Vol 121 -- 20 Independent Appeal Newspaper September 21 2022

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T find a col

he Downtown Events Alliance of Adamsville hosts “ Markets on the Square” this Saturday, Septem ber 24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with fun for the whole family. This annual event fea tures handmade arts and crafts, food trucks, coffee shops, boutiques and more on Main Street in Adamsville. The Alliance is promoting a place to shop, work and create in downtown Adamsville where you will

By Janet Rail

Pink Ribbon Banquet & Fashion Show features cancer survivors Volume 121, Issue 20 4 50¢WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 www.independentappeal.com MCNAIRY COUNTY PUBLISHING YEARS SINCE 1902 Follow us on Facebook © 2021 Independent Appeal4Obituaries 6 4Opinion 7 4Classifieds 84School 114Sports 12 BIBLE VERSE "Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; Save me and I will be saved, for you are my praise." Jeremiah 17:14 CALL TODAY! 731-989-4632 PRE-OWNED, PRE-TITLED VEHICLES INCLUDE $489 PROCESSING FEE PLUS TTL. SHOP OUR WEBSITE WWW.LOFTONCHEVY.COM 2022 CHEVROLET CORVETTE STINGRAY STK#5111624 *$92,995 STK#S685909 *$42,995 2019 CHEVROLET BLAZER PREMIER Webuycars,trucks,andSUVs!

See “ARBY'S NOW” 3

By Janet Rail

PublisherAfter months of anticipa tion, Arby's opened in Selmer on Monday. Management, employees and local dignitaries attend ed an official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Saturday spon sored by the McNairy County Chamber of Commerce. At tendees sampled their expan sive menu.

Donna Guinn

survivor, Barnette puts her heart into a cause organiz ing successful events an nually to share stories, in spiration and education on breast cancer to all who at tend her banquet and fash ionAsshow.she says, “It takes a team effort” but we all know, the bulk of the work lies with

Markets on the Square this Arby'sSaturdaynow open in Selmer


one to share her story to save a life. A woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every two minutes. Breast can cer does not discriminate and Edna Barnette shows the power of one. A cancer

The estimated 7 million acres to be harvested is estimated to produce only 12.5 million bales. With present consump tion this is projected to lead to only 1.8 million bales in ending stocks. That number is a record low.The dry weather im pacted Tennessee cotton production as well. As of September 11 only 54%

At one time, breast cancer was called "the nuns' disease" because it seemed to afflict more nuns than women in the general population.

Almost 45% of planted cotton across the Unit ed States is expected to be abandoned due to the extreme drought that has plagued much of the United States. Texas has been affected the most and expects to see al most 70% of the state's cotton crop abandoned.

Breast Cancer Aware ness Month reminds women (and men) that monthly breast cancer exams should be a reg ular part of one's self care. If you have never performed a self-exam, ask your doctor or nurse practitioner to guide you through. Look for chang es within and surround ing your breast including dimpling, redness, scali ness or nipple discharge. Granted, some breasts are a little more "lumpy" than others but changes in size or in the tissue should send up a red alert to make an appoint ment to see your physi cian.On Saturday women and men were able to celebrate as survivors and share their stories among friends. Thanks to Barnette, there is a wonderful opportunity for locals to share their testi mony and possibly save a life. This October and every day, think pink, be strong and be a survivor.

search, surgical options and clinical trials give women many more op tions. With early detec tion, a woman’s survival rate goes up. That’s why breast self exams are an important way for wom en to give their “girls” a fighting chance, espe cially during Breast Can cer Awareness Month Celebrated each Octo ber.Although breast cancer is more prevalent among American white entistsdiseaseenAfrican-Americanwomen,womtendtodiefromthemoreoften.Scidon'treallyunderstandwhytheleftbreastseemstodevelopcancermoreoftenthantheright

Representative David Kustoff is introduced by McNairy County Farm Bureau President Rhodes Platt.

he McNairy County Farm Bureau met Monday night at the McNairy County Ag Learning Center for their meeting. Mem bers elected officers, approved reports amend heard rural development policy updates from Tn


Below Ed Jackson, District Director for U.S.

By Jai Templeton Contributor

The very first opera tion to use anesthesia to deaden pain was a breast cancer surgery. Overall, only one per cent of American males are diagnosed with breast cancer, but Afri can-American men just like women in their com munity, are more prone to die from the disease.

Everyone is invited to enjoy the short films and vote for your favorite in a special evening. Tickets are $5 at the door.

Phone: (731) 645-5346 Fax: (731) 645-3591 News: (731) 645-5346 Contact Us: editor@independentappeal.com Advertising: advertising1@independentappeal.com©2021IndependentAppealThe Independent Appeal is an award-winning member of the Tennessee Press Association and the National Newspaper Association (731) 645-53464111 N. 2nd St., Selmer TN, 383754www.independentappeal.com4www.facebook.com/independentappeal CORRECTIONS The Independent Appeal is committed to accuracy. If you believe a factual error has occurred, please let us know by calling (731) 645-5346. Corrections print on Page 2. HOW TO SUBSCRIBE Subscription rates in McNairy County are $20 per year; in Tennessee, $28; elsewhere, $32. Subscriptions and delivery: (731) 645-5355 POSTAL INFORMATION The Independent Appeal is published every Wednesday by McNairy County Publishing, LLC, 111 North Second Street, Selmer, TN 38375. Postmaster: Send form 3579 to Post Office Box 220, USPS 336-300. STAFF: Janet L. Rail Publisher Jai Templeton Contributor Dayna Patterson Writer Greg Mills Circulation FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/independentappeal WEBSITE: www.independentappeal.com

Saturday attendees to the banquet enjoyed a song by Lauren Jones followed by a fashion show featuring cancer survivors. An invocation by Homer Watson and more music by Jones be fore Barnette introduced the guest speaker Don naAfterGuinn.the presentation Corianna Dilworth sang 'Rise Up'. Lucky guests also picked up some wonderful door prizes and closing remarks fromTheBarnette.National Breast Cancer Foundation re ports that a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every two min utes. Innovations in re

In a stunning forecast the USDA has esti mated that U.S. cotton production will be at its lowest level since 1868.


835 East Poplar Avenue, Selmer, TN AHC McNairy Healthcare & Rehabilitation FALL FESTIVAL September 29, 2022 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm For all residents, their families & friends, employees & their families, and the community Food, Games, Party Jumpers Pumpkin Painting Door Prizes, Vendors & FoodEntertainment&Pumpkins while supplies last


PINK RIBBON ............................................................................................................................................From page 1

U.S. productionCotton is forecast to be the lowest since the 19th century

Farm Bureau staff as well as Rep. David Kus toff’s office.

of the state cotton acres were rated in good to excellent condition. 24% was rated very poor to poor and 26% was rated fair.Other state crops have suffered as well. 40% of corn and 16% of soy beans were rated very poor to poor. Less than 1/3 of both grains were in the fair category. While only 1/4 of corn was rat ed good soybeans have fared much better with 55% in the good catego ry.The soil continues to dry out with only 5% of topsoil showing surplus moisture and only 3% of subsoil showing sur plus moisture across the state. While most of TN is out of drought status the southeast corner of McNairy County remains abnormally dry and the Tn Valley region of Har din County continues to maintain D1(moderate drought) status.


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 3 PAGE VOTE Jason HIVELY • Born, raised and resides in McNairy County • Worked in the automobile industry 34 years • Owned a small business for 30 years • Quali ed for the position with my current • and past work experiences • Skilled with excellent customers service • Possess a Christian work ethic and Christian values I would appreciate your voteon November 8, 2022 McNAIRY COUNTY CLERK ARBY'S NOW ..............................................................................................From page 1

It was a successful morn ing for students eager to get an up-close look at different careers and connect with em ployers or educators about what is next. For some, it may have been the first time speaking to a potential em ployer or recruiter. Not to mention, many had wonderful giveaways for students.

Let's face it, thinking into the future can be a bit overwhelm ing but given the opportuni ty to speak to a friendly face and discuss opportunities can open the mind to the possibil ities paving a positive path to continued education, employ ment or military service.

Organizers and recruiters had a successful morning showcasing the range of pos sibilities for continued educa tion, to enter a career or serve.

Annual Career Day success for students

countries.TheArby's brand pur pose is Inspiring Smiles Through Delightful Ex periences. Arby's de livers on its purpose by celebrating the art of Meatcraft with a variety of high-quality proteins and innovative, craveable sides, such as Curly Fries and Jamo cha shakes. Arby's Fast Crafted restaurant ser vices feature a unique blend of quick-serve speed combined with the quality and made-for-you care of fast casual.

