Vol 121 - 16 Independent Appeal Newspaper August 24 2022

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By Janet Rail

Cryptocurrency mining company DMint, Inc. coming to Selmer

Taste & See Food & Treats: Feeding the soul and stomach

By Janet Rail

By Janet Rail Publisher DMint, Inc. has purchased a building in the Selmer Indus trial Park to open a cryptocur

ThingsMONKEYPOX:youneedtoknow See “TASTE & SEE” 2 See “CRYPTOCURRENCY” 2 See “MONKEYPOX” 3

TPublisheraste & See Food & Treats of fers food for the soul and stom ach, a ministry unto its own. The grand opening was just icing on the cake as loyal customers are de veloping quickly. There is just something about food that feeds the soul. It is com forting in difficult times. That is what Janice E. Phillips wants to bring to the community. It gives her the opportunity to have a spiritual connection to her customers and her“Thankcommunity.you,thank you, thank you. Selmer has been good to me these last couple of months and I thank you all, everyone of you. All my friends and all,” said Phillips. She invited all to enjoy a wing basket, fish plate or pork chop sandwich and a choice of dessert. Items on the menu include chicken wings, hamburgers, fish plates, pork chop sandwiches and ribs to name a few. Her hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m Tuesday through Saturday.


Volume 121, Issue 16 4 50¢WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 www.independentappeal.com MCNAIRY COUNTY PUBLISHING YEARS SINCE 1902 Follow us on Facebook © 2021 Independent Appeal4Obituaries 6 4Opinion 7 4Classifieds 84School 114Sports 12 BIBLE VERSE "He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he. " Proverbs 16:20 CALL TODAY! 731-989-4632 PRE-OWNED, PRE-TITLED VEHICLES INCLUDE $489 PROCESSING FEE PLUS TTL. SHOP OUR WEBSITE WWW.LOFTONCHEVY.COM 2010 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LT EXT CAB STK#Z298952 *$13,995 STK#6322792 *$25,995 2018CHEVROLETEQUINOXLTAWD Webuycars,trucks,andSUVs!

Researchers tried to noti fy the international com munity about a brewing problem with monkeypox, but their reports went mostly un noticed. Now more than 90 countries have now reported outbreaks.Monkeypox was first dis covered 70 years ago. It is an infectious disease caused by the monkeypox virus which has been present in parts of Central and West Africa, as a result of animal-to-human and

A2012 Dodge Ram truck driv en by Gary Campbell, 37, of Ashland, Oregon, was in jured as he was traveling on Beau ty Hill Road in Bethel Springs on Monday, August 15 around 7:30 p.m. when it traveled off the road and struck multiple standing trees.

The driver was transferred by Hospital Wing to Regional One Health in Memphis for treatment according to a preliminary report from the Tennessee Highway Pa trol. Campbell was discharged from Regional One Health on Au gust 18th.

TASTE & page 1 Charles Maynard Smith worked at Pickwick Elec tric Cooperative for many years and his wife's fami ly lives in the Adamsville/ Crump area and his par ents grew up in Hender son so he is very familiar with West Tennessee. a subsidiary of THE OLB GROUP, INC. aims to build large min ing operation in Unit ed States at one of the lowest energy costs. are expanding op

CRYPTOCURRENCY ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................From page 1



SEE ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................From

erations by payments.businessturehashcryptocurrencyincreasingminingrateandinfrastruccapacity.OLB'scoreiselectronicDMintplanstobuild

Phone: (731) 645-5346 Fax: (731) 645-3591 News: (731) 645-5346 Contact Us: editor@independentappeal.com Advertising: advertising1@independentappeal.com©2021IndependentAppealThe Independent Appeal is an award-winning member of the Tennessee Press Association and the National Newspaper Association (731) 645-53464111 N. 2nd St., Selmer TN, 383754www.independentappeal.com4www.facebook.com/independentappeal CORRECTIONS The Independent Appeal is committed to accuracy. If you believe a factual error has occurred, please let us know by calling (731) 645-5346. Corrections print on Page 2. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Subscription rates in McNairy County are $20 per year; in Tennessee, $28; elsewhere, $32. Subscriptions and delivery: (731) 645-5355 POSTAL INFORMATION The Independent Appeal is published every Wednesday by McNairy County Publishing, LLC, 111 North Second Street, Selmer, TN 38375. Postmaster: Send form 3579 to Post Office Box 220, USPS 336-300. STAFF: Janet L. Rail Publisher Jai Templeton Contributor Dayna Patterson Writer Greg Mills Circulation FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/independentappeal WEBSITE: www.independentappeal.com

Even though food is prepared in a truck, there is a small room behind it where one can eat in side.When asked where the name Taste & See came from, she said it was from scripture: “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8. “I started this, not so much to start a business. I have the opportunity to meet and talk to so many people with prob lems. You would be surprised at the number of people who stand at the window and cry. I love to minister to people,” said Phillips.Phillips hasn't been in Ten nessee that long. It wasn't many years ago that Phillips and sev eral other families felt that God was calling them to move from their homes in Gainesville, Flor ida. It lead them to McNairy County where they quickly formed Kingdom Church, an apostolic church which first opened on N. Second Street in downtown Selmer to start their ministry. The church found a new home at 1814 Buena Vista Road in Bethel Springs where they worship today with Curtis Lake, minister. It didn't take long for the com munity to realize how well the women and men of the church could cook. They hosted many lunches and dinners as fund raisers and gained followers of their wonderful cuisine. It was only natural that Phillips would branch out with specialties of herSharingown. food is her thing and she loves to cater too. To find her you can go to the Taste & See Foods & Sweets Facebook page or call 731-439-2595. Many customers raved about her wings and blondie brownie dessert, while others prefer the fish or seafood plates. It may be recommended to try them all.If you long for a little food for the soul and to make a new friend, Phillips welcomes you with open arms at 325 E. Pop lar Avenue, Selmer.


a data center utilizing ASIC machines to mine cryptocurrency with un derutilized energy in accordance with ESG standards. OLB's Chief Executive Officer Ron ny Yakov stated, “DMint will strategically enter the cryptocurrency min ing business using a cost efficient and green business model which will significantly enhance OLB revenues. This new revenue source will also fuel new services and opportunities for their small-and medium sized merchants.”OnAugust 16, 2022, DMint Real Estate Holdings, Inc. (DREH) closed the purchase of 4.73 acres of land and a building located at 565 Industrial Park Drive, Selmer for a purchase price of $408,000.00. DMint intends to con vert the building into a cryptocurrency mining data center powered on the local power grid. “It may be the first of the year before we open due to supply chain is sues with transformers. We likely won't have miners in until January,” saidTheSmith.location is expect ed to have capacity for up to 9,000 cryptocur rency mining machines. The agreement allows the seller to occupy the office with up to eight people for six months rent free. After required power to the building is complete, the OLB Group, Inc. plans to get mining machines up and running.OLBGroup has started a cryptocurrency mining subsidiary as it believes it will have a major im pact in the payment in dustry and wants to be at the center of it. A publicly traded com pany, the OLB Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: QLB), a provider of cloud-based omni commerce and payment acceptance solutions for small-and mid-sized merchants, formed DMint, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidi ary of OLB (“DMint”) that started operations for mining crytocurrency in 2021.Cryptocurrency is a leading-edge system. DMint has plans to hire up to ten or more em ployees locally and be heavily involved in the community as good stewards.DMint and Pickwick Electric Cooperative are working collective ly to get this project off the ground. According to Patrick Johnson, V.P. Engineering PEC, the company will use 10 times the energy of the largest industry in the county and PEC will be responsible for getting the power to DMint. The company OLB Group, Inc. (OLB) made an SEC filing on August 16, 2022 for the pur chase of the building at 565 Industrial Park Drive, Selmer. This is a Common Stock, $0.0001 par value, Trading Sym bol OLB on the Nasdaq Captial Market submitted by Ronny Yakov, Chief Executive Officer. For more information about The OLB Group, please visit www.olb. com or vestors-datawww.olb.com/in.

Crash on Beauty Hill results in serious injury

Congrats to Fashion Revie winners: Barbara Isbell and Pat Davison. Congrats to Pat Davison for her 1st place rec ognition in Creative Writing Category. They all will go on to compete at the state level. Even though this is a fun day the clubs always want to help others. This year, club members brought non perishable food items to do nate to Loaves and Fishes. Approximately $650 worth of food was donated. A rep resentative from Loaves and Fishes was on hand during the meeting to express how much this food is needed and thank FCE members for their donations. The event con cluded with some door prizes and fellowship. If you would like to join FCE, or have any questions, please contact McNairy County UT Extension at 731-645-3598. McNairy County UT Exten sion provides a gateway to the University of Tennessee as the outreach unit of the In stitute of Agriculture. The Uni versity of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture, and Mc Nairy County governments are cooperating to bring the people of the county various programs and services. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in all programs and employment.

