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Pride messages from Tik Tok
WHILE Pride Month is one to celebrate the queer community and its achievements through the years, this year is a little different. With members of the LGBTQIA+ community increasingly being targeted by hate crimes over the last few months, and many being killed simply for being queer, there is not much to celebrate in Mzansi. However, there is a light at the end of every tunnel. Here are some messages from some of Mzansi’s biggest queer content creators on TikTok.

Chelsea Keta
Chelsea Keta
TikTok Handle: @slimgirlsupreme The recent escalation of hate crimes has been extremely concerning and we are calling on everyone to intervene. We also call upon everyone to help, learn and protect members of the LGBTQIA+ so everyone is afforded a future in their lives. LGBTQIA+ rights are human rights, we have the right to live our lives as free people without being objected to hate crimes.

Aaron Perry
Aaron Perry
TikTok Handle: @aar0n_perry_ I am an out and proud content creator. Everyone is born to be brilliant, so I encourage everyone to be free to be themselves and not let anyone tell them differently!
Warren Killian
TikTok Handle: @warrenkillianmua Celebrating Pride means celebrating our true and authentic selves. I call on the community to celebrate our superpowers, to remain proud and unashamed as queer people, even when the world tries to deny our truth.

Banele Ndaba
Banele Ndaba
TikTok Handle: @moghelingz Happy Pride Month! This is a reminder to show love to each other and to embrace one another. It is also a reminder that we need to continue with the fight for equality and inclusion. My queer community, let us continue spreading love and remember that no challenge will ever take away our pride because we are stronger than people imagine. Please continue living your truth.

Luyanda Ngalonkulu
Luyanda Ngalonkulu
TikTok Handle: @sis.stay.hot Always stay true to who you are. Don’t allow the fear and hate in other people’s hearts and lives to dictate how you live yours. Live your life to the fullest, take pride in who you are - you owe it to nobody else but yourself. Happy Pride Month!

TikTok Handle: @charlixboi Although we are highlighting the LGBTQIA+ community in the month of June, for some it’s not always a celebration. For many, it is difficult to unapologetically show their true colours and live their truth. To those people, I want you to know that there is a community that will accept you for who you are and love you unconditionally, regardless of who you love. Happy #pride2021 to all!