sexuality guide

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Sexuality Guide

Carlos Andres Alonso Jaramillo I単aki de Larrauri Coral Carlos Nicolas Cano Sokoloff Luis Alejandro Perez Gil

Humman Development Sexual Health Relationships Sexual Behavior

Content Sexual orientation

Dating and romance Making love is more than sexual intercourse Marriage Raising up children Masturbation Sexualty trougth life Sexual Abstinence Sexual fantasy Sexual health Contraception Parental care Puberty Menopause Andropause Reproduction Anatomy

Sexual orientation Through life it is important to have sexual orientation, knowing when is it the moment to have a sexual life. In a relationship: There are experts that teach and orientate couples in their sexual part. They orientate their way to a good sexual life. When they are going to get married the experts orientate them telling them things like if they all ready know each other well enough or if they want a similar sexual life. Once they are married the experts orientate them by telling them if they want to have children or not, and if they are in a fight experts orientate and help them. When they are children: Its better to orientate a person since it is a child so they learned easy. They can teach them in classes in school teaching them how to have a good sexual life. When they are teenagers: The sexual life starts around the teen ages, things like masturbation starts so teenagers have to have a good sexual orientation so they do not have a wrong sexual life and know when is it the right moment to have intercourse. It is important that teens have a good orientation from their parents and in school so they take the right sexual way. Conclusion: It is important that people have a good sexual orientation through all their life, so they take the right sexual life, this orientation must be good in a confortable environment and confortable people. Dating and romance


When people think about romance the first thing that comes up to their mind, isa ll about loving a person, dating it and living with it for the rest of their lives, but is not only that, it has it scientific and medical part. Oxytocin: In our body endocrine and reproductive system we have a hormone call oxytocin. The oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus and released in the blood when the person is excited. This hormone has 2 main actions are contraction of the womb and milk production among others. It is also in charge of controlling

sexual behavior, who does a person likes, when is a person excited, this is sexual behavior control b oxytocin in the brain. In men oxytocin is part of the process of producing sperms. Dopamine: Another important hormone in reproduction is the dopamine, this neurotrsmitter hormone is in charge of basically controlling the happiness of a person, and this happiness includes love. Once a person is in love dopamine is in charge of the attitude that the person has during a relationship, this makes a person to start dating, and to concentrate in love. The scientific part of dating: After a review of two important hormones in love we are ready to see how this work together. Some people have similar sexual genes these sexual genes make people to attract some specific people, in other words I might like a person that you don’t like, this is seen in these hormones and genes. Once there is attraction and eventually love, oxytocin is in charge of sexual behavior and expressions such as orgasms or excitation and dopamine makes the person happy and makes the person to concentrate with love. Chemical relationships When you are in love it is control by chemical responses in the brain, it is control by three hormones, adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine, there is also a chemical in charge of sex phenylethylamine. Dating men and women There is a difference between dating men and women. When you date a men, testosterone is the chemical in charge of it, it tells whether the men likes the women or not. In the other hand when you date a women, oxytocin is the one that reacts, this hormone is the one that tells the women if they got with the wrong guy. So there is a different chemical response in man than in woman. Conclusion: Relationships are not only loving a person and live with it for the rest of our live, it also has it scientific part. Making love is more than sexual intercourse What is being in love? When this question comes tom most of people´s mind they will think that it is all about having a person with you, dating it and then having sex


with it. But sex is more than that, as we know sex has its scientific part, there are hormones in charge of it. Oxytocin, dopamine, testosterone, etcO The science of love: When having love before having sexual intercourse, the person has to be in “love� with the other person, that means to meet him, start loving him and after they know each other well, the body knows that is the moment of sexual intercourse, that means reproduction, testosterone is the one in the men in charge of knowing when is the moment, when it is the moment oxytocin is the one who acts in women. Sexual responsibilities: Knowing when is the moment of sexual intercourse is part of sexual responsibilities, knowing when do you know the person well enough. It is better to have intercourse when you are in a relationship like marriage. Conclusion: When humans have love is better to know when is the time of having it and if that person is the right one, it is all about responsibilities, the hormones will do the rest. Marriage Marriage is an union between a female and a male which will live together and reproduce, it is cause by love, it is a relationship that is approved by religion, society and science. The science of marriage: As everything in life marriage has its science, according to religion marriage is done for creating a family, in science it is for reproduction, the main goal of marriage is reproduction. Everything in marriage starts with love; love is control by some hormones. Hormones in love: Love is important in marriage, love is control by some hormones, those hormones are Oxytocin, testosterone, dopamine, adrenaline and adrenaline, this are in charge of knowing when is the moment of having sexual intercourse and if you are really in love with a person, also they are in charge of dating, basically all involve in love. Reproduction:


