Music Labels

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Layout – The layout of EMI’s website is very contemporary and traditional, the navigation bar runs across the top of the page, underneath the navigation bar the page is split into 2 columns the left side which is slightly larger than the right is used as a news feed, the right side is used to broadcast the latest tweets and tags from twitter in relation to EMI and its roster. The theme is consistent throughout the website on other pages with the content of each page changing, the top of the page is used for the navigation bar. Leaving the rest of the page for content and various website links.

Colours – the colour used within the EMI website are EMI’s corporate colours which are red, black and white. These are the only colours used throughout the entire website.

Font/Size – The size of the font is relatively small in contrast to other websites, however compared to websites in the same industry the font size is the same. The font size is 11 and the font used is traditional similar to Aerial. The majority of the content is written in black with the headers in Red, the background remains white.

Layout – the layout of the Warner Music Website is very contemporary, on the home page it has 3 main columns, the first includes the websites navigation bar, the second includes a picture gallery of current artist signed to the label and logos of companies owned by the label. The third column is designated for the latest news from the brand. This theme is consistent throughout the website on other pages with the content of each column changing, the first column is always used for the navigation bar whilst most the content is placed in the middle column leaving the final column for web links specific to each page.

Colours – the colours used within the website are Warner Bro’s corporate colours which are Blue, black and white. These are the only colours used throughout the entire website. Font/Size – The size of the font is relatively small in contrast to other websites, however compared to websites in the same industry the font size is the same. The font size is 11 and the font used is traditional similar to Aerial. Headings are blue whilst the majority of the content is written in black with the background remaining white.

Identify digital methods used in websites On the EMI website there are only 2 signs of digital technologies used, the first are video links embedded onto the home page, some of which are newly released music videos and interviews. The second use of digital on the EMI website is the twitter feed which is located on the right hand side of the home page, this twitter feed updates automatically.

How the websites are helping/using digital EMI is using digital technologies to its advantage by allowing its website visitors access to exclusive video clips, this benefits them as it improves their traffic as visitors will visit to view new music before general release. Emi also enables communication between its twitter follows to be published onto the main website this is again to raise awareness of the EMI brand. Methods of revenue, how commercial interest is raised, traffic building and how online marketing is used Emi does not have any methods of revenue, it does not place any other advertisements on its website, nor does it have an online store to generate sales from merchandise. To built traffic it releases exclusive music videos onto the website before general release. No online marketing is used by EMI, other than the marketing of its artist which is done by providing new releases from them.

Identify digital methods used in websites On the Warner music website there are only 2 signs of digital technologies, the first is the digital picture gallery on the home page which navigates itself through pictures of the current Warner music roster. The second use of digital technology on the Warner website are the social media links, which are placed under the navigation bar allowing access to the Warner music twitter and Facebook page.

How the websites are helping/using digital Warner music is using digital technologies to create awareness for itself online, the main use of the embedded digital technology is to allow its website visitors to access its social network websites. The digital gallery is used to show the website visitors a glimpse of the most popular artist currently signed to the label. Methods of revenue, how commercial interest is raised, traffic building and how online marketing is used Warner music does not have any methods of revenue, it does not place any other advertisements onto its website, nor does it have an online store to generate sales merchandise. No online marketing is carried out by Warner, neither is there any form of activity to help the traffic on the website. This is because the website is more corporate.

Terminology/ keywords

Terminology/ keywords

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