5 Tips to be the Best Communicator You Can Be Communication is a vital part of the career of a nurse. It helps deal with problems effectively at the workplace, and can prove to be beneficial during the treatment of a patient. It is one of the key assets that will help you grow in your career. You must be wondering whether you are a good communicator or not. To answer that, you should first know what good communication is. It is when the intended message is delivered, received and understood clearly, without any confusion. Are your messages generally misinterpreted? Do you find yourself getting involved in arguments or being subjected to sarcasm every now and then? If so, these are the signs of a lack of effective communication and it generally means there is something missing. Do not worry, here are the top five tips that will help you become the best communicator that you can be. Related: A Day in the Life of a Diabetes Nurse Learn how to listen This is what that can make a major difference. To listen is to speak less, and understand more. As a nurse, listening is the best form of therapy that you can give your patients. They feel comfortable talking and sharing their problems with you. Also, you can manage your workplace well if you know how to listen to everyone. Times when a nurse needs to be patient In the healthcare industry, one can never predict what may happen in the next few minutes. You can be put up on a critical case or your shift hours can change, or you may be required to the extend your shift. In such cases, one may easily lose their temper or their restlessness may be clearly visible in their communication. So, learn to stay patient and let it reflect in your conversations as well. Realizing the importance of nonverbal communication You may have heard that action speak louder than words. It is absolutely true. A good communicator can understand nonverbal signals in other’s body language, and know how to correctly express their rebuttal. Signs generally include waving of hands, standing in a particular position, facial expressions and more. Related: What to Expect when Working with a Surgical Team
Respecting the diversity that is around you A nurse meets new people each day. Just like in medical science, it is taught that everybody is different. Similarly, every mind is different so is there a way of talking, listening and understanding unique to each person. To become the best communicator, you should respect and understand this diversity. The Golden Rule, “think twice before you speak� You are responsible for your own words. Therefore, learn to take responsibility for them. People will generally judge you for who you are by the words you use. So, make sure you think twice before you speak. Your patients look to you for guidance and advice, as does the staff who works for you. In addition, speak carefully when you are happy, sad or angry. Always maintain a balance between heart and mind. Nurses are known to be best communicators among all other professionals in the field. This inherent positivity of nurses can be have an impact on their patients as well. The passion with which you offer patients, and your will to make the world a better place to live, will be visible for patients and colleagues to see when you are a good communicator. Related: International Nurses Association Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter