Anuncio de vacantes proyecto de INBAR

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La Red Internacional del Bambú y el Ratán – INBAR, es una organización de desarrollo intergubernamental comprometida con la reducción de la pobreza y la protección ambiental a través del uso y aprovechamiento del bambú y el ratán. INBAR trabaja con 45 países miembros a nivel mundial, incluyendo 11 de América Latina y el Caribe. INBAR se encuentra buscando actualmente las siguientes posiciones: Un/a Especialista en comunicación Un Contador de campo en cada país Un/a Coordinador/a Nacional de Proyecto en cada país Un Técnico de Campo en cada país Un/a Asistente de Operaciones Un/a Gerente de Proyecto Un/a Especialista Financiero Las mismas que apoyarán y facilitarán el trabajo del Proyecto “Innovación y Promoción del Bambú mediante Procesos de Investigación Participativa para una Agricultura Resiliente en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú”. El proyecto será implementado en los tres países mencionados y tiene como objetivo principal “incrementar la resiliencia al cambio climático de productores rurales de pequeña escala en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú a través de sistemas de producción diversificados con bambú”. Los objetivos específicos del proyecto son: Mejorar la gobernanza del sector del bambú a nivel subnacional/ local; Promover la adopción del bambú en prácticas climáticamente inteligentes en la región amazónica de los tres países; Aportar en la diversificación de los medios de vida y generación de ingresos económicos de productores de pequeña escala promoviendo el acceso a mercado de pequeñas empresas relacionadas con el bambú; Incrementar la atención local, nacional y regional de los beneficios socio-económicos y ambientales del bambú. Para obtener más información sobre INBAR, visite nuestro sitio web en: A continuación, las especificaciones de cada cargo señalado:

COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST Location: Quito, Ecuador INBAR Department: Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Report to: Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean Duration: Contracts for Consulting Services 12 months renewable, with six-month probation period and monthly report submit. Salary ranging from US$1,000 to US$1,085/month (including benefits) INBAR is seeking a highly capable Communication Specialist

Responsibilties: Establish a strong communication strategy with a specific plan to disseminate the actions, achievements of the project at the local level in the three countries, regional and international, which increase interest in the sustainable use of bamboo. in line with the INBAR Corporate Communication Strategy; Develop communication products and content for social networks according to the communication plan with key messages to be transmitted. Strengthen the network of institutional contacts and civil society through the different communication channels to support the organization's objectives. Identify key stakeholders and opinion generators who could establish links with them to contribute the positioning of the projects and increase interest in the social, environmental and economic contributions of bamboo. Establish close relationships with the communication teams of the strategic partners of the three countries implementing the project to strengthen the implementation of the strategic communication plan. Generate an approach with the actors directly involved to disseminate their stories in relation to the project and look for the connection with the followers in social networks, as well as the institutions and strategic partners of the execution of the project. Supervise and ensure the correct preparation and dissemination of the different communication materials contracted externally. Maintain permanent communication with the project managers and national project coordinators in each country to keep timely and varied news of the progress and projections of the execution. Support in the review of technical documents, manuals, technical sheets and other materials to be published, so that they comply with INBAR's communication guidelines and what is requested by the donor. Manage the INBAR Spanish webpage in coordination with the Communication Team in INBAR HQ.

Define and use the best broadcast channels to announce the different promotional materials, training, promotion, and others that are generated. Ensure the positioning of projects in dissemination, training and other relevant events, in coordination with strategic partners and stakeholders. Strengthen communication capacities in local technical teams in the three countries to generate content, dissemination material, images and other communication products that amplify the work of communication of the project in general. Execute other tasks required by the Regional Coordinator.

Requirements: University degree in fields related to communication. A postgraduate degree in areas that contribute to the project will be valued. A minimum five years of experience in communication areas related with sustainable development, natural resource management, rural development, or similar that contribute to the project. Proven experience in the development of communication strategies, participation in the generation and implementation of campaigns or product positioning strategies, brands or concepts, elaboration of educational communication tools, management of social networks that generate follower’s growth in a proven way. Experience in similar positions in international organizations will be desirable. Management of social networks with various applications to improve the interaction with followers and definition of target audiences; use of design and illustration programs; others relevant to the position. Excellent capacity for oral and written expression in Spanish. Fluent management of written and spoken English will be an advantage The successful candidate should be willing to undertake extensive travel within the focal country, as well as to other places as required.

