1 minute read
october 19 2020 sofia palma florido
October 19 2020
Amor mío,
If it were up to me, I would spend each waking hour staring into your eyes and listening to your voice. You could speak, sing, or whisper and I would hang unto every vowel and sit on every comma with you patiently. I would spend each resting hour in your arms, stuck to your right side in a warm, homeostatic embrace. I could watch you think forever, I could watch your eyes stare into solutions and your mind dance with scenarios. I could listen to you narrate theories and hypotheses and sit in unwarranted certainty until truth arrives. I wish for truth to never arrive. I want to remain asking questions and seeking answers by your side, I don’t want resolutions or settlements, I want minds wrestling and filling boundless holes with ideas and words. I want us to never settle or resolve what was never meant to. I want our silences to have meaning and our pauses to be thoughtful. I do not want us ever to end. x