2.3 Teaching Performance Indicators Teaching Effectiveness
Student Assessment
Evidence of student achievement in assessment The following are screen captures of materials graded using edveNTUre Visual Acuity, a grading application on edeveNTUre. Allow users to submit, view (image preview or video preview), compare, comment, and grade assignments
Ina Conradi, Asst Prof., 2DII 2013
APPENDIX TEACHING 2.3 Teaching Performance Indicators iv) Student Assessment
INSECTOPIA, Image and Transformation/Assessment 1. Ideas for Insect Photomontage (A4) Conceptualizing
2. Digital Pre-visualizations for Poster Concept
design Expresses meaning applied either through image or /and text
Good composition i
Realization &
3. Design Craftsmanship, Technical proficiency
entire space in format well utilized and according to previs
appropriate use of digital technology (the resource images
are well chosen- right size, resolution pixels) •
demonstrate technical skills in traditional (silk screen) printing execution/ No stains or inks spills/print is flawless/ good choice of printing surface
4. Organization, Clarity, Command of knowledge •
Hard Copy: Final Composition printed ( ranging from one large scale to smaller parts making larger composition) + in addition submit your original bug template printed on A4
Soft Copy submitted: CD labeled (your name, + group + year) CD containing folder with digital files of poster proposals and bug designs; NO ADOBE PHOTOSHOP FILES only JPEG)
timely submission 100%
Complexity of design will be taken into consideration. Good Composition is focusing on all parts of the format-positive and negative/ - Gestalt the ‘wholeness’ of the piece is in favor and not only focusing on singular objects
2.3 Teaching Performance Indicators Teaching Effectiveness
Student Assessment
Evidence of student achievement in assessment The following are screen captures of materials graded using edveNTUre Visual Acuity, a grading application on edeveNTUre. Allow users to submit, view (image preview or video preview), compare, comment, and grade assignments
2.3 Teaching Performance Indicators Teaching Effectiveness
Student Assessment
Evidence of student achievement in assessment The following are screen captures of materials graded using edveNtUre Visual Acuity, a grading application on edeveNTUre. Allow users to submit, view (image preview or video preview), compare, comment, and grade assignments
Student Ivan Yew, continuing
2.3 Teaching Performance Indicators Teaching Effectiveness
iv) Student Assessment Evidence of student achievement in assessment The following are screen captures of materials graded using edveNTUre Visual Acuity, a grading application on edeveNTure. Allow users to submit, view (image preview or video preview), compare, comment, and grade assignments
2.3 Teaching Performance Indicators Teaching Effectiveness
iv) Student Assessment Evidence of student achievement in assessment
Student Chun Khee /continuing
2.3 Teaching Performance Indicators Teaching Effectiveness
iv) Student Assessment Evidence of student achievement in assessment The following are screen captures of materials graded using edveNTUre Visual Acuity a grading application on edeveNTure. Allow users to submit, view (image preview or video preview), compare, comment, and grade assignments
2.3 Teaching Performance Indicators Teaching Effectiveness
iv) Student Assessment Evidence of student achievement in assessment The following are screen captures of materials graded using edveNTUre Visual Acuity, a grading application on edeveNTure. Allow users to submit, view (image preview or video preview), compare, comment, and grade assignments
2D Project 1 Submission Details and Resources SUBMISSION: 6 CATEGORIES Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Surprise represented with five images per category . TOTAL of minimum 30 images printed as POSTCARDS A6 size submitted with separate labels for each category . Each category should be labeled and corresponding 5 images should be labeled with separate tags ( for sadness: gloom).
