Vol 121 - 19 Independent Appeal Newspaper September 14 2022

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GE appliances adds fleet of electric trucks in three states Volume 121, Issue 19 4 50¢WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 www.independentappeal.com MCNAIRY COUNTY PUBLISHING YEARS SINCE 1902 Follow us on Facebook © 2021 Independent Appeal4Obituaries 6 4Opinion 7 4Classifieds 84School 114Sports 12 BIBLE VERSE "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others." Philippians 2:3-4 CALL TODAY! 731-989-4632 PRE-OWNED, PRE-TITLED VEHICLES INCLUDE $489 PROCESSING FEE PLUS TTL. SHOP OUR WEBSITE WWW.LOFTONCHEVY.COM 2021 GMC SIERRASLT 4X4 STK#G153455 *$53,995 STK#Z233209 *$39,995 2020 CHEVROLET SILVERADO LT 4X4 Webuycars,trucks,andSUVs!

RefrigerationMonogramtohave the first truckautonomouspilotinthestate

Kentucky, Georgia, and Ten nessee. Selmer's Monogram Refrigeration, LLC, will be the first in the state to have autonomous truck pilot.

or the past 43 years, countless children in West Tennessee have not had to endlessly suffer from child abuse because the famous Carl Perkins, we all know and love, saw a news paper article that touched him. A child was reportedly abused and died from child abuse. That shows the pow


One child who died from child abuse became a dream for Carl Perkins to save all he could

On Saturday night, Nick In man, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the local Carl Perkins Center, along with director Callie Allison and her amazing staff, board and patrons held “The Gathering”

er of a story, it propelled a dream that lives today and saves countless lives from prolonged abuse.


LOUISVILLE, Ky. – July 6, 2022 – GE Appliances (GEA), a Haier company, is deploying a fleet of electric freight vehicles on routes between the company’s in bound warehouses and its manufacturing facilities in

Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse sells out fundraiser

By Janet Rail Publisher


Phone: (731) 645-5346 Fax: (731) 645-3591 News: (731) 645-5346 Contact Us: editor@independentappeal.com Appeal is an award-winning of the Tennessee (731) 645-53464111 N. 2nd St., Selmer TN, 383754


Theperiod.McNairy County

sheeting, garbage bags, moist toilets, a wrench or pliers, local maps and a cell phone with a charger and backup power sup ply.In addition to your ba sic disaster kit, Strickland recommends to consider specific items needed by family members such as: prescription clothes,completeantbagfoodcations,non-prescriptionmedications,medibabyitems,petandwater,sleepingorblankets,importfamilydocuments,changeofChlorineBleach

and dropper to sanitize water, Fire extinguisher, waterproof matches, pa per and pencil, mess kits and personal hygiene



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The Independent Appeal is committed to accuracy. If you believe a factual error has occurred, please let us know by calling (731) 645-5346. Corrections print on Page 2.


Using EV trucks brings GEA closer to accom plishing its Citizenship goals according to Shan non Fitzpatrick, senior sustainability manager at GE Appliances. “GEA is a member of the U.N. Global Compact. Inte grating EV trucks into our domestic supply chain is another ambitious step to run our operations in more sustainable ways and reduce the carbon footprint of our supply chain.”Since 2016, GE Ap pliances has invested more than $2 billion in its nine U.S. plants and na tionwide distribution net work. The investments have resulted in the cre ation of more than 4,000 newAboutjobs.GE Appliances

Emergency Manage ment Agency urges citi zens of McNairy County that do not have a plan to create one for your home. Disasters happen in a second and when they do there is little time to plan. According to Al len Strickland, Director of Emergency Manage ment, your plan should cover evacuation proce dures in care of fire and floods. You plan should also include contact in formation for everyone in the family and emergen cy numbers, and a safe

Everyone is invited to enjoy the short films and vote for your favorite in a special evening. Tickets are $5 at the door.

STAFF: Janet L. Rail Publisher Jai Templeton Contributor Dayna Patterson Writer Greg Mills Circulation FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/independentappeal WEBSITE: www.independentappeal.com WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 20222 PAGE MONOGRAM ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................From page 1

impacts the community. Putting a disaster kit to gether is not difficult and can make a huge differ ence in how an emer gency impacts your fam ily.A disaster kit should contain: One gallon of water per person per day, 3 days of non-per ishable food per person, a First-aid kit, Flash light, Battery powered or hand-cranked weath er radio, extra batteries, whistle in case you need to signal for help, dust mask, duct tape, plastic

tices to reduce the carbon footprint of our opera tions,” said Harry Chase, senior director for central materials, GE Appliances. “As we invest and expand our U.S. manufacturing to better serve our cus tomers, we will deploy Einride’s EV technology on routes we frequently use to move materials. That’s where use of these vehicles can have a big impact on reducing emis sions and costs.”

need to be prepared to face them and be pre pared. When a disaster strikes, many items are not often available. Tak ing the time to create a plan and build an emer gency kit can save you in a crisis.Strickland is offering assistance to any fam ily or business in need of guidance to develop a plan or emergency kit. For more informa tion call 731-645-3195 or go to: pare-your-family.ready.gov/kids/prehttps://www.

At GE Appliances we make the world a bet ter place, and our team is committed to lead ing in the communities where we live and work. Today, GE appliances are in 50 percent of all U.S. homes, and our business is committed

manufacturing sites, and finished-goods ware houses. The trucks have a range of 200 miles per charge and will cover an estimated 125,000 miles annually – eliminating 210 tons of CO2 emis sions within the first year, The EV trucks are be ing used in the following priorityGeorgia:locations:Trucks are routed between the Georgia Port Authority’s Appalachian Region al Port, GEA’s nearby Southern Logistics Cen ter in Crandall, and Rop er Corporation, GEA’s cooking products man ufacturing subsidiary in LaFayette.Kentucky: Trucks trav el from the company’s Kentucky Logistics Cen ter to GEA’s massive Appliance Park campus, carrying parts that make GE, GE Profile, and Café refrigerators.Tennessee: Starting soon, the focus will be moving finished Mono gram refrigerators from the manufacturing facil ity to the warehouse to await shipping to cus tomers.“GE Appliances has been pivotal to our U.S. expansion with their commitment to building a more strategic, sustain able supply chain,” said Niklas Reinedahl, gener al manager, North Amer

ica at Einride. “Deploy ment of this electric fleet together with their sup port of our autonomous EV solutions initiative, will allow GEA to further reduce its environmental footprint. We’re excited to see the impact of our technology in action.”

to serving every family in the country. We are a purpose-rooted and passion-driven orga nization that believes there is always a better way. We manufacture and sell products un der the Monogram®, Café™, GE Profile™, GE®, Haier, and Hot point brands. Our prod ucts include refrigera tors, freezers, cooking products, dishwashers, washers, dryers, air conditioners and water filtration systems. For more information on our company, brands, and corporate citizenship, visit telligentasioninmanyEinrideingpaniestheprice.targetsbothenablestechnologyTodayfreightcompanyco.com.www.geappliancesAboutEinrideEinrideisatechnologythatprovidesmobilitysolutions.EinridehastheonlyplatformthatshipperstomeettheirESGandSLAatacompetitiveRankedasoneofmostinnovativecomandmostpromisscale-upsintheworld,haspioneeredoftheworld’sfirstfreightmobility.TheviistomaketheworldbetterplacethroughInMovement.

Press Association and the National Newspaper Association

place to meet in case family members get sep arated during an emer gency.Inaddition to a plan, it is important to have a disaster kit, prepared ness kit, emergency kit, no matter what you call it, it is a necessity for every home. During an emergency having enough supplies for you and your family to sur vive for 72 hours is im portant.Youand your family may need to be self-suffi cient after an emergency


Subscription rates in McNairy County are $20 per year; in Tennessee, $28; elsewhere, $32. ubscriptions and delivery: (731) 645-5355

The move will increase efficiency, reliability and lower the cost of moving manufacturing materi als and components in a critical segment of the company’s supply chain. It will also provide data for the company to as sess the environmental benefits of electric vehi cles (EVs) to achieving its operation’s sustain ability goals. This is the implementation phase of an agreement between GEA and Einride, a lead er in providing electric and autonomous ship ping“We’vesolutions.adopted many environmentally sustain able manufacturing prac

items.Once your Disaster kit is together, be sure to monitor the dates of products that may expire and rotate them for con tinued use. Store your kit in a cool and dry place and let every family member know where it is if you have to evacuate quickly.Emergencies and di sasters happen and we

The EV trucks are being driven on routes between facilities op erated by the Port of Savannah, and GEA’s inbound warehousing and logistics centers,

The Independent Appeal is published every Wednesday by McNairy County Publishing, LLC, 111 North Second Street, Selmer, TN 38375. Postmaster: Send form 3579 to Post Office Box 220, USPS 336-300.

National Preparedness Month “Prepare to Protect”

National Prepared ness Month is an observance each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emer gencies that could hap pen at any time. Emer gency Preparedness Month is recognized in Tennessee. The Feder al Emergency Manage ment System reported 16 Disaster Declarations in McNairy County since 1953. Eight were severe storms, two biological, two flood, two tornados, one hurricane and one severe ice storm. Neigh boring counties Hardin 22, Chester 13, Harde man 13, Henderson 21 and Decatur 23 total di sasters. Tennessee re porting 83 Disaster Dec larations within the same time

On some anniver saires we celebrate. On others we reflect.

praise for a job well done.For most of us have a

The 21st Anniversary of the attack on Ameri ca the New York World Trade Center, the Penta gon and United Airlines Flight 93 is a time for reflection. The image of that day and the victims will never be out of mind, nor will their families.

On the 21st Anniversary of 9/11 we pause and reflect

wenty one years ago nearly 3,000 people lost their lives on September 11, 2001 in an attack on America. In McNairy County, a tradition was set a few years ago by the CEO of Cash Ex press, Gary McNabb, to honor First responders, officers, deputies, fire men and all who gave the ultimate sacrifice to save lives on the extaor dinary tragedy of 9/11.