The first case in West Tennessee was report ed in Jackson last week according to a Press Release from the Mad ison County Health Department. The de partment will notify all individuals in close con tact with the confirmed case while the patient wasAccordinginfectious.tothe CDE, monkeypox is a rare dis ease in the same family of viruses as smallpox. If you have flu-like symp toms, one will usually develop a rash one to four days later. The rash may be on genitals, the hands, feet, chest, face or mouth. They are like blisters.This virus spreads from person to person through direct contact with the rash, scabs or body fluids. It can spread also through respiratory secretions with prolonged fact-toface contact or during intimate physical con tact or touching items of clothing or linens touched by an infected person.Oneshould be on the alert for signs of fever, headache, muscle aches or exhaustion. Many re ported cases have mild symptoms and never get a rash.Inmost cases, one can expect a full recov ery in two to four weeks, however, it can be a po tentially serious viral illness. Symptoms can develop up to 21 days after exposure to mon keypox.Ifyou develop symp toms, isolate at home and call your healthcare provider to discuss your symptoms and any need for testing. If someone in your home has monkey pox, wash your hands well after touching le sions or any surface they have come into contact with. Do not share items including dishes, utensils, electronics, clothes, laun dry or bedding and wash all clothing in a standard washing machine with warm water and deter gent. Bleach is not neces sary. Wear gloves when holding laundry and use household cleaners and disinfectants to clean sur faces.The JYNNEOS vac cine has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for people at high risk for monkeypox infection. The vaccine requires two doses, 28 days apart and can prevent severe disease, even when giv en after exposure. If you suspect you have monkeypox. Con tact your healthcare pro vider or the local health department for guidance or rus/monkeypox.www.cdc.gov/poxvi (L-R) Ella Bright, Selmer President, Pat Davison, County Council President, Barbara Brasher, Stantonville President and Barbara Isbell, Sharing Hearts President.

By Schancey Chapman Family & Consumer Science Agent UT Extension-McNairy County

MONKEYPOX ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................From page 1 Pictured with items donated to Loaves and Fishes are

By Jai Templeton SContributoroilmoisture con cerns have some what subsided in McNairy County with recent rains. However, the latest TN drought monitor map released on August 11, 2022 places almost the entire west ern and northern portion of McNairy County in D1 (moderate) and the southeastern portion of McNairy County in D2 (severe) status. The recent dry spell has caused several to ask questions as to what the future may look like. The drought that began in 1999 in the southwest ern United States has continued to expand. In fact, the 100th Meridian which is the line between the dry and wet regions of the U.S. has moved 140 miles east over the past 100 years. Models show that it will move another 100 miles by the year 2100. If that occurs that will put the line al most on the Texas and Oklahoma border with Arkansas. That will no question impact the mid southWaterregion.isarguably the planets most valuable natural resource. There are increasing demands brought on to the natural water supply due to an increasing population. Technology continues to be developed in hopes of securing a sustainable supply of clean water. Much of the conservation efforts that are employed on local farms are there in order to restore or maintain the areas' nat ural water cycle. There is developing technology that utilizes aircraft and drones to seed clouds with particles that once introduced into certain parts of a cloud will en courage droplets to form. Other technologies con tinue to develop around processes to desalinate seawater and the further exploration of deep aqui fers.McNairy County is blessed to be in an area with adequate normal rainfall, easy access to freshwater rivers and plentiful groundwater. As water supplies con tinue to become more scarce than what was once imagined in the western U.S. it will be more incumbent on the eastern U.S. to supply the nations' food de mands. That challenge will be daunting as the demand for land increas es from those who are fleeing the decades old and expanding western drought.


Despite recent rainfall McNairy County remains in moderate to severe drought

On August 16, the Stan tonville Family and Community Education (FCE) Club hosted the annual McNairy County FCE Summer Picnic with a lemon theme. This event is held yearly for the three McNairy County FCE clubs to gather for food, fun, and fellowship. Along with the Stantonville club, the other lo cal FCE clubs are Selmer and Sharing Heart. The day started with Bar bara Brasher, Stantonville FCE President, welcom ing everyone. Following the prayer and the delicious pot luck lunch, Joe Cole, sang many songs, told stories, and made everyone laugh. Mr. Cole’s performance was very joyful and everyone en joyed it immensely. A brief County Council meeting was held to revise some bylaws and elect officers. A few an nouncements were made and members were recog nized for their accolades on a County and Regional level in the Cultural Arts, Creative Writing, and Fashion Revue Contests. Congrats to Cultur al Arts winners: Terri Embry, Melinda Browning, Joan Bed well, Glenda Moore, Glenda Barron, Pat Davison, Fran ces Willis, and Barbara Isbell.

FCE Gives to Loaves and Fishes

Gas prices decline for 10th consecutive week in Tennessee

1) Florida: flat. 2) Massachusetts: 1% more obese. 3) New Jersey: 1% more obese. 4) Washington: 1% more obese. 5) California: 2% more obese. THE BOTTOM 5 STATES THAT HAVE FARED WORST OVER THE PAST 10 YEARS: 46) Kansas: 6% more obese. 47) North Dakota: 6% more obese. 48) Arizona: 7% more obese. 49) West Virginia: 7% more obese. 50) New Mexico: 8% more obese.

Tennessee is the 5th least expensive market in the Stablenationglobal oil pric es and modest domes tic demand for gasoline led pump prices to fall a nickel in the past week to $3.90.According to data from the Energy loweroilhavehasthoughtobyolineyear.identicalweek,tolygasAdministrationInformation(EIA),demandroseslightfrom9.12millionb/d9.35millionb/dlastwhichisnearlytothistimelastTotaldomesticgasstocksdecreasednearly5millionbbl215.7millionbbl.Algasolinedemandrisenandsuppliestightened,easingpriceshavehelpedpumpprices.Ifoil prices edge lower, driv ers will likely continue to see falling pump prices. Today’s national aver age of $3.90 is 51 cents less than a month ago but 74 cents more than a year ago.

AiM is stilling accepting short films for our up coming festival. The deadline to enter is Au gust 27th so wrap up that production and get your film submitted. For more information and film guidelines, check our website http://www.artsinmcnairy.com/mediaarts.html Tennessee beingCommissionWarsgrantapplicationsaccepted

Most expensive metro markets: n Morristown ($3.67), Knoxville ($3.59), Memphis ($3.54) n Least expensive metro markets: Clarksville ($3.33)($3.31),Chattanooga($3.24),Cleveland


"After seven straight weeks of double-digit declines, the state gas price average is still fall ing, however, at a much slower pace this week," Megan Cooper, spokes woman, AAA - The Auto Club Group, said in a news release. "This could be a sign that pump prices may soon begin to stabilize and level out. Another fac tor that could potential ly affect pump prices is hurricane season. Hurri canes have the potential to disrupt oil production in the Gulf of Mexico, impacting large coastal refineries and potential ly impacting local pump prices."

Study finds that 92 (out of 95) Tennes see counties have become fatter over 10 years. McNairy County is number 40 out of the 95 counties.Bradley County resi dents have gained the most weight (11% more obese).Carter County has lost the most weight (1%). At the end of NBC’s first ‘The Biggest Los er’ season, the winning contestant had lost 122 pounds (37% of his body weight). A study of con testants’ weight loss over a 6-year period after the show found that they had kept off 30% if their origi nal bodyweight. Unfortu nately, when it comes to America’s obesity crisis, life does not imitate re ality TV. Warnings about America’s obesity epi demic are nothing new… Statistics show that a sharp increase in obe sity rates began in the 1980s, yet public health campaigns since have, it seems, not resulted in reductions in people’s waistlines. That is, ac cording to a comprehen sive study by BarBend. com, the world's lead ing strength training re source and news outlet, who identified obesity levels over the past 10 years in counties across The Volunteer State.


The top 5 Tennessee counties that have fared best over the past 10 years:

THE BOTTOM 5 TENNESSEE COUN TIES THAT HAVE FARED WORST OVER THE PAST 10 YEARS: 91) Haywood: 9% more obese. 92) Lawrence: 9% more obese. 93) Claiborne: 10% more obese. 94) Hardin: 10% more obese. 95) Bradley: 11% more obese.

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Wars Com mission, the Tennessee Historical Commission division responsible for preserving the state’s significant military histo ry, has announced the SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 opening of this year’s grant cycle for the Ten nessee Wars Commis sionGrant Fund. The Tennessee Wars Commission Grant Fund provides financial sup port to coordinate plan ning,preservation, protec tion, promotion, and in terpretation of structures, buildings, sites, and battlefields related to Tennessee’s military heritage. This grant can fund a wide variety of projects relating to the French and Indian War (1754-1763), the Revolu tionary War (1776-1783), War of 1812 (18121815), Mexican-Amer ican War (1846-1848), and the Civil War (18611865).Example projects in clude, but are not limited to, archaeological sur veys and Trustfiscalcantsawardedingtionallivinghistoricandtation,ervationcontrabandcemeteryexcavations,preservation,camppresandinterpregraphicdisplaysinterpretativepanels,markers,andhistoryandeducaprograms.Grantfundstotal$114,022.00weretosixappliduringthe2022year:TheAmericanBattlefield(DavidsonCounty), Beech Grove Confeder ate Memorial Association (Coffee County), The James K. Polk Memo rial Association (Maury County), Middle Tennes see State University (Da vidson County), and Parkers Crossroads Bat tlefield Park (Henderson County), Tennessee State Library and Ar chives (Davidson Coun ty).Any individual, muse um, educational institu tion, private organiza tion, or local government bodycan apply. Although there is no minimum matching requirement, applicant contributions will be a positive consid eration. Applications are scored, rated, and ranked by Tennessee HistoricalCommission and Ten nessee Wars Commis sion staff members. The board of the html.see-wars-commission.state-programs/tenneshistoricalcommission/sionseeavailableple.com/s_Login.jsp.atcompletetal.plication14,missionsprojects.approvalCommissionCommission/WarsHistoricalhasvotingofeligiblegrantThedeadlineforsubisNOVEMBER2022.ThegrantapprocessisdigiCreateanaccountandtheapplicationhttps://tdec.smartsimMoreinformationisontheTennesHistoricalCommiswebsiteat:https://www.tn.gov/

Tennessee Regional Prices

The analysis of data available by County Health Rankings com pared each county’s rate of obesity in 2012 to newly released fig ures in 2022. The study found that 92 (out of 95) Tennessee counties be came more obese over a decade. Bradley County became a whopping 11% more“Theobese.data clearly shows that, despite the warnings from public health officials, our life styles are becoming more sedentary and as a nation, we are becoming more obese,” says Max Whiteside of BarBend. com. “Obesity increas es the risk of develop ing many diseases, and this is a crisis which is trending in the wrong di rection.” apricot content | health | tent.cominfo@apricotcon

T ennessee gas prices fell, on av erage, nearly six cents over last week. This brings Tennessee into the 10th consecu tive week of state gas price average declines and the cheapest state average since Feb. 28. The Tennessee Gas Price average is now $3.44, which is 55 cents less expensive than one month ago and 59 cents more than one year ago.