Application Process Applications will be accepted until 9 August 2019 or until a suitable candidate is identified. All applications will be acknowledged, but only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please send a cover letter demonstrating relevant experience as described in the above job description with your CV (in English) by email to: with CC: Please use “INBAR LAC Communication Specialist — NAME” as the subject of the e-mail.

CONTADOR DE CAMPO Locación: PERU Provincia Chanchamayo, Ciudad La Merced; COLOMBIA Departamento del Caquetá, Municipio de Florencia. Departamento de INBAR: Oficina Regional para América Latina y El Caribe de INBAR Reporta a: Coordinador Nacional del Proyecto Duración: 34 meses, con 4 meses de periodo de prueba. Con un rango de salario entre US$400 a US$555 (incluyendo beneficios), según su experiencia. Responsabilidades del cargo: Control del movimiento bancario desde la cuenta donde se manejarán los recursos del Proyecto y su respectivo cruce con la conciliación bancaria. Elaboración, validación, custodio y archivo apropiado de los comprobantes, con sus respectivos soportes de las transacciones. Elaboración de las transacciones económicas, debidamente autorizados en función a los procesos ejecutados por INBAR con sus soportes. Codificación secuencial de cada transacción conforme al Plan de cuentas del Proyecto. Archivo, control y rotulación apropiada de cada carpeta relacionada a las transacciones del Proyecto. Coordinación y responsable del Inventario de los activos fijos de INBAR, así como su actualización respectiva. Responsable que se cumplan con las políticas y procedimientos emitidos por la Oficina Regional en Ecuador, en cada proceso de compras, pagos, depósitos, reembolsos, devoluciones, etc. Revisión y análisis del Balance, Control presupuestario y demás reportes financieros que sean solicitados por la Oficina Regional de Ecuador. Envío de la información contable escaneada relacionada al Proyecto, vía mail en las fechas establecidas. Atender cualquier requerimiento contable de la Oficina Regional y de sus coordinadores internos.

Experiencia: Experiencia comprobada de al menos tres años en trabajo en manejo de contabilidad en proyectos de desarrollo. Habilidad de trabajo con instituciones gubernamentales y de cooperación internacional. Manejo de programas de Microsoft Office como Word, Access, PowerPoint y Outlook y dominio de Excel. Experiencia de manejo de programas contables. Título Universitario de contador público autorizado o carreras afines, que acredite su experiencia en el cargo Dominio del idioma español. Conocimiento medio del idioma inglés escrito y hablado será apreciado.

Proceso de aplicación: Todas las solicitudes serán aceptadas hasta el 9 de agosto de 2019. Todas las solicitudes serán revisadas, pero solo se contactará a los candidatos preseleccionados. Envíe una carta de presentación que demuestre la experiencia relevante como se describe en la descripción del trabajo anterior con su CV (en inglés) por correo electrónico a: con CC: Por favor, mencionar en el ASUNTO del email la posición que se encuentra aplicando: " Contador del campo INBAR LAC - PAÍS -NOMBRE "

NATIONAL PROJECT COORDINATOR (2) PE, CO Location: 1) Department of Caquetå, Municipality of Florencia, Colombia; 2) La Merced, Chanchamayo Province, Peru INBAR Department: Global Programme Report to: Project Manager Duration: 36 months, with six-month probation period. Salary ranging from US$1,800 – US$2,125 per month (including benefits), commensurate with skills and experience.

Responsibilities: Be responsible for leading and managing country activities, including the drafting and delivery of annual work plans and performance goals. Be responsible for the proper execution and use of the financial resources assigned to the country, based on the activities planned in the project and in accordance with INBAR regulations. Coordinate work with the country-level stakeholders, supervise short-term consultancies and establish alliances with associated projects at the local and national levels. Monitor project progress at the country level and issue alerts in case of activity delays/difficulties. Contribute to the preparation of donor reports and regularly provide financial statements to the Project Coordinator. Work with national counterparts to design training materials and extension programs. Identify national actors to participate in international exchanges of experiences and technologies and facilitate their participation. Support field staff and other partners to establish joint production and training spaces. Coordinate active research to develop appropriate planting protocols, techniques and tools for livelihoods and business development. Prepare presentations and updates of the project to generate social awareness. Prepare technical documents and articles to be published within the scope of the project. Maintain a digital archive with all the products and by-products developed during the execution of the project, organized according to the logical framework structure proposed. Generate and provide information permanently to the communication area. Work closely with all project staff, coordinating regularly on day-to-day administrative and operational issues.