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One memory we hold on to is the selfless her oism demonstrated by fire fighters, law enforce ment officers and emer gency personnel who did their jobs realizing the ul timate sacrifice they may pay. It was there job and they did it well.


Auctioneer Jay Whirley led the way to auctioning off a number of fabulous items to further support their cause. It was an evening to celebrate and cherish the many well served over the years for tomorrow brings more calls of abuse, more

When their building was damaged by fire, Billy and Denise Brown willingly gave the center free space to operate un til they were able to relo cate to a new space just weeks ago in downtown Selmer. There are many angels among us.

challenges ahead and more money to raise.

In the past year in Mc Nairy County alone, the center served over 266 local children. That is

But for this one eve ning, all enjoyed some well deserved praise and peace. We tru ly owe these angels

Following his remarks all enjoyed a lovely lunch and desserts served by Cash Express. It may seem simple but this tradition is a meaningful way to say “Thank you” and salute those who made the ultimate sacri fice for us.

We remember all from 9/11 and all who care for us right here at home.

originally scheduled on the lawn of the McNairy County Courthouse and ended up in the Latta building due to weather.

“It should not take an event like that to bring us together. The flags flying behind us should mean something every day. Everyone should be proud to be an American. Kids at school should know what it means. The division we have in our country now is some thing I pray will change and see us come back together as a cohesive nation,” said Buck.

County Mayor Larry Smith and Sheriff Guy Buck.Officers personnel 9-11

ry and all the money re quired in your budget to fund your cause.

It is hard work, very hard work indeed. It all comes

Cash Express staff.

For a team that is skilled at handling cri sis and adversity, they moved an sold out fund raiser to the Latta in less than three hours with much success. Need we doubt the very peo ple who dare to do what most won't? This team of men and women put child above self. They are their voice, their one chance for a normal and healthy life many times and their savior. It takes strong people to stand among officers of the court and advocate for our vulnerable. And cour age to take a job where you raise your own sala

from the heart. First from the heart of the famous music icon Carl Perkins of Jackson and now lives in the hearts of countless others with a passion for prevention of child abuse.

first responders. Many young children admire these dedicated men and women and want to be like them when they grow up. Most move on to other professions and it is easy to take it all for granted, until a tragedy happens.CashExpress started delivering desserts to First responders some time ago, but McNabb, is glad they did. It started out by some employee caring with an apprecia tive heart and spread from employee to em ployee and to other lo cations in Kentucky and Tennessee.Itisasmall act of ap preciation that means so much to people in the company. This simple gesture offers encour agement to employees and emergency person nel alike. The way the

much to me. One is De cember 7, 1941 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in 2001. While I wasn't alive in 41, I was very much alive in 2001. We say, lest we forget, but there are a lot of people who have forgotten. Most of us re member where we were when 9/11 happened. I was getting ready to go to work for the City of Selmer Police Depart ment. I was home and working the evening shift and no one imagined what was happening on that day until the second plane hit the twin towers. When it came out that it was a coordinated attack against us. As terrible as it was, it made the United States come to gether like nothing else has. It made people join the military, fly American flags and made people proud to be an Ameri

ing family to go home to. That is something to be thankful


“There is one thing I do not mind talking about. There are only two days in U.S. history that mean

company shows appre ciation differs from com munity to community but the company has their support.AsMcNabb values the opportunity to show their appreciation to all First responders and encourage others in the community to get involved. That was the case, as the McNairy County outoperatetheyeveryonetheaSmithwithcourthousetoemergencyhouseMcNairyheldManagementEmergencyofficeaserviceattheCountyCourthostingalllocalpersonnelalunchservedonthelawnalonglocalveterans.CountyMayorLarrywelcomedallonbeautifulafternoononlawnandthankedthereforwhatdo.“Wecouldnotthecountywithallofyou.Wealso

want to remember what happened 21 years ago. I had an opportunity to see the 9/11 Memorial in New York,” said Smith. This was followed by a short program with prayer and a few com ments by the McNairy County Sheriff and lunch prepared by county staff.

what this evening was all about. Supporters were entertained with live music, a wonderful ly prepared dinner and surrounded by friends all willing to lend a hand.

We owe them all more than we can imagine. I know their hearts are pure and challenges large in a system that does not al ways deliver justice to all.

can and to fight against anyone standing against us,” said Buck.


Picnic on the lawn 9-11.


There are people all over the country and world willing to respond without question or hes itation when the need arises. Most of us have an appreciation for

the company lost their insurance carrier due to the flooding and had to secure a new car rier and is concerned about future flooding in the area. If closed, this would cause a substan tial loss of jobs, reve nue and tax base for the City of Selmer and county.Thestudy will recreate the 100 year flood con ditions and determine what needs to be done. The recent discussion began over three years ago for the study.

Sign up for TNAchieves Mentoring Program

McNairy County is only slightly worse at 51%.


Commission approves flood control study by Army Corp of Engineers

By Jai Templeton

TNAchieves hopes to reverse the trend this year. The program inter acts with 98% of all TN Promise Scholarship applicants. McNairy County stepped up last year with 38 volunteer mentors. This year 19 individuals have already signed up. There is a need for 32 more to ad

with an allocation of $150,000 in expendi tures. Recurring flood ing has occurred in the City of Selmer with the most recent occurrence July 2020. Flooding from Cypress Creek has inun dated commercial, res idential and agricultural areas.During the July 2020 flood event, a levy on Bethesda Purdy Road breeched and over 35 area businesses, homes and land was flooded as a result.

One major industry ABB who designs, manufac tures, and distributes engineered to order busway, bus plugs and busway devices. With a 50-year history of quali ty production has exten sive flooding in Selmer. Boats were required to rescue some employ ees from the plant. The parent company wants to understand what Selmer plans to do to thwart additional flood ing. According to Coun ty Mayor Larry Smith,

the commission approve the study. “We plan to get the study and send to committees for rec ommendations to the commission. The study passed by a vote of 16 to 3,” said Smith. The proj ect has $2.9 million in Federal grants available for the project.

By Janet Rail Publisher


what was referred to as siteSite#13.13 was allocat ed as a 200 acre lake that was designated to be a recreational lake managed by TWRA. Land owners at the time, around the early to mid 80's put a stop to the project and it has remained a dor mant project to this date.The Project Manage ment Plan (PMP) is for the Floodplain Manage ment Systems (FPMS) project in the City of Selmer, McNairy Coun ty. The PMP is designed to establish the project delivery teams interpre tation of the why, what, how, who, how much, and when of the project. It serves as a baseline tool to be used as a ref erence for managing the project. The procedures and responsibilities of the plan lie with the U. S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) Memphis Dis trict.After some discussion

The county has de clared 16 disasters since 1953 with the majority major weather events including storms and flooding.Following the study, more discussion and recommendations are anticipated for flood plain management. “We are not sure what our options are until the study is complete,” said Smith. Flash flooding in McNairy County July 1, 2020 prompted evacu ations and an emergen cy declaration from the county mayor. McNairy County County.werewasCommunicationsEmergency(E911)evacuatedandcallsreroutedtoHardin


that is returning this

year is mandatory meet ings with students. Due to the pandemic it was optional to attend the two required meetings. Many experienced men tors felt that this was a disadvantage to both them and the students. Students will be re quired to attend in-per son meetings beginning with this year's class in order to participate in the program. This type of requirement is an ex cellent segue way for students to localtunityThistothehigherresponsibilitiesunderstandwitheducationandworkforce.FormoreinformationgotoTnAchieves.org.isalowinputopportopositivelyimpactcommunities.

This study stems from a project that dates back to 1975 when nine of twenty reservoirs were installed throughout the county and stopped at

ince the pandem ic Tennessee has seen a nine per centage point decline in enrollment to four-year, two- year and technical colleges. The decline of almost 7,000 students has dropped the college going rate to 52.8%.


equately mentor the stu dentThebase.deadline for sign ing up is Oct. 21, 2022. It is not a large time com mitment. Most mentors report having to give less than 10 hours through out the program which will typically begin with an online training experi ence at sign-up and then continue thru the assign ment of students. The annual commitment will continue until students are enrolled in college and have met their eligi bility requirements which is mostly complete by mid-summer.Oneprogram aspect

or 45 years Mc Nairy County has struggled with the development of a Floodplain Manage ment Plan. On Monday evening the commis sioners approved a new study to remediate flood hazards.TheMcNairy County Commission approves flood control study to be completed by the Army Corp of Engineers


He is survived by a daughter, Shelley Emison and husband

aye Hines Mitch ell died on Sep tember 11, 2022, at her home in Selmer, Tennessee, surround ed by family. She was 88 years old, but eter nally 39 to anyone who asked.She was born April 4, 1934, in Bethel Springs, Tennessee, to the late Ab and Alta Ellis Hines. She was united in marriage to W. K. Mitchell in 1952. They were married for 20 years before he preceded her in death in 1973. She is also preceded in death by her sister, Fran ces Hines Burks; her brother, Richard Hines; and her son, Steven K. Mitchell.Sheis survived by her daughters, Gin ger Mitchell Murphy of Pompano Beach, Fla. and Kelly Mitch ell Atkinson (Ronnie) of Foley, Ala., and 6 grandchildren: Corey Goodrum, Gina Det tor, Jill S. Keen, Blake Mitchell, Ronnie Neal Atkinson, and Andrew M.FayeAtkinson.had quite the entrepreneurial spirit. Early in her marriage she ran a grocery store and Mitchell's Meat Processing plant with

and wife Janice, John Ross Murray and wife Lola; sisters-in-law, Dortha Jean Naylor, Betty Murray, Frances Murray, Dianne Mur ray; grandchildren, Ginger Lauderdale of Booneville, MS, Nicho las Walker and fiancee Katherine Barnes of Selmer, Tenn., Chrissy Tyer and fiance Kev in Cox, Ashley Hale, Steven Thacker; great grandchildren, Carmen Lee and husband Greg,


Richard of Henderson, Tenn.; a son, Chad Price of Selmer, Tenn.; four grandchildren: Paisley Emison, Kason Emi son, Kallen Emison and Chanley Grace Price; a sister, Quinice Tull of Selmer, Tenn.; a broth er, John Price of Selmer, Tenn.; and a host of nieces and nephews.

