t/h

2.1 30.000 7.500 Sovvalli 4 12 13,5 30.000 180 14,5

1.2 45.000 7.500 Sovvalli 6 12 20 45.000 180 22

2.2 60.000 7.500 Sovvalli 8 12 27 60.000 180 29

90.000 7.500 Sovvalli 12 12 40 90.000 180 44

bar °C °C MWe MWe t/a

40 380 105 3,0 2,5 6.000

40 380 105 4,6 3,8 9.000

40 380 105 6,3 5,3 12.000

40 380 105 9,6 8,0 18.000


pressione temperatura Temperatura acqua di alimento Potenza turboalternatore Potenza netta cedibile Quantità max di residui


Renewable Energy DANECO IMPIANTI as for some time now been extremely active in the sector of renewable energy, in particular regarding the wind farms sector and the photovoltaic sector. Currently, there is new construction in both sectors.

Renewable Energy

The Troia Wind Farm DANECO IMPIANTI has built in the Municipality of Troia, 2 wind farms dedicated to the exploitation of wind energy for the production of electric energy, called Troia 3 and Troia 4. Considering the local infrastructures and the surrounding landscape, the Troia site has proven to be particularly suitable as a wind farm. The site is located in an area completely privy of long-stemmed vegetation, slightly declining towards the coast and good viability. The T3 wind farm has an installed power of 13,5 MWe, whereas the T4 wind farm has an installed total power of 22,5 MWe. The site of the Troia 4 wind farm is adjacent to that occupied by Troia 3, excluding 7 installations, which are stationed North and North –East from the main site. The two farms, blend together so as to create a homogeneous environment integrated into the landscape.

pagina a fianco: pala eolica

Energie rinnovabili

Photovoltaic energy

Solar energy is energy, thermal or electric produced by directly exploiting the energy radiated from the sun towards the earth. It is one of the main sources of renewable energy. In any given moment, the sun radiates towards the earth’s orbit, 1367 W/m2. Bearing in mind the fact that the earth is a rotating sphere, the average solar radiation on the Earth’s surface at one time generates approximately 300 W/m2. Multiplying this value by the surface area of the earth’s hemisphere, moment by moment, that is exposed to the sun, we can obtain an estimated potential generated power greater than 75 million GW (1GW is approximately the average power of a large electricity power plant). The amount of solar energy that hits the earth’s soil is therefore enormous, but not concentrated, in the sense that, in order to obtain significant quantities, it is necessary to collect the energy from extremely vast areas. It is also quite difficult to convert this radiated energy into easily exploitable energy while maintaining acceptable efficiency levels. Therefore, in order to exploit it, special solutions need to be implemented. Solar energy can be utilised to generate electricity (photovoltaic) or generate heat (thermal solar). There are two main technologies for transforming the suns energy into exploitable energy: thermal solar panels exploit the suns rays to heat a liquid with special characteristics, contained inside the solar panel, that transfers heat by way of a heat exchanger, to the water contained in a storage tank; the photovoltaic panel exploits the special properties of semiconductor elements to produce electric energy when stimulated by the suns rays. DANECO IMPIANTI has so far built two plants for the production of electric energy based on solar photovoltaic panels, located in Oleggio (NO) and Lecce. The solar photovoltaic panels convert the solar radiation directly into electric energy. These panels exploit the photoelectric effect and have good conversion efficiencies. Not having mobile or other parts, very little maintenance is needed: essentially only periodic cleaning. The photovoltaic panels have an extended operating life span. The ‘Sole a Oleggio’ plant in Motto Grizza has an installed power of approximately 1.000 kW.

pagina a fianco: pannello fotovoltaico

The ‘Sole da Rio’ plant in Fondo da Rio in the Municipality of Lecce, has an installed power of approximately 480 kW.


A list of the technical terms and main acronyms

BIOGAS MIXTURE is the gas originating from the decomposition of waste, produced under anaerobic conditions and essentially composed of methane (0-60%), carbon dioxide (0-50%) and in smaller amounts, hydrogen (0-20%). CHIPS shredded cellulosic material (wood and branches )

QUALITY COMPOST is a product of aerobic stabilization of the organic waste fraction (food scraps, animal residue etc) and green waste originating from separately collected waste, in accordance with the technical specifications established by Legislative Decree 152/06 with subsequent modifications and integrations. It may be used in agriculture as a soil fertilizer.

dryCWF the dry combustible waste fraction produced by refining of the shorts but not equivalent to RDF.

RDF is the Refuse Derived Fuel or fuel derived from waste according to the technical specifications established by the Legislative Decree 152/06, including all subsequent modifications and integrations. Mainly composed of paper, cardboard and non chlorinated plastics. It is a product derived from the refining of the shorts.

FLUFF any loose material whose dimensions may be in the order of 2-5cm. In the environmental field, the most common name is RDF Fluff, meaning the RDF exiting the high speed secondary shredders, which are used to dimension the waste material.

SHORTS Flow refers to material usually of larger dimensions, defined by the mesh diameter applied to the screener. Essentially identified as the dry component of waste, it largely consists of cellulose, chlorinated and non窶田hlorinated plastics, textiles, iron.

HMSW Hazardous Municipal Solid Waste

SMSW Similar Municipal Solid Waste

LBS biostabilized waste from landfill. Produced by the stabilization of the OFMSW. Essentially equivalent to SOF, and therefore destined to uses of SOF.

SOF stabilized organic fraction. Produced by the aerobic stabilization of the OFMSW. By Italian law, it cannot be destined for agricultural use as a fertiliser. Therefore it is used for daily and final covering of the landfills.

CRC cured biostabilized waste. Product of the curing of the biostabilized waste from landfill. It is equivalent to cured SOF and therefore destined to uses of SOF.

MSW Municipal Solid Waste SW Solid Waste OFSWC the organic fraction of separately collected waste. OFMSW the organic fraction of the municipal solid waste, essentially equal to the fines. OFSWC the organic fraction of separately collected waste.

SWC separately collected waste. UNDERSCREEN Flow refers to material of smaller dimensions defined by the mesh diameter applied to the screener. Similar therefore to the organic fraction of waste, it largely consists of OFMSW, aggregates, sand and glass.

via G. Bensi 12/5 20152 Milano Segreteria di Direzione: Caterina Salvo tel. 02.48312432 fax 02.48312316 caterina.salvo@unendo.it Ufficio Gare e Albi: Giovanna Colombo giovanna.colombo@unendo.it Ufficio QualitĂ Ambiente e Sicurezza: Francesca R. Febbo francesca.febbo@unendo.it Ufficio Tecnico: Guido Sala guido.sala@unendo.it Area produzione energia: Stefano Zannier stefano.zannier@unendo.it

Š DANECO IMPIANTI Srl 2009 Ăˆ vietata la riproduzione totale o parziale del presente documento senza la preventiva autorizzazione di DANECO IMPIANTI Srl Progetto e realizzazione: Roberto Cremonesi.Co Srl - Milano Stampa: .Co stampa Srl - Cusago (Mi)

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