According to local staff it has been a great cou ple of days and they are excited to be open. The menu features their roast beef classic, beef and cheddar classic, ruben sandwich, crispy chicken sandwich, chicken ba con and swiss sandwich, greek and roast beef gy ros and Arby'smore.is the sec ond-largest sandwich restaurant brand in the world with more than 3,500 restaurants in nine

On Monday, Arby's in Selmer opened their doors at 9 a.m. The park ing lot was packed with cars while customers waited in the drive-thru and indoors to make an order. Despite the wait, the talk in town was very positive. Hours are 9 a.m. to 1 a.m.

In addition, students could speak to military recruiters about a career of service to their country and programs to pay for their education while serving. Some had the chance to speak about job opportuni ties right on the spot.

Industries, the City of Selmer, Tennessee Highway Patrol, McNairy County Sheriff's De partment and others also were available to chat with students and share opportunities to join their teams.


than their sandwiches. But when the idea for a fast food franchise that was based on something other than hamburgers came to them, they knew it could be a big hit.

The first Arby's opened in Boardman, Ohio.

Students from McNairy Central and Adamsville High School made connections and seemingly were very attentive to seek out areas that interest them. College representatives from the University of Ten nessee at Martin Selmer, UT Knoxville, Union University, University of Memphis, Austin Peay State University, Jack son State Community College and more were available for students to chat about pos sibilities. Technical programs such as Tennessee College of Applied Technology attended to share with students a vari ety of lucrative paths through education.

The brothers initial ly wanted to name the restaurant, Big Tex, but the businessman already using the name refused to negotiate with them. The name Arby's comes from the initials for Raffel Broth ers, R.B. however, RB is also the same initials as the brothers' famous roast beef sandwich.

Arby's Restaurant Group, Inc. is the franchi sor of the Arby's Brand and is part of the Inspire Brands family of restau rants headquartered in Atlanta, Ga.

The first Arby's was founded in 1964 by two brothers, Forrest and Le roy Raffel. At the time, the Raffel brothers, may have been better known for their food service consulting business, Raffel Brothers, Inc.,

By Janet Rail

cNairy Central hosted a career day for coun ty juniors and seniors last week. Students had the chance to speak to a variety of recruiters and representatives to help them figure out what could lie ahead.



$2.9 million for water shed, flood prevention projects. The three proj ects in Tennessee are Trace Creek Watershed in Humphreys County where floods in 2021 caused 20 fatalities; Cypress Creek Water shed in McNairy Coun ty, where flooding has occurred in recent years and Spencer City Lake Watershed in Van Buren County where there are water supply shortages. The funds are part of a $420 million investment in 132 infrastructure proj ects in 31 states.

Artist Jose Valverde had his art on display and for sale and donated a piece to Arts in McNairy. There was authentic jewelry, clothing and purses also for Everyonesale.enjoyed a Mari achi band and dancers from Memphis. Aztec dancers per formed a ceremonial dance withMexicansage. cuisine, Guatemala tamales and Mexican tamales and more were shared with attendees. It was a wonderful event and showcased much of the Hispanic influences of our community and beyond.

to provide quality, local ly owned, and produce bait and tackle direct ly to the boat ramps across the 3 states. more


Juana Noelia Munoz aka Nelly shared gratitude for the opportunity to share the rich Hispanic heritage. Originally from Los Angeles, California, she was raised in Compton and is a first generation born in the United States from im migrant parents.

Chamber holds ribbon cutting for Dam Bait Shop

Cookout to benefit local veterans


n Saturday at the Lat ta, AiM was proud to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month with live mu sic, Aztec dancers, art, and food. This event is made pos sible through the work of our Diversity Committee in part nership with the local Latino community.Aneventthat started at 2:00 was filled with a cultural expe rience the likes never seen in McNairy County. Celebrating Mexican Independence Day “El Grito”. Mexican Indepen dence Day is a national holi day of Mexico and is known as 'Dia de la Independencia' or 'Grito de Dolores' it marks the anniversary of the Mexican War of Independence against Spain on September 16, 1810.

lood Control Study article in the Sept. 14 edition stated the commission allocat ed $150,000 for a flood control study that will be conducted by the Corp of Engineers. McNairy is one of three counties in the state to receive

The American Le gion & Son's Squadron will host a cookout in Selmer City Park, Saturday, Sept. 24, beginning at 10 a.m. until they run out of food and watermelon.

She has 12 years in Law En forcement, first with the City of Whiteville which is her home now and where she got her foot in the door with her career. She then moved to the Bolivar Police Department the past ten years. She is the only Hispan ic officer and now serves as a school resource officer.


he McNairy County Chamber of Com merce held a rib bon cutting for the Dam Bait Shop of Stantonville on Saturday at the Pick wick Dam in Counce, Tenn. with owners and

friends.TheDam Bait Shop is a 100% Veteran owned mobile bait and tackle shop. They provide onsite services to the local lakes in TN, MS, and North AL. Their goal is

There is no cost to local veterans as all proceeds go to help local veterans. Donations from general public and all are wel come to attend.

Aim's Hispanic Heritage Celebration a huge success



Clarification on Floor Control Study


“We have six grants out and have one awarded this week and hoping to hear of others. I am very proud of where our fire department is today compared to four years ago. We are light years ahead but still a long way to go,” said Stoll.


The Red Cross can step in during a fire and provide im mediate services and provide temporary housing until an in surance company can step in or if uninsured. They respond in disasters and provide many services. There are also op portunities for seniors to serve RedStollCross.relayed that many fires are electrical, careless burn ing and an occasional arson. The county has 126 firefight ers but not all are active due to age as many have served 25 to 30 years. Firefighters need $500 pagers turnout gear that averages $3,000 so the coun ty does have to spend money for those supplies. The county

FREE4 Tuesdays & Thursdays 3


p.m. to 5 p.m. & Every 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Clothes, dishes, home decor, toys. 1111 Peach Street, Selmer, TN 38375.

In lieu of flowers me morials may be made to: Memphis Firefighters Association Foundation, 5150 Stage Rd, Mem phis TN 38134


OUR WORKADS Don't trust just anybody, Trust the Best. Thousands of people have used our classified section. STARTING AT $5 A WEEK645-5346(731)

“McNairy County is one of the best counties to work with Red Cross. We have a real good relationship. We cover 13 counties and some don't work with Red Cross. Even within McNairy County, there are fire departments who won't work with Red Cross but you can bet the county does,” said Sarah Deutsch, local Red Cross rep resentative.

County Fire Chief and Red Cross speak to Selmer seniors


Events and Happenings cakes, Ramer sausage are served for a donation. Come enjoy and sup port a great cause.


Last Thursday was no excep tion as County Fire Chief Steve Stoll along with local Red Cross representatives Sar ah and Val Deutsch to speak to seniors about the hazards for fires, the value of smoke alarms in saving lives and that the Red Cross offers free 10 year smoke alarms and even installs them in your home.

Following his talk, Red Cross representatives offered all free 10 year smoke alarms. They need to be installed by Red Cross and scheduled but are absolutely free.

see Old Iron Tractor Club will host a Tractor Show in the parking lot of the Top O’ The River Restaurant, Hwy 57, Michie, Tenn. on Saturday, Sept. 24th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ev eryone is invited to come and see the antique tractors and more.


Stoll started by sharing how the volunteer fire fighters across the county work on a strictly volunteer basis and how he appreciates the fire fighters across the county and are truly the best at what they do and he is grateful. “We work with you all on any grass fires, structure fires and even vehicle fires. The Red Cross is taking care of fire alarms but eventually we want to take care of that our selves,” said Stoll.

September 294 7th District Repub licans are having a chili dog supper on Sept. 29 beginning at 6:00 p.m. The event will be at the Michie Civic Center. All are welcome to attend for updates on state races as well as meet with the Republican County Court Clerk nominee Ross McNatt.




4 Burial Plots For Sale Four burial plots For Sale at Ever Lasting Life in Lake Hill Memory Gardens in Bethel Springs, Tenn. The Four Plots are in Section ANumbers 1,2,3 & 4 $1,400 for all in Lot #92 Call 270-554-0941

“A lot of our tankers are very old. We are going to the state government and asking for grants. We were awarded two grants since I have been here. Just yesterday we were award ed a new truck,” said Stoll. New fire trucks cost $400,000 each, he shared. They county is trying to replace old tankers through grants due to the lack of a tax base in McNairy Coun ty and no desire to raise taxes to replace them.

There are several that need replacing according to Stoll and his desire is to work on grants and not burden taxpayers.