A private family in terment was held at Oak Hill Cemetery in Selmer. Memori als may be made to a charity of the donor's


Faye SeptemberMitchellHinesApril4,1934-11,2022

Giveaway - Everything Free Tuesdays & Thursdays 4 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. & Every 2nd and 4th Sat urdays of each month 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Clothes, dishes, home decor, toys. 1111 Peach Street, Selmer, TN 38375.

stores in downtown Selmer.


He is survived by a sister, Phyllis Sow ell Hysmith and hus band Teddy of Beth el Springs, Tenn.; a daughter, Sammi Nicole Blakely of Ath ens, Ala.; three grand children; and a host of extended family and lifelong friends.



September 174 The McNairy Cen tral Bobcat Band will be opening their competition season by travel ing to South Gibson County High School on September 17. They will perform at 6:15 p.m. and awards will follow. They are hoping members of the community will come show their support.

HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH CELEBRATION4 Come join an evening celebrating Hispanic Her itage Month on Saturday, Sept. 17, at 2 p.m. at the Latta Building, 205 W. Court Ave., Selmer. The event will feature dancers, live music, art and food. There is no admission, donations welcome and everyone is invited. Call 731-610-1881 for more info.

auline Walk er was born March 9, 1926 in Selmer, Tennessee, the daughter of the late Virgil and Lessie Hen sonSheMurray.was united in marriage to Willard Walker on December 1, 1945. Mr. Walker preceded her in death on February 4, 2014, they were married for 68Mrs.years.Walker was a member of the Better Hope Primitive Baptist Church in the Leap wood Community. She enjoyed flower gar dening, working in her yard, keeping a clean house, cooking for her

September 184 All are invited to see Trevor Thomas Live at Deans burg Baptist Church, 645 Deanburg Road, Henderson, TN at 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 18.Thomas has been touring for three decades in America filling audiences with laughter, inspi ration and life change. Thomas will

Larry had many stories to tell who had a great love for his community and his family.

ed to come to the Arts in McNairy Short Film Festival on Saturday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. to enjoy a variety of short films and vote for your favor ite. Tickets are $5 at the door.


Faye was a mem ber of the Order of the Eastern Star, First Baptist Church of Selmer, and the Selmer Golf & Country Club. She was a reg ular on Thursday eve nings for the Selmer Ladies' Golf League and worked diligently for many years to pro duce the "Junior-Se nior" Golf Tournament for children. She will be sorely missed.

Mrs. Walker depart ed this life on Septem ber 10, 2022 in Selmer, Tennessee at the age of 96 Years, 6 Months, 1 Day.She leaves to cher ish her memory two sons, Joe Walker and wife Cathy of Selmer, Tenn., Kevin Walk er of Selmer, Tenn.; a daughter, Becky Kies tler of Selmer, Tenn.; brothers, Larry Murray


her husband. After his death in 1973, she stepped in and ran Mitchell-McClain Saw mill until the business sold in 1975. Later, she opened "The Villa" dress shop in Selmer and a restaurant, Li'l Abner's, that she ran with her sister Frances Burks.Faye loved traveling (sandy beaches were a favorite), golf, highheeled shoes, and beautiful clothes. With out question, she'd be the most glamorous person in any room.

Michael Doyle Sowell was born February 8, 1962 in Savannah, Ten nessee, the son of the late T.E. (PeeWee) and Joyce Rickman Sowell.



Larry Wayne Price was born July 21, 1946 in McNairy County, Tennessee, the son of the late Arvy D. Price and Ollie Smith Price. Mr. Price departed this life on September 11, 2022 in Memphis, Tennessee at the age of 76 Years, 1 Month, 21 Days.

In addition to his wife and parents, Mr. Sowell was preceded in death by grandpar ents, Elmer and Jewel Thacker Sowell, Wil liam T. and Verlie Lee EvansServicesRickman.were held on September 11, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Shackelford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee, with Tan ner Garrison officiat ing. Burial followed in the Stantonville Cem etery at Tennessee.Stantonville,

Larry started Selmer Small Engine in 1969. He later owned a John Deere and Kubota Dealership. He started Cars for Kids in 1990.

Mr. Bray departed this life on August 28, 2022 in Corinth, Mis sissippi at the age of 85 Years, 10 Months, 8 Days.Heis survived by his wife of almost 66 years, Ruth Bray of Ramer, Tenn.; a sister, Ernestine Blevins of Spruce Pine, Ala.; and a host of nieces, neph ews, and friends.

Robbin Tyer, Chase Jones and wife Chloe, Neleh Jones, Addisyn Lauderdale, Alyssa Hale, Kaine Hale; great great grandchildren, Brentley and Teagan Lee, Ryker Tyer, and Hudson Clanton; and a host of extended family and friends.

In addition to his parents, Mr. Bray was preceded in death by three brothers, Buiel, Junior, and William OaklandServicesBray.were held on August 31, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Shackel ford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee, Wayne McKee officiat ed. Burial followed in the Olive Hill Cemetery in Guys, Tennessee.

He enjoyed fishing, boating, deer hunting, and watching West erns. He loved spend

In addition to his parents, Mr. Price was preceded in death by his wife, Linda Murray on October 18, 1999; and two brothers, Mel vin and Ernest Price.

1st Saturdays 4 The Selmer Masonic Lodge sponsors a Pan cake Breakfast the 1st Saturday of every month form 6 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. at 153 S. Fourth Street, (behind the courthouse) to bene fit Autism. Pancakes, Ramer sau sage are served for a donation. Come enjoy and support a great cause.

Lonnie Bray was born October 20, 1936 in Spruce Pine, Alabama, the son of the late William Floyd and Francis Aar onHeBray.was united in marriage to Ruth Mer cer on September 14, 1956.Mr.Bray was a paint er for over 30 years for Jim Walter Homes. He was a member of the Olive Hill Baptist Church in Guys, Ten nessee. He served honorably in the Unit ed States Army for two terms.Hewas known to his nieces and nephews as, "Unkie." He loved spending time and teasing each one of his nieces and nephews. A huge fan of the Golden Arches - cheeseburg ers and fried pies were his favorites.

ing time with his sister

Mike worked at Que becor World Color in Corinth, Miss. for sev eral years. After the closing of World Color, he worked at Food Gi ant for ten years and Piggly Wiggly before retiring to spend time with his family.

4 Selmer First United Methodist Church is looking for craft vendors to participate in their Fall Festival on November 19, 2022. Spots are still available. If interested please call 805-712-4448 for more information.


Mike departed this life on September 8, 2022 in Bethel Springs, Tennessee at the age



September 24 4 The West Ten nessee Old Iron Tractor Club will host a Tractor Show in the parking lot of the Top O’ The River Restau rant, Hwy 57, Michie, Tenn. on Saturday, Sept. 24th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is invited to come and see the antique tractors and more.


In addition to her husband and parents, Mrs. Walker was pre ceded in death by sis ters, Joyce Plunk, Mary Bess Tate; brothers, Gordon, Tom, Oneal, Gary, and Bruce Mur ray.Special thanks to Asera Care Hospice for the wonderful care and kindness shown to our loved one and family. Services were held on September 14, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Shackel ford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee, Gene Gist officiated. Burial followed in the Clear Creek Cemetery at Selmer, Tennessee.

Events and Happenings

September 244Everyone is invit

He was united in marriage to Shelia Rene Rowland on June 1, 1984. Mrs. Sowell preceded him in death on May 19, 1985.


He is also survived by his companion of 22 years, Nola Menden hall.Services were held on September 15, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. at Shackelford Funeral Directors in Selmer, Tennessee, John Chandler officiated. Burial followed in the Lake Hill Memori al Gardens at Bethel Springs, Tennessee.

Pauline SeptemberMarchWalker9,1926-10,2022

Upcoming Event Sept. 17 4 The Pink Ribbon Banquet and Fash ion Show will be held Saturday, Sept. 17th at 6 p.m. at the Selmer Community Center. This is a Breast Cancer Awareness Event and we are seeking survivors to participate in the fashion show and be an inspiration to others. Please contact Edna Barnette 731-645-3799 or 731-610-6600 or email: womenofcourage3@ gmail.com. Tickets can be pur chased also at Mammy’s Soap Company & B&R Beauty World

Larry SeptemberJulyWaynePrice21,1946-15,2022

be joined by his wife Sawyer and daughter Claire who record music exclusively for Chapel Valley Music in the Sanctuary label. All of their material is worshipful, evangelistic and edifying for the church. Come attend this unforgettable worship experience.


Home Country


The importance of the

Praise encourages people to keep going. Praise a person’s effort, progress, and accom-

A great deal in relation to the male gender.


is doable is much more effective than only telling someone what they can, or should do.

It starts in early September and by October becomes more of a war chant. When winter shuts down the breeding sea son, the bulls go quiet once again, and pal up with other bulls to face winter together.

energy draining problem, focus on finding effec tive solutions. Dealing with only symptoms robs you of energy without correcting anything. As a result, you become in creasingly frustrated. For example, if there is water dripping from your ceiling because of a hole in the roof, placing a bucket to catch the water doesn’t fix the Eliminateproblem.toxic re lationships which can quickly empty your tank. These one-way relation ships involve people who take from you without contributing anything in return. These people are complainers, whin ers, and naysayers, who make you cringe when ever you have to interact with them. Instead, avoid interacting with toxic people. Don’t be rude.