4 PAGE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 Arts in McNairy calling all film directors 92 (out of 95) Tennessee counties have become fatter over 10 years, finds study

Quick Facts 71% of Tennessee gas stations have prices be lowThe$3.50lowest 10% of pump prices are $3.13 for regular unleaded The highest 10% of pump prices are $3.84 for regular unleaded

Up Next - NY, Wash ington scramble as Tex as, AZ bus migrants.

A LOOK AT THE NATIONAL FIGURES… Overall, Tennessee emerged in position #40 when it came to ranking states in order of their obesity change over the last 10 years, with a 5% increase. The top 5 states that have fared best over the past 10 years:

1) Carter: 1% less obese. 2) Maury: 0% flat. 3) Roane: 0% flat. 4) Carroll: 1% more obese. 5) Chester: 1% more obese.



cNairy County has reason to celebrate Hispanic heri tage and the specific contri butions made in our community by Hispanic and Latino Americans.

A special event is being coordi nated by Arts in McNairy with chair man LaShell Moore and many in the Hispanic community like Brisa Hernandez who, with Moore, are working hard to plan a great eve ning on Saturday, Sep tember 17 beginning at 2 p .m. at the Latta in downtown Selmer. The celebration will pays tribute to Hispan ic and Latino Amer icans and their rich history, culture and contributions, specifi cally those from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbe an, Central and South America.Ourcommunity will mark these achieve ments with an evening of dance, live music, art, food and fun for all ages. The national Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15. It is a time to ap preciate and celebrate the colorful cultures and diversity of the Ameri can Latino community. “I am excit ed for everyone to come and see. It will be something different,” said Hernandez.Atthecelebration for McNairy County there will be a Mariachi band, Aztec Dance and a Folkloric Dance which will be demonstrat ed by teenagers from the county. An artist from Memphis is going to have some folk art on display for the evening. There will be some handmade jewelry available from Venezuela. Tamales from Guate mala and Mexico by cooks from the local community all coming togeth er to share things native to their homeland. There will be something forHispaniceveryone.Heritage Month origi nally started with one week of com memoration when it was first intro duced by Congressman George E. Brown in June 1968. With the civil rights movement, the need to recognize the contributions of the Latin community gained traction in the 1960s. Awareness of the multi cultural groups living in the United States was also grad uallyObservationgrowing. of His panic Heritage Week started in 1968 un der President Lyndon B. Johnson and was later extended to a 30-day celebration by President Ronald Reagan, starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law via approval of Public Law 100402 on August 17, 1988. September 15 is set as the start ing date for the month as it is im portant for many reasons. It is the independence anniversary for Lat in American countries El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras. From here onwards, the independence days of Mexico and Chile fall on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Dia de la Raza or Columbus Day also falls within this month, on October 12. Hispanic Americans have been integral to the prosperity of the U.S. Their contributions to the nation are immeasurable, and they embody the best of American values. The Hispanic-American community has left an indelible mark on the U.S. culture and economy. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy an wonderful evening of Hispanic heritage and meet new friends.

FALL FESTIVAL VENDORS NEEDED Selmer First United Methodist Church is looking for craft vendors to participate in their Fall Festival on November 19, 2022. Spots are still available. If interested please call 805-712-4448 for more information.

August 274


August 314The McNairy County Chamber will host a Chamber Cof fee at the McNairy County Historical Museum for Needles N Pins Quilters on Wednesday, August 31 starting at 9 a.m. This is an excellent busi ness networking event. Everyone is invited.



August 254

Linda 1947AugustDavidsonJulianFaye17,-August18,2022



August 274

Events and Happenings


The Pink Ribbon Banquet and Fashion Show will be held Saturday, Sept. 17th at 6 p.m. at the Selmer Community Cen ter. This is a Breast Cancer Aware ness Event and we are seeking sur vivors to participate in the fashion show and be an inspiration to oth ers. Please contact Edna Barnette 731-645-3799 or 731-610-6600 or email: womenofcourage3@gmail. com. Tickets can be purchased also at Mammy’s Soap Company & B&R Beauty World stores in downtown Selmer.

AugustMatthew(Jimmy)JamesLylesJuly12,1950-16,2022 James Matthew Lyles (Jimmy) was born July 12, 1950 in 1971marriageCordeliatheTennessee,Henderson,thesonoflateGeorgeandRossLyles.HewasunitedinonMarch12,toVickieSmith.HeattendedChesterCountyHighSchool.HewasafaithfullongtimememberofEastviewBaptistChurch.HelovedhiscommunityandservedthecityofEastviewforseveralyearsasaVolunteerFireman,Alderman,RuritanClubmemberandwasadedicatedcoffeedrinkerat"TheLiar'sTable"atRisner'severymorningformanyyears.Inrecentyears,JimmyenjoyedhismorningsatRamerQuickStop.ThroughouttheyearsheworkedforMcNairyCountySheriff'sOfficeasaDeputySheriffandseveralyearslaterastheJailAdministrator.HealsoworkedforCaterpillarandEastWestMotorFreightformanyyears.Heenjoyedspendingtimeoutdoors,workingintheyard,traveling,watchingGunsmokeandotherwesterns,watchinghisfavoritefootballteamtheTennesseeVolsandmostofallspendingtimewithfamily.Hispride and joy were his five granddaughters; Mad elyn, Abbie, Meredith, Shiloh and Avery. He was known as Papaw Jimbo (or sometimes Papaw Jimboat). He and Gran Gran were rarely absent from ball games, birthday par ties or anything else the grandkids were involved in. He nev er missed a chance to brag on his kids or grandkids.Hewent to be in his heavenly home on Au gust 16, 2022. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Vickie Smith Lyles of East view, Tenn.; son, Jer emy Lyles (Marsha) of Hornsby; daughter, Jodi Tyler (Reagan) of Eastview; grand children: Madelyn Whitfield, Abbie Lyles, Meredith Whitfield, Shiloh Tyler and Av ery Tyler; as well as many extended family members and lifelong friends.Inaddition to his parents, he was pre ceded in death by his brothers, Tim Lyles and Danny Lyles. Services were held on August 19, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. at Shackel ford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee, Reagan Tyler, Dewight Jones, Rob Burns offi ciated. Burial followed in the Eastview Bap tist Church Cemetery at Guys, Tennessee.

SeptemberCELEBRATION174Come join an eve ning celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month on Saturday, Sept. 17, at 2 p.m. at the Latta Building, 205 W. Court Ave., Selmer. The event will feature dancers, live music, art and food. There is no admission, dona tions welcome and everyone is invit ed. Call 731-610-1881 for more info.

Linda Faye Ju lian Davidson was born August 17, 1947 in Chester County, Tennessee, the daughter of the late Johnnie and Clara Neal Rouse Julian. She was united in marriage to Thomas Eugene Davidson on January 26, 1972. Mr. Davidson preceded her in death on April 16, 2003, they were married for 31 years. Mrs. Davidson was a member of Forty Forks Baptist Church and loved her church fam ily. She enjoyed read ing, listening to music, and spending time with her children and grandchildren.Mrs.Davidson de parted this life on Au gust 18, 2022 in Sa vannah, Tennessee, at the age of 75 Years, 1 Day.She is survived by a daughter, Tonya Frank lin and husband James of Savannah, Tenn.; two sons, Ricky David son of Bethel Springs, son and companion Holly of Pensacola, Fla.; three brothers, Paul Julian and wife Dottie, Danny Julian and wife Judy, Jacky Julian and wife Julie; four sisters, Mary Bak er, Kimberly Dotts and husband Kris, Bobbie Arp and husband Jeff, Jean Boyd; 11 Grand children, 12 Great Grandchildren; and a host of extended family and friends. In addition to her husband and parents, Mrs. Davidson was preceded in death by two sisters, Brenda Guzman, Shirley For syth; three brothers, Alan, David, and Rog erServicesJulian. were held on August 20, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. at Shackel ford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee, with Randy Smith offi ciating. Burial followed in the Liberty Ceme tery at Bethel Springs, Tennessee.

LODGE 1st Saturdays4

Katherine Joyce Suggs Wren, age 85, passed away on Monday, August 22, 2022 at Adamsville Healthcare and Rehab Center in Adamsville, Tennessee.Joycewas born February 27, 1937 in Alcorn County, Missis sippi, to the late Cecil Arlin and Lessie Mae Gurley Suggs. She was united in marriage to Lee Smith Wren on November 7, 1953 in Corinth, Miss. ber of Gravel Hill Baptist Church until her health declined.Mrs.Wren is sur vived by her husband of 68 years, Lee Wren of Ramer, Tennessee. In addition to her par ents, Joyce was pre ceded in death by a daughter, Teresa Wren; brothers, Guy, Tebo, En nis and Troy Suggs; sis ter, Lucille Suggs Jones. Services were held on August 23, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at Gravel Hill Baptist Church in Ra mer, Tennessee, with Eric Jones officiating. Burial followed in the Gravel Hill Cemetery at Eastview, Tennessee.