EVERY FIRST SATURDAY PAN CAKE SELMERBREAKFASTMASONIC LODGE 1st Saturdays4 The Selmer Ma sonic Lodge sponsors a Pancake Breakfast the 1st Saturday of every month form 6 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. at 153 S. Fourth Street, (behind the courthouse) to benefit Autism. Pan

Selmer Senior Center was established in 1978 and is located at 230 N 5th Street, Selmer. If you are a senior cit izen and interested in taking part at the center, just stop by and take advantage and meet some new friends.

ber 3, 1945 in McNairy County, Tennessee, the son of the late Bonna Morris and Mallie Vera Garrett Hockaday. He was united in mar riage to Jo McCalip on February 14, 1967. They were married for 55 years.Mr. Hockaday retired from the Memphis Fire Department after 32 years of dedicated ser vice to the city of Mem phis and Shelby County. His true passion was carpentry - building his house and the cabine try along with numerous furniture pieces for his beloved family. He was known to his family and close friends as a won derful host and cook - in the words of his children, "Dad made the best spa ghetti."Hewas a self-taught musician of the guitar, harmonica and piano - playing all the instru ments by ear. He had a love for westerns, John Wayne, and travel. His love for the outdoors and the National Parks trig gered his numerous trips to visit the parks, some more than once. He and Jo loved traveling not only in the United States but also abroad espe cially to Italy.

Selmer Senior Citizens Cen ter is no exception. They offer many services including exer cise classes like zumba and yoga as well as educational classes, food and fellowship and even fabulous travel trips a few times a year.

Celebration of Life ser vice will be on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. at the Purdy Community Center 785 Gann Rd., Selmer TN with a reception to follow.



By Janet Rail

September 244 Everyone is invit ed to come to the Arts in McNairy Short Film Festival on Saturday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. to enjoy a variety of short films and vote for your favor

4 The West Tennes

4 Selmer First United Methodist Church is looking for craft vendors to participate in their Fall Festival on November 19, 2022. Spots are still available. If interested please call 805-712-4448 for more information.

Mr. Hockaday depart ed this life on Septem ber 8, 2022, in Bethel Springs, Tennessee at the age of 77 Years, 5 Days.He is survived by his

wife, Jo Hockaday of Bethel Springs, Tenn.; two daughters, Regenea Garland and husband Mark of Lillington, NC, Sarah Louise Hockaday and husband Alex Brown of Flower Mound, Texas; two sons, William Ma son Hockaday and wife Emma of Clarksville, Tenn., Spencer Todd Hockaday of Knoxville, Tenn.; 13 Grandchil dren, 3 Great Grand children; two brothers, James Hockaday and wife Kaffee of Lebanon, Tenn., John Ross Hock aday and wife June of Shelbyville, Tenn.; three sisters, Rose Alonzo and husband Manuel of Roselle, Il., Faye Derry berry of Ramer, Tenn., Suzie Huckabee and husband Johnny of Oak land, Tenn.; sisters-inlaw, Sue Hockaday and Lynn Hockaday both of Selmer, Tenn.; and a host of extended family and friends.

In addition to his par ents, Mr. Hockaday was preceded in death by two brothers, George Mor ris Hockaday, Emmett Hockaday.

citizen centers are a place where older adults gather to have lunch, play cards, socialize, exercise, continue learning and become connected with services.


ite. Tickets are $5 at the door.

4 “Markets on the Square” is Saturday, Sept. 24 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in downtown Adamsville featuring food, handmade crafts, boutiques and more. Come enjoy a day of family fun and support local businesses. Out door vendors will be nestled among local shops downtown at the square.


September 244 The American Le gion & Son’s Squadron will host a cookout in Selmer City Park, Satur day, Sept. 24, beginning at 10 a.m. until they run out of food and wa termelon. There is no cost to local veterans as all proceeds go to help local veterans. Donations from gen eral public. All are invited to come.

provides workman's comp in surance at $400 per person.

“We have to log every train ing every activity, every fire attended and calls get logged in. So we have kept good re cords for the past two years,” said Stoll. The ISO ratings did go down this year from a 9 to a 6, according to Stoll but as home appraisals went up by 30 percent it can be a little de ceptive of your fire insurance coming down due to a property increase. Many have had de creases in their homeowners insurance.Seniors asked questions varying from how to burn a brush pile if you are not able to issues with their electri cal wires in rental homes that cause concern. Stoll answered questions and gave advice to leave a burning building as seconds count and many die from smoke inhalation.

Marriage is a beautiful


union between a man and a woman and giving that love to one other individual is heaven sent. Yet, I also know that being content within one’s self, and then bringing another into a covenant re lationship is the best recipe for success in a relationship as well as in preparation to endure loss.

• Master Sgt. Lonnie J. Ellis, Air Force

• Angel Rodriguez, Petty Officer US Navy

• Sgt. Major Paula Norris

• Senior Airman Aaron J. Cull U.S. Airforce

• John Robinson US Navy

www.corkeycomics.com WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2022

• Sgt. James P. Crain

• CPO Denise Picard Culverhouse

Originally the word meant, to doubt the possibility of real knowledge, later came to be applied to those who doubt in spite of the evidence to the contrary. There is one word of caution, however, to be given to those who renounce inquiry; it is that they cannot retain the right to condemn inquirers.

By Bryan Golden Contributor

• PV2 Jana Estes

• Captain Dustin Hamm, USMC

• Sgt. Charlie Rickman, US Army

Don’t hide from prob lems in the hope they will go away. Ignoring prob lems tends to make them worse. Whenever you face a problem remember that a solution exists. Your challenge is to discover it. Problem solving gets eas ier the more you do it.

makes it manageable. A problem can have both short and long term solutions. A short-term solution can provide you with immediate relief can start doing this parttime while keeping her current job. With this strat egy, Barbara will alleviate some of her frustration by taking steps to attain her

E-mail to: editor@independentappeal.com

Mail to: Letters to the Editor, The Independent Appeal, P.O. Box 220, Selmer, TN

Our thoughts and prayers go out to members of our community who are serving Opinion Making McNairy County Opinion headlines 120 years Leslie Houston, 1974-1976; Bruce Hurt, 1970-1974; George Hamilton, 1964-1970; Wilbur Wright, 1946-1964; B.O. Weeks, 1941-1946; Ken Duke, 1938-1941; Orpheus Abernathy and Family, 1920-1938; Col. J.W. Purviance, 1902-1920. “Dedicated to the peaceful, progressive and proud people of McNairy County.” PAGE 4  INDEPENDENT APPEAL

• Cpl. John M. Powell

• Staff Sgt. Adam Court, USAF

Dare to Live Without Limits The Magic of

• Cpl. Dallas Nelms, USMC

• Spc. Blake Rudd

The Independent Appeal welcomes your opinion. Letters to the editor are subject to editing or omission for length, style or libel. All letters must include the writer’s name and signature, as well as a phone number and address for verification. The Independent Appeal does not publish anonymous letters. Letters deemed suitable for publication will run as soon as possible after receipt on a space-available basis. Because of space limitations, letters should be limited to 400 words, about two double-spaced, typed pages, one letter per person every 90 days.

• Staff Sgt. Ryan Robinson Air Force

• Spc. Mark A. Cooper, US Army

• C.W.3 James R. Dickey, Retired

A cornerstone of encouragement is explaining the benefits of reaching a desired goal. People are much more inclined to put in the necessary effort when they understand the advantages of attaining their objective.

ax sharpened, Dud’s the guy to see. He has an old-fashioned

If we may be of service please allow us the opportu nity. ~David.

• Tony Crouse, U.S. Army

• Sgt. Timothy Hixon

• Spc. Matthew Hemby, Army

Home Country

• LT Kevin Shelton, Navy

NOW AVAILABLE: "Dare to Live Without Limits," the book.

• PFC Casey William Akin

It is a swirling cauldron of heat and hooves, excited cowdogs and bawl ing cows. There is the smell of ma nure and singed hair and sweat and corral dust.

Now available on

• Airman Christopher D. Ellis, Air Force

• Sgt. Joseph Lilly

• Specialist Bryan Ray Ferguson

• A1C Logan D. Mosier, USAF

• SSgt. Patrick Michael Moore, Nat. Guard

When the Rafter E brand ed recently, a bunch of us went out to help. There’s a definite pecking order here, and it's a badge of pride to have worked your way up the branding ladder.

• A1C Ian James Furman, Mountain View, Idaho

As I journey through life with it’s trouble and strife, is the opening line to a song. Yet along with many a joyful moment life does have a way of present ing struggles and challenges. Let week we discussed our journey from the perspective of loss and how family and friends can lighten our load by walking by our side in our journey.Many a people have in quired to me, what now is


term solution. For exam ple, you and your family are living in a cramped apartment but would like to own a home. You have to limit your discre

plishment. Any accomplishment, regardless of how small is praiseworthy. Praise is one of the most coveted rewards. Praise shows recognition andPraiseappreciation.inpublic whatever behavior you want to encourage. This positive reinforcement is a wonderful motivator. People crave having their efforts acknowledged. As a result, they strive to repeat their praiseworthy behavior.Show people you appreciate their efforts by thanking them. Being

Home Country

• Sgt. Joseph W. Baggett

The Independent Appeal has a legacy of independent family own ership. Past publishers were: William J. Rail 1976-2000; Leslie Houston, 1974-1976; Bruce Hurt, 1970-1974; George Hamilton, 1964-1970; Wilbur Wright, 1946-1964; B.O. Weeks, 1941-1946; Ken Duke, 1938-1941; Orpheus Abernathy and Family, 1920-1938; Col. J.W. Purviance, 1902-1920. “Dedicated to the peaceful, pr gressive and proud people of McNairy County.”

