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9 CSIR report confirms plastic bags tread lightly on Mother Earth

mother earth Treading lightly on

CSIR report confirms plastic carrier bags have smallest environmental footprint


It has now been scientifically shown that reusable plastic use, 24 micron HDPE bags as well as a number of reusable and shopping bags are the kindest to our precious environment. biodegradable alternatives. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR ), Some 21 environmental and socio-economic indicators were used South Africa’s premier scientific research and development to assess the life cycle of each bag, including water use, land use, organisation, recently released findings confirming global warming, the impacts of pollution, impact on employment that reusable, plastic shopping bags have the lowest and affordability for consumers. environmental footprint compared to carrier bags made from alternative materials. The study’s findings have been welcomed by the South African plastics industry. “What is particularly encouraging is that the

The study – a life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) of grocery CSIR study assessed a broad range of environmental and sociocarrier bags in South Africa – was funded by the Department of economic indicators that are unique to our South African context,”

Science and Innovation (DSI) and aimed to identify which bag is says Anton Hanekom, Executive Director of Plastics SA. “It has

“best” in the South African context. An LCSA is a useful research confirmed that our locally produced plastic bags (ranging from 24 tool that unpacks the environmental, social and economic impacts microns right up to 70 microns) are ideally suited to be reused – of a product throughout its life cycle. This particular study assessed and therefore, we believe, should not be considered single-use 16 different types of carrier bags, including the standard singleplastics at all.

mother earth Treading lightly on

“Our retail plastic bags are unique and unquestionably reusable for their primary function, namely shopping. However, they also have a multitude of secondary uses in South African households. “Moreover, it is important to highlight that our locally produced carrier bags are recyclable and a large percentage of them even have recycled content,” he emphasises.

Although the CSIR study focused primarily on testing plastic carrier bags that are between 30 and 70 microns in thickness, it confirmed that plastic carrier bags performed best overall – provided they are reused. “Taking into account environmental and socio-economic impacts across the full product life cycle – from resource extraction, through production and use to end of life – the best performing bags are all made from conventional plastics. In particular, the reusable ones are best – but only if they are actually reused, as many times as possible,” explains Anton Nahman, the principal environmental economist at the CSIR who led the research team. “This study shows that ‘biodegradable’ doesn’t necessarily mean better – at least not for carrier bags.”

Plastic’s impor tant r ole

Hanekom adds: “The manufacture and recycling of plastic carrier bags not only help to create employment for more than 60 000 South Africans, they also contribute vast sums of money to state funds. Plastic bags are still the only packaging item on which an environmental tax is levied. In the beginning of April this year, the plastic bag levy was increased to 25 cents, which is expected to generate more than R250 million for the state coffers. The plastics industry is appealing to Government to ensure that at least some of these funds are used to help us boost recycling and grow a circular economy.”

Weighing in on the matter on behalf of plastic bag manufacturers, Phillip Abelheim, Chief Executive Officer of Transpaco Limited, one of South Africa’s biggest manufacturers of plastic bags, says the latest research findings are encouraging to a manufacturing sector that has, until recently, been on the receiving end of some harsh criticism. “Plastic bags were never intended to only be used once. In fact, they were invented in 1959 by Swedish engineer Sten Gustaf Thulin with the purpose of saving the planet. To help save the forests, he designed these bags to be significantly stronger than paper bags so that they could be used over and over again. To Thulin, who was known for always carrying a plastic bag folded in his pocket, the idea that people only use their bags once and then throw them away, would be bizarre – and would go completely go against what they were originally designed to do,” Abelheim elaborates.

“We believe that plastic carrier bags and plastic items in general have an important role to play in our modern society. The recent worldwide Covid-19 pandemic has once again proven that the world relies on plastics to help prevent the spread of diseases, protect food and to keep us healthy. Plastic products are strong and versatile and offer us convenience at a low price. “The ongoing challenge lies in preventing this ‘wonder’ material from ending up in the environment after it has been used, and ensuring it is properly discarded so that it can be recycled into a multitude of different and new products,” Hanekom concludes.

Plast c ADVERTORIAL In a world rife with greenwashing and false claims around plastic, Tuffy stands proud. For more than 30 years Tuffy has been in the business of manufacturing plastic film and its converted forms such as bags, sheeting and tubing from 100% recycled material. Part of Tuffy’s credo is to be “soft on the world around us”, and they are living this by in effect taking waste out of the environment and turning this into everyday items, and in the process creating much needed jobs in South Africa. 100% recycled, 100% recyclable, 100% local. Plastic, A bETTER chOIcE? According to statistics recently released by Plastics SA in its annual National Plastics Recycling Survey: • 46.3 % of plastics waste was collected for recycling, making South Africa one of the best mechanical recyclers in the world • The amount of plastics that were recycled in South Africa during 2018 alone saved enough oil to fuel 200 000 cars for one year – travelling 30 000 km/annum. • Plastics recycling saved 246 000 tons of CO2 - the equivalent emissions of 51 200 cars - in the same year • South Africa has 300 active recyclers. • The plastics recycling industry provided direct employment to more than 7 800 people and created a further 58 500 income-generating jobs. • R2.3 billion was injected into the informal sector through the purchasing of recyclable plastics waste • 70 % of all recyclable materials originated from landfill and other I n a world rife with greenwashing and false claims around plastic, Tuffy stands proud. For more than 30 years Tuffy has been in the business of manufacturing plastic film and its converted forms such as bags, sheeting and tubing from 100% recycled material. Part of Tuffy’s credo is to be “soft on the world around us”, and they are living this by in effect taking waste out of the environment and turning this into everyday items, and in the process creating much needed jobs in South Africa. 100% recycled, 100% recyclable, 100% local. According to statistics recently released by Plastics SA in its annual National Plastics Recycling Survey: • 46.3 % of plastics waste was collected for recycling, making South Africa one of the best mechanical recyclers in the world • The amount of plastics that were recycled in South Africa during 2018 alone saved enough oil to fuel 200 000 cars for one year – travelling 30 000 km/annum. • Plastics recycling saved 246 000 tons of CO2 – the equivalent emissions of 51 200 cars - in the same year • South Africa has 300 active recyclers. A better choice? post-consumer sources • The plastics recycling industry provided direct employment to more than 7 800 people and created a further 58 500 income-generating jobs. Using plastic made from recycled material not only creates jobs, it • R2.3 billion was injected into the informal sector through the purchasing benefits the environment by reducing visible pollution and turns a single use item into one that can be recreated in the same or another form. Tuffy carrier bags are made from 100% recycled material, are 100% of recyclable plastics waste • 70 % of all recyclable materials originated from landfill and other postrecyclable and are made locally. consumer sources Talk to us to provide your consumer with a better alternative Using plastic made from recycled material not only creates jobs, it benefits carrier bag. the environment by reducing visible pollution and turns a single use item into one that can be recreated in the same or another form. Tuffy carrier bags, tougher, Tuffy carrier bags are made from 100% recycled material, are 100% better, greener. recyclable and are made locally. Talk to us to provide your consumer with a better alternative carrier bag.

Tuffy carrier bags, tougher, better, greener.

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