BETHEL SPRING HIGH SCHOOL SeptemberREUNION 114The Bethel Springs High School Homecom ing is scheduled for September 11. Doors open at 11 a.m. with program beginning at noon. A potluck lunch, chicken and drinks will be provided. All at Bethel Springs Elementary School, 4733 Main Street, Bethel Springs. Everyone who attended Bethel is invited.

Jimmy began his ad venturous life in Selmer, Tennessee, born to par ents George Albert Foust and Odelee Baldwin Foust. Growing up, Jim my enjoyed the outdoors, sports, and generally be ing as social as he possi bly could. Those passions did not change through out the course of his life.



Petra Family Worship Center Gospel Singing The Petra Family Worship Center will host a Gospel Singing at 54 Pentecostal Street, Milledgeville, on August 27. A meal will be served at 5 p.m. followed by singing at 6 p.m. featuring Old Town Tradition with B.B. Young. For info call Hazel 731439-5771. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Fill the Fire Truck School Supply & BackPack Ministry AMichiedonation drive to help Michie Ele mentary School’s BackPack Ministry will be held at the Michie Volunteer Fire Dept. starting at 9 a.m. on Sat urday, Aug. 27. Donations of school supplies, food items and monetary donations would be appreciated.

July 1, 1954August 6, 2022

The Selmer Masonic Lodge sponsors a Pancake Breakfast the 1st Saturday of every month form 6 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. at 153 S. Fourth Street, (behind the courthouse) to ben efit Autism. Pancakes, Ramer sausage are served for a donation. Come enjoy and support a great cause.

Tommy Joe Mont gomery was born May 11, 1956 in Selmer, Tennessee, the son of Shirley Whita ker Montgomery and the late Thomas Junior Montgomery. He gradu ated from McNairy Cen tral High School in 1974. He was united in mar riage to Sue Kirk on May 25, Tommy1974.Joe worked for many years as a drywall hanger and fin joy was from spending time with his grandchil dren.Mr. Montgomery de parted this life on Au gust 19, 2022 in Bethel Springs, Tennessee at the age of 66 Years, 3 Months, 8 Days. He is survived by his wife Sue Montgom ery of Bethel Springs, Tenn.; a daughter, Brandy Stone and hus band Leavy of Selmer, Tenn.; a son, Thomas Daniel Montgomery and wife Melissa of Bethel Springs, Tenn.; moth er, Shirley Whitaker Montgomery of Selmer, Tenn.; two brothers, David Montgomery and wife Donna of Selmer, Tenn., Billy Montgom ery and wife Betty of Morris Chapel, Tenn.; a sister, Diane Montgom ery of Selmer, Tenn.; six grandchildren, Brittany Montgomery of Bethel Springs, Tenn., Emma Stone and friend Ca leb Powell of Milan, Tenn., Garrett Stone of Tijuana, NM, Landon Montgomery of Bethel Springs, Tenn., Case Stone of Selmer, Tenn., Brock Stone of Finger, Tenn.; great grandson, Easton Powell; Ralph and Ruby Whitaker family; his favorite com panion, Izzy the Poodle; and a host of extended family and friends. In addition to his fa ther, Mr. Montgomery was preceded in death by grandparents, Tom and Odie Montgomery, Walter and Ella Mae Whitaker.Visitation was held on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at Shackelford Funeral Directors of Selmer.

Jimmy Franklin Foust passed away peacefully on August 6th, 2022.

Tommy AugustMayMontgomeryJoe11,1956-19,2022

Jimmy was preceded in death by his sister Elaine.Heis survived by his loving and patient wife, Desiree Amor-Diestel (who will greatly miss his antics and humor), his equally loving chil dren, Biancha Foust and Shiloh Foust, and his siblings George Foust, Kathy Kellum, and Patsy White. Jim’s memorial ser vice will be held at Brice Station Vineyards in Murphys on Sunday, Au gust 28th from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Feel free to dress as Jim would have: in sandals with socks, Tennessee Vol unteers apparel, and a well worn baseball cap.



Jimmy graduated from McNairy Central High School, and later got his bachelor of sci ence degree from the University of Tennessee at Martin. After college, Jimmy lived in Tennes see, Alabama, and Ken tucky, before finally set tling down in Northern California. Jimmy start ed his career working as a Ranger in Yosem ite, and then later at the Stanislaus River Parks. It was here that Jimmy realized he didn’t love taking directions, and transitioned into a life of delegation and living the life that his friends and family knew him for: a life of adventure, momentary chaos, and above-all-else, social interaction. Jim truly fol lowed through in living the life that he had envi sioned early on. Through the 80’s and 90’s, Jim dabbled in entrepreneurship in the exotic fields of whitewater rafting, hot air ballooning, jet-ski ing, tour transportation, and cross-country ski ing (as well as, at one point, running a bar and restaurant). Risk-aver sion was not on the menu. Later in life, Jim my became best known for building Sunshine Rafting Adventures and Delta Charter Bus, and he leaves behind many employees that will hold him in their memories. Those who knew Jimmy will recall his intense fondness for world travel, for speak ing to strangers, for driving down unmarked gravel roads, for read ing newspapers to any one that would listen, for old diesel Mercedes cars, for hushpuppies, and for playing the air drums (especially on the dashboard of ve hicles). He was an ad venturer to the core, and was one of the few people in the world who could genuinely be de scribed as “fearless”.

- EVERYTHING FREE Tuesdays & Thursdays 43 p.m. to 5 p.m. & Every 2nd and 4th Satur days of each month 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Clothes, dishes, home decor, toys. 1111 Peach Street, Selmer, TN 38375.

The McNairy County Chamber of Commerce will host a Ladies’ Luncheon at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 25 at the Latta building. Hannah’s Kitchen will be catering for the event. Reserve your tickets today by call ing Jessica at 731-645-6360. More details coming soon.

Sept. 4

Hillcrest Meadows (731) Accepting 1 & 2ElderlyBedroomDisabled Rent is based SubsidizedApplicationsMonday,9:00andfinancedinstitutionisan (800) 545-1833 “WANTED” Any Buford State Line AnyPostcards,Walking Ranch21@frontiernet.net(731)  PFC Casey William Akin  Spc. Allen Alexander  AA Nicole B. Ayres, US Navy  Sgt. Joseph W. Baggett  Capt. William B. Barkley, USMC  Sgt. Andrew W. Bayless USMC  Petty Offi cer 3rd Class Katie Lynn Bizzell, US Navy  Staff Sgt. Dustin Blakney, USAF  GySgt. Christopher T. Byrd, USMC  Staff Sgt. Susan Cawley  Staff Sgt. Alicia L. Coil, USAF  Cpl. Mandy L. Cooper, USMC  Spc. Mark A.

PAGE7WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 An Independent, locally owned newspaper Founded June 27, 1902 MISSION STATEMENT:

• Cpl.

Mountain View, Idaho • PV2 Skyler

US Navy  Staff Sgt.


Navy • Cpl.

 C.W.3

• Sgt.

Drobina, US Army  Capt. Bonnie Lynn Dunlop  Cpl. Bradley Eisenhut, USMC  Master Sgt. Carrie

USAF • Captain Dustin Hamm, USMC • PFC Isaac Harville • Staff Sgt.


USAF • Joshua

USMC  Petty Offi cer 3rd Class Katie

• SSgt.

example. Demonstrate

US Army • C.W.3

Crain  Tony Crouse, U.S. Army  Senior Airman Aaron J. Cull U.S. Airforce  Sgt. Bobby J. Dickey US Army  C.W.3 James R. Dickey, Retired  Capt. Todd

U.S. Airforce • Sgt.

Guard • A1C

[Benjamin Jowett, “On the Interpretation of Scripture,” in “Essays do with grief and supporting those in need? A great deal in relation to the male gender. Biological males seem to have an aversion toward accepting help, support, especially in the area of grief. Sadly, this mentality has seeped into an area of delusion that is called science today ”….the intensity of a conviction that a hypothesis is true has no bearing on whether it is true. The importance of the

 Staff Sgt.

pinion Our thoughts and prayers go out to members of our community who are serving in the armed forces:• PFC Casey William Akin • Spc. Allen Alexander • AA Nicole B. Ayres, US Navy • Sgt. Joseph W. Baggett • Capt. William B. Barkley, USMC • Sgt. Andrew W. Bayless USMC • Petty Officer 3rd Class Katie Lynn Bizzell, US •NavyStaff Sgt. Dustin Blakney, USAF • GySgt. Christopher T. Byrd, USMC • Staff Sgt. Susan Cawley • Staff Sgt. Alicia L. Coil, USAF • Cpl.

