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COVID-19 support for lockdowns


Across Australia, there have been financial support packages developed by Federal and State Governments for small business owners and their staff.

The COVID restrictions have struck down family and private businesses like never before. Unable to open their businesses to trade or being restricted in how they can engage with their customers and clientele has meant many small businesses may not reopen their doors after the most recent lockdowns.

Lockdowns in Qld, NSW, ACT and Victoria have been particularly severe and debilitating. The Qld tourist Industry is on its knees, as its traditional tourists from NSW, ACT, and Victoria cannot enter Qld due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant throughout those communities.

Support for Individuals:

COVID-19 Disaster Payment is available for people in the states and territories currently experiencing lockdowns (NSW, ACT, South Australia, and Victoria).

This is a lump-sum payment to help workers unable to earn an income due to a COVID-19 state public health order. This may involve a lockdown, hotspot or movement restrictions. How much a staff member can get will depend on their location and their individual circumstances. » The amount payable is $450

per week of lockdown for individuals who have lost between 8 hours and less than 20 hours or a full day of work, where this is less than 8 hours.

» If a person has lost 20 hours

or more of work, the amount payable is $750 per week.

Services Australia is delivering the payment. The easiest way to claim is through the myGov website. Eligible visa holders should call Services Australia on 180 22 66. More information can be found on the Services Australia website.

JobSaver Program

A new business support payment, JobSaver, has been introduced to provide cashflow support to businesses impacted by the significant restrictions facing the Lockdown States and territories to help them maintain their employee headcount.

JobSaver provides fortnightly payments to eligible businesses in the lockdown states backdated to cover costs incurred from the commencement of the lockdown

The payment will be available to entities with an annual turnover between $75,000 and $50 million who can demonstrate a 30 per cent decline in turnover. » Eligible firms receive 40% of

weekly payroll with a minimum payment of $1500 per week and a maximum of $10,000 per week

» Weekly payroll should generally

be determined by referring to the most recent Business Activity Statement (BAS) provided to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) before 26 June 2021 for the 2020-21 financial year. • Eligible entities will receive payments of between $1,500 and $10,000 per week based on the level of their payroll.

» For non-employing businesses,

such as sole traders, the payment will be set at $1,000 per week. • Eligible businesses can use

JobSaver to cover business costs incurred from 18 July 2021. These costs may include:

» salaries and wages » utilities and rent » financial, legal or other advice » marketing and communications » perishable goods » other business costs.

Other COVID Support Measures

Each state and territory has put in place further financial support packages.

Any members affected by the COVID restrictions are strongly encouraged to search their respective government COVID support websites for further information.

Some of these support measures may include; » a deferral of payroll tax. » Commercial Tenancy Rent


» landlords liable for land tax

may be eligible for a land tax concession

» One-off emergency cash grants

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