• A1C Kassidy N. Mosier Deneen, USAF

David Coy Contributor

• Veronica Sebree, Navy Chief Officer

• Sgt. Andrew W. Bayless USMC

ing someone or something. Preferably we serve a moral, honorable entity, but we will end serving one or the other (Luke 16:13). This is espe cially helpful in our journey with grief, because if we de vote some time in serving others then our burden of sorrow will seem smaller. We will heal much more quickly and completely when we are not enclosed inward on our selves allowing our sorrow to consume us.

• Airman Cameron B. Prater, Air Force

 Kip

my purpose in life now that my loved one is gone? I had an individual ask me that question just last week. What is my purpose in life? Is it different whether our loved ones are near than when we are alone? When the question has been pro posed to me it has always been within the context of being alone. I do not claim to have all the answers to every question that could be asked, but this one I think we make more com plicated than it need be.

• Specialist Robert Rzasa

• Staff Sgt. James Taylor Haubrich, US Air Force

• Cpl. James Scott Powell

• Pvt. Alex Johnson, US Army

• Pvt. Adam Gray, US Army

• Sgt. Ricky L. Jordan, USMC

These days we don’t think much about axes. They’re kinda old fash-

could make the subject of a very interesting small book, even.

• Petty Officer 3rd Class Katie Lynn Bizzell, US

• AA Nicole B. Ayres, US Navy

 Sgt.

• Sgt. Rob Gray, US Army

Our thoughts and prayers go out to members of our community who are serving in the armed forces:

• Master Sgt. Carrie L. Ellis, Air Force

Bryan Golden Contributor

she need more custom er contact or less? Are Barbara’s interpersonal skills in need of improve ment? Perhaps Barbara wants to be in her own

You can be a walking example of the magic of motivation. Your actions are more convincing than your words. So, before you seek to encourage others make sure you embody encouragement in all youPositivedo. reinforcement is effective encouragement. You want people to strive for rewards, not to be cautious so as to elude punishment. Seeking rewards is always more

Dare to Live Without Limits — Problem Solving

By David Coy Contributor

• Petty Officer 1st Class Arnold Jermaine Knight

powerful than avoiding consequences. Let people know what they can do and why. Clearly identify the benefits. Get people committed to attaining their objective.

• Kip Ellison

Wasn't the first time I’d given the shots, though. Once during a brand ing at the Triangle Cross, I was about to immunize a calf when the calf jumped and I stuck the needle into my thumb.

• Staff Sergeant Brian Lee Hood

his cabin with just an ax, in fact. The whole thing. It was while Jasper was showing his new cabin to some tourist ladies that his ax became legendary

• Pvt. Samuel Bradford Ray, Army

• Col. (Chaplain) Billy Hawkins

tionary spending in or der to save enough for a down payment. Any reduction in lifestyle is palatable because it is a short-term action that enables you to realize your long-term solution.

• E4 Sophia Reinke

[Benjamin Jowett, “On the Interpretation of Scripture,” in “Essays

Praise encourages people to keep going. Praise a person’s effort, progress, and accom-

rying a heavy weight. Yes, the original context deals with moral issues, but may be applied in the context of a personal weight such as sorrow, (cf. Luke 22:45; Hebrews 11:25). If Jesus a man was willing to accept help, support from others then we should also.Support groups are a great example of how to fulfill that principle, though not the only one. Join us this month. I look forward to seeing you. ~ David. Sgt. Dustin Blakney, USAF GySgt. Christopher T. Byrd, USMC Staff Sgt. Susan Cawley Staff Sgt. Alicia L. Coil, USAF Cpl. Mandy L. Cooper, USMC Spc. Mark A. Cooper, US Army Staff Sgt. Adam Court, USAF Sgt. James P. Crain Tony Crouse, U.S. Army Sgt. Bobby J. Dickey US Army C.W.3 James R. Dickey, Retired Capt. Bonnie Lynn Dunlop Cpl. Bradley Eisenhut, USMC Master Sgt. Carrie L. Ellis, Air Force Sgt. Lonnie J. Ellis, Air Force Ellison Cory Brandon Emily USMC Jana Estes PFC Casey William Akin Spc. Allen Alexander AA Nicole B. Ayres, US Navy Sgt. Joseph W. Baggett Capt. William B. Barkley, USMC Sgt. Andrew W. Bayless USMC Staff Sgt. Dustin Blakney, USAF GySgt. Christopher T. Byrd, USMC Staff Sgt. Susan Cawley Staff Sgt. Alicia L. Coil, USAF Cpl. Mandy L. Cooper, USMC Spc. Mark A. Cooper, US Army Staff Sgt. Adam Court, USAF Sgt. James P. Crain Tony Crouse, U.S. Army Capt. Bonnie Lynn Dunlop Cpl. Bradley Eisenhut, USMC Master Sgt. Carrie L. Ellis, Air Force Master Sgt. Lonnie J. Ellis, Air Force Kip Ellison Sgt. Cory Brandon Emily USMC PV2 Jana Estes A1C Logan D. Mosier, USAF Cpl. Dallas Nelms, USMC Sgt. Major Paula Norris Pvt. Justin Overton, USMC Spc. Joseph Payne, US Army Nat. Guard CPO Denise Picard Culverhouse

• AO3 Kevin Dewayne Mettlin, Navy

• Army Officer Major James Lax

• A1C Stephanie Lynn Griffin, USAF

• PFC Isaac Harville

 PV2

Yet not everyone strives to actively discover the best solution. Some give up and let problems get the best of them. Others take the path of least re sistance, embracing the easiest course of action thatAnotherappears.mistake is taking someone else’s advice without determin

• Spc. Ritchie A. McCrary

and Reviews,” 1860]

• Spc. Hector Soto, Jr., Army

• Alan Seigers, Army

What does this have to do with grief and supporting those in need? A great deal in relation to the male gender. Biological males seem to have an aversion toward accepting help, support, especially in the area of grief. Sadly, this mentality has seeped into an area of delusion that is called science today ”….the intensity of a conviction that a hypothesis is true has no bearing on whether it is true. The importance of the


• Sabion Sanders, USAF A1C

The Independent Appeal strives to promote and advance McNairy County, educate and inform its citizens, while protecting the people’s right to know, and the rights and interests of our readers and advertisers.

• PV2 Ashley Freeman, US Army

• PV2 Skyler Gammill, US Army

• SFC Patrick Michael Shaughnessy

Encouragement is a magical mental elixir with numerous outstanding benefits and no negative side effects. Encouragement improves lives, drives success, changes perspectives, builds selfconfidence and self-esteem, and stimulates effort.Anyone can offer encouragement. One of the best ways to do so is by example. Demonstrate by your own actions what is possible. Showing what

•NavyStaff Sgt. Dustin Blakney, USAF

• Capt. Todd Joseph Drobina, US Army

PAGE7 An Independent, locally owned newspaper Founded June 27, 1902

I answered the question last week the same as I have always answered, our purpose has not changed it is the same as it has al ways been. Whether we re alize in or not we live serv

• Cpl. Jeffery Mitchell, USMC

• Capt. William B. Barkley, USMC

• Staff Sgt. Alicia L. Coil, USAF

• Sgt. Brian W. Hendrix

At the Rafter E, I wielded a syringe as the youngsters got their teeth rat tled by the heavy stuff.

Making McNairy County Opinion headlines 120 years

Everyone has prob lems and all prob lems have solu tions. The challenge lies in finding the appropriate solution for each problem. Some problems may ap pear unsolvable and leave you feeling overwhelmed. But you can rest assured that there is always a solu tion. Additionally, effective problem solving tech niques can be learned.

• A1C Amanda K. McMillen, USAF

• Ernest Purez, Air Force

• Spc. Joseph Payne, US Army Nat. Guard

• Cpl. Bradley Eisenhut, USMC

• Pvt. Justin Overton, USMC

is doable is much more effective than only telling someone what they can, or should do.

long-term solution. When seeking a solu tion, be creative. Don’t limit yourself to only what you think is possible. Consider every alterna

ing its appropriateness to your specific situa tion. You can make a problem worse by doing the wrong thing and not thinking before you act. Before a problem can be solved, you must correctly identify exactly what the problem is. Any solution that doesn’t ad dress the root cause will be ineffective and give the illusion that the prob lem is Supposeunsolvable.Barbara is un happy with her job. She is in her third retail job in two years. What should Bar bara do? Barbara can’t decide what she needs to do until she figures out exactly what’s the cause of her unhappiness. Is Barbara in an occu pation she doesn’t like? Does she need a more challenging position in the same industry? Does

• Spc. Robert H. Pittman, II

Brought to you by Packing the Backyard Horse, by Slim Randles. Amazon.com.

done, you have taken a major step to finding a solution. Problems don’t have to be solved in one step. Breaking an issue down into multiple steps

• Sgt. Bobby J. Dickey US Army

• Sgt. Cory Brandon Emily USMC

EDITOR’S NOTE: If a loved one has had a change in status, contact us at (731) 645-5346.