Dare to Live Without Limits — Misery Causing Habits


Ellis, Air Force • Master Sgt. Lonnie

Cooper, USMC  Spc. Mark A. Cooper, US Army  Staff Sgt. Adam Court, USAF  Sgt. James

Ellis, Air Force • Airman Christopher

By Bryan Golden SContributorome people are not happy unless they are miser able. If you are one of them, here is your guide to misery causing hab its. However, if you don’t like being miserable, I’ve also included strategies for breaking these habits. Fear: Fear of failure and fear of loss are two big fears which cause misery. These fears cause stress, anxiety, and procrastination. You won’t do anything you’re afraid of, so this is a great habit to use in order to avoid accomplishments. Make sure to obsess on your fear. To maximize the full impact of fear, concentrate on all the justifications that you have for being afraid. Antidote for fear: Think of the acronym for fear as being False Evidence Ap pearing Real. Since fear is often just an excuse for avoidance, fear can be displaced by reasons for success. Instead of dwell ing on why you are afraid, think of all the benefits of successfully accomplish ing what you have been putting off. Fear is defeat ed by taking one small step after self-talk:about.moreFurthermore,sub-paryourThisofyourabout,whatcan’tlyMakeNegativeanother.self-talk:suretoconstanttellyourselfwhatyoudo,arenotgoodat,youareunhappywhat’swrongwithlife,alongwithallyourcharacterflaws.processprogramsmindformiseryandperformance.youattractofwhatyouthinkAntidotefornegativeTellyourselfev erything you can and will do, what your strengths are, what you are good at, and all of the positive aspects of your life. This is a positive mental pro gramming process which moves you toward your desired objectives. By using positive self-talk you become your own advocate.Poorself-image: Think poorly of yourself and you will feel miserable. Looking in the mirror and seeing someone who is no good, inept, lousy at dealing with people, unlikable, a failure, or stupid creates a self-ful filling prophesy. You act the way you view your self.Antidote for poor self-image: Any aspect of yourself you feel is de ficient can be improved. However, too many peo ple put themselves down needlessly because there is no basis for their views. Make an honest assessment of all your strengths and you will be pleasantly surprised that you have more going for you than you realized. Problem orientation: Look for problems in ev ery situation in order to darken your world as you view your environment through the lens of all that’s wrong. While you are searching for prob lems you will be ignoring all that is Antidotegood.for problem orientation: Don’t fix ate on problems. Once a problem is identified, look for solutions. There is a solution for ev ery problem and a way around each obstacle. Develop a can do, will do attitude to use in finding the appropriate positive solutions you need.

 Senior Airman

 AA Nicole

US Army • Capt. Bonnie

Air Force • Angel Rodriguez,

are much more inclined to put in the necessary


Akin  Spc.

Retired  Capt.

derful motivator. People crave having their efforts

Joseph Payne, US Army Nat. Guard  CPO Denise Picard Culverhouse EDITOR’S NOTE: If a loved one has had a change in status, contact us at (731) 645-5346.

ZED by Duane M. Abel www.corkeycomics.com


Victim mentality: Think and act like a victim to be miserable. Feel as if you have no control over the direction of your life. Make sure to blame oth er people and circum stances for your prob lems.Antidote for victim mentality: Take respon sibility for your life. Don’t blame other people or circumstances. Don’t make excuses. If you’re not happy with your current circumstances, make positive changes to the direction you are headed.Live in the past: Lament what you could have, would have, or should have done. Re gret all missed opportu nities. Constantly scold yourself over past mis takes. Allow your past to pollute the present and future. Antidote for live in the past: Learn from your past what works and what doesn’t. Repeat the behavior which gets you desired results. Elimi nate any actions which have not worked. Live for today while preparing for tomorrow.Review all your habits to identify and eliminate those which are causing misery. Replace them with positive alterna tives. Life is meant to be enjoyed. It does not have to be an endurance test. NOW AVAILABLE: "Dare to Live Without Limits," the book. Vis it www.BryanGolden. com or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivation al speaker, author, and adjunct professor. E-mail Bryan at bryan@colum nist.com or write him c/o this paper. By Slim Randles Contributor Hi there, Pard. Yep, it’s me, Alphonse Wilson, the one they call Windy. But this ain’t pertickler a good day for ol’ Windy. Fact-a-matter is, if I was to study how to do that depression stuff? This’d be a good day to start. Ya see, it’s what’s called an an nual-versary of a sad time fer me, and I thought I might repercus sion it to you today, so’s mebbe you won’t have to have your heart broke, neither. It was the flat-out tail end of love, ya see. After all them months to gether, too. Hey, I allus figgered we’d be together for … well, life. Oh we had good times. Watchin’ stuff on the teevee, ridin’ ‘round in the pick-em-up truck. Visitin’ with friends. You know what I mean. Ever’ year on this annual versary, I wonder if mebbe I weren’t sup posed to be happy in a love sitia tion, ya know? I mean, what if some folks jest ain’t got the right smile or somethin’ to keep her around. I tried, howsomever. Really tried hard. Read up a book on it, even, you know, when she started to sull on me? What I’m s’posed to do to keep her lovin’ me. What things I can say to her to get her outta a sull likeButthat.none a-that worked. Nothin’. It’s like she jest didn’t care no more, ya know? Ever had a hap penstance like that there? Ain’t no pic-a-nic, I can lambastical guaran teeAndya. ever’ year on this here an nual versary, I cain’t help but see that last goodbye all over again, ya might call it a finality farewell, but a-course you don’t hafta call it nothin’ if you don’t want. But I can recomember it all, from the look in her eyes until she rode off with that stranger, not even lookin’ back. Not even one single look back after all them months together. I sure do miss that dog. And you can tell ‘em I said so. If you agree with Windy, please consider volunteering your time at your local animal shelter.

U.S. Army • Senior Airman Aaron

Hemby, Army • Sgt.

• Spc.

Home Country

 Pvt.

Originally the word meant, to doubt the possibility of real knowledge, later came to be applied to those who doubt in spite of the evidence to the contrary. There is one word of caution, however, to be given to those who renounce inquiry; it is that they cannot retain the right to condemn inquirers.

By David Coy LContributorifetoday is filled with more stress, more uncertainty, and more sickness that plagues our lives than ever before. In the midst of all this turmoil we make plans for our life. This is normal and natural. We make plans for our vo cation. We make plans for a family. We make plans for our future with our family. We make plans for safety and our future retirement.

USAF • Cpl.

Mail to: Letters to the Editor, The Independent Appeal, E-mail to: editor@independentappeal.com Mandy L. Mark A. Adam James P. Crain Crouse, J. Cull Bobby J. Dickey James R. Todd Joseph Drobina, Lynn Dunlop Bradley Eisenhut, Carrie L. D. J. James Furman, Gammill, Rob Lynn Griffin, James Taylor Haubrich, Matthew Brian W. Timothy Hixon Lee Alex Ricky L. Joseph Michael C. Lipford Ritchie A. McCrary Dustin McDonald Amanda K. McMillen, Lane Meek, Kevin Dewayne Mettlin, Jeffery Mitchell, USMC Patrick Michael Moore, Nat. Kassidy N. Mosier Deneen, Logan D. Mosier, Dallas Nelms, USMC Major Paula Norris Justin Overton, USMC Joseph Robert H. David Ryan Robinson Petty Officer US Navy Spc. Blake Rudd Specialist Robert Rzasa Sabion Sanders, USAF A1C Veronica Sebree, Navy Chief Officer Alan Seigers, Army SFC Patrick Michael Shaughnessy Spc. Hector Soto, Jr., Army LT Kevin Shelton, Navy

Hood • Pvt.

Byrd, USMC  Staff Sgt.

Cooper, USMC • Spc.

 PV2

Cooper, US Army • Staff Sgt.

Hendrix • Sgt.


Payne, US Army Nat. Guard • CPO Denise Picard Culverhouse • Spc. William Andrew “Andy” Pickett, Nat. Guard • Spc.

Court, USAF • Sgt.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR The Independent Appeal welcomes your opinion. Letters to the editor are subject to editing or omission for length, style or libel. All letters must include the writer’s name and signature, as well as a phone number and address for verification. The Independent Appeal does not publish anonymous letters. Letters deemed suitable for publication will run as soon as possible after receipt on a space-available basis. Because of space limitations, letters should be limited to 400 words, about two double-spaced, typed pages, one letter per person every 90 days.

Lilly • Sgt.

Pittman, II • Sgt.

US Air Force • Col. (Chaplain) Billy Hawkins • Spc.

 PFC Casey

Poole, National Guard • Cpl. James Scott Powell • Cpl. John M. Powell • Airman Cameron B. Prater, Air Force • Ernest Purez, Air Force • Pvt. Samuel Bradford Ray, Army • E4 Sophia Reinke • Sgt. Charlie Rickman, US Army • John Robinson US Navy • Staff Sgt.

 Sgt.

• A1C

USMC  Master

 Sgt.

