Elton Mouna rounds up some more quirky tricks you could try
Would a superpremium, very rare spirit sold at an extremely high price work for you? It would certainly make a wonderful talking point
Allegiant Air is an American airline with a no frills super-low fares business model. Fares are sometimes as low as £30 a flight. But they have recently moved away from their no-frills approach, adding a little optional luxury in the form of Johnnie Walker Blue Label at £25 a shot. And, dear Inapub reader, these polar opposite bedfellows of cheap and cheerful and pricey luxury are actually working. Why is this? It seems that affluent customers appreciate deals on everyday items like a cheap flight ticket or a Lidl middle aisle bargain, but are also willing to splash out on their favourite indulgences, be that a bottle of extra virgin olive oil or, in this case, the indulgence of a premium whisky shot. This phenomenon has a name –it is called “split-brain spending”, and it could work for your pub. Would a super-premium very rare spirit sold at an extremely high price work for you? It would certainly make a wonderful talking point but would celebratory groups be tempted? The splitbrain spending theory says they could well be tempted. Worth thinking about.
planning to spend less time in pubs and restaurants this year as a result of the current financial squeeze. I say this not to bring an air of doom and gloom, but to simply point out the obvious, that you will have to work harder than ever to make sure customers choose you over your competitors. Another finding from the KAM research that piqued my interest was that 46 per cent of customers want to speak directly to the venue they are planning to book and 32 per cent want a same-day response to an online enquiry. Sometimes we can put huge effort in to marketing our Christmas bookings, but if we’re not on the ball when it comes to customer service we can lose the opportunity. What system does your pub have to make sure leads convert to bookings? t
Split-brain spending
Christmas Day 2023
Christmas Day 2023 falls on a Monday, potentially exposing your pub to a bumper four-day Christmas. What a terrific opportunity, but you won’t need me or respected sector researchers KAM to tell you a high percentage (34 per cent) of consumers are