Mail to: Letters to the Editor, The Independent Appeal, P.O. Box 220, Selmer, TN James Lax

• A1C Kassidy N. Mosier Deneen, USAF A1C Logan D. Mosier, USAF Cpl. Dallas Nelms, USMC Bradford Speck, Shaun Spicher, USMC Richard A. Ssesanga, Airman Nathaniel A. Spc. Daniel Sullivan, Army 2nd Lt. Chad Sweaton, Army Spc. Dakota Taylor, National Jeremy Thompson Cpl. Logan Gage Ward, U.S.M.C. ET3 Jeremy Wilbanks, US Coast Pvt. Demaro Wiley, SC, Army A1C Logan James Williams, USAF Joseph Lloyd Williams MM3 US Master Sgt. Stanley Wilson, USAF

Dare to Live Without LimitsRunning on Empty

• Joshua Lane Meek, Army

strength of our conviction is only to provide a proportionately strong incentive to find out if the hypothesis will stand up to critical examination.” (Peter B. Medawar).Ifmore males would swallow their pride and examine the evidence that has already proven the benefit of grief support they would already be helped immensely. There is a principle to be applied here involving carrying another’s weight Galatians 6:2, and keep on carrying ( alle�lo�n ta bare�

“Anybody oooooo-ut there?”

By Bryan Golden

USMC • Sgt.


Guard •

David Coy Contributor

“And you-u-u-u-u-u too-oo-o-!”Ina month, they’ll be gather ing cows and Pete will threaten to dismember ol’ Sherm with a single antler, but that’s during the rut, and that has more grunting sounds in it.

If you should go out there and try to call one in close enough for a picture, or at least a conversation, they would like me to remind you they are both 12 feet tall, weight more than a ton each, and could whip a freight train. And they’re good-looking guys, too. Pass the word.


Bryan Golden Contributor

• SSgt. Patrick Michael Moore, Nat. Guard

plishment. Any accomplishment, regardless of how small is praiseworthy. Praise is one of the most coveted rewards. Praise shows recognition andPraiseappreciation.inpublic whatever behavior you want to encourage. This positive reinforcement is a wonderful motivator. People crave having their efforts acknowledged. As a result, they strive to repeat their praiseworthy behavior.Show people you appreciate their efforts by thanking them. Being

The Independent Appeal has a legacy of independent family own ership. Past publishers were: William J. Rail 1976-2000; Leslie Houston, 1974-1976; Bruce Hurt, 1970-1974; George Hamilton, 1964-1970; Wilbur Wright, 1946-1964; B.O. Weeks, 1941-1946; Ken Duke, 1938-1941; Orpheus Abernathy and Family, 1920-1938; Col. J.W. Purviance, 1902-1920. “Dedicated to the peaceful, pr gressive and proud people of McNairy County.”

These days we don’t think much about axes. They’re kinda old fashioned and they are too closely associated with manual labor for them to be very popular. It’s a shame, too, because there is lore to an ax. There are proper and improper ways to sharpen one, for inandstance.improper

up in the mountains, would get the first one around here. He built


whitewash US History and leave its own fundamental ist, religious imprint on what is taught to our children.

 PFC Casey William Akin  Spc. Allen Alexander  AA Nicole B. Ayres, US Navy  Sgt. Joseph W. Baggett  Capt. William B. Barkley, USMC  Sgt. Andrew W. Bayless USMC  Petty Offi cer 3rd Class Katie Lynn Bizzell, US Navy  Staff Sgt. Dustin Blakney, USAF  GySgt. Christopher T. Byrd, USMC  Staff Sgt. Susan Cawley  Staff Sgt. Alicia L. Coil, USAF  Cpl. Mandy L. Cooper, USMC  Spc. Mark A. Cooper, US Army  Staff Sgt. Adam Court, USAF  Sgt. James P. Crain  Tony Crouse, U.S. Army  Sgt. Bobby J. Dickey US Army  C.W.3 James R. Dickey, Retired  Capt. Bonnie Lynn Dunlop  Cpl. Bradley Eisenhut, USMC  Master Sgt. Carrie L. Ellis, Air Force  Master Sgt. Lonnie J. Ellis, Air Force  Kip Ellison  Sgt. Cory Brandon Emily USMC  PV2 Jana Estes  PFC Casey William Akin  Spc. Allen Alexander  AA Nicole B. Ayres, US Navy  Sgt. Joseph W. Baggett  Capt. William B. Barkley, USMC  Sgt. Andrew W. Bayless USMC  Staff Sgt. Dustin Blakney, USAF  GySgt. Christopher T. Byrd, USMC  Staff Sgt. Susan Cawley  Staff Sgt. Alicia L. Coil, USAF  Cpl. Mandy L. Cooper, USMC  Spc. Mark A. Cooper, US Army  Staff Sgt. Adam Court, USAF  Sgt. James P. Crain  Tony Crouse, U.S. Army  Capt. Bonnie Lynn Dunlop  Cpl. Bradley Eisenhut, USMC  Master Sgt. Carrie L. Ellis, Air Force  Master Sgt. Lonnie J. Ellis, Air Force  Kip Ellison  Sgt. Cory Brandon Emily USMC  PV2 Jana Estes  A1C Logan D. Mosier, USAF  Cpl. Dallas Nelms, USMC  Sgt. Major Paula Norris  Pvt. Justin Overton, USMC  Spc. Joseph Payne, US Army Nat. Guard  CPO Denise Picard Culverhouse

If you don’t fill your mental and physical tanks, your performance will stall. Symptoms of running on empty in clude irritability, tension, stress, lack of concentra tion, decreased motiva

accomplishes nothing. This type of external fo cus prevents you from taking the positive ac tions necessary to fill yourHeretank.are some effec tive, positive ways to fill your tank when running on empty. Start by be ing proactive. You are in control and responsible for the action you take. Do what’s required to fill up your tank so you can keepStrivegoing.to fill your tank with positive energy, not negative. Look for the positive aspect in all sit uations. It may be tough to find, but there is usu ally something positive there. Focusing on the positive keeps you from making circumstanc es worse. Taking small steps forward is what matters. The size of each

Governor Lee is pushing for vouchers amounting to $8,100 to be given to par ents to move their child out of public schools to private schools. This money will be taken away from pub lic schools through the new funding formula that the gov ernor has touted so much with a clause that allows this tax money to be used in this manner.McNairy County School System is the largest em ployer in the county with about 700 employees serv ing about 3700 students. If Hillsdale and Governor Lee

Hillcrest Meadows Apartments

dumbest colleges.” Why does that matter? It matters because Governor Bill Lee has an alliance with Hills dale to form charter schools all over the state, and Gov ernor Lee was on the stage with President Arne when he made that statement. Gov ernor Lee has not yet called this statement wrong. Both local school boards in Wil liamson County and Ruth erford County have denied Hillsdale College permission to begin charter schools in their systems. However, Governor Lee has a self-ap pointed Charter School Commission that can over rule the local school boards. Hillsdale College has its own curriculum which will

The Independent Appeal welcomes your opinion. Letters to the editor are subject to editing or omission for length, style or libel. All letters must include the writer’s name and signature, as well as a phone number and address for verification. The Independent Appeal does not publish anonymous letters. Letters deemed suitable for publication will run as soon as possible after receipt on a space-available basis. Because of space limitations, letters should be limited to 400 words, about two double-spaced, typed pages, one letter per person every 90 days.

Navy •

This letter addresses the yard signs – red ones that say “It Mat ters” and blue ones that say “Yes! It really matters!” The McNairy County Democrats sponsor the blue ones with the thought that voters need to know WHY it matters. So, the first reason it matters is to save our public schools. If you graduated from the University of Memphis, any of the University of Ten nessee campuses, or any teacher education program in Tennessee, Larry Arne, the president of Hillsdale College in Michigan, has said that you graduated from the “dumbest program in the

•WolfordUSAF A1C Aidan Buck

[Benjamin Jowett, “On the Interpretation of Scripture,” in “Essays

• Spc. Dustin McDonald

A cornerstone of encouragement is explaining the benefits of reaching a desired goal. People are much more inclined to put in the necessary effort when they understand the advantages of attaining their objective.

tion, fatigue, and lack of direction.Youwould never con sider filling your car’s gas tank with sand. Doing so would completely ruin your engine. Likewise, don’t ever fill your men tal or physical tank with sand through substance abuse, or any type of de structive behavior. This strategy quickly worsens any startingwhenpeoplementality.yourperceptionDesperationshortwhenyourpositiveation.neverWhencircumstances.runningonempty,actoutofdesperThereisalwaysastrategyforfillingtank.Decisionsmadedesperatetendtobesightedandflawed.taintsyourbydistortingviewofreality.Don’tdevelopavictimBlamingotherorcircumstancesyoufindyourselftorunonempty

Stout •

SUNRISE: Skeptic

Encouragement is a magical mental elixir with numerous outstanding benefits and no negative side effects. Encouragement improves lives, drives success, changes perspectives, builds selfconfidence and self-esteem, and stimulates effort.Anyone can offer encouragement. One of the best ways to do so is by example. Demonstrate by your own actions what is possible. Showing what

write him c/o this 2022 Bryan Golden

NOW AVAILABLE: "Dare to Live Without Limits," the book. Vis it www.BryanGolden. com or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivation al speaker, author, and adjunct professor. E-mail Bryan at bryan@colum nist.com or write him c/o this paper.

A hand written thank you card is a particularly nice touch. Successful businesses know that thanking their customers for their patronage creates return customers. Employees who feel appreciated tend to perform at higher levels. Everyone is encouraged when thanked.

You can be a walking example of the magic of motivation. Your actions are more convincing than your words. So, before you seek to encourage others make sure you embody encouragement in all youPositivedo.

“This is She-r-r-r-r-rm. Re member me from last winter? Goin’ girlin’-n-n-n-n soon, Pete?”“Thought I mi-i-i-i-ight, Sherm. Luck to you.”


That was Pete, sitting on top of a ridge near the Continental Divide. From the bottom of the canyon to the west, maybe four miles away, we hear an answer.


• USAF A1C Dylan Kidd Jack H. Smith E5 US Navy, Sasebo,

Decline participating in these endeavors without using the word “no.” In stead, thank the person asking you to participate before indicating that you must decline due to previous commitments. Each time you do this, you add fuel to your tank. When dealing with an

ways to fell a tree with one, to limb a fallen tree, to split firewood. Replacing the handle on an ax

• Sgt.