Requirements: A minimum of five years of experience in the implementation of projects related to livelihoods development, sustainable management of resources, with proven ability in time management, prioritization and delegation. Strong knowledge of community development, participatory engagement, and an ability to work with interdisciplinary teams in different contexts and locations, and to manage conflicts Work experience in value chains of bamboo or other forest products, as well as work experience in the Amazon region will be an important advantage. Experience on interacting with governmental institutions and international cooperation. University degree in environmental sciences, natural resource management, agronomy, agricultural/environmental economy or related careers. Solid handling of Microsoft Office, web browsers, Skype. Management of software for statistical analysis or geographic information systems will be valued. The successful candidate should be willing to undertake extensive travel within the focal country, as well as to other places as required. Excellent capacity for oral and written expression in Spanish. Working management of written and spoken English will be an advantage.

Application Process Applications will be accepted until 9 August 2019. All applications will be acknowledged, but only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please send a cover letter demonstrating relevant experience as described in the above job description with your CV (in English) by email to: with CC: Please use “INBAR LAC National Project Coordinator COUNTRY- NAME� as the subject of the e-mail.

TÉCNICO DE CAMPO (3) PE, CO, ECU Locación: ECUADOR Provincia del Napo, Ciudad El Tena; PERU Provincia Chanchamayo, Ciudad La Merced; COLOMBIA Departamento del Caquetá, Municipio de Florencia. Departamento de INBAR: Oficina Regional para América Latina y El Caribe de INBAR Reporta a: Coordinador Nacional del Proyecto Duración: 34 meses, con 4 meses de periodo de prueba. Con un rango de salario entre US$800 a US$1110 (incluyendo beneficios), según su experiencia.

Responsabilidades: Apoyar al Gerente del Proyecto y a los respectivos Coordinadores Nacionales del proyecto, en la implementación de actividades a realizarse en el país de selección, establecidas en el marco lógico del proyecto para el alcance de los objetivos planteados. Articular acciones de desarrollo local y brindar un acompañamiento constante a los actores directos (beneficiarios) y aliados estratégicos del proyecto, tanto a nivel local como nacional. Apoyo en la elaboración, recopilación, organización, sistematización y análisis de la información generada desde el proyecto para estructurar documentos de reporte, difusión, capacitación o los que sean necesarios de acuerdo a los lineamientos del Responsable Nacional y Coordinador del Proyecto. Organizar los respaldos físicos y digitales de toda la información técnica y documental relacionada con las diferentes actividades realizadas durante la implementación del proyecto, incluyendo un archivo fotográfico, materiales de capacitación, registros de asistencia o participación, acuerdos y convenios locales establecidos, y otra que se considere pertinente por parte del Gerente del Proyecto y a los respectivos Coordinadores Nacionales del proyecto, y asegurar su envío a la oficina Regional de INBAR de manera periódica para garantizar un doble respaldo. Acompañar el adecuado desarrollo de productos contratados mediante consultorías cortas para asegurar que cuenten con la calidad necesaria para cumplir los plazos y resultados establecidos por el proyecto. Aportar en la elaboración de materiales de capacitación y programas de extensión con las contrapartes locales, así como en el uso e implementación de los mismos. Establecer relaciones de trabajo conjunto, sólidas con los beneficiarios y aliados estratégicos del proyecto, así como con los equipos del proyecto en los otros dos países de intervención que faciliten la ejecución de las diferentes actividades planteadas. Facilitar el desarrollo de encuentros de intercambio de experiencias, fortalecimiento de capacidades, que sean parte del proyecto o de acciones complementarias que contribuyan a los propósitos planteados por la intervención.

Colaborar en la identificación permanente de actores clave para la implementación del proyecto, alimentando el mapeo de actores del proyecto. Representar al Coordinador Nacional del Proyecto o a las oficinas de INBAR en los eventos o actividades en las que sea delegado para tal efecto. Trabajar de manera coordinada con los equipos de Ecuador, Perú y Colombia de acuerdo a los lineamientos del Coordinador del Proyecto o las oficinas de INBAR. Ejecutar otras tareas requeridas por el Coordinador Nacional del Proyecto.

Requisitos: Experiencia comprobada de al menos tres años en trabajo con organizaciones de productores, comunidades rurales, u otros actores similares, en temas de desarrollo local, fortalecimiento de capacidades técnicas y organizativas, producción sostenible y manejo de recursos, vinculación a mercados, u otros relevantes con el proyecto. Habilidad de trabajo con instituciones gubernamentales y de cooperación internacional. Experiencia en zonas de Amazonía, trabajo relacionado con bambú y de trabajo en proyectos de cooperación internacional será valorado Manejo de programas de Microsoft Office (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint y Outlook). Manejo de programas GIS y software de modelación asistida será deseable. Título Universitario en ciencias agrarias, biología, forestal, recursos naturales, economía agrícola/ambiental o carreras afines. Dominio del idioma español. Conocimiento medio del idioma inglés escrito y hablado será apreciado. Disponibilidad de viajar a nivel local y nacional en las áreas de intervención del proyecto o fuera de éstas de ser requerido.