Not all the marriages have children, it is a decision of the couple, it could also happen that the couple has any disease that does not let them have children. But most of marriages have reproduction, as a main target the testosterone is the one that makes sure that it is the right time for having children, this is reproduction. After sexual intercourse sperm goes and meets a ovum which will make a baby, that will be born around 9th months later. Conclusion: Marriage is a relationship caused by love, it is basically done for reproduction and as always in life it has a science. It has to be done with responsibility and with the person you love. Raising up children After ninth months of pregnancy a children is born, this children most be educated, love, feed, etcO Parents are the most important part when raising up children, they are the ones in charge of making this children go in the right direction. Sexual education: When raising up children it is important to educate them in all aspects including sexuality, children most know the responsibilities in their sexual live, what is right and what is wrong, to make sure they go in right sexual direction. Baby: A baby most by love, parents are really important, they have to show all the support to their children, also give them a balance food. Kids: Kids are easy to educate and to raise, they usually like to play and to learn, it is the easiest part of raising children Teenagers: Teenagers are the most hard ones, a teen ager is a children who is 1 3-20 years old, their hormones kind of alter ate and fights are seen more frequently. Also their hormones create them a sexual live, they start having their first real relationships and start having a sexual live. It is hard to change their opinion since they like to fight, also they start to misbehave, they fight almost for everything.


Sexual Behavior MASTURBATION Masturbation is all about stimulating yourself by using your hand. Some studies of universities have found that masturbation is frequent in humans of both sexes and all ages. The masturbation contains orgasms that is more less an approximation to the sex pleasure. How to masturbate? Women’s usually stimulate the vagina by touching and stroking their finger, this gives a lot of pleasure for the women. By the other hand the men masturbates by rubbing his penis to produce an orgasm and then the ejaculation. What is the Ejaculation? Ejaculation is is the ejection of semen normally of the male track it is accompanied with an orgasm. Normally the ejaculation is the final part of the male sexual simulation. In women’s the ejaculation is different; it consist in the expulsion of a fluid during or before an orgasm. In conclusion masturbation is complete normal in all ages and in both sexes. It can be practice alone or in group it depends on the persons decition.

Sexuality trough life 3 to 7 years This is the age where the children are interested in discovery and learning new things. By the age of 5 years children’s become more modes and private about dressing and bathing. 8 to 1 2 years By this age start the puberty, this is the time were the men and girl starts to mature. The pubic hair starts to grow and all the body parts start to develop. 1 3 to 1 9 At this age the interest in romantic and sexual relationships and in genital sex start to increase. At this age the most of the adolescences start to have sexual relation ships. Adult relationship This sexual behavior works until you die. It says that if you feel pleasure having sexual relationships you can have until you want.


You are never to ol for having a sexual relation ship.

SEXUAL ABSTINANCE Sexual abstinence consist in not having sex. . A person who decides to practice abstinence has decided not to have sex. How does it works If too people don’t have sex the sperm can fertilize an egg and there will bw not possibilities of pregnancy. You don’t have to be virgin for having a sexual abstinNance. In some cases people that alredy have sex decide to stop having sex, this cold be because she dosnt want to get pregnant. The abstinence is completely secure and is a 1 00 percent effectifve. This is the best solution for the problems of pregnancy. Sexual Human response The human sexual response is based in four stages -Excitement phase -Plateau phase -Orgasmic phase -Resolution phase Excitement phase: the excitement phase consists is an heart increase and as well a breathing rate. This is the time when the penis and the neples get exited with a consequence of getting straight. The excitement represents a sexual attraction. Plateau phase: This is the period prior the orgasm. The characteristic of this phase is that increased the circulation and heart rate in both sexes and increase the sexual stimulation.


