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Small actions can make a big difference - Sustainability in the workplace
Small actions can make a big difference
- Sustainability in the workplace
Most businesses acknowledge that incorporating sustainability practices is critical for their operations, finances, and relationship with the community and their employees.
Research conducted on the benefits of sustainability in the workplace found the benefits include financial. Practices like energy conservation increase savings in the utility bills. The study also concluded that employee retention, productivity, and overall engagement all increase within the workplace.
For an organisation to be truly sustainable, it requires everyone to be committed to the cause – from the owner/manager to employees.
It only takes small actions to start the sustainability movement. It should implement as a two-tier action 1. Through operational processes/ implementation 2. Employee engagement
Operational processes/ implementation
Be sustainable in everyday retail practices
There are several actions you can take in your day-to-day operations to promote sustainable retail.
Some of these include: Choose energy-efficient equipment, lights, and appliances. E.g., swap out your traditional incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving options like CLF and LED lighting.
Review current equipment in the business. Can it be engineered to save money- e.g., adding doors to display fridge or is it more cost-effective to change the unit that has been tested for its energy rating
Even the simple act of having regular maintenance on equipment to check its operation, or seals etc. assists with energy-saving
Minimise paper usage
There are so many areas that can and have reduced paper use. With the technology available, businesses are well on their way in paper reduction. Examples of this include; • electronic payslips • electronic rosters • ordering online with suppliers • social media for marketing and advertising • training by using e-learning
Are there any other areas on the floor or in the office that paper could be reduced? Such as;
• notices to employees- could the business use messaging apps (moderated of course) to inform
employees of updates • induction handbooks- to be available online • invoices moved to be electronic- (also being implemented) • food Safety logs/compliance documentation to be moved electronically – this can be done through simple documents that can be saved on the centralised system- or there is a range of companies that offer software solutions to meet all sorts of budgets • receipt paper- is there an environmentally friendly solution?
Such as digital receipts
Other areas for businesses could review for sustainability could be;
• Waste streams • Maintenance in cleanliness, equipment, and safe operational workspace • Using Eco-friendly chemicals in the work environment • Packaging Alternative (suppliers and customers) • Digital bulletin screen in the staff common area. If this cannot be the case- laminate posters so they last longer
NATIONAL Employee engagement
Review employee’s sustainability practices
Not only is a recycling program something many employees want and appreciate, but it may also be required. • Give employees the ability to recycle in the staff break rooms • Recycle paper and containers (metal cans, plastic bottles and tubs, and glass bottles and jars) • Sort and separate recyclables correctly (glass is almost always collected separately) • Other materials/equipment- can it be upcycled/donated?
Above all, make it easy for your employees by keeping recycle receptacles easily accessible. You may even want to place posters above bin showing what should go in each one and what should not.
Create a green team
Invite employees to develop a green team. The goal of this group is to build internal awareness of the business’s efforts, educate others on important environmental issues, and provide opportunities for employees to brainstorm and give their sustainability ideas.
This is a great way to gain a better understanding of what sustainability measures are most important to your staff. From there, you will be better equipped to develop an approach that fits the needs of your workers.
A green team is also a great way to get your entire staff on board with your environmental initiatives.
Encourage employees to use reusable utensils (for personal use only)
It’s easy to allow single-use items to dominate the common areas – it is a simple action to throw out once finished, especially in the current climate. However, the impact on the environment is detrimental.
Ban bottled water – create a social distancing space for staff to store their water bottles or allow them to be carried with them depending on their job task for their shift
BYO Utensils-Encourage to bring their own cups to work or Keep-it cups for their hot refreshments. Ensure signage for their responsibilities for washing, drying and storage of these items when finished.
Have reminder signage in common areas or high traffic areas to remind employees of actions such as; • in the kitchen and bathrooms highlighting water conservation activities. • which bins are for what task, paper, food etc? • turn off lights if not required • place small stickers on computers and peripherals reminding people to turn them off when not in use.
Provide Incentives and make it fun
No employee wants to add another chore to their list of work responsibilities, so it is important to make workplace sustainability enjoyable. Make these processes easy. Could be as simple as providing more bins in the common areas or space to store their own utensils (if possible)
Motivate employees with incentives for maintaining a green work environment. Reward employees with awards such as Green Champion of the Month or other types of reward systems
Be an Example
Lead the way for employees by demonstrating green behaviour. When employees see managers and owners practicing conservation, they are more likely to do it themselves. When everyone in an establishment works together, green business practices become the norm instead of a burden.
MGA can support you going ‘green’
Through our partnerships with leading companies in sustainability programs that can advise, implement, and audit your business to ensure that operationally you can be sustainable but also save money.
Check out our website on www.mga.asn.au under the Sustainability Tab and importantly...
Australian Circular Economy Solutions: Our platform and programs focus on the circular economy and waste hierarchy. We aim to reduce the environmental and financial burden of business operations. Through innovative and practical solutions, we improve the utility and sustainability of businesses and reduce their carbon emissions footprint. Our online platform provides utility management solutions and data visualisation for businesses to promote their sustainability initiatives to the community.
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