Conclusion The consensus from the panel participating in the ISI’s consolidation exercise is that the sectoral deliberations have arrived at good insights, but that the research must be further refined to make it more precise and specific in identifying key interventions to lift the pace of inclusive growth. The ISI’s final report must not dwell on the problem statement too much and should instead focus on ‘what’ needs to be done and ‘how’. It must avoid being ‘another list of good intentions’. The blueprint must offer an economically coherent approach – based on clear cause and effect, and on an appreciation of the positive impact on growth of improved efficiencies and capabilities of the State, capital, labour and new technologies. Rather than being purely theoretical, the blueprint must provide practical and immediate action steps for implementation. It is understood that not every issue can be tackled at once, thus, the blueprint should prioritise interventions, not only in terms of capacity, but also in terms of financial ability, taking into account the fiscal constraints facing South Africa.
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