Orgasm phase: The orgasm is the conclution of the Plateau phase in both sexes. It is accompanied by quick cycles of muscle contraction in the lower pelvic muscles, which surround both the anus and the primary sexual organs Resolution phase: The resolution phase is the fin al stage it occurs after the orgasm and the muscles start to relax. In mens normally becomes after an ejaculation. Sexual fantasy Sexual Fantasys a mental image or pattern of thought that stirs a person'ssexuality and can create sexual arousal. A sexual fantasy resides entirely in a person's mind and can be created by the person's imagination, mental recollection or thought. The fantasy may be triggered autonomously or by any object. A fantasy may be a positive or negative experience, or even both. It may be in response to a past experience and can influence future sexual behaviour. A person may not wish to enact a sexual fantasy in real life, and since the process is entirely imaginary, they are not limited to acceptable or practical fantasies, which can provide information on the psychological processes behind sexual behavior. Common fantasies The incidence of sexual fantasies is nearly universal, but vary by gender, age, sexual orientation, and society. However, because of a reliance on retrospective recall, as well taboos, there is an inherent difficulty in measuring the frequency of types of fantasies. In general, the most common fantasies for men and women are: reliving an exciting sexual experience, imagining sex with a current partner, and imagining sex with a different partner. There is no consistent difference in the popularity of these three categories of fantasies. The next most common fantasies involve oral sex, sex in a romantic location, sexual power or irresistibility, and forced sex. Sexual dysfunction


Sexual dysfunction is dificulta experiencia vi en individual or a couple during any stage of a normal sexual activity,including desire, preference, arousal or orgasm. Causes: There are a lot of reasons. Most of the times It happens with the emotions or with physical causes. The emotional factor include interpersonal or psychological problems, which can be the result of depression, sexual fears or guilt, past sexual trauma, sexual disorders. Sexual dysfunction is common in people who have anxiety disorders. Physical factors that can lead to sexual dysfunctions include the use of drugs, such as alcohol, nicotine, narcotics, stimulants, antihypertensives, antihistamines, and some psychotherapeutic drugs.


Sexual Health Vagina health The Vagina is supposed to clean itself. The Vagina is a tube inside a woman’s body that goes from the cervix to the vagina opening that is surrounded by the vulva. Vaginal secretions or discharge It’s normal to produce secretions from your vagina. The amounts of these secretions vary on your menstrual cycle. Secretions normally can’t be seen or smelled. Probably you feel some uncomfortable wetness, but you shouldn’t have any different sensations like itching around your vagina. If you notice something different in your secretions, such as itching or smelling you should go to see your gynecologist, they’ll tell you what to do in any situation. Washing your vagina You shouldn’t use perfumed soaps or gels because these may cause you irritation. Use un-perfumed soaps to wash the vulva. The vagina will clean itself inside with the natural secretions. Penis health Penis size: All around the world, men are worried about their penis size, here are some facts: - If you are a teenager, you shouldn’t be worried because everyone grows at different times - If you are an adult, the average penis size is about 1 4-1 6cm (5.56.3 inches) when erect. - A penis would only be considered “small” if it is less than 3 inches (7.6cm) long when erect. - Some penises are slightly bent to the Left or right, that is completely normal. Washing your penis Everyday while you’re taking a shower, wash your penis with warm water, if you have a foreskin, pull it back and wash it gently. If you don't wash under the foreskin correctly, a substance called smegma will start to appear. Smegma is a natural lubricant. You can find it on the head of the penis and under the foreskin.


Contraception Definition “noun [mass noun] The deliberate use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy as a consequence of sexual intercourse. The major forms of artificial contraception are: barrier methods, of which the commonest is the condom or sheath; the contraceptive pill, which contains synthetic sex hormones which prevent ovulation in the female; intrauterine devices, such as the coil, which prevent the fertilized ovum from implanting in the uterus; and male or female sterilization:one of the most important methods of contraceptionit had been her first time, they didn’t use any contraception “ (Oxford Dictionary) What is it? When you use different devices like: drugs, condoms, or surgical procedures to prevent conception or pregnancy its called contraception. Contraception helps women plan if and when they want to have a baby or not. Let's be honest for once, Contraception methods leave aside idealization and romance, - Caps and recognize - Combined pill that love only kills - Condoms (female) when the method fails, and other causes that are - Condoms (male) by man - Contraceptive implant dies and disappears, - Contraceptive injection they say that love at our age, - Contraceptive patch only the search the unlimited possibilities of all those orgasms - Diaphragms we have not yet reached. - Intrauterine device (IUD) - Intrauterine system (IUS) Authors: Carlos NIcolas Cano Iñaki De Larrauri - Natural family planning - Progestogen-only pill - Vaginal ring There are two permanent methods of contraception: - Female sterilization - Male sterilization (vasectomy)


