Imagine a medical check-up with adifferent kind of prescription:
Research shows that written prescriptions for physical activity motivate patients to move more and sustain their healthy habit longer when given as part of their treatment plan by a qualified health care professional.
Thisinitiativewillhelptoreducetheriskof diseasesliketype2diabetesandsomecancers, betterscoresinreadingandmath,better fitness,morefun,healthybodyweight,selfconfidence,newskillsandbettermentalhealth.
Chronic diseases (cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity and type II diabetes etc.) are an epidemic, as well as the leading cause of death and disability in Canada. People with chronic disease face a range of negative consequences, including a lower quality of life, lower incomes, and premature death. 60% of all deaths in Canada are a result of chronic disease.
The good news, is that 75% on chronic disease can be prevented through lifestyle changes! (Centre of Disease Control). WorldHealthOrganization(WHO)
• Canadians of all ages are not moving their bodies enough to get the benefit of regular exercise to reduce risk chronic conditions. Eighty-four percent of adult and 61%Canadians do not meet minimum physical activity recommendations
• Struggle to create healthy habits
• Face challenges to transform their lifestyle
• RxTGA is an evidence-based solution to help stabilize the burden on our tax system due to rising health care costs
Annual cost of physical inactivity (Direct & indirect) is $12 billion
To use physicalactivity prescriptionsto get more Canadians moving.
To Inspire, Move and Thrive!
To provide health care professionals with exercise prescription pads & training to inspire patients
To collaborate with community fitness &recreation facilities and on-line programs to provide free trials or free unlimited access to patients
To provide behavioural support to patients to get into action, and sustain their new lifestyle habit
To partner with Sponsors who share our vision
People respect and act on their healthcare professional’s advice.
“Exercise is as powerful as any medication we might offer,” Dr.PaulOh(UniversityHealthNetwork).
Patients are 20% more active and 15% more patients sustain their Physical activity routine longer when provided with a prescription of physical activity!
Association with our integrated healthcare/physical activity program raises your brand awareness, drives marketing & creates positive PR.
Opportunities include:
❖ logos on digitalmarketing materials
❖ website links
❖ Newsletter, social media, etc.
Opportunity to demonstrate and share information with Prescription to Get Active members (Healthcare, recreation & fitness, and patient markets).
Drive traffic and engagement to the sponsor.
Sponsorship packages meet a wide range of needs & budgets.
Open gateways to new markets and help build new connections.
Access to target markets relevant to your brand.
Gifts in kind are graciously accepted.
We are experiencing tremendous year-over-year interest with new prescribers, activity partners and patient use of our program!
Sponsor support helps expand our program to more communities & improve services for healthcare professionals & their patients. Sponsorship provides coaching resources, marketing resources, training sessions, membership enrollment opportunities that we do not have today.
Your participation helps us improve the health of inactive Canadians.
Physicalinactivity is creating a national healthcarecrisis.
Your Sponsorship will greatly continue our mission to get Canadians moving.
Everyonewins–Canadians,the healthcare system, recreation& fitness industry &our Sponsors–when morepeopleget active!
Logo presence in bottom ¼ of home page
Logo and paragraph on sponsor page
Logo on participantdashboard
Auto Response
Welcome package
Logo presence atbottom of auto response
One page flyer promoting organization:Flyer is distributed electronically to all new health care & fit/rec members
Logo presence at bottom of newsletter to healthcare and fit/rec members
Logo presence atbottom of newsletter to participants
Social Media Platforms
Shout-outs on Instagram,Facebook & Twitter Quarterly
Digital platform video: What is RxTGA
Logo presence atbottom of slide deck for training of healthcare and Fit/Rec members
RxTGAoverview video: Logo on supporter recognition page at the end of the video. The video provided to: prospective members,TVmonitors in some clinics,website home page
RxTGAprescriber training video:Logo on supporter recognition page at the end of the video. The video provided to all new and existing healthcare members as a training tool for prescribers.