RESOURCES for Paper and Printing Services
To by Art Paper or choose from wider variety of papers visit 1. Most printing places have postcard paper- but it is usually glossy- ask for mat 2. Popular Cannon or Epson coated paper for digital inkjet printing- NO GLOSS Matt ONLY; light weight 3. Shop called:“Fancy Paper” location Across Bras Bash Complex- 420, North Bridge Road #01-26 North Bridge Rd; papers are sold by single sheet or packet. Printing: a. @ School using com lab’s laser printers ( light 150-200 gsm or even lighter paper can be used)In regards to using laser printers in school, including FDN 2D Lab or any other Open Lab: please note u will have to go to Clara, officer in charge, ART Level 3 to top up their credits for printing. Time: Every MONs & WEDs: 2 to 4 pm OTHER Outside sources for printing a. Bras Basah /adjacent to National Library 231 Bain Street b. Sunshine Plaza /Rochor Area 91 Bencoolen Street (open Sunday) c. P-Centre or Peace Centre/Rochor Area 1 Sophia Road d. Queens way Shopping Center/( upper floors)
SUBMISSIONS and ASSESSMENT METHODS( WEEK 5) Process Workbook ( A3 portfolio/or loose sheets stapled/binded) and soft copy documentation 30% Process workbook or journal is evidence of your participation every week. It is big part of your final outcome and findings •
Process Reference (from homework Week 1-3) stored in "process" folder In Process please include JPGs or one PDF document with SELECTION OF BEST IMAGES representing process ( work in studio) and chosen artist reference images. Include as well evidence of works done in monoprint and automatic drawings in Chinese ink, or pencil from Week 1 and Week 2. The best way to present those is to staple/binder-clip together or put into A3 folder portfolio. All print room works from week 1 and 2 were scanned as such should be saved and submitted with the final presentation. All scanned works is stored in the folder titled "scans". Put it either in the process folder or onto the CD next to emotion folders.
1.Final 30 Postcards 60% The final postcards have to be presented as hard copy and need to be back up as soft copy
Creative Concept Development Final Compositions Hard copy version and Soft copy version • Use of Line, Tone/ Black White and Gray Values, Texture to depict emotion ( for example round shapes, curved lines and light tones and values are corresponding to happiness, sharp contrast of black and white to anger; surprise will be the best way depicted to have elements of different shapes and texture meet together; etc) • Evidence of Exploration of different hand based techniques (studio works) is presented together with postcards • Appropriate use of digital media (postproduction/editing, good resolution quality- no pixilation, images are in grayscale mode) • Presentation* ( print quality, final layout, type, soft copy) On the day of presentation student was on time. The works is organized- print quality is good, no color present; paper is not glossy but matt; original creative way of installing and labeling;, tags for emotions are easy to read/ are not too big and are not destructing the visuals. CD with softcopy is handed in.
2.*HARD COPY/ PRESENTATION a. 30 black and white prints minimum (6 CATEGORIES/Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Surprise each represented with 5 images) a.paper recommended weight around 200 gsm or less. If you choose art cut or postcard photo paper is also ok- go with the light version like the samples shown in class. PLEASE DO NOT MOUNT prints. Please do not frame prints. We will be using blue tack to place each emotion image individually and directly on the wall. No Backing! b. Have a Title(s) per each emotion category TOTAL SIX Categories Titled Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Surprise. Use emotion-describing tags for each sample within main category SOFT COPY a. all images should be compiled in corresponding Folders and labeled ( Folder names Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear, Surprise and if needed or optional Neutral) b. every JPG should be names as emotion (For example Anger folder can carry JPGs named ‘rage’ or ‘spite’, ‘grouchiness’) c. reference images/research to be stored into "process" folder d. Scanned images to be stored in "scanned" folder d. softcopy to be burned on CD and labeled with your name, Group# and Date of submission e. Please do NOT use any *+= in your file names f. Please NO Photoshop FILES-ONLY .JPEG or TiFF. Compress your images. Please no TARGA files
3. Timely submission 10% Late submission 0 mark
2011 inaconradi, asst prof, email:, office tel 6513-8055