• Spc. Allen Alexander


By Slim Randles Contributor

• Joshua Lane Meek, Army

tion is only to provide a proportionately strong incentive to find out if the hypothesis will stand up to critical examination.” (Peter B. Medawar).Ifmore males would swallow their pride and examine the evidence that has already proven the benefit of grief support they would already be helped immensely. There is a principle to be applied here involving carrying another’s weight Galatians 6:2, and keep on carrying ( alle�lo�n ta bare�


Hillcrest1& Rent Subsidizedinstitution “WANTED” StateAny Any  PFC Casey William Akin  Spc. Allen Alexander  AA Nicole B. Ayres, US Navy  Sgt. Joseph W. Baggett  Capt. William B. Barkley, USMC  Sgt. Andrew W. Bayless USMC  Petty Offi cer 3rd Class Katie Lynn Bizzell, US Navy  Staff

• GySgt. Christopher T. Byrd, USMC

 Master

• Cpl. Mandy L. Cooper, USMC

SUNRISE — Purpose

• Sgt. Michael C. Lipford -Army Service Member

Hurt like the dickens, of course, but at least it was effective. I haven't had black leg since.

As a kid, you flank the calves; you grab them, throw them and hold them down. This is conducive to abrasions, muscle strain, and invol untarily changing the color of your shirt.As you get older, you get to han dle the branding iron, then move up to giving shots. After that comes earmarking. When you reach the pinnacle of branding, that is, when you own the calves, then you get to rope the calves and drag them up to the fire.

• Spc. Dustin McDonald

• Spc. William Andrew “Andy” Pickett, Guard

• Sgt. David Poole, National Guard

• Capt. Bonnie Lynn Dunlop

ZED by Duane M. Abel

• Daniel Gray, USMC Lance Corporal

• Staff Sgt. Susan Cawley


publication (or posting); or (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the creditor received an actual copy of the notice to creditors if the creditor received the copy of the notice less than sixty (60) days prior to the date that is four (4) months from the date of first publica tion (or posting) as de scribed in (1)(A); or (2) Twelve (12) months from the decedent's date of

Kim Boals, Clerk & Mas ter By Terry


indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 12th day of Septem ber, Signed2022.Andrew M. Wil son, Co-Executor

Mobile Home Parts • Windows & Doors • Hardware • Skirting • Tubs • Faucets • Heating & Air Parts • Anchors • Tie Downs • Tires • Special Orders Now carrying vinyl energy efficient windows for Mobile Homes We repair and install everything including heating and air! 75 Riverport Drive Jackson, TN Mon-Fri731-422-6226383018a.m.-5:30p.m. We can grind in tight place with NO yard damage or truck in 731-234-9259yards 20 YRS EXPERIENCE EstimatesFree William’s Tree & Stump Service Elderly Care disabledCaregiverWantedFull-TimeNeededFull-Timeforanelderlyperson.Exercise,generalcareforverydependentpersonintheCrumparea.FlexibleHours-$10/hr.Call731-727-7229

Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trustee c/o Tennessee Foreclo sure Department 4360 Chamblee Dun woody Road, Suite 310 Atlanta, GA 30341 PH: 404-789-2661 FX: 404-294-0919 File No.: 20-02366 FC02


Being the same prop erty conveyed to Ray mond N. Barnes and wife, Joyce P. Barnes by Deed from R.C. Barnes and wife, Fred die Mae Barnes, dated May 7, 1981, recorded May 7, 1981, of record in Book 101, page 720, Register`s Office for McNairy County, Ten nessee.



IfTrustee.theU.S. Department of Treasury/IRS, the State of Tennessee De partment of Revenue, or the State of Tennessee Department of Labor or Workforce Development are listed as Interested Parties in the advertise ment, then the Notice of this foreclosure is being given to them and the Sale will be subject to the applicable governmental entities’ right to redeem the property as required by 26 U.S.C. 7425 and T.C.A. §67-1-1433.

The following real es tate located in McNairy County, Tennessee, will be sold to the highest call bidder subject to all unpaid taxes, prior liens and encumbrances of re cord:

Estate of EDNA MAY WILSON, Late of Mc Nairy County, Tennessee Notice is hereby given that on Sept. 12, 2022, Letters of Administration in respect to the Estate of Edna Mae Wilson, de ceased, were issued to the undersigned by the Chancery Court Clerk & Master of McNairy Coun ty, TN.

payment of the debt(s) and obligation(s) thereby secured by the said Deed of Trust and the current holder of said Deed of Trust, LPP Mortgage, Inc. f/k/a LPP Mortgage LTD, (the “Holder”), ap pointed the undersigned, Brock & Scott, PLLC, as Substitute Trustee, with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, no tice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provid ed in said Deed of Trust by the Holder, and that as agent for the under signed, Brock & Scott, PLLC, Substitute Trust ee, by virtue of the power and authority vested in it, will on October 20, 2022, at 10:00 AM at the usual and customary location at the McNairy Coun ty Courthouse, Selmer, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property situ ated in McNairy County, Tennessee, to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land located in McNairy County, Tennessee, de scribed as follows to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron pin found at the NEC of the land conveyed to J.G. Edwards by deed of record in Deed Book 125 page 570; thence South 25 degrees 15 minutes 02 seconds East for a distance of 145.63 feet with the Western bound ary of Johnson passing an iron pin at 122.28 feet to a point in the center of Dan Head Road; thence South 69 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds West for a distance of 111.51 feet with said road; thence South 76 degrees 23 minutes 49 seconds West for a dis tance of 181.37 feet with said road; thence South 86 degrees 05 minutes 36 seconds West for a distance of 307.42 feet with said road; thence North 89 degrees 14 minutes 54 seconds West for a distance of 274.46 feet with said road; thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds West for a dis tance of 369.51 feet with said road; thence North 87 degrees 52 minutes 42 seconds West for a distance of 103.13 feet with said road; thence South 86 degrees 49 minutes 43 seconds West for a distance of 52.50 feet with said road; thence North 02 degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds East for a distance of 291.66 feet leaving said road and passing an iron pin at 25.45 feet, to an iron pin in a painted line, the Southern boundary of Swaim; thence South 87 degrees 09 minutes 33 seconds East for a distance of 1311.65 feet with the Southern bound ary of Swaim to the point of beginning, together with and subject to cov enants, easements and restrictions of record, said property contains 7.784 acres more or less, subject to mineral rights reservation in DB 48 page 91, ROMC. Being the same proper ty conveyed to Gordon Carlin from Charlotte Carlin by Quitclaim Deed dated April 2, 1996 and recorded April 11, 2002 in Book 153, page 589, Register's Office for Mc

This property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to con firmation by the lender or trustee. If the sale is set aside for any rea son, the Purchaser at the sale shall be enti tled only to a return of the purchase price. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mort gagee or the Mortgag ee’s attorney.


of WaMu Asset-Backed Certificates WaMu Se ries 2007-HE2 Trust



Tax ID: 109 00800 000




bath home


Nairy County. Property address is 1630 Dan Head Road, Poca hontas, TN 38061. Parcel ID Number: 123 Pocahontas,1630Address/Description:018.01DanHeadRoad,TN38061

OAKWOOD APART MENT RENTALS : Selmer: 1 bedroom, $525/mo. 2 bedroom , $550/mo. Both require deposits. No pets (731) 610-2877. (TF)

(1) (A) Four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting, as the case may be) of this notice if the creditor received an actual copy of this notice to creditors at least sixty (60) days before the date that is four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting); or (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the creditor received an actual copy of the notice to creditors if the credi tor received the copy of the notice less than sixty (60) days prior to the date that is four (4) months from the date of first publication (or post ing) as described in (1) (A); or (2) Twelve (12) months from the dece dent's date of death.

MWZM File No. 22Mackie000501-850-1Wolf Zientz & Mann, P.C., Substitute Trustee(s) COOL SPRINGS COM MONS, SUITE 273 7100 COMMERCE WAY BRENTWOOD, TN TN37027INVESTORS HTTP://MWZMLAW.PAGE: COM/TN_INVESTORS. (19,20,21)



HOME FOR SALE: 146 Dunaway Road, Selmer - $12,000. Call 731-6102652.

