Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital Introducing Holmium 40 Watt Machine and LUCAS CPR in Pune
Summary : Holmium 40 watt machine make user flexible benefit and give long life. The major application of Holmium 40 watt machine in urinary stone lithotripsy. Holmium 40 can crumb the stone in small particles and the laser power of machine fully consumed resulting in very small explosions of stones. Pune 26 April 2013: Good news for all people who are suffering from kidney stones, Strictures, Bladder neck incisions, and small bladder tumors. We at Inamdar multispeciality hospital based in Pune, India; introducing latest technology for kidney stones treatment, best modality for stones treatment using Holmium 40 watt machine. Benefits of Holmium 40 watt Machine: x It works on all type of Stones x It minimally invasive Surgery x Safe and effective procedure x Immediate relief of symptoms x You feel Less Pain as well as Less Time in the Hospital x Faster recovery Patients can go home in a week’s time. x It completely removes stone from patient’s body Holmium 40 watt machine comfort user flexible benefit and long life. The main application of Holmium 40 watt machine is in urinary stone lithotripsy. With holmium 40 can crumb the stone in small small particles. The laser power of machine fully consumed resulting in tiny explosions of stones. It has wide application in surgeries like Strictures, Bladder neck incisions, bladder tumors. Machine designed for professionals use. Holmium 40 Provides continuous and reliable output.
LUCAS Chest Compressions Machine Used in MICU – The Robot Resuscitator Earlier We at Inamdar Multispeciality hospital based in pune, India, equipped our Medical Intensive Care Unit of hospital with robot resuscitator LUCAS chest compression machine. LUCUS CPR is used for performing extrinsic cardiac compression on adult sick person for cardiac arrest. As carrying out manual CPR can be difficult or exhausting, LUCAS CPR machine can carry uninterrupted chest compressions at constant rate and depth to make easy Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC). In Inamdar Multispeciality hospital we successfully treated urinary stone patients using Holmium 40
Watt Machine as well as 15 patients in Medical Intensive Care Unit using LUCAS CPR within one month. About Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital in Pune: Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital ( has a decade record of best healthcare services in optimal cost. Inamdar Hospital is based in pune city have expert panel of doctors and staff.
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