Self Assessment Rubric Student Name Assignment Circle the number in pencil that best shows how well you feel that you completed that criterion for the assignment Criteria 1 Research Reference: a) Develops effective documentation of subject as evidenced by student inspiration from visual reference b) 3 choices of abstract artists are presented in WEEK 2. Examples are relevant and focusing not on color but on DRAWING methods and expressiveness of dot, line, texture and shape order, and Tone transition within the composition- all of the selected source are presented as black and white-or gray scale c) it is evidenced in final works that either one abstract movement or/and combination of 1.) Minimalism 2.) Constructivism, 3.) Expressionism/Modern Calligraphy is actually implemented d) The best images compiled for final soft copy PDF submission that will be source of ideas for future projects Criteria 2 Use of Dot/Point, Line, Tone (Black White and Gray Values), Texture, Shape to depict emotive state a) good understanding of the project is apparent in variation of one and/or combination of few visual elements (dots, Lines/shapes have different textures, different endings, contrast) b) there is NO repetition in depicting different emotion category, meaning that there is clear distinction in representing each emotion category Criteria 3 Exploration of different hand based techniques (studio works in WEEK 23) a) student came prepared in week 2 for studio works (threads, geometric and organic paper cut outs...etc) b) evidence of skill as demonstrated in originality in approach, and artistic choices of material c) evidence of works done in monoprint d) drawings in Chinese ink, or pencil
Excelle nt 10-8
Goo d 7-6
Satisfactor y 5
Mediocr e 4-0
CLASS Date Completed Your Teacher Rating Rating
2011 inaconradi, asst prof, email:, office tel 6513-8055
e) all works are saved and submitted with the final. For example student might choose to go with using only digital explorations - that is ok as long as evidence of works done in print studio Criteria 4 Appropriate use of digital media (WEEK 3 and 4) a) images are scanned on time WEEK 3/4 and organized in folders b) images are in grayscale mode (if this is not done digital print output will be tinted-not 100% black) c) images are good resolution quality- no pixilation d) the editing goes beyond simple image adjustment and cropping e) confidence apparent in using digital media f) technical ability and problem-solving skills exceed expectations g) no weird transformation tools used, no obvious filters, even though digital techniques are used - everything appears hand done in expressive and organic approach h) if adobe illustrator vector used and in geometric approach it is ok for works to appear digital Criteria 5 Presentation Reflective and systematic approach to the finished design work a) Design presented is entirely suited to the project and direction-grid, (6 emotions representing 6categories/TOTAL 36 images each 4" x 4 # or 10 cm x10 cm) b) one wants to look at it more than once- it is graphically strong stands out c) you wish you have done d) Neat, and organized- blue tack is not too thick, all straight line e) print quality is good, no color present (such as blue or green or yellow tinted black ) f) paper is not glossy but matt g) original labeling, tags for emotions are easy to read/ are not big and are not destructing from the visuals Criteria 6 Soft copy submission a) JPG images compiled in corresponding 6 Folders. Folder names are 1.) Happiness; 2.) Sadness; 3.) Anger; 4.) Disgust; 5.) Fear; 6.) Surprise b) every JPG in the folder should be labeled as subcategory emotion (For example Anger folder can carry JPG named rage’ or ‘spite’, ‘grouchiness’) c) PDF document with SELECTION OF BEST IMAGES representing process and chosen artist reference images. All to be compiled into ONE pdf document
2011 inaconradi, asst prof, email:, office tel 6513-8055
d) softcopy to be burned on CD and labeled with your name, Group# and Date of Submission e) NO use any *+= in your file names and NO long file names f) Please NO Photoshop FILES or TARGA files -ONLY .JPEG. g) white paper or plastic sleeve CD cover Criteria 8 Fluency and articulation in presenting works a) Student is reading handouts, briefs, edveNTUre b) enriching vocabulary to analyze once work c) linking to another FDN classes Criteria 7 Participation in class a) Participating during critiques- student are critiquing each other works, asking questions if not clear, and advising each other Criteria 9 Effort, Motivation, Enthusiasm a) Strong evidence of commitment to the project, helping peers Criteria 10 Timely Submission a) WEEK 2 abstract artist 3 + materials for monoprint b) Week 3 Scans of art works and evidence of working in print studio c) WEEK 5 Final presentation TOTAL 100 Possible Points
Your Total
Teacher TOTAL