Proceso de Aplicación: Todas las postulaciones serán recibidas hasta el 9 de agosto 2019. Todos los postulantes serán notificados, sin embargo, solo una lista corta de candidatos será contactada para la siguiente etapa de selección. Enviar una carta de interés con su CV (idioma español) al correo electrónico: Mencionar en el ASUNTO del mensaje la posición que se encuentra aplicando “Técnico de campo- Indicar el país”

OPERATIONAL ASSISTANT Location: Quito - Ecuador INBAR Department: INBAR Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean Report to: Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean Duration: 34 months, with six-month probation period. Salary ranging from US$1,000 – US$1,200 per month (including benefits), commensurate with skills and experience.

Responsibilities: Receive, screen and direct telephone calls and visitors; respond to routine internal and external enquiries; Analyze, manage and monitor a large and diversified volume of complex correspondence and documentation, often of confidential and sensitive nature; Ensure appropriate routing, reply, prioritisation, accuracy, consistency, informal translation and timeliness; bring complex, sensitive or priority issues to the Regional Coordinator´s attention Provide support to technical teams in providing the necessary information, from the administrative and operational, for the generation of technical documents, reports or other similar related documents for the execution and management of projects. Support in the elaboration of letters of agreement, covenants, letters of commitment and other instruments of joint collaboration with the different partner institutions for the implementation of project activities. Provide support to a wide range of personnel actions including appointments, extensions, duty travels, etc.; review, maintain and update confidential personnel information records and files in the area of responsibility. Prepare the documents for invitation to bid, request for quotation, request for proposal, letters of agreements and others administrative tools in collaboration with the technical team; Carry out the process of selection of suppliers and other aspects related to the administrative and logistical area. Support in the organisation of meetings or virtual meetings with actors and institutions related to the implementation of projects both nationally and internationally. Organise and maintain a digital and physical file on the administrative documentation, human resources and operations of the projects. Enter in the accounting system the processes of payments to suppliers related to their management and competence. Coordinate jointly with the Financial Specialist, assets and equipment properties of the Regional Office. Execute other tasks required by the LAC Regional Coordinator


Technical certificate/training or University degree in Business Administration, Finance, Office Management, Human Resources or other related field. A minimum five years of progressively responsible secretarial, administrative, operational experience is required at the national or international level. Experience in the usage of office equipment and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc), experience in handling of web based management systems. Ability to organize work systematically, set priorities and meet deadlines. Ability to structure and convey information in an appropriate format, ensuring accuracy and consistency. Recognize sensitive and confidential material and handle it with a high level of discretion. Ability to communicate appropriately with high level officials and to professionally handle matters of protocol. Experience of working witn non-profit organizations or international organizations will be highly valued. Excellent capacity for oral and written expression in Spanish. Working management of written and spoken English will be an advantage The successful candidate should be willing to undertake extensive travel within the focal country, as well as to other places as required.

Application Process

Applications will be accepted until 9 August 2019 or until a suitable candidate is identified. All applications will be acknowledged, but only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please send a cover letter demonstrating relevant experience as described in the above job description with your CV (in English) by email to: with CC: Please use “INBAR LAC Operation Assistance — NAME” as the subject of the e-mail.

PROJECT MANAGER Location: Tena, Napa Province, Ecuador INBAR Department: Global Programme Report to: Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean Duration: 36 months, with six-month probation period. Salary ranging from US$2,800 – US$3,035 per month (including benefits), commensurate with skills and experience.


Execute the project and guarantee the achievement of the specific results proposed, including setting and delivery of yearly work plans and performance targets. Lead the project team, including National Coordinators in Colombia and Peru, making sure that team members are given clear duties and that they are successfully implemented in a collaborative work atmosphere. Recruit and supervise short-term consultants. Be responsible for the implementation of Ecuador activities. Develop strong working relations with INBAR’s focal points in the three countries, partners, and all stakeholders. Maintain an open communication line with INBAR’s Latin America and Caribbean Office (LAC) and ensure that project operations are in compliance with INBAR guidelines and standards. Be responsible for donor reporting. Establish financial monitoring of the project in cooperation with INBAR’s Finance Team. Liaise with the Communication Specialist to share project outputs/outcomes. Develop and implement a strategy to bring project achievements to scale. Oversee the development of training materials and extension programmes. Provide technical and administrative support to the project team as well as to strategic partners during the execution of the project and the development of complementary activities contributing to the achievement of the products and results proposed. Accompanying and supervising the execution of all activities proposed in the logical framework of the project to ensure the achievement of all planned activities; issuing alerts in case of delays or difficulties in the implementation of the project to be able to manage timely solutions from the Regional Office. Maintain the project monitoring and following up system updated.