Ellis, Air Force  Airman

SUNRISE: offer One of the best ways do so is by by your own actions what is possible. Showing what body encouragement in Positivedo. reinforcement is effective encouragement. You want people to strive for rewards, not to be cautious so as to elude punishment. Seeking rewards is always more effort when they understand the advantages of attaining their objective. Praise encourages people to keep going. Praise a person’s effort, progress, and accomacknowledged. As a result, they strive to repeat their praiseworthy behavior.Show people you appreciate their efforts by thanking them. Being

all you

Life is what we make of it especially during times of sorrow and tribulation. How we respond will influ ence and impact our future decisions and mentality. One thing is certain, if we prepare ourselves we can endure life’s unexpected and expected challenges. There is life beyond our sorrows and a purpose for us yet to fulfill. We need to keep on believing, keep on living with determination and purpose that we still have a reason to exist and others who need us to con tinue.There are people close by that are able to walk with us in our journey with grief and all our times of trials and challenges. Here at the Sunrise Aftercare program we are prepared to provide all who desire someone to walk with them in their jour ney with grief or may desire grief support group assis tance. There is no cost and no time limit. We can be a listening ear of consolation for as. The Independent Appeal strives to promote and advance McNairy County, educate and inform its citizens, while protecting the people’s right to know, and the rights and interests of our readers and advertisers.

card touch. Successful nesses know that ing their customers their patronage creates turn customers. ees who feel appreciated tend to perform at levels. business,wantscourageample,beforewhyiswhyothersbetteroneaandcourageUtilizetotooaagain.ventaunderstandmistakes.problems.gestionsOffermentslisteningcouragedEveryonewhenthanked.Encourageotherstotheirandfeedback.constructiveonhowDon’tHelpwhatmistakeandhowitfromhappeningAlthoughmistakespotentlearningoftentheyarepunishandmistakesothersgrow.Experiencegoodteacher,butelse’sexperienceteacher.Usethemistakestodemonstratebeingconscientioussoimportant.it’sessentialyouact.ifyouwantsomeonetostarttheirhavethem

Ellison 

Army • AO3

Jordan, USMC • Petty Officer 1st Class Arnold Jermaine Knight • Army Officer Major James Lax • Sgt.

 Sgt.

Army  Capt.

Coil, USAF  Cpl. Mandy

Gray, US Army • A1C Stephanie

Our thoughts and prayers go out to members of our community who are serving

• Spc.

• Staff Sergeant Brian

• Tony

Ellis, Air Force • Kip Ellison • Sgt. Cory Brandon Emily USMC • PV2 Jana Estes • Specialist Bryan Ray Ferguson • PV2 Ashley Freeman, US Army • A1C Ian

-Army Service Member • Spc.

Skeptic teem, and stimulates effort.Anyone can

These days we don’t think much about axes. They’re kinda old fashioned and they are too closely associated with manual labor for them to be very popular. It’s a shame, too, because there is lore to an ax. There are proper and improper ways to sharpen one, for instance.There are proper and improper ways to fell a tree with one, to limb a fallen tree, to split firewood. Replacing the handle on an ax could make the subject of a very interesting small book, even. Marvin always puts a coating of fiberglass around the handle just below the head to keep firewood from chewing up the handle, for instance. Dud has been known to soak an ax handle in a large tube of kerosene before using it to give it longer life. ax sharpened, Dud’s the guy to see. He has an andweightingbeTherebetheyefitreadyevidencepridewouldtor’swantwithyourheperthereforetheit’stergrindstoneold-fashionedwithawa-drip.He’lltellyouimportantnottogetsteeltoohotandtakethetem-outofit.Andwhenfinishessharpeningax,youcanshaveit.Ifyoureallyto.Butiftheygavedoc-degreesinaxuse,ifthehypothesiswillstanduptocriticalex-amination.”(PeterB.Medawar).Ifmoremalesswallowtheirandexaminethethathasal-proventheben-ofgriefsupportwouldalreadyhelpedimmensely.isaprincipletoappliedhereinvolv-carryinganother’sGalatians6:2,keeponcarrying ( alle�lo�n ta bare� his cabin with just an ax, in fact. The whole thing. It was while Jasper was showing his new cabin to some tourist ladies that his ax became legendary around here. “You see that ax?” he asked them. “That was George Washington’s ax. Yep, the same one he used to chop down the cherry tree. ‘Course it’s been through 42 handles and six heads sinceBroughtthen.” to you by Home Country (the book), published by Rio Grande Press and now available as a Kindle ebook on Amazon. bastazete ) when we know of someone carrying a heavy weight. Yes, the original context deals with moral issues, but may be applied in the context of a personal weight such as sorrow, (cf. Luke 22:45; Hebrews 11:25). If Jesus a man was willing to accept help, support from others then we should also.Support groups are a great example of how to fulfill that principle, though not the only one. Join us this month. I look forward to seeing you. ~ David. Cooper, US Army Staff Sgt. Adam Court, Sgt. James P. Crain Tony Crouse, U.S. Army Aaron J. Cull Airforce Bobby J. Dickey US Army James R. Dickey, Todd Joseph Drobina, US Bonnie Lynn Dunlop Cpl. Bradley Eisenhut, Sgt. Carrie L. Ellis, Air Force Christopher D. Ellis, Air Force Master Sgt. Lonnie J. Ellis, Air Force Kip Sgt. Cory Brandon Emily USMC Jana Estes William Allen Alexander B. Ayres, US Navy Joseph W. Baggett Capt. William B. Barkley, USMC Andrew W. Bayless Lynn Bizzell, Dustin Blakney, Christopher T. Susan Cawley Alicia L. L. P. Joseph L. Christopher D. Ellis, Air Force Master Sgt. Lonnie J. Ellis, Air Force Kip Ellison Sgt. Cory Brandon Emily USMC PV2 Jana Estes A1C Kassidy N. Mosier Deneen, USAF A1C Logan D. Mosier, USAF Cpl. Dallas Nelms, USMC Sgt. Major Paula Norris Justin Overton, USMC Spc.

 Airman

USAF  GySgt.

Dickey, Retired • Capt.

USMC • Master Sgt.


Johnson, US Army • Sgt.

• Pvt.

US Army • Pvt. Adam Gray, US Army • Daniel Gray, USMC Lance Corporal • Sgt.

Yet, amid all this hope, ex pectation, and plans life changes around our expec tations and plans. It is during these life changes especially the unexpected that can be the most challenging and overwhelming. We expect to live a long healthy and productive life, but that is just not guaranteed. How often have we heard a parent say their child is supposed to outlive their parent, but even that is not guaranteed.

is a particularly

default having been made in the payment of the debt(s) and obliga tion(s) thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the current holder of said Deed of Trust, Regions Bank d/b/a Regions Mort gage, (the “Holder”), appointed the under signed, Brock & Scott, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the orig inal Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and

acreatedasliensbeset-backenants,es;foragainstplat;shownbedescribedThety(ies):OtherBlackEstateCarrolCurrentRD,1545Address/Description:156Parcel141.IDNumber:006.13POSTOFFICEMichie,TN38357Owner(s):S.BlackandofThomasW.InterestedParsaleofthepropertyaboveshallsubjecttoallmattersonanyrecordedanyandalllienssaidpropertyunpaidpropertytaxanyrestrictivecoveasementsorlinesthatmayapplicable;anypriororencumbranceswellasanyprioritybyafixturefiling;deedoftrust;andany matter than an accurate survey of the premises might disclose; and All

Brockpose. & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee c/o Tennessee Foreclo sure Department 4360 Chamblee Dun woody Road, Suite 310 Atlanta, GA 30341 PH: 404-789-2661 FX: File404-294-0919No.: 22-09689 (16,17,18)FC01 (10176)

The "Discovery Crew" contest runs from August 23 - September 23, 2022

FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT: Houses, Apartments and Town houses. Committed to providing Safe/Afford able homes in a family friendly environment. No Pets - No Crack/ Party Houses. Credit & background check part of application and de posit required. Sweat 731-610-0807. Equal Housing Opportunity. (1-TF) OAKWOOD APART MENT RENTALS : Selmer: 1 bedroom, $525/mo. 2 bedroom , $550/mo. Both require deposits. No pets (731) 610-2877. (TF)

Newly Re modeled Home on Hwy. 142. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths with cental H/A, new appliances (stove, refrig. and diswasher). Available end of August - Call 7310926-5067. (16,17) FREE BARN Interested in OLD BARN WOOD? Offering an OLD BARN, approximately 20 x 15, FREE with Removal. Could be moved and rebuilt or wood used for various projects. Call for more information: 731-439-5099.

The contest runs from Au gust 23, 2022 – September 23, 2022

To be eligible, students Bemust:at least 13 years old at the start of the contest. Be entering the 8th grade and in good standing. Reside in Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Caro lina, Tennessee, Wisconsin, or select areas of Illinois, In diana, or Minnesota. Visit AAA.com/Discovery Crew to confirm eligibility. Be willing to be fully vacci nated for Covid-19 at the time of the cruise.



WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 8 PAGE OUR WORKADS Don't trust just anybody, Trust the ThousandsBest.ofpeoplehaveusedour classified section because it works to Driver Traffic, Build Bussiness and Sell Fast.Items STARTINGAT$5AWEEK (731) 645-5346 Mobile Home Parts • Windows & Doors • Hardware • Skirting • Tubs • Faucets • Heating & Air Parts • Anchors • Tie Downs • Tires • Special Orders Now carrying vinyl energy efficient windows for Mobile Homes We repair and install everything including heating and air! 75 Riverport Drive Jackson, TN Mon-Fri731-422-6226383018a.m.-5:30p.m. We can grind in tight place with NO yard damage or truck in 731-234-9259yards 20 YRS EXPERIENCE EstimatesFree William’s Tree & Stump Service Elderly Care disabledCaregiverWantedFull-TimeNeededFull-Timeforanelderlyperson.Exercise,generalcareforverydependentpersonintheCrumparea.FlexibleHours-$10/hr.Call731-727-7229

*Students are NOT required to be AAA Members or pur chase anything to enter. Winners will be selected based on: A creative selfie that show cases their passion for Theirtravel.answers to three es say questions about travel. The prize includes: A week-long educational riv er cruise from March 12-19, Each2023. student and their chaperone will fly to Amster dam, where they will board the AmaWaterways’ AmaLu cia ship. The ship will sail from Amsterdam through the Netherlands and Bel gium, before returning to Amsterdam. The prize also includes round trip flights to Amsterdam, travel insur ance and money for pass ports. Contest Rules No purchase necessary. Le gal residents of specific zip codes served by The Auto Club Group within the Unit ed States who are at least 13 years old and who are 8th grade students in good standing at their school at the time of entry. Void where prohibited. Contest ends 9/23/22. For official rules, prize descriptions, and eligible zip codes, vis it AAA.com/Discovery Crew. Sponsors: The Auto Club Group, 1 Auto Club Drive, Dearborn, MI 48126; AmaWaterways, 4500 Park Granada, Calabasas, CA 91302; and Allianz Global Assistance (a brand of AGA Service Company), 9950 Maryland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233.

