4 minute read
Generous Hearts
Chicks with Checks
Slidell women circling back with collective giving
by Susan Bonnett Bourgeois
CREATING TANGIBLE, deliberate and immediate impact: This is the benefit of collective philanthropy groups like Giving Circles. They help to alleviate concerns and uncertainty for an individual giving back because it’s a collective effort that empowers members to really give in a strategic and intentional manner. They are afforded the opportunity to research, discuss and truly understand the issues that are impacting their community at exactly that moment in time.
Neighbors coming together to pool their resources and direct them to the needy is by no means a new idea. But the popularity of Giving Circles has skyrocketed over the last decade with nearly 150,000 members in the U.S. alone, and that number is expected to grow to 350,000 in the next five years, numbers that will generate more than $1 billion in donations.
In Slidell, that collective giving power goes by the name Camellia City Chicks with Checks and it is dedicated to harnessing the power of generous women to improve lives in their community. They believe they are abundantly blessed to live in the Slidell Community and that to whom much is given, much is expected.
“A few of us had been members of other giving circles that focused on a broader region. We would sometimes be disappointed because we felt like the changes that our dollars brought were in communities other than our own, so we decided to start one in our own backyard,” said founding member Dr. Jill Donaldson.
How It Works
Like minded, enthusiastic and proactive, each of the 52 members (and counting) commits to donating $400 per year to the organization and meet quarterly to interview local qualified nonprofits about their mission and impact on the people of East St. Tammany Parish. Eligible nonprofits are nominated by members and vetted before being invited to participate. At the end of each meeting the members hold a blind vote, and the winner gets all of the donations for that quarter. Membership dues, donations and funds are collected and distributed by the Northshore Community Foundation.

Laurie Panzeca, Jenifer Besh, Nicole Burke, Wendy Keller (Organizer with Our Friend’s Closet, the first gift recipient), Stephanie Berault, Jennifer Whitehouse, Kendra Wadleigh, all of Camellia City Chicks with Checks.
“We love the way that this group is structured. Having it housed at the Foundation makes it so much easier for us to do the actual giving part and not have to worry about the back office work. It also allows members who prefer to stay anonymous donors to keep it that way,” said Stephanie Berault, one of the founding members.
Having now donated to eight organizations in the East St. Tammany area, their first collective gift went to Slidell nonprofit Our Friend’s Closet, which donates basic care items to local underserved students in the Slidell community.
“We get all of our funding through private donations with 100% of the collected funds going directly to providing basic care items to less fortunate students in our community. The generous donation from Camellia City Chicks with Checks allowed us to add to the number of schools we serve thereby increasing the amount of students we are able to help. We started with two schools in January 2017, and we are currently delivering hygiene and basic care items to over 60 schools in the area now,” said Wendy Keller, one of the two volunteer organizers of the West St. Tammany nonprofit.
Strengthening Community
Going on their third year now, to date, the group has given out more than $40,000 to organizations impacting the Slidell area. From helping the homeless find shelter to assisting with disaster recovery and the rebuilding of damaged homes, the giving circle is laser focused on the organizations who are working to make Slidell the best that it can be.
Most of the organizations who come and pitch to the group are nonprofits that the members have never heard of, so it is eye opening to see some of the silent work that goes on. They also know that their dollars are making a big impact.
“We always leave the meetings inspired that there is so much good going on in our community. We feel empowered, like we really can make a significant difference even though we are also having a lot of fun, “ said Jenifer Besh, founding member of the CCCC.
By promoting a philanthropic culture, cutting through the red tape, bringing their collective knowledge base and contacts together under one roof and giving strategically and immediately, the Camellia City Chicks with Checks feel that although individually they can each make a small difference, together they can make a huge impact on the lives of their neighbors in East St. Tammany Parish.
If you would like to join the Slidell giving circle or are interested in setting up one of your own, visit northshorefoundation.org/camellia-citychicks-with-checks