Conduct and coordinate research-action to develop and adopt appropriate plantation procedures, techniques and tools for livelihoods and business development. Carry out and coordinate frequent updates of the project's progress to raise interest in it, publish project results in indexed scientific journals, presentations and reports. Work closely with the Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of INBAR related to administrative and operational issues. Develop other tasks required by the Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of INBAR


A minimum of seven years of demonstrated experience in implementing livelihood and environment development projects, preferably with experience of working in the LAC region. Proven ability to manage time well, prioritize, delegate, and work with a range of stakeholders. Expertise in one or more areas of natural resource management, including in the areas of conducting resource assessments, land restoration, training, and value chain development. Strong knowledge of participatory-based approaches and community development. Experience of working on bamboo or other non-timber forest product (NTFP) value chains, and of working with Amazonian communities will be highly valued. Experience on interacting with governmental institutions and international cooperation. A postgraduate degree in sustainable resource management, environmental science, agriculture, rural development, environmental economy or another related field. Excellent oral and written expression in Spanish. Fluid written and spoken English. The successful candidate should be willing to undertake extensive travel in the three countries, as well as to other places as required.

Application Process Applications will be accepted until 9 August 2019. All applications will be acknowledged, but only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please send a cover letter demonstrating relevant experience as described in the above job description with your CV (in English) by email to: with CC: Please use “INBAR LAC Project Manager — NAME” as the subject of the e-mail.

FINANCE SPECIALIST Location: Quito, Ecuador INBAR Department: Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of INBAR Report to: HQ Treasurer Duration: 34 months, with six-month probation period. Salary ranging from US$1,000 – US$1,110 /month(including benefits), commensurate with skills and experience.


Work closely with the Financial Department of the INBAR Headquarters. Manage, validate and organize the accounting-financial information of the Regional Office of INBAR and projects, based on the regulations established for each case; and, in direct coordination with the Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of INBAR. Responsible for whole office and projects finance work and management of the accounting/finance system established in the organization. Keep the accounting record of all expenses incurred by the Regional Office and report quarterly expenses to Headquarters. Provide support to field teams on financial aspects, regulations and guidelines in accordance with the procedures established by the Organization and current local regulations. Support the projects and INBAR LAC Office in requirements regarding billings, expenses and other accounting financial issues necessary for the correct development of the activities. Receive information related to reports and expenses estatements with their supporting documents, prepared by the Coordinators/ National Project Managers for the approval of the Regional Coordinator, accounting records and subsequent sending to the Headquarters and the Donor Entity. Prepare and monitor project budget and ensure financial transactions are in accordance with INBAR rules and procedures as well as propose procedures to improve internal controls and efficiency and respond to audit issues. Raise alerts with due time to notice of budgetary problems identified during the execution of projects and INBAR LAC office. Manage, coordinate and process the payment in the bank according to the procedures established by INBAR Responsible for banking information and monitor the bank accounts owned by the Organization (notifications, notices, account statements, etc.)

Support the annual project audit Execute other tasks required by the Regional Coordinator


A minimum of five years of solid experience as financial or accounting officer in an organisation or project with high budgetary amounts, and several execution or operation sites Proven ability in the management and updating financial and accounting documentation with prolixity, excellent capacity for organizing information and preparing financial reports Experience of working in the financial area for non-profit organizations or international organisations will be highly valued. Solid handling of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), in particular Excel and software for accounting information management. University degree in accounting, finance, business administration or similar field. A postgraduate degree in accounting, finance or audit will be valued. Deep knowledge of current tax regulations Excellent capacity for oral and written expression in Spanish. Working management of written and spoken English will be an advantage The successful candidate should be willing to undertake extensive travel within the focal country, as well as to other places as required.

Application Process

Applications will be accepted until 9 August 2019. All applications will be acknowledged, but only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please send a cover letter demonstrating relevant experience as described in the above job description with your CV (in English) by email to: with CC: Please use “INBAR LAC Financial Specialist — NAME” as the subject of the e-mail.

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