Contest Details

NASHVILLE, Tenn., (August 23, 2022) – AAA’s “Discovery Crew” travel contest for 8th graders begins today! Sixty winners will be taken on the trip of a lifetime – a week-long education al river cruise in Eu rope – next spring. The prize includes the cruise, airfare, travel insurance and money for passports for each winner and their par ent/guardian.Thewinners will sail through the Nether lands and Belgium next spring, aboard the andtoCrew.AAA.com/DiscoverythebeginningnersSeptembercontestparent/guardian.vatewinner“AmaLucia”AmaWaterways’ship.EachwillshareapricabinwiththeirTheconcludeson23rd.WinwillbenotifiedinOctober.StudentscanentercontestonlineatThereisnocostenterthecontestyoudonothaveto be a AAA member to win. To qualify, appli cants must be at least 13 years old and enter ing the 8th grade. They must also live in one of 14 states serviced by AAA – The Auto Club Group (see below for a list of states). “AAA is excited to of fer this contest for the second time in collab oration with our longtime partners AmaWa terways and Allianz,” said Deborah Haas, Vice President of Trav el for AAA – The Auto Club Group. “The Dis covery Crew contest and trip are inspired by our belief in the transformative power of travel and desire to expand children’s view of the world.” “For many young students, this may be a once in a lifetime opportunity,” Haas continued. “So, we urge them to enter the contest. The winners will join us on a weeklong cruise through the Netherlands and Belgium. While there, students will experi ence the diverse peo ple and cultures of the area and make new friends. In the end, our hope is to instill a love of travel in generations toThiscome.”is the second Discovery Crew con test, hosted by AAA –The Auto Club Group and its partners. The inaugural contest was held in 2018, with the trip culminating the following year. Natalie Stewart, a past winner, describes what the trip meant to her: “The Discovery Crew trip was one of the most amazing expe riences I've ever had. The tours were en gaging and I learned so many new things about European his tory and architecture. My favorite aspect of the trip was getting to travel with other kids my age. I made life long friends and had a great time, even just eating dinner on the ship. The trip broad ened my horizons and allowed me to see a part of the world I nev er thought I would. I am so grateful I had this opportunity!”


statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower

said Deed


NOW, THEREFORE, no tice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provid ed in said Deed of Trust by the Holder, and that as agent for the under signed, Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trust ee, by virtue of the pow er and authority vested in it, will on September 28, 2022, at 02:00 PM at the usual and customary location at the McNairy County Courthouse, Selmer, Tennessee, proceed to sell at pub lic outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situated in Mc Nairy County, Tennes see, to COMMENCEwit: at an iron pin found on the West right of way of Post Of fice Public Road, said point being the NEC of the Charlie Willis prop erty as referenced by deed recorded in Deed Book 164 page 293, ROMC; thence run West along the North bound ary line of the Charlie Willis property 536.588 feet to an iron pin found for the point of begin ning; thence run South 0 degrees 31 minutes 11 seconds West along the West boundary line of Charlie Willis proper ty 722.57 feet to an iron pin set on the North boundary line of J.A. Churchwell property as referenced by deed re corded in Deed Book 56 page 550, ROMC; thence run South 61 degrees 58 minutes 26 seconds West along the North boundary line of said J.A. Churchwell property 84.445 feet to an iron pin set; thence run North 30 degrees 32 minutes 50 seconds West 787.056 feet to an iron pin set on the South right of way line of Post Office Pub lic Road; thence run along the South right of way line of Post Of fice Public Road the following: North 81 de grees 48 minutes 23 seconds East 27.288 feet; North 73 degrees 10 minutes 12 seconds East 36.759 feet; North 63 feet 30 minutes 47 seconds East 46.547 feet; North 57 degrees 46 minutes 53 seconds East 26.756 feet; North 55 degrees 31 min utes 59 seconds East 24.859 feet; North 55 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds East 36.138 to an iron pin set; thence leaving the South right of way line of Post Of fice Public Road, run East 304.409 feet to the point of beginning, containing 5.00 acres, more or SOURCEless.OF TITLE: Deed Book 247, at Page right equity of redemption, are express ly waived in of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The right is reserved to ad journ the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain with out further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. This office is attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that pur

Sixty 8th Graders Can Win a European River Cruise from AAA

WHEREAS, THOMAS W. BLACK AND CAR ROL S. BLACK execut ed a Deed of Trust to REGIONS BANK D/B/A REGIONS MORT GAGE, Lender and SU SAN VOSS, Trustee(s), which was dated July 11, 2018, and record ed on July 12, 2018, in Book 427, at Page 403 in McNairy County, Tennessee Register of WHEREAS,Deeds.

Students must enter online at AAA.com/DiscoveryCrew



n Red Cross rep signs people up for 10 year smoke alarms

N ewly elected county officials attend orienta tion for county mayors, executives, highway of ficials and county com missioners hosted by the University of Ten nessee County Techni cal Assistance Service at the Embasy Suites Cool Springs in Nash ville jon August 22 & 23. This is a required training as of 2018 for newly elected or ap pointed county legisla tive body members by CTAS within 120 days of their election or ap pointment. Shown are representatives from McNairy County attend ing the training.

10 PAGE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2022 McNairy County 2022

Byrd Locke Volunteer Fire Department host successful fundraiser

The Byrd Locke Volunteer Fire De partment hosted a successful fundraiser on Saturday at Locke Road Baptist Church. The fundraiser proceeds were designated to re pair their firehouse which was built in the late 80's/early 90's and is in need of repair. The Fire Department hopes to renovate the restrooms and make other repairs as money allows. Many came out for the bar becue or ordered in ad vance of the event. According to Chief Grady Parmely, the de partment was very hap py with the turnout and plans to continue efforts to raise funds to improve the firehouse as ongoing maintenance is required. Attendees Saturday en joyed great food and fel lowship while supporting a great cause. A representative of the Red Cross was on hand to meet with attendees to offer 10 year battery powered smoke detec tors and all you have to do is push a button to test every so often. The smoke detectors are free of charge, there are no batteries to replace. “Once we put them up, they will not have to worry about them for 10 years. Just test them on occasion,” said Sarah Deutsch. “We can put smoke alarms anywhere in Tennessee. I can even contact someone in Mississippi to put up smoke alarms. We have 13 counties we cover and have installed in 45 homes in the past three months. If they contact Steve Stoll, County Fire Chief, he can get in con tact with me to install smoke alarms,” said Sar ah.“We offer immediate assistance to persons who are involved in a fire, a tornado, wind damage from fallen trees, flood ing or even when a car runs into a home, for ex ample. I am a disaster assessor and we can do many things to help peo ple. I am also a follow up case worker. There is much we can do un til their insurance kicks in,” said Sarah. “We try to stay on them till they can stand on their own. Of course, there are some limits but we assist where we can. There is a lot about Red Cross that many people don't know. We are here to assist on a local level,” said Sar ah. For example, Sarah is working 15 cases over the last couple of weeks over several counties. The home office is in Jackson, Tenn. The Red Cross is al ways looking for volun teers. You can go online to sign up for Red Cross. If you go on deployment, the Red Cross covers our food but it is mostly volunteer hours. Sarah signed up a couple of people at the fundrais er for smoke alarms. Many times we are at a house fire before the fire department leaves or are there when trees fall on their home. We also go into schools and do presentations on fire safety. There are many ways to serve people through the Red Cross. If someone perishes in the home or someone drowns we can offer as sistance. This is all on the local level. The fire department was happy to see ev eryone's support and welcomes donations to the building fund. Dona tions can be mailed to: Byrd Locke Volunteer Fire Department Build ing Fund, 3309 Warren Floyd Road, Selmer, TN 38375.

Katie Brown MCFAE grant ing Reading Fluency…” was sponsored by Dr. Nich olas and Hannah Treece and was awarded to Katie Brown of Bethel Springs Elementary. This grant is focused on helping first grade students improve their reading fluency in a fun and engaging way. The more students see and read word in print, the more prac tice they are getting with phonics rules and applica tion. The titles in the scripts include character roles at a range of guided reading levels to accommodate a broad range of students.

Holly Coburn MCFAE grant

Stacy Jones MCFAE grant

A MCFAE grant titled “Berry, Berry-Quite Contrary: Extracting DNA…” was sponsored by The Bank of McNairy County and was awarded to Carly Reed of Selmer Middle School. The primary focus of the proj ect is to allow a hands-on, visual approach to learn ing. Students will be able to do a kinesthetic learning activity to retrieve and isolate DNA from a strawberry. Being able to do this will give students a better un derstanding, therefore a better ability to form a valid hypothesis about the impact of mutations of genes.


