1 minute read
FORMER Greenpeace and Amnesty International head, and one of our country’s most beloved environmental and justice activists, Kumi Naidoo, sums it up best when he says we are a minute to midnight when it comes to the climate crisis.
Time is not on our side in averting this impending disaster.
However, Naidoo, like so many others, is not willing to give up hope that it can be averted.
It will, however, take the goodwill of political and business leaders – something that seems to be lacking in some cases.
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report this year paints a bleak picture saying it may be the last report before there is no turning back and Cop26 in Glasgow is heralded as the most important one yet – what gets decided there will impact all our futures, and in particular, the poorer nations.
Environment and climate change is one of the biggest and most important points on the world’s agenda – and if it’s not, it should be.
Climate change denialists will say here we go again trying to instil false fear into humanity but, really, what we at Simply Green would most like to do is instil some hope!
Yes, it’s almost impossible to turn back the ticking clock but with amazing, concerted efforts by all leaders in business and government it’s not impossible.
It’s not Earth not surviving we have to worry about – she has been here for millennia and will continue to be. It is us, and those with whom we share this planet, and the generations after us, we need to be concerned about.
Lobby where you can and never give up hope. It may be a minute to midnight
Warm regards
Vivian Warby