When you are deplet ed, you feel you can’t take another step for ward. You are experienc ing mental and physical exhaustion. Taking just a small break provides an opportunity to get some of your energy back.

Help people and bryan@columnist.comprofessor.er,tant,isorwww.BryanGolden.comLimits,”“Dareday.youtostrangers.coworkers,ily,Youpersonagementtheagement.fromallowstopsTheanywaysnesses.tobytivewilltrulysomeoneceivedarestrengthspeoplestrengths.capitalizeToooverlookbecausedistractedbyweaknesses.whatcapableofmakealifelongimpression.EncourageashowingthemovercometheirSomethingbedonetoperceivedlimitations.onlytimeaweaknesssomeoneit.EveryonethemagicofIthelpsoneprovidingaswellbeingencouraged.canencouragefriends,subordinates,bosses,MakeseehowmanycanencourageNOWAVAILABLE:toLivethebook.yourbookstore.amanagementmotivationalauthor,andE-mail

• Cpl. Jeffery Mitchell, USMC

powerful than avoiding consequences. Let people know what they can do and why. Clearly identify the benefits. Get people committed to attaining their objective.

and Reviews,” 1860]

Applications available at the office: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Subsidized and financed through rural development. institution is an equal opportunity provider & employer (800) 545-1833 ext. 339 TDD

It’s OK to make an ex cuse by using previous commitments or letting them know that you are too busy to connect with them.Stay connected with how empty your tank is running. Don’t wait un til you are stalled out to take corrective action. Keeping fuel in your tank prevents burnout. It’s a lot easier driving your car to a gas station than walking miles with a gas can.

have their way, it is possi ble that could drastically change. The rural communi ties will be impacted by this change in funding the most. Think about our communities with their small schools and how important those schools are to us economically, aca demically, and culturally. We went through consolidation of schools in the late 1960’s, and we don’t think we want to go through that again. Again, IT REALLY DOES MATTER!

Any Buford Pusser or State Line related items. Postcards, motel items, etc. Any Walking Tall movie memorabilia. (731) Ranch21@frontiernet.net435-3405or

• Sgt. Michael C. Lipford -Army Service Member

Useteacher.themistakes of others to demonstrate why being conscientious is so important. Stress why it’s essential to think before you act. For example, if you want to encourage someone who wants to start their own business, have them re-

could make the subject of a very interesting small book, even.

step is Laughingirrelevant.isgood for you. A sense of humor helps you recharge while reducing stress and anx iety. There is a humor ous aspect to most situa tions. Look for the humor in every day situations. Set boundaries. Learn to say no to discretion ary activities which drain you. These activities are destructive because they accomplish nothing positive, while detracting from the time you could use pursuing your goals.

• Spc. Ritchie A. McCrary

1 Alta Vista Drive Selmer, TN 38375 (731) 645-5290

his cabin with just an ax, in fact. The whole thing. It was while Jasper was showing his new cabin to some tourist ladies that his ax became legendary

Rio Grande Press and now available as a Kindle ebook on Amazon.

You can thank someone in person, over the phone, by text, or email.

What does this have to do with grief and supporting those in need?

your car, you can run low on fuel. You can feel depleted mentally, physi cally, or both. If you don’t fill your car’s gas tank when running on empty, you’ll run out of fuel and your engine will stop.

But now, the call is there. Veteran elk hunters call it “the locate call.” It isn’t meant to be intimidating to other elk, either. The spirit ghost of the moun tains dictates the bull sends this high, hollow note out to the world.

• Sgt. Joseph Lilly

Martha Glover, Selmer, 37 years experience in public BillyeducationJGlover, Selmer, 36 years experience in public education

• Spc. Jeffrey Witoszczak U.S. Army Petty Officer 1st Class (CTNI) James

Brought to you by A Cow boy’s Guide to Hunting Elk by Slim Randles. Now on Ama zon.com.

Ray, Army • E4 Sophia Reinke • Sgt. Charlie Rickman, US Army • John Robinson US Navy • Staff Sgt. Ryan Robinson Air Force • Angel Rodriguez, Petty Officer US Navy • Spc. Blake Rudd • Specialist Robert Rzasa • Sabion Sanders, USAF A1C • Veronica Sebree, Navy Chief Officer • Alan Seigers, Army • SFC Patrick Michael Shaughnessy • Spc. Hector Soto, Jr., Army • LT Kevin Shelton, Navy • Cpl. Jeremy Tyler Sisk • ITS Rusty Smith, US Navy • Preston Cross Smith, U.S. Air Force • Cpl. Sam


• A1C Amanda K. McMillen, USAF

Dear Editor:

bastazete ) when we know of someone carrying a heavy weight. Yes, the original context deals with moral issues, but may be applied in the context of a personal weight such as sorrow, (cf. Luke 22:45; Hebrews 11:25). If Jesus a man was willing to accept help, support from others then we should also.Support groups are a great example of how to fulfill that principle, though not the only one. Join us this month. I look forward to seeing you. ~ David.


• Sgt. Major Paula Norris • Pvt. Justin Overton, USMC • Spc. Joseph Payne, US Army Nat. Guard • CPO Denise Picard Culverhouse • Spc. William Andrew “Andy” Pickett, Nat. Guard • Spc. Robert H. Pittman, II • Sgt. David Poole, National Guard • Cpl. James Scott Powell • Cpl. John M. Powell • Airman Cameron B. Prater, Air Force • Ernest Purez, Air Force • Pvt. Samuel

ZED by Duane M. Abel www.corkeycomics.com

National •

Dare to Live Without Limits The Magic of Encouragement

courteous, respectful and polite while treating others with dignity is in itself encouraging. You know how you feel when you are appreciated. Others feel the same way.

• AO3 Kevin Dewayne Mettlin, Navy

of the Western mountains, and this is the only time we get to hear it. It has a hollow sound, as though a flute were a foot thick and 12-feet long, and it is the lonely call of the bull elk.

Encourage others by listening to their comments and feedback. Offer constructive suggestions on how to solve problems. Don’t criticize mistakes. Help people understand what caused a mistake and how to prevent it from happening again.Although mistakes are a potent learning tool, too often they are used to punish and criticize.

E-mail to: editor@independentappeal.compinion Making McNairy County Opinion headlines 120 years Our thoughts and prayers go out to members of our community who are serving in the armed forces: • PFC Casey William Akin • Spc. Allen Alexander • AA Nicole B. Ayres, US Navy • Sgt. Joseph W. Baggett • Capt. William B. Barkley, USMC • Sgt. Andrew W. Bayless USMC • Petty Officer 3rd Class Katie Lynn Bizzell, US •NavyStaff Sgt. Dustin Blakney, USAF • GySgt. Christopher T. Byrd, USMC • Staff Sgt. Susan Cawley • Staff Sgt. Alicia L. Coil, USAF • Cpl. Mandy L. Cooper, USMC • Spc. Mark A. Cooper, US Army • Staff Sgt. Adam Court, USAF • Sgt. James P. Crain • Tony Crouse, U.S. Army • Senior Airman Aaron J. Cull U.S. Airforce • Sgt. Bobby J. Dickey US Army • C.W.3 James R. Dickey, Retired • Capt. Todd Joseph Drobina, US Army • Capt. Bonnie Lynn Dunlop • Cpl. Bradley Eisenhut, USMC • Master Sgt. Carrie L. Ellis, Air Force • Airman Christopher D. Ellis, Air Force • Master Sgt. Lonnie J. Ellis, Air Force • Kip Ellison • Sgt. Cory Brandon Emily USMC • PV2 Jana Estes • Specialist Bryan Ray Ferguson • PV2 Ashley Freeman, US Army • A1C Ian James Furman, Mountain View, Idaho • PV2 Skyler Gammill, US Army • Pvt. Adam Gray, US Army • Daniel Gray, USMC Lance Corporal • Sgt. Rob Gray, US Army • A1C Stephanie Lynn Griffin, USAF • Captain Dustin Hamm, USMC • PFC Isaac Harville • Staff Sgt. James Taylor Haubrich, US Air Force • Col. (Chaplain) Billy Hawkins • Spc. Matthew Hemby, Army • Sgt. Brian W. Hendrix • Sgt. Timothy Hixon • Staff Sergeant Brian Lee Hood • Pvt. Alex Johnson, US Army • Sgt. Ricky L. Jordan, USMC • Petty Officer 1st Class Arnold Jermaine Knight • Army Officer Major

Accepting applications for 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments for the Elderly age 62 or older or Disabled of any age. Rent is based on household income.


reinforcement is effective encouragement. You want people to strive for rewards, not to be cautious so as to elude punishment. Seeking rewards is always more

Utilize mistakes to encourage others to learn and grow. Experience is a good teacher, but someone else’s experience is a better

NOTE: If a loved one has had a change in status, contact us at (731) 645-5346.

If I may be permitted to translate, the locate call is just a reminder, not a threat.

PAGE7 An Independent, locally owned newspaper Founded June 27, 1902

view case studies successful and failed nesses. This approach shows exactly what’s quired for success out having to personally experience bankruptcy.

made ax work into something of an art form. If you need your ax sharpened, Dud’s the guy to see. He has an old-fashioned

Biological males seem to have an aversion toward accepting help, support, especially in the area of grief. Sadly, this mentality has seeped into an area of delusion that is called science today ”….the intensity of a conviction that a hypothesis is true has no bearing on whether it is true.

Originally the word meant, to doubt the possibility of real knowledge, later came to be applied to those who doubt in spite of the evidence to the contrary. There is one word of caution, however, to be given to those who renounce inquiry; it is that they cannot retain the right to condemn inquirers.


