Why you Sometimes have to Move to Find a New Nursing Job There can be many reasons why you come to the realization that it’s time to move on from your current position. While in some geographical areas this might not be a problem, in smaller cities or towns (those with fewer health care facilities) this could prove to be a problem. In this article, we explore a few of the reasons you might wish to change areas, and discuss why moving on isn’t always a bad thing. You’ve Lost Your Passion Although this is often associated with having done the same job for many years, it’s just as likely to occur in someone who has fairly recently qualified. It can be as simple as realizing that you have gone into the wrong specialty, and that there are other areas of nursing that interest you more; perhaps, having gone into pediatrics you have realized that you gained far more personal satisfaction from geriatric medicine. You may recently have taken part in some professional development courses which lead you to look into new areas of nursing that you have not previously considered; while this might not present a problem if you work in a large facility with multiple departments, or if the area in which you would like to practice has a shortage of nurses, if that isn’t the case you will probably need to look further afield. Related: Legitimate Jobs for Nurses Working from Home You Don’t Get Along With Your Boss Not getting along with your boss can be a huge issue, and cause massive personal, emotional and mental strain. While nobody is denying that you should always try to resolve personal issues (particularly if you love the rest of your job), it can get to the point where you have to recognize that you are not able to salvage the relationship. If you genuinely feel that this is where you are, it could be time to move.
Before looking for a nursing job elsewhere, think about what it was that caused the problems with your previous boss - did you have moral or ethical disagreements? Did you have issues with the way he or she expected you to provide care for your patients? Is important to address these points before you make any rash moves, or you could end up in the same boat. Use the time at the end of your interview to ask lots of questions about what will be expected of you in your new position - try to get a feel of where your prospective boss stands on the issues that caused problems in your last placement. If you’re offered the job but are unsure that it’s right for you, don’t feel obliged to accept - take the time to find an environment that you feel that you can thrive in. The Figures Don’t Add Up... Although nursing is a vocation and passion for the majority of nurses, there can be little questions that feeling that you are under-reimbursed for your work can be demoralizing. If you are in a position where your salary increases are non-existent or you are aware that other nurses doing the same job in a different city or state are being paid considerably more, you may have little option but to make a move. This is particularly true if you are finding that you are only able to scrape by month-tomonth. Vocational as nursing may be, it’s not compulsory to accept low wages as a penance for your dedication. Constantly struggling financially is as likely to eat away at your dedication as workplace conflict, and is unlikely to resolve itself if your facility does not have a history of rewarding good nurses. Related: What’s the Difference Between a Nurse and a Medical Assistant?
Boredom or Lack of Responsibility This is an issue that is frequently reported by nurses where there is a good supply of quality nursing staff; if all of the positions are filled by qualified, experienced staff, it can be virtually impossible to get a toe hold to be given more responsibility. If you are unable to do this, it’s extremely hard to grow and challenge yourself, and the job that you loved can quickly become a drudge affair. This also has the knock on effect of not allowing you to accrue the experience that is required to eventually gain promotion. Again, this is not a situation that is likely to spontaneously resolve - unless someone more senior than you leaves their position (and if you haven't been able to gain on the job experience, it’s questionable whether you would be promoted anyway), opportunities are probably not going to suddenly open up. If you know that you are in this position, this is a great reason to look around surrounding cities and states to see what opportunities and openings are available. Ethical Concerns This is one of the hardest issues to resolve while staying with the same employer - you might love your colleagues, love your job and even the hospital itself, but if you feel that the management of your facility do not align themselves with your ethical or moral position, then yes...it’s time to move. Many nurses have horror stories of working for hospitals where decisions were being made that they believed were unethical and in some cases even illegal. This is a mental and physical strain that anyone can do without, particularly if your job involves caring for sick people - nurses have enough moral dilemmas in their day to day lives without having to worry about their facility management. If you find yourself in this position, you may have little choice but to move further afield. Again, prior to accepting another appointment, take time to read up on your prospective hospital - talk to their staff and read up on them online
or ask on nursing forums. How do their current staff feel about working for them, and do they report any concerns? If you’re considering moving in order to take up a new position, it’s vitally important to know that you will be comfortable and confident when you arrive. Lack of Support/Lack of Training Training is critical as any type of health professional. Lack of training can be demoralizing and in some cases, dangerous. You should always try to talk to your administration prior to leaving your current position if you are generally happy with your job; however, if they are not forthcoming, this is another dilemma where your options are somewhat limited. It may be beneficial for you to look for a position in a teaching hospital, where training opportunities are plentiful. Again, if you live in a small town or city, this may not be possible and you may be looking towards the larger States or cities for opportunities. However, there can be little doubt that landing a job where the training opportunities are good is beneficial for both you and your patients. Not only will training allow you to grow as a nurse, it will also ensure that you are able to provide the best possible care for those that you are tasked with looking after. In Summary? There are many reasons that you might wish to look for another job; not all of them will involve moving. However, you might find that opportunities in your chosen area of specialism are thin on the ground where you currently live, or that you’ve outgrown your current facility and no other positions are available in your area. If you do decide to make the move, look on it as a new adventure - the road home is never barred if it doesn’t work out, but it could be the start of a fantastic new career.
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