Signed Addison Marie Lunsford, Co-Executor Estate of Edna Mae Wil son


WHEREAS, Gordon Carlin, A Single Man ex ecuted a Deed of Trust to Stephen C. Brown DBA Fortune Financial Lending, Lender and Charles Patrick Flynn, Trustee(s), which was dated June 27, 2007, and recorded on July 3, 2007, in Book 388, at Page 354, subsequently modified by a Loan Mod ification Agreement re corded August 5, 2013 in Book 410, Page 1348 in the amount of Forty-Two Thousand Nine Hun dred Sixteen and 91/100 ($42,916.91), subse quently modified by a Loan Modification Agree ment recorded January 4, 2022 in Book 11, Page 1118 in the amount of Forty-Seven Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-Two and 90/100 ($47,352.90) in McNairy County, Tennessee Register of WHEREAS,Deeds. default hav ing been made in the

central heat/air and carport.




IfPURPOSE.applicable, the notice requirements of T.C.A. 35-5-101 have been met.

By Kim Boals, Clerk & ByMasterTerry Abernathy, At torney (10194) (19,20)

Current Owner(s) of Property: RAYMOND N. BARNES AND JOYCE P.

All persons, resident and non-resident, hav ing claims, matured or unmatured, against his Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk & Master of the above named Court on or before the earlier of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2); otherwise, their claims will forever be barred: (1) (A) Four (4) months from the date of the first publication (or posting, as the case may be) of this notice if the creditor received an actual copy of this notice to creditors at least sixty (60) days before the date that is four (4) months from the date of the first

Sale at public auction will be on October 26, 2022 on or about 2:00PM local time, At the Southwest Door of the, McNairy County Courthouse, 170 West Court Avenue, Selmer, TN 38375, conducted by the Substitute Trustee as identified and set forth herein below, pursuant to Deed of Trust exe cuted by RAYMOND N. BARNES AND JOYCE P. BARNES, to Wesley D. Turner, Trustee, on Jan uary 19, 2007, at Record Book 385, Page 22232238 as Instrument No. 55619 in the real prop erty records of McNairy County Register's Office, Tennessee.

All right of equity of re demption, statutory and otherwise, and home stead are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, but the under signed will sell and con vey only as Substitute

address of the above described prop erty is believed to be 5579 Ramer Selmer Rd, Selmer, TN 38375, but such address is not part of the legal description of the property sold herein and in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description referenced herein shall control.

All persons, resident and non-resident, hav ing claims, matured or unmatured, against his Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk & Master of the above named Court on or before the earlier of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2); otherwise, their claims will forever be barred:

Beginning at a stake in the South bound ary of the Old Selmer to Ramer Road, said stake being the West corner of Billy Volner and the NEC of R.C. Barnes 9-acre tract de scribed in deed of re cord in the Office of the Register for McNairy County, Tennessee, in Deed Book No. 54, page 210, of which this conveyance is a part, runs thence with the South boundary of the Selmer to Ramer Road, South 53 degrees West 312 feet to a stake; thence South 46 de grees East 356 feet to a stake; thence North 76 degrees East 37 feet to a stake; thence North 6 degrees West 434 feet to a point of beginning, containing 1.57 acre, more or less.

Owner of Debt: Citibank, N.A., as Trustee, in trust for registered Holders

FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, 2 in with No Animal Poli cy. $650 mo./plus depos it. Call 731-610-2877.

FOR RENT: Houses, Apartments and Town houses. Committed to providing Safe/Afford able homes in a family friendly environment. No Pets - No Crack/Party Houses. Credit & back ground check part of application and deposit required. Sweat 731610-0807. Equal Hous ing Opportunity. (1-TF)

(10195) (20,21,22)

As required by Chap ter No. 175, Public Arts of Tennessee 1939 as amended by Chapter 229, Public Act of 1971

As required by Chap ter No. 175, Public Arts of Tennessee 1939 as amended by Chapter 229, Public Act of 1971

Current Owner(s): Gordon Carlin Other Interested Par ty(ies): McNairy County, Ten Thenesseesale of the property described above shall be subject to all matters shown on any recorded plat; any and all liens against said property for unpaid property tax es; any restrictive cov enants, easements or set-back lines that may be applicable; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; a deed of trust; and any matter than an accurate survey of the premises might disclose; and All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is be lieved to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substi tute Trustee. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to anoth er day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon an nouncement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. This office is attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Estate of KENNETH WILKINS, Late of Mc Nairy County, Tennessee Notice is hereby given that on Sept. 8, 2022, Letters of Administration in re spect to the Estate of Ken neth Wilkins, deceased, were issued to the under signed by the Chancery Court Clerk & Master of McNairy County, TN.

All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 8th day of Septem ber, Signed2022.Randy Wilkins, of KennethWilkins

The National Educa tion Center for Agricul tural Safety has a series of focus topics that can be found at necasag.org. Plan well, rest, and have a safe fall harvest season. Finger Barbecue and Picnic held Saturday

4 Stop before short-cir cuiting any safety de vice or procedure

1895, Finger has been home to the Annual Finger Barbecue and held its 126th years on Saturday September 17th with continued success. It is a homecoming of sorts for locals, family and friends past.

Photos by Ron Wright

themselves as well as co-workers. Despite the busyness and oftentimes narrow harvest season window there is no sub stitute for rest. With that in mind there are plenty of other warnings and recommendations to heed. Just a few are:


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 9 PAGE Commercial & Residential ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION, METAL • SHINGLES • FLAT ROOFS Estimates!Free Professional, Trustworthy, Dependable LOCAL, HOME TOWN FOLKS mooreroo ngandconstruction1@gmail.com SERVING WEST CALL JONATHAN MOORE (731) 609-5567 “We’ve Got You Covered” 5 Year Workmanship Warranty

Thedevelopment.FingerDiner was the origi nal model for the Hard Rock Cafe chain.The history of the town and sur rounding area have been docu mented in a 511 page history en titled Let's Call It Finger: A History of North McNairy County & Finger, Tennessee & Its Surrounding Com munities, written by a native John Talbott and descendant of the McIn tyre family, early settlers of the area.

The town is the home of the annu al Finger Barbecue, an event held largely since 1895. As of 2022, hav ing been held for than 111 years out of the last 126 years, it is one of the oldest and most enduring events of its kind in the state of Tennessee.

4 Familiarize you and your employees with all equipment safety components

from the U.S. Bureau of Labor continue to indicate that farming and ranching is the most dangerous job in Amer ica. 2019 data shows that there were 573 fatal ities. That is equal to a lit tle more than 23 deaths per 100,000 workers.

By Jai Templeton Contributor

National Farm Safety and Health Week is Sept. 18-24

President Franklin Roo sevelt began the annual proclamation in 1944.

By Janet Rail

4 Watch out for each other

4 Watch out for over head power lines and other hazards

Live music was provided immedi ately following the parade through downtown at 10 a.m. The children always enjoy catching some candy and there were party jumpers and more good fun. All proceeds go to the Finger Volunteer Fire Depart ment which is a great cause.

In 1895, with the need of a post office to serve its growing popu

The area in and around Finger was settled in the early to mid1820's. Originally named McIntyre's Crossing, after Robert Thompson McIntyre, who was an early political leader and businessman, it was not named Finger until 1895. Between its settlement and 1895, the area progressed and both education and business were important to the area's inhabitants. During the American Civil War, the area pro vided many soldiers to the Union cause and the area largely Unionist and Republican in its politics.

lation, a new name was needed to satisfy federal postal authori ties. Originally, the town was to be named Cash. However, that idea was dropped and, according to the late historian Horry Hodges, the Rev. J.J. Franklin, a resident of nearby McNairy Station, attended the meeting convened to give the town a name. According to Hodg es, tempers flared and Franklin de risively and jokingly suggested the name Finger after witnessing sev eral locals engaged in Finger point ing. Other sources suggest the city was named for an early resident, Andrew Jackson Finger (1815–1888). However, this is unlikely as this man was not prominent and re sided in the area only a short peri od. Hodges' account is given more credibility because he was an ac tive political and educational figure in 1895, the year of the events, as well as a resident of Finger. His is the only contemporary account. From 1895 until the onset of the Great Depression in 1929-1930, the town continued to grow. At one point, it supported no less than 8 stores, 2 physicians, a funeral par lor, a hotel, 2 banks, a post office, an elementary and high school, cotton gin and numerous other smaller businesses. Its location on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad was one of the reasons for its success ful

ac cidents are the most common cause of death on the farm with tractor overturns as the leading cause. Tennessee has one of the highest rates of such incidents in the nation. Farmers and ranchers are encour aged to recognize signs of stress or tiredness in