There are 13 Teacher Grants awarded

Wendy Bowers

A MCFAE grant titled “Reading and Writing Nook” was sponsored by Shackelford Funeral Homes to Christy Adkins of Adamsville Elementary School. Reading opens minds and doors to a whole new world of possibilities. One goal of this grant is to aid students in becoming better readers, readers who reach their full potential and then stretch just a little bit further. The second goal of this grant is to assist students in producing better quality writing. The overall focus is to engage learners in reading and writing and to help them excel during their kindergarten year. Reading and writing centers will build student confidence in these areas. Long term goals and visions include, but are not limited to: students reaching higher levels of achievement in reading, to be at or above grade level; students being able to produce better quality in writing of sentences and being able to create a paragraph.

A MCFAE grant titled “Building our Novel Effect Collection” was sponsored by Centennial Bank and awarded to Jamie Durbin at Michie Elementa ry School. “Building our Novel Effect Collection” is a cross-disciplinary, student-centered project geared toward engaging students in highly motivating, in teractive read-alouds in order to improve their read ing and build a life-long love of books and reading. Access to the new books to be used with the Novel Effect app will increase the number of read-alouds the students are exposed to at school and at home. A few of the long-term expectations of Building our Novel Effect Collection are as follows: Increase the frequency and duration of students reading; Meet individual student needs and learning styles; and Develop higher level thinking skills. OF ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE GRANTS AWARDED SCHOOL

Janet Williams MCFAE grant

Christy Adkins MCFAE grant

Carly Reed MCFAE grant

and was awarded to Kari Hughes of Selmer Middle School. The primary focus of the project is to pro vided a Van de Graaff generator that can be used by the students during instruction to further develop their understanding of electricity. A Van de Graaff generator will help the students to apply their knowl edge to real life experiences and help them conduct open-ended scientific investigations through inquiry. They should better be able to make observations and describe how electrons travel to form electricity. Students will be able to compare and contrast how negatively and positively charged objects attract and repel each other.

Jamie Durbin MCFAE grant

A MCFAE grant titled “Reading- It’s Just a Bunch of Fun and Games” was sponsored by Dr. Brian Full wood and was awarded to Wendy Bowers of Adams ville Elementary School. Reading is a skill that sets the world in motion in many ways. For those who possess successful reading skills, there are many doors of opportunity to be opened. This project will focus on building reading comprehension. The goals are to increase student motivation to read more; ex pand literacy skills; and build student confidence. The games and materials will be incorporated into the curriculum and used in small groups to help boost student learning.

A MCFAE grant titled “ Magnetic Molecules in Mo tion” was sponsored by Shackelford Funeral Homes and was awarded to Janet Williams of McNairy Cen tral High School. This grant will provide Mrs. Williams with kits that will be used to develop in-class teacher demonstrations of molecular structures, in-class stu dent demonstrations of molecular structures, and lab activities to investigate structures and their role in our world. Currently in chemistry classes, lab activities that involve modeling must be omitted because of the lack of supplies. Having these kits will allow for the addition of these activities to future unit plans to con struct, explore, and visualize molecules. Being able to link structure to function to usefulness through uti lizing technology will better prepare our students and deepen learning for all science classes in high school and beyond.

A MCFAE grant titled “ACT Now for Postsecond ary Readiness” was sponsored by Packaging Cor poration of America and awarded to Stacy Jones at McNairy Central High School. The primary focus of this project is to obtain resources to be used at Mc Nairy Central High School that will be used during ACT prep classes as well as other related subject area classes. Students will be provided tools that are comprehensive and are official preparation guides from the makers of ACT. Colleagues will also have access to resources for ACT coaching in their ACT classes. The students’ knowledge and application of ACT-based skills should increase.

A MCFAE grant titled “Help Fill Our Drawers” was sponsored by Home Banking Company and awarded to Holly Coburn of Selmer Elementary School. The fo cus of this project is to purchase materials to fulfill Sci ence standards and declarations in the 4th/5th grade curriculum. Each item purchased will coordinate with a state standard. If teachers are able to organize and coordinate the cart with the standards, they will be more likely to use hands-on activities. This will also make it easier for them to integrate math and science.

NASHVILLE – Today, the Tennessee Bureau of Investi gation’s Statistical Analysis Center released its annu al publication detailing the volume and nature of hate crime in Ten nessee.Thereport draws upon data submitted to the TBI through its Tennessee Inci dent Based Report ing System (TIBRS) program.Among the findings of Hate Crime 2021: n The number of offenses cat egorized with a known bias motivation increased from 122 in 2020 to 133 in 2021. n Bias-motivated offenses cat egorized as Crimes Against Persons accounted for 73.48% of all reported hate crimes in 2021. n Of the bias-motivated As saultsreported, Race/ Ethnicity/Ancestry bias accounted for 64.89% of reported incidents in 2021, while the second most fre quently reported bias was Sexual Orientation, account ing for 14.89% of reported assaults. “I am very proud of the efforts of all participating law enforcement agencies, colleges, and univer sities in the state to provide the data necessary to produce this report,” said TBI Director David Rausch. “Our combined efforts have resulted in a successful program and this annual report detailing the nature of bias-mo tivated crime occurrences in our state.”The full report is available for review and download on TBI’s website, at tbi.pub/ reports.

TBI releases annual hate crime

A MCFAE grant titled “Trading Trade Books” was awarded to Tiffany Cima and Crystal Austin of Ad amsville Elementary School. It was sponsored by The Estel Mills Memorial Fund. Once a student learns to read, and find the joy of reading, books can take you places you never dreamed of going. This grant will focus on adding extra reading materials from the reading series, Benchmark Advanced, to the first grade curriculum. Through this grant, the first graders should grow in all aspects of reading. The books will help students advance in learning, create more opportunities for understanding, and increase student engagement.

Sara Beth Dotson MCFAE grant


A MCFAE grant titled “Classroom Combustion” was sponsored by Pickwick Electric and was awarded to Lisa Roten of Ramer Elementary. This grant is sure to ignite motivation and explode stu dent learning in the area of chemistry. This proj ect-based program engages students in learning the fundamentals of physical science and helps them understand the science behind the chem istry of life, making it both accessible and fun. Classroom Combustion builds bonds in student learning as they experience everything from ex ploring the properties of matter to the reactions of chemical equations. It is a great way to spark interest in physical science and turn kids into ju nior chemists.

TwinsstudyCelebrate 79th & 80th Birthdays

Clifton and Cliff were both born in Waynesboro, Tennessee. They settled in West Tennessee many years ago. The boys were the sons of Dewey and Flora Reaves, who lived in Finger for many years. The boys were two of eleven children: James, Lu ther and Jim Reaves, Sue Wil lard, Maudie Harris and Jean Cates and the late Lurie Gibson, Arlie Reaves and Hazel Smith. Ironically the brothers both married Linda's. Clifton has two children Darrell Reaves and Kel ly Morris, two grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Cliff has one daughter Donna Jones, one grandchild and two great-grand children. Everyone had a won derful time and the double twins shared their collective birthdays on August 22, 2022.Celebrating their birthdays were Clifton Reaves, Lonnie King, Ronnie King and Cliff Reaves.

A MCFAE grant titled “Students Driven by Data” was sponsored by Adamsville Elementary Memorial Grant/ Patsy Cain Horizon Foundation was awarded to Sara Beth Dotson of Ramer Elementary. The primary focus of Students Driven by Data is to provide each student with an individualized portfolio of their data so they can be come front seat drivers in their educational journey. Each student will have an organized portfolio, progress track ing sheets, goals, and rewards all tailored to their specific needs. This grant will give the teacher and students the materials they need to organize, analyze, and implement goals to be hands-on with their data. By providing each student with a way to track their progress on the current curriculum and resources, it will give them ownership of their learning and improve their academic performance.

Tiffany Cima & Crystal Austin MCFAE grant

Clifton and Cliff Reaves, while celebrating their 80th Birthday at a party recently were joined by Lonnie and Ronnie King who were also celebrating their 79th Birthday among the 80 plus attendees at theAsparty.weall know, twin birthdays are rather special. While birth days are usually celebrated for a single individual, these birth days celebrate the arrival of two unique persons on earth within minutes of each other. The children of Clifton and Cliff, held a huge Birthday Bash for the brothers at The Marty in Adamsville. The Reaves broth ers shared over 45 years in the construction business and are “still pedalling around with proj ects.”

About TBI Since 1980, the Ten nessee Bureau of Inves tigation has served as the state’s independent, lead law enforcement agency. Every day, focused on the agency’s core values of truth, bravery, and integrity, the TBI’s more than 700 employees provide a variety of advanced criminal and drug investigative, forensic, and criminal justice services to assist local, state, and federal law enforcement partners, to fulfill the agency’s promise, “That Guilt Shall Not Escape Nor Innocence Suffer." Learn more about the TBI online at tn.gov/tbi, and connect with the agency on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @TBInvesti gation.

A MCFAE grant titled “Can You EscaPE” was sponsored by Dr. Nicholas and Hannah Treece and awarded to Shannon Rodgers of Ramer Ele mentary School. Social and emotional learning is a critical component of educating today’s youth and a key component of health and physical education instruction. Physical activity reduces anxiety and depressed mood, and enhances self-esteem. This grant focuses on improving that critical component to help students function better in the classroom as well as in society. Escape rooms are based on the CASTEL’S 5 core competencies to teaching SEL. These 5 competencies include self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. The goal of this grant is to apply these competencies in a game situation. Communication and teamwork will be re quired to complete the tasks. The students will be socially responsible, demonstrate decision-making, and manage their time.

Lisa Roten MCFAE grant

Shannon Rodgers MCFAE grant

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