4 minute read



Serves 4


2 brinjals, sliced lengthwise –12 slices

3 tbs olive oil, divided

herb salt and ground black pepper

1 bunch of spinach, blanched and chopped

1 onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

pinch of nutmeg

Himalayan rock salt and ground black pepper half a cup plain cream cheese 3

tbs grated mozzarella

2 tbs grated Parmesan


1 tbs olive oil

1 onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

8 ripe tomatoes, skin removed and chopped

1 tbs basil leaves, chopped

1 tbs flat leaf parsley, chopped

herb salt and ground black pepper

1 teaspoon organic unrefined brown sugar or raw honey cornflour to thicken if needed


Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly grease a roasting tray and a rectangular casserole dish. Rub the brinjal slices using 2 tbs of the olive oil, season and roast for 5-10 minutes. Remove and set aside to cool.

Blanch the spinach – pour boiling water over the leaves, then plunge them into ice cold water to stop the cooking and retain the colour. Strain, chop and set aside.

Heat a saucepan with the remaining olive oil, saute the onion and garlic. Add nutmeg, spinach and season.

Lastly mix in the cream cheese. Spoon the mixture on to the cooked brinjal slices and roll up.

Tomato sauce: Heat a saucepan with olive oil, saute the onion and garlic, add tomatoes and allow to simmer for 30 minutes. Add herbs and seasoning to taste. Thicken with a little cornflour if necessary. Spoon a thin layer of tomato sauce into the casserole dish.

Arrange prepared rolls in a row over the sauce and cover with the remaining sauce. Top with the mozzarella and Parmesan. Bake for 30 minutes.


Serves 8-10


300g smoked salmon slices

200g spinach

15g butter, melted

salt and pepper

250g cream cheese, softened

15ml tomato paste

zest of 1 lemon

45ml lemon juice

2ml cayenne pepper 4

00g tin of salmon, deboned, skinned and flaked 200g cooked prawns, chopped

60ml chopped chives

45ml chopped dill 1

25ml fresh cream, whipped

20ml powdered gelatine mixed with 40ml cold water

Method Line a loaf tin with cling film and leave some overhanging. Line the base and sides with the smoked salmon and leave some overhanging.

Cook the spinach until just wilted in boiling water, about 3 minutes. Drain and cool.

Once cooled, squeeze as much water out of the spinach as possible, finely chop and stir in the melted butter, and salt and pepper.

Spread out evenly on a chopping board to be the same size as the loaf tin. In a bowl combine the cream cheese, tomato paste, lemon zest and juice, cayenne pepper, flaked salmon, prawns and herbs. Mix well. Season with salt and pepper. Gently fold in the whipped cream. Heat the gelatine for 30 seconds in the microwave and pour into the prawn mixture.

Stir until combined. Pour half into the prepared tin. Top with the layer of spinach, and spoon in the remaining prawn mixture. Fold over the salmon slices and cover with the cling film. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

To serve, loosen round the edges and invert the terrine on to a serving platter.


Ingredients for Roasted vegetables:

1 butternut squash, small

2 red onions

2 garlic bulbs, halved

1 red pepper, large, cut into strips

6 baby leeks

6 baby courgettes

6 baby corn

2 baby aubergines, halved

tomatoes, a variety

1 bunch of thyme, small

sea salt freshly ground

black pepper

olive oil


Serves 4-6


1 whole line fish, cleaned

1 lemon, sliced

1 stalk of lemongrass, roughly chopped

30g of coriander, roughly chopped

5cm piece of ginger, grated

10ml chopped garlic

1 bunch spring onions, white part only, roughly chopped

50ml sesame oil

50ml lime juice

salt and pepper


Slash the fish on both slides. Put the slices of lemon in to the fish cavity and set aside.

Put the lemongrass, coriander, ginger, garlic and spring onions into a food processor and process to form a rough paste.

Add the oil, lime juice and seasoning to taste. Process until you have a stiff paste. Spread this paste on both sides of the fish. Cover and set aside for about an hour.

The fish can be cooked in a fish basket on a braai for about 15-20 minutes or on a baking tray in the oven at 200°C for 15-20 minutes.

To check if the fish is cooked, insert a fork into the flesh near the head of the fish, and if it flakes easily, then it is cooked.

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