STARTING AT $5 A WEEK (731) 645-5346 Hardin Stockyards,CountyInc. 3350 Hwy. 226, Savannah, TN 38372 • 731-925-3287 Cattle Sale every Wednesday • 1:00 P.M. Goat & Hog Sale • 11:00 A. M. Begin receiving cattle on Tuesday 8:00 A.M. ‘til dark Trucking & feed available • We are a full service stockyard Video cattle o ered for trailer load lots & appraisals We o er an order buying service thru Harry Floyd Livestock www.saledayauction.com Harry Floyd Waynesboro,or931-224-2247(cell):931-722-9200TNO ce: 931-722-3100 Full Inspection $69 AIWServiceHvac 24 Hour Service (731) 434-9640 (731) 4344010 • All Makes & Models Johnathan Prather Specializing in residential service HARDINSTOCKYARDCOUNTY 3350 Hwy 226 Savannah, TN 38372 (731) 925-3287 (931) 224-2247 MARKET REPORT September 14, 2022 Total HD 789 Last Week 579 Last Year 812 Cattle 778 Goats 4 Hogs 7 #1 STEERS & BULLS 200-300 WT 201.00-225.00 300-400 WT 192.00-201.00 400-500 WT 183.00-192.00 500-600 WT 165.00-183.00 600-700 WT 158.00-165.00 700-800 WT 138.00-158.00 800-900 WT 118.00-138.00 #1 HEIFERS 200-300 WT 162.00-173.00 300-400 WT 158.00-167.00 400-500 WT 155.00-171.00 500-600 WT 142.00-155.00 600-700 WT 133.00-142.00 700-800 WT 118.00-133.00 800-900 WT 101.00-118.00 HIGH DRESSING UTILITY COWS 78.00 - 86.00 HIGH DRESSING SLAUGHTER BULLS 106.00-112.00 Road Closure Notice for Limon Gage Road for Monday, September 26, 2022, thru Thursday, September 29, 2022 due to pipeline repair. Public Notice Road Closure 912 Major Hill Rd., Bethel Springs, TN (just off Bethel Purdy Rd.) Saturday, Sept. 24 8 AM - 1 PM LOTS OF STUFF FOR EVERYONE!! YARD SALE Thurs.YARDHUGESALE&Fri.Sept.22nd&23rd 7609 Michie-Pebble Hill Rd Michie , TN Antiques, tools, lots of Rae Dunn, TV, Grill, books, toys, Kirkland’s Christmas & Fall de cor, nice men’s, women’s & boys namebrand clothes, household items and SO MUCH MORE! Cash Only - No Sales Before 8 a.m. please. DON’T MISS THIS ONE!!! 126th Annual

4 Don't hesitate to ask for help

From rumors they organizers cooked four hogs and ran out of the famous barbecue within four hours but there was plenty for the family to enjoy. The event features whole hog and barbecue chicken along with homemade ice cream and baked goods.

The third week in Sep tember is recognized for the annual promotion in acknowledgment of the fall harvest season which both statistically and an ecdotally is the busiest, most stressful and dan gerous time for almost all farmingTransportationoperations.

4 Be mindful of traffic regulations


10 PAGE McNairy County 2022WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2022

Maness, Marion Har rison, Laurel Merry and Sadie Todd.

The Bobcats posted 175 to beat Lexing ton's 182 and Hardin County's 192. Cadey Maness led the Lady Cats with 87. Seniors Laurel Merry and Marion Harrison both with 88. Pictured are the All District team –Molly Pierce, Cadey

Michie Blue Devils beat Selmer Lions

In the third quarter No. 10 for Middleton is tackled in the end zone by Jonah Engle giving

community prayer service host ed by local pastors and youth ministers. Everyone is encour aged to come show your sup port and join in the Wednesday evening celebration.

Bethel Springs a two point safety with an end ing score 12 – 0.

Blue Devils out played Selmer Lions September 15. Michie had a great start. Selmer finished better than the start but could not pull off a win. The final score had Michie on top with 40 to 16.

As the second quarter came around with only 4:36 minutes to go Jamicael Re ece rushed four yards for a touchdown. The two point conversion was completed by Nick Williams. Score at half time 10 – 0.

Coach Cleary said, “We came in very deter mined and it showed. Very proud of our guys for how they played tonight against an always tough Selmer team. This secures a home field advantage and the 1 seed for us. Overall 6-0. 4-0 in county. Next vs PWSS on 9/19.”

Total offense for Bethel Springs was 265 yards. Bethel Springs ran 33 plays, Pickwick South Side 10 . Ending score Bethel Springs 20 Mid dleton 0. “It was great to end the season on a pos itive note. Our guys have worked hard all season,” said Coach Jerry Williams.

Ramer Elementary School Fayette-WareVolleycatsseasonBethelCitizensSeptemberoftheMonthSpringsendswithwinbeat

This year marks 100 years of Adamsville High School and the commu nity is invited to join in the cen tennialHomecomingcelebration.Parade & Pep

First Grade, Allyn

n Homecoming Parade, Service & Alumni gathering

Lady Bobcats Golf Team win 2nd ChampionshipDistrict

Traveling was good for Bethel Springs Football team. Not being on their home field didn't stop them from adding another win to theirWithlist.17 seconds left in the firs quarter Beth el Springs gets a safe ty. Putting them on the score board. 2 – 0.

Grand Marshalls for the pa rade are lifelong Adamsville Supporters & AHS alumni, Mrs. Debbie, Ma-Bet, & PW Plunk.


Lady Bob cats won their second consec utive District Cham pionship at Pickwick Landing State Park.

An alumni tent will be set-up in the end zone at the far end of the field. Hosting the tent will be former alumni: Tom my Ross, Kevin Hunt, Freddy Carroll, Jai Templeton, and Miranda Franklin Mayo as well as others. Organizers hope alumni will drop-in to hear a tall tale and sign the ledger. They will be collecting the number of alumni present at the game and which class is most repre sented.OnSaturday there is a Homecoming Dance for AHS students to share in the cele bration.

Adamsville High School Centennial Community Celebration

cNairy Cen tral beat Fay ette-Ware with ease Monday in three sets at home.

In the first half of the game Michie scored 40 points. The Blue Devils added 32 points in the first quarter and 8 the second. Selmer was able to hold them in the third to then score against them in the fourth adding 16 to the board.

Rally: On Wednesday, Septem ber 21 at 6 p.m. there will be a community Homecoming Pa rade on Main Street followed by a Community Service at the Ad amsville City Park Pavilion. The homecoming parade will cele brate the theme “Cardinals Go ing Retro” and will begin in front of Centennial Bank, travel down Main St., up Dorsky St. and end at the City Park Pavilion.

The Volleycats scores in the sets were 25-2, 25-4 and 25-10. The Lady Wildcats could not match the Volleycats as Madison Montgomery had 29 serves, 18 aces and 10 assists. Addi Day 17 serves, seven aces and two hits. Maddie Kirk had seven kills, five hits and three serves.

The Volleycats will play against Hardin County on Thursday, Sept. 24 at home.

The Bobcats post ed 351 led by Acen Lambert with 79, Car ter Howell 88, Will Glidewell 90, Cooper Davis 94 and Westin Rankin 95. Crockett County was District Champs at 323. Bob cats Acen Lambert, Carter Howell and Will Glidewell will play in Regional ac tion at Pickwick.

Boehler; Fifth Grade, Wesley Brit ton and Eighth Grade, Dakota Cooper.


Coach Glidewell stated, “Michie did a great job keeping the ball away from us. If we don't have the ball we can't score. We need to be more physical up front on both sides of the ball. We need to continue to get better with tackling. I am just thankful to have another week to work and get better and prepare for Adamsville in the playoffs.”

The parade will feature cur rent Cardinal Football players, cheerleaders, Band, athletes, clubs, and Football Homecom ingTheRepresentatives.communityservice will begin at approximately 6:45 p.m. The event will begin with spirit activities led by the band and cheerleaders followed by a

For the Lions Jasper Hickman passed for 47 yards and a touchdown. Jackson King rushed 13 carries for 65 yards and a touch down. Both 2 PAT's were good. Jayden Wil son 1 catch for 44 yards and 2 carries for 18 yards. Kayden Forsyth 1 catch for 3 yards and a 2 point conversion.

Alumni Tent at Cardinal Homecoming Game: Come support the Cardinals in their Homecoming game Friday night, September 23rd at 7

Brooklyn Hopkins three kills, two hits with Aspen Teague five serves, four hits, three kills and three aces. Jasmin Bolf with four hits and Maya John ston three digs. Callie Finlayson posted one ace and two serves with Mary Griswell adding three serves and two aces and Hayle Maxedon's one hit and one dig in the sets.

Blue Devils Ty Whitten had a 23 yard pass and a touchdown. Caleb Sides rushed for 141 yards, 1 touchdown 9 carries. Bradley Harris received a 23 yard pass and got 1 touchdown.

p.m. at Lendon Martin Memori al Stadium at AHS and visit the Alumni tent.