EDITOR’S NOTE: If a loved one has change in status, contact us at (731) Our thoughts and prayers go out to members of our community who are serving in the armed forces: Opinion Making McNairy County Opinion headlines 120 years Leslie Houston, 1974-1976; Bruce Hurt, 1970-1974; George Hamilton, 1964-1970; Wilbur Wright, 1946-1964; B.O. Weeks, 1941-1946; Ken Duke, 1938-1941; Orpheus Abernathy and Family, 1920-1938; Col. J.W. Purviance, 1902-1920. “Dedicated to the peaceful, progressive and proud people of McNairy County.” Mail to: Letters to the Editor, The Independent P.O. Box 220, Selmer, TN E-mail to: editor@independentappeal.com WEDNESDAY, APRILPAGE 4  INDEPENDENT APPEAL

By Slim Randles

Guard •

The Independent Appeal strives to promote and advance McNairy County, educate and inform its citizens, while protecting the people’s right to know, and the rights and interests of our readers and advertisers.


If the United States or the State of Tennessee have any liens or claimed lien(s) on the Property, and are named herein as interested parties, timely notice has been given to the applicable govern mental entity, and the sale will be subject to any ap plicable rights of redemp tion held by the entity as required by 26 U.S.C. § 7425 and/or Tennessee Code § 67-1-1433.

Kim Boals, Clerk & Master By Terry(10192)Abernathy,Attorney(19,20)

This sale is subject rightstenant(s)/occupant(s)toinpossession.

Tax ID: 109 00800 000

All persons, resident and non-resident, hav ing claims, matured or unmatured, against his Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk & Master of the above named Court on or before the earlier of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2); otherwise, their claims will forever be barred: (1) (A) Four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting, as the case may be) of this notice if the creditor received an actual copy of this notice to creditors at least sixty (60) days before the date that is four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting); or (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the creditor received an actual copy of the notice to creditors if the credi tor received the copy of the notice less than sixty (60) days prior to the date that is four (4) months from the date of first publication (or post ing) as described in (1) (A); or (2) Twelve (12) months from the dece dent's date of death.



Current Owner(s) of Property: RAYMOND N. BARNES AND JOYCE P.

herein shall control.

WHEREAS, default has occurred in the perfor mance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust dated Feb ruary 28, 2005, executed by Casey Wade Waldrop and wife, Cynthia Horton Waldrop, to J. Michael Winchester as Trustee, for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as beneficiary, as nominee for Commerce National Bank, its suc cessors and assigns, and appearing of record on March 1, 2005, in the Register’s Office of Mc Nairy County, Tennes see, at Deed of Trust 374, Page 202, and In strument Number 43176.

RE SERVED TO ADJOURN THE DAY OF THE SALE TO ANOTHER DAY, TIME AND PLACE CER TAIN WITHOUT FUR THER PUBLICATION, UPON ANNOUNCE MENT AT THE TIME AND PLACE FOR THE SALE SET FORTH ABOVE. THE TERMS OF SALE ARE CASH. ANY TAXES OR FEES WILL BE THE RE SPONSIBILITY OF THE PURCHASER. IF THE SALE IS SET ASIDE FOR ANY REASON, THE PURCHASER AT THE SALE SHALL BE ENTITLED ONLY TO A RETURN OF THE PUR CHASE PRICE. THE PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER RECOURSE AGAINST THE GRANTOR, THE GRANTEE, OR THE (10191)PHPCOM/TN_INVESTORS.HTTP://MWZMLAW.TN37027BRENTWOOD,7100MONS,COOLTrustee(s)Mann,Mackie000501-850-1MWZMee’sgageethefurtherPurchaserthetledtheson,setorfirmationsalereservationsoldThisT.C.A.bytheentities’applicableSalegiventhisment,PartiesareWorkforceDepartmentthepartmentStateofIfTrustee.veysignedTrust,waivedsteadotherwise,demption,All35-5-101requirementsIfPURPOSE.BETIONANDTOTHISHEALTHMCNAIRYJOYCEHEIRSPARTIES:OTHERTRUSTEE.INTERESTEDUNKNOWNOFWILLIEBARNESANDCOUNTYSYSTEMISANATTEMPTCOLLECTADEBTANYINFORMAOBTAINEDWILLUSEDFORTHATapplicable,thenoticeofT.C.A.havebeenmet.rightofequityofrestatutoryandandhomeareexpresslyinsaidDeedofbuttheunderwillsellandcononlyasSubstitutetheU.S.DepartmentTreasury/IRS,theofTennesseeDeofRevenue,orStateofTennesseeofLabororDevelopmentlistedasInterestedintheadvertisethentheNoticeofforeclosureisbeingtothemandthewillbesubjecttothegovernmentalrighttoredeempropertyasrequired26U.S.C.7425and§67-1-1433.propertyisbeingwiththeexpressthattheissubjecttoconbythelendertrustee.IfthesaleisasideforanyreathePurchaseratsaleshallbeentionlytoareturnofpurchaseprice.TheshallhavenorecourseagainstMortgagor,theMortortheMortgagattorney.FileNo.22-WolfZientz&P.C.,SubstituteSPRINGSCOMSUITE273COMMERCEWAYTNINVESTORSPAGE:(19,20,21)







Wilkins, Administrator




The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above.


Sale at public auction will be on October 26, 2022 on or about 2:00PM local time, At the Southwest Door of the, McNairy County Courthouse, 170 West Court Avenue, Selmer, TN 38375, conducted by the Substitute Trustee as identified and set forth herein below, pursuant to Deed of Trust exe cuted by RAYMOND N. BARNES AND JOYCE P. BARNES, to Wesley D. Turner, Trustee, on Jan uary 19, 2007, at Record Book 385, Page 22232238 as Instrument No. 55619 in the real prop erty records of McNairy County Register's Office, OwnerTennessee.ofDebt: Citibank, N.A., as Trustee, in trust for registered Holders of WaMu cord:andunpaidcallbeCounty,tateTheriesCertificatesAsset-BackedWaMuSe2007-HE2TrustfollowingrealeslocatedinMcNairyTennessee,willsoldtothehighestbiddersubjecttoalltaxes,priorliensencumbrancesofre


Clear Recon LLC Substitute Trustee 651 East 4th Street Suite Chattanooga,200 Tennes see Phone:37403(877) 319-8840

By Estate of KennethWilkins

Being the same prop erty conveyed to Ray mond N. Barnes and wife, Joyce P. Barnes by Deed from R.C. Barnes and wife, Fred die Mae Barnes, dated May 7, 1981, recorded May 7, 1981, of record in Book 101, page 720, Register`s Office for McNairy County, Ten nessee.

WHEREAS, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was last transferred and assigned to MCLP As set Company, Inc, the par ty entitled to enforce said security interest; and hav ing appointed Clear Re con LLC, the undersigned, as Substitute Trustee by instrument filed or being filed for record in the Reg ister’s Office of McNairy County, Tennessee, with all of the rights, powers, and privileges of the orig inal Trustee named in said Deed of Trust.

The transfer shall be AS IS, WHERE IS, AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and without warranties of any kind, express or im plied, as to the condition of the Property and the improvements located thereon, including mer chantability or fitness for particular purpose. Trustee shall make no covenant of seisin or warranty of title, express or implied, and will sell and convey the subject

All right and equity of re demption, statutory and otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is be lieved to be good; how ever, the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee.

Estate of KENNETH WILKINS, Late of Mc Nairy County, Tennessee Notice is hereby given that on Sept. 8, 2022, Letters of Administration in re spect to the Estate of Ken neth Wilkins, deceased, were issued to the under signed by the Chancery Court Clerk & Master of McNairy County, TN.

As required by Chap ter No. 175, Public Arts of Tennessee 1939 as amended by Chapter 229, Public Act of 1971


This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the lender or trustee. This sale may be re scinded by the Substi tute Trustee at any time.

The street address and parcel number(s) of the above described property are believed to be correct; however, such references are not a part of the legal description of the proper ty sold herein, and, in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description here in shall control

Beginning at a stake in the South bound ary of the Old Selmer to Ramer Road, said stake being the West corner of Billy Volner and the NEC of R.C. Barnes 9-acre tract de scribed in deed of re cord in the Office of the Register for McNairy County, Tennessee, in Deed Book No. 54, page 210, of which this conveyance is a part, runs thence with the South boundary of the Selmer to Ramer Road, South 53 degrees West 312 feet to a stake; thence South 46 de grees East 356 feet to a stake; thence North 76 degrees East 37 feet to a stake; thence North 6 degrees West 434 feet to a point of beginning, containing 1.57 acre, more or less.

NOW, THEREFORE, no tice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provid ed in said Deed of Trust, and that the undersigned, Clear Recon LLC, as Substitute Trustee or his duly appointed agent, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested and imposed upon said Substi tute Trustee will, on Octo ber 12, 2022, at 2:00 PM, local time, at the South west Door of the McNairy County Courthouse, locat ed in Selmer, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash or cer tified funds ONLY, paid at the conclusion of the sale, the following described property situated in Mc Nairy County, to wit:

This sale is subject to all matters shown on any ap plicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restric tive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statuto ry rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate sur vey of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above-ref erenced property: Casey Wade Waldrop and Cyn thia Horton Waldrop.


The land referred to herein below is situat ed in the County of Mc Nairy, State of Tennes see, and is described as


File No: (10179)1078-179A(17,18,19)

real property by Substi tute Trustee’s Deed only.

TheBARNESstreet address of the above described prop erty is believed to be 5579 Ramer Selmer Rd, Selmer, TN 38375, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description referenced

All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 8th day of Septem ber, Signed2022.Randy

NOTICE All persons wishing file claims pursuant to Section T.C.A. must file same with the Director of Construction, Tennessee Department of Trans portation, Suite 700 James K. Polk Bldg., Nashville, Tennessee 372430326, on or before 10/7/2022.


indebted to the above Estate must

McNairy RepublicansCountytomeet

Morrisette is said to have written, “You live, you love, you cry, you lose, you bleed, you scream, you grieve, you choke, you laugh, you choose, you pray, you ask, you learn.” Grief is a very painful tutor in a person’s life. Some people believe that we go through stages or phases.People such as me believe it is a journey one travels. The fluid aspect is that we are all unique individuals with unique life experi ences and unique grief experiences also. As such our experiences are changing with every passing day as change in our life is a constant therefore they cannot be fixed into a set of stages and phases as individuals are unique ly different from one to another. This I like to call the monogenes principle. (unique one of a Askind).people we lose loved ones as we do friends, a real life case in point, is the man de scribed in John 11 with the death of Lazarus,

Estate of EDNA MAY WILSON, Late of Mc Nairy County, Tennessee Notice is hereby given that on Sept. 12, 2022, Letters of Administration in respect to the Estate of Edna Mae Wilson, de ceased, were issued to the undersigned by the Chancery Court Clerk & Master of McNairy Coun ty, TN.

This 12th day of Septem ber, Signed2022.Andrew M. Wil son, SignedCo-ExecutorAddison Marie Lunsford, Co-Executor

HIGH DRESSING UTILITY COWS 87.00 - 95.00 HIGH DRESSING SLAUGHTER BULLS 108.00-115.00 Full Inspection $69 AIWServiceHvac 24 Hour Service (731) 434-9640 (731) 4344010 • All Makes & Models Johnathan Prather Specializing in residential service

All persons, resident and non-resident, hav ing claims, matured or unmatured, against his Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk & Master of the above named Court on or before the earlier of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2); otherwise, their claims will forever be barred:


By Kim Boals, Clerk & ByMasterTerry Abernathy, At torney (10194) (19,20)

Aid and

new and

OUR WORKADS Don't trust just anybody, Trust the Best. Thousands of people have usedour classified section because it works to Driver Traffic, Build Bussiness and Sell Items Fast. STARTING AT $5 A WEEK(731) 645-5346 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 9 PAGE Commercial & Residential ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION, METAL • SHINGLES • FLAT ROOFS Estimates!Free Professional, Trustworthy, Dependable LOCAL, HOME TOWN FOLKS mooreroo ngandconstruction1@gmail.com SERVING WEST CALL JONATHAN MOORE (731) 609-5567 “We’ve Got You Covered” 5 Year Workmanship Warranty CardinalslosetoChesterCounty A s the night.EastCardinalsyardsplusMcGeehadtouchdowns.thea21CardinalsEaglesofwinning.hadCountyagainstelCardinalsAdamsvilletravtocompetetheChesterEagles,theyhighhopesofWithagamepushandpulltheedgedoutthewitha35towin.Adamsvillehadtotalof508yardsforgamewiththreeAJFinley143yards;Aydenhad285yardsakickreturnof98foratouchdown.willhostHickmanFriday McNairy County Board of Education 530 Mulberry Avenue Selmer, TN 731-645-797538375 INVITATION TO BID The McNairy County Board of Education will be accepting sealed bids on: ***ONLINE AUCTIONEERING SERVICES. Must be licensed by State of Tennessee and must be a resident of McNairy County. The following items will be auctioned online: SCHOOL BUSES: 3 2003 Bluebird Buses 1 2003 International Special Education Bus 2 2004 Bluebird Buses 1 2004 International Special Education Bus 1 1997 Ford Contour Car Mail sealed bids to McNairy County Board of Education, Director of Schools, 530 Mulberry Avenue, Suite 2, Selmer, Tennessee, to be received by noon on Friday, September 16, 2022. Please mark sealed envelopes “Bid for Auctioneering Services”. Sealed bids will be opened in the office of the McNairy County Director of Schools’ office at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 22, 2022. The McNairy County Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any DirectorGregbid.MartinofSchools Mobile Home Parts • Windows & Doors • Hardware • Skirting • Tubs • Faucets • Heating & Air Parts • Anchors • Tie Downs • Tires • Special Orders Now carrying vinyl energy efficient windows for Mobile Homes We repair and install everything including heating and air! 75 Riverport Drive Jackson, TN Mon-Fri731-422-6226383018a.m.-5:30p.m. We can grind in tight place with NO yard damage or truck in 731-234-9259yards 20 YRS EXPERIENCE EstimatesFree William’s Tree & Stump Service Elderly Care disabledCaregiverWantedFull-TimeNeededFull-Timeforanelderlyperson.Exercise,generalcareforverydependentpersonintheCrumparea.FlexibleHours-$10/hr.Call731-727-7229

Fri., Sat., & Sun. 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Power Tools, Yard Tools, Kitchen other appliances much, much more!! SALE

By David Coy

the sister of Mary and Martha. The text says, “he whom you cherish is ailing.” The word cher ish is from the Greek phileo; to be a friend to, to show signs of love, to kiss” Also notice the re action of Lazarus death to those who loved him.

Martha was ‘weeping’ (mourn, weep, lament), and Jesus also wept, and shed tears. (vs. 33, 35). Clearly he was deeply moved with in himself as he was troubled (agitated) by Lazarus death (vs. 33).

He (Jesus) as the master counselor (Isa iah 9:6) actively listened to them. Second, he (Je sus) showed empathy, placing himself in their shoes (so to speak) and understand from their perspective what they were experienc ing. (As Wright says it, to see the loss through the person’s eye’s, vss. 21, 32, 35). Our journey with grief is eased when we have family, friends who are willing to walk with us in that journey.

PUBLIC NOTICE Vista Rd., Bethel Springs



TheCONTRACT98400-4180-04NO.:NO.:CNV119COUNTY:McNairyTennesseeDepartment of Transportation is about to make final settlement with the contractor for construction of the above num bered project. All persons wishing to file claims pursuant to Section 54-5-122, T.C.A. must file same with the Director of Construction, Tennessee Department of Trans portation, Suite 700 James K. Polk Bldg., Nashville, Tennessee 372430326, on or before 10/14/2022.

OAKWOOD APART MENT RENTALS : Selmer: 1 bedroom, $525/mo. 2 bedroom , $550/mo. Both require deposits. No pets (731) 610-2877. (TF)

#1 HEIFERS 200-300 WT 154.00-168.00 300-400 WT 154.00-162.00 400-500 WT 148.00-154.00 500-600 WT 139.00-148.00 600-700 WT 127.00-139.00 700-800 WT 112.00-127.00 800-900 WT 98.00-112.00

Estate of Edna Mae Wil son

FOR RENT: Houses, Apartments and Town houses. Committed to providing Safe/Afford able homes in a family friendly environment. No Pets - No Crack/Party Houses. Credit & back ground check part of application and deposit required. Sweat 731610-0807. Equal Hous ing Opportunity. (1-TF)

before the date that is four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting); or (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the creditor received an actual copy of the notice to creditors if the creditor received the copy of the notice less than sixty (60) days prior to the date that is four (4) months from the date of first publica tion (or posting) as de scribed in (1)(A); or (2) Twelve (12) months from the decedent's date of Alldeath.persons

NOTICE TO FURNISHERS OF LABOR AND MATERIALS TO: F8th Construction Company, LLC PROJECT NO.: 98049-4187-04, 98049-4188-04 CONTRACT NO.: CNS322


(Just past the Dollar General on the left) This Friday & Saturday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Furniture, tools, clothes, antiques (lots of nice glass) WAY TOO MUCH TO MENTION! HUGE YARDINSIDE/OUTSIDESALE


ty Center. County Court Clerk nominee Ross McNatt will be the guest speaker. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m.




TO FURNISHERS OF LABOR AND MATERIALS TO: Standard Construction Co., Inc. PROJECT TheCONTRACT55017-3210-94,NO.:etc.NO.:CNV172COUNTY:McNairyTennesseeDepartment of Transportation is about to make final settlement with the contractor for construction of the above num bered project.


FISH DAY! IT’S TIME TO STOCK YOUR POND! Delivery Will Be: Tuesday, Sept. 27 Bolivar 12:45 - 1:30 @ “LIKE”HendersonStockdale’s2:15-3:00@1stFarmersCo-opSelmer3:45-4:30@Stockdale’susonFacebook!ToPlaceAnOrderCall: 1-800-643-8439 www.fishwagon.com Hardin Stockyards,CountyInc. 3350 Hwy. 226, Savannah, TN 38372 • 731-925-3287 Cattle Sale every Wednesday • 1:00 P.M. Goat & Hog Sale • 11:00 A. M. Begin receiving cattle on Tuesday 8:00 A.M. ‘til dark Trucking & feed available • We are a full service stockyard Video cattle o ered for trailer load lots & appraisals We o er an order buying service thru Harry Floyd Livestock www.saledayauction.com Harry Floyd Waynesboro,or931-224-2247(cell):931-722-9200TNO ce: 931-722-3100 HARDINSTOCKYARDCOUNTY 3350 Hwy 226 Savannah, TN 38372 (731) 925-3287 (931) 224-2247 MARKET REPORT September 7, 2022 Total HD 579 Last Week 791 Last Year 1004 Cattle 568 Goats 7 Hogs 4 #1 STEERS & BULLS 200-300

come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once.


~David. A Journey WT 205.00-230.00 WT 192.00-205.00 WT 178.00-192.00 500-600 WT 165.00-178.00 600-700 WT 157.00-165.00 700-800 WT 142.00-157.00 800-900 WT 128.00-142.00

As required by Chap ter No. 175, Public Arts of Tennessee 1939 as amended by Chapter 229, Public Act of 1971

(1) (A) Four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting, as the case may be) of this notice if the creditor received an actual copy of this notice to creditors at least sixty (60) days


HOME FOR SALE: 146 Dunaway Road, Selmer - $12,000. Call 731-6102652.

Notice Jesus recog nized the value and importance of allowing family and friends to ‘express their feelings’ about their loss.

The Tennessee Department of Transportation is about to make final settlement with the contractor for construction of the above num bered project. All persons wishing to file claims pursuant to Section 54-5-122, T.C.A. must file same with the Director of Construction, Tennessee Department of Trans portation, Suite 700 James K. Polk Bldg., Nashville, Tennessee 372430326, on or before 10/7/2022.

