What's an AGPCNP? - International Nurses Association

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AGPCNP? Adul t Ger ont ol ogyPr i mar yCar eNur s ePr act i t i oner s( AGPCNPs )car ef or t her api dl ygr owi ngs eni orandagi ngpopul at i on.Thedemandf or AGPCNPsi ncr eas esever yday .

Byt heyear2060,t her ewi l lbeal mos t1 00mi l l i onpeopl eoverage65. Ast hes enumber si ncr eas e,aneedf orcar ewi l li ncr eas e.

Ther ear emor et han220, 000l i cens ed NPsi nt heUni t edSt at es .

220, 000

Empl oymentf orNPsofever ys peci al t y i sexpect edt ogr owover30% t hr ough 2024,duet ot heagi ngpopul at i on.

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