As the end of the fourth quarter approached Bethel Spring wasn't through. With 4:12 min utes left in the game No. 10, Bryson King, runs two yards for a touch down. The two point con version was completed by Conner Plunk.

Tuesday September 20 MCHS traveled to Sa vannah and Thursday Sept. 22 they play against Chester County at home.

Bobcats de fenders worked hard with 73 stops, 12 SOG and 17 steals to keep the ball at the Lady Bobcats goal, not letting the Lady Ti ger score. Ellie Hall had 4 saves and Neerajah Wade 7 saves. Final score was Lady Bobcats 1 Lady Tigers 2 LBC Record 8-2.

Biana Davis 10. Jossalyn Forsythe lead in steals with 5. SOG were Holland Johnson 1, Kyndal Adams 5, Carissa Moore 5, Alli Austin 5. Ellie Hall had 3 stops and 2 saves keep ing the Lady Hawks from gaining another goal.

Without the great job of the defenders the outcome could have been different. For the tournament Ellie Hall had two shutout games for the tournament with also 6 saves and 9 stops, Anna Clayton had 39 stops, Gracie Renfro 21, Biana Davis 28, Neerajah Wads 12, Karys Shimek 15, Jossalyn Forsythe 9, Caylee Steep 8, Emma Sanders 8, Carissa Moore 5, Sarah Miller 3, Holland John son 3, Hannah Baggett 2.

Their first game of the tournament was against the North Side Lady Lions on September 8 with perfect weather and a score of 5-0. Lady Bobcats Record 6-1.

Kyndal Adams two goals, Alli Austin one goal. Team SOG 13 Saves 1, Stops 55.

In the second game the Lady Cats came against the Lakeland Prep Lady Lions. Even though it was a rainy Satur day on Sept. 10, the Lady Bobcats didn't let this detour them. They took their sec ond win of the tournament with 3-0 Lady Bobcats Record 7-1.

“We won the North Side Shootout Tournament with wins over North Side, Lakeland Preparator and Dyer County. We scored 29 points, Lexington was second with 28,” said Coach Jerry Lott.

Lady Bobcats lose to Lady Tigers in close gametournamentwinBobcatsLadysoccer

Eleven minutes into the second half Carissa Moore made a good pass to Kyndal Adams for her

second goal. Shortly after that No. 17 for the Lady Hawks gets a goal passed the Lady Bobcat Goalie for their one and only goal of the Overnight.allthe Lady Bob cats defense players had 92 stops. Keeping the ball at the Lady Bobcats goal most of the game. Anna Clayton lead with 15, fol lowed by Caylee Stepp 14, Gracie Renfro 11 and

Kyndal Adams two goals, Jossalyn For sythe one goal, Caressa Moore two Goals, Alli Austin one goal.

On Tuesday, Sept. 13, the McNairy Lady Bob Cats traveled to Lexington to play against the Lady Ti gers. Both teams fought hard to be the winner.

It was 26 minutes into the game before either teams got a goal. The Lady Tiger were the first to score a goal. They quickly shot for their sec ond one four minutes later bringing the Lady Tiger 2-0.

As they enter the sec ond half, the Lady Bob cats grasp their goal from a corner shot from Allie Austin that was pushed into the goal with a head bump from Kyndal Ad ams. As the clock ticked down the Lady Bobcats wasn't able to gain an other


Holland Johnson had two goals, Alli Austin one goal, Kyndal Adams one goal and Jossalyn Forsythe scored her goal on a corner kick. The defenders had 32 SOG, 51 Stops 2 Saves.

Lady Bobcats travel to win


T he Lady Bobcats traveled to Jackson South Side on Sept. 15 to play against the Lady Hawks last Thurs day night. Lady Bobcats were able to add another win to bring their record toBoth9-2. teams gave it their all as they struggle to get the first goal of the night. As the Lady Bob cats made 16 SOG with

the Lady Hawks goalie being able to stop most of them. With nine min utes left in the first half the Lady Bobcat Kyndal Adams gets one down there, scrape it, and gets it in the goal. Giving the Lady Bobcats the lead in the first half 1-0.

As the third and final game came up the rain didn't show any relief till about the end of the game. This time the Lady Bobcats were facing the Dyer County Choctaw. With very little struggle they again won the game. 6-1. Lady Bobcats Record now 8-1. Team SOG 11, Stops 51, Saves 4.

The Lady Bobcats won the Northside Soccer Shootout tour nament with two shutouts. Mc Nairy beat district rival Lexington 29-28 points to take home the title. In tourney play both teams went 3-0.

Then there was a hand off to Kendall Kiestler, up the middle for a touchdown.

The Bobcats travel to Hardin County on Thursday evening.

Later in the game a complete pass was made to Luke Klinck who ran it in for a touchdown. Two point conversion,

hard with 28 tackles with Kendall Kiestler having 8.5, Rahlem Richardson led with 63 yards rushing total with his longest one 41 yards.

damsville Cardinal had the pleasure of hosting the East Hickman Eagles on their home field. It must have brought them luck, for the game was on their side with a final score of 27 - 7.

In the first half of the game was where all the action was. Starting with Case Stone (6) who ran for 30 yards for a touch down and the two point conversion. Then Boli var No. 10 gets the ball and makes a 70 yard run with no Bobcat getting near him as he makes a touchdown. The two point conversion was no good.

Cardinals had a total of 278 yards, rushing and passing. A. J. Finley with 165 yards rushing and receiving and 24 yards with 2 touchdown. Malachi Moore had 48 yards rushing and 21 yards re ceiving. Ayden McGee passed for a 5 yard and 1 touchdown. Avery McCor mick caught 1 pass for a touchdown.

As the game went on there were several incom plete passes, fumbles and some complete passes.

Adamsville Cardinal Jr. High VS Ramer Eagles

Kolben Bussell had 34 yards rushing for the Cats.


Their lead started in the first quarter and did not let up the rest of the night. By halftime Lexington brought the lead to 35-0.


Nothing was stopping Lex ington with the standout for the Tigers Isiah McLane with five touchdowns despite Bobcats Richardson's 41 yard run tak

McNairy Bobcats fought

Adamsville had 260 rushing yards and Ramer 187 rushing yards. For Adamsville J C Gray 139 yards, 2 touchdowns, 88 yard defensive re covery touchdown. Lucas Hughes 120 yards, 2 touchdowns, Jackson Johnson 5 yards, 4 tackles, fumble recovery. Asah Story and Carl Hall both had 6 tackles and Laiden John son 5 tackles.

Cardinals defense worked hard all night just giving East Hickman Eagles made a touchdown in the fourth quar ter. East Hickman had a total of 145 yards.

Lexington knocks out Bobcats at home

t Adamsville home field the Cardinals faced the Ramer Eagles. Both teams did well in the first quarter. Adamsville just barley had a lead with 16-12. As the second quarter approached the Ea gles just couldn't pull it together. Fi nal score Cardinals 38 - Eagles 12.

make some adjustments defensively, but will get there. Ramer played hard the whole game. They are always a very scrappy team. We are glad to get the win. Looking forward to the playoffs next week.”

was a hot humid eve ning as the McNairy JV Bobcats played against the Bolivar JR Varsity Tigers. Time outs for water, no air stirring, but the game went on. The Bobcats won 16 – 6.


Bobcats 8 Tigers 6.

Mathew Howell went for the two point conversion which was good. Bobcats 16 Tigers 6.

Early in the game

MCHS JR Varsity hosted Bolivar Tigers JR Varsity


Adamsville's coach stated, “I am extremely proud of the way we played offensively tonight. Every thing was clicking pretty well. It was a good team effort. We still need to

“We controlled the ball most of the game but struggle to score inside red zone. Unfortunately, Adamsville didn't need much time to score on offense and their big play really were the difference in the game,” said Will Shelton, Ramer coach.

For Ramer Luke King and Jacob Marsh both had a touchdown. Top tackles Matthew Weeks - 4.

Bobcat players of the game: Offensive player Rahlem Richardson, Defensive Play er Kendall Kiestler, Special Teams Eli Griffin and Scout team player Mac Shumaker.

Lex ington scored three touchdowns to gain control of the game over the Bobcats at home Friday night winning 49-0.

Cardinals play against Kossuth Friday night for Homecoming and to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Adamsville High School.

Friday night lights was in Cardinals favor against East Hickman RTS

not good. To end the first half of the game Kolben Bussel intercepted a pass from Bolivar Tigers. In the second half the score stayed the same for both teams. With the ad vantage of the score being in the Bobcats favor, most of the team had a change on the field . It was good night for the Bobcats.

ing MCHS to Lexington's 20. Lexington continued to keep the Bobcats from scoring.

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