Prenatal Care Normally, the doctor gives the mother some dates to check if the baby is allright. This will help the mother and the baby to be healthy. He will check: baby ptogression, mother’s Elath, and many things that are very important for the baby. STDs Avoid STDs. - Abstinence. - The monogamy with a partner who applies equally monogamy. - Latex condoms. Chlamydia Definition: sexually transmitted disease most common in the U.S.. It is a bacteria that can affect the vagina, cervix and fallopian tubes. • Symptoms include painful urination, and bleeding between periods or after sex (for women). • It is seen more in women under 25, so you have to have a yearly test. • It is easy to cure. • If not treated properly can reduce the possibility of having children. Gonorrhea Definition: This disease is a bacterium that can infect the genital tract, mouth and rectum. • It is easy to get, anyone can have sex experience. • The infected person affects the eyes, anus, genitals, mouth and throat. • It affects the ability to have children of women who are not treated. Herpes Definition: This disease is caused by a virus, is to weaken the immune system. • It is a common disease. • Most people who have this disease do not know it. • It is possible to get, even if the couple does not present infection. • No cure exists for herpes, but there are treatments to reduce symptoms and avoid infecting partners. Syphilis Definition: a bacterium that can infect the penis and scrotum in men and the cervix and vulva in women. • The disease is easy to cure. • The symptoms are: having a sore (not pain provocative) on the genitals, anus, mouth, but especially a red mark on the hands and feet. Trichomoniasis Definition: a protist from urogenital tract that infects the cervix. • It is common but easy to cure. • Introduces major symptoms women than men. • If untreated trichomoniasis, there are more chances of getting HIV. • Women with trichomoniasis which are in gestation periods, may have premature or low birth weight. HIV (AIDS)


• It is contracted mainly by unprotected sex. • 25% of those infected do not know they have the disease. • 50% of those infected are gay men.


Females Puberty Puberty its when a girl grow up and becomes a woman. Every woman has to go through this “stage�. When the puberty starts? Its normally that this process occurs between the ages of 1 0 and 1 4. You cant choose when this process will happen, because all body works in a way that why cant control. When the puberty starts you will have changes like that you will have your first period, your bosom will grow. All the girls get scared when they start this process, because they are changing her body and other things. What will change? During this time of you life, you can experiment some changes like: Grow, you will taller. Hips and bosom bigger that can be uncomfortable in the beginning. You will have hair in your vagina, and maybe in other parts of your body. After the first period, you will have pain in periods. You can develop acne and your sweat gland will be more active. Also you will have a change in your feelings, sometimes you will feel very sad but other time you will feel very happy. But remember, all the girls are different, so they experiment this in a different way. Male Puberty Is the process that transforms a boy into a young man When the puberty starts? Usually the puberty starts between the 1 3 and 1 4 years. This process can happen earlier or later. There is not something that we can do to take control of the puberty; all depends in your body What will happen to me? You will grow and get taller; also you will increase your muscles. You can have a bigger penis and testes, also you can experiment unexpected erections; this will be because your body will produce more hormones. The increase on the production of hormones can make that you sweat more, but if you still a good hygiene, you will look good and healthy. You are going to experiment wet dreams that mean that


you will ejaculate in the night when you are sleeping. In some parts of your body will grow hair, for example in your penis. Your voice will be deeper. Menopause What is? The menopause is the menstruation its finished. The ovaries stop of producing an egg. Causes The menopause occurs when the ovaries release an egg and the menstruation stops. If women earlier of 40 years have menopause she has something call premature menopause. This can happen for a surgery. Symptoms Depressions, anxiety, dry skin, insomnia, get heavy, hot flashes

Andropause What is it? The andropause it’s the male menopause. The men that experiment this usually have between 40 and 50 years. The andropause make that the people feel depression Symptoms Increased sweating, decrease of enthusiasm, decrease of muscular mass, anxiety, feel tired, dry skin. The reason of represent those symptoms are: smoke, poor eat, anxiety, stress, alcoholism, social problems, lack of exercises, diabetes. What can I do? If you are experimenting those symptoms you can enter in a therapy, here you can solve the problems that have a relation with the stress and socials problems; also the depression problems can be solved. Other thing that can cause the andropause it’s the hypogonadism, to solve that you can talk with a specialist and receive a testosterone treatment. Reproduction What is?


Is the process which new organisms are generated. This process allows the continuation of a specie. There are two types of reproduction: sexual and asexual, but the humans reproduce sexually. This means that the human needs a partner to reproduce and the offspring didn´t are like they parents. The fertilization starts when the sperm enter into the ovum. Process Sexual Intercourse: Its when the penis its introduce in the vagina and release sperm, basically its when the fertilization starts Pregnancy: It’s the period when the fetus starts the development inside the mother. Here he receive nutrients and other thing necessaries to grow and born healthy. Birth: Its when the fetus its ready to go out from the mother. Normally the fetus its ready in 9 months. If the child born its because he has all the nutrients necessaries to life and its healthy, but also there’s a possibility that the child has some problems of health. Anatomy

Ovaries Produces ovules. Fallopian Tubes The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus, and let the ovum pass into the uterus where they are able to be fertilized by sperm Uterus The uterus has many important and crucial functions in the reproductive capacity of women. Vagina The vagina is where the penis is introduce, and where the sperm its transform. Oogenesis and Ovulation The ovaries produce a mature ovum in a process known as ovulation.


Fertilization Is the process where the female sexual cells being fertilizated by the sperm. Menstruation If the ovum isn´t fertilized and goes to for the fallopian tube, it can produce blood in the vagina. Pregnancy If the ovum its fertilized a child will born, this process have a duration of 9 months approximately Lactation The lactaction its a process that make that the woman produce milk, it can be used to feed the baby Anatomy of the Male Scrotum The scrotum is a sac that hold the testes. Testes The testes are responsable of generating spermatozoa. Epididymis The epididymis is a sperm storage area. Spermatic Cords and Ductus Deferens The spermatic cords connect the testes with the abdominal cavity. The ducts deferens transport the semen to the abdominal cavity. Seminal Vesicles The production of fluid that makes up a significant percentage of semen Ejaculatory Duct Release secretions, during the ejaculation this duct opened. Urethra The urethra is like a via where some fluids passes to another parts.


Prostate : The function is to produce fluid which protects and enriches sperm. Cowper’s Glands Produce secretions necessary for fertile sexual activity. Penis The penis its introduce in the vagina and release sperm Semen The semen contains sperm that fertilize the ovaries Physiology of the Male Spermatogenesis Spermatogenesis is the process of making sperm cells.


We think that the most important part of this work was to be creative; because making a magazine is all about researching information and finding a way to put all the information, but we had to think that the information that we are going to put were not to long because the people that are reading will get bored. Finally we think that this was a fantastic project, all of us made a very good eford. We just want to say thank you for reading our magazine.

Let's be honest for once, leave aside idealization and romance, and recognize that love only kills when the method fails, and other causes that are by man dies and disappears, they say that love at our age, only the search the unlimited possibilities of all those orgasms we have not yet reached. Authors: Carlos NIcolas Cano I単aki De Larrauri


References Robinson, M. (2009, november 1 7). Sexual choices. Retrieved from Marshall, K. (2009, november 06). sexually transmited diseases. Retrieved from 7/0.1 711 4345729351 /51 .586498260498/41 5/0?distance=25 Craig, S. (2011 , november 28). Physical relationships and residential care. Retrieved from Nocholson, B. (201 0, July 22). Sexual intercourse. Retrieved from /advice/factfile_az/sexual_intercourse Freudenrich, C., & Edmons, M. (201 2, December 4). How human reproduction works. Retrieved from Cullins. (2011 , March 28). Masturbation. Retrieved from 01 /masturbation-23901 .htm


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