5/23/22, 9:33 AM
Affordable Call Detail Record Analysis |Connectel | by Connectel In | May, 2022 | Medium
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Connectel In May 21 · 2 min read ·
Affordable Call Detail Record Analysis |Connectel Call Detail Records are a record of all the calls made and received by a particular phone. They contain information about the number called, the duration of the call, and the time of the call. Call Detail Records are used for several purposes such as billing, customer service, and fraud detection. With these records, companies can provide better customer service since they have details about all the calls made by their customers. Companies can use Call Detail Records to identify fraudulent activity since they have all the information about who was called from their phone and for how long. The process of analyzing call detail records is not an easy one. There are many companies that provide this service but the best way to determine which is the best for you is to compare them.
5/23/22, 9:33 AM
Affordable Call Detail Record Analysis |Connectel | by Connectel In | May, 2022 | Medium
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The process of analyzing call detail records is not an easy one. There are many companies that provide this service but the best way to determine which is the best for you is to compare them. The call detail record is a log that contains all the information about a phone call. It includes the time, date, and duration of the call. The best Call Detail Record Analysis tools are those which provide accurate and reliable data. They also provide insights on how to improve business efficiency by identifying areas where there is room for improvement in terms of customer service or marketing campaigns.
5/23/22, 9:33 AM
Affordable Call Detail Record Analysis |Connectel | by Connectel In | May, 2022 | Medium
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