STARTING AT $5 A WEEK (731) 645-5346 2321 Buena


4074 Sandy Flatt Rd., Bethel Springs


he 3rd, 4th and 6th District McNairy County Republi cans will meet Thursday, September 15, 2022 at the Selmer Communi

Ramer stats: Luke King pass and rushing 112 yards, one touch down. Landon Lankford 25 yards and one touchdown. Aiden Rak estraw rushed 97 yards and one touchdown, Jacob Marsh 12 yards and one touchdown. Xander James one reception for 36 yards.



five set match Mc Nairy took the crucial win over South Side 25-13,

10 PAGE McNairy County 2022WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022


It was in the fifth set when the McNairy Volleycats took the district win in a score of 15-13.Stats: Madison Mont gomery 14 assists, eight serves, and five aces. Jasmin Bolf had five aces, eight hits and eight kills. Brooklyn Hopkins six kills and four blocks. Mad die Kirk five blocks, four serves, two aces and four digs. Apen Teague nine digs, seven serves and four hits. Addi Day had 10 digs, seven serves, and five hits. Callie Finlayson six serves.

Bethel Springs falls to Ramer Eagles at homecoming

24-26, 25-20, 18-25, and 15-13.The Volleycats won their first set by 12 points give them the set score of 2513. In the second set South Side came way with a win 26-24 over the Volleycats. Set three had the Volley cats again winning in a 2520 set. In set four, South Side took the win with a score of 25-18.

Volleycats take crucial district win over Jackson South Side

plore new locations, you become more active as you will want to know more and explore more of the things you don’t know.Ifyou are a senior, even if single, don't miss an opportunity to expand your horizons. It may just be what the doctor or dered. It is not limited to Selmer residents but is a first come, first served system of booking.

hen aging knocks, it’s the right time to travel. Why? You boost your physical, mental, and emotional health. Why not? The Selmer Senior Center books an average of three trips a year to raise money for the center and an opportunity to expand the horizons of local se niors. They just booked a sold out trip to the New

England area which is beautiful this time of year and plan another trip just before Christmas.

n Selmer Seniors get the benefit of travel

A trip is just a phone call away

It may be hot outside now, but Christmas time is coming. You are wel come to come and travel with the Selmer Senior Center to beautiful Bran son, Missouri for The Miracle of Christmas and many more Christmas shows, December 5 –9, 2022. It only takes a

deposit of $75 to hold a seat on a chartered bus. The trip total is around $675 per person. Many longer trips throughout the year are very reason ableWetoo.all understand how beneficial traveling is to our wellbeing but for seniors, traveling to a favorite destination or a new city can be a way to rebirth.Areport by the Global

fourth quarter. The final score was 32-14 for the Ramer Eagles.


Springs Rebels fell to the Ramer Eagles 32-14 at home coming on September 8.

Coalition on Aging sug gests that engaging in social activities like trav eling reduces the risk of dementia, can combat depression and is also said to improve heart health.There are loads of im pressive benefits that come from traveling, es pecially for seniors. Don't hesitate, just make the call to book a trip that may change

Not letting Ramer be the only one to score Bethel Springs held Ramer from getting anymore goals and gaining two touchdowns and completing with a PAT in the

Bethel stats: Jamichael Reece 15 attempts, 84 yards rushing, Al Blasengame 13 attempts, 36 yards rushing and 3 tackles, Caleb Wagner 2 attempts, 4 yards rush ing and 2.5 tackles.

he McNairy Volley cats defeated South Side in a district win over Jackson South Side at

“We got off to a slow start but was finally able to make some plays in the second half. Really proud of our boys tonight and had some step up and play in different roles. Looking forward to a tough game next week in Adamsville,” said Coach Will Shelton.

The third quarter Ramer flew by with a total of three touchdowns and a two point PAT resulting in a 32-0 lead over Bethel.

In the first quarter both teams defense held each other from scor ing. It was in the second quarter that Ramer pulled ahead getting a touchdown and a 2 point PAT with a score of 0-8.

your life, allow you to meet new friends and it is one you can go alone or bring a friend, child or sibling. Call today 731645-7843.Evenif you can’t run but as you travel, you move. Well, perhaps you are thinking that you are already active be cause you always move from your home to your place of work but when you experience and ex

As they went into the second half the Bobcats gained their first touchdown with QB Jackson Over ton running for 57 yards. Aiden Boyette completed the PAT. Bring ing the Bobcats up to 7 - 50. As the clock ticked down Jackson Overton threw a pass to Brodie Buck for 57 yards, giving the Bobcats their sec ond touchdown for the night which brought the score to 14 - 50.



The Lady Bobcats strug gled hard to gain another point by keeping the ball at their end of the field but the Lady Cardinals defeat

By Glen Hall

As the Adamsville Cardinals travel to compete against the Chester County Eagles, they had high hopes of win ning. With a game of push and pull the Eagles edged out the Cardinals with a 35 to 21 win. Adamsville had a total of 508 yards for the game with three touchdowns. A J Finley had 143 yards; Ayden McGee had 285 yards plus a kick return of 98 yards for a touchdown. Cardinals will host East Hickman Friday night.

ond half. C J Essary blocked a field goal for the Bobcats and gave them another chance for a score. Over ton led in rushing with 57 yards and passing with 85 yards. Buck led the Bobcats in receptions with 57 yards. Mac Shumaker had a forced fumble and a fumble recovery. Lo gan Kiestler had 6 six tackles and Tyler Montgomery with five.

he McNairy Lady Bobcats travel to Adamsville for the Adamsville Lady Cardinals to host them for a vigorous soccer game September 6. The game kept all on the edge of their seats with a final score of Adamsville 2-1 over McNairy Central. The first loss for MCHS thisAfterseason.sixteen minutes of both teams tossing the ball from one end of the field to the other, the first goal was scored by Kyndal Adams for the Lady Bobcats. Both teams continued striving for goals but were blocked by each defense. Bobcats led 1-0 at halftime.

In week four of high school foot ball the McNairy Bobcats got the pleasure of traveling to Waverly to play against the Waverly Central Tigers. The Tigers jumped to the lead with three touchdown passes by their QB Griffin. By the end of the first half the Bobcats were not able to score against the Tigers as they continued on their offensive drive giving them a 50-0 lead.

McNairy Bobcats travel to Waverly

In County Rivalry, Lady Cardinals beat Lady Bobcats RTS

Bobcats will play at home against the Lexington Tigers in district play Friday night.

The Bobcats were able to stop the Tigers from scoring in the sec

As the second half started things began to change. Adamsville got their first goal followed by their second goal which was a from a penalty kick that was knocked out of the Bobcats goalie's hand putting the Lady Cardinals ahead 2-1.

in because of the phys ical play and the added experience our entire group needs to move for ward in postseason play.

MCHS Golf teams split McKenzieCardinalsAdamsvillematchesLadyplayLadyRebels

to Kendall Kiestler for a 16 yard touchdown. PAT good for 2 points. Bobcats 20-0.

The Bobcats starts the drive on the 30 yard line. With the offensive team mostly carrying the ball. Picking up several first downs. With the ball on the eight yard line, Case Stone runs it in for 6 points, PAT no good. BobcatsCardinals6-0. get on the 30 yard line when there is a turnover to the Bobcats. But the end of the first quarter halts play with Bobcats remaining 6-0.


close to the goal line, then fumbles the ball, but it was quickly recov ered by the Cardinals.

Monday Night Football in McNairy County

hursday night, Sept. 8, the Lady Cardinals hosted the Lady Rebels of McK enzie in a soccer game. Unfortunately the Lady Cardinals didn't fair well with this game. But nei ther did the Lady Rebels. It seems each team meat their match. At least for the evening as neither team was able to

score a goal. “Our girls worked hard, but we couldn't find the back of the net. Regarding shots in target, we outshot them 10-2. Their goal keeper did a great job and made it hard on us up front. McKenzie is a veteran group that has a skilled, defensive group of soccer players. We wanted to get this game

n Bobcats beat Adamsville in JV game


By Glen Hall

Cardinals tried to get a first down with a pass, but it was Caseery.andtlerStone,runsTheyonBobcatsincomplete.gaintheballthe12yardline.hadfivefirstdownbyNo6Case17KendallKies,21MathewHowell33TylerMontgomOnthe16yardlineStonehandsoff

Next week we get sev eral days off before head ing to Martin Westview. Another good Class A op ponent,” said Coach Price.

AHS vs McKenzie 0-0 T. Adamsville Lady Car dinal Record 5-2-1.


he McNairy Cen tral Bobcat golf team split matches with Bolivar. At Selmer Country Club the Lady Cats beat the Lady Ti gers 86-96. Laurel Merry led the girls team claim ing Medalist honors with a 42. Marion Harrison and Cadey Maness both withThe44. Bobcat boys team lost their match walking away with Medalist honors with a team score of 167 with McNairy's 187.

wo local JV Football teams, the McNairy Bobcats meet on the Adamsville Cardinals field to compete.

The Cardinals get the ball late in the fourth quarter, No 47 for Car dinals runs the ball 65 yards for a touchdown. PAT good. Bobcats 20 Cardinals 8.

Next Monday night the Cardinals will play Fayette Academy and the Bobcats will play Chester County.

Acen Lambert was the low scorer in the match with 43. Westin Rankin 46 with Carter Howell

and Cooper Davis 49's. Will Glidewell 50. Nate Blakely scored 58 in a JVThematch.Bobcats will host their final matches next week as they take on Hardin County at Pick wick and Adamsville at Shiloh Golf Club both at 4 p.m.

Going into the sec ond half, third quarter, Adamsville drives down

In the second quar ter, the Bobcats having the ball on the 27 yard line fumble with 9:42 minutes to go. Bob cats recovered. A play of scrimmage on the 27 yard line, Cardinals gets possession. In the first play Cardinals had a loss of yards. The Cardinals fumble the ball and Bobcats recov er. Case Stone passes to No. 5 Kolben Bus sel, who takes it in for a touchdown, PAT no good. Bobcats 12-0.

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