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Long serving MGA National Liquor committee member steps down
After serving on the MGA National Liquor Committee for over seven years and representing MGA Liquor as a Board Member on the ACT Liquor Advisory Board for six years, Peter Karkazis has stepped down from the Committee to focus on his business interests and spend more time with his family.
Peter has contributed valuably to MGA’s response submission to the ACT Building on Liquor Reforms - White Paper, rejecting the proposed 25% increase in licence fee for all off premise with annual gross sales of $1million or more, and having it raised to $3 million or more; the introduction of the ACT Container Deposit Scheme; and many other issues that presented during his time as a Board member of the ACT Liquor Control Advisory Council.
Peter has been a conscientious MGAL committee member, advocating not only for the ACT MGA members, but also for independent liquor members across Australia.
The MGA National Liquor Committee and MGA Board thanks Peter for all his hard work, his willingness to share information and his positive contribution at meetings.
The MGA Liquor committee would like to thank Peter for his unequivocal support and wish him well in